Year of music 1895
◄◄ | ◄ | 1891 | 1892 | 1893 | 1894 | Music year 1895 | 1896 | 1897 | 1898 | 1899 | ► | ►►
Overview of the music years
Further events
Year of music 1895 |
- August 10 : The first promenade concert is performed in the Queen's Hall in London . Henry Wood is the conductor .
Instrumental music
- Johann Strauss (son) : Trust, see who! (Waltz) op. 463; Herrjemineh (Polka) op. 464; Gazebo Waltz op. 461; Klug Gretelein (Waltz) op. 462;
- Gustav Mahler : The first three movements of the 2nd symphony will be premiered on March 4th in Berlin, the entire symphony will also be premiered on December 13th in Berlin, both performances with Mahler as conductor. Soloists are Josephine v. Artner and Hedwig Felden . The Berlin Philharmonic will play . The work experienced an overwhelming success.
- Antonín Dvořák : String Quartet in A flat major op. 105; String quartet in G major op.106
- August Klughardt : Violin Concerto in D major op.68
- Charles-Marie Widor : Gothic Symphony in C minor , op.70
- John Philip Sousa : King Cotton (March)
- Carl Michael Ziehrer : Where my cradle was , Waltz op.468
Musical theater

Olga Preobrajenska as Odette in the performance of Swan Lake in 1895
- January 15 : The production of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's ballet Swan Lake by the Imperial Ballet , choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov , is performed at the Mariinsky Theater in Saint Petersburg. The choreography is by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov .
- February 16 : The opera Guglielmo Ratcliff ( William Ratcliff ) by Pietro Mascagni has its world premiere at the Teatro alla Scala di Milano in Milan .
- March 25th : The world premiere of the opera Silvano by Pietro Mascagni takes place at the Teatro alla Scala di Milano in Milan.
- April 1 : The comic opera La Vivandière of Benjamin Godard after the composer's death at the Opéra-Comique premiered in Paris.
- April 2nd : The opera The poor Heinrich by Hans Pfitzner based on the eponymous story by Hartmann von Aue is premiered at the State Theater in Mainz .
- May 4th : The musical play Der Evangelimann by Wilhelm Kienzl , inspired by a story from Leopold Florian Meissner's book From the Papers of a Police Inspector , has its world premiere in Berlin.
- May 6 : Richard Strauss finishes the fair copy of Till Eulenspiegel's funny pranks in Munich with a dedication to Arthur Seidl . The piece will be premiered on November 5th in the Gürzenich in Cologne with the Städtisches Gürzenich-Orchester under the direction of Franz Wüllner .
- October 4th : premiere of the operetta The model of Franz von Suppè, who died in May 1895, in the Carltheater in Vienna
- November 28 : premiere of the opera Ghismonda by Eugen d'Albert in Dresden
- December 4th : World premiere of the operetta Waldmeister by Johann Strauss (son) in the Theater an der Wien in Vienna
- December 10 : Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's opera Notsch pered Roschdestwom ( The Night Before Christmas ) has its world premiere in the Mariinsky Theater in Saint Petersburg.
- December 19 : Engelbert Humperdinck : The Seven Geislein (Singspiel)
January to June
- January 3 : Borys Lyatoschynskyj , Ukrainian composer († 1968 )
- January 5th : Elizabeth "Libba" Cotten , American folk and blues musician († 1987 )
- January 5th : Albert Marier , Canadian singer († 1971 )
- January 7th : Clara Haskil , Romanian pianist († 1960 )
- January 13 : Abraham Binder , American composer († 1966 )
- January 20 : Eva Jessye , American choir conductor and composer († 1992 )
- February 7 : Irving A. Aaronson , American jazz pianist and band leader († 1963 )
- February 10 : Edmond Gaujac , French composer and music teacher († 1962 )
- February 23 : Kyriena Siloti , American music teacher († 1989 )
- February 24 : Nat W. Finston , American composer and conductor († 1979 )
- March 4th : Bjarne Brustad , Norwegian violinist, violist and composer († 1978 )
- March 7 : Juan José Castro , Argentine composer († 1968 )
- March 9 : Isobel Baillie , Scottish soprano († 1983 )
- March 21 : Emilio Capacetti , Puerto Rican singer († 1983 )
- April 3 : Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco , Italian composer († 1968 )
- April 9 : Rudolf Kattnigg , Austrian composer, pianist and conductor († 1955 )
- April 14 : Wiktor Łabuński , Polish-American composer, pianist and music teacher († 1974 )
- April 16 : Mischa Mischakoff , violinist and music teacher of Ukrainian origin († 1981 )
- April 22 : František Korte , Czech composer († 1962 )
- April 27 : Pedro Rebolledo , Panamanian composer († 1963 )
- April 29 : Malcolm Sargent , English conductor († 1967 )
- May 1 : Leo Sowerby , American composer († 1968 )
- May 16 : Emanuel Kaláb , Czech military bandmaster, conductor and composer († 1982 )
