William Barry Grove

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William Barry Grove (born January 15, 1764 in Fayetteville , Province of North Carolina , †  March 30, 1818 ibid) was an American politician . Between 1791 and 1803 he represented the state of North Carolina in the US House of Representatives .


After studying law and being admitted to the bar, William Grove began working in the profession. At the same time he embarked on a political career. He was a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives in 1786, 1788, and 1789 . In 1788 he was a delegate to a meeting to ratify the United States Constitution for North Carolina. There it was decided against the vote of Grove to postpone the vote. A year later he was again a delegate to the newly convened assembly, which this time ratified the federal constitution.

Grove also served as the University of North Carolina curator and director of the First Bank of the United States' Fayetteville office. He was a supporter of the federal government under President George Washington and became a member of the Federalist Party founded by Alexander Hamilton in the late 1790s . In the congressional elections of 1790 he was elected in the fourth constituency of the state of North Carolina in the US House of Representatives, which was still sitting in Philadelphia at that time , where he succeeded Timothy Bloodworth on March 4, 1791 . After five re-elections, he was able to complete six legislative terms in Congress by March 3, 1803 . Since 1795 he represented the newly created seventh district of his state there. In 1791, the first ten amendments to the constitution, known as the Bill of Rights , were passed in Congress. The eleventh amendment to the constitution followed in 1795 . In 1800, Congress moved to the new federal capital Washington, DC

In 1802, William Grove was not re-elected. After leaving the US House of Representatives, he did not hold any other higher political office. He died on March 30, 1818 in his hometown of Fayetteville, where he was also buried.

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