List of Gothic brick structures in France

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Distribution of Gothic brick buildings in France
(number per department)

The list of Gothic brick buildings in France is part of the Gothic brick building list , in which the entire European inventory of these buildings is listed as completely as possible. The only buildings included are those on which the brick appears somewhere or, in the case of muddy surfaces, at least the brick structure of the masonry is recognizable.

This list contains 149 entries of buildings and building groups.

Background information:

  • PA… = patrimoine architectural … = entry in the monument database of the French Ministry of Culture.
  • P-Rhône-Alpes = entry in the monument database of the (former) Rhône-Alpes region
  • For some buildings there is a link to the associated picture collection in Wikimedia Commons under “ (CC) ” .

Detailed distribution cards:

Hauts-de-France with French Flanders

Number of buildings: 55

Department place building construction time Remarks photo
North Arnèke Église Saint-Martin (CC) End of the 12th century,
2nd half of the 16th century,
Arnèke l'Église Saint-Martin.JPG
Bambecque St. Omer Church (CC) 15th century pale brique de sable Kerk-Bambeke.jpg
Bergues Belfry (CC) 14.-16. Century Destroyed in 1944,
reconstruction in 1961 with the tower room almost true to the original, but without the previously lush decor of the tower shaft
0 Bergues - Beffroi (3) .JPG
St-Martin Church (CC) restored
at the end of the
16th century.
War destruction in 1558 and in World War II 0 Bergues - Église Saint-Martin (1) .jpg
Bersée Church of Saint-Étienne (St. Stefan) (CC) 1558,
tower 1620
The nave is still Gothic, the tower is Renaissance
Blaringhem St-Martin Church (CC) 13th century only brick tower and parts of the ship,
Bourbourg St. John the Baptist Church (CC) Brick
16./17. Century
House stone choir, transept partly brick with layers of limestone Bourbourg eglise.JPG
Brouckerque Saint-Omer Church (CC)
Jielbeaumadier eglise brouckerque 2010.jpg
Cappelle-Brouck Jakobuskirche (CC) gray brick: parts of the building made of brick, parts of stone, parts of alternating layers Cappelle-Brouck - Eglise Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur - 2.jpg
Douai House of the Knights Templar (CC) founded in
changed in the 19th century Douai - Maison Notre Dame.jpg
Notre-Dame Church (CC) 12-15 Century Brick vault caps and inside of the outer walls; Sandstone outer skin Douai - Église Notre-Dame - 17.jpg
Dunkerque (Dunkirk) Belfry of Dunkirk 1233 Mid-15th century.
Dunkerque Belfort.JPG
Saint-Eloi Church (CC) 1450 and 1560 enlarged reconstruction after the fire of 1558 Sinteligiuskerkduinkerke 11-03-2009 16-38-21.JPG
Esquelbecq Saint-Folquin Church (CC) 13-17 Century today's decorative facade design not until 1610 (CC) Esquelbecq - Saint-Folquin - Vue générale.JPG
Esquelbecq Castle (CC) 12th century Changes in renovation from 1606 Chateau d'esquelbecq.jpg
Hazebrouck Saint-Éloi Church (CC) 1432,
tower 1512
Eglise saint eloi hazebrouck.jpg
Hondschoote Saint Vaast Church (CC) 15th century,
tower 1513
pale yellow brick: "White Tower", is considered the most beautiful brick church tower in French Flanders; Newly replaced ship after fire PA00107551-Église Saint-Vaast de Hondschoote (2) .jpg
Houtkerque Antonius Church (CC) 1548,
tower 1556
Houtkerque Churchyard.  Kerk.JPG
Killem Saint-Michel Church (CC) 16. u. 17th century Killem-Eglise.JPG
Lille Palais Rihour
The city of Rijsel (today: Lille) wanted to build in brick,
Philip III. wished stone
Lille Palais Rihour.jpg
Lederzeele Church of the Assumption
(Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption) (CC)
16th century
tower 17th century
yellow brick with layers of white limestone
Lederzeele - Eglise - 1.JPG
Lynde Saint-Vaast Church (CC) 15th century (?) three-aisled hall church, brick with field stone base
Lynde (Nord, Fr) église (03) .JPG
Millam Saint-Omer Church (CC) 15th century pale brique de sable
Eglise St Omer de Millam.JPG
