Appendix 1 to the Federal Species Protection Ordinance
The plant 1 for bundesartenschutzverordnung called specially protected in Germany plants and animals. In addition to Appendix 1 of the BArtSchV, according to Section 7 (2) No. 13 or 14 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG), species that are listed in the EC Species Protection Ordinance Annex A or B, Directive 92/43 / EEC ( Habitats Directive) , Annex IV, or the EU Birds Directive .
List of animals protected according to BArtSchV
All strictly protected species are also specially protected (Section 7, Paragraph 2, Number 14 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act).
Information on protected animal species is available from the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation .
Strictly Protected Mammals
- Microtus bavaricus Bavarian vole
Specially protected mammals
- Crocidura suaveolens ariadne Cretan garden shrew
- Crocidura suaveolens cypria Cypriot garden shrew
- Desmana moschata Russian desman
- Gazella subgutturosa goiter gazelle
- Gulo gulo 1) Wolverine
- Mesocricetus newtoni Romanian hamster
- Ovibos moschatus musk ox
- Phoca hispida ladogensis ringed seal - only the subspecies ladogensis
- Spalax graecus Bucovinian blind mouse
- Vormela peregusna Tigeriltis
- Mammalia spp. 2) 3) 4) Mammals - all native species, unless specifically listed, with the exception of:
- Arvicola terrestris water vole
- Clethrionomys glareolus bank vole
- Microtus agrestis earth vole
- Microtus arvalis field mouse
- Mus musculus house mouse
- Mustela vison American mink
- Myocastor coypus nutria
- Nyctereutes procyonoides raccoon dog
- Ondatra zibethicus muskrat
- Procyon lotor raccoon
- Rattus norvegicus brown rat
- Rattus rattus house rat
1) European wild populations only.
2) Except for the species subject to hunting law in accordance with Section 2 (1) BJagdG.
3) Except for the species and subspecies protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 letter b, double letter aa of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
4) Except for the species protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 (a) of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
Aves birds
Strictly protected birds
- Acrocephalus arundinaceus 5) Great Reed Warbler
- Acrocephalus paludicola 5) Sedge Warbler
- Acrocephalus schoenobaenus 5) Reed Warbler
- Actitis hypoleucos 5) Sandpiper
- Alcedo atthis 5) Kingfisher
- Alectoris gaeca 5) Steinhuhn
- Alectoris rufa 5) Red partridge
- Anthus campestris 5) Wood pipit
- Ardea purpurea 5) purple heron
- Arenaria interpres 5) Turnstone
- Aytha nyroca Ferruginous Duck
- Botaurus stellaris 5) Bittern
- Burhinus oedicnemus 5) Triel
- Calidris alpina 5) Dunlin
- Caprimulgus europaeus 5) goat milker
- Carpodacus erythrinus 5) carmine pickle
- Charadrius alexandrinus 5) Kentish plover
- Charadrius dubius 5) Little Ringed Plover
- Charadrius hiaticula 5) Ringed plover
- Chlidonias leucopterus 5) White-winged tern
- Chlidonias niger 5) Black tern
- Ciconia ciconia 5) white stork
- Coracias garrulus 5) European roller
- Crex crex 5) Corn Crake
- Cygnus cygnus 5) Whooper swan
- Dendrocopos leucotos 5) White-backed woodpecker
- Dendrocopos medius 5) Middle Woodpecker
- Dryocopus martius 5) Black Woodpecker
- Emberiza Calandra 5) Bunting
- Emberiza cia 5) Zippammer
- Emberiza cirlus 5) bunting
- Emberiza hortulana 5) Ortolan
- Eudromias morinellus 5) Mornell Ringed Plover
- Ficedula albicollis 5) Collared Flycatcher
- Ficedula parva 5) Miniature Flycatcher
- Fratercula arctica 5) Atlantic Puffin
- Fulmarus glacialis 5) Fulmar
- Galerida cristata 5) crested lark
- Gallinago gallinago 5) Common Snipe
- Gallinago media 5) Snipe
- Gallinula chloropus 5) Moorhen
- Gavia always 5) loons
- Gelochelidon nilotica 5) Salmon tern
- Himantopus himantopus 5) stilt
- Hydrobates pelagicus 5) Petrel
- Ixobrychus minutus 5) Little Bittern
- Jynx torquilla 5) reversible neck
- Lanius excubitor 5) Northern gray shrike
- Lanius minor 5) Black-fronted shrike
- Lanius senator 5) Red-headed shrike
- Limosa limosa 5) godwit
- Locustella luscinioides 5) Rohrschwirl
- Lullula arborea 5) Woodlark
- Luscinia svecica 5) Bluethroat
- Lymnocryptes minimus 5) Miniature Snipe
- Merops apiaster 5) bee-eater
- Monticola saxatilis 5) red chalk
- Numenius arquata 5) Curlew
- Nycticorax nycticorax 5) night heron
- Oceanodroma leucorhoa 5) wave runner
- Petronia petronia 5) stone sparrow
- Phalaropus lobatus 5) Odin's grouse
- Philomachus pugnax 5) ruff
- Phylloscopus Bonelli 5) Berg Laubsänger
- Picoides tridactylus 5) Three- toed woodpecker
- Picus canus 5) Gray Woodpecker
- Picus viridis 5) Green Woodpecker
- Plegadis falcinellus 5) Brown Ibis
- Pluvialis apricaria 5) golden plover
- Podiceps auritus 5) Grebe
- Podiceps grisegena 5) Red-necked grebe
- Podiceps nigricollis 5) Black-necked Grebe
- Porzana parva 5) Small moorhen
- Porzana porzana 5) Spotted Moorhen
- Porzana pusilla 5) Pygmy moorhen
- Ptyonoprogne rupestris 5) rock tern
