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Manduel coat of arms
Manduel (France)
region Occitania
Department Gard
Arrondissement Nîmes
Canton Marguerittes
Community association Nîmes metropolis
Coordinates 43 ° 49 ′  N , 4 ° 28 ′  E Coordinates: 43 ° 49 ′  N , 4 ° 28 ′  E
height 50-77 m
surface 26.46 km 2
Residents 6,814 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 258 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 30129
INSEE code

Manduel Town Hall

Manduel is a French commune with 6,814 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2017) in the Gard department of the Occitanie region .


The commune is located on the plain of the Vistre River and in the Costières . Manduel is nine kilometers southeast of Nîmes .

Neighboring communities of Manduel are Marguerittes in the north, Redessan in the east, Beaucaire in the south-east, Bellegarde in the south, Bouillargues in the south-west and Rodilhan in the north-west.


The area was first settled more than 30,000 years ago. The first farmers settled down around 4000 years ago. This was favored by the fertility of the plain, which is surrounded by forests, rolling hills and ponds with fish. Later the village was on an important trade route that linked Italy with Spain via Beaucaire and Nîmes, among others . Today the D 999 runs in its place. In the 4th century BC, a Gaul named Manduos settled here and gave the place the name Mandolios . The place was first mentioned in 943. At that time there was a district, Lignan , which was later abandoned by its residents who moved to Manduel. In the 12th century the village belonged to the Counts of Toulouse . It later became the property of the Lord of Calvisson , who owned it until the French Revolution. Manduel was affected by the Hundred Years War and the Huguenot Wars , in 1704 the camisards killed thirteen residents. 46 people died during the First World War . In 1876 the vineyards were attacked by phylloxera. The winemakers founded a wine cooperative as early as 1882 .

Culture and sights

Saint-Genest church
  • Miliarium by Antoninus Pius from the year 145 BC Chr.
  • Saint-Genest church, built in 1856 by decision of the local council
  • Two depictions of saints from 1842 and from the 17th century (both monument historique )

Population development

year 1962 1968 1975 1982 1990 1999 2008 2017
Residents 1573 1649 2389 3554 5579 5748 5721 6814

Town twinning

Since 2005 there has been a town partnership between Manduel and Bischofsheim in the Rhön in Bavaria.

Web links

Commons : Manduel  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Information on the association's website
  2. Geographical information on