List of geotopes in Lower Franconia

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The list of geotopes in Lower Franconia includes the following lists of geotopes in Lower Franconian counties and cities from the article namespace:

The selection corresponds to the administrative region of Lower Franconia . The list contains the official names and numbers of the Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) as well as their geographical location. Further detailed information on the properties is available in the lists at the district level. This list may not be complete. Around 3,400 geotopes (as of October 2018) are recorded in the Bavarian geotope register. The LfU does not consider some geotopes suitable for publication on the Internet. For example, some objects are not safely accessible or may only be entered to a limited extent for other reasons. Entering the geotopes is at your own risk and the LfU assumes no liability.

Surname image Geotope ID Municipality / location Geological unit of space description Area m² / extension m geology Digestion type value Protection status comment
Quarry at the Stengerts WNW of Gailbach 661A004 Aschaffenburg
Vorpessart The abandoned quarry of quartz diorite is not a typical intrusive rock , but rather has the appearance of gneiss . It contains large sprinkles of potassium feldspar in a streaky distribution. The quartz diorite is interspersed with pegmatite dikes that lead to 1 cm large titanite crystals. The quarry is now used as a shooting range, but can be visited after prior registration. 4000
100 × 40
Type: Rock type, Mineral
type: Diorite
Quarry precious Part of the landscape, nature park
Noriswand SE from Aschaffenburg Noriswand.jpg
661A005 Aschaffenburg
Vorpessart At the Stengerts there is an elongated gorge-like quarry in the forest. Up until the end of the 19th century, lamprophyres of the varieties Spessartite and Kersantite were mined here. The open corridor of the fine-grained, dark gray, splintery breaking rock is overgrown with moss. Both gneisses of the Elterhof formation and diorite are exposed as secondary rocks. 4000
100 × 40
Type: Rock type, Contact
type: Diorite
Quarry especially valuable Part of the landscape, nature park
White quarry - Heinrich SW shaft of Haibach 661G001 Aschaffenburg
Vorpessart There are numerous small marble lenses within the Elterhof formation of the Crystalline Vorspessart. Between Schweinheim and Gailbach, one of these lenses was mined from around 1870 to 1942, initially in a ravine-like quarry, and later also underground. The ravine-like break and a tunnel mouth hole are still preserved today. The material was used for paper production in Aschaffenburg-Damm. 1000
50 × 20
Type: Quarry / Pit
Type: Marble
Open pit precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Bensenbruch S from Dörrmorsbach AB gLB5 LB-01419 Cave.jpg
661G002 Aschaffenburg
Vorpessart Two caves have remained from the former Bensenbruch. In the larger one, 50 to 60 people could find protection during a bombing raid in 1945. The lamprophyre dike is bounded by the basal breccia (red sandstone) alternating with siltstones from the crumbly slate series. 75
15 × 5
Type: tunnel, quarry / pit, rock type, contact
type: lamprophyr, sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape component, landscape protection area, nature park
Sea of ​​rocks on Grauberg / Stengerts NW of Gailbach AB Stengerts Felsmeer.JPG
661R001 Aschaffenburg
Vorpessart On the Grauberg there is a sea of ​​blocks of diorite rocks weathered by wool sack in the forest. The sea of ​​rocks and the Noris wall have been protected as part of the landscape since 1996 because of their rarity and scientific importance. 10000
200 × 50
Type: Blockmeer
Type: Diorite
block precious Part of the landscape, nature park
Teufelskanzel on Godelsberg E Aschaffenburg AB Teufelskanzel.jpg
661R002 Aschaffenburg
Vorpessart The Teufelskanzel viewpoint is located on the northwest corner of the Godelsberg summit plateau. It is accessed via the Spessart-Weg 1 hiking trail and can be easily reached from a hiking car park a short distance away. The pulpit consists of a natural collection of several large blocks of Goldbacher Orthgneiss. This grainy, fibrous muscovite-biotite gneiss is mostly medium to coarse-grained. It often contains conspicuous nests of mica. Further controls of gneiss blocks are also located on the north slope of the mountain (more at the Goldbacher Kanzel). The Kippenburg is located a short distance from the geotope. It was built as a ruin around 1839 from rubble stones to amuse the population. 600
30 × 20
Type: Block Sea
Type: Gneiss
Rock slope / cliff precious Natural park

Goldbacher-Gneiss Aufschluss SE from Kleinostheim 661A002 Mainaschaff
Lower Main Level The Goldbacher gneiss is only exposed at the root of a tree about 2 m wide. The place is now used as a mountain bike practice area and was filled in with sand and completely redesigned. 50
10 × 5
Type: Rock
Type: Muscovite-Biotite-Gneiss
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Olivine nephelinite in Strietwald SE of Kleinostheim Volcanic chimney cone near Aschaffenburg DSCF4743.jpg
661A003 Mainaschaff
Lower Main Level A very steep staircase leads from the Kulturweg to the Teschenhöhle. An information board explains the rock in the vicinity. They are Schlottuffe with olivine nepheline bombs. The trough is very overgrown so that the outcrop wall is inaccessible and barely visible. 20000
200 × 100
Type: Rock
Type: Nephelinite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Phonolithbruch Rückersbacher Schlucht W von Johannesberg Rückersbacher Schlucht 2013a.jpg
671A001 Kleinostheim
Vorpessart In a small, abandoned quarry, only heavily weathered remains of phonolite are left in a narrow, narrow gorge. The Tephritic phonolite is strongly fissured and brecciated in the western part by faults parallel to the mountain edge. This is the only phonolite deposit in Bavaria. 200
20 × 10
Type: Rock
Type: Phonolite
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Dolomite quarry on Graefenberg S of Rottenberg Graefenberg quarry.JPG
671A002 Hösbach
Spessart Pending here is Zechsteindolomit, which is thin-banked in the lower fracture area and thick-banked to massive towards the top. The weathered, bituminous dolomite has numerous calcite-filled drusen (similar to rough cheeks) and barite ducts in the lower area. The stone marls of the higher Zechstein are hardly accessible, karstification funnels and seam mountains of the crystalline can no longer be observed. The break is now no longer open to the public. 1600
80 × 20
Type: Rock type, Minerals
Type: Dolomite stone, Rauhwacke
Quarry precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Street outcrop SW of Wesemichshof Road exposure-Wesemichshof-1.jpg
671A003 Kleinahl
Spessart Massive yellowish Zechsteindolomit is exposed on the road, which is partially concealed on steep faults. Root formation and barren passages are clearly visible above the road. 550
25 × 22
Type: Rock type, Mineral
type: Dolomite stone
embankment precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Ellet stone on the calf's hump near Kleinostheim 671A005 Kleinostheim
Lower Main Level Staurolite-garnet-plagioclase-gneiss protrudes from the trees above the road. A cross is on the hump and a memorial plaque for Ketteler is attached to the rock. 80
10 × 8
Type: Type of rock, minerals, rock wall / slope
Type: staurolite-garnet-plagioclase-gneiss
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Gneiss rocks NNW from Stockstadt 671A006 Stockstadt am Main
Lower Main Level At the village square of Stockstadt there is a small rock group of basement rock that protrudes through the Main gravel. It is a gneiss from the red gneiss complex that is adorned with a statue of the Virgin Mary. 32
8 × 4
Type: Rock type, hard rock
Type: Muscovite-biotite-gneiss
Quarry significant no protected area
Rock group Königssitz WNW von Kleinostheim 671A007 Stockstadt am Main
Lower Main Level Surrounded by motorway entrances, there are remnants of the former mining of Goldbach gneiss in a very overgrown hollow. They are weathered rocks that are lined up next to each other. 450
30 × 15
Type: Rock
Type: Muscovite-Biotite-Gneiss
Quarry significant no protected area
Sandstone outcrop NW of Mespelbrunn Castle 671A008 Mespelbrunn
Spessart Heigenbrücker sandstone from the Gelnhausen succession is unlocked in a private car park. 1000
100 × 10
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
embankment significant Natural park
Sandstone quarry NE of Röderhof 671A009-Röderhof-Aschaffenburg.jpg
671A009 Schöllkrippen forest
Spessart In the former sandstone quarry, typical deposit forms and rock formations of the Heigenbrücker sandstone (Gelnhausen sequence) are exposed. Crumbly slate stands below the slope of the path. The outcrop is cleared and very well maintained. 1000
100 × 10
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Rock group at the wildlife park N of Haibach Haibach 671A010 Closeup.jpg
671A010 Haibach
Vorpessart Above the Haibach wildlife park, a steep rock group of fissured biotite gneiss protrudes, which can be traced further into the forest. The outcrop is well preserved and children like to use it as a climbing rock. 48
