John Morrow (politician, before 1805)

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John Morrow (born before 1805; died after 1809) was an American politician . Between 1805 and 1809 he represented the state of Virginia in the US House of Representatives .

The sources for this politician are very incomplete. Neither his place of birth and death nor the corresponding life dates have survived. He joined the Democratic Republican Party and was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the 1804 congressional elections in the second constituency of Virginia , where he succeeded James Stephenson on March 4, 1805 . After a re-election, he was able to complete two terms in Congress until March 3, 1809 , which coincides with the second term of President Jefferson. In 1808 his predecessor Stephenson was also elected as his successor.

After the end of his time in the US House of Representatives, the trail of John Morrow is lost again. There are few congressmen about whom so little information is known as in this case.

Web links

  • John Morrow in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress (English)