- Recurvirostra avosetta 5) Avocet
- Riparia riparia 5) Sand martin
- Serinus citrinella 5) Lemon Girlitz
- Sterna albifrons 5) Little tern
- Sterna caspia 5) predatory tern
- Sterna dougallii 5) rose tern
- Sterna hirundo 5) Common tern
- Sterna paradisaea 5) Arctic tern
- Sterna sandvicensis 5) Sandwich Tern
- Sylvia nisoria 5) Sparrowhawk Warbler
- Tetrao tetrix black grouse
- Tetrao urogallus capercaillie
- Tringa glareola 5) wood sandpiper
- Tringa ochropus 5) wood sandpiper
- Tringa stagnatilis 5) pond sandpiper
- Tringa totanus 5) Redshank
- Upupa epops 5) Hoopoe
- Vanellus vanellus 5) Lapwing
Specially protected birds
- Cathartes aura turkey vulture
- Cathartes burrovianus Lesser yellow-headed vulture
- Cathartes melambrotus Great Yellow-headed Vulture
- Coragyps atratus Black Vulture
5) Specially protected species on the basis of § 7 paragraph 2 number 13 letter b double letter bb of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
Reptilia reptiles (reptiles)
Strictly protected reptiles
- Lacerta bilineata Western green lizard
- Vipera aspis aspis viper
Specially protected reptiles
- Lacerta clarkorum Clarks rock lizard
- Lacerta parva little lizard
- Lacerta princeps Zagros lizard
- Natrix megalocephala large-headed grass snake
- Natrix natrix 3) grass snake
- Rafetus euphraticus Euphrates softshell turtle
- Vipera albizona
- Vipera barani Baran's viper
- Vipera lebetina Levanteotter
- Vipera pontica Pontic viper
- Reptilia spp. 3) 4) Reptiles - all European species, if not specifically listed.
3) Except for the species and subspecies protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 letter b, double letter aa of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
4) Except for the species protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 (a) of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
Protected amphibians (amphibians)
Amphibia Lurche (amphibians)
Specially protected amphibian
- Bombina orientalis Chinese fire-bellied toad
- Hyla savignyi Asia Minor Tree Frog
- Neurergus crocatus Urmia Newt
- Neurergus strauchi Turkish mountain newt
- Pelodytes caucasicus Caucasian mud diver
- Rana holtzi
- Amphibia spp. 3) 4) Amphibians - all European species
3) Except for the species and subspecies protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 letter b, double letter aa of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
4) Except for the species protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 (a) of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
Protected fish and round mouths
Pisces fish and Cyclostomata round mouths
Particularly protected fish and round mouths
- Aphanius fasciatus 6) Zebra fish
- Aphanius iberus 6) Spanish carp
- Carcharodon charcharias 6) Great White Shark
- Lethenteron zanandreai 6) Lombardy lamprey
- Mobula mobular 6) Devil rays
- Petromyzonidae spp. Lamprey - all native species
- Pomatoschistus canestrinii 6)
- Pomatoschistus tortonesei 6)
- Umbra krameri dogfish
- Valencia letourneuxi
6) Population of the Mediterranean Sea only.
Protected insects
Insecta insects
Lepidoptera Butterflies (Moths / Schuppenflügler)
Strictly protected butterflies
- Acontia lucida Mallow Owl
- Acosmetia caliginosa Färberscharteneule
- Actinotia radiosa Dry-grass St. John's wort owl
- Alcis jubata Lichen Treetop
- Amphipyra livida Jet black owl
- Anarta cordigera Moorbunte owl
- Aporophyla lueneburgensis heather smooth-backed owl
- Arctia villica Black Bear
- Arethusana arethusa Red-banded velvet butterfly
- Argynnis laodice Eastern mother-of-pearl butterfly
- Artiora evonymaria Pfaffenhütchen corrugated edge tensioner
- Brenthis daphne Blackberry Mother-of-Pearl
- Calyptra thalictri meadow rue hooded owl
- Carcharodus floccifera Heilziest thick-headed butterfly
- Carcharodus lavatherae Loreley thick-headed butterfly
- Carsia sororiata cranberry fly
- Catocala pacta broken willow carmine
- Chariaspilates formosaria Moorwiesen-Striemenspanner
- Chelis maculosa spotted bear
- Cleoceris scoriacea Banded Lily Owl
- Cleorodes lichenaria Green Lichen Spanner
- Conistra veronicae Monotonous winter owl
- Cucullia gnaphalii Goldenrod Monk
- Cupido osiris Small blue alps
- Cycnia sordida Alpen-Fleckleibbär
- Dyscia fagaria heather spotted spider
- Epirrhantis diversata Colorful aspen spring wrench
- Erebia epiphron epiphron Brocken-Mohrenfalter
- Eremobina pabulatricula Light pipegrass- tufted owl
- Eriogaster rimicola oak wool extractor
- Eucarta amethystina Amethysteule
- Euchalcia consona monk's herb metal owl
- Euxoa lidia Blackish earth owl
- Euxoa vitta steppe grass earth owl
- Fagivorina arenaria European Beech Lichen Treetops
- Gastropacha populifolia mother poplar
- Gortyna borelii hairline root owl
- Hadena irregularis gypsweed capsule owl
- Hadena magnolii clove capsule owl
- Heliothis maritima warneckei Warneckes Heidemoor-Sonneneule
- Heterogynis penella Small moth moth
- Hipparchia alcyone Small forest porter
