List of places in the Spree-Neisse district

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Coat of arms of the district

This list contains settlements and places in the Spree-Neisse district in Brandenburg . In addition, the Sorbian name, the type of municipality and the municipality affiliation are given - if available . By clicking on the square symbol in the title line, the list can be sorted according to the individual parameters.

The basis for the information is the data available from the online service portal of the State of Brandenburg (as of January 1, 2009). 304 settlements are included in this list. Settlements devastated by open- cast brown coal mines such as Stradow , Kausche and Horno are not listed .

The Sorbian name officially used in the state of Brandenburg is mentioned in the Sorbian Name column .


Place name Sorbian name Art parent unit
Adamschenke Living space Office Döbern-Land
Adamschenke Adamowa Kjarcma Living space Office Döbern-Land
Albertinenaue Albertininy Ług Living space Gift shop
Old sheep farm Stara Šapanja Living space Office Burg (Spreewald)
Old tavern Stara Kjarcma Living space Office Döbern-Land
Jämlitz-Klein Düben
Old settlement Starlings Sedlišćo Living space Kolkwitz
Old brick factory Stara Cyglownja Living space Drebkau
Altsprucke Stary Sprugow Living space Guben
At the vineyard Pśi Winicy Living space Guben
Annahof Aniny Dwór Living space Kolkwitz
Atterwasch Wótšowaš District Gift shop
Aue Hugon Part of the community Office of Peitz
Auras Huraz Part of the community Drebkau
expansion Wutwaŕki Living space Office Döbern-Land
expansion Wutwaŕki Living space Spremberg
Expansion of Türkendorf Zakrjojske Wutwaŕki Living space Spremberg
Babow Bobov District Kolkwitz
Bagenz Bageńc District Neuhausen / Spree
Stretchers Bóryń Part of the community Office Döbern-Land
Bärenbrück Barbuk District Office Peitz
Hogweed Barklawa District Gift shop
Birch grove Brjazyna Living space Office Döbern-Land
Black grouse Brězan Living space Spremberg
Bloischdorf Błobošojce District Office Döbern-Land
Bloischdorf colony Błobošojska Kolonija Living space Office Döbern-Land
Bohrau Borov District Forst (Lausitz)
Bohsdorf Bóšojce District Office Döbern-Land
Bohsdorf-Vorwerk Bóšojski Forwark Living space Office Döbern-Land
Bollmühle Bólic Młyn Living space Drebkau
Brahmow Brama Part of the community Office Burg (Spreewald)
Bräsinchen Brjazynka Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
Bresinchen Brjazynka District Guben
Briesen Brjazyna local community Office Burg (Spreewald)
Briesnig Ryaznik District Forst (Lausitz)
Brodtkowitz Brodkojce District Kolkwitz
Curd mill Lugowy Młyn Living space Office Döbern-Land
Bühlow Běła Part of the community Spremberg
Castle (Spreewald) Bórkowy (Błota) local community Office Burg (Spreewald)
Burg (Spreewald)
Castle village Wobsedne Bórkowy Part of the community Office Burg (Spreewald)
Burg (Spreewald)
Burg-Kauper Kupaŕske Bórkowy Part of the community Office Burg (Spreewald)
Burg (Spreewald)
Castle Colony Prizaŕske Bórkowy Part of the community Office Burg (Spreewald)
Burg (Spreewald)
Cantdorf Konopotna District Spremberg
Casel Kózle District Drebkau
Cottbus suburb Chóśebuske Pśedměsto Living space Office of Peitz
Dahlitz Dalic District Kolkwitz
Deulowitz Dulojce District Guben
Diss Dešno District Office Burg (Spreewald)
Döbern Derbno city Office Döbern-Land
Döberner border Derbnojska Granica Living space Office Döbern-Land
Döberner mill Derbnojski Młyn Living space Office Döbern-Land
Cathedral village Domašojce District Drebkau
Cathedral village Domašojce Living space Forst (Lausitz)
Village without Part of the community Office of Peitz
Drachhausen Hochoza local community Office of Peitz
Drebkau Drjowk city Drebkau
Drebkau Drjowk District Drebkau
Drehnow Drjenov local community Office Peitz
Drehnower suburb Drjenojske Pśedměsto Living space Office of Peitz
Drewitz Drjejce District Office Peitz