Morbecque Saint-Firmin Church (CC) 11. u. 13th century Morbecque Église Saint-Firmin en 2016exp + coupée.jpg
Noordpeene Village church (CC) 15./16. Century Gothic tower made of yellow brick, the rest of the neo-Gothic tower made of red brick Noordpeene (Nord, Fr) église.JPG
Oost-Cappel St. Nicholas Church (CC) 17th century Two-aisled hall church with parallel longitudinal roofs, only the northern nave made of brick Oost-Cappel, église Saint Nicolas foto3 2013-05-11 13.01.jpg
Pitgam Saint-Folquin Church (CC) 12th century, 1453,
1st half of the 17th century
Up to the lower edge of the windows made of house stone, above pale brick, partly with bands of limestone
Eglise de Pitgam - panoramio.jpg
Quaëdypre Saint-Omer Church (CC) 11th, 16th,
17th centuries
three-aisled hall church with parallel longitudinal roofs
Quaedypre Eglise St Omer.jpg
Rexpoëde Saint-Omer Church (CC) only partly medieval; Neo-Gothic tower with top
Rexpoede Eglise R01.jpg
Rubrouck Saint-Sylvestre Church (CC)
1532 brique de sable
Eglise Saint-Sylvestre à Rubrouck.jpg
D'Oude Hofstee (ie "The Old Homestead") mostly white, dormers neo-Gothic Rubrouck- La vieille ferme-manoir.JPG
Saint-Georges-sur-l'Aa St. George's Church (CC) Beginning 13th century
Saint-Jans-Cappel Tower of St. John Baptist Church (CC) 1557 Gothic / Renaissance
Eglise de St Jans.jpg
Samer St-Martin Church (CC) 15./16. Century Samer - Église Saint-Martin - 1.jpg
Socx Saint-Léger Church (CC) Tower 15./16. Century
Stack Saint-Omer Church (CC) red brick and some stone Staple (Nord, Fr) église (02) .JPG
Steenvoorde St. Peters Church (CC) 15th century 1569 Repair of war damage
Steenvoorde - Eglise Saint-Pierre 3.jpg
Tourcoing St-Christophe Church (CC) Old stock
Walls of the three western bays of both choir aisles
of the church, which has otherwise been replaced in the neo-Gothic style,
see Google Streetview
Église Saint-Christophe de Tourcoing.jpg
Valenciennes Saint-Gery Church (CC) 1st third of the 13th century Parts of the longwall; Originally Abbey of the Recollettes ( Franciscans ); 19th century tower
Valenciennes - Église Saint-Géry - 2.jpg
Maison du Prévôt (CC)
core older?
Gothic and Renaissance, stone and brick
Valenciennes, (north de la France), Maison du Prévôt.jpg
Volckerinckhove Saint-Folquin Church (CC) Gothic 16th century Romanesque core 11th century,
second nave around 1550
Warhem Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (CC) , PA59000130 1st half of the 16th century,
1st half of the 17th century
Wadding Notre-Dame du Mont Abbey (CC) PA00107889 11-16 Century ruin
Tour de l'abbaye - Mont de Watten.jpg
Saint-Gilles (St. Aegidius) Church (CC) , PA00107887 15th century
West-Cappel Saint-Sylvestre Church (CC) PA00107893 PA00107891 without construction period 15./16. Century
West-Cappel Saint-Sylvestre 499.jpg
Wormhout St. Martin Church (CC) PA00107893 1547-1689
pale brique de sable
0 Wormhout - Clocher de l'église St-Martin (2) .JPG
Pas-de-Calais Arras House of the Three Leopards (CC) 1467
Arras, La Grande Place 035d.jpg
Calais Notre-Dame Church (CC) 13-16 Century partly made of brick; further enlargement in the 17th century. Eglise notre dame calais clocher pied.jpg
La Tour du Guet (ie "The Watchtower") (CC) PA00108248 13th century erected to monitor shipping on the Dover Strait
Tour du Guet, Calais.jpg
Ham-en-Artois Church of the Redeemer (Saint-Sauveur) (CC) PA00108301 1343
(12th - 17th centuries)
partly made of brick (CC)
Ham-en-Artois - Église Saint-Sauveur - 3.JPG
Hesdin Notre-Dame Church (CC) before 1554 Renaissance portal from 1585
Eglise Notre Dame, Hesdin.jpg
Zutkerque St. Martin Church (CC) Tower 1555 pale brick; Ship replaced in the 19th century Zutkerque (Pas-de-Calais) église Saint-Martin (03) .JPG
Somme Amiens Logis du Roi (CC)
(King's Residence )
circa 1520 Flamboyant Gothic with brick
Amiens - Logis du Roi (3) .JPG
Rambures Château de Rambures
15th century Changes in the 18th and 19th century
Château de Rambures.jpg
Oise Silly-Tillard St Martin Church (CC)
beginning 16. Century
Tower and nave extension of a 13th century church.
Eglise silly tillard1.JPG