- May 19 : Albert Hay Malotte , American musician, composer († 1964 )
- May 28 : Yvonne Hubert , Canadian pianist and music teacher († 1988 )
- June 8 : Séverin Moisse , Canadian pianist, composer and music teacher († around 1965)
- June 13 : Antonio Mesa , Dominican singer († 1949 )
- June 17 : Slavko Osterc , Slovenian composer († 1941 )
- June 17 : Sam Wooding , American jazz pianist, arranger and bandleader († 1985 )
- June 28 : Kazimierz Sikorski , Polish composer († 1986 )
July to December
- July 5 : Gordon Jacob , English composer, conductor, arranger and music teacher († 1984 )
- July 10 : Carl Orff , German composer († 1982 )
- July 12 : Kirsten Flagstad , Norwegian singer (soprano) († 1962 )
- July 12 : Oscar Hammerstein , American producer and musical writer († 1960 )
- July 13 : Bradley Kincaid , American folk and old-time musician († 1989 )
- July 22nd : Hans Rosbaud , Austrian conductor († 1962 )
- August 6 : Ernesto Lecuona , Cuban composer and musician († 1963 )
- August 12 : Walter "Kid" Smith , American old-time musician († 1977 )
- August 16 : Jacinto Guerrero , Spanish composer († 1951 )
- August 16 : Liane Haid , Austrian actress and singer († 2000 )
- August 21 : Armand Gagnier , Canadian clarinetist and conductor († 1952 )
- August 22nd : Paul White , American composer, conductor, violinist and music teacher († 1973 )
- September 3 : Noah Lewis , American musician († 1961 )
- September 5 : Meta Seinemeyer , German singer († 1929 )
- September 14 : Eugène Daignault , Canadian actor and singer († 1960 )
- September 16 : Karol Rathaus , Polish composer († 1954 )
- September 29 : Clarence Ashley , American old-time and folk singer († 1967 )
- October 8 : Lautaro García , Chilean painter, singer and playwright († 1982 )
- October 9 : Carl McKinley , American composer († 1966 )
- October 11 : Jakov Gotovac , Croatian composer and conductor († 1982 )
- October 21 : Shukichi Mitsukuri , Japanese composer († 1971 )
- November 5 : Walter Gieseking , German pianist and composer († 1956 )
- November 12 : Luis Emilio Mena , Dominican composer and musician († 1964 )
- November 16 : Paul Hindemith , German composer and musician († 1963 )
- November 18 : Lindley Evans , Australian pianist, music teacher and composer († 1982 )
- November 25 : Wilhelm Kempff , German pianist and composer († 1991 )
- November 27 : Nico Dostal , Austrian operetta and film music composer († 1981 )
- November 28 : José Iturbi , Spanish conductor, composer, pianist and actor († 1980 )
- November 30th : Johann Nepomuk David , Austrian composer († 1977 )
- December 2 : Georges Dandelot , French composer († 1975 )
- December 6th : Henriëtte Bosmans , Dutch composer († 1952 )
- December 27 : Siegfried Arno , German actor, comedian, singer and dancer († 1975 )
- December: José Rodríguez Carballeira , Spanish pianist († 1954 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- William Lawrence , American pianist, singer and music teacher († 1981 )
- Franz Rosenberger , Romanian-German composer and military musician († 1967 )
Date of death secured
- January 10 : Benjamin Godard , French composer (* 1849 )
- January 22nd : Edward Solomon , English composer and conductor (* 1855 )
- February 4 : Faustina Hasse Hodges , American composer and organist (* 1823 )
- February 25 : Ignaz Lachner , German composer and conductor (* 1807 )
- March 7th : Aloys Kunc , French composer and organist (* 1832 )
- March 25 : Alfons Szczerbiński , Polish composer and music teacher (* 1858 )
- April 5 : Ludwig Rotter , Austrian organist and composer (* 1810 )
- April 15 : Emilio Wilhelm Ramsøe , Danish composer and conductor (* 1837 )
- April 27 : Josef Porkert , Czech manufacturer of piano frames (* 1828 )
- May 21 : Franz von Suppè , Austrian composer and author (* 1819 )
- June 15 : Richard Genée , Austrian librettist, playwright and composer (* 1823 )
- July 8 : Alessandro Busi , Italian composer and music teacher (* 1833 )
- July 24th : Joseph-Henri Altès , French flautist and composer (* 1826 )
- August 6 : George Frederick Root , American composer and music teacher (* 1820 )
- August 13 : Ludwig Abel , German violinist and composer (* 1835 )
- September 4th : Émile Bouichère , French organist (* 1861 )
- October 3 : Samuel David , French composer (* 1836 )
- October 25 : Charles Hallé , German pianist and conductor (* 1819 )
- November 12th : Pierre-Edmond Hocmelle , French organist and composer (* 1824 )
- November 26 : Lucy Escott , American singer (* 1828 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Eugénie de Santa-Coloma , French composer and singer (* 1827 )
See also
Web links
Commons : Music 1895 - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Commons : Opera Libretti 1895 - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files