Drieschnitz Drěžnica Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
Drieschnitz-Kahsel Drěžnica-Kózle District Neuhausen / Spree
Drieschnitz Vorwerk Drěžniski Forwark Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
Dubrau Dubrawa Part of the community Office Döbern-Land
Eichow Dubje District Kolkwitz
Calibration routes Dubrawka Part of the community Office Döbern-Land
Own clod Swójske Grunty Living space Forst (Lausitz)
Eulo Wiłow Living space Forst (Lausitz)
Fehrow Prjawoz District Office Burg (Spreewald)
Field mill Pólny Młyn Living space Kolkwitz
Forst (Lausitz) Baršć city Forst (Lausitz)
Forsthaus Eichhorst Gólnikaŕnja Dubina Living space Gift shop
Forest house Kiefernheide Gólnikaŕnja na Dołku Living space Office of Peitz
Forsthaus Stadtheide Gólnikaŕnja Měsćańska Góla Living space Kolkwitz
Forester's house Tannenwald Gólnikaŕnja w Škrjokach Living space Office of Peitz
Forest house Waldhof Living space Gift shop
Frauendorf Dubrawka District Neuhausen / Spree
Friedrichshain Frycowy Gaj District Office Döbern-Land
Friedrichshof Frisof Living space Office Peitz
Gablenz Jabłoń District Neuhausen / Spree
Gahry Garjej District Office Döbern-Land
Georgenberg Jurowa Góra Living space Spremberg
Glinzig Glinsk District Kolkwitz
Göhlen-Vorwerk Living space Gift shop
Golschow Gólašow Part of the community Drebkau
Golschow booths Gólašojske Budy Living space Drebkau
Goritz Chórice Living space Drebkau
Gosda Gózd District Office Döbern-Land
Gosda II Gózda Part of the community Office Döbern-Land
Grabko Grabk District Gift shop
Grano Granow District Gift shop
Gray stone Syjk District Spremberg
Griffin Grove Maliń District Drebkau
border Granica Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
Semolina Grěšna District Office Peitz
Large lifeguard Wjelike Bóžemysle District Forst (Lausitz)
Great Breesen Brjazyna District Guben
Groß Döbbern Velike Dobrynje District Neuhausen / Spree
Great Drewitz Wjelike Drjejce District Gift shop
Large gastrose Wjelike Gósćeraz District Gift shop
Great Jamno Jamne District Forst (Lausitz)
Big Kölzig Kolsk District Office Döbern-Land
Big Luja Łojow District Spremberg
Big Ossnig Wjeliki Wóseńk District Neuhausen / Spree
Groß Schacksdorf Tśěšojce District Office Döbern-Land
Groß Schacksdorf-Simmersdorf
Grötsch Groźišćo District Office of Peitz
Grunewald Zeleny Gózd Living space Guben
Grüntal Zeleny Doł Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
Guben Gubin city Guben
Gubener suburb Gubinske Pśedměsto Living space Office of Peitz
Guhrow Góry local community Office Burg (Spreewald)
Gulbs Gołbin District Kolkwitz
Haasow Hažow District Neuhausen / Spree
Haidemühl Gózdź District Spremberg
hammer Living space Gift shop
Chicken Hajnk District Kolkwitz
Harnischdorf Harnišojce Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
pagan Pódgóla Part of the community Office of Peitz
Heideschänke Gólna Kjarcma Living space Kolkwitz
Heideschänke Gólna Kjarcma Living space Neuhausen / Spree
Heideschenke Gólna Kjarcma Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
Heinersbrück Must local community Office of Peitz
Heinrichsfeld Šenki Living space Spremberg
Herrmannsmühle Herrmannowy Młyn Living space Office Döbern-Land
Jämlitz-Klein Düben
Hinterberge Zagora Living space Office Döbern-Land
Shepherd's mill Pastyŕski Młyn Living space Office Döbern-Land
Jämlitz-Klein Düben
Horlitza Horlica Living space Office Döbern-Land
Horno Rogow District Forst (Lausitz)
Hornow Lěšće District Spremberg
Hornow-Vorwerk Lěšćański Forwark Living space Spremberg
Illmersdorf Njamorojce Part of the community Drebkau
Jämlitz Jemjelica District Office Döbern-Land
Jämlitz-Klein Düben
Jämlitz hut Living space Office Döbern-Land
Jämlitz-Klein Düben
Jänschwalde Janšojce local community Office Peitz
Jänschwalde village Janšojce-Wjas District Office Peitz
Jänschwalde-Ost Janšojce-Pódzajtšo District Office Peitz
Jehserig Jazorki District Drebkau