- Hipparchia fagi Large forest porter
- Hipparchia statilinus Iron- colored velvet butterfly
- Hyles vespertilio bat owl
- Hyphoraia aulica lady-in-waiting (butterfly)
- Hypoxystis pluviaria Pale yellow broom bug
- Idaea contiguaria stonecrop-rock corridor small spanner
- Jordanita chloros copper-luster green ram
- Lamellocossus terebra Quaking aspen wood drill
- Lamprosticta culta Obsthaineule
- Lemonia taraxaci dandelion moth
- Lithophane lamda Gagelstrauch-Bog- Wood-Owl
- Luperina dumerilii Dumerils grass root owl
- Lycaena bright blue iridescent fire butterfly
- Malacosoma franconica Frankfurt ring moth
- Meganephria bimaculosa two-spotted plump owl
- Nola cristatula small water mint bear
- Nola subchlamydula germander small bears
- Nycteola degenerana Common willow owl
- Aglais xanthomelas Eastern Big Fox
- Ocneria rubea rust spinner
- Odontognophos dumetata Buckthorn stone spider
- Orbona fragariae Large winter owl
- Orgyia antiquiodes heather brush spinner
- Paidia rica Wall Lichen Bear
- Panchrysia deaurata Great rue gold owl
- Parnassius phoebus High Alpine Apollo butterfly
- Parocneria detrita soot spinner
- Pericallia matronula Augsburg bear
- Periphanes delphinii delphinium sun owl
- Phyllodesma ilicifolia female willow hen
- Polymixis polymita Olive stone owl
- Polyommatus damon Large bluish sarsette
- Polypogon gryphalis Syrmian tension owl
- Pseudophilotes vicrama Eastern Quendel-Bluish
- Pyrgus armoricanus Two- brood cube-head butterfly
- Pyrgus cirsii Late summer fox head butterfly
- Pyrois cinnamomea Cinnamon Shiny Owl
- Rhyparioides metelkana Metelkana bear
- Schinia cardui bitter herb sun owl
- Scolitantides orion Scolitantides Orion
- Scopula decorata Thyme steppe lawn small spanner
- Scopula tesselaria cowbird miniature tensioner
- Scotopteryx coarctaria gorse heather wavy welts
- Setina roscida Felshalden lichen bear
- Shargacucullia caninae Brownwort Monk
- Sideridis lampra Bibernell mountain meadow owl
- Simyra nervosa slanted-wing welted owl
- Spaelotis clandestina Fehrenbach's earth owl
- Spudaea ruticilla Gray-brown oak bush owl
- Syngrapha microgamma bog gold owl
- Synopsia sociaria Brownstriped sand-grass streaker
- Tephronia cremiaria Dotted tree lichen spanner
- Tephronia sepiaria Deadwood lichens tensioner
- Trichosea ludifica Yellow ermine
- Valeria jaspidea Sloe Jasper Owl
- Xanthia sulphurago pale yellow owl
- Xestia sincera Spruce Bog Forest Earth Owl
- Yigoga forcipula scree earth owl
- Zygaena angelicae elegans Elegans ram
Specially protected butterflies
- Adscita spp. Green rams - all native species
- Amata phegea white-spot ram
- Apatura ilia Small Common Schiller Butterfly
- Apatura iris Greater Schiller Butterfly
- Aporophyla nigra Black smooth-backed owl
- Arctia spp. 9) bear moth
- Argynnis spp. 9) Mother-of-pearl butterfly
- Arichanna melanaria Spotted bogweed
- Boloria spp. Mother-of-pearl butterflies - all native species
- Brintesia circe White forest porter
- Calliteara abietis spruce brush moth
- Carcharodus spp. 9) thick-headed butterflies
- Catocala spp. 9) Ribbons
- Chazara briseis mountain witch
- Coenonympha spp. 3) Meadow birds - all native species
- Colias spp. 3) yellowlings - all native species
- Cucullia spp. 9) monk owls
- Erebia spp. 3) 9) Moors
- Eriogaster spp. 3) 9) Wollafter , with the exception of
- Eriogaster lanestris spring wool juicer
- Euphydryas spp. 3) Common butterfly - all native species
- Gastropacha spp. 9) clucking
- Glaucopsyche alexis Alexis- or large-point blueness
- Hemaris fuciformis bumble bee
- Hemaris tityus scabiosa swarm
- Hyles spp. 3) 9) enthusiasts
- Iphiclides podalirius sailing butterfly
- Jordanita spp. 9) green ram
- Lasiommata petropolitana Small brown eye
- Lemonia spp. 9) Hawkweed moth and dandelion moth
- Limenitis camilla Small Kingfisher
- Limenitis populi Large kingfisher
- Limenitis reducta blue-black kingfisher
- Lycaena spp. 3) 9) fire butterflies
- Maculinea spp. 3) blue ants - all native species
- Malacosoma spp. 9) ring moth , with the exception of
- Malacosoma neustria Common ring moth
- Nola spp. 9) little bears
- Nymphalis antiopa mourning cloak
- Aglais polychloros large fox
- Orgyia spp. 9) brush spinner , with the exception of
- Orgyia antiqua blackthorn brush spinner
- Papilio machaon swallowtail
- Pentophera morio mourning Spinner
- Phyllodesma spp. 9) clucking
- Plebeius spp. (recte Plebejus) Bluebells - all native species
- Polymixis gemmea forest lawn ornamental owl
- Polyommatus galloi Mt. Pollino-Bläuling
- Polyommatus humedusae Val di Cogne-Bläuling
- Polyommatus spp. 9) blues
- Pseudophilotes spp. 9) blues
- Pyrgus spp. 9) Cube thickhead butterfly
- Rhagades spp. Green rams - all native species
- Rhyparia purpurata purple bear
- Scolitantides spp. 9) blues
- Setina spp. 9) lichen bear
- Shargacucullia spp. 9) monk owls
- Stilbia anomala Drahtschmieleneule
- Valeria oleagina Olive green owl
- Watsonarctia casta Labkrautbär
- Zygaena spp. 9) ram
9) All native species, if not listed individually.