Apart from the natural stone base of the tower, the town hall and belfry now differ so strongly and in fictitious details from their shape before the war destruction that the name reconstruction is incorrect.


Department place building construction time Remarks photo
Bas-Rhin Strasbourg Towers of the Ponts Couverts (CC) 1230-1250
Tower @ Ponts Couverts @ Roof @ Barrage Vauban @ Strasbourg (45468590932) .jpg
Haut-Rhin Colmar Extended city wall ring (CC) 14th century no sure style features;
first wall ring 1216 under Emperor Friedrich II. not yet to be classified as Gothic
Medieval enclosures of Colmar (3) .jpg


Department place building construction time Remarks photo
Paris Maison de (home of) Jacques Cœur (CC) ,
38-42 rue des Archives,
4th arrondissement
circa 1440 oldest brick building in Paris
Ancienne maison de Jacques Coeur.JPG

Center-Val de Loire (Central France)

(Number of buildings: 15)

There is a small group of Gothic brick buildings in the region west and south of Orléans on the Loire . One is one of the most famous castles in France, but not because of its brick.

Department place building construction time Remarks photo
Cher Ainay-le-Vieil Ainay-le-Vieil castle 1467-1510 Greatly changed in the 19th century, especially brick and stone courtyard side
Ainay 02 2009.jpg
Le Noyer Boucard Castle 14th century large parts changed in the Renaissance;
Gate construction with Gothic corner turrets made of brick
Boucard 01 2009.jpg
Eure-et-Loir Villebon Villebon Castle (CC) 14th century
Chateau de Villebon.JPG
Indre-et-Loire Amboise Clos Lucé Castle
15th century brick
Amboise - Clos Lucé - Mieusement.jpg
500 m from Amboise Castle ,
last residence of Leonardo da Vinci ;
historicist changes
Amboise - Château du Clos Lucé - 001.jpg
Luynes Luynes Castle Brick
probably 15th century
later changes
Luynes Castle Courtyard.jpg
La Riche Plessis-lès-Tours
Castle PA00097942
15.-16. Century Flamboyant Gothic with brick, heavily restored in the 19th and 20th centuries
Château de Plessis-lès-Tours 3.jpg
Vernou-sur-Brenne Jallanges Castle
Flamboyant Gothic with brick
Chateau de Jallanges (2990260300) B.jpg
Loir-et-Cher Blois Blois Castle 1440-1501 the wings of Charles VIII and Louis XII ,
flamboyant style and the beginning of the Brick-et-Pierre style
Blois Chateau1.jpg
Chaumont-sur-Tharonne Church of St-Étienne (St. Stefan) (CC) 15th century
Chaumont-sur-Tharonne église Saint-Étienne 2.jpg
Lassay-sur-Croisne Château du Moulin 15th century
Chateau du moulin1.jpg
Nouan-le-Fuzelier Saint-Martin Church (CC) 16th century tower 13th century stone ship
Nouan-le-Fuzelier - Église Saint-Martin - 2.jpg
Saint-Viâtre Saint-Viâtre Church (CC) early 16th century south facade of the transept
Souvigny-en-Sologne Saint-Martin Church (CC) 16th century Western part of the ship
Souvigny-en-Sologne church cut.jpg
Vouzon Saint-Pierre Church (CC) 15.-16. Century Tower: stone and brick mosaic
Loiret Gien Gien Castle 1494-1500 Gothic and Renaissance
Château de Gien-120-2008-gje.jpg


- Duchy of Burgundy and Imperial Burgundy ( Franche-Comté ) In the Middle Ages, the Dukes of Burgundy ruled west of the Saône as vassals of France and east of the river the Free County of Burgundy as vassals of the Holy Roman Empire .

