List of private universities in Germany
This list of private universities in Germany is a list that lists private universities in Germany.
- Baden-Wuerttemberg (BW)
- Bavaria (BY)
- Berlin (BE)
- Brandenburg (BB)
- Bremen (HB)
- Hamburg (HH)
- Hesse (HE)
- Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (MV)
- Lower Saxony (NI)
- North Rhine-Westphalia (NW)
- Rhineland-Palatinate (RP)
- Saarland (SL)
- Saxony (SN)
- Saxony-Anhalt (ST)
- Schleswig-Holstein (SH)
- Thuringia (TH)
With the right to award doctorates
- Alanus University for Art and Society , Alfter (NW)
- Bucerius Law School (BLS), Hamburg (HH)
- EBS University of Economics and Law , Oestrich-Winkel and Wiesbaden (HE)
- ESCP Europe Business School Berlin , Berlin (BE)
- European School of Management and Technology , Berlin (BE)
- Frankfurt School of Finance & Management , Frankfurt am Main (HE)
- Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL), Leipzig (SN)
- Hertie School of Governance , Berlin (BE)
- Jacobs University Bremen (JUB), Bremen (HB)
- Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (BY)
- Kühne Logistics University , Hamburg (HH)
- Brandenburg Medical School "Theodor Fontane" (MHB), Brandenburg an der Havel and Neuruppin (BB)
- Sigmund Freud Private University Berlin (SFU), Berlin (BE)
- Steinbeis University Berlin (SHB), Berlin (BE)
- University of Witten / Herdecke (UWH), Witten (NW)
- WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management , Vallendar (RP)
- Zeppelin University , Friedrichshafen (BW)
Without the right to award doctorates
- Accadis University of Applied Sciences Bad Homburg , Bad Homburg vor der Höhe (HE)
- AKAD University Leipzig , Leipzig (SN)
- AKAD University Pinneberg , Pinneberg (SH)
- AKAD University Stuttgart , Stuttgart (BW)
- Akkon University for Human Sciences , Berlin (BE)
- Allensbach University of Applied Sciences , Konstanz , formerly WHL-Wissenschaftliche Hochschule Lahr (BW)
- AMD Akademie Mode & Design , Hamburg (HH)
- APOLLON University of Health Economics , Bremen (HB)
- Athanor Academy , Passau (BY)
- Bard College Berlin , Berlin (BE)
- bbw University , Berlin (BE)
- Berlin International University of Applied Sciences , formerly BAU International Berlin - University of Applied Sciences, Berlin (BE)
- Berlin Technical College of Art , Berlin (BE)
- BEST Sabel University Berlin , Berlin (BE)
- Brand University of Applied Sciences , Hamburg (HH)
- BSP Business School Berlin Potsdam , Berlin (BE)
- Business and Information Technology School (BiTS), Iserlohn (NW)
- CODE University of Applied Sciences , Berlin (BE)
- Cologne Business School , Cologne (NW)
- Cusanus University , Bernkastel-Kues (RP)
- DEKRA University for Media (BE)
- Design Academy berlin, University for Communication and Design (FH) , Berlin (BE)
- German University for Prevention and Health Management , Saarbrücken (SL)
- DIPLOMA - FH North Hesse , Bad Sooden-Allendorf (HE)
- Dresden International University , Dresden (SN)
- EBC Hochschule , Hamburg (HH), as well as locations in Berlin , Dresden , Düsseldorf and Stuttgart
- EBZ Business School , Bochum (NW) and Hamburg (HH)
- European University of Applied Sciences , Brühl / Erft (NW)
- European Distance Learning University Hamburg (Euro-FH), Hamburg (HH)
- European Media and Business Academy (EMBA), Hamburg (HH), Berlin (BE), Düsseldorf (NW)
- Diaconal University of Applied Sciences , Bielefeld (NW)
- University of Applied Sciences for Business (FHDW), Paderborn , Bergisch Gladbach , Gütersloh (NW)
- Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), Bielefeld , Rostock , Schwerin , Berlin, Hanover, Cologne, Frechen, Bamberg (NW, MV, BE, NI, BY)
- University of Applied Sciences Dresden (FHD), Dresden , (SN)
- University of Applied Sciences for Business (FHDW), Hanover , Celle (NI)
- Hohenfels University of Applied Sciences , Coburg (BY)
- Ottersberg University of Applied Sciences , Ottersberg (NI)
- Wedel University of Applied Sciences , Wedel (SH)
- Fliedner University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf , Düsseldorf (NW)
- FOM University , Essen (NW)
- German Graduate School of Management and Law , Heilbronn (BW)
- GISMA Business School, Hanover and Berlin (NI, BE)
- Gustav Siewerth Academy (GSA), Weilheim -Bierbronnen (BW)
- HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration , Hamburg (HH)
- HFH Hamburger Fern-Hochschule , Hamburg (HH)
- Hochschule 21 , Buxtehude (NI)
- University of the Bavarian Economy (HDBW), Munich (BY)
- University of Fine Arts Essen (HBK Essen), Essen (NW)
- University of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe , Bonn (NW)
- University of Economics for Management (HdWM), Mannheim (BW)
- University of Applied Management - University of Applied Sciences (HAM), Ismaning , Hamburg , Berlin , Unna , Treuchtlingen , Neumarkt id Oberpfalz (BY)
