Team squad of the German Chess League 2014/15

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The list of the team cadres of the German Chess League 2014/15 contains all players who were registered for the German Chess League 2014/15 with their individual results.


The 16 participating clubs were allowed to register 8 regular players and a maximum of 8 substitute players, and two young people with the ranking numbers 17 and 18 could also register who had not yet reached their 21st year of life on December 31, 2014. 11 clubs took advantage of this opportunity, of which 10 each reported two additional youth players and one club reported an additional youth player. Not all of the registered players were used. While the Solingen chess company managed with 11 players, SC Eppingen used all 18 registered players. A total of 242 players were used, 13 of whom did not miss a competition. The best point player of the season was Arkadij Naiditsch (OSG Baden-Baden) with 12 points from 15 games. Rainer Buhmann (SV 1930 Hockenheim) achieved 10.5 points from 15 games, Predrag Nikolić (SG Solingen) 10 points from 15 games. With Boris Awruch (SK Schwäbisch Hall) and Anatoli Karpow (SV 1930 Hockenheim) two players achieved 100%, with Awruch playing three games and Karpow one.


The tables below contain the following information:

  • No .: Ranking list number
  • Title: FIDE title at the beginning of the season (rating list from October 2014); GM = Grand Master , IM = International Master , FM = FIDE Master , WGM = Women's Grand Master, WIM = International Women's Master, WFM = Women's FIDE Master, CM = Candidate Master, WCM = Women's Candidate Master
  • Elo: Elo number at the beginning of the season (rating list from October 2014), if this number is in brackets, it is a DWZ
  • Nation: Nationality according to the rating list from October 2014; ARM = Armenia, AUS = Australia, AUT = Austria, AZE = Azerbaijan, BIH = Bosnia and Herzegovina, BLR = Belarus, BRA = Brazil, CHN = China, CRO = Croatia, CZE = Czech Republic, DEN = Denmark, ENG = England , ESP = Spain, FIN = Finland, FRA = France, GEO = Georgia, GER = Germany, HUN = Hungary, IND = India, IRI = Iran, ISR = Israel, ITA = Italy, LAT = Latvia, NED = Netherlands, NOR = Norway, POL = Poland, ROU = Romania, RUS = Russia, SLO = Slovenia, SRB = Serbia, SUI = Switzerland, SVK = Slovakia, SWE = Sweden, TUR = Turkey, UKR = Ukraine, UZB = Uzbekistan
  • G: number of winning games
  • R: Number of draw games
  • V: number of losing games
  • Pkt .: Number of points achieved
  • Games: Number of games played
  • Elo performance: tournament performance of the players with at least 5 games
  • Norms: Earned norms for FIDE titles

OSG Baden-Baden

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Viswanathan Anand 2785 IND 0 0 0 0 0
2 GM Levon Aronjan 2793 POOR 1 1 0 1.5 2
3 GM Pyotr Swidler 2732 RUS 2 2 0 3 4th
4th GM Michael Adams 2758 CLOSELY 2 4th 0 4th 6th 2772
5 GM Étienne Bacrot 2719 FRA 4th 9 2 8.5 15th 2639
6th GM Alexei Shirov 2691 LAT 6th 4th 0 8th 10 2787
7th GM Arkadij Naiditsch 2710 GER 10 4th 1 12 15th 2779
8th GM Rustam Kasimjanov 2706 UZB 5 2 0 6th 7th 2853
9 GM Francisco Vallejo Pons 2716 ESP 2 5 0 4.5 7th 2610
10 GM Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu 2665 GER 4th 0 4th 4th 8th 2498
11 GM Sergei Movsesjan 2657 POOR 5 4th 0 7th 9 2677
12 GM Peter Heine Nielsen 2654 THE 2 2 0 3 4th
13 GM Georg Meier 2647 GER 4th 4th 1 6th 9 2575
14th GM Jan Gustafsson 2636 GER 4th 3 0 5.5 7th 2666
15th GM Rustem Dautov 2604 GER 4th 2 0 5 6th 2619
16 GM Philipp Schlosser 2570 GER 4th 7th 0 7.5 11 2489
17th Dirk Becker 2000 GER 0 0 0 0 0
18th Julian Martin 2137 GER 0 0 0 0 0