8 × 6
Type: Rock
Type: Biotite Gneiss
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument
Former sandstone quarry near Heigenbrücken 671A011 Heigenbrücken
Spessart The break offers an insight into the type locality of the Heigenbrücken sandstone. It is located NE of the train station in the new development area, has been closed for a long time, but is still in good condition. 175
35 × 5
Type: Type locality
Type: Sandstone
Quarry especially valuable Natural park
Exposure on Lindenberg NE of Laufach 671A012 Laufach
Vorpessart The former outcrop of muscovite-biotite slate has now been filled in and overgrown. Any rock standing in the way is no longer visible. There are only a few reading stones left. 4
2 × 2
Type: Rock
Type: Muscovite-Biotite-Gneiss
embankment significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Quarry on the Eichenberg-Sailauf road 671A013 Sailauf
Vorpessart Muscovite-biotite-gneiss (Haibacher gneiss) within the mica-slate-paragneiss group was mined in the quarry. 60
20 × 3
Type: Rock
Type: Muscovite-Biotite-Gneiss
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Quarry E from Hörstein 671A014 Alzenau
Vorpessart Amphibolite of the Hörstein-Huckelheim formation was mined in the quarry. The quarry is very overgrown, the walls of the quarry hardly accessible. 500
50 × 10
Type: Rock
Type: Amphibolite
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Quarry between Hörstein and Hohl 671A015 Alzenau
Vorpessart In the now very overgrown quarry, staurolite-garnet-plagioclase-gneiss of the Mömbris formation was mined. 500
50 × 10
Type: Rock
Type: Staurolite-Garnet-Plagioclase-Gneiss
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
1. Quartz train NW from Gunzenbach 671A016 Mömbri's
Vorpessart In the very overgrown outcrop you can see red, platy to banky exuding quartzite and quartzite slate with intermediate layers of quartz-rich mica slate. The rock formation shows the alternate stratification originally created by sediment. 150
30 × 5
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Quartzite
Quarry precious Natural park
1. Quartz train S from Molkenberg 671A017 Mömbri's
Vorpessart Next to the street, quartzite to quartzite slate is exposed in a former quarry behind a residential building . It is dissected at shear fissures and exuding flat to banky. 500
100 × 5
Type: Rock
Type: Quartzite
Quarry significant Natural park
Former quarry E von Strötzbach 671A018 Mömbri's
Vorpessart The former quarry of garnet-plagioclase-gneiss is now very ingrown and filled with rubble, so that the pit walls are not accessible. 200
20 × 10
Type: Rock
type: Garnet plagioclase gneiss
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Quarry at the Herrnmühle ESE von Michelbach Quarry-Herrnmühle-Michelbach.jpg
671A019 Alzenau
Vorpessart Reddish, quartzitic mica schist was mined in the small quarry. Today the outcrop has grown a little. 300
30 × 10
Type: Rock
Type: Mica Slate
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Quartzite blocks on the Hahnenkamm SE of Kälberau Hahnenkammquarzit.jpg
671A020 Alzenau
Vorpessart The quartzite blocks on the Hahnenkamm belong to the 4th quartzite train in the Vorspessart (Hahnenkamm quartzite). There are further, weathered and non-standing quartzite blocks scattered on the slope. 2
2 × 1
Type: Rock
Type: Quartzite
block precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Pit NW of Oberhemsbach 671A021 Alzenau
Vorpessart The former quarry of Paragneiss is overgrown and covered with soil. Any rock standing in the way is no longer visible. 50
10 × 5
Type: Rock
Type: Gneiss
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Quarry S of Erlenbach 671A022 Hösbach
Vorpessart In the overgrown quarry, Schöllkrippen gneiss was extracted from the red gneiss complex. 60
20 × 3
Type: Rock
Type: Muscovite-Biotite-Gneiss
Quarry precious Natural park
Keiner-Bruch SE from Oberbessenbach 671A024 Bessenbach
Spessart The former sandstone quarry Keiner is located on Kulturweg 2. Here red-brown to pale red, fine to medium-grain, medium to thick banked Heigenbrücker sandstone was mined. The break is a bit overgrown and is used by climbers today. 13600
170 × 80
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Quarry WSW from bridges 671A027 Mömbri's
Vorpessart In the quarry near Hemsbach, garnet-containing mica slates to quartzite slates from the Geiselbach formation are pending. Up to 1 cm thick layers of dense, low-mica quartzites are integrated into it. The quartzite contains light mica and rarely some tourmaline. 90 100
530 × 170
Type: Rock
Type: Quartzite
Quarry precious Natural park
Sandstone quarry at the parking lot Wodianka SW von Heigenbrücken 671A030 Forst Hain in the Spessart
Spessart Across the street from the Wodianka hut is a former red sand quarry. The red-brown to pale red, medium-grain sandstone belongs to the Heigenbrücken sandstone. 7000
140 × 50
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Zechstein outcrop at the sports ground S von Feldkahl 671A031 Hösbach
Vorpessart At the SW edge of the golf course at the sports field of the TSV Feldkahl, a Zechsteindolomit banked on a long rock face is unlocked. Fissures occasionally lead to barite (sometimes small crystals). 2700
270 × 10
Type: Type of rock, sequence of layers, minerals
Type: Dolomite stone
Rock slope / cliff precious no protected area
Quarry on Wendelberg W of Haibach 671A032 Haibach
Vorpessart Biotite gneiss was mined in the former quarry. The Wendelberg gneiss is a small-grain gneiss with a clear parallel texture. Locally, pegmatitic streaks can be observed, which displaced the gneiss substance and which are apparently of a younger age. Minerals worth collecting were found in the pegmatite dikes, such as tourmaline, apatite and ilmenite, rarely also beryl, large tabular muscovites and biotites. Spessartine was first found on Wendelberg. 20000
200 × 100
Type: Rock type, Mineral
type: Biotite gneiss
Quarry precious Natural park
Quarry and rocks SW of Rückersbach 671A033 Kleinostheim
Vorpessart In the old quarry at the witch's house, an alternating layer of garnet plagioclase gneiss and mica slate has been opened up. Above the quarry follows the most scenic part of the gorge on the slopes of the Rückersbach: rock groups of staurolite-garnet-plagioclase-gneiss over a length of about 500 m. 750
30 × 25
Type: Rock type, rock group
Type: Garnet-plagioclase gneiss, mica schist, staurolite-garnet-plagioclase gneiss
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Copper mine Wilhelmine E von Sommerkahl Wilhelmine mine 2.jpg
671G001 Summer bald
Spessart Spectacular wallpapers of brightly colored copper minerals, especially green malachite and blue azurite, cover the quarry walls of the Wilhelmine copper ore mine. The copper minerals are located in an orthogneiss that was formed around 335 million years ago during the Variscan orogeny. Hydrothermal veins lead as ores made of colored copper gravel (bornite), silver-containing arsenic (tennantite), copper pyrites and pyrite in addition to quartz and barite as veins. The geotope is one of Bavaria's hundred most beautiful geotopes and is explained on site with a corresponding information board. 5000
100 × 50
Type: Gallery
Type: Gneiss
Quarry especially valuable Natural park Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 23
Copper slate quarry Help God NE von Großkahl 671G002 Kleinahl
Spessart Mining on copper slate has been documented here since 1454 and continued with interruptions until 1835. Copper, lead and silver were extracted. On the slope of the Habersberg, the circular pings of the former shaft and heaps are preserved as mining tools. Copper shale with traces of lead and copper minerals can be found on the heaps. The former mouth holes of the old Kahler tunnel and the Maximiliansstollen should still be able to be located on the basis of escaping mine water. The area is designated as a ground monument (Fig. 3, light red area, monument no. D-6-5821-0026). Unfortunately, part of the former mining site has been covered by an excavated earth dump. 0
not specified
Type: Halde, Pinge / nfeld
Type: Mudstone , non-ferrous metal ore
Ping precious Soil monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Copper shale mining on Rothen Rain NE by Sailauf 671G003 Sailaufer Forst
Vorpessart The medieval duckel mining on copper slate left a large number of pings here. In the Duckel mining, a shaft was sunk into the copper shale and this was dismantled. The copper slate was then excavated from the side. Instead, a new shaft was sunk some distance away before support was needed. Copper and lead were extracted. The Schachtpingen are still up to 3 m deep, the heaps have a diameter of up to 30 m. The site is a ground monument (monument no. D-6-5921-0048). 357500
650 × 550
Type: Pinge / nfeld, shaft
type: Bricks
Ping precious Soil monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Dune in Kühbruch E from Kahl a. M. The Alzenauer Sands 1.jpg
671R001 Alzenau
Lower Main Level The sand dune in Kühbruch, together with the adjoining dune in the Sauweide, form the Neufeld sub-area belonging to the Alzenauer Sande nature reserve. On the narrow, irregularly shaped dunes, the flat windward slope to the west and the steeper leeward slope in the east can be easily understood. Strong westerly winds picked up fine sand from the gravel of the Main and Kahl during the cold times and deposited it elsewhere in the form of drifting sand covers and dunes. 6000
