List of Heads of State 1961

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◄◄1957195819591960List of Heads of State 1961  | 1962  | 1963  | 1964  | 1965  |  | ►►
Other events


  • Egypt (1958–28 September 1961, united with Syria as the United Arab Republic)
    • Head of State: President Gamal Abdel Nasser ( 1954 , 1954–1970) (until 1956 Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council) (1954, 1954–1958 Head of Government)


North America

Central America

South America


East, South and Southeast Asia

  • Cambodia
    • Head of State: President Norodom Sihanouk (1960–1970, 1991–1993 ) (1941–1955, 1993–2004 König) (1945, 1950, 1952–1953, 1954, 1955–1956, 1956, 1956, 1957, 1958–1960, 1961 –1962 Prime Minister)
    • Head of Government:
      • Prime Minister Pho Proeung (1960–28 January 1961)
      • Prime Minister Penn Nouth ( 1948–1979, 1953, 1954–1955, 1958 , January 28, 1961– November 17, 1961, 1968–1969, 1975–1976 )
      • Prime Minister Norodom Sihanouk ( 1945, 1950, 1952–1953, 1954, 1955–1956, 1956, 1956, 1957, 1958–1960 , November 17, 1961–1962) (1941–1955, 1993–2004 König) (1991–1993 Chairman of the Supreme National Council)

Middle East

  • Lebanon
    • Head of State: President Fuad Schihab ( 1952 , 1958–1964) (1952 Prime Minister)
    • Head of Government:
      • Prime Minister Saeb Salam ( 1952, 1953 , 1960–31 October 1961, 1970–1973 )
      • Prime Minister Rashid Karami ( 1955–1956, 1958–1960 , October 31, 1961–1964, 1965–1966, 1966–1968, 1969–1970, 1975–1976, 1984–1987 )

Central Asia

Australia and Oceania



  1. a b The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are areas that are directly under the British Crown. They are not part of the UK.
  2. The Federal Council is the collective head of state in Switzerland. The Federal President has the role of primus inter pares