Werder Bremen

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Laurent Fressinet 2713 FRA 2 3 0 3.5 5 2792
2 GM Oleksandr Areshchenko 2654 UKR 4th 4th 1 6th 9 2739
3 GM Luke McShane 2670 CLOSELY 6th 2 1 7th 9 2810
4th GM Romain Édouard 2659 FRA 2 4th 2 4th 8th 2598
5 GM Sachar Jefymenko 2649 UKR 3 5 1 5.5 9 2661
6th GM Zbyněk Hráček 2646 CZE 2 5 1 4.5 8th 2584
7th GM Tomi Nybäck 2603 FIN 3 4th 2 5 9 2625
8th GM Vlastimil Babula 2548 CZE 2 6th 0 5 8th 2577
9 IN THE Matthias Bluebaum 2530 GER 8th 3 1 9.5 12 2701 GM
10 GM David Smerdon 2506 OUT 7th 5 0 9.5 12 2693
11 IN THE Alexander Margrave 2486 GER 4th 4th 3 6th 11 2493
12 IN THE Gerlef mine 2439 GER 2 6th 2 5 10 2435
13 GM Gennadij Fish 2466 GER 2 5 1 4.5 8th 2412
14th IN THE Sven Joachim 2389 GER 0 0 0 0 0
15th Peter Lichmann 2332 GER 0 0 0 0 0
16 FM Olaf Steffens 2279 GER 0 0 0 0 0
17th Fabian Brinkmann 1864 GER 0 1 0 0.5 1
18th David Kardoeus 2082 GER 0 0 1 0 1

SV 1930 Hockenheim

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Anatoly Karpov 2623 RUS 1 0 0 1 1
2 GM Richárd Rapport 2720 HUN 3 3 0 4.5 6th 2833
3 GM Oleksandr Mojiseienko 2698 UKR 3 4th 3 5 10 2650
4th GM Ivan Šarić 2678 CRO 3 6th 4th 6th 13 2585
5 GM Luka Lenič 2653 SLO 0 4th 1 2 5 2504
6th GM David Baramidze 2605 GER 4th 8th 3 8th 15th 2565
7th GM Rainer Buhmann 2597 GER 7th 7th 1 10.5 15th 2659
8th IN THE Dennis Wagner 2501 GER 1 6th 3 4th 10 2442
9 GM Tamás Bánusz 2595 HUN 4th 6th 1 7th 11 2558
10 GM Sabino Brunello 2552 ITA 2 1 1 2.5 4th
11 GM Zoltan Ribli 2560 HUN 2 3 1 3.5 6th 2492
12 IN THE Hannes Rau 2455 GER 4th 2 1 5 7th 2569
13 IN THE Elisabeth Pähtz 2477 GER 2 4th 1 4th 7th 2432
14th IN THE Oleg Boguslawski 2441 GER 4th 5 0 6.5 9 2552
15th IN THE Mikhail Nekrasov 2393 UKR 0 1 0 0.5 1
16 FM Alexander Postojev 2307 GER 0 0 0 0 0
17th Joel Niels de Silva 2023 GER 0 0 0 0 0
18th Ramon Hill (1434) GER 0 0 0 0 0

SK Schwäbisch Hall

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Boris Gelfand 2748 ISR 1 1 0 1.5 2
2 GM Dmitri Yakovenko 2747 RUS 1 3 0 2.5 4th
3 GM Radosław Wojtaszek 2742 POLE 4th 2 0 5 6th 2910
4th GM Li Chao 2711 CHN 7th 4th 2 9 13 2757
5 GM Viktor Láznička 2666 CZE 6th 3 4th 7.5 13 2666
6th GM Ernesto Inarkiev 2672 RUS 4th 2 2 5 8th 2677
7th GM Tigran Gharamian 2657 FRA 4th 8th 1 8th 13 2631
8th GM Boris Awruch 2590 ISR 3 0 0 3 3
9 GM Matthieu Cornette 2548 FRA 3 7th 0 6.5 10 2651
10 GM Anthony Wirig 2490 FRA 3 6th 4th 6th 13 2460
11 IN THE Frank Zeller 2445 GER 3 2 4th 4th 9 2436
12 GM Mathias Womacka 2439 GER 3 5 2 5.5 10 2490
13 FM Alexander Raykhman 2414 GER 4th 3 3 5.5 10 2423
14th IN THE Maxime Aguettaz 2398 FRA 0 1 1 0.5 2
15th IN THE Chi Minh Nguyen 2343 FRA 0 0 0 0 0
16 FM Nikolas Pogan 2301 GER 0 0 4th 0 4th