- University of Applied Languages - University of Applied Sciences SDI Munich , Munich (BY)
- University of Health and Sport , Berlin (BE)
- University of Applied Education , Berlin (BE)
- University for International Management Heidelberg , Heidelberg (BW)
- University of Art Therapy Nürtingen , Nürtingen (BW)
- University for Media, Communication and Economics , Berlin (BE) and Cologne (NW)
- University of Economics, Technology and Culture , Berlin (BE)
- University of Telecommunications Leipzig (HfTL), Leipzig (SN)
- Hochschule Fresenius , Idstein (HE), as well as locations in Cologne , Munich , Hamburg
- HSD Hochschule Döpfer , Cologne (NW)
- IB University Berlin , Berlin (BE)
- International University SDI Munich , Munich (BY)
- International Psychoanalytic University Berlin , Berlin (BE)
- International School of Management Dortmund (ISM), Dortmund (NW)
- IUBH International University , Erfurt (NW)
- IST University for Management , Düsseldorf (NW)
- Karlshochschule International University , Karlsruhe (BW)
- Catholic University of North Rhine-Westphalia (NW)
- Lutheran Theological University Oberursel (HE)
- Macromedia University , Stuttgart (BW)
- Mediadesign Hochschule (MD.H), Berlin (BE)
- Merkur International University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe (BW)
- Merz Academy , Stuttgart (BW)
- MSB Medical School Berlin , Berlin (BE)
- MSH Medical School Hamburg , Hamburg (HH)
- Munich Business School (MBS), Munich (BY)
- Scientific and Technical Academy Isny (nta), Isny im Allgäu (BW)
- NBS Northern Business School - University for Management and Security (NBS), Hamburg (HH)
- North Academy , Elmshorn (SH)
- Paracelsus Medical Private University , Nuremberg (BY)
- Practice University , Cologne (NW)
- Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen (PFH), Göttingen , Stade (NI)
- Private University of Economics and Technology (PHWT), Vechta and Diepholz (NI)
- Provadis School of International Management and Technology , Frankfurt am Main (HE)
- Psychological University Berlin (PHB), Berlin (BE)
- Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln (RFH), Cologne (NW)
- Rheinische Fachhochschule Neuss for International Economics , Neuss (NW)
- Schiller International University (BW)
- SRH University of Health Gera (TH)
- SRH FernHochschule Riedlingen , Riedlingen (BW)
- SRH University Berlin , Berlin (BE)
- SRH University of Calw , Calw (BW)
- SRH University of Popular Arts (hdpk) , Berlin (BE)
- SRH University for Logistics and Economics , Hamm (NW)
- SRH University Heidelberg , Heidelberg (BW)
- Technical University of Applied Sciences Georg Agricola , Bochum (NW)
- Touro College Berlin (BE)
- VWA University for Part-Time Studies , Stuttgart (BW)
- Wilhelm Büchner University - Private Distance University Darmstadt , Pfungstadt (HE)
- Wilhelm Löhe University of Applied Sciences , Fürth (BY)
- XU Exponential University of Applied Sciences , Potsdam (BB)
Art and music colleges
The following private universities are (technical) universities without the right to award doctorates with an artistic or musical focus:
Private universities now closed
- Adam Ries University of Applied Sciences , Erfurt (TH) (closed in 2013)
- Academy for digital media production , Elstal (BB) (closed in 2007)
- EDU.CON Hochschule Berlin , Berlin (BE) (closed in 2010)
- ESMOD Germany , Berlin (BE) (closure 2017)
- University of Applied Sciences in the German Red Cross , Göttingen (NI) (closed in 2008)
- Schwäbisch Hall University of Applied Sciences , Schwäbisch Hall (BW) (closed in 2013)
- FH KUNST Arnstadt , Arnstadt (TH) (closed in 2013)
- International Business School of Service Management , Hamburg (HH) (closed in 2013)
- International University of Applied Sciences Calw , Bad Wildbad (BW) (closed in 2011)
- International University for Executive Management , Berlin (BE) (closed in 2010)
- International School of New Media , Lübeck (SH) (closed in 2011)
- International University in Germany , Bruchsal (BW) (closed in 2009)
- Nordic University , Flensburg and Neumünster (SH) (closed in 1989)
- Private University of Applied Sciences Döpfer for Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy , Schwandorf (BY) (closed in 2008)
- Private Distance University of Applied Sciences Saxony , Chemnitz (SN) (closed in 2010)
- Private Hanse University , Rostock (MV) (closed in 2009)
- Stenden University Berlin , Berlin (BE) (closed in 2009)
- University of Management and Communication (FH) , Potsdam (BB) (closed in 2010)
Web links
Commons : Private universities in Germany - collection of images, videos and audio files
- The best private universities in Germany , Die Welt World's Luxury Guide, January 20, 2013