Start of validity of the German license plates

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In this article, the beginning of the validity of the German license plates is recorded on which day which differentiating plates were reassigned. The reintroduction of a previously expired distinguishing mark is also indicated. In the lists, the reason for the introduction is given in the comments . Currently valid distinctive signs are shown in bold . The distinctive signs that have been reintroduced or that continue to exist as part of the license plate liberalization are reproduced in normal type. The canceled (expiring) distinctive signs appear in italics .

Introduction of the distinctive signs

On July 1, 1956, the new vehicle registration numbers were introduced in the Federal Republic of Germany . The following distinguishing signs were selected for the then existing independent cities and districts :

  • A , AA , AB , AC , AH, AIB, AIC , AK , AL , ALF, ALS , ALZ, AM , AN , , AR , ASD , AUR , AW , AZ
  • B , BA , BAD , BB , BC , BCH, BE, BEI , BF, BGD, BH, BI , BID, BIN, BIR , BIT , BK , BKS, BL , BLB, BM , BN , BO , BOG, BOH, BOR , BOT , BR , BRA , BRI , BRK, BRL, BRV, BS , BSB, BT , BU , BÜD, BUL, BÜR, BZA
  • CAS, CE , CHA , CLP , CLZ, CO , COC , COE , CR, CUX , CW
  • D , DA , DAH , DAN , DAU , DEG , DEL , DGF , DH , DI, DIL, DIN, DIZ, DKB, DLG , DN , DO , DON , DS , DT , DU , DUD
  • E , EBE , EBN, EBS, ECK, ED , EG, EHI , EIH , EIN, EM , EMD , EN , ER , ERB , ERK, ES , ESB, ESW , EU , EUT
  • F , FAL , FB , FD , FDB, FDS , FEU, FFB , FH , FKB, FL , FO , FR , FS , FT , , FÜS, FZ
  • GAN, GAP , GD, GE , GEL, GEM , GEO, GER , GF , GG , GI , GK, GL , GLA, GM , GN, , GOA, GOH, GP , GRA, GRI, GS , GUN, GV, GZ
  • H , HA , HAB, HAM , HAS , HB , HCH, HD , HDH , HE , HEB, HEF , HEI , HER , HF , HG , HH , HI , HIP, HL , HM , HMÜ, HN , HO , HOG, HOH, HOL , HOR, HÖS, HP , HU , HÜN , HUS , HW , HX
  • ILL, IN , IS , IZ
  • JEV , JUL
  • K , KA , KAR , KC , KE , KEH , KEL, KEM, KF , KG , KH , KI , KIB , KK, KL , KLE , KN , KO , KÖN, KÖZ, KR , KRU, KS , KT , KU , KÜN , KUS
  • LA , LAN, LAT , LAU , LB , LD , LE , LEO, LER , LEV , LF, LG , LH, LI , LIF , LIN , LK , LL , LM , , LOH , LP, LR, LU , LÜD , LÜN
  • M , MA , MAI, MAK, MAL, MAR , MB , MED, MEG, MEL, MEP , MES , MET, MG , MGH, MH , MI , MIL , MM , MN , MO, MOD, MON, MOS , MR , MS , MT , , MÜB, MÜL , MÜN , MY, MZ
  • N , NAB, NAI, ND , NE , NEA , NEC, NEN, NES , NEU , NEW , NH, NI , NIB , NM , NMS , NÖ, NOH , NOM , NOR, NRÜ , NT, NU , NW
  • OB , OBB, OCH, OD , OE , OF , OG , OHA, ÖHR, OHZ , OL , OLD , OP, OS , OTT , OVI
  • PA , PAF , PAN , PAR, PB , PE , PEG, PF , PI , PLÖ , PRÜ, PS
  • R , RA , RD , RE , REG , REH, REI, RI, RID, RO , ROD, ROF, ROH , ROK, ROL, ROT, RS , RT , RÜD , RV , RW , RY , RZ
  • S , SAB, SAD , SÄK , SAN, SC , SE , SEF, SEL, SF , SG , SHA , SI , SIG , SIM , SL , SLE, SLG, SLÜ, SMÜ, SNH , SO , SOB, SOG, SOL , SP , SPR , SR , ST , STA , STE, STH , STO , SU , SUL, SW , SWA, SY, SZ
  • TBB , TE, TIR , TÖL , TÖN , TR , TS , TT, , TUT
  • ÜB, UE , UFF, UL , UN , USI
  • W , WA, WAF , WAN, WAR, WAT, WD , WEB , WEG , WEL, WEM , WEN , WHO, WES , WF , WG, WHV , WI , WIL , WIT, WIZ, WL , WM , WN , WO , WOB , WOH, WOL, WOR, WOS, WS, WST , WT , WTL, WTM , , WUG , WÜM, WUN , WZ
  • ZEL, ZIG, ZW

Changes from 1956 to 1990

The first changes were made on August 1, 1956. Two of them had become necessary because it had been ignored that the city of Neustadt an der Haardt (introduced NH label ) had already been given the name Neustadt an der Weinstrasse again six years earlier, which was introduced during the Nazi era . This also affected the Neuwied district , which had to surrender its NW identifier to Neustadt and now received NR (Neuwied am Rhein ). A change also affected the district of Stade . This was originally supposed to receive SD ; Since this was the abbreviation for the security service from the Nazi era , it was decided at short notice to assign the identifier ST from July 1, 1956 . However, this distinctive sign was never officially confirmed, instead the district was finally assigned STD on August 1, 1956 . This distinguishing mark is still valid today.

The vehicles from the Saarland received the new distinctive signs when they joined the Federal Republic.

On January 1, 1968, the Saarland medium-sized towns that were not district towns received their own distinctive sign, as did the Baden-Württemberg exclave Büsingen on the Upper Rhine , which is part of the Swiss customs area.

The other changes in this period are primarily due to district area reforms.

Originally, the identifiers should only be assigned after the names of the independent cities and the district cities (and district main cakes). There were exceptions, however: The Ennepe-Ruhr district received EN . The originally intended SM identifier for the district town of Schwelm was not chosen for reasons that are no longer comprehensible today ( SMK was intended for the district of Schmalkalden ). The district of Waldeck with the district town of Korbach and the identifier WA was an exception; when the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg was formed, the license plate was changed to KB for Korbach. Also, the district Wolfenstein received with WOS a distinctive character that is not of its county town Freyung was derived. The seat of the District Office was Wolfstein Castle in the Ort district , which was not incorporated into Freyung until April 1, 1954.