Department place building construction time Remarks photo
Côte-d'Or department Citeaux Abbey Library 1260-1509 Abbey founded in 1098, mother of all Cistercian monasteries ;
Outer walls with glazed brick mosaics
Abbaye de Cîteaux La Bibliothèque.JPG
Saône-et-Loire Louhans Saint-Pierre (St. Petri) Church (CC) 14th century brick
Eglise Saint-Pierre Louhans 004.JPG
Mervans Saint-Maurice Church (CC) 14th century apart from the tower, replaced in the 19th century
Mervan's clocher2.jpg


- between Burgundy and Languedoc -

(Number of buildings: 8)

Department place building construction time Remarks photo
Ain Bâgé-la-Ville Aigrefeuille Chapel (CC) around 1200
Chapelle Aigrefeuille Bâgé Ville 3.jpg
Ambérieux-en-Dombes Château (castle) (CC)
15th century
Tour du château d'Ambérieux-en-Dombes.JPG
Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne Saint-André church (CC) 1273
Chatillon Eglise St Andre.jpg
Lock (CC) 11-15 Century ruin
Chatillon Ancien Chateau.jpg
Isère ,
part of the historic Dauphiné
Grenoble Notre Dame Cathedral (CC) ,
13th century Pointed arched rib vaults and the Romanesque brick bell tower
Collégiale (collegiate church) Saint-André (CC) ,
13-15 Century
Romanesque and Gothic, brick only faced with marble around the entrance Collegiale Saint André - Grenoble.JPG
Grenoble, França (agost 2013) - panoramio (9) .jpg
Loire ,
historical province of Forez
Sainte-Agathe-la-Bouteresse Church of the Bonlieu Abbey
P-Rhône-Alpes IA2000642
12-14 Century only partly brick,
today used as an agricultural building
Google maps
aerial view
Rhône Charentay Château d'Arginy (CC)
4th Vt. 12th century, 4th vt. 15th century, 1st vt. 16th century
Chateau d'Arginy.jpg


- with the brick region around Toulouse -

(Number of buildings: 55)