200 × 30
Type: Dune
Type: Sand
no information precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Dune in the Sauweide E von Kahl a. M. Court Square 09 nel.jpg
671R002 Alzenau
Lower Main Level The sand dune in the Sauweide, together with the adjoining dune in Kühbruch, forms the Neufeld sub-area belonging to the Alzenauer Sande nature reserve. You can see a narrow, irregularly shaped stretch of dunes. Strong westerly winds picked up fine sand from the gravel of the Main and Kahl during the cold times and deposited it elsewhere in the form of drifting sand covers and dunes. 14400
180 × 80
Type: Dune
Type: Sand
no information significant Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Beutelstein SW from Oberbessenbach 671R003 Bessenbach
Vorpessart In the forest, blocks of wool-sack-weathered diorite are spread over the entire slope. As the most striking and largest of these diorite rocks, the bag stone protrudes from the block stream sea. 1000
40 × 25
Type: rock wall / slope, rock
type: diorite
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Quartz porphyry quarry NE from Sailauf 671A004 Sailauf
Spessart Rhyolite was mined in the Hartkoppe quarry north of Sailauf. It is a fine-grained, dense rock of reddish to reddish-gray color and has a fine-porphyry structure. The rhyolite body is cylindrical in the surrounding gneiss of the red gneiss complex and is covered by sediments of the Zechstein. Larger crevices, which can usually be traced almost vertically through the rock, were later filled with iron, manganese and arsenic minerals. The quarry is the type locality of the minerals Sailaufit and Okruschit. The dismantling stopped at the end of 2017. On the first level of the quarry there is an information board on which you can find out more about the quarry and its minerals and look into the quarry. This board is part of the approximately 10 km long Bleckmaul & Sailaufit cultural circuit, which begins in Sailauf at the St. Vitus Church. 60000
300 × 200
Type: rock type, minerals, type locality 4 contact
type: rhyolite, dolomite stone, mudstone
Quarry precious Natural park
Aufgel. Quartzite quarries NNE from Geiselbach 671A034 Geiselbach
Vorpessart On the Kreuzberg north-northeast of Geiselbach there are several abandoned quarries. The rocks extracted here belong to the 4th quartz range of the Geiselbach Formation. Very few good outcrops of this rock still exist. On the basis of paleontological findings of pteridophytes (vascular pore plants) and spores, the quartzite and the rocks that emerge (partly garnet-bearing mica schist and quartzite-mica schist) can be placed in the Silurian-Devonian border area. There are several mostly very small (approx. Five by five meters) mining sites and a larger (approx. 40 by 50 meters) quarry. The building material for the Church of St. Magdalena in Geiselbach was dismantled in one of the quarries. The extensive mining area extends over an area of ​​around 300 by 150 meters on the southern slope of the Kreuzberg. It is located in a high forest and is easily accessible via an unmarked hiking trail. Outcrops are only available in a few places, but sufficient heaps and readings are possible everywhere. 2000
Type: Rock
Type: Quartzite
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park

Former basalt quarry Sodenberg SW von Diebach BY NSG SodenBg 04 2011 Krater.JPG
672A001 Hammelburg
Western Franconian Plates A chimney filling was deeply dismantled on the Sodenberg. There is a columnar, secreting basalt covered with a mantle of tuffy breccia. The numerous extensive spoil heaps testify to an unfavorable (i.e. high) spoil / usable rock ratio. The extraction from the very deep pit floor is unclear, as there is no entry / exit. The mining had developed into a narrow hole with steep, no longer stable embankments. 21600
180 × 120
Type: Rock, Quarry / Pit
Type: Basalt
Quarry precious Nature reserve, FFH area
Former Basalt quarry Knürzchen NE from Schildeck 672A003 Schondra
Rhön The small quarry is located in a basalt chimney. The small columnar secretion leads to angular to rounded blocks that are weathered in a spherical shell. A vent breccia is exposed at the edge, formerly also areas with adjacent rock breccia. 225
15 × 15
Type: Rock
Type: Basalt
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Rudelberg E quarry by Schondra 672A004 Schondra
Rhön In the abandoned quarry, layers of the lowest lower shell limestone are pending. Typical of this section is the high proportion of marly areas as well as conglomerate benches and benches with sea lily stems. The border limestone (the border bank to the Upper Buntsandstein) can be found twice in the path below the quarry. 800
100 × 8
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Limestone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Former Clay pit SE from Untereschenbach 672A005 Hammelburg
Western Franconian Plates The abandoned clay pit opens up the upper parts (approx. 5 m) of the lower red clay stones in the lower part of the pit wall (red-brown clay silt stones with gray-green reduction horizons) as well as excellently preserved white-gray red quartzite (at the top) 2.5-3.0 m thick with bleached layers below its base. A special geotope due to the rarity of outcrops in red quartzite. 4000
100 × 40
Type: Layer sequence
Type: claystone, sandstone
Clay pit / clay pit / marl pit precious no protected area
Former Ofenthaler Berg quarry near Hammelburg 672A006 Hammelburg
Western Franconian Plates The abandoned quarry is divided into a lower and an upper area. In the lower area of ​​the myophoric layers of the uppermost red sandstone are the red intermediate and the hanging part of the myophoric layers, followed by the basal layers of the lower shell limestone. The upper area opens up the layers to below the terebratel benches in a dismantling wall. The oolite bank is visible in the upper third. 36000
300 × 120
Type: Standard / Reference Profile, Disturbance
Type: Limestone, Claystone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Quarry SE from Stralsbach 672A007 Burkardroth
Rhön In two quarries near Stralsbach, there is a lot of sloping lower Muschelkalk in great thickness in a trench-like fault system. Here it is lowered to the level of the upper red sandstone. Due to its higher resistance to weathering, the red sandstone forms a morphological high area (relief reversal). 120
20 × 6
Type: Fault, Rock
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Quarry Kehlmetze E von Nüdlingen 672A008 Nüdlingen
Northern Franconian Plates In the former small quarry, Wellenkalk is exposed to the Beta 2 oolite bank. The bench is oolithic-fine conglomerate with a characteristic wavy surface. Best exposure from this bank in the whole region and easily accessible. 8000
200 × 40
Type: Layer sequence, Animal fossils, Rock
type: Limestone
Quarry precious no protected area
Former Quarry Höret SE von Arnshausen 672A009 Bad Kissingen
Western Franconian Plates Folded corrugated limestone from the foam limestone region is exposed in the Höret quarry. In the west, the folded layers change into undeformed limestone. In the east, the folds are limited by a fault that shifts the Lower Muschelkalk to the Upper Muschelkalk with a jump height of approx. 100-130 m. In the meantime, only a very small wrinkled area can be seen at the Bruch entrance. The exposed sloping layer surfaces are still impressive. 3600
60 × 60
Type: fold / trough / saddle, fault, rock
type: limestone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area
Former Quarry at the Platzer Kuppe NE of Geroda 672A011 Geroda
Rhön In a small quarry on the northwest side of the Platzer Kuppe, Unterer Muschelkalk (wave limestone) was mined, namely Unterer Muschelkalk 1 with a conglomerate bank and (above) a prominent oolite bank. The profile connects stratigraphically to the Schondra profile at the top. 900
30 × 30
Type: Rock
Type: Limestone
Quarry significant Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Former Bellevue SE basalt quarry from Wildflecken KG NSG Black Mountains Sept 2014 4.JPG
672A012 Wildspot
Rhön The abandoned quarry shows beautifully formed basalt columns on various levels. 54000
180 × 300
Type: Rock type, Basalt columns
Type: Basalt
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Former Basalt quarries at Hegkopf S from Schönderling 672A013 Geiersnest-East
Rhön The former main quarry on basalt is completely overgrown and can be addressed as a biotope through the formation of a lake. A small shallow pit southwest of the former main quarry shows overburden and overgrowth as well as basalt with numerous weathered olivine tubers. 3600
60 × 60
Type: Rock
Type: Basalt
Quarry significant Natural park
Basaltsee am Farnsberg (inkwell) ESE von Riedenberg Rhoen Ink Bottle A 2013-05.jpg
672A014 Riedenberg
Rhön A lake has formed in a crater-shaped former basalt quarry. There are still old factories on the western edge of the lake. A house for friends of nature makes the geologically and ecologically interesting quarry accessible for leisure purposes. The quarry shows basalts in predominantly columnar formation. Location of the former Spitzer Steinküppel quarry. 40000
