La Haye-de-Calleville

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La Haye-de-Calleville
La Haye-de-Calleville (France)
La Haye-de-Calleville
region Normandy
Department Your
Arrondissement Bernay
Canton Brionne
Community association Intercom Bernay Terres de Normandie
Coordinates 49 ° 11 '  N , 0 ° 47'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 11 '  N , 0 ° 47'  E
height 68-143 m
surface 2.95 km 2
Residents 265 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 90 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 27800
INSEE code

Mairie La Haye-de-Calleville

La Haye-de-Calleville is a French municipality with 265 inhabitants (at January 1, 2017) in the Eure in the region of Normandy .


La Haye-de-Calleville is located in the west of the Roumois , 18 kilometers northeast of Bernay and 5 kilometers southeast of the canton capital Brionne . It is surrounded by the neighboring parishes of Calleville , La Neuville-du-Bosc and Harcourt . La Haye-de-Calleville includes the hamlets of Le Buhot and La Borderie.


Haye is derived from Haie , a Gallic word for "hedge" or "forest", which has the same Indo-European roots as " Hag " and "-hagen". Calleville means "Karls Ortschaft" or "Carolingian village". Put together, this means something like “Forest of Karl's village”.

La Haye-de-Calleville was created by clearing the forest of Le Neubourg . The Seigneurs of Neubourg owned a hunting lodge , the Manoir de Sainte Vaubourg , and a chapel in the forest between La Haye-de-Calleville and La Neuville-du-Bosc . Today the remains of the buildings belong to the municipality of La Neuville-du-Bosc. In total there were three mansions in La Haye-de-Calleville.

The Barres fief , later the seat of the Seigneurie La Haye-de-Calleville, belonged to Gauvain Barres in 1401, the forest manager of the forest of Le Neubourg and owner of the La Haye manor . His daughter married Artus Le Muet, who was ennobled in 1481. In 1504 the fief belonged to Simon Boullenc, after which it came into the possession of the Gaveron family. Robert III de Graveron († 1527) married Jeanne de Béthencourt from Béthencourt-sur-Somme in Picardy . His son served in the company of his cousin Jean d'Estouteville, who was Grand Bailli of Rouen .

Jean de Graveron, Seigneur of Sainte-Colombe and La Haye-de-Calleville conquered Harcourt Castle for the Holy League during the Huguenot Wars (1562–1598). His grandson André de Graveron joined the Fronde (1648–1653). Charles de Graveron married Anne de Livet in 1682 and left La Haye-de-Calleville to live in Heudreville.

The last Seigneur of La Haye-de-Calleville before the French Revolution (1789–1799) was called Bidaut.

In 1793, La Haye-de-Calleville received the status of a municipality (as La Haye de Calleville ) in the course of the French Revolution and in 1801 the right to local self-government (under today's spelling).

Number of inhabitants
year 1793 1836 1886 1911 1931 1968 1982 1999 2006
Residents 380 484 302 235 169 233 207 221 269

La Haye-de-Calleville had the largest population in 1836, then the population decreased until 1931, since then it has increased again.


Saint-Nicolas church

The Saint-Nicolas church was built in the 15th century, but only a ledge and a square window in the south of the nave have survived from that time . The bell tower dates from the 16th century. The windows were used in the 19th century. In the church there are four candlesticks from the local Confrérie de Charité ('Brotherhood of Mercy'). They were made in the 16th century and classified as Monuments historiques in 1907.

The La Haye mansion dates back to the 15th century. It consists of a ground floor under a large roof truss . In the 18th century, a pavilion was added to one side and the facade was redesigned above the old half-timbered structure made of red brick and white stone.

There are also some thatched Norman houses in the town center.


Important occupations of the Hayais-Callevillais are agriculture and the breeding of domestic cattle . Mainly fodder beet and flax are grown. Protected Geographical Indications (IGP) apply to pork (Porc de Normandie) , poultry (Volailles de Normandie) and cider (Cidre de Normandie and Cidre normand) in the municipality .

Web links

Commons : La Haye-de-Calleville  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. a b La Haye-de-Calleville on (French). Retrieved December 18, 2009.
  2. ^ Ernest Nègre: Toponymie générale de la France . tape 2 . Librairie Droz, 1996, ISBN 978-2-600-00133-5 , pp. 1021 + 1211 (French, in Google Books [accessed December 18, 2009]).
  3. ^ A b Daniel Delattre, Emmanuel Delattre: L'Eure, les 675 communes . Editions Delattre, Grandvilliers 2000, pp. 62 (French).
  4. ^ A b Franck Beaumont, Philippe Seydoux: Gentilhommières des pays de l'Eure . Editions de la Morande, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-902091-31-2  ( formally incorrect ) , p. 294 (French).
  5. ^ La Haye-de-Calleville on (French) Retrieved December 18, 2009.
  6. La Haye-de-Calleville in Base Palissy (French). Retrieved December 22, 2009.
  7. ^ La Haye-de-Calleville, website of the CdCr Kanton Brionne (French) Retrieved on August 14, 2011.
  8. La Haye-de-Calleville. ( Memento of July 9, 2007 in the web archive ) on (French). Accessed on December 25, 2009, no longer available since March 25, 2010.