List of personalities of the city of Edinburgh

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The following list contains Edinburgh- born and temporary living personalities, listed chronologically by year of birth. The list does not claim to be complete.

Edinburgh flag

Edinburgh-born personalities

Until 1750

David Hume and Adam Smith at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery

1751 to 1800

Walter Scott

19th century

1801 to 1850

1851 to 1900

20th century

1901 to 1925

1926 to 1950

1951 to 1975

1976 to 2000

Famous Edinburgh residents

Among the protagonists of the Enlightenment, especially the Scottish Enlightenment ("Scottish Enlightenment") is David Hume, who was born in Edinburgh, and Adam Smith , moral philosopher and pioneer of political economy. He had studied in Glasgow and worked at the universities there and in Edinburgh.

See also