Department place building construction time Remarks photo
Ariège Pamiers Saint-Antonin Cathedral (CC) not fully restored until 1689 after damage in the religious war
Cathédrale St-Antonin de Pamiers.jpg
Notre-Dame-du-Camp Church (CC) 1343, 1466 Erected on the basis of a previous Romanesque building (portal from the 12th century), later restorations in 1672, 1769, 1773
Orgue Notre Dame du Camp (Pamiers) .jpg
Tour des Cordeliers
( Franciscan Tower) ( CC)
15./16. Century
Tour des Cordeliers de Pamiers (09) .JPG
Tour de l'hôtel des Monnaies
(i.e. Tower of the Mint ) (CC)
15./16. Century
Pamiers - Tour de l'hôtel des Monnaies du Languedoc.JPG
Gers Aignan Saint-Jacques
de Fromentas Church (CC)
15th century Brick facade and parts of the west facade
Aignan Église Saint-Jacques de Fromentas Abside.JPG
Gimont Church ND-de-l'Assomption (Assumption of Mary) (CC) 14./15. Century
Gimont - Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption -4.JPG
Lombez Sainte-Marie Cathedral (CC)
14./15. Century
Lombez - Cathédrale -1.jpg
Puycasquier Village Church (CC)
14th century later changes
Fr-Église de Puycasquier-tower.jpg
Saint-Christaud Saint-Christophe Church (CC)
12. u. 14th century Romanesque and Gothic parts in brick
Eglise Saint Christaud.jpg
Simorre , Cant.
Val de Save
Arr. Also
Notre-Dame Church (CC)
Simorre - Eglise Notre-Dame -2.jpg
Toujouse (CC)
14th century
Changes in the 16th century
Clocher et église de Toujouse.JPG
Haute-Garonne Toulouse Saint-Etienne Cathedral (CC) Gothic from 1272
Façade de la cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Toulouse.jpg
Couvent des Cordeliers
(i.e. Franciscan Monastery ) (CC)
13-15 Century ruin today
Église des Cordeliers de Toulouse - 201112 (3) .jpg
Jacobin Convent (CC) 13-14 Century
one of the highest hall churches, two aisles 154 Toulouse.JPG Couvent des Jacobins (Toulouse) (2) .jpg Couvent des Jacobins de Toulouse 6.jpg
Saint-Nicolas Church (CC) Gothic around 1300
Eglise Saint-Nicolas de Toulouse.jpg
Notre-Dame du Taur (CC)
14th century
31 - Eglise Notre-Dame du Taur - Facade.jpg
Notre-Dame de la Dalbade (CC)
1503, 1535
Façade de Notre-Dame de la Dalbade.jpg
Hôtel Vinhas
Rue des Tempnniers 7
15 Rue Croix-Baragnon (CC)
14. u. 17th century contrary to the common name “maison romano-gothique” did not begin in the Romanesque period
Immeuble dit Maison romano-gothique - Toulouse.jpg
Rue Croix-Baragnon 19,
Hotel Bonnefoy (CC)
changed greatly
Hôtel de Bonnefoy Toulouse Facade.jpg
Auterive Saint-Paul Church (CC) 13th, 14th, 16th ... 18th century
Eglise st-paul 2.jpg
Daux Saint-Barthélémy Church (CC) 14th
Daux- Eglise Abside et tour.jpg
Grenade Church ND de l'Assomption
(Assumption of Mary) (CC)
14th century
Église Notre-Dame de l'Assomption (Grenade) Clocher.jpg
Villefranche-de-Lauragais Church ND de l'Assomption
(Assumption of Mary) (CC)
France-Villefranche de Lauragais-clocher-mur.jpg
Lot Cahors Saint-Barthélémy Church (CC)
14th century Tower above the church roof mostly made of brick, the
rest of the church in Haustein,
some parts not completed until the middle of the 15th century
Cahors Église Saint-Barthélémy1.JPG
Ancien cuvier du Chapître
(Old Chapter House ) (CC)
13./14. Century
Cahors - rue Chantrerie 35 - Chantrerie -629.jpg
Town houses and patrician houses 15th century u. older
Cahors Hôtel d'Issala 4.JPG
Cahors- rue de la Halle - Maison du Patrimoine maison Quéval -322.JPG
Cahors - Hôtel de Roaldès ou Maison de Henri IV -2.jpg
Barbecane (city fortifications) (CC)
probably 15th century Upper floors of the two defense towers
Barbican in Cahors 08.jpg
Camouflage Albi Saint-Cecile Cathedral (CC) 1282-1383 (-1492)
Albi - Palais de la Berbie.jpg
Palais de la Berbie 15-17 Century in the Cité Épiscopale (Episcopal City / District) (CC)
Albi palais berbie.JPG
Saint-Salvy Church (CC)
Initially Romanesque house installation,
Gothic extension in brick 15th century.
Collégiale Saint-Salvy (Albi) (10) .jpg
Belcastel Saint-Étienne Church (CC)
Long uncovered and misappropriated,
only completed in the 19th century
Gaillac Saint-Michel Abbey (CC) Gothic from 1273
Abbaye Saint-Michel a Gaillac - PA00132878 Centre.jpg
Église Saint-Pierre (CC) 1308-1376 et al. 15th century
Gaillac - église Saint-Pierre - PA00095558.jpg
Lavaur Saint-Alain Cathedral (CC) PA00095584 late Gothic 1469–1497
Cathédrale Saint-Alain de Lavaur.JPG
Saint-Francois Church (CC)
14th century
Lavaur (81) Église Saint-François 01.JPG
Lisle-sur-Tarn Notre-Dame
de la Jonquière Church (CC)
13. u. 14th century
Eglise de Lisle sur Tarn.jpg
Montgey former Saint-Barthélemy Church (CC)
15th century Ship restored in the 16th century
Rabastens Notre-Dame-du-Bourg Church PA00095621 (CC) 14th century
Eglise de Notre-Dame-du-Bourg à Rabastens.jpg
Tarn-et-Garonne Aucamville Eglise Saint-Martin (CC)
13th century
rest of the church in 1527 and later
Aucamville (Tarn-et-Garonne) Eglise.jpg
Beaumont-de-Lomagne Church ND de l'Assomption (Assumption of Mary) (CC) 14th century
Beaumont-de-Lomagne - Eglise Notre-Dame de l'Assomption.jpg
Castelsarrasin Saint-Sauveur Church (CC)
13. u. 15th century Changes in the 19th century
Castelsarrasin - Église Saint-Sauveur -1.JPG
Caussade Church N.-D. de l'Assomption (CC)

