Jabez Leftwich

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Jabez Leftwich (born September 22, 1765 in Bedford County , Colony of Virginia , †  June 22, 1855 in Huntsville , Alabama ) was an American politician . Between 1821 and 1825 he represented the state of Virginia in the US House of Representatives .


Jabez Leftwich attended public schools in his home country. Politically, he later joined the Democratic Republican Party . Between 1801 and 1809 he was a member of the Virginia House of Representatives . During the British-American War he was a colonel on the staff of his brother Joel Leftwich, who was then a general.

In the congressional election of 1820 Leftwich was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the 14th  constituency of Virginia , where he succeeded William A. Burwell on March 4, 1821 . After re-election, he was able to complete two legislative terms in Congress until March 3, 1825 . Since 1823 he represented there as the successor to William Smith the seventh district of his state. In 1824 he was not re-elected.

In 1825, Jabez Leftwich moved to Madison County , Alabama, where he worked in agriculture and commerce. He was later elected to the Alabama House of Representatives. He died near Huntsville on June 22, 1855.

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