SG Trier

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Viktor Erdős 2621 HUN 0 10 1 5 11 2583
2 GM Constantin Lupulescu 2630 ROU 4th 5 0 6.5 9 2748
3 GM David Howell 2657 CLOSELY 4th 2 0 5 6th 2814
4th IN THE Felix Graf 2488 GER 4th 2 5 5 11 2535
5 GM Piotr Bobras 2535 POLE 1 4th 5 3 10 2473
6th GM Łukasz Cyborowski 2510 POLE 2 7th 1 5.5 10 2561
7th GM Mircea Pârligras 2589 ROU 5 3 2 7.5 11 2614
8th GM László Gonda 2540 HUN 2 5 2 4.5 9 2450
9 GM Stephen Gordon 2497 CLOSELY 0 1 1 0.5 2
10 GM Paweł Jaracz 2505 POLE 3 7th 0 6.5 10 2592
11 GM Stewart Haslinger 2531 CLOSELY 1 2 1 2 4th
12 IN THE Miklós Galyas 2421 HUN 1 5 0 3.5 6th 2551
13 IN THE Rudiger Seger 2372 GER 0 6th 1 3 7th 2471
14th IN THE Dietmar Kolbus 2316 GER 0 3 2 1.5 5 2365
15th IN THE Andrei-Nestor Cioară 2400 ROU 0 0 0 0 0
16 Alexander Dany 2125 GER 0 0 0 0 0
17th Lev Yankelevich 2362 GER 3 4th 2 5 9 2484 IN THE

Chess Society Solingen

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Markus Ragger 2658 AUT 3 10 2 8th 15th 2640
2 GM Erwin l'Ami 2618 NED 2 5 2 4.5 9 2594
3 GM Jan Smeets 2622 NED 0 0 0 0 0
4th GM Chanda Sandipan 2603 IND 3 5 1 5.5 9 2683
5 GM Artur Yusupov 2581 GER 0 3 2 1.5 5 2454
6th GM Predrag Nikolić 2605 BIH 6th 8th 1 10 15th 2673
7th GM Alexander Naumann 2560 GER 2 8th 5 6th 15th 2443
8th GM Florian Handke 2546 GER 0 11 2 5.5 13 2447
9 GM Ralf Appel 2526 GER 2 8th 3 6th 13 2445
10 IN THE Mads Andersen 2485 THE 4th 5 3 6.5 12 2439
11 IN THE Jörg Wegerle 2438 GER 4th 6th 0 7th 10 2488
12 IN THE Nico Georgiadis 2459 SUI 3 0 1 3 4th
13 IN THE Alina l'Ami 2386 ROU 0 0 0 0 0
14th IN THE Markus Schäfer 2405 GER 0 0 0 0 0
15th FM Thomas Michalczak 2222 GER 0 0 0 0 0
16 FM Oliver Kniest 2302 GER 0 0 0 0 0
17th Jan Hobusch 2163 GER 0 0 0 0 0
18th Kevin Zolfagharian 2144 GER 0 0 0 0 0

SK Tower Emsdetten

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Anish Giri 2768 NED 1 2 0 2 3
2 GM Micheil Mtschedlishvili 2609 GEO 1 4th 1 3 6th 2619
3 GM Dariusz Świercz 2614 POLE 4th 6th 0 7th 10 2782
4th GM Daniil Dubov 2627 RUS 2 2 0 3 4th
5 GM Alexander Ipatov 2607 DOOR 1 3 0 2.5 4th
6th GM Nils Grandelius 2569 SWE 1 7th 0 4.5 8th 2597
7th GM Mustafa Yılmaz 2580 DOOR 1 1 0 1.5 2
8th GM Wouter Spoelman 2572 NED 1 5 1 3.5 7th 2613
9 GM Roeland Pruijssers 2511 NED 3 2 5 4th 10 2478
10 IN THE Twan Castle 2518 NED 2 2 4th 3 8th 2438
11 IN THE Jorden van Foreest 2466 NED 2 6th 3 5 11 2485
12 GM Jonny Hector 2488 SWE 2 1 4th 2.5 7th 2427
13 GM Ruud Janssen 2460 NED 4th 5 4th 6.5 13 2475
14th IN THE Martin Zumsande 2432 GER 2 3 4th 3.5 9 2361
15th IN THE Thomas Fiebig 2401 GER 4th 2 3 5 9 2482
16 IN THE Christian Richter 2369 GER 0 6th 3 3 9 2307