15th century tower
Remaining church from the 14th century replaced in the 19th century
Caussade, Tarn et Garonne, Eglise de l'Assomption.JPG
Maison de la Taverne (CC)
13th century
Caussade, Tarn et Garonne, La Taverne.JPG
Tour d'Arlet (CC)
around 1270
Caussade, Tarn et Garonne, La Tour d'Arlet (2) .JPG
Finhan Saint-Martin Church (CC) from around 1240 Burned down in the religious war in 1573, restoration 1606–1622
Finhan - L'église Saint-Martin.jpg
Moissac Moissac Abbey
PA00095788 , IA00040048
11-15 Century Gothic parts of the nave of brick,
Gothic cloister of brick with columns and capitals of stone,
the church in 1520 renewed Choir Renaissance,
closely Benedictine 1048-1466 with Cluny connected
Abbatiale Saint-Pierre de Moissac-Cloître-19820520.jpg
Montauban Église Saint-Jacques (CC) 13. u. 17th century after war damage of 1561 and 1621, restored slightly changed from 1229 onwards
Montauban - L'église St. Jacques - SO exposure.jpg
Montricoux Saint-Pierre Church (CC)
15/16. Century
rest of the church 12./13. Century
Montricoux clocher.jpg
Negrepelisse Saint-Pierre-ès-Liens
(St. Peter in Banden) Church (CC)

15th century tower
Portal also 15th century, after war destruction, the rest of the church 1645 ff.
Nègrepelisse - Eglise Saint-Pierre-ès-Liens -1.jpg
Pommevic Saint-Denis Church (CC)
beg. 14th century
Enlargement of a first consecrated in 1052, but mostly in the 12th and 13th centuries. Church built from stone in the 13th century
Eglise St Denis, Pommevic-2.jpg
Saint-Porquier Saint Clair Church (CC)
16th century Tower until 1615; except for the walls and tower plastered
003 St Porquier (82700) .JPG
Saint-Sardos Saint-Michel Church (CC)
14th century
037 St Sardos (82600) .JPG
( Roussillon )
Perpignan Castillet / Castellet (CC) 1368
Castillet - Perpignan.jpg
Perpignan Cathedral 14.– Beg. 16th century some window frames and decorative arches made of brick

(*) “Church of the Assumption” = Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption


(Number of buildings: 10)

Department place building construction time Remarks photo
Country Aire-sur-l'Adour Cathedral
14. u. 16th century West facade with brick strips
Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste d'Aire vue 1.jpg
Eglise Sainte-Quitterie
du Mas d'Aire (CC)
12. – 14.
-18. Century
Romanesque and Gothic, inside Baroque, upper parts in brick;
Upper floors of the tower correspond to Gothique Toulousain
Duhort-Bachen Château du Lau (CC) 15th century 19th century extensions
Château de Lau.JPG
Hontanx La Bastide (CC)
1331 also used as a church tower since 1860
Hontanx porte 1.jpg
Mimizan Priory Bell Tower (CC)
12th -
1st V. 13th century
probably at least temporarily plastered
Mimizan prieuré 8.JPG
Montégut Eglise Saint-Laurent (CC)
15th century some exterior wall areas in brick
Montégut église 1.jpg
Sorde-l'Abbaye Saint-Jean de Sorde
Abbey IA40000279
11th century ff.,
Vault 14th century
Banding in the lower part of the facade and vault ribs made of brick
Abbaye de Sorde-Nef collatérale nord-20110616.jpg
Villeneuve-de-Marsan Saint-Hippolyte Church (CC) 14th century later changes
Villeneuve-de-Marsan - Église Saint-Hippolyte.jpg
Pyrénées-Atlantiques Montaner Montaner Castle 14th century Béarn border castle
Morlanne Château de Morlanne (CC) 14th century
Château de Morlanne.jpg

