William Nathan Harrell Smith

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William Nathan Harrell Smith (born September 24, 1812 in Murfreesboro , Hertford County , North Carolina , †  November 14, 1889 in Raleigh , North Carolina) was an American lawyer and politician ( Democratic Party ) who founded the state of North Carolina in the US -House of Representatives and represented in the Confederate Congress .

After attending school in his hometown and in Kingston ( Rhode Island ), Colchester and East Lyme ( Connecticut ), Smith studied at Yale . There he graduated in 1834 and graduated from the college's law school in 1836 . He was admitted to the bar, after which he began practicing in Murfreesboro. At the local level, Smith held several offices before he was elected to the North Carolina House of Representatives in 1840 ; He completed further terms of office there in 1858, 1865 and 1866. In 1848 he was State Senator . He also served as a solicitor in the North Carolina First District Court for eight years .

On March 4, 1859 he moved into the US House of Representatives, where he represented the Opposition Party until March 3, 1861 ; this had been founded by former members of the broken Whig Party . He stood for election as Speaker of the House , but lost one vote. After the Civil War began , Smith was appointed to the Provisional Confederate Congress and then elected to the House of Representatives of the First and Second Confederate Congresses.

After the war he was a member of the Democratic Party and in 1868 participated in the Democratic National Convention . He represented the interests of North Carolina Governor William Woods Holden in his impeachment proceedings , which, however, ended with Holden's impeachment. From 1878 to 1889, Smith was Chief Justice on the North Carolina Supreme Court .

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