UPS TU Dresden

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Pavel Elyanov 2719 UKR 1 5 2 3.5 8th 2589
2 GM Zoltán Almási 2695 HUN 4th 8th 1 8th 13 2708
3 GM Grzegorz Gajewski 2643 POLE 4th 5 2 6.5 11 2658
4th GM Mateusz Bartel 2652 POLE 6th 2 3 7th 11 2677
5 GM Bartosz Soćko 2611 POLE 4th 8th 1 8th 13 2637
6th GM Marcin Dziuba 2567 POLE 1 1 2 1.5 4th
7th GM Jens-Uwe Maiwald 2471 GER 4th 6th 5 7th 15th 2470
8th GM Uwe Bönsch 2543 GER 0 4th 1 2 5 2440
9 GM Raj Tischbierek 2414 GER 3 4th 0 5 7th 2610
10 IN THE Gernot Gauglitz 2393 GER 0 1 1 0.5 2
11 IN THE Jakov Loxins 2403 GER 2 1 1 2.5 4th
12 FM Dirk Wegener 2351 GER 0 1 3 0.5 4th
13 FM Volker Seifert 2342 GER 1 1 1 1.5 3
14th IN THE Paul Hoffmann 2355 GER 1 4th 3 3 8th 2349
15th GM Wolfgang Uhlmann 2322 GER 1 0 2 1 3
16 IN THE Michael Roos 2362 GER 0 1 0 0.5 1
17th FM Maximilian Neef 2353 GER 4th 3 1 5.5 8th 2460
18th WIM Filiz Osmanodja 2310 GER 0 0 0 0 0

Eppingen chess club

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Standards
1 GM Pentala Harikrishna 2727 IND 2 4th 0 4th 6th 2732
2 GM Maxim Rodshtein 2678 ISR 1 3 1 2.5 5 2641
3 GM Sebastian Bogner 2599 SUI 1 5 4th 3.5 10 2484
4th GM Csaba Balogh 2660 HUN 2 4th 2 4th 8th 2601
5 GM Evgeny Postny 2652 ISR 1 7th 1 4.5 9 2597
6th GM Péter Ács 2594 HUN 1 2 2 2 5 2539
7th GM Arik Braun 2549 GER 4th 3 1 5.5 8th 2655
8th GM Róbert Jerk 2568 HUN 1 2 3 2 6th 2387
9 IN THE Dennis Breder 2488 GER 0 7th 1 3.5 8th 2470
10 IN THE Léon Mons 2442 GER 2 4th 3 4th 9 2437
11 GM Zoltán Medvegy 2510 HUN 8th 3 2 9.5 13 2645
12 GM Namiq Quliyev 2556 AZE 1 3 1 2.5 5 2523
13 IN THE Christian man 2439 GER 1 3 2 2.5 6th 2373
14th FM Christopher Noe 2332 GER 3 4th 2 5 9 2454 IN THE
15th GM Lothar Vogt 2391 GER 1 1 0 1.5 2
16 Jonas Reimold 2023 GER 0 1 4th 0.5 5 2031
17th Cedric Hahn 1959 GER 0 0 2 0 2
18th Nicolai Bay 1965 GER 1 0 3 1 4th

Hamburger SK

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Robin van Kampen 2641 NED 2 3 3 3.5 8th 2590
2 GM Jan-Krzysztof Duda 2599 POLE 4th 1 2 4.5 7th 2711
3 GM Robert Kempiński 2620 POLE 3 5 2 5.5 10 2631
4th GM Martyn Krawziw 2563 UKR 2 1 1 2.5 4th
5 GM Ehsan Ghaem Maghami 2594 IRI 1 1 0 1.5 2
6th GM Sipke Ernst 2555 NED 4th 4th 3 6th 11 2565
7th IN THE Rasmus Svane 2506 GER 2 3 6th 3.5 11 2426
8th GM Sune Berg Hansen 2572 THE 2 3 1 3.5 6th 2586
9 GM Ľubomír Ftáčnik 2557 SVK 0 8th 3 4th 11 2418
10 GM Dorian Rogozenco 2508 ROU 0 4th 0 2 4th
11 IN THE José Fernando Cuenca Jiménez 2476 ESP 5 1 2 5.5 8th 2635
12 IN THE Jonas Lampert 2442 GER 3 4th 4th 5 11 2428
13 GM Karsten Müller 2534 GER 1 1 0 1.5 2
14th IN THE Thies Heinemann 2473 GER 3 5 4th 5.5 11 2377
15th IN THE Jonathan Carlstedt 2440 GER 5 4th 2 7th 11 2490
16 Dirk Sebastian 2445 GER 0 0 0 0 0
17th Julian Grötzbach 2169 GER 1 0 1 1 2
18th Jan Hinrichs 2195 GER 0 0 0 0 0

