Mölltal Street

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Template: Infobox high-ranking street / maintenance / AT-B
State road B106 in Austria
Basic data
Overall length: 50.8 km

State :


The Mölltal road ( B 106 ) is a country road in Austria and branches from the Drautalstraße (B 100) in Möllbrücke and leads over Obervellach to Winklern . It begins at an altitude of about 550  m above sea level. A. and ends in Winklern at an altitude of about 900  m above sea level. A. into Großglockner Strasse .

The lines correspond to modern requirements, because during the construction of the road route elements were used according to still valid criteria. Only access roads and connections were - from today's perspective - inadequately designed. One reason for this is probably to be found in the low volume of traffic in the post-war period. The size of the construction site and the modern planning were the reasons why the Mölltal was an excursion destination for universities from all over Europe. Construction of the road began in 1951, shortly after World War II .

The 20 cm thick concrete pavement of the 7.50 m wide carriageway was simply placed on a thin sand leveling layer. The paving was carried out with a rail-bound paver. Before concreting, paper, which was delivered in large rolls, was applied as a separating layer. The transverse joints at intervals of 8 to 10 m were dowelled. The dowels were not coated with plastic, but simply dipped in bitumen emulsion . Every third joint was designed as a space joint. The longitudinal joint was anchored in the usual way. All joints were grouted. In 1956 the entire route was opened to traffic.

The road is maintained by the state of Carinthia .

Traffic load

In 2000, the first part of the route between Möllbrücke and Obervellach had an average daily traffic (DTV) of 6136 vehicles with a truck share of 4.5%. Between Obervellach and Winklern there were 3325 vehicles with a truck share of 5.7%. In 1989, the census showed DTV values ​​for the two sections of 3900 and 2200 vehicles, respectively, with an interestingly higher truck share of 9.0% each.


Web links

Documentation from the 1950s about the construction of the road https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGdSM9APsrI

 B106  Like the other former federal highways, Mölltal Strasse was part of the federal administration. Since April 1, 2002, it has been under state administration and continues to have the B in the number, but not the name Bundesstraße.