Grand Bourgtheroulde

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Grand Bourgtheroulde
Grand Bourgtheroulde (France)
Grand Bourgtheroulde
region Normandy
Department Your
Arrondissement Bernay
Canton Bourgtheroulde-Infreville
Community association Roumois Seine
Coordinates 49 ° 18 '  N , 0 ° 52'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 18 '  N , 0 ° 52'  E
height 90-158 m
surface 19.51 km 2
Residents 3,802 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 195 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 27520
INSEE code

Grand Bourgtheroulde Town Hall

Grand Bourgtheroulde is a commune with 3,802 inhabitants (as of January 1 2017) in the Eure in the region of Normandy . It belongs to the Arrondissement of Bernay and the canton of Bourgtheroulde-Infreville and is a member of the Roumois Seine municipality .


Grand Bourgtheroulde is located about 26 kilometers southwest of Rouen in the Roumois . Grand Bourgtheroulde is surrounded by the neighboring communities of Bouquetot in the north, La Londe in the north and east, Bosroumois in the east and south-east, Saint-Pierre-de-Bosguérard in the south, Les Monts du Roumois in the west and south-west, Flancourt-Crescy-en-Roumois in the west and northwest and Bourg-Achard in the northwest.

The A 28 car route runs along the western edge of the municipality .


On January 1, 2016, the previously independent municipalities of Bourgtheroulde-Infreville , Bosc-Bénard-Commin and Thuit-Hébert were merged to form the new municipality ( commune nouvelle ) Grand Bourgtheroulde. The seat of this newly created regional authority is in the district of Bourgtheroulde-Infreville.


District former
INSEE code
Area (km²) Population (2017)
Bosc-Bénard-Commin 27084 04.21 00319
Bourgtheroulde-Infreville (administrative headquarters) 27105 11.62 3,171
Thuit-Hébert 27244 3.68 00486



  • Saint-Ouen church
  • Bosc-Bénard-Commin Castle, Monument historique since 1935
  • Le Camp-Héroult Castle


Culture and sights of Bourgtherouldes

The former seigneurial farm (Ferme de Logis) was built in the 17th century. A pigeon house , the western gable roof of the barn and stone wells, which were entered in the supplementary directory of Monuments historiques in 1965, have been preserved from that time . The farm is privately owned. The manor house was built in the 16th century. However, only one barn has survived from that time. The house was destroyed in the course of the French Revolution in 1794 and rebuilt in the 19th century. The Saint-Adrien chapel from the 17th century originally stood on the property . It has not been preserved.

The war memorial on the Mairie was designed in 1952 by Hubert Yencesse (1900–1987), the son of the engraver Ovide Yencesse (1869–1947). The focus of the war memorial is the sculpture of a kneeling woman. The linden trees on the Mairie are officially classified as Site Inscrit ('natural monument').

The parish church of Saint-Laurent was built in the 14th century. The nave from that time has been preserved. The bell tower dates from the 15th, the choir from the 16th century. The sacristy was built in the 19th century. In the Ancien Régime the seigneur was a patron of the church .

The pigeon house of the Ferme du Logis

The manor Château Gasse Keller was built at the end of the 19th century by order of the industrialist Félix Gasse. During the Lothar storm in December 1999, numerous trees in the park of the Château were uprooted or damaged. The building was restored from 2008 to 2010. It is owned by the municipality and is used for cultural events.

Culture and sights of Infrevilles

The Saint-Ouen church was built in the 13th century. Its choir and bell tower were entered in the supplementary directory of the Monuments historiques in 1961. Only the bell tower dates back to the 13th century, the choir from the 16th century was made of limestone from the Senonium ( pierre de Caumont built) on the foundation of an older church. In 1982 restoration work was carried out to reduce the damage caused by acidic exhaust gases from the local industry. The choir has eight ogival windows, one of which has been walled up. On the outside wall of the church you can still see traces of a liter funéraire ('mourning ribbon') with the Le Roux coat of arms. It dates from either 1672 or 1712. The yew trees in the church cemetery are officially classified as site classé .

In the hamlet of Saint-Martin, the Saint-Martin and Saint-Nicolas priory was founded around 1130, which was subordinate to the Saint-Georges de Boscherville Abbey in Saint-Martin-de-Boscherville . In 1703 a new chapel was built. The priory was dissolved during the French Revolution. The house was rebuilt in 1858.

Infreville is a fictional Norman place name in Marcel Proust's (1871–1922) “In search of lost time” (à la recherche du temps perdu) .

Culture and sights of Boschervilles

The Saint-Sauveur church was built in the 12th century. It is consecrated to the Savior today , but was still consecrated to Our Lady in the 13th century . Only the buttress at the back of the choir has survived from that time . The west facade and south wall of the nave date from the 16th century. The north wall was renewed in the 17th century. In 1924 the church was officially classified as a monument.


  • Saint-Philibert Church

Web links

Commons : Grand Bourgtheroulde  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Daniel Delattre, Emmanuel Delattre: L'Eure, les 675 communes . Editions Delattre, Grandvilliers 2000, pp. 50 (French).
  2. a b Anatole Caresme Charpillon: Dictionnaire historique de toutes les communes du département de l'Eure: histoire, geographie, statistique . tape 1 . Delcroix, Les Andelys 1868, p. 432–434 + 517–526 (French, limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. French Statistics Institute ( )
  4. a b List of the Communes. (No longer available online.) In: Préfecture Eure, archived from the original on April 27, 2013 ; Retrieved August 29, 2011 (French). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. a b c Architecture. In: Base Mérimée. Ministère de la culture, accessed on August 27, 2011 (French).
  6. Bourgtheroulde: 1996/2000. Suzanne Morillon-Vilatte, accessed August 29, 2011 (French).
  7. Sodome et Gomorrhe , lot 2, chapitre 2 . La Prisonnière , chapitre 1 ( Wikisource , French)