After many of the districts created during the territorial reform had been given a neutral name that did not refer to the district town (so as not to additionally humiliate the inferior district parts), these names were partly reflected in abbreviations derived from them: In 1970, Schleswig-Holstein became the occasion the local district reform there the first two ( NF and OH ) and in 1978 in Lower Saxony on the occasion of the local district reform 1977 two further identifiers ( EL and FRI ). The reallocation FRG in Bavaria (1974) can also be derived from the district name. From March 1, 1979, any district that so wished could receive distinctive signs that can be traced back to the district name. Twelve administrative districts made use of this option as soon as possible. In two cases ( HSK and MK ) the word circle was abbreviated in the distinctive sign for the first time . In 1979, the district of Eichstätt ( EIH ) was assigned the new distinctive sign EI in order to reduce the number of letters in an identifier for the first time.

In Baden-Württemberg there is still no district whose distinctive sign is not derived from the name of the district town.

Day Letters Remarks
08/01/1956 NR , NW , STD new distinguishing marks
01/01/1957 HOM , IGB , MZG , OTW , SB , SLS , WND Introduction in Saarland
01/01/1968 BÜS Exclave, Swiss customs connection area
NK , VK Medium-sized cities in Saarland
06/07/1969 DÜW , EMS District reform in Rhineland-Palatinate
04/26/1970 NF , OH District reform in Schleswig-Holstein
October 15, 1970 ROW Renaming of the district town and the district
01/01/1972 HS District reform in North Rhine-Westphalia
VS Renaming of the district town and the district
01/01/1973 FN District reform in Baden-Württemberg
GT District reform in North Rhine-Westphalia
01/01/1974 HR , KB District reform in Hesse
04/01/1974 ITUC Mittelstadt in Saarland
08/04/1974 FRG , RH District reform in Bavaria
01/01/1975 LS , ME , ST , VIE District reform in North Rhine-Westphalia
01/01/1977 L. District reform in Hesse
04/05/1978 EL , FRI , SHG District reform in Lower Saxony
02/12/1979 AS , BGL , ERH , HSK , MK , MSP , MYK , OA , OAL , SÜW , VB , WW new distinctive signs after the circle name
EGG shorter distinctive sign
January 15, 1980 GI Reconstruction of a district
MTK new distinctive sign after the circle name
01/15/1981 SFA new distinctive sign after the circle name
06/24/1982 WTM Reconstruction of a district
11/01/1990 LDK , LIP new distinctive signs after the circle name

Introduction of the license plates in the new federal states

On January 1, 1991, almost three months after the accession of the German Democratic Republic to the Federal Republic, the federal republican registration system was introduced in the new states. New distinctive signs have been established for all urban and rural districts. In one case there was even a distinctive sign that applied to two counties: OVL .

The following distinguishing marks were chosen:

  • C , CA, CB
  • DBR, DD , DE , DL, DM, DW, DZ
  • EB, EF , EH, EIL, EIS, ESA , EW
  • FF , FG , FI, FLÖ, FOR, FRW, FTL, FW
  • IL
  • J , JB , JE
  • KLZ, KM, KÖT, KW, KY
  • NAU, NB , NDH , NEB, NH, NMB, NP, NY, NZ
  • OBG, OC, OR , OVL, OZ
  • P , PCH, PER , PIR , PK , PL, PN, PW, PZ
  • QFT, QLB
  • TET, TG, TP
  • UEM
  • Z , ZE, ZI, ZP, ZR, ZS , ZZ

Changes from 1994

Due to the first district reform, which came into force on December 6, 1993, in one of the new federal states - namely in Brandenburg - the first new identifiers were assigned to the new districts on January 1, 1994. All of the newly formed districts - unique in Germany - received both landscape names and labels derived from them. For the first time, an “L” for “district” is prefixed in the districts of Oder-Spree ( LOS ) and Dahme-Spreewald ( LDS ), since, for example, the possible OS indicator was already in use. All other changes are due to district area reforms, whereby in one case a new identifier was applied for and assigned to reduce the number of letters: APD became AP .

In 1996, for the first (and so far only) time, what was previously avoided occurred: If a distinguishing sign with an A , O or U was required, there was previously no identifier with the corresponding umlaut and vice versa. In the case of the Bördekreis with the identifier (with an existing BO for Bochum), this principle was broken. To this day, however, it has not happened that two distinctive signs differ from each other by an umlaut and the description with AE / OE / UE .

In 2007, two former distinctive signs were reactivated in Saxony-Anhalt :

  • BK carried the vehicles of the former Backnang district in Baden-Württemberg until 1972 . In 2007 it was assigned to the Börde district, which does not have a "K" in its name.
  • Until 1993, HZ carried the vehicles of the then Brandenburg district of Herzberg . In 2007 it was assigned to the Harz district.

For the first time in 2008, a distinctive sign was chosen that was neither based on the name of the district nor on that of the district town or any other town in the district, but listed the first letters of three cities in the district: TDO for Torgau , Delitzsch and Oschatz in the district of northern Saxony .

On June 7th, 2009 there was another innovation. Together with the European elections , the citizens of the district of central Saxony who are entitled to vote voted on whether the district should keep the identifier FG (derived from the district town of Freiberg) or whether the district should be assigned the distinctive sign MSN . With 52.67% "no" votes compared to 47.33% "yes" votes, the citizens voted against a change and for the retention of the previous FG label .

On July 1, 2012, an expiring distinctive sign for a former district town was reintroduced for the first time: The Hessian special status city of Wetzlar became the holder of its own licensing authority and received back the distinctive sign WZ of the former district of Wetzlar , which had expired in 1977 .

Day Letters Remarks
01/01/1994 BAR , EE , HVL , LDS , LOS , MOL , OHV , OPR , OSL , PM , PR , SPN , TF , UM District reform in Brandenburg
06/12/1994 MST, MÜR, NVP, NWM , UER District reform in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
07/01/1994 AZE, BLK , JL , ML, MQ, OK District reform in Saxony-Anhalt
October 24, 1994 Original packaging District reform in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
01/01/1995 ASZ, MEK, MTL, MW, NOL, RG, TO District reform in Saxony
02/01/1995 AP , EIC , KYF , SHK , SOK , UH , WAK District reform in Thuringia
03/15/1995 IK District reform in Thuringia
03/22/1996 new distinctive sign after the circle name
04/01/1996 V District reform in Saxony
01/01/1998 EA newly gained freedom of circle
06/01/2005 MKK new distinctive sign after the circle name
07/27/2005 RP new distinctive sign after the circle name
07/01/2007 ABI , HZ , SLK District reform in Saxony-Anhalt
10/01/2007 BK , MSH District reform in Saxony-Anhalt
08/01/2008 ERZ , TDO District reform in Saxony
08/01/2011 HK Renaming of a district
02/01/2012 LRO , VG , VR District reform in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
07/01/2012 WZ Establishment of your own licensing authority
07/22/2013 MSE District reform in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
08/01/2013 LUP District reform in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Reallocation of canceled distinctive signs from 2012 as part of the license plate liberalization

