Helen Stevenson Meyner

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Helen Stevenson Meyner

Helen Day Stevenson Meyner (born March 5, 1929 in New York City , †  November 2, 1997 on Captiva Island , Florida ) was an American politician . Between 1975 and 1979 she represented the state of New Jersey in the US House of Representatives .


Helen Meyner was born as Helen Stevenson. Her father William Stevenson (1900-1985) was one of the 4-by-400-meter relay gold medalists at the Olympic Games of 1924 and later became US ambassador to the Philippines . She attended Rosemary Hall High School in Greenwich ( Connecticut ) until 1946 ; then she graduated from Colorado College in Colorado Springs in 1950 . Then she married the Governor of New Jersey, Robert B. Meyner . From 1950 to 1952 she worked for the Red Cross . In the following years she wrote newspaper articles. She was also a television journalist.

Politically, Helen Meyner became a member of the Democratic Party . In 1972 she ran unsuccessfully for Congress . In the 1974 congressional election , however, she was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC , in the 13th  constituency of New Jersey , where she succeeded Republican Joseph J. Maraziti on January 3, 1975 . Their election victory was also due to the Watergate affair , which harmed the Republicans. After being re-elected, she was able to complete two terms in Congress until January 3, 1979. In 1978 she was defeated by Jim Courter .

After the end of her time in the US House of Representatives, Helen Meyner was still a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in New York in 1980 , at which President Jimmy Carter was nominated for re-election; then she withdrew from politics. After the death of her husband in 1990, she moved to Florida. There she died in November 1997 on Captiva Island.

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