SC Hansa Dortmund

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 IN THE Alexander Donchenko 2501 GER 2 4th 6th 4th 12 2539
2 GM David Antón Guijarro 2607 ESP 2 5 1 4.5 8th 2663
3 IN THE Thomas Henrichs 2492 GER 1 3 7th 2.5 11 2405
4th GM Robert Markuš 2604 SRB 4th 3 1 5.5 8th 2710
5 GM Bartłomiej Heberla 2567 POLE 1 5 2 3.5 8th 2467
6th GM Imre Héra 2576 HUN 3 6th 1 6th 10 2598
7th GM Emanuel Berg 2555 SWE 4th 3 0 5.5 7th 2682
8th IN THE Bence Korpa 2426 HUN 2 4th 3 4th 9 2450
9 IN THE Aryan Tari 2450 NOR 1 5 0 3.5 6th 2587
10 GM Eckhard Schmittdiel 2441 GER 0 1 1 0.5 2
11 IN THE Olaf Wegener 2441 GER 3 3 2 4.5 8th 2544
12 GM Romuald Mainka 2418 GER 0 3 0 1.5 3
13 IN THE Patrick Zelbel 2418 GER 5 5 1 7.5 11 2595 GM
14th FM Ufuk Tuncer 2322 DOOR 0 2 4th 1 6th 2216
15th FM Ralf Kotter 2339 GER 1 2 1 2 4th
16 Frank Karger 2268 GER 3 2 2 4th 7th 2475

SV Mülheim-Nord

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave 2757 FRA 1 3 0 2.5 4th
2 GM David Navara 2718 CZE 3 3 0 4.5 6th 2794
3 GM Alexander Motylev 2682 RUS 0 2 2 1 4th
4th GM Konstantin Landa 2647 RUS 2 12 2 7.5 15th 2623
5 GM Daniel Fridman 2635 GER 4th 9 1 8.5 14th 2640
6th GM Vladimir Potkin 2610 RUS 0 2 0 1 2
7th GM Pavel Tregubov 2607 RUS 1 4th 1 3 6th 2523
8th GM Vitali Golod 2562 ISR 0 0 0 0 0
9 GM Alexander Berelovich 2549 GER 2 3 6th 3.5 11 2418
10 GM Daniel Hausrath 2515 GER 1 10 4th 6th 15th 2452
11 GM Felix Levin 2504 GER 2 8th 1 6th 11 2500
12 GM Michael Feygin 2488 GER 5 6th 1 8th 12 2538
13 GM Mihail Saltaev 2476 UZB 6th 4th 1 8th 11 2571
14th IN THE Volkmar Dinstuhl 2411 GER 1 4th 3 3 8th 2356
15th FM Amir Rezasade 2303 GER 0 0 0 0 0
16 Nico Zwirs 2347 NED 0 0 0 0 0
17th Valentin Buckels 2179 GER 0 0 1 0 1
18th Mio Simanowski 1905 GER 0 0 0 0 0

Chess friends Berlin

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Hrant Melkumjan 2678 POOR 2 2 0 3 4th
2 GM Daniele Vocaturo 2590 ITA 1 2 1 2 4th
3 GM Aleksander Miśta 2616 POLE 3 3 5 4.5 11 2538
4th GM Martin Kramer 2570 GER 4th 4th 5 6th 13 2590
5 GM Kacper Piorun 2532 POLE 5 6th 2 8th 13 2639
6th GM Peter Michalík 2570 SVK 2 4th 1 4th 7th 2577
7th IN THE Ilya Schneider 2488 GER 2 7th 4th 5.5 13 2474
8th IN THE Matthias Then 2452 GER 0 1 3 0.5 4th
9 GM Andrij Maksymenko 2493 UKR 1 2 1 2 4th
10 IN THE Arnd Lauber 2441 GER 3 1 5 3.5 9 2417
11 IN THE Stephan Berndt 2441 GER 1 1 2 1.5 4th
12 IN THE Emilio Moreno Tejera 2441 ESP 3 5 5 5.5 13 2411
13 GM Rainer Polzin 2425 GER 0 0 0 0 0
14th Dennes Abel 2446 GER 3 4th 3 5 10 2435
15th IN THE Mikael Agopov 2433 FIN 0 0 0 0 0
16 IN THE Lars Thiede 2443 GER 3 6th 2 6th 11 2373
17th Aron Moritz 2164 GER 0 0 0 0 0
18th Jan Paul Cremer 2217 GER 0 0 0 0 0

