Music year 1912
◄◄ | ◄ | 1908 | 1909 | 1910 | 1911 | Music year 1912 | 1913 | 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | ► | ►►
Overview of the music years
Further events
Music year 1912 | |
The German Opera House in Charlottenburg opens. |
Performance venues
- November 7th : The German Opera House in Charlottenburg , built by Heinrich Seeling , opens with a performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's opera Fidelio under the direction of Ignatz Waghalter .
- The Finnish soprano Aino Ackté founds the Olavinlinna Opera Festival in Savonlinna .
- September: The African-American WC Handy publishes his 1909 piece The Memphis Blues in Memphis , Tennessee . It is considered to be the first published blues piece in history.
World premieres
Instrumental music
- June 26 : The world premiere of the 9th Symphony by Gustav Mahler takes place over a year after the composer's death in Vienna by the Vienna Philharmonic under the conductor Bruno Walter . It is the last work that Mahler completed before his death.
- July 15 : The composer Sergei Sergejewitsch Prokofjew presents his first piano concerto as a pianist at the world premiere in Moscow .
- January 31st : The singer Jack Judge performs the song It’s a Long Way to Tipperary , composed by himself, for the first time in Stalybridge , which became famous worldwide during the First World War through British soldiers.
- February 6 : The world premiere of the opera Die Frau von Eugen d'Albert, based on the libretto by Rudolf Lothar, takes place at the Court Opera in Vienna.

Poster on Roma by Georges-Antoine Rochegrosse
- February 17 : The first performance of the opera Roma by Jules Massenet takes place in Monte Carlo.
- February 29th : The world premiere of Natanael Berg's opera Leila takes place at the Royal Swedish Opera .
- March 15 : The world premiere of the opera Das Spielwerk und die Princess by Franz Schreker takes place at the Court Opera in Vienna.
- August 18 : Franz Schreker celebrates his first success with the opera Der ferne Klang , which premiered at the Frankfurt Opera in Frankfurt am Main . The male lead is sung by the tenor Karl Gentner .
- 25 October : The first version of the opera Ariadne auf Naxos by Richard Strauss with the libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal is premiered in the Small House of the Hoftheater Stuttgart .
- November 12th : The opera Liebesketten by Eugen d'Albert is premiered at the Vienna Volksoper . The libretto is by Rudolf Lothar based on the literary model La filla del mar by Àngel Guimerà .
- February 3 : Leo Fall's operetta Der liebe Augustin , a revision of his failed opera Irrlicht from 1905, premieres at the New Theater am Zoo in Berlin . In this version, the piece with the libretto by Ernst Welisch and Rudolf Bernauer was ultimately successful.
- February 24th : The operetta Hoheit tanzt Walzer by Leo Ascher is premiered at the Raimundtheater in Vienna .
- April 13 : The first performance of the musical comedy The bride's choice of Ferruccio Busoni takes place at the Opera House Hamburg .
- October 11th : The operetta The Gypsy Primate by the composer Emmerich Kálmán and the librettists Fritz Grünbaum and Julius Wilhelm premieres at the Johann Strauss Theater in Vienna.
- October 19 : The world premiere of the operetta Filmzauber by Walter Kollo takes place at the Berlin Theater in Berlin.
- October 11 : The operetta Der Gypsy Primate by Emmerich Kálmán based on a libretto by Fritz Grünbaum and Julius Wilhelm has its world premiere at the Johann Strauss Theater in Vienna.
- December 20 : The world premiere of the operetta Rosenstock and Edelweiss by Franz Lehár based on a libretto by Julius Bauer takes place in the cabaret Hölle in the basement of the Theater an der Wien in Vienna.
- December: The world premiere of the operetta So It's Made by Walter Kollo takes place in Hamburg at the New Theater.
Further world premieres
- Carl Michael Ziehrer : Maneuver Children (premiered in Vienna)
- Leo Ascher : The decoy
- Emmerich Kálmán : The Blue House ; The Little King (Operetta) The UAs took place in London and Vienna.
- October 16 : Three times seven poems from Albert Giraud's »Pierrot lunaire« for speaking voice and chamber ensemble are premiered in the Choralion-Saal Berlin by Arnold Schönberg under the direction of the composer, with Albertine Zehme as reciter and Eduard Steuermann at the piano.
Olympic games
- At the Olympic Games in Stockholm also be art contests held. In the music discipline , the Italian Riccardo Barthelemy wins the gold medal for his Olympic triumphal march .
- Columbia Records is converting its production from phonograph cylinders to vinyl records .
- Sales of Diamond Discs developed by Thomas Alva Edison begin.