200 × 200
Type: basalt columns, quarry / pit, rock
type: basalt
Quarry precious Nature reserve
Volcanic crater on the ESE mountain rock in Oberbach 84-volcanic-crater-mountain-stone-Oberbach-672a017.jpg
672A017 Wildspot
Rhön Abandoned basalt quarry, on the walls of which the contact between black basalt columns and red slag is repeatedly opened up. This interface dips towards the center of the fracture. Obviously lava has filled a depression in the slag here. The basalt columns that were mined here may have been created as a filling of a lava lake within the crater of a small cinder cone. 16000
200 × 80
Type: Contact, Igneous Structure, Basalt Columns,
Type of Rock Type: Basalt, Tuff / Tuffite
Quarry especially valuable Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 84
Chirotherien sandstone NE from Euerdorf 672A018 Your village
Rhön At the Saalrangen northeast of Euerdorf, tread seals of dinosaur precursors were uncovered, which can be assigned to the Thuringian chirotheria sandstone. The way through the time from Bad Kissingen to the Terra Triassica Museum in Euerdorf leads past the geotope. 400
20 × 20
Type: trace fossils, sequence of layers, rock
type: sandstone
other information especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 98
Aufgel. Shell limestone quarry NE from Rannungen 672A020 Rannungen
Northern Franconian Plates The easily accessible abandoned quarry opens up Lower Muschelkalk (mostly wavy limestone), which occasionally contains fossils, both traces of bioturbation and fauna. 500
50 × 10
Type: Type of rock, sequence of layers, trace fossils, animal fossils
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant no protected area
Aufgel. Muschelkalkbruch SE from Ramsthal Geotop Ramsthal Overview.jpg
672A021 Ramsthal
Western Franconian Plates In the abandoned quarry, shell pavement and a lime bank with a stromatolithic character are exposed. There are opportunities to find fossils. 600
30 × 20
Type: Type of rock, sequence of layers, trace fossils, animal fossils
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Landscape component
Aufgel. Arnshausen quarry NE 672A022 Bad Kissingen
Rhön Rock sandstone was extracted from the abandoned quarry. Above the rock sandstone, layers of carnelian dolomite and Thuringian chirotheria sandstone are exposed. The violet-brown color in the upper section of the carnelian-dolomite layers is interpreted as soil formation (violet horizon). Occasionally clay siltstone layers are interposed. 0
not specified
Type: layer sequence, fossil soil, rock
type: sandstone
Quarry especially valuable Natural park
Aufgel. Limestone quarry Kalkofen W von Poppenlauer 672A024 Maßbach
Northern Franconian Plates In the extensive quarry area, Lower Muschelkalk is exposed, which occasionally shows ripples. 21000
300 × 70
Type: Type of rock, sequence of layers, sedimentary structures
Type: Limestone
Quarry significant Nature reserve, FFH area
Aufgel. Limestone quarry S of Münnerstadt 672A025 Münnerstadt
Northern Franconian Plates The partially overgrown break opens up Lower Muschelkalk (wave limestone series, mu2) and is difficult to access. 1200
60 × 20
Type: sequence of layers, type of rock, sedimentary structures
Type: limestone
Quarry significant Nature reserve
Aufgel. Limestone quarry in the former StOÜbPl E von Reiterswiesen 672A026 Bad Kissingen
Northern Franconian Plates The relatively well preserved, easily accessible and little overgrown quarry opens up Lower Muschelkalk (Terebratel and foam limestone banks). 3200
80 × 40
Type: quarry / pit, rock type, layer sequence
type: limestone
Quarry precious Nature reserve, FFH area
Aufgel. ESE limestone quarry in Reiterswiesen 672A027 Bad Kissingen
Northern Franconian Plates The small quarry, located right next to a forest path in the nature reserve, opens up Lower Muschelkalk (mu2 - mu3). 400
40 × 10
Type: quarry / pit, rock type, layer sequence
type: limestone
Quarry precious Nature reserve, FFH area
Former Barite mine, Grube Marie SW in Wildflecken 672G001 Wildspot
Rhön In a total of 3 old tunnels, one of which was blasted (two are still accessible but secured by grids), barite was mostly mined before the war. Stratigraphically, the barite deposits are located in the Middle Buntsandstein, their formation is probably of a hydrothermal type. A viewing gallery can be viewed by appointment (information in the House of the Black Mountains in Oberbach). 100
50 × 2
Type: Tunnels, Minerals
Type: Vein mineralization , sandstone
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Kothener Sauerbrunnen NE by Kothen 672Q001 Moth
Rhön The Kothener Sauerbrunnen is freely accessible. It is framed and covered with a brick pavilion. 1
1 × 1
Type: Mineral Spring
Type: Sandstone, Basanite
no information especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park
Volcanic cone Mettermich NNW from Schondra Mettermich 2012-11-03.jpg
672R001 Schondra
Rhön Above a relatively small central cone, the two closely adjacent peaks of the volcanic cone rise approx. 5 m above the surrounding area with the columnar basalt. There is a wide sea of ​​blocks around it. At the top of the protected part of the landscape there is a ring wall from early human history, as well as a wide driveway and other peculiarly arranged basalt walls. 40000
200 × 200
Type: volcanic vent
Type: basalt
no information precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Dreistelz WNW volcanic cone from Oberleichtersbach Dreistelzberg.JPG
672R002 Dreistelzer forest
Rhön The Dreistelz is the highest volcanic cone in the region. The steep central area is oriented EW like a walkway. It has small rock formations at the top (right next to the observation tower) and a small basalt quarry at the western end of the steep area. Remnants of Lower Muschelkalk are present around the edge of the cone. On the east side of the cone, enormous areas of basalt rubble have started to slide down to the Dreistelz-Modlos road. 160000
400 × 400
Type: volcanic vent
Type: basalt
Rock slope / cliff precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Basalt quarry on the stump of lime tree N of Schondra Linden stump, 3.jpg
672R003 Schondra
Rhön The quarry was created solely for the purpose of supplying the A7 motorway construction. A whole basalt cone was artificially removed except for a kind of crater wall. The different types of basalt secretion are interesting, especially the fan-shaped basalt columns (piles) at the quarry entrance. As the occurrence of a clod of pyroclastic rocks shows, the columnar basalts arose from a former lava lake. 70,000
350 × 200
Type: basalt columns, volcanic vent, rock
type: basalt
Quarry precious Landscape component, landscape protection area, FFH area Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 7
Pilster stone NE from Kothen Pilster stone near Kothen.JPG
672R004 Moth
Rhön To the north-east of Kothen is the scenic Pilsterstein, a morphologically carved out from weathering, running east-west, like volcanic vent. The rock here does not show the typical formation of mostly six-sided basalt columns typical of basaltic rocks, but rather it exudes more irregularly and sometimes rather in platy layers. Since a platy segregation is typical for the likewise volcanic rock phonolite, it was at times assumed that the pilster stone would consist of this rock, which is widespread in the Hessian Rhön. In fact, it is a basalt-like basanite. 3600
60 × 60
Type: rocky dome, volcanic vent, basalt columns
Type: basanite
Rock slope / cliff especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park
Falkenwand WSW from Elfershausen 672R005 Elfershausen
Western Franconian Plates The Höhenweg (circular route 5 of the Rhön Nature Park) runs below the wave limestone-Saaleprallhangs always in red tone on the rubble (border yellow limestone) of the Lower Muschelkalk. Thanks to the landscape management of the Bad Kissingen care association and the Bad Kissingen section of the DAV, the Falkenwand is easily accessible and visible again. There is constant traffic noise from the nearby motorway. 360000
1200 × 300
Type: Impact slope, type of layers
: dolomite stone, limestone
no information precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Long stones NW of Riedenberg KG GEOT Long Stones 2006Jul 00.JPG
672R007 Römershager Forst-Nord
Rhön Blocks of the rock sandstone of the uppermost Middle Buntsandstein, which forms a step in the terrain about 20 m higher, have gravitationally slid down the slope. The largest block of the medium to coarse-grained to fine gravel rock sandstone is 15 m long (without transverse fissures) and up to 2 m thick and its longitudinal axis is adjusted in the direction of the slope. About 100 m above is the rock group Steinhaufen 400
40 × 10
Type: landslide, rock
type: sandstone
other information precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Rock group The large stones NW of Riedenberg KG GEOT Big Stones 2006Jul 00.jpg
672R008 Great Auersberg
