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Geney (France)
region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Department Doubs
Arrondissement Montbeliard
Canton Bavans
Community association Deux Vallées Vertes
Coordinates 47 ° 29 ′  N , 6 ° 34 ′  E Coordinates: 47 ° 29 ′  N , 6 ° 34 ′  E
height 300-464 m
surface 4.33 km 2
Residents 119 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 27 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 25250
INSEE code

Mairie Geney

Geney is a French municipality with 119 inhabitants (as of January 1 2017) in Doubs in the region Bourgogne Franche-Comté .


Geney is located at an altitude of 372  m above sea level, four kilometers north-northwest of L'Isle-sur-le-Doubs and about 18 kilometers west of the city of Montbéliard (as the crow flies). The village extends in a hollow in the hilly landscape north of the Doube valley , on the western edge of Mont du Bois des Roches.

The area of ​​the 4.33 km² municipal area comprises a section of the hilly landscape north of the Doube valley. The central part of the area is occupied by the Geney basin, which is 370 m on average. It consists partly of arable land and meadow, partly of forest. There is no surface running water here because the rainwater seeps into the karstified subsoil of the limestone plateaus. To the south a dry valley leads over to the catchment area of ​​the Doubs. The Geney plateau is bounded in the west by the height of Accolans and in the east by the wooded ridge of Mont du Bois des Roches , on which the highest elevation of Geney is reached at 464 m.

Neighboring communities of Geney are Courchaton in the north, Onans in the east, Étrappe and Mancenans in the south and Accolans in the west.


The area around Geney was probably cleared and made arable in the 12th century by monks from the Cistercian monastery of Lieu-Croissant . In the Middle Ages, Geney belonged to the lordship of Granges, which came under the sovereignty of the Counts of Montbéliard in the 14th century. Together with Franche-Comté , the village came to France with the Peace of Nijmegen in 1678.


Saint Martin Church

In the village church of Saint-Martin there is a wooden statue of Christ from the 17th century, which used to be part of the furnishings of the Lieu-Croissant monastery.


Population development
year Residents
1962 137
1968 153
1975 147
1982 144
1990 136
1999 130
2016 120

With 119 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2017), Geney is one of the smallest communities in the Doubs department. After the population had decreased significantly in the first half of the 20th century (246 people were counted in 1886), only minor fluctuations have been recorded since then.

Economy and Infrastructure

Until well into the 20th century, Geney was mainly a village characterized by agriculture (arable farming, fruit growing and cattle breeding) and forestry. Even today, the residents live mainly from their work in the first sector. Outside the primary sector there are few jobs in the village. Some workers are also commuters who work in the surrounding larger towns.

The village is located off the major thoroughfares on a departmental road that leads from L'Isle-sur-le-Doubs to Courchaton. The closest connection to the A36 motorway is around 13 kilometers away. Further road connections exist with Onans, Mancenans and Accolans.

Web links

Commons : Geney (Doubs)  - collection of images, videos and audio files