January to April
- January 1 : Rafael Sánchez Cestero , Dominican singer († 1999 )
- January 2 : André Amellér , French composer and music teacher († 1990 )
- January 2 : Barbara Pentland , Canadian composer († 2000 )
- January 6th : Hans Richter-Haaser , German pianist († 1980 )
- January 7th : Günter Wand , German conductor († 2002 )
- January 12 : Pipí Franco , Dominican singer and composer († 1978 )
- January 17 : Bob Zurke , American jazz musician (pianist, composer) († 1944 )
- January 25 : Lucho Bermúdez , Colombian composer († 1994 )
- February 5 : Tex Atchison , American country musician († 1982 )
- February 7th : Lev Aronson , German cellist, cello teacher and composer († 1988 )
- February 7th : Alfred Desenclos , French composer († 1971 )
- February 8 : Šimon Jurovský , Czech composer († 1963 )
- February 11 : Rudolf Firkušný , Czech pianist († 1994 )
- February 27 : Eliška Kleinová , Czech piano teacher († 1999 )
- March 1 : Walter Davis , American blues musician († 1963 )
- March 12 : Bruno Uher , Austrian composer († 1976 )
- March 15 : Lightnin 'Hopkins , American country blues guitarist († 1982 )
- April 5 : Carlos Guastavino , Argentine composer († 2000 )
- April 6 : Endre Székely , Hungarian composer († 1989 )
- April 22nd : Kathleen Ferrier , English singer († 1953 )
- April 27 : Parashkew Chadschiev , Bulgarian composer († 1992 )
May to August
- May 3 : Virgil Keel Fox , American organist († 1980 )
- May 7 : Sitson Ma , Chinese violin virtuoso and composer († 1987 )
- May 8 : Guillermo Abadía Morales , Colombian folklorist († 2010 )
- May 10 : Adrian Aeschbacher , Swiss pianist († 2002 )
- May 13 : Gil Evans , Canadian jazz musician († 1988 )
- May 13 : Ernst Hess , Swiss conductor, composer and musicologist († 1968 )
- May 17 : Sándor Végh , French conductor and violinist of Hungarian descent († 1997 )
- May 17 : Percy Young , British music writer and composer († 2004 )
- May 18 : Perry Como , American singer († 2001 )
- May 23 : Jean Françaix , French pianist and composer († 1997 )
- May 28 : Jos Hanniken , Belgian composer and conductor († 1998 )
- May 31 : Alfred Deller , English singer († 1979 )
- June 9 : Ingolf Dahl , American composer and conductor († 1970 )
- June 28 : Eleazar de Carvalho , Brazilian composer and conductor († 1996 )
- July 4th : Fritz Schulz-Reichel , German composer and pianist († 1990 )
- July 10 : Piet Stalmeier , Dutch composer and conductor († 1990 )
- July 11 : Sergiu Celibidache , Romanian conductor († 1996 )
- July 12 : Sid Robin , American lyricist and composer († 1985 )
- July 14 : Woody Guthrie , American unionist and songwriter († 1967 )
- July 27 : Igor Markevitch , Russian composer and conductor († 1983 )
- August 4th : David Raksin , American film music composer († 2004 )
- August 9 : Bojan Adamič , Slovenian composer and conductor († 1995 )
- August 9 : Anne Brown , American soprano († 2009 )
- August 12 : Rex Griffin , American old-time and country musician († 1958 )
- August 14 : Louis Joseph Moyse , French flautist and composer († 2007 )
- August 18 : Volker Gwinner , German composer and organist († 2004 )
- August 20 : Knyaz Hacıbəyov , Azerbaijani conductor († 1984 )
September to December
- September 5 : John Cage , American composer († 1992 )
- September 15 : Gisela Hernández Gonzalo , Cuban musicologist and composer († 1971 )
- September 19 : Kurt Sanderling , German conductor († 2011 )
- September 27 : Maria Luise Thurmair , South Tyrolean author of poems and hymns († 2005 )
- October 6 : Erwin Weiss , Austrian composer († 2004 )
- October 9 : Konrad Siebach , German double bass player and double bass teacher († 1995 )
- October 11 : Fedora Alemán , Venezuelan singer
- October 16 : Lotti Huber , German actress, singer and dancer († 1998 )
- October 20 : Marcel Couraud , French conductor († 1986 )
- October 21 : Don Byas , jazz tenor saxophone player († 1972 )
- October 21 : Georg Solti , Hungarian conductor († 1997 )
- October 22 : Lucien Gekiere , Belgian composer and conductor († 1990 )
- October 24 : Johannes Petzold , German church musician († 1985 )
- October 27 : Conlon Nancarrow , Mexican composer († 1997 )
- November 4 : Enrique González Mántici , Cuban conductor, violinist and composer († 1974 )
- November 4 : Vadim Nikolajewitsch Salmanow , Russian composer († 1978 )
- November 6 : King Kolax , American jazz trumpeter († 1991 )
- November 21 : Eleanor Powell , American dancer, singer and actress († 1982 )
- November 26 : Gunnar Sønstevold , Norwegian composer († 1991 )
- December 13th : Luiz Gonzaga , Brazilian singer, accordionist and composer († 1989 )
- December 17 : Hellmut Haase-Altendorf , German composer and pianist († 1990 )
- December 22nd : Oscar Moret , Swiss composer and professor († 2003 )
- December 29 : Peggy Glanville-Hicks , Australian composer († 1990 )
- February 1 : Hugo Bußmeyer , German composer (* 1842 )
- February 13 : Alphonse Schmitt , Alsatian organist and composer (* 1875 )
- March 5 : Rochus von Liliencron , Germanist and music historian (* 1820 )
- May 26 : Jan Blockx , Belgian composer (* 1851 )
- June 6 : Giulio Ricordi , Italian music publisher and composer (* 1840 )
- July 23 : Alphonse Lavallée-Smith , Canadian composer, organist and music teacher (* 1873 )
- August 13 : Jules Massenet , French opera composer (* 1842 )
- November 11th : Józef Wieniawski , Polish pianist and composer (* 1837 )
- December 2 : Otis Bardwell Boise , American composer (* 1844 )
- 9 December : Louis de Gramont , French journalist, playwright and librettist (* 1854 )
- December 13 : Franz Simandl , double bass player and music teacher (* 1840 )
See also
Web links
Commons : Music 1912 - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Commons : Opera Libretti 1912 - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files