Rhön The large stones consist of white, medium to coarse-grained to fine gravel rock sandstone from the uppermost middle colored sandstone. The striking inclined stratification was removed by the weathering. The rocky sandstone at the upper edge of the valley forms a mighty block flow down the slope that extends down to the bottom of the valley. In the gorge, sections of the deeper Middle Buntsandstein are exposed. 7500
50 × 150
Type: rock group, rock
type: sandstone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Steinernes Meer at Berghaus Rhön SE von Riedenberg 672R009 Riedenberg
Rhön The basalt block field consists partly of blocks without intermediate substance (sea of ​​blocks), partly of blocks that float in a loamy base. The consistently sharp-edged blocks indicate short hiking trails (i.e. the place of origin of the blocks very close). The restless surface morphology speaks for sliding masses. The block field is located directly above the Berghaus Rhön car park. 10000
100 × 100
Type: Sea of ​​Boulders, Basalt Columns, Type of Rock
Type: Basalt
Quarry precious Natural park
Vulkanschlot Lösershag SE from Oberbach 672R010 Wildspot
Rhön The summit structure of the Lösershag consists of a steep summit (volcanic vent made of adjacent basalt columns). Several impressive block seas at the foot of the slope, very scenic. Remote, but easy to reach via hiking trails. Small, abandoned quarry on the north-western slope of the mountain with radial basalt columns. 160000
400 × 400
Type: volcanic chimney, basalt columns, sea boulders, rock
type: basalt
Rock slope / cliff precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Buntsandsteinschlucht Dörflinger Ruh SSW from Bad Brückenau 672R012 Bad Brückenau
Rhön The upcoming occurrence of large clods (blocks and slabs) of rock sandstone in the gorge is due to a tectonic subsidence within an approximately north-south-facing ditch. 10000
200 × 50
Type: Canyon, Rock
Type: Sandstone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Sinkhole SW of Maßbach 672R013 Maßbach
Northern Franconian Plates The circular hole is about 10 m deep and overgrown with old trees. Presumably this collapse doline results from leaching in the underlying Lower Muschelkalk. 225
15 × 15
Type: sinkhole
Type: Limestone
no information precious Landscape component
Wichtelhöhlen SW of Bad Kissingen 672R014 Your village
Rhön On the Alte Euerdorfer Straße, in the area of ​​the Saale-Prallhangs Batzenleite, there is a larger outcrop in the rock sandstone. Individual blocks up to 10 m in size that have been detached from the association also occur. Pronounced gaps and cavities between the blocks represent the legendary Wichtelhöhlen. The way through the time from Bad Kissingen to the Museum Terra Triassica in Euerdorf leads past the geotope. 15000
300 × 50
Type: rock wall / slope, boulder sea, tafoni / honeycomb weathering, sedimentary structures, type of rock
type: sandstone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape component, landscape protection area, nature park
Neuwiesgraben-Schlucht S from Dittlofsroda 672R015 Wartmannsroth
Rhön The Neuwiesgraben has partly deepened like a gorge into the red sandstone of the Röt succession and occasionally forms small waterfalls. 5000
500 × 10
Type: Canyon, Waterfall
Type: Sandstone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Rock clearance Wildweibstein N von Völkersleier 672R016 Forst Detter-Süd
Rhön On the Wildweibstein there are extensive rock exposures and rock seas in the rock sandstone of the Hardegsen range. 0
not specified
Type: Felsburg, Blockmeer
Type: Sandstone
Rock slope / cliff precious Landscape protection area, nature park
A crack of the Schindeller fountain ENE from Kleinbrach 672R017 Bad Kissingen
Rhön The Schindeller Graben, which slopes steeply west to the Franconian Saale, has dug itself deep into the intensely red-brown sandstone of the Hardegsen range, which forms striking banks (thicknesses in the dm area). Several waterfalls up to two meters high were created. The water flow varies greatly depending on the weather. 1500
100 × 15
Type: Storage conditions, rock type, sequence of layers, waterfall
Type: sandstone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, nature park

Outcrop at Kapellenberg SE from Zeil am Main 674A001 Zeil am Main
Hassberge region Outcrop with reed sandstone below, above Lehrberg layers with individual plaster layers and lenses. The geotope fell into disrepair and was completely overgrown in 2012. An information board is available. 2500
250 × 10
Type: Layer sequence
Type: sandstone, claystone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Keuper profile Königsberger Steige near Königsberg 674A002 Koenigsberg position in Bavaria
Hassberge region Outcrops in myophoria and estheria layers and in the reed sandstone on the Königsberger Steige, information boards are available. 1500
300 × 5
Type: standard / reference profile
Type: sandstone, claystone, marlstone
embankment precious Natural park
Former basalt quarries on Bramberg S von Hohnhausen 674A003 Burgpreppach
Hassberge region Two former quarries north and south of Bramberg Castle . Basalt chimney with a concentrically structured filling. Basalt columns on the inside, basalt breccia and debris from the surrounding rocks on the outside (especially fritted Keupertone). 2800
70 × 40
Type: minerals, volcanic vent, basalt columns
Type: basalt
Quarry precious Landscape reserve, bird sanctuary, nature park
Former Eichelberg S sandstone quarry from Burgpreppach Ripple marks Hassberge ReiKi.jpg
674A004 Burgpreppach
Hassberge region Banky to thick banky, white-gray, fine-grained sandstone, fractures perpendicular to the layer surface. Ripple marks and impressions of mussels can be seen. At the bottom there is a storage layer of light clay. 6000
150 × 40
Type: Type of rock, reservoir
type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape component, landscape protection area, nature park
Former Clay pit at Wolfshügel ESE von Ostheim 674A005 Hofheim in Lower Franconia
Hassberge region Clay pit on the eastern slope of Wolfsberg, which opens up the upper layers of myophoria. A few meters below, the lead gloss bank can be seen as a small step in the terrain. 250
25 × 10
Type: Rock
Type: Clay Marlstone
Clay pit / clay pit / marl pit significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Factory sand quarry W of Kleinsteinach 674A007 Riedbach
Northern Franconian Plates Artificial sandstone , medium-banked, irregularly fissured and pale brown, rising up flat. Small building blocks were probably extracted in the quarry. There is an explanation board at the excursion opening. 600
40 × 15
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant no protected area
Tuff breccia W from Mechenried 674A008 Riedbach
Northern Franconian Plates Outcrop of tuff breccia with volcanic and sedimentary components, the surface is weathered. Many rocks were converted into clay minerals, presumably by post-volcanic thermal waters. Located just west of Mechenried , it was partially overgrown in 2013. 60
30 × 2
Type: Rock
Type: Tuff / Tuffite
Slope crack / rock wall precious no protected area
Rocks at the castle ruins in Altenstein Altenstein Castle 2.jpg
674A010 Maroldsweisach
Hassberge region The Altenstein castle ruins stand on Rhätsandstein . The sandstones slide partially on the underlying clays and clay marls of the Feuerletten down the slope. Information boards for the Haßberge Castle History Trail. 10000
100 × 100
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Soil monument, nature park
Rhaet rock face NE of Rabelsdorf 674A011 Parish
Hassberge region Sandstone wall in the Rhät der Haßberge east of Rabelsdorf. Rock walls and non-local blocks in various stages of separation. 15000
60 × 250
Type: rock type, rock wall / slope
type: sandstone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Quarry between Junkersdorf and Altenstein 674A013 Maroldsweisach
Hassberge region Exposure of red-violet, dolomitic clay marls with dolomitic limestone banks, some meters thick, in the Feuerletten. The lime was mined earlier. 3600
60 × 60
Type: Rock
Type: Mudstone, Dolomite Stone
Quarry precious Nature reserve, landscape reserve, bird sanctuary
Mainauen WSW from Ziegelanger Mainauen-Ziegelanger.jpg
674A016 Zeil am Main
Sandstone Keuper Region Former sand pit in which oak streams are exposed. The trees were built between 8000 BC. And 250 AD deposited there. Unique in this accumulation and presentation. Adventure trail is set up, the trail consists of locally mined main gravel. 30000
200 × 150
Type: Vegetable fossils, breakthrough valley
Type: Gravel, sand
Gravel pit / sand pit especially valuable Natural park Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 85
Zeilberg E basalt quarry from Maroldsweisach Basaltbruch-Zeilberg-Maroldsweisach.jpg
674A017 Maroldsweisach
Hassberge region The Zeilberg is the largest volcanic vent of the Heldburg gang . A stone adventure trail gives an insight into a large basalt quarry that is not accessible. There is a knocking area where basalt stones with olivine bulbs can be examined. 500000
1000 × 500
Type: Rock type, volcanic vent
Type: Basalt
Quarry precious Natural park
Quarry NE of Gleisenau 674A019 Ebelsbach
Hassberge region Quarry with Coburg sandstone (not bubble sandstone as previously assumed). Coburg sandstone and bubble sandstone are difficult to distinguish here and are summarized in the Hassberge formation . Information board of the Haßberge georoute. 4000