As part of the license plate liberalization , following the amendment of the Vehicle Registration Ordinance (FZV), which came into force on November 1, 2012, the allocation of previously issued and now canceled distinguishing signs was permitted again. The trailblazer is RÜG , which never expired, but was approved as a desired license plate in the district of Vorpommern-Rügen (only for the area of ​​the former district of Rügen ) from February 1, 2012 . Since March 15, 2013, it has been a distinguishing mark approved as part of the license plate liberalization and can therefore be chosen in the entire district with the exception of the Hanseatic city of Stralsund.

The Free State of Saxony is the first state in which all of the former distinctive signs have been re-approved.

Here is a general overview of all differentiating signs that were newly approved as of November 9, 2012 as part of the license plate liberalization.

The identification is based on the publications in the Federal Gazette, where 01 ... means first publication, 02 ...: second publication, etc. In the third position there is a number for the federal state, as it is in the Federal Gazette. Possibly. there is also a 0. The last two digits are consecutive numbers.

Publications in the Federal Gazette

No. Notice of Reference
01 December 17, 2012 BAnz AT 11.01.2013 B2
02 03/15/2013 BAnz AT 02.04.2013 B8
03 08/01/2013 BAnz AT 08/12/2013 B4
04 09/11/2013 BAnz AT 09/24/2013 B2
05 11/22/2013 BAnz AT 04.12.2013 B2
06 04/08/2014 BAnz AT 04/17/2014 B5
07 05/05/2014 BAnz AT May 16, 2014 B2
08 07/30/2014 BAnz AT 08/13/2014 B2
09 11/13/2014 BAnz AT 11/26/2014 B4
10 12/09/2014 BAnz AT December 17, 2014 B7
11 01/22/2015 BAnz AT 02.02.2015 B3
12 02/09/2015 BAnz AT 02/18/2015 B3
13 03/23/2015 BAnz AT 04/01/2015 B6
14th 05/11/2015 BAnz AT May 20, 2015 B3
15th 07/30/2015 BAnz AT 08/10/2015 B2
16 23/10/2015 BAnz AT 04.11.2015 B3
17th 11/19/2015 BAnz AT 11/30/2015 B4
18th 04/04/2016 BAnz AT 04/15/2016 B4
19th 05/23/2016 BAnz AT 06/03/2016 B7
20th 09/22/2016 BAnz AT 07.10.2016 B3
21st 10/13/2016 BAnz AT 25.10.2016 B2
22nd 12/15/2016 BAnz AT December 27, 2016 B5
23 07.02.2017 BAnz AT 02/20/2017 B2
24 04/05/2017 BAnz AT 04/19/2017 B5
25th 11/15/2017 BAnz AT 11/30/2017 B3
26th 02/22/2018 BAnz AT 12.03.2018 B3
a26a 03/27/2018 BAnz AT 04/10/2018 B2
27 03/27/2018 BAnz AT 04/10/2018 B3
28 11/01/2018 BAnz AT 11/14/2018 B3
29 October 28, 2019 BAnz AT 11/14/2019 B4
30th 05/11/2019 BAnz AT 11/27/2019 B1
31 December 09, 2019 BAnz AT 12/30/2019 B9

No. 26a is a correction of No. 26.

Approval and issue date

The date given refers to the date of approval, not the date of publication in the Federal Gazette.

The overview includes all the distinctive signs concerned up to the 30th publication in the Federal Gazette. For the meaning of the abbreviations see the list of all license plates of the Federal Republic of Germany .

