Waltendorfer Strasse

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / maintenance / AT-B
State road B67c in Austria
Basic data
Overall length: 3.0 km

State :


Course of the road
Junction Grazer Strasse B67
flow Mur
Locality Graz - Jakomini
Junction Graz- Liebenau A2 B73

The Walt Straße (B 67c) is a country road in Austria . It runs in the south of Graz city ​​center on the axis Karlauer belt - Schönaugürtel - Jakominigürtel - Waltendorfer Gürtel - Koßgasse between the B67 in the west and the B67a in the east. Originally planned as a continuous belt road, it is now interrupted several times. It is named after the Waltendorf district of Graz , to which it used to lead.

 B67c  Like the other former federal highways, Waltendorfer Strasse was part of the federal administration. Since April 1, 2002, it has been under state administration and continues to have the B in the number, but not the name Bundesstraße.