80 × 50
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Reed sand quarry NE of Zeil 674A020 Zeil am Main
Hassberge region Greenish-yellow, clayey and easy to work sandstone, which was used as stone . The sandstone is divided into three layers by two thin, platy clay layers. Information board of the Haßberge georoute. In 2012 the geotope was overgrown. 100
20 × 5
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Aufgel. Clay pit NW of Rügheim 674A021 Hofheim in Lower Franconia
Northern Franconian Plates Opened clay pit, on the northern outcrop wall of which the higher layers of the Lower Keuper are covered by three loess deposits of different ages . The sequence of the Lower Dolomite Stones and the Lower Estherian Slate is easy to see. Information board of the Haßberge georoute. 60000
300 × 200
Type: sequence of layers, sediment structures
Type: claystone, loess loam
Clay pit / clay pit / marl pit precious no protected area
Rhätsandsteinbruch N von Buch 674A023 Untermerzbach
Hassberge region Abandoned quarry in the Rhätsandstein . 17000
170 × 100
Type: Rock type, Sedimentary structures
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Sandstone quarry W of Neubrunn 674A024 Kirchlauter
Hassberge region Abandoned quarry that unlocks Coburg sandstone and its clayey side rocks. Excursion point of the Geo-Route of the Haßberge Nature Park with information board. 0
not specified
Type: sequence of layers, type of rock, sedimentary structures
Type: sandstone, claystone
Quarry precious FFH area, bird sanctuary, nature park
Gas outlets NE from Mechenried 674A025 Riedbach
Northern Franconian Plates To the south of the Mechenried - Rügheim road, gas escapes from the ground in several places. This can best be observed in low pressure weather conditions (noise development) or on wet ground (formation of bubbles). Plants partially care or are brown in color, it smells like rotten eggs. The gas contains 18.1 volume percent carbon dioxide, approx. 0.5 volume percent hydrocarbons, 0.02 to 0.03 ppm ozone, 8 to 10 ppm sulfur dioxide, 0.1 to 0.5 ppm hydrogen sulfide, 0.01 ppm carbon monoxide, 0 .01 ppm nitrous gases. The cause of the gas leaks could be the Heldburger gang . 1400
70 × 20
Type: Disturbance
Type: Mudstone
no information precious no protected area
Exposure in the Heldburger marl E from Neuses 674A026 Bundorf
Hassberge region Exposure of the distal facies of the Coburg Sandstone and the Lower Burgsandstone (Heldburg Gypsum Marl). Colorful succession of clay and silt stones, clay marls, gypsum stone and dolomite layers (stone marl). 300
30 × 10
Type: Layer sequence, rock type, sediment structures
Type: sandstone, marlstone, clay marl
embankment precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Reed sand quarry NE of Koenigsberg Castle 674A027 Koenigsberg position in Bavaria
Hassberge region Abandoned sandstone quarry northeast of Königsberg Castle , on Coburger Strasse in the direction of Hohnhausen . Reed sandstone ( Stuttgart formation ), in massive banks with clearly recognizable sloping bodies. Between two sandstone banks, synsedimentary deformed layers can be seen, which could have been caused by earthquakes during the Triassic . The quarry is freely accessible. 0
not specified
Type: sedimentary structures, storage conditions, discordance
Type: sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Schlot breccia SE from Schweinshaupten 674A028 Bundorf
Hassberge region To the south-east of the Schweinshaupten bathing pond, a tertiary breccia slot is opened on a path embankment, which is part of the Heldburg gang. The total size of the chimney is around 100 by 75 m. Only about 10 percent of the chimney filling consists of basalt, xenolites from the deeper crust and crystalline are involved to a small extent. Mesozoic sediments form the main mass of the ejecta material: mainly claystones, marl and gypsum marl, as well as subordinate sandstones of the Coburg sandstone, the castle sandstone and the reed sandstone. This confirms the important finding that layers of the Jura were still present in the Haßberg Mountains in the Tertiary. 75
15 × 5
Type: Igneous structure
Type: Basalt, Breccia
other information precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Geusfeld - ravine at the Marienkapelle 674A029 Rauhenebrach
Sandstone Keuper Region At the small Marienkapelle in Geusfeld there are sandstones of the Stuttgart formation (reed sandstone) in the embankment. In addition to thicker benches, in which the weathering has very nicely prepared the sloping structure, there are also benches a few cm thick with no recognizable internal structure. Towards the top, dark gray Latvians join in between the sandstone banks. The name reed sandstone comes from the stone breakers who mistook common horsetail remnants for petrified reeds. These sandstones were formed by a north-east-south-west running river system, which in some cases had sunk several tens of meters into the underground of the grave field formation (layers of estheria) before these river channels were filled with sand. The sandstones exposed here, with their thick, sloping benches, show the characteristic image of such a channel filling. 240
80 × 3
Type: sequence of layers, rock
type: sandstone, claystone
embankment significant Natural park
Sandstone quarry between Koppenwind and Untersteinbach 674A030 Rauhenebrach
Sandstone Keuper Region The former quarry in Coburg Sandstone (Haßberge Formation) is largely overgrown and the walls are only partially accessible. Especially in the east wall, the thick sandstone is still well developed today. Sandy-clayey sediments follow above the work stone bench, some of which are deepened into the sandstone like channels. In a similar position, TRUSHEIM first found fossils of the leaf pod Triops cancriformis in 1934. These animals, which are only a few cm tall, belong to the longest-lived known animal species on earth. In the meantime proven since the time of the Upper Buntsandstein, it still occurs today, i. H. it has existed for at least 250 million years. Although the fossil layer is no longer there today, the global reputation (quote from GEYER 2002) of this information lies not only in the first discovery of the Triops, but also in the good quality of preservation of countless specimens in many stages of development from egg to adult. 4900
70 × 70
Type: Type locality, Animal fossils, Trace fossils, Vegetable fossils, Layer sequence
Type: Sandstone
Quarry especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park
Rotenhan NE castle ruins of Rotenhan Rotenhan Castle.jpg
674G001 Boars
Hassberge region The castle was carved out of obliquely layered Rhaetian sandstone cliffs, which had slid down the slope to this location on the clays below. Entering the site at your own risk, the owner assumes no liability. Rocks and vegetation should not be destroyed or changed. The geotope is one of the hundred most beautiful geotopes in Bavaria , information board available. 4800
80 × 60
Type: Wrought Rock
Type: Sandstone
other information especially valuable Soil monument, landscape protection area, nature park Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 44
Castle ruins and sandstone cliffs NE of Buch 674G002 Untermerzbach
Hassberge region Castle, which was carved into the sandstone rock of the Rhät and supplemented by walls. The walls were carved with a herringbone pattern . Striking Torstein, two remarkable cellars. Information board of the Geotour Hassberge. 3000
100 × 30
Type: Wrought Rock
Type: Sandstone
other information precious Soil monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Former sandstone quarry N of Dürrnhof 674G003 Parish
Hassberge region Quarry that opens up medium to large-grain, channel-shaped poured sandstones 10 m high. The dismantling was done by hand, traces of processing (scraping) are partly still clearly visible. 10000
200 × 50
Type: Quarry / Pit
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Silver sand cave E of Stettfeld 674G004 Stettfeld
Hassberge region Cave dug into the middle castle sandstone. Here a fine-grained and mica-rich, light-colored sand was mined, which was used as writing sand . The entrance is locked and there is an information board. 600
30 × 20
Type: Stud
Type: Sandstone
Tunnel / gallery / shaft especially valuable Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Eisenquelle NE from Wonfurt Eisenquelle.JPG
674Q001 Wonfurt
Eastern Franconian Plates Source with a flow rate of about 15 l / s. The water comes from layers of the Middle Muschelkalk, which rise from a fault here. Limestone deposits have formed at the source. Red iron hydroxide deposits are visible in the stream . 25
5 × 5
Type: source of disturbance, sintering
type: limestone, tufa
no information especially valuable Natural monument, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Rock labyrinth at Lichtenstein Castle Lichtenstein Castle 17.jpg
674R001 Parish
Hassberge region Rock labyrinth south of the Lichtenstein castle ruins , in which, among other things, sloping layers, various weathering stones, layer springs and weathering honeycombs can be seen. House-sized boulders detached from the association were integrated into the castle. Information board of the Geotour Haßberge. 8400