UZ No. Date
Date of
Administrative district state
AE 01101 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Vogtland district Saxony
AH 02101 01/22/2013 02/01/2013 Borken district North Rhine-Westphalia
AIB 03801 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Rosenheim district Bavaria
03802 District of Munich
ALF 01201 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 Hildesheim district Lower Saxony
ALZ 03803 07/05/2013 07/11/2013 Aschaffenburg district Bavaria
ANA 01102 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Erzgebirgskreis Saxony
ANG 06401 04/01/2014 04/03/2014 Uckermark district Brandenburg
ANK 02401 03/12/2013 03/14/2013 District of Vorpommern-Greifswald
(excluding the city of Greifswald )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
APD 01601 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Weimarer Land district Thuringia
ARN 01602 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Ilm district Thuringia
ART 01603 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Kyffhäuserkreis Thuringia
ASL 01701 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Salzlandkreis Saxony-Anhalt
ASZ 01103 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Erzgebirgskreis Saxony
AT 02402 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Mecklenburg Lake District
(excluding the city of Neubrandenburg )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
AU 01104 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Erzgebirgskreis Saxony
AZE 01702 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Anhalt-Bitterfeld district Saxony-Anhalt
BBG 01703 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Salzlandkreis Saxony-Anhalt
BCH 02201 02/18/2013 02/25/2013 Neckar-Odenwald district Baden-Württemberg
BE 07101 04/10/2014 04/22/2014 Warendorf district North Rhine-Westphalia
BED 01105 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Central Saxony district Saxony
BER 02501 03/12/2013 03/19/2013 Barnim district Brandenburg
BF 03401 06/07/2013 07/03/2013 Steinfurt district North Rhine-Westphalia
BGD 20001 08/29/2016 09/15/2016 District of Berchtesgadener Land Bavaria
bra 05001 11/22/2013 12/09/2013 Rastatt district Baden-Württemberg
13301 03/13/2015 03/30/2015 Ortenau district Baden-Württemberg
BID 01801 December 17, 2012 02/01/2013 Marburg-Biedenkopf district Hesse
AM 01401 11/09/2012 11/15/2012 Mainz-Bingen district Rhineland-Palatinate
BIW 01106 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Bautzen district Saxony
BK 04302 09/09/2013 12/02/2013 Rems-Murr district Baden-Württemberg
26301 02/21/2018 09/01/2018 Schwäbisch Hall district
UCS 01402 11/09/2012 11/26/2012 Bernkastel-Wittlich district Rhineland-Palatinate
SU 01501 11/12/2012 11/13/2012 Siegen-Wittgenstein district North Rhine-Westphalia
BNA 01107 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 District of Leipzig Saxony
01704 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Borde district Saxony-Anhalt
BOG 27201 03/27/2018 07/02/2018 District of Straubing-Bogen Bavaria
BOH 02102 01/22/2013 02/01/2013 Borken district North Rhine-Westphalia
BRG 01705 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 District of Jerichower Land Saxony-Anhalt
BRK 03804 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Bad Kissingen district Bavaria
BRL 01202 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 District of Goslar Lower Saxony
BRV 01203 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 Rotenburg (Wümme) district Lower Saxony
BSB 27301 03/27/2018 06/11/2018 District of Osnabrück Lower Saxony
BSK 24001 04/05/2017 09/01/2017 Oder-Spree district Brandenburg
BTF 01706 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Anhalt-Bitterfeld district Saxony-Anhalt
BÜD 01802 December 17, 2012 02/01/2013 Wetteraukreis Hesse
BUL 03805 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Schwandorf district Bavaria
03806 07/12/2013 Amberg-Sulzbach district
OFFICE 10101 11/17/2014 11/24/2014 Paderborn district North Rhine-Westphalia
BÜZ 02403 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Rostock district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
CA 02502 03/12/2013 03/15/2013 Oberspreewald-Lausitz district Brandenburg
CAS 01502 11/12/2012 11/13/2012 Recklinghausen district North Rhine-Westphalia
CLZ 01204 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 District of Goslar Lower Saxony
CR 06301 03/25/2014 03/28/2014 Schwäbisch Hall district Baden-Württemberg
DBR 02404 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Rostock district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
DI 01803 December 17, 2012 02/01/2013 Darmstadt-Dieburg district Hesse
DIL 06201 03/18/2014 05/02/2014 Lahn-Dill district (without the city of Wetzlar ) Hesse
DIN 01503 11/12/2012 December 03, 2012 Wesel district North Rhine-Westphalia
DIZ 03701 07/03/2013 07/08/2013 Rhein-Lahn district Rhineland-Palatinate
DKB 03807 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Ansbach district Bavaria
DL 01108 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Central Saxony district Saxony
DM 02405 03/12/2013 07/22/2013 Mecklenburg Lake District
(excluding the city of Neubrandenburg )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
DUD 01205 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 District of Göttingen (excluding the city of Göttingen ) Lower Saxony
DW 01109 07/11/2012 11/12/2012 District of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains Saxony
Double room 01110 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Northern Saxony district Saxony
EB 01111 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Northern Saxony district Saxony
EBN 06101 03/18/2014 04/01/2014 Haßberge district Bavaria
EBS 03808 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Forchheim district Bavaria
03809 Bayreuth district
03810 District of Kulmbach
ECK 01301 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 District of Rendsburg-Eckernförde Schleswig-Holstein
EG 03811 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Rottal-Inn district Bavaria
EH 24002 04/05/2017 09/01/2017 Oder-Spree district Brandenburg
EXPRESS 01707 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Mansfeld-Südharz district Saxony-Anhalt
A 01206 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 Northeim district Lower Saxony
ICE 01604 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Saale-Holzland district Thuringia
ERK 04201 08/19/2013 02.09.2013 District of Heinsberg North Rhine-Westphalia
ESB 03812 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District Neustadt adWaldnaab Bavaria
03813 07/12/2013 Amberg-Sulzbach district
03814 07/10/2013 Bayreuth district
03815 07/15/2013 District of Nürnberger Land
EW 02503 03/12/2013 03/19/2013 Barnim district Brandenburg
FDB 03816 07/05/2013 07/11/2013 Aichach-Friedberg district Bavaria
FEU 03817 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Ansbach district Bavaria
FI 02504 03/12/2013 04/02/2013 Elbe-Elster district Brandenburg
FKB 04101 08/06/2013 04/11/2013 Waldeck-Frankenberg district Hesse
FLÖ 01112 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Central Saxony district Saxony
FOR 02505 03/12/2013 03/19/2013 Spree-Neisse district Brandenburg
FRW 02506 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 District of Märkisch-Oderland Brandenburg
FTL 01113 07/11/2012 11/12/2012 District of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains Saxony
FEET 03818 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Ostallgäu Bavaria
FW 24003 04/05/2017 09/01/2017 Oder-Spree district Brandenburg
FZ 13101 02/13/2015 03/16/2015 Schwalm-Eder district Hesse