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SAF info Arnèke
    SAF pictures Bambecque
  3. Bergues - historique
  4. Ville de Bergues - Eglise Saint-Martin
  5. - Église Saint-Étienne (Bersée)
  6. LES FLAMANDS DE FRANCE. Les églises flamandes de France (PDF).
  7. Ministère de la Culture (France), Médiathèque de l'architecture et du patrimoine, Blaringhem - église Saint-Martin - buffet d'orgue, tribune d'orgue, vue générale
  8. Cappelle-Brouck ( Memento of June 18, 2018 in the Internet Archive ), Office de Tourisme de Watten
  9. Beffroi de Dunkerque (Saint-Eloi)
  10. Telephone inquiries with the municipality: Archived copy ( memento of the original from August 15, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. → +33 32 862 8857 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  12. Territoire de Coopération - Gebiedsgerichte Samenwerking - Terco - Église (hallekerque) Saint-Michel, Killem
  13. Communauté de Communes des Hauts de Flandre (PDF) → 2nd page: Histoire de nos Communes - about Killem and Leederzele
  14. Église Saint-Vaast de Lynde: The rood screen from the 15th century ( [1] ) and the material distribution of the walls with field stone and different bricks suggest a construction period in the 15th century or earlier. A receipt is pending.
  15. Par La Voix du Nord | Publié le 16/08/2014, Retables de Flandre: visite des églises de Millam et de Wormhout, ce dimanche
  16. CAUE Nord - L'église Saint Denis à Noordpeene (Hallekerque)
  17. Église-saint-Nicolas, Oost-Cappel  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
    Monumentum - Eglise Saint-Folquin à Pitgam
  19. CAUE North - Eglise Saint-Omer, hallekerque, Quaëdypre
  20. → L'église Saint-Omer
  22. ^ Mairie de Saint-Georges-Sur-L'Aa - Histoire du village
  24. - l'église Saint-Léger de Socx
  26. - Église Saint-Pierre (Steenvoorde)
  27. Persée: Les fouilles de l'Église St-Christophe à Tourcoing (North). Données nouvelles sur l'histoire du monument (The archaeological research of ...)
  28. Google Streetview: Saint-Christophe à Tourcoing, south aisle of the choir
  29. ^ Harmoniasacra, Valenciennes → L'église St Géry
  30. Google Books: Le Nord Pas-de-Calais Pour les Nuls , p. 286 Valenciennes, vile et dentelle
  31. - L'église Saint Folquin à Volckerinckhove (Hallekerque)
  32. OT Hauts-de-Flandre - Eglise de Saint-Sylvestre Cappel et ses orgues
  33. Eglise Saint Martin - Wormhout ( Memento from December 30, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  35. L'Eglise Notre-Dame
  36. ^ Églises de l'Oise: Silly - Église Saint-Martin
  37. Bailleul - historique
  38. ^ Paris promeneurs: La maison Cœur
  39. Château de Boucard
  40. ^ A b c Josiane Sartre, Châteaux "brique et pierre" en France: essai d'architecture
  42. Regional newspaper LaNouvelle Republique: Visite guidée de l'église Saint-Martin (de Nouan-le-Fuzelier)
  43. Eglise Saint-André à Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne
  45. Monumentum: Eglise abbatiale de Bonlieu à Sainte-Agathe-la-Bouteresse
    Photo of Beaulieu Abbey on a private website on the Cistercians
  46. [2]
  47. Rhone-Medieval - Arginy
  48. patrimoines.midipyrenees, église Notre-Dame-du-Camp
  49. Patrimoines Occitanie - Research: tour dite tour de la Monnaie
  50. The Département Gers has a significant number of built-in houses of the southern French Gothic ( Gothique méridional ) such as the cathedrals of Condom and Lectoure . Its brick buildings are in the southwest, not far from Toulouse.
  51. ^ Monumentum - Église à Gimont
  52. ^ A b c Anne-Laure Napoléone, Les Maisons Gothiques de Toulouse (XIII e et XIV e siècles)
  53. Google Streetview: 10 Rue Temponières, Hôtel Vinhas, Toulouse
  54. ^ Monumentum - Église Saint-Paul à AuteriveEglise Saint-Paul à Auterive
  55. Tourisme Grenade - EGLISE SAINT-BARTHELEMY (DAUX) ( Memento from June 18, 2018 in the Internet Archive )
  56. ^ Albi catholique - Gaillac: église Saint-Pierre
  57. - L'église Saint Martin
  58. Hontanx - La Bastide
  59. Les Landes le natiurel: Eglise Saint-Hippolyte
  60. Château de Morlanne: Visiter le château