140 × 60
Type: Group of rocks
Type: Sandstone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Ponor W from Zell am Ebersberg 674R002 Knetzgau
Sandstone Keuper Region A stream gradually seeps away on karst plaster, until it disappears completely in a pit-like ponor . The stream continues to flow underground, which can be recognized by a ditch with reeds and bushes. After approx. 600 m, the water comes back to the surface at a spring. There is also a small wetland area. 600
30 × 20
Type: Ponor, sinkhole, layer source
Type: plaster of paris, clay marl stone
no information precious Landscape component, landscape protection area, nature park
Hohler Stein in the Haßwald W of Reutersbrunn 674R003 Boars
Hassberge region The hollow stone is a larger group of Rhaetian sandstone blocks up to 10 m in size, on an area of ​​70 × 25 m. It was created from a 7 m thick slab of sandstone that slid down the slope and broke into numerous individual parts. 1750
70 × 25
Type: landslide, boulder, sedimentary structures
Type: sandstone
block precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Wörth with Sichelsee W from Augsfeld 674R005 Hassfurt
Eastern Franconian Plates Viewing platform on which information is provided about the dynamics of the river and the displacement of the Main. During strong floods, the meanders of the Main were often broken and backwaters formed . The Sichelsee became an oxbow lake during a flood in 1676 and remained untouched. A small parking lot is available. 210000
700 × 300
Type: meander, stream / river course
Type: sand, silt
no information precious Nature reserve, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Gebrünnsee northwest of Westheim 678R001 Knetzgau
Eastern Franconian Plates Doline, which is used as a fish pond, surrounded by old trees. Formerly geotope number 678R001. Type: sinkhole, constriction source
Type: plaster of paris
no information precious Natural monument Possibly deleted by the LfU (Oct. 2018)

Gipskeuper on Schwanberg NE of Iphofen Gipskeuper on Schwanberg 02.jpg
675A001 Iphofen
Gypsum Keuper Region The outcrops show the partly continuous, partly erosive contact between the layers of estheria and the reed sandstone. Gray clay and clay marl stones with white plaster layers (layers of estheria) are overlaid by yellow sandstones (reed sandstone). Partly, clearly recognizable sedimentation structures are preserved in the sandstones. 100
50 × 2
Type: sequence of layers, sediment structures
Type: sandstone, clay marlstone
embankment precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 57
Former Muschelkalkbruch SW of Krautheim 1 Krautheim quarry 4.jpg
675A002 Volkach
Eastern Franconian Plates The outcrop lies in a horst clod divided by a fault (fault zone of Wipfeld-Gailbach-Prichsenstadt). The profile extends from the thick-banked stylolite limestone (Middle Muschelkalk) to the Upper Muschelkalk, the latter only being visible at the upper edge of the fracture, but difficult to access. 3600
40 × 90
Type: sequence of layers, fault
type: limestone
Quarry precious Natural monument
Former Muschelkalkbruch Scepter E from Obernbreit 675A003 Obernbreit
Eastern Franconian Plates The upcoming, fossil-rich sequence of layers lies outside (to the east) of the rectangular limestone area. It is addressed as normal or Uffenheim facies. The only complete Nautilus lower jaw (conchorhynchus avirostris) was found in the scepter Bruch. The sequence of layers extends from the upper part of the thick bank zone to the ostracodenton. 800
80 × 10
Type: Animal Fossils, Layer Sequence
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious no protected area
Former Sandstone quarry SE from Brno 675A006 Prichsenstadt
Eastern Franconian Plates In the thin-banked sandstone of the abandoned quarry, there are plant chaff and remains, such as. B. the horsetail Equisetites. The great thickness of the sandstone indicates that it is present there as flood facies. A dismantling wall is well preserved and accessible. The area is used as an orchard. 9000
180 × 50
Type: Vegetable Fossils, Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry precious no protected area
Clay marlstone on the Schwanberg NNE from Iphofen Clay marl stone on Schwanberg 02.jpg
675A007 Iphofen
Gypsum Keuper Region The outcrop presents gypsum-bearing estheria layers with a maximum height of 8 m. Gray clay and marl stones are crisscrossed by layers of plaster of paris, some 1–2 cm thick. 3000
15 × 200
Type: Rock
Type: Clay marl, gypsum
embankment precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Former Muschelkalkbruch SSW from Dettelbach Upper Muschelkalk in the Dettelbach quarry 1.JPG
675A008 Dettelbach
Eastern Franconian Plates Large outcrop with a far-reaching profile from the upper Muschelkalk to the lower Keuper. The Cycloidesbank lies in the area of ​​the fracture bottom, but is largely dismantled. The Terebratelbank is in the upper third. The profile extends to the Wagnerian plates in the lower Keuper. 39000
300 × 130
Type: layer sequence, animal fossils, sedimentary structures
Type: limestone, marlstone
Quarry especially valuable no protected area
Acrodus-Corbula-Zone SE from Nenzenheim Acrodus-Corbula-Zone SE from Nenzenheim.JPG
675A009 Iphofen
Gypsum Keuper Region The former road outcrop has overgrown. Red-purple claystones (kmM) are overlaid by gray-green claystones (kmE), which - typical for the clayey gypsum keuper - indicate a close change to dolomite stone banks: This is followed by the Corbula bank. This is better 50 m further to the east in a former clay pit and is 60 cm thick. Remnants of the Acrodus bank are preserved as reading stones in the geotope area. 5000
100 × 50
Type: standard / reference profile, disturbance
type: claystone, marlstone
Clay pit / clay pit / marl pit precious Landscape reserve, bird sanctuary, nature park
Frankfurter Brüche SE from Rödelsee Frankfurt Fractions 03.jpg
675A010 Iphofen
Gypsum Keuper Region On the hiking trail from Rödelsee to Schwanberg there is an area of ​​old sandstone quarries, which are known as the Frankfurt quarries after the headquarters of the former operator company. They are now partly overgrown. A footpath leads to the upper part of an outcrop wall with red and green clay and marl stones from the Lehrberg strata. White and light orange-colored bands of plaster of paris (mountain gypsum) can be seen within the strata. In the lower part, reed sandstone is exposed in a few places. 5000
100 × 50
Type: sequence of layers, type of rock
Type: claystone, sandstone
Quarry precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Reed sand quarry SE von Seinsheim 675A011 Seinsheim
Gypsum Keuper Region The abandoned reed sand quarry of Seinsheim is located on the northwest slope of the Kapellberg. Plant fossils (especially horsetail remains) are occasionally found in the rubble. In the Bruch, stones were last broken in 1989 for the renovation of the church wall in Seinsheim. Today the quarry is used as a climbing garden. 5000
100 × 50
Type: Rock type, Vegetable fossils, Sedimentary structures
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Reed sand quarry Kugelspiel WSW von Castell 675A012 Castell
Gypsum Keuper Region The old reed sand quarry is located southwest of Castell below the Kugelspielberg. Several thick sandstone banks alternate with thin clayey layers. The quarry is located a little below the Steigerwald Panorama Trail. 10000
200 × 50
Type: Rock type, Sedimentary structures
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Ortelsbruch ESE from Abtswind 1 Ortelsbruch Abtswind 1.jpg
675A013 Abtswind
Gypsum Keuper Region The reed sand quarry is on the A2 hiking trail. The fine-grained sandstone with a very even structure is temporarily mined in 2 layers, each 2 to 3 m thick. The building blocks for the Würzburg Residence come from here. 5000
100 × 50
Type: Rock type, Sedimentary structures, Vegetable fossils
Type: Sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Small and large Grundlos NE from Hellmitzheim Big Grundlos.JPG
675Q001 Iphofen
Gypsum Keuper Region The course of the stream and the banks of the two small spring pools are designated as natural monuments. Sulphatic water emerges from the karstified gypsum in two small spring funnels. The springs are now completely overgrown. 250
50 × 5
Type: Constriction Source
Type: Plaster of Paris, Clay Marlstone
no information significant Natural monument
Dunes in the Michelheidewald NW of Wiesentheid 675R001 Wiesentheid
Eastern Franconian Plates In the Michelheidewald, a late or post-glacial dune field and drifting sand cover formed over the Lettenkeuper. In the wooded area of ​​Gauwitzen there are long stretches of northwest-facing dunes, but other dune shapes also occur in the Fladig area (several individual dunes and two arched dune ridges). 8000
400 × 20
Type: Dune field
Type: Sand
no information significant Bird sanctuary
Dunes in the Spessart E of Sommerach NSG Sandfluren bei Volkach 01.jpg
675R002 Volkach
Eastern Franconian Plates The dune field with a spacious, 10 m high sickle dune was created late to postglacial by blowing out the main valley gravel. From an ecological point of view, it is an important special location. In the north wing of the great dune there is an abandoned sand pit that is now beginning to overgrown. 15000