GA 01708 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Altmarkkreis Salzwedel Saxony-Anhalt
GAN 01207 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 Northeim district Lower Saxony
GC 01114 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Zwickau district Saxony
GD 02202 02/18/2013 02/25/2013 Ostalbkreis Baden-Württemberg
GDB 02406 03/12/2013 04/02/2013 District of Northwest Mecklenburg
(excluding the city of Wismar )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
GEL 07301 05/05/2014 06/10/2014 Kleve district North Rhine-Westphalia
GEO 03819 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Schweinfurt district Bavaria
06103 03/18/2014 04/01/2014 Haßberge district
GHA 01115 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 District of Leipzig Saxony
GHC 01709 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Wittenberg district Saxony-Anhalt
GK 04202 08/19/2013 02.09.2013 District of Heinsberg North Rhine-Westphalia
GLA 01504 11/12/2012 11/13/2012 Recklinghausen district North Rhine-Westphalia
GMN 02407 03/12/2013 03/15/2013 District of Vorpommern-Rügen
(excluding the city of Stralsund )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
GN 01804 December 17, 2012 02/01/2013 Main-Kinzig-Kreis (without the city of Hanau ) Hesse
GNT 01710 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 District of Jerichower Land Saxony-Anhalt
GOA 01403 11/09/2012 11/15/2012 Rhein-Hunsrück district Rhineland-Palatinate
GOH 03702 07/03/2013 07/08/2013 Rhein-Lahn district Rhineland-Palatinate
GRA 03820 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Freyung-Grafenau district Bavaria
GRH 01116 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Meißen district Saxony
GRI 03821 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Rottal-Inn district Bavaria
GRM 01117 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 District of Leipzig Saxony
02408 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Rostock district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
GUB 02507 03/12/2013 03/19/2013 Spree-Neisse district Brandenburg
GUN 03822 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district Bavaria
GV 15201 07/08/2015 08/19/2015 Rhine district of Neuss North Rhine-Westphalia
GVM 02409 03/12/2013 04/02/2013 District of Northwest Mecklenburg
(excluding the city of Wismar )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
GW 02410 03/12/2013 03/14/2013 District of Vorpommern-Greifswald
(excluding the city of Greifswald )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
HAB 03823 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Bad Kissingen district Bavaria
HBS 01711 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Harz district Saxony-Anhalt
HC 01118 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Central Saxony district Saxony
HCH 02203 02/18/2013 02/25/2013 Zollernalb district Baden-Württemberg
26201 January 18, 2018 February 19, 2018 Freudenstadt district
HDL 01712 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Borde district Saxony-Anhalt
HEB 03824 07/05/2013 07/15/2013 District of Nürnberger Land Bavaria
HET 01713 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Mansfeld-Südharz district Saxony-Anhalt
HGN 02411 03/12/2013 08/01/2013 Ludwigslust-Parchim district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Hmm 01714 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Burgenland district Saxony-Anhalt
HIG 01605 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Eichsfeld district Thuringia
HIP 03825 07/05/2013 07/11/2013 District of Roth Bavaria
HMÜ 01208 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 District of Göttingen (excluding the city of Göttingen ) Lower Saxony
HOG 01805 December 17, 2012 02/01/2013 District of Kassel Hesse
HIGH 06104 03/18/2014 04/01/2014 Haßberge district Bavaria
HOR 05002 11/22/2013 12/02/2013 Freudenstadt district Baden-Württemberg
HÖS 10201 11/17/2014 02/02/2015 Erlangen-Höchstadt district Bavaria
HOT 01119 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Zwickau district Saxony
HU 19102 04/29/2016 06/15/2016 Main-Kinzig district Hesse
HV 01715 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 District of Stendal Saxony-Anhalt
HY 01120 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Bautzen district Saxony
IL 01606 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Ilm district Thuringia
ILL 03826 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Neu-Ulm Bavaria
JE 01716 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Wittenberg district Saxony-Anhalt
JUL 01505 11/12/2012 11/17/2012 District of Düren North Rhine-Westphalia
KEL 06302 03/25/2014 03/31/2014 Ortenau district Baden-Württemberg
KEM 03827 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Tirschenreuth district Bavaria
03828 Bayreuth district
KK 11101 January 16, 2015 03/02/2015 District of Viersen North Rhine-Westphalia
KLZ 01717 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Altmarkkreis Salzwedel Saxony-Anhalt
KM 01121 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Bautzen district Saxony
CAN 03829 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Rhön-Grabfeld Bavaria
KÖT 01718 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Anhalt-Bitterfeld district Saxony-Anhalt
KÖZ 03830 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Cham district Bavaria
KRU 03831 07/05/2013 07/13/2013 District of Günzburg Bavaria
KW 13401 03/23/2015 07/02/2015 District of Dahme-Spreewald Brandenburg
KY 02508 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Ostprignitz-Ruppin district Brandenburg
LAN 23001 07.02.2017 03/01/2017 Dingolfing-Landau district Bavaria
LBS 01607 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Saale-Orla district Thuringia
LBZ 02412 03/12/2013 08/01/2013 Ludwigslust-Parchim district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
LC 13402 03/23/2015 07/02/2015 District of Dahme-Spreewald Brandenburg
LEO 02204 02/18/2013 02/25/2013 District of Boeblingen Baden-Württemberg
LF 20002 08/29/2016 09/15/2016 District of Berchtesgadener Land Bavaria
21001 10/13/2016 10/01/2016 Altötting district
21003 10/13/2016 10/14/2016 District of Traunstein
LH 07201 04/28/2014 05/16/2014 Coesfeld district North Rhine-Westphalia
16002 08/05/2015 09/01/2015 Unna district
LIB 03201 05/27/2013 05/29/2013 Elbe-Elster district Brandenburg
LN 13403 03/23/2015 07/02/2015 District of Dahme-Spreewald Brandenburg
LÖB 01122 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Goerlitz district Saxony
LP 01506 11/12/2012 December 03, 2012 Soest district North Rhine-Westphalia
LR 06303 03/25/2014 03/31/2014 Ortenau district Baden-Württemberg
LSZ 01608 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Unstrut-Hainich district Thuringia
LÜN 01507 11/12/2012 11/24/2012 Unna district North Rhine-Westphalia
Fiber optic 02413 03/12/2013 08/01/2013 Ludwigslust-Parchim district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
MAB 01123 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Erzgebirgskreis Saxony
MAY 03832 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Kelheim Bavaria
08202 04/28/2014 07/25/2014 Landshut district
MAK 03833 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Wunsiedel i.Fichtelgebirge Bavaria
TIMES 08203 04/28/2014 07/25/2014 Landshut district Bavaria
27203 03/27/2018 07/02/2018 District of Straubing-Bogen
MC 02414 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Mecklenburg Lake District
(excluding the city of Neubrandenburg )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
MED 13201 02/25/2015 04/20/2015 District of Dithmarschen Schleswig-Holstein
MEG 13102 02/13/2015 03/16/2015 Schwalm-Eder district Hesse
MEK 01124 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Erzgebirgskreis Saxony