Jerischke Jarješk District Office Döbern-Land
Jethe Jaty District Office Döbern-Land
Jocksdorf Kósmejce District Office Döbern-Land
Kackrow Kokryov District Kolkwitz
Kahsel Kózle Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
Kaltenborn Stuźońk District Guben
Kaminka Kamjeńki Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
Karlsfeld Karlowe Pólo Living space Welzow
Kathlow Kótłow District Neuhausen / Spree
Kathlower Mill Kótłojski Młyn Living space Neuhausen / Spree
Katzarmühle Kacarjowy Młyn Living space Office Döbern-Land
Kaupmühle Kupaŕski Młyn Living space Drebkau
Thimble Chusej District Drebkau
Kerkwitz Keŕkojce District Gift shop
Keune Chójna Living space Forst (Lausitz)
Kirschberg Wišnjowa Góra Living space Neuhausen / Spree
Small lifeguard Małe Bóžemysle District Forst (Lausitz)
Klein Döbbern Małe Dobrynje District Neuhausen / Spree
Klein Düben Źěwink District Office Döbern-Land
Jämlitz-Klein Düben
Little Gaglow Gogolowk District Kolkwitz
Small gastrose Mały Gósćeraz Living space Gift shop
Little Jamno Małe Jamne District Forst (Lausitz)
Klein Kölzig Mały Kólsk District Office Döbern-Land
Little Loitz Łojojc District Office Döbern-Land
Klein Loitz Vorwerk Łojojc Wudwór Living space Office Döbern-Land
Little Oßnig Wóseńck Part of the community Drebkau
Little end Mały Kóńc Living space Kolkwitz
Kleinsee Małe Jazorko Living space Office Peitz
blade Klinka Part of the community Office Döbern-Land
Monastery suburb Living space Guben
Kochsdorf Kochanojce Living space Spremberg
Kolkwitz Gołkojce District Kolkwitz
colony Górki Living space Office Burg (Spreewald)
colony Pipanojce Living space Office Peitz
Griffin Grove Colony Malinska Kolonija Living space Drebkau
Werminghoff Colony Kolonija Werminghoff Living space Welzow
Colony angle Babowy Nugeł Living space Drebkau
Komptendorf Górjenow District Neuhausen / Spree
Koppatz Kopac District Neuhausen / Spree
Koschendorf Kóšnojce Part of the community Drebkau
Koselmühle Kózański Młyn Living space Kolkwitz
Krayne Krajna District Gift shop
Kreuzschänke Kśicna Kjarcma Living space Office Döbern-Land
Krieschow Vorwerk Forbark Living space Kolkwitz
Krieschow Kśišow District Kolkwitz
Kunersdorf Kosobuz District Kolkwitz
Foliage village Libanojce District Neuhausen / Spree
Foliage Lubošc District Drebkau
Eavesdropping Łužyca District Gift shop
Lauschützer mill Łužyski Młyn Living space Gift shop
Leuthen Lutol District Drebkau
Lieskau Lěsk District Spremberg
Limberg Limbark District Kolkwitz
Clear Lěźiny Part of the community Drebkau
Extinguished booths Lěźinske Budki Living space Drebkau
Luebbinchen Lubink District Gift shop
Luisenruh Luizyny Wótpócynk Living space Office of Peitz
Malxebogen Małksowy Wokłon Living space Office of Peitz
Mattendorf Matyjojce District Office Döbern-Land
Mouse Hus District Office Peitz
Mouse mill Husański Młyn Living space Office Peitz
Mercury Mercury Part of the community Drebkau
Mexico Mexico Living space Forst (Lausitz)
Milkersdorf Górnej District Kolkwitz
Muckrow Mokra Part of the community Spremberg
Mulknitz Małksa District Forst (Lausitz)
Müschen Myšyn District Office Burg (Spreewald)
Burg (Spreewald)
Naundorf Glinsk District Forst (Lausitz)
Neißeaue Nysowy Ług Living space Gift shop
New Sacro Nowy Zakrjow Living space Forst (Lausitz)
New houses Nowe Domy Living space Gift shop
New settlement Nowe Sedlišćo Living space Kolkwitz
Neuendorf Nowa Wjas District Office Peitz
Neuhausen Kopańce District Neuhausen / Spree
New prints Nowy Sprugow Living space Guben
Noßdorf Nosydłojce Living space Forst (Lausitz)
Oberteschnitz Górne Tešnice Living space Spremberg
Obertrattendorf Górna Dubrawa Living space Spremberg
Oelsnig Wólšynka Living space Drebkau
Ottendorf Otašojce Living space Office of Peitz
Papitz Popojce District Kolkwitz
Cardboard Paprotna Part of the community Drebkau
Paulicks Mill Pawlikojc Młyn Living space Office Burg (Spreewald)
Burg (Spreewald)