500 × 30
Type: Dune field
Type: Sand
other information significant Nature reserve, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Eichelsee sinkhole on Kreuzberg NNW of Sommerach Eichelsee sinkhole at Kreuzberg 01.jpg
675R003 Sommerach
Eastern Franconian Plates The temporarily water-filled sinkhole on the Kreuzberg lies in layers of factory sandstone. It was probably created by breaking a karst cavity in the underlying rocks of the Upper Muschelkalk. The sinkhole is muddy in the dry season. 225
15 × 15
Type: sinkhole
Type: sandstone, limestone
Sinkhole / sinkhole precious Landscape protection area
Volkacher Mainschleife Volkach, KT - Köhler sw - Mainschleife, Köhler, Escherndorf, Nordheim a M.JPG
675R004 Volkach
Eastern Franconian Plates In the Volkacher Mainschleife the Main flows around the Umlaufberg of the Vogelsburg. Particularly impressive is the section south of Volkach, where the Main has carved out a 5 km long impact and sliding slope. The central part of the Prallhang forms the prerequisite for one of the best vineyards in Germany (Escherndorfer Lump) due to the southern exposure, the steepness and the shell limestone soil. 5000000
5000 × 1000
Type: stream / river course, impact slope, circulating / breakthrough mountain
Type: limestone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile precious Landscape protection area Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 72
Dune field on the sand hill NNW of Geiselwind 675R005 Geiselwind
Sandstone Keuper Region The extensive dune field with z. There is a partly pronounced relief in the forest, no sand is exposed. The local hiking trail G2, which also leads to the Alte Drei-Franken-Stein, crosses the area. 480000
800 × 600
Type: Dune field
Type: Sand
no information significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Dune field NE of Grafenneuses 675R006 Geiselwind
Sandstone Keuper Region The up to 15 m high dune ridges are separated from each other as elongated walls with small valleys in between. The dune field formed in the central area approx. 300 200 m lies in the forest. Sand is not open. The local hiking trail G1 crosses the area. 210000
700 × 300
Type: Dune field
Type: Sand
no information precious Landscape protection area, nature park

Former Ansbach NNE quarry 677A001 Clearing
Spessart The former quarrying in the corrugated limestone was temporarily used as a storage area. On the exposed layer surface of the Oolith Bank Alpha, a loose fossil patch with various peculiarities appears. 3200
80 × 40
Type: Animal Fossils, Rock
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious no protected area
Red sandstone profile WSW from Gambach BY KarlstTrGeb Grainberg Herbst 04.JPG
677A004 Karlstadt
Rhön The outcrop is part of the profile on the Gambacher Steige. The sequence of layers from rock sandstone to Thuringian chirotheria sandstone is documented on the outcrop that is crossed by a footpath. Particularly noteworthy are the carnelian-dolomite layers in a special preservation with a fossil soil horizon and root tubes. The Solling sandstone shows a typical formation with fluvial sedimentary structures. 40
20 × 2
Type: type locality, layer sequence, sedimentary structures, animal fossils, fossil soil
Type: sandstone
Quarry especially valuable Nature reserve, FFH area
Former Muschelkalkbruch on Geiersberg NW of Birkenfeld 677A005 Birkenfeld
Western Franconian Plates In the abandoned quarry, the upper part of the Lower Muschelkalk is exposed. The developed sequence of layers begins in the horizontal level of the spiriferina bench and ends at the level of the 1st foam lime bench. This 1st foam lime bench shows a diagenetic lower bench with shrinkage cracks and drill marks. The corrugated limestone sequences contain landslide structures that can develop up to the complete dissolution of the stratification and into a conglomerate habitus. 800
40 × 20
Type: Rock type, Layer sequence, Animal fossils
Type: Limestone
Quarry significant no protected area
Former Gypsum break N from Stetten 677A006 Karlstadt
Western Franconian Plates The former gypsum mine shows the sequence of layers from the orbicularis layers of the lower shell limestone to the residual clays and marls of the middle shell limestone. Dolomitic marl limestone and leached cell dolomites of the basal layers of the Middle Muschelkalk dominate. The Stetten conglomerate was identified at the base of the Middle Muschelkalk, an intraclast-rich limestone with numerous vertebrate remains, the type of which is the outcrop. 7500
150 × 50
Type: Layer sequence, Rock type, Animal fossils
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious FFH area
Former Quarry on Grainberg S of Gambach Geotope quarry Gambach Aug 2016 1.jpg
677A007 Karlstadt
Rhön In the abandoned quarry, the lowest layers of the Lower Muschelkalk are exposed, from the border yellow limestone to the wave limestone sequence 1. Above the border yellow limestone, several solid and hard grounds have been developed, some of which are fossilized (drillworm bank). 100
20 × 5
Type: Layer sequence, Rock type, Animal fossils
Type: Limestone
Quarry especially valuable Nature reserve, FFH area
Shell limestone profile Kalbenstein SE from Gambach KAR Kalbenst Mar2015 00.JPG
677A009 Karlstadt
Western Franconian Plates Almost all of the Lower Muschelkalk is developed on the former impact slope of the Main in typical formation with a detailed sequence of layers. This can be seen from the hiking trail. A via ferrata leads through the wall. Faults are responsible for frequent rockfalls that created a specific morphological situation in front of the wall. The slopes of the Kalbenstein and the Grainberg bear dry limestone lawns and dry forest vegetation. 220000
2000 × 110
Type: sequence of layers, rock wall / slope, rock fall, karst horizontal cave , impact slope
Type: limestone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile precious Nature reserve, FFH area Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 35
Former Quarry NE of Himmelstadt 677A010 Karlstadt
Western Franconian Plates In the former quarry, the sequence of layers from wave limestone series 3 to wave limestone series 4 is exposed. Several horizons show landslide phenomena including sigmoid fractures. A complex fault running parallel to the Main is a dislocation with a Y-shaped clod as a result of multi-phase loading. 3600
120 × 30
Type: fault, rock type, layer sequence, sediment structures
Type: limestone
Quarry significant FFH area
Former Clay pit NE of Wiesenfeld 677A012 Karlstadt
Spessart The former clay pit of the Wiesenfeld brickworks is a westward-facing outcrop in the Upper Röttonstones, with the lower half of the outcrop wall largely collapsed. Within the dominant sequence of violet-red marly clay and silt stones, whitish dolomite and fine sand layers as well as greenish reduction horizons can be seen. Sedimentation cycles in the Playa deposits can also be determined fine stratigraphically. 4800
160 × 30
Type: Rock
type: Mudstone, siltstone
Quarry precious no protected area
Road outcrop and quarry SW of Marktheidenfeld 677A013 Marktheidenfeld
Spessart Along the road at the southern end of Marktheidenfeld on the right-hand Main Prallhang, the sequence of layers of the Hardegsen alternation and the hanging rock sandstone are exposed. At street level, several rock cellars have been driven into the sandstones. The Höphere part of the Hardegson alternation is developed in a former quarry area in which strata areas are partially littered with trace fossils. 9000
300 × 30
Type: Layer sequence, rock type, animal fossils
Type: sandstone, siltstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Street outcrop S of Tiefenthal 677A014 Erlenbach near Marktheidenfeld
Western Franconian Plates The road profile reveals the sequence of layers of the Lower Muschelkalk from the level of the Spiriferinabank to the foam limestone banks. In some of the corrugated limestone packages, clear sliding phenomena can be seen, which document interesting sedimentological aspects. 1000
100 × 10
Type: Layer sequence, type of rock
: Limestone
embankment significant no protected area
Stelzenbachschlucht S from Rothenfels Castle 677A015 Rothenfels
Spessart The largely natural slope profile below Rothenfels Castle opens up the sequence of layers of the Middle Buntsandstein from the level of the Hardegsen alternation to the rock sandstone and laterally to the Solling sandstone. The sequence documents the variability in the lithological formation and the sedimentological inventory of the sandstone packages. 8000
200 × 40
Type: sequence of layers, type of rock
type: sandstone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural park
Rocks at the Partenstein train station 677A016 Partenstein
Spessart The profile at the Partenstein train station opens up the Dickbank sandstone (formerly Unterer Miltenberger Sandstein, Calvörde formation). The sandstone is fine to medium-grained, clayey-iron, partly weak quartzite bound, pale violet-red, partly flamed white. Typical fluvial sediment structures can be seen in some areas (bank-internal inclined stratification bodies, accumulations of clay galls, grinding marks). 1000
100 × 10
Type