MEL 27302 03/27/2018 06/11/2018 District of Osnabrück Lower Saxony
MER 01719 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Saalekreis Saxony-Anhalt
MET 03834 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Rhön-Grabfeld Bavaria
MGH 05003 11/22/2013 07/01/2014 Main-Tauber district Baden-Württemberg
MGN 01609 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Schmalkalden-Meiningen district Thuringia
MHL 01610 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Unstrut-Hainich district Thuringia
ML 01720 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Mansfeld-Südharz district Saxony-Anhalt
MO 01508 11/12/2012 December 03, 2012 Wesel district North Rhine-Westphalia
MOD 03835 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Ostallgäu Bavaria
MON 03301 05/27/2013 07/02/2013 City region Aachen North Rhine-Westphalia
15102 05/12/2015 07/15/2015 District of Düren
MQ 01721 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Saalekreis Saxony-Anhalt
MST 02415 03/12/2013 07/22/2013 Mecklenburg Lake District
(excluding the city of Neubrandenburg )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
MTL 01125 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 District of Leipzig Saxony
MÜB 03836 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Bayreuth district Bavaria
08205 04/28/2014 08/04/2014 Hof district
MÜR 02416 03/12/2013 07/22/2013 Mecklenburg Lake District
(excluding the city of Neubrandenburg )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
MW 01126 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Central Saxony district Saxony
MY 03101 04/24/2013 05/06/2013 Mayen-Koblenz district Rhineland-Palatinate
N 03837 07/05/2013 07/15/2013 District of Nürnberger Land Bavaria
NAB 03838 07/05/2013 07/12/2013 Amberg-Sulzbach district Bavaria
03839 07/10/2013 Schwandorf district
NAI 08206 04/28/2014 08/04/2014 Hof district Bavaria
NAU 17001 11/19/2015 04/01/2016 Havelland district Brandenburg
NEB 01722 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Burgenland district Saxony-Anhalt
NEC 03840 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Coburg Bavaria
18508 03/21/2016 December 01, 2014 Coburg
NEN 03841 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Schwandorf district Bavaria
NH 01611 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Sonneberg district Thuringia
NMB 01723 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Burgenland district Saxony-Anhalt
Lower Austria 03842 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Donau-Ries district Bavaria
NOL 01127 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Goerlitz district Saxony
NOR 01209 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 Aurich district Lower Saxony
NP 02509 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Ostprignitz-Ruppin district Brandenburg
NT 09001 03/11/2014 11/10/2014 Esslingen district Baden-Württemberg
NVP 02417 03/12/2013 03/15/2013 District of Vorpommern-Rügen
(excluding the city of Stralsund )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
NY 01128 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Goerlitz district Saxony
NZ 02418 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Mecklenburg Lake District
(excluding the city of Neubrandenburg )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
OBB 25001 11/15/2017 January 15, 2018 Miltenberg district Bavaria
OBG 01724 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 District of Stendal Saxony-Anhalt
OC 01725 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Borde district Saxony-Anhalt
OCH 03843 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Würzburg district Bavaria
OHA 19201 05/17/2016 11/01/2016 District of Göttingen (excluding the city of Göttingen ) Lower Saxony
EAR 12001 02/09/2015 02/10/2015 Hohenlohe district Baden-Württemberg
OK 01726 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Borde district Saxony-Anhalt
OP 14001 05/11/2015 08/03/2015 Leverkusen North Rhine-Westphalia
OVI 03844 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Schwandorf district Bavaria
OVL 01129 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Vogtland district Saxony
Original packaging 02419 03/12/2013 No District of Vorpommern-Greifswald
(excluding the city of Greifswald )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
OZ 01130 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Northern Saxony district Saxony
PAR 03845 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Neumarkt idOPf. Bavaria
03846 District of Kelheim
PCH 02420 03/12/2013 08/01/2013 Ludwigslust-Parchim district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
PEG 03847 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Bayreuth district Bavaria
03848 Forchheim district
03849 07/15/2013 District of Nürnberger Land
PL 01131 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Vogtland district Saxony
PN 01612 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Saale-Orla district Thuringia
PRÜ 01404 11/09/2012 11/14/2012 Eifel district Bitburg-Prüm Rhineland-Palatinate
PW 02421 03/12/2013 03/14/2013 District of Vorpommern-Greifswald
(excluding the city of Greifswald )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
PZ 06402 04/01/2014 04/03/2014 Uckermark district Brandenburg
QFT 01727 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Saalekreis Saxony-Anhalt
QLB 01728 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Harz district Saxony-Anhalt
RC 01132 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Vogtland district Saxony
RDG 02422 03/12/2013 03/15/2013 District of Vorpommern-Rügen
(excluding the city of Stralsund )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
DEER 03850 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Wunsiedel i.Fichtelgebirge Bavaria
08207 04/28/2014 08/04/2014 Hof district
REI 20003 08/29/2016 09/15/2016 District of Berchtesgadener Land Bavaria
RG 01133 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Meißen district Saxony
RI 01210 07/11/2012 11/15/2012 Schaumburg district Lower Saxony
RID 03851 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Kelheim Bavaria
RIE 01134 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Meißen district Saxony
RL 01135 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Central Saxony district Saxony
RM 02423 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Mecklenburg Lake District
(excluding the city of Neubrandenburg )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
RN 17001 11/19/2015 04/01/2016 Havelland district Brandenburg
ROD 03852 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Cham district Bavaria
03853 Schwandorf district
ROF 03501 07/03/2013 08/01/2013 District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg Hesse
ROK 03703 07/03/2013 07/15/2013 Donnersbergkreis Rhineland-Palatinate
ROL 03854 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Kelheim Bavaria
08210 04/28/2014 07/25/2014 Landshut district
ROS 02424 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Rostock district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
RED 03855 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Ansbach district Bavaria
RSL 01729 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Dessau-Rosslau Saxony-Anhalt
RU 01613 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 District of Saalfeld-Rudolstadt Thuringia
RÜG 02425 03/12/2013 03/15/2013 District of Vorpommern-Rügen
(excluding the city of Stralsund )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
SAB 01405 11/09/2012 11/19/2012 District of Trier-Saarburg Rhineland-Palatinate
SAN 03856 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Kulmbach Bavaria