Hymenoptera Hymenoptera
Specially protected hymenoptera
- Apoidea spp. Bees and bumblebees - all native species
- Bembix spp. Gyroscopic wasps - all native species
- Cimbex spp. Button or Keulhorn sawfly - all native species
- Formica aquilonia slightly bristled mountain ant
- Formica bruni
- Formica exsecta Large notch ant
- Formica foreli
- Formica forsslundi
- Formica lugubris strongly bristled mountain ant
- Formica nigricans
- Formica polyctena bald-backed wood ant
- Formica pratensis Large meadow ant
- Formica pressilabris furrow- lipped chevron ant
- Formica rufa Red wood ant
- Formica truncorum stem ant
- Formica uralensis Ural ant
- Vespa crabro hornet
Coleoptera beetle
Strictly protected beetles
- Acmaeodera degener eighteen- spotted no-shield beetle
- Acmaeoderella flavofasciata White-scaled no-shield jewel beetle
- Aesalus scarabaeoides Kurzschröter
- Calosoma reticulatum emerald green pupa predator
- Carabus marginalis- edged ground beetle
- Carabus menetriesi raised bog ground beetle
- Carabus nodulosus black pit beetle
- Cicindina arenaria arenaria riverside tiger beetle
- Cicindina arenaria viennensis Vienna tiger beetle
- Clerus mutillarius oak beetle
- Cylindera germanica German tiger beetle
- Dicerca aenea Yellow-striped tooth-wing jewel beetle
- Dicerca furcata Razor-toothed jewel beetle
- Dicerca moesta Line-necked tooth-wing jewel beetle
- Eurythyrea austriaca Green, shiny jewel beetle
- Eurythyrea quercus Corner-shielded splendor beetle
- Gnorimus variabilis Variable pear beetle
- Megopis scabricornis grain buck
- Meloë autumnalis Shimmering blue May worm beetle
- Meloë cicatricosus Scarred Mayworm Beetle
- Meloë coriarius Glossy black Mayworm beetle
- Meloë decorus Violet-necked Mayworm Beetle
- Meloë hungarus Yellow-banded Mayworm Beetle
- Meloë rugosus matt black Mayworm beetle
- Necydalis major Large buck wasp
- Necydalis ulmi Panzers wasp buck
- Palmar festiva Southern juniper jewel beetle
- Phytoecia molybdaena corn poppy roll neck buck
- Phytoecia rubropunctata Red- dotted roller collar
- Phytoecia uncinata wax flower lobes
- Phytoecia virgula Southern roller neck buck
- Protaetia aeruginosa Large gold beetle
- Protaetia affinis Similar gold beetle
- Purpuricenus kaehleri purple buck
- Scintillatrix mirifica Wonderful elm jewel beetle
- Trachypteris picta Spotted tooth-rim jewel beetle
- Trichodes ircutensis Siberian bee beetle
Specially protected beetles
- Buprestidae spp. 3) 9) jewel beetles , with the exception of
- Agrilus biguttatus Two-spotted oak jewel beetle
- Agrilus viridis beetle jewel beetle (hardwood jewel beetle)
- Anthaxia quadripunctata four-point pine jewel beetle
- Chrysobothris affinis gold mine oak jewel beetle
- Phaenops cyanea blue pine jewel beetle
- Calosoma spp. 9) doll robbers
- Carabus spp. 3) 9) Ground beetles - all European species
- Cerambycidae spp. 3) 9) longhorn beetles , with the exception of
- Hylotrupes bajulus house billy
- Monochamus spp. Longhorn buck
- Tetropium spp. Spruce and larch bucks
- Cetonia aurata rose chafer
- Cicindela spp. Sand runner - all domestic species
- Copris lunaris moon horn beetle
- Hydrophilus spp. Piston water beetles - all domestic species
- Lucanidae spp. 9) Schröter
- Meloë spp. 9) May worm beetles
- Oryctes nasicornis rhinoceros beetle
- Polyphylla fullo Walker
- Protaetia spp. 9) gold beetle
- Sitaris muralis Narrow-winged fur bee oil beetle
- Trichodes alvearius Shaggy bee beetle
- Typhoeus typhoeus bull beetle
3) Except for the species and subspecies protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 letter b, double letter aa of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
9) All native species, if not listed individually.
Odonata dragonflies
Strictly protected dragonflies
- Aeshna caerulea Alpen-Mosaikjungfer
- Aeshna subarctica high-moor mosaic maiden
- Ceriagrion tenellum scarlet dragonfly
- Coenagrion armatum Crested Azure Maiden
- Coenagrion hylas Bileks-Azure Maiden
- Coenagrion mercuriale Helmet Azure Maiden
- Coenagrion ornatum Bird Azure Damselfly
- Nehalennia speciosa dwarf dragonfly
- Orthetrum albistylum Eastern blue arrow
- Somatochlora alpestris Alpine emerald dragonfly
Specially protected dragonflies
- Odonata spp. 3) 9) dragonflies
- Brachythemis fuscopalliata Syrian dragonfly
- Calopteryx syriaca Syrian demoiselle
3) Except for the species and subspecies protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 letter b, double letter aa of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
9) All native species, if not listed individually.