Peitz Picnjo city Office of Peitz
Pinnow Pynow District Gift shop
Presidential Mill Prezidentowy Młyn Living space Office of Peitz
Preilack Pśiłuk District Office Peitz
Dash Rjašćany District Office Döbern-Land
Proschim Prožym District Welzow
Pulsberg Lutoboŕ Living space Spremberg
Pusack Pusak Part of the community Office Döbern-Land
Putgolla Pódgóla Living space Kolkwitz
Raakow Rakov Living space Drebkau
Rabenau Rabenow Living space Kolkwitz
Wheels Radome Part of the community Office Döbern-Land
Radensdorf Radowašojce Part of the community Drebkau
Radewiese Radowitsa Living space Office of Peitz
Rehnsdorf Radušc Part of the community Drebkau
Reichenbach Living space Guben
Reicherskreuz Rychartojce District Gift shop
Reinpusch Rampuš Living space Drebkau
Reuthen Ruśi District Office Döbern-Land
Roggosen Rogozno District Neuhausen / Spree
Roschitz Roźic Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
Ruben Rubyn Part of the community Office Burg (Spreewald)
Saccasne Zakaznja Part of the community Office Burg (Spreewald)
Sacro Zakryov District Forst (Lausitz)
sand Pěski Part of the community Office of Peitz
Sawoda Zawódy Living space Office of Peitz
Schäferberg Šaparska Góra Part of the community Neuhausen / Spree
Gift shop Derbno District Gift shop
Slide without Living space Gift shop
Schlagsdorf Sławkojce District Guben
Schmogrow Smogoryov District Office Burg (Spreewald)
Cutting mill Rězaki Living space Kolkwitz
Schönheide Prašyjca District Spremberg
Schönhöhe Šejnejda District Office Peitz
Schorbus Skjarbošc District Drebkau
Black pump Carna Plumpa District Spremberg
Seehof Living space Gift shop
Sea mill Jazorski Młyn Living space Gift shop
Sellessen Zelezna District Spremberg
Semesters Semtyń District Gift shop
Sergeants Žargoń District Neuhausen / Spree
Siberia Sibirska Living space Welzow
settlement Sedlišćo Living space Gift shop
Siewisch Źiwize District Drebkau
Simmersdorf Žymjerojce District Office Döbern-Land
Groß Schacksdorf-Simmersdorf
Slamen Słomjeń Living space Spremberg
Slamen brick factory Słomjeńska Cyglownja Living space Spremberg
Smarso Smaržow Part of the community Office Döbern-Land
Spremberg Grodk city Spremberg
Sprucke Sprugow Living space Guben
Staakow Stoki District Gift shop
City center Srjejź Města Living space Office of Peitz
Suburban settlement Pód Městom Living space Spremberg
Steinitz Šćeńc Part of the community Drebkau
Striesow Strjažow District Office Burg (Spreewald)
Pigeon village Dubojce District Gift shop
Dew Turjej local community Office Peitz
Tar stove Mazniki Living space Office Peitz
Tar stove Mazniki Living space Gift shop
Pond houses Gaty Living space Office Döbern-Land
Terpe Terpje District Spremberg
Thalmühle Dolny Młyn Living space Office Döbern-Land
Trattendorf Dubrawa District Spremberg
Trebendorf Trjebejce District Office Döbern-Land
Tschernitz Cersk District Office Döbern-Land
Turkish village Zakryov District Spremberg
Turnow Turnow District Office Peitz
Unterteschnitz Dolne Tešnice Living space Spremberg
Vorwerk Forwark Living space Gift shop
Wadelsdorf Zakrjejc District Spremberg
Waldschlößchen Lěsny Grodk Living space Spremberg
Forest settlement Living space Office Döbern-Land
Groß Schacksdorf-Simmersdorf
Vineyards Winice Living space Spremberg
White mill Běły Młyn Living space Office Döbern-Land
Jämlitz-Klein Düben
Welzow Wjelcej city Welzow
Advertise Vyerbno local community Office Burg (Spreewald)
Weskov Wjaska District Spremberg
Wiesendorf Naseńce District Kolkwitz
Wiesenvorwerk Łukowy wudwór Living space Peitz
Wilhelmsthal Wylemojce Living space Spremberg
Wilschwitz Wólšnica Living space Gift shop
Wolfshain Śisej District Office Döbern-Land
Zahsow Cazow District Kolkwitz
Zelz Selc Part of the community Office Döbern-Land
Customs House Cłonica Living space Welzow
Zschorno Carna Part of the community Office Döbern-Land
Jämlitz-Klein Düben

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