03857 District of Kronach
08211 04/28/2014 08/04/2014 Hof district
SBG 03603 07/03/2013 07/10/2013 District of Vorpommern-Greifswald
(excluding the city of Greifswald )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
SBK 01730 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Salzlandkreis Saxony-Anhalt
SCZ 01614 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Saale-Orla district Thuringia
SDH 01615 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Kyffhäuserkreis Thuringia
SDT 06403 04/01/2014 04/03/2014 Uckermark district Brandenburg
SEB 01136 07/11/2012 11/12/2012 District of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains Saxony
LAKE 02510 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 District of Märkisch-Oderland Brandenburg
SEF 03858 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District Neustadt ad Aisch-Bad Windsheim Bavaria
SEL 03859 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Wunsiedel i.Fichtelgebirge Bavaria
SFB 02511 03/12/2013 03/15/2013 Oberspreewald-Lausitz district Brandenburg
SFT 01731 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Salzlandkreis Saxony-Anhalt
SGH 01732 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Mansfeld-Südharz district Saxony-Anhalt
SLE 02301 02/18/2013 02/20/2013 District of Euskirchen North Rhine-Westphalia
10301 12/09/2014 07/15/2015 District of Düren
SLG 31002 December 09, 2019 07/22/2020 Ravensburg district Baden-Württemberg
District of Sigmaringen
SLN 01616 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Altenburger Land district Thuringia
SLÜ 01806 December 17, 2012 02/01/2013 Main-Kinzig-Kreis (without the city of Hanau ) Hesse
SLZ 01617 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Wartburg district Thuringia
SMÜ 22001 12/15/2016 03/01/2017 District of Augsburg Bavaria
SOB 03860 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen Bavaria
SO-CALLED 03861 07/05/2013 09/16/2013 Weilheim-Schongau district Bavaria
SPB 02512 03/12/2013 03/19/2013 Spree-Neisse district Brandenburg
SRB 02513 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 District of Märkisch-Oderland Brandenburg
SRO 01618 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Saale-Holzland district Thuringia
STB 03604 07/03/2013 08/01/2013 Ludwigslust-Parchim district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
STE 03862 07/05/2013 07/16/2013 Lichtenfels district Bavaria
STL 01137 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Erzgebirgskreis Saxony
STO District of Sigmaringen Baden-Württemberg
SUL 03863 07/05/2013 07/12/2013 Amberg-Sulzbach district Bavaria
SWA 03901 07/23/2013 08/15/2013 Rheingau-Taunus district Hesse
SY 27101 09.03.2018 04/23/2018 District of Diepholz Lower Saxony
SZB 01138 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Erzgebirgskreis Saxony
TE 03402 06/07/2013 07/03/2013 Steinfurt district North Rhine-Westphalia
TET 02426 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Rostock district Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
TG 01139 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Northern Saxony district Saxony
TO 01140 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Northern Saxony district Saxony
TP 06404 04/01/2014 04/03/2014 Uckermark district Brandenburg
TT 30001 05/11/2019 02/03/2020 Lake Constance district Baden-Württemberg
OV 30002 05/11/2019 02/03/2020 Lake Constance district Baden-Württemberg
31003 December 09, 2019 07/22/2020 Ravensburg district
District of Sigmaringen
UEM 02427 03/12/2013 03/14/2013 District of Vorpommern-Greifswald
(excluding the city of Greifswald )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
UER 02428 03/12/2013 No District of Vorpommern-Greifswald
(excluding the city of Greifswald )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
UFF 03864 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District Neustadt ad Aisch-Bad Windsheim Bavaria
USI 01807 December 17, 2012 02/01/2013 Hochtaunuskreis Hesse
VAI 08101 06/17/2014 07/14/2014 Ludwigsburg district Baden-Württemberg
VIB 03865 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Rottal-Inn district Bavaria
08214 04/28/2014 07/25/2014 Landshut district
28001 09/12/2018 02/01/2019 District of Mühldorf am Inn
VIT 26101 04/01/2018 01.03.2018 Regen district Bavaria
VOH 03866 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District Neustadt adWaldnaab Bavaria
WA 04102 08/06/2013 04/11/2013 Waldeck-Frankenberg district Hesse
WAN 01509 11/12/2012 12/12/2012 Herne North Rhine-Westphalia
WAS 29001 October 28, 2019 11/08/2019 Höxter district North Rhine-Westphalia
WAT 01510 11/12/2012 11/14/2012 Bochum North Rhine-Westphalia
WBS 01619 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 Eichsfeld district Thuringia
WDA 01141 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Zwickau district Saxony
WEL 01808 December 17, 2012 02/01/2013 Limburg-Weilburg district Hesse
WHO 03867 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 District of Dillingen adDonau Bavaria
22002 12/15/2016 03/01/2017 District of Augsburg
Flat share 31001 December 09, 2019 07/22/2020 Ravensburg district Baden-Württemberg
WIS 02429 03/12/2013 04/02/2013 District of Northwest Mecklenburg
(excluding the city of Wismar )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
WIT 01511 11/12/2012 11/14/2012 Ennepe-Ruhr district North Rhine-Westphalia
WIZ 03902 07/23/2013 09/16/2013 Werra-Meißner district Hesse
WK 02514 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Ostprignitz-Ruppin district Brandenburg
WLG 02430 03/12/2013 03/14/2013 District of Vorpommern-Greifswald
(excluding the city of Greifswald )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
WMS 01733 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Borde district Saxony-Anhalt
WHERE 01809 December 17, 2012 02/01/2013 District of Kassel Hesse
WOL 06303 03/25/2014 03/31/2014 Ortenau district Baden-Württemberg
26203 January 18, 2018 February 19, 2018 Freudenstadt district
WOR 03868 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen district Bavaria
03869 District of Munich
03870 Starnberg district
WOS 03871 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Freyung-Grafenau district Bavaria
WR 01734 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Harz district Saxony-Anhalt
WRN 02431 03/12/2013 03/18/2013 Mecklenburg Lake District
(excluding the city of Neubrandenburg )
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
WS 03872 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Rosenheim district Bavaria
28002 09/12/2018 02/01/2019 District of Mühldorf am Inn
WSF 01735 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Burgenland district Saxony-Anhalt
WSW 01142 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Goerlitz district Saxony
WTL 27303 03/27/2018 06/11/2018 District of Osnabrück Lower Saxony
WÜM 03873 07/05/2013 07/10/2013 Cham district Bavaria
WUR 01143 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 District of Leipzig Saxony
WZL 01736 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Borde district Saxony-Anhalt
ZE 01737 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Anhalt-Bitterfeld district Saxony-Anhalt
ZEL 01406 11/09/2012 11/15/2012 District of Cochem-Zell Rhineland-Palatinate
ZI 01144 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Goerlitz district Saxony
ZIG 13103 02/13/2015 03/16/2015 Schwalm-Eder district Hesse
ZP 01145 07/11/2012 11/09/2012 Erzgebirgskreis Saxony
ZR 01620 11/23/2012 11/29/2012 District of Greiz Thuringia
ZW 11201 January 16, 2015 02/02/2015 Southwest Palatinate district Rhineland-Palatinate
ZZ 01738 11/23/2012 11/27/2012 Burgenland district Saxony-Anhalt