Reticulated winged
Neuroptera Real Reticulated Wings
Strictly protected netwings
- Dendroleon pantherinus panther ant damper
- Libelloides longicornis Long-feeling butterfly-like
Specially protected real netwings
- Myrmeleonidae spp. 9) ant maids
9) All native species, if not listed individually.
Fishing horror
Mantodea mantis
Particularly protected catch terror
- Mantis religiosa European praying mantis
Jumping horror
Ensifera long- feeler terrors and Caelifera short- sensored terrors
Strictly protected jumping insects
- Aiolopus thalassinus Green beach insect
- Arcyptera fusca Great Mute Insect
- Arcyptera microptera Small mute insect
- Bryodema tuberculata Spotted Snarrhatch
- Epacromius tergestinus river beach insect
- Ephippiger ephippiger steppe saddle insect
- Gampsocleis glabra heather insect
- Modicogryllus frontalis Eastern cricket
- Platycleis montana steppe bite insect
- Platycleis tessellata Brown-spotted bite insect
- Ruspolia nitidula Greater wilted terrapin
Particularly protected jumping terrors
- Calliptamus italicus Italian beautiful insect
- Oedipoda caerulescens Blue-winged wasteland shrimp
- Oedipoda germanica Red-winged wasteland insect
- Psophus stridulus Red-winged snarrhatcher
- Sphingonotus caerulans Blue-winged sand insect
Arachnida arachnids
Strictly protected arachnids
- Arctosa cinerea Arctosa cinerea
- Dolomedes Plantarius
- Philaeus chrysops
Specially protected arachnids
Crustacea crabs
Strictly protected crabs
- Astacus astacus 7) noble shrimp
- Branchipus schaefferi
- Chirocephalus diaphanus
- Leptestheria dahalacensis
- Lynceus brachyurus
- Tanymastix stagnalis
Specially protected crabs
- Austropotamobius torrentium 7) stone crab
- Homarus gammarus 7) European lobster
- Ocypode Cursor 6) Ghost Crab
- Pachylasma giganteum 6)
6) Population of the Mediterranean Sea only.
7) Native populations only.
Mollusca mollusks (mollusks)
Strictly protected mollusks
- Margaritifera margaritifera 7) Freshwater pearl mussel
- Pseudanodonta complanata 7) Flattened pond mussel
Specially protected mollusks
- Anodonta anatina 7) Shallow pond clam
- Anodonta cygnea 7) Common pond clam
- Charonia rubicunda 6) Knot-bearing Triton snail
- Charonia tritonis 6) conch ( Atlantic triton snail )
- Dendropoma petraeum 6)
- Erosaria spurca 6)
- Helix aspersa 7) Spotted garden snail
- Helix pomatia 7) Common garden snail
- Luria lurida 6)
- Mitra zonata 6)
- Nucella lapillus 7) Northern purple snail
- Patella nigra 6)
- Pholas dactylus 6)
- Pinna pernula 6)
- Pseudanodonta complanata 7) Flattened pond mussel
- Pseudanodonta elongata 7) Slender pond mussel
- Pseudanodonta middendorffi 7) Danube pond mussel
- Ranella olearia 6)
- Schilderia achatidea 6)
- Tonna galea 6)
- Unio pictorum 7) painter's shell
- Unio tumidus 7) Large river mussel
- Zonaria pyrum 6)
6) Population of the Mediterranean Sea only.
7) Native populations only.
Echinodermata echinoderms
Strictly protected echinoderms
- Solaster papposus sun star
Specially protected echinoderms
- Asterina panceri 6)
- Echinus esculentus 7) Edible sea urchin
- Ophidiaster ophidianus 6)
6) Population of the Mediterranean Sea only.
7) Native populations only.
Cnidaria cnidarians
Specially protected cnidarians
- Gerardia savaglia 6)
6) Population of the Mediterranean Sea only.
Porifera sponges
Specially protected sponges
- Apiysina cavernicola 6)
- Asbestopluma hypogea 6)
- Axinella polypioides 6)
- Petrobiona massiliana 6)
1) European wild populations only.
2) Except for the species subject to hunting law in accordance with Section 2 (1) BJagdG.
3) Except for the species and subspecies protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 letter b, double letter aa of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
4) Except for the species protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 (a) of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
5) Specially protected species on the basis of § 7 paragraph 2 number 13 letter b double letter bb of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
6) Population of the Mediterranean Sea only.
7) Native populations only.
8) Wild populations only.
spp. - The abbreviation spp. (= species) is used to denote all species of a higher taxon .
