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E. Chaboche
legal form
founding 1901
resolution 1910
Seat Paris , France
management Emile Chaboche
Branch Automobile manufacturer

E. Chaboche was a French manufacturer of automobiles and commercial vehicles .

Company history

Emile Chaboche founded the company in Paris in 1901 and began producing automobiles and commercial vehicles. A special feature was the use of steam engines . The company was - after Gardner-Serpollet - the most important French steam car manufacturer. Automobile production ended in 1906 and commercial vehicle production ended in 1910.


Chaboche steam drive system (1903)

There were steam car manufactured. At the beginning there was a small 6 CV model with a face-to-face body shape , in which the engine was mounted in the middle of the vehicle and the boiler in the rear, and the larger 12 CV model with space for six people, with the engine and boiler in the front were mounted. In 1903 the large 20 CV model was added as a sedan and coupé de ville . In addition, two racing cars took 30 CV at car race Paris-Madrid part.

Chaboche used coal- fired quick steam generators for his vehicles .

commercial vehicles

The first closed delivery van was built as early as 1900. The arrangement of the drive technology with a standing boiler in the bow and a longitudinally arranged machine was adopted. The drive by means of a cardan shaft was progressive and was probably also used for passenger cars. were built buses and various commercial vehicles with a payload of up to 2 ½ tons, most with closed bodies for deliveries and traveling salesmen.


  • Harald H. Linz, Halwart Schrader : The International Automobile Encyclopedia . United Soft Media Verlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-8032-9876-8 .
  • George Nick Georgano (Editor-in-Chief): The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile. Volume 1: A – F. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago 2001, ISBN 1-57958-293-1 . (English)
  • George Nick Georgano: Cars. Encyclopédie complète. 1885 à nos jours. Courtille, Paris 1975. (French)
  • GN Georgano (Ed.), G. Marshall Naul: Complete Encyclopedia of Commercial Vehicles ; MBI Motor Books International, Osceola WI (1979); ISBN 0-87341-024-6 ; Hardcover

Web links

Commons : E. Chaboche  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Harald H. Linz, Halwart Schrader : The International Automobile Encyclopedia . United Soft Media Verlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-8032-9876-8 .
  2. a b c d Georgano: The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile.
  3. ^ Georgano: Cars. Encyclopédie complète. 1885 à nos jours.
  4. a b c Georgano / Naul: Complete Encyclopedia of Commercial Vehicles, p.127