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Top-level domain .fr
introduction 2nd September 1986
category country-specific
Registry AFNIC
Award unrestricted
number 3.1 million

.fr is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for France . It has existed since September 2, 1986 and is administered by the French Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (AFNIC for short).


In December 2011, the registry liberalized the conditions for registering .fr domains. Since then it has been possible for any natural or legal person from the European Union , Iceland , Liechtenstein , Norway or Switzerland to order a domain. A residence or a branch in France is no longer necessary.

In July 2012 AFNIC was able to secure the administration of the top-level domain again after tough negotiations. Associated with this is the requirement to lower the prices for .fr domains by at least five percent within two years. In addition, part of the registration fees will be put into a non-profit fund to promote the development of the Internet.


In total, a .fr domain can be between three and 63 characters long; internationalized domain names are supported. In March 2013, AFNIC announced that it would also support single and double-digit domains as well as pure numeric domains in the future . The announced modernizations should be implemented by March 2015.

Registration usually takes between one and three working days. Only a natural person can be entered as the administrative contact person, even if the owner is a company . Private individuals who order a .fr domain must provide additional data such as place, date and country of birth when registering.

Special domains

In addition to first-level domains, second-level domains were also offered, which pursue a special purpose:

  • tm.fr - for brands
  • asso.fr - for associations
  • nom.fr - for surnames
  • prd.fr - for research and development
  • presse.fr - for press work
  • com.fr - for companies
  • gouv.fr - for the French government

AFNIC has expressly reserved the right to introduce additional second-level domains in the future. However, since March 15, 2013, these second-level domains have not been re-registered.


The top-level domain was one of the most heavily regulated addresses. In 2004, the regulations were liberalized so that anyone interested could register domains with an entry in a public directory, for example the commercial register. As a result, the number of .fr domains rose from 180,000 in June 2004 to over 400,000 in November 2005.

Web link

Individual evidence

  1. Domain Delegation Data. IANA , accessed October 4, 2012 .
  2. It's easy to order .fr domains now. In: united-domains blog. December 16, 2011, accessed October 4, 2012 .
  3. Florian Hitzelberger: Afnic secures registry rights. In: domain-right. Retrieved July 10, 2012 .
  4. Florian Hitzelberger: AFNIC modernized .fr. In: domain-right. April 3, 2013, accessed April 3, 2013 .
  5. Lars Hoffhenke: Vive la .fr ... ance. In: DomainProvider.de Blog. November 13, 2014, accessed January 21, 2015 .
  6. .fr domain. united-domains , accessed on October 4, 2012 ("Features" tab).
  7. ^ Naming Policy for the French Network Information Center. AFNIC, May 25, 2018, p. 10 .;
  8. Florian Hitzelberger: Rush to Domain Bastion opened. In: domain-right. May 20, 2004, accessed April 11, 2013 .
  9. Florian Hitzelberger: AFNIC celebrates its 400,000th domain. In: domain-right. November 1, 2005, accessed April 11, 2013 .