List of plants protected according to BArtSchV
Fern-like plants and flowering plants
Pteridophyta fern-like plants and Spermatophyta flowering plants
- Achillea atrata L. 1) Black yarrow - especially
- Achillea clavennae L. 8) Bitter yarrow - especially
- Aconitum spp. 3) 8) Eisenhut - all European species - especially
- Adonis cyllenea Kyllenisches Adonisröschen - especially
- Adonis vernalis L. 8) Spring Adonis - special
- Alkanna pinardii Pinardi alkanna root - especially
- Allium angulosum L. 8) Angular leek - especially
- Allium crameri Cramers Leek - special and strict
- Allium lineare L. Stiff leek - especially
- Allium Regelianum A. Becker Regels Leek - especially
- Allium senescens L. subsp. montanum 8) Mountain leek - especially
- Allium vuralii Kit Tan Vurals Leeks - special
- Althaea officinalis L. 8) Common marshmallow - special
- Alyssum montanum L. 8) Mountain stone herb - especially
- Alyssum saxatile L. 8) Rock stone herb - especially
- Anagallis tenella (L.) L Zarter Gauchheil - special and strict
- Androsace spp. 3) 8) Man's shields - all native species - especially, with the exception of
- Androsace elongata L. Long-handled man's shield
- Androsace maxima L. Large man's shield
- Androsace sepentrionalis L. Nordic male shield
- Anemone narcissiflora L. 8) Daffodil anemone - especially
- Anemone sylvestris L. 8) Large anemone - special
- Anemone uralensis Ural anemone - especially
- Antennaria dioica (L.) 8) Ordinary cat paw - special
- Anthericum liliago L. 8) Knotless grass lily - especially
- Anthericum ramosum L. 8) Knotty grass lily - especially
- Apium inundatum (L.) Flooding Celery - especially
- Aquilegia ottonis (ssp. Taygetea) Strid 8) Taygetus Columbine - special and strict
- Aquilegia spp. 3) 8) Akeleien - all European species, if not specifically listed - especially
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. 8) Real bearberry - special
- Armeria maritima ssp. pur-purea 8) Ried Thrift - particularly and strictly
- Armeria spp. 3) 8) Carnations - all European species, unless specifically listed - especially
- Arnica montana L. 8) Arnica, mountain rental - special
- Artemisia rupestris L. 8) Mugwort - special and severe
- Artemisia umbelliformis 8) Real rue - special
- Asplenium azoricum Azores striped fern - especially
- Asplenium ceterach L. 8) Spleen fern - especially
- Asplenium cuneifolium Viv. Serpentine striped fern - especially
- Asplenium fissum kit. ex Willd. Slashed striped fern - especially
- Asplenium fontanum (L.) Bernh. 8) Jura striped fern - especially
- Asplenium foreziense Legrand 8) Foreser striped fern - especially
- Asplenium obovatum ssp. lanceolatum Silva Lanceolate striped fern - especially
- Asplenium scolopendrium L. 8) Deer tongue - especially
- Aster alpinus L. 8) Alpine aster - special
- Aster amellus L. 8) Mountain aster - special
- Aster sibiricus L. 8) Siberian aster - special and strict
- Astragalus arenarius L. Sand tragacanth - especially
- Betula nana L. 8) Dwarf birch - special
- Biscutella laevigata L. 8) Common spectacled pod - special
- Botrychium matricariifolium A. Braun Branched diamond fern - special and severe
- Botrychium multifidum Multi -part diamond fern - special and strict
- Botrychium spp. 3) Diamond ferns , all European species, if not specifically listed - especially
- Brimeura spp. 8) Brimeura - all kinds - special
- Buxus sempervirens L. 7) 8) Boxwood - especially
- Calla palustris L. 8) Dragon root , marsh serpentine root - especially
- Calystegia soldanella (L.) R. Br. Beach winds - special and severe
- Campanula bononiensis L. 8) Bolognese bellflower - especially
- Campanula cervicaria L. 8) Bristly bellflower - especially
- Campanula lanata Friv. 8) Woolly bellflower - especially
- Campanula latifolia L. 8) Broad-leaved bellflower - especially
- Campanula thyrsoides L. 8) Ostrich Bellflower - especially
- Carex baldensis L. 8) Monte Baldo sedge - special
- Carlina acaulis L. 8) Silver thistle - special
- Carlina diae (Calc. F.) Meusel & Kästner Dhia Eberwurz , Cretan Eberwurz - especially
- Centaurium spp. 8) Centaury - all native species - especially
- Chimaphila umbellata (L.) Barton 8) Doldiges Winterlieb - especially
- Chionodoxa luciliae Boiss. 8) Lydian snow pride - special
- Clematis alpina L. 8) Alpine clematis - especially
- Cochlearia spp. 8) Spoonweed - all native species - especially
- Cornus suecica L. 8) Swedish dogwood - special
- Cortusa matthioli L. 8) Alpine healing bells - especially
- Cotoneaster integerrimus Medicus 8) Common cotoneaster - especially
- Crambe maritima L. 8) Common sea kale - special
- Crocus spp. 3) 8) Crocuses - all kinds - special
- Cryptogramma crispa (L.) 8) Curly furry fern - especially
- Cystopteris montana (Lam.) Desv. Mountain bubble fern - especially
- Cystopteris sudetica A. Br. & Mild Sudeten-bladder fern - especially
- Daphne spp. 3) 8) Daphne - all European species - especially
- Delphinium elatum L. 8) Tall delphinium - especially
- Dendranthema zawadskyi Zawadsky's exuberant flower - especially
- Dianthus spp. 3) 8) Carnations - all European species - especially
- Dictamnus albus L. 8) Diptam - especially
- Digitalis grandiflora Mill. 8) Large-flowered foxglove - special
- Digitalis lutea L. 8) Yellow foxglove - especially
- Draba spp. 3) 8) excluding Draba muralis L. et Draba nemorosa L. rock florets - all European species - especially, with the exception of
- Draba muralis L. Wall rock florets
- Draba nemorosa L. Grove floret
- Dracocephalum ruyschiana L. 8) Nordic scorpionfish - especially
- Drosera spp. 8) Sundew - all native species - especially
- Dryopteris cristata (L.) A. Gray 8) Comb fern - especially
E - G
- Eryngium campestre L. 8) Field man litter - especially
- Eryngium maritimum L. 8) Beach man litter or beach thistle - especially
- Euphorbia lucida Waldstein & Kitaibel 8) Shiny Spurge - especially
- Euphorbia palustris L. 8) Bog milkweed - especially
- Fritillaria spp. 3) 8) Chess flowers - all kinds - special
- Gentiana lutea L. 8) Yellow gentian - especially
- Gentiana spp. 3) 8) Gentians - all European species, unless specifically listed - especially
- Gentianella lutescens (Velenovsky) Holub Yellowish gentian - special and severe
- Gladiolus spp. 3) 8) Siegwurze - all European species - especially
- Globularia spp. 3) 8) Ball flowers - all European species - especially
- Gratiola officinalis L. 8) God's grace herb - especially
- Gypsophila fastigiata L. 8) Even gypsophila - especially
- Haberlea rhodopensis Friv. 8) Rhodope Haberlea - especially
- Helianthemum apenninum (L.) Miller 8) Apennine sun rose - especially
- Helianthemum arcticum (Grosser) Janchen Arctic sun rose - especially
- Helianthemum canum (L.) Baumg. 8) Felt sun rose - especially
- Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench 8) Sand straw flower - especially
- Helleborus spp. L. 8) Hellebore , Christmas roses - all European species - especially
- Hepatica nobilis Schreber 8) Hepatica - especially
- Horminium pyrenaicum L. 8) Pyrenean dragon mouth - especially
- Hottonia palustris L. 8) Water feather , water primrose - especially
- Hymenophyllum tunbrigense (L.) Smith Skin fern - special and severe
- Hypericum elodes L. 8) Marsh St. John's Wort - especially
I, J
- Ilex aquifolium L. 8) Holly - especially
- Inula germanica L. 8) German elephant - especially
- Iris lortetii Barbey Lortet's Iris - special and strict
- Iris spp. 3) 8) Irises - all species, unless specifically listed - special
- Iris spuria L. 8) Meadow Iris - special and severe
- Iris variegata L. 8) Colorful iris - special and strict
- Isoëtes lacustris L. Sea bream - especially
- Jovibarba spp. 8) Fransenhauswurze - all European species - especially
- Juncus stygius L. 8) Bog rush - special and severe
- Juniperus cedrus Webb & Berthel. 8) Cedar Juniper - special and severe
- Laser trilobum (L.) Borkh. 8) Horse cumin - especially
- Lathyrus bauhinii Genty sword pea - especially
- Lathyrus maritimus Bigelow 8) Beach pea - especially
- Lathyrus palustris L. 8) Marsh pea - especially
- Lathyrus pannonicus (Jacq.) Garcke 8) Hungarian flat pea - especially
- Ledum palustre L. 8) Sumpf-Porst - especially
- Leontopodium alpinum Cass. 8) Alpen-Edelweiss - special
- Leucojum spp. 3) 8) Knot flowers , Märzenbecher - all European species - especially
- Lilium spp. 8) Lilies - all kinds - special
- Limonium anatolicum Hedge Anatolian sea lavender - special and strict
- Limonium preauxii (Webb & Berthel.) O. Kuntze Preaux 'Sea Lilac - special and severe
- Limonium spp. 3) 8) Sea lavender - all European species, unless specifically listed - especially
- Linnaea borealis L. 8) Moss bells - especially
- Linum flavum L. 8) Yellow flax - special and severe
- Linum perenne L. 8) Persistent flax - special and strict
- Linum spp. 3) 8) Flax - all European species, unless listed in detail - especially, with the exception of
- Linum catharticum L. Purgier-Lein
- Lloydia serotina (L.) Reichenb. Late wrinkled lily - especially
- Lobelia dortmanna L. 8) Water lobelia - special and severe
- Lomatogonium carinthiacum (Wulf.) Kärntner Tauernblümchen - especially
- Lunaria rediviva L. 8) Persistent silver leaf - especially
- Lycopodiales spp. Bärlappgewächse , Bärlapp , - all native species - especially
M, N
- Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) Todaro 8) Ostrich fern - especially
- Melittis melissophyllum L. 8) Immenblatt - especially
- Menyanthes trifoliata L. 8) Fever clover - especially
- Muscari spp. 3) 8) Grape hyacinths - all European species - especially
- Narcissus spp. 3) 8) Daffodils - all European species - especially
- Narthecium ossifragum (L.) Huds. 8) leg breaker , corn lily - especially
- Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. 8) Yellow pond rose - especially
- Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC. 8) Little pond rose - special and severe
- Nymphaea alba L. 8) White water lily - special
- Nymphaea candida K. PresI. 8) Little water lily - special
- Nymphoides peltata (SG Gmel.) O. Kuntze 8) Sea can - especially
- Oenothera coronifera Renner crown evening primrose - especially
- Onosma arenaria Waldstein & Kitaibel 8) Sand Lotwurz - special and strict
- Onosma elegantissima Rech. Fil. & Goulimy Delicate Lotwurz - special and strict
- Onosma spp. 3) 8) Solder - all European species - especially
- Osmunda regalis L. 8) King fern - especially
- Oxytropis pilosa (L.) DC. Shaggy flag vetch - especially
- Papaver alpinum L. 8) Alpine poppy - especially
- Papaver lapponicum (Tolm.) Nordh. 8) Lapland poppies - special
- Parnassia palustris L. 8) Swamp heart leaf - especially
- Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum L. Karlszepter - special and strict
- Pedicularis spp. 3) 8) Lice weeds , lice herbs - all European species, if not listed individually - especially
- Petrocallis pyrenaica (L.) R. Br. 8) Pyrenees stone jewelry - especially
- Pinguicula alpina L. 8) Alpine butterwort - especially
- Pinguicula vulgaris L. 8) Butterwort - especially
- Polemonium caeruleum L. 8) Blue ladder to heaven - special
- Polystichum spp. 8) Shield ferns - all native species - especially
- Primula spp. 3) 8) Primroses , cowslips - all European species - especially
- Pulmonaria angustifolia L. 8) Narrow-leaved lungwort - especially
- Pulmonaria mollis Wulfen ex Hornem. 8) Soft lungwort - especially
- Pulmonaria montana Lejeune 8) Mountain lungwort - especially
- Pulsatilla alba Reichenb. 8) Small flowered pasque flower - special and severe
- Pulsatilla spp. 3) 8) Pasque Flowers - all European species, unless specifically listed - special
- Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Miller 8) Spring Pasque Flower - special and severe
- Ranunculus lingua L. 8) tongue buttercup - especially
- Rhazya orientalis (Decne) A. DC. 8) Oriental Rhazye - especially
- Rheum rhaponticum L. 8) Pontic rhubarb - especially
- Rubus chamaemorus L. 7) 8) Cloudberry - special and severe
- Salvinia natans (L.) All. 8) swimming fern - especially
Saxifraga spp. 3) 8) Saxifrage - all European species - especially, with the exception of
- Saxifraga tridactylites L. Finger saxifrage
- Scheuchzeria palustris L. Bladder rush - especially
- Scilla spp. 3) 8) (incl. Hyacinthoides spp.) Bluestars (incl. Hare bells ) - all species, unless specifically listed - especially
- Scorzonera austriaca Willd. 8) Austrian black salsify - special and strict
- Scorzonera hispanica L. 8) Spanish salsify - especially
- Scorzonera humilis L. 8) Low salsify - especially
- Scorzonera purpurea L. 8) Purple salsify - special and severe
- Sempervivum spp. 8) Houseleek , all European species - especially
- Senecio incanus ssp. carniolicus Willd. 8) Carniolan ragwort - especially
- Soldanella spp. 8) Alpine bells , tassel flowers - all native species - especially
- Stipa dasyphylla (Lindem.) Trautv. Soft-haired feather grass - special and strict
- Stipa ssp. 3) 8) Feather grass , awl grass - all European species, unless specifically listed - especially
- Stratiotes aloides L. 8) Crab claws - especially
- Swertia perennis L. 8) Blue swamp star - special
T - W
- Taxus baccata L. 8) Yew - special
- Trapa natans L. 8) Water hazel - especially
- Trollius europaeus L. 8) Globe flower - especially
- Tulipa spp. 3) 8) Tulips - all kinds - special
- Utricularia bremii Heer Bremis water hose - special and strict
- Utricularia ochroleuca Hartm. 8) Yellow ocher water hose - especially
- Veronica longifolia L. 8) Long-leaved speedwell - special
- Veronica spicata L. 8) Eared speedwell - special
- Viola calcarata L. 8) Spurred violet - especially
- Viola guestphalica Nauenburg Violet Galmeiveilchen - especially
- Viola lutea Huds. ssp. calaminaria (Ching. in DC.) Rothm. Yellow jellyfish - especially
- Vitis vinifera L. ssp. sylvestris (CC Gmelin) Hegi 8) Wild grapevine - special and strict
- Wahlenbergia hederacea (L.) Rchb. 8) Ivy bog bells - special
- Woodsia spp. 8) Eyelash ferns - all native species - especially
3) Except for the species and subspecies protected in accordance with Section 7 (2) number 13 letter b, double letter aa of the Federal Nature Conservation Act.
8) Wild populations only.
Bryophyta Moose
- Hylocomium spp. 8) Hainmoose - all native species - especially
- Leucobryum spp. 8) White moss - all native species - especially
- Sphagnum spp. 8) Peat moss - all native species - especially
8) Wild populations only.
List of lichens and fungi protected according to BArtSchV
Lichenes braiding
- Anaptychia spp. Eyelash braiding - especially
- Cetraria spp. Moss lichens - especially
- Cladina spp. (Cladonia sect. Cladina) 8) Reindeer lichens - especially
- Lobaria pulmonaria L. (Hoffm.) Real lung lichen - special and severe
- Lobaria spp. Lung lichens - all native species, unless specifically listed - especially
- Parmelia spp. Bowl lichen - all native species - especially
- Usneaceae spp. (incl. Ramalinacea) Beard lichens - all native species - especially
8) Wild populations only.
Fungi mushrooms
- Albatrellus spp. 7) 8) Schaf-Porling , Semmel-Porlinge - all native species - especially
- Amanita caesarea (Scop. Ex Fr.) Pers. ex Schw. 7) 8) Kaiserling - especially
- Boletus aereus Bull. Ex Fr. 7) 8) White bronze tubular - especially
- Boletus appendiculatus Schff. ex Fr. 7) 8) Yellow bronze tubular - especially
- Boletus edulis Bull. Ex Fr. 7) 8) Porcini mushroom - especially
- Boletus fechtneri Vel. 7) 8) Summer Röhrling - special
- Boletus regius Krbh. 7) 8) Real King Röhrling - special
- Boletus speciosus Frost 7) 8) Blue King Boletus - especially
- Cantharellus spp. 7) 8) Chanterelles - all native species - especially
- Gomphus clavatus (Pers. Ex Fr.) SF Gray 7) 8) Pig's ear - especially
- Gyrodon lividus (Bull. Ex Fr.) Sacc. 7) 8) Alder brooding - especially
- Hygrocybe spp. 7) 8) Saplings - all native species - especially
- Hygrophorus marzuolus (fr.) Bres. 7) 8) March snail - special
- Lactarius volemus Fr. 7) 8) patty - especially
- Leccinum spp. 7) 8) Birch mushrooms and red caps - all native species - especially
- Morchella spp. 7) 8) Morels - all native species - especially
- Tricholoma flavovirens (Pers. Ex Fr.) Lund & Nannf. 7) 8) Green compact - especially
- Tuber spp. 7) 8) Truffles - all native species - special
7) Native populations only.
8) Wild populations only.
- ↑ Appendix 1 of the Federal Species Protection Ordinance
- ↑ Federal Agency for Nature Conservation: wisia online search for protected species