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Sloviansk coat of arms
Sloviansk (Ukraine)
Basic data
Oblast : Donetsk Oblast
Rajon : District-free city
Height : 74 m
Area : 74 km²
Residents : 109,683 (2019)
Population density : 1,482 inhabitants per km²
Postcodes : 84122
Area code : +380 6262
Geographic location : 48 ° 52 '  N , 37 ° 37'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 52 '12 "  N , 37 ° 37' 12"  E
KOATUU : 1414100000
Administrative structure : 2 cities
Mayor : Lyach Vadym Mychajlowytsch
( Ukrainian Лях Вадим Михайлович )
Address: пл. Жовтневої Революції 2
84122 м. Слов'янськ
Website :
Statistical information
Slovyansk (Donetsk Oblast)

Slavyansk ( Ukrainian Слов'янськ ; Russian Славянск / Slavyansk ) is a city in the Donetsk Oblast in eastern Ukraine . Slovyansk is the administrative center of the raion of the same name and has about 109,683 inhabitants (2019).


Sloviansk is located in the Donets Basin at the confluence of the Kasennyj Torez with the Suchyj Torez, 93 km north of the Oblast capital Donetsk . Together with the town of Svyatohirsk , located about 20 kilometers to the north, it forms a town council, and there is a train station on the Poltava – Rostov railway in the village .

In Sloviansk there are salty lakes that form the basis of the city's recreational industry.

Slovyansk railway station in 1917
City map of Slovyansk


The Svjatohirsk Monastery, first mentioned in writing in 1526, is located in the urban district of Slovyansk . In 1676 the fortress Tor was founded in place of the town . Even then, salt was being extracted in the area around the city and there was an intensive salt trade . Today the city is still one of the largest salt suppliers in Eastern Europe . In 1784 the city was renamed Sloviansk, literally: "Slavic city". Since the beginning of the 20th century, the city developed into the center of the chemical industry. From October 25, 1941 to September 6, 1943, the city was occupied by Wehrmacht troops. Sloviansk has had the status of an independent city since 1974; on September 8, 2016, the city of Mykolaivka , which had been part of the urban district of Sloviansk, was administratively subordinated to the Sloviansk district.

Confrontation with pro-Russian separatists in 2014

On April 12, 2014, during pro-Russian protests, the headquarters of the police and the headquarters of the SBU secret service were occupied by armed demonstrators. The next day there was an armed conflict between units of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry and the occupiers. According to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, there were dead and injured on both sides. The pro-Russian rebels had appeared "suddenly and unexpectedly". According to Igor Girkin , the commander of Sloviansk, the entire war in eastern Ukraine did not originate with the Donbass residents themselves, but rather with these armed units. In the days that followed, the vicinity of the city was one of the centers of the special anti-terrorist operation of the Ukrainian army. In those days the mayoress Nelja Ihorivna Schtepa was kidnapped and disappeared until the rebels withdrew.

On May 2, 2014, the Ukrainian army attacked positions of the pro-Russian militia as part of an "anti-terrorist operation". Ukrainian army helicopters were shot at by pro-Russian militias. Two Mi-24 attack helicopters crashed, killing the pilots and injuring other people.

From mid-May 2014, Igor Girkin led the separatists in Slovyansk as “generalissimo” or “army chief”. According to eyewitness reports, the city was completely lawless. The fear and a draconian regime against dissenters lasted until the anti-government fighters withdrew.

In the 2nd week of June there was no electricity, gas or water in Slovyansk during ongoing fighting. On July 5, 2014, the city was liberated by the Ukrainian army after the rebels withdrew overnight, according to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko . Since then, life in Slovyansk has normalized.


Population development
1860 1897 1923 1926 1939 1959 1970 1979 1989 2001 2016 2019
9,300 15,792 21,410 28,385 77,842 82,784 124.183 140.256 135,300 124,829 114,437 109,683


Most of the inhabitants are Ukrainians (73.1%), alongside Russians (23.6%) and other nationalities live in Slovyansk. However, Russian is the mother tongue for over 54% of the population. Ukrainian is the mother tongue for over 43% of the population.

Ethnic composition of the population and mother tongue
nationality number proportion of of which ... as a mother tongue
the language of one's own
Ukrainian Russian other no information
all 142,873 100 x x x x x
Ukrainians 104,423 73.1 58.6 58.6 41.3 0 0.1
Russians 33,649 23.6 96.8 3.1 96.8 0 0.1
Turks 829 0.6 97.6 0.6 1.6 0.1 0.1
Belarusians 766 0.5 14.5 8.3 77.2 - -
Armenians 592 0.4 43.4 4.6 51.7 0.3 -
Greeks 320 0.2 4.4 12.8 82.2 - 0.6
Roma 279 0.2 54.5 1.8 36.5 7.2 -
Azerbaijanis 208 0.1 51 1.4 42.3 5.3 -


Donbas State Pedagogical University


Web links

Commons : Slovyansk  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Сhyselnist Naselennya po mistakh ta rayonakh. Retrieved December 12, 2019 (among others).
  2. Славянский курорт. Retrieved December 4, 2019 .
  3. Славянский курорт | Nice places. Retrieved December 4, 2019 (ru-RU).
  4. Верховна Рада України; Постанова, План від 09.08.2016 № 1518-VIII Про зміни в адміністративно-територіальному устрої Донецької області, зміну і встановлення меж міста Слов'янськ та Слов'янського району Донецької області .
  5. Ukraine: Minister speaks of dead and injured in Slavjansk. In: . April 13, 2014, accessed December 19, 2014 .
  6. a b It's over, the separatists are gone , FAZ, July 5, 2014.
  7. Julian Hans: Russian secret service agent for Eastern Ukraine - "I pressed the trigger for the war"., November 21, 2014, accessed on November 22, 2014 .
  8. East of Ukraine: Special mission in the east of Ukraine. In: . April 15, 2014, accessed December 19, 2014 .
  9. Kiev sends soldiers to the East ( Memento from April 16, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) on on April 16, 2014.
  10. Donetsk's police confirm death of three people in skirmish in Slavyansk on on April 20, 2014.
  11. Battles in Eastern Ukraine: Kremlin considers peace plan to have failed. In: Spiegel Online . May 2, 2014, accessed December 19, 2014 .
  12. ^ Julia Smirnova .: Power struggle among the separatists. In: . May 15, 2014, accessed December 19, 2014 .
  13. David Nauer: The wind has turned in eastern Ukraine , Berner Zeitung / Tages-Anzeiger from May 24, 2014, accessed on May 29, 2014.
  14. ^ FAS: There is now war in Slavyansk. In: . May 25, 2014, accessed December 19, 2014 .
  15. FAZ.NET: What role does the “right sector” play? In: . April 20, 2014, accessed December 19, 2014 .
  16. Российский СК решил наказать украинских военных за убийства мирных жителей .
  17. Ukraine: NATO reports on Russian troop withdrawal. In: . May 30, 2014, accessed December 19, 2014 .
  18. ^ Tim Lister, Diana Magnay: Europe's new frontline. Inside Slovyansk. CNN, June 11, 2014, accessed June 13, 2014 .
  19. 10 p.m. news from Deutschlandfunk on July 5, 2014: Poroshenko sees a turning point in the fight against the separatists after recaptures , accessed on July 5, 2014.
  20. : “The main thing is not a war” ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), Frankfurter Rundschau.
  21. Demography of Ukrainian cities on
  22. .