The approvals of differentiating marks that would otherwise expire are specified here as part of the license plate liberalization. The newly added distinguishing signs are in the Number column . The total number column shows the total of all distinctive signs released so far in connection with license plate liberalization.

date annotation number Total
11/09/2012 Saxony: all with the exception of the Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district 42 42
11/12/2012 Saxony: District of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains 3 45
11/13/2012 North Rhine-Westphalia: Recklinghausen and Siegen-Wittgenstein districts 3 48
11/14/2012 North Rhine-Westphalia: Bochum and Ennepe-Ruhr district
Rhineland-Palatinate: Eifel district Bitburg-Prüm
3 51
11/15/2012 Lower Saxony: districts Aurich , Goslar , Göttingen , Hildesheim , Northeim , Rotenburg (Wümme) and Schaumburg
Rhineland-Palatinate: districts Cochem-Zell , Mainz-Bingen and Rhine-Hunsrück district
Schleswig-Holstein: district Rendsburg-Eckernförde
14th 65
11/17/2012 North Rhine-Westphalia: Düren district 1 66
11/19/2012 Rhineland-Palatinate: District of Trier-Saarburg 1 67
11/23/2012 North Rhine-Westphalia: Unna district 1 68
11/26/2012 Rhineland-Palatinate: District of Bernkastel-Wittlich 1 69
11/27/2012 Saxony-Anhalt 38 107
11/29/2012 Thuringia 20th 127
December 03, 2012 North Rhine-Westphalia: Soest and Wesel districts 3 130
12/12/2012 North Rhine-Westphalia: Herne 1 131
02/01/2013 Hessen: Districts Darmstadt-Dieburg , Hochtaunuskreis , Kassel , Limburg-Weilburg , Main-Kinzig-Kreis , Marburg-Biedenkopf and Wetteraukreis 9 140
02/01/2013 North Rhine-Westphalia: Borken district 2 142
02/20/2013 North Rhine-Westphalia: Euskirchen district 1 143
02/25/2013 Baden-Württemberg: Districts of Böblingen , Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis , Ostalbkreis and Zollernalbkreis 4th 147
03/14/2013 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Vorpommern-Greifswald district 5 152
03/15/2013 Brandenburg: District of Oberspreewald-Lausitz
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: District of Western Pomerania-Rügen
6th 158
03/18/2013 Brandenburg: Districts of Märkisch-Oderland and Ostprignitz-Ruppin
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Districts of Mecklenburg Lake District and Rostock
16 174
03/19/2013 Brandenburg: Districts of Barnim and Spree-Neisse 5 179
04/02/2013 Brandenburg: Elbe-Elster
district, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: North-west Mecklenburg district
4th 183
05/06/2013 Rhineland-Palatinate: Mayen-Koblenz district 1 184
05/29/2013 Brandenburg: Elbe-Elster district (supplement) 1 185
07/02/2013 North Rhine-Westphalia: Aachen city region 1 186
07/03/2013 North Rhine-Westphalia: Steinfurt district 2 188
07/08/2013 Rhineland-Palatinate: Rhein-Lahn district 2 190
07/10/2013 Bavaria: several districts of
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: District of Western Pomerania-Greifswald (supplement)
49 239
07/11/2013 Bavaria: Aichach-Friedberg , Aschaffenburg and Roth districts 3 242
07/12/2013 Bavaria: Amberg-Sulzbach district 1 243
07/13/2013 Bavaria: District of Günzburg 1 244
07/15/2013 Bavaria: District of Nuremberg,
Rhineland-Palatinate: Donnersbergkreis
2 246
07/16/2013 Bavaria: Lichtenfels district 1 247
07/22/2013 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: District of Mecklenburg Lake District (supplement) 3 250
08/01/2013 Hessen: District of Hersfeld-Rotenburg
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: District of Ludwigslust-Parchim
6th 256
08/15/2013 Hessen: Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis 1 257
02.09.2013 North Rhine-Westphalia: District of Heinsberg 2 259
09/16/2013 Bavaria: District of Weilheim-Schongau
Hesse: Werra-Meißner district
2 261
04/11/2013 Hesse: Waldeck-Frankenberg district 2 263
12/02/2013 Baden-Württemberg: Landkreis Freudenstadt and Rems-Murr-Kreis 1 264
12/09/2013 Baden-Württemberg: Rastatt district 1 265
07/01/2014 Baden-Württemberg: Main-Tauber district 1 266
03/28/2014 Baden-Württemberg: District of Schwäbisch Hall 1 267
03/31/2014 Baden-Württemberg: Ortenaukreis 3 270
04/01/2014 Bavaria: District of Haßberge 2 272
04/03/2014 Brandenburg: Uckermark district 4th 276
04/22/2014 North Rhine-Westphalia: Warendorf district 1 277
05/02/2014 Hessen: Lahn-Dill district 1 278
05/16/2014 North Rhine-Westphalia: Coesfeld district 1 279
06/10/2014 North Rhine-Westphalia: Kleve district 1 280
07/14/2014 Baden-Württemberg: District of Ludwigsburg 1 281
07/25/2014 Bavaria: Landshut district 1 282
08/04/2014 Bavaria: District of Hof 1 283
11/10/2014 Baden-Württemberg: District of Esslingen 1 284
11/24/2014 North Rhine-Westphalia: Paderborn district 1 285
02/02/2015 Bavaria: Erlangen-Höchstadt district 1 286
02/10/2015 Baden-Württemberg: Hohenlohe district 1 287
03/02/2015 North Rhine-Westphalia: District of Viersen 1 288
03/16/2015 Hesse: Schwalm-Eder district 3 291
04/20/2015 Schleswig-Holstein: Dithmarschen district 1 292
07/02/2015 Brandenburg: Dahme-Spreewald district 3 295
08/03/2015 North Rhine-Westphalia: Leverkusen 1 296
08/19/2015 North Rhine-Westphalia: Rhein-Kreis Neuss 1 297
04/01/2016 Brandenburg: Havelland district 2 299
09/15/2016 Bavaria: District of Berchtesgadener Land 3 302
11/01/2016 Lower Saxony: District of Göttingen 1 303
03/01/2017 Bavaria: Districts of Augsburg and Dingolfing-Landau 2 305
09/01/2017 Brandenburg: Oder-Spree district 3 308
January 15, 2018 Bavaria: Miltenberg district 1 309
01.03.2018 Bavaria: Regen district 1 310
04/23/2018 Lower Saxony: District of Diepholz 1 311
06/11/2018 Lower Saxony: District of Osnabrück 3 314
07/02/2018 Bavaria: District of Straubing-Bogen 1 315
11/08/2019 North Rhine-Westphalia: Höxter district 1 316
02/03/2020 Baden-Württemberg: Lake Constance district 2 318
07/22/2020 Baden-Württemberg: District of Ravensburg 2 320
Baden-Württemberg: District of Sigmaringen 1 321
Hessen: Lahn-Dill district 1 322

See also


  1. a b c d e Introduction of a distinguishing mark which, after a period of time without being awarded, was later reassigned for a geographically distant registration area.
  2. Introduction of a distinctive sign that is valid today for geographically distant registration areas.
  3. a b c d e Introduction of a distinguishing mark which, after a period of time without being awarded, was later reassigned for the same or a geographically similar approval district.
  4. Introduction of a distinctive sign that is valid for two independent cities.
  5. Introduction of a distinguishing mark that was reassigned again without interruption for a geographically distant registration area.
  6. Continuation of a distinctive sign in a new approval district.
  7. a b c d e Reintroduction of an earlier distinguishing mark listed under Note 3.
  8. a b c d e Reintroduction of an earlier distinctive sign listed under Note 1.
  9. ^ Introduction of a distinctive sign that was valid for two districts.
  10. Reintroduction of a distinctive sign that is now valid for two geographically distant registration areas.