Sportfreunde Katernberg

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Andrij Wolokitin 2642 UKR 0 4th 2 2 6th 2534
2 GM Yuri Kryvoruchko 2710 UKR 2 4th 0 4th 6th 2759
3 GM Yevgeny Romanov 2647 RUS 1 4th 3 3 8th 2542
4th GM Benjamin Bok 2591 NED 0 3 1 1.5 4th
5 GM Alexandr Fier 2589 BRA 2 1 2 2.5 5 2612
6th GM Nasar Firman 2458 UKR 3 2 6th 4th 11 2497
7th GM Ilya Zaragatsky 2472 GER 2 3 6th 3.5 11 2427
8th IN THE Lawrence Trent 2473 CLOSELY 0 3 3 1.5 6th 2329
9 GM Sebastian Siebrecht 2463 GER 2 7th 4th 5.5 13 2457
10 IN THE Robert Ris 2427 NED 4th 3 4th 5.5 11 2529
11 IN THE Christian Scholz 2344 GER 5 3 4th 6.5 12 2515
12 WGM Sarah Hoolt 2332 GER 0 1 7th 0.5 8th 2042
13 FM Bernd Rosen 2351 GER 0 1 3 0.5 4th
14th IN THE Matthias Thesing 2308 GER 1 2 4th 2 7th 2290
15th FM Timothee Heinz 2330 FRA 1 7th 0 4.5 8th 2468
16 Ulrich Geilmann (1848) GER 0 0 0 0 0
17th Patrick Imcke 2048 GER 0 0 0 0 0
18th Jan Dette 1977 GER 0 0 0 0 0

FC Bayern Munich

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Michael Bezold 2520 GER 0 1 2 0.5 3
2 GM Klaus Bischoff 2504 GER 0 6th 7th 3 13 2429
3 IN THE Andreas Schenk 2491 GER 1 5 7th 3.5 13 2445
4th IN THE Alexander Belezky 2451 UKR 1 4th 5 3 10 2467
5 IN THE Michael Fedorovsky 2436 GER 3 6th 6th 6th 15th 2497
6th IN THE Julian Jorczik 2400 GER 1 3 5 2.5 9 2401
7th IN THE Wolfgang Richter 2398 GER 0 2 5 1 7th 2218
8th IN THE Peter Master 2411 GER 2 3 7th 3.5 12 2331
9 IN THE Thomas Reich 2413 GER 1 0 3 1 4th
10 GM Markus Stangl 2438 GER 1 3 2 2.5 6th 2399
11 IN THE Christoph Renner 2375 GER 1 1 8th 1.5 10 2154
12 Alexander Zajogin 2393 BLR 1 3 4th 2.5 8th 2250
13 IN THE Tibor Reiss 2367 HUN 0 1 0 0.5 1
14th Johannes Zwanzger 2313 GER 0 3 5 1.5 8th 2198
15th Ferdinand Unzicker 2325 GER 0 0 1 0 1
16 FM Matthieu Tournier 2317 FRA 0 0 0 0 0

SSC Rostock 07

No. title Surname Elo nation G R. V Pt. Lots Elo performance Norms
1 GM Jacek Tomczak 2560 POLE 3 6th 6th 6th 15th 2562
2 GM Stellan Brynell 2459 GER 0 7th 6th 3.5 13 2427
3 IN THE Marcin Szelag 2456 POLE 1 4th 10 3 15th 2334
4th FM Henrik Rudolf 2357 GER 1 3 9 2.5 13 2290
5 IN THE Hans-Ulrich Grünberg 2377 GER 1 5 7th 3.5 13 2337
6th FM Rafal Tomczak 2374 POLE 0 5 6th 2.5 11 2230
7th FM Michael Becker 2321 GER 0 1 6th 0.5 7th 2035
8th FM Hans Werner Ackermann 2287 GER 1 3 4th 2.5 8th 2300
9 FM Willi Skibbe 2274 GER 2 0 4th 2 6th 2322
10 FM Robert Jaster 2306 GER 1 0 3 1 4th
11 Eckhard Jeske 2165 GER 1 1 5 1.5 7th 2115
12 Max Weber 2187 GER 1 0 4th 1 5 2166
13 Jonas Forster 2256 GER 0 1 0 0.5 1
14th Kirsten Jeske 1993 GER 0 0 1 0 1
15th Jörg Sonnenberger 2076 GER 0 0 0 0 0
16 Peter Brack 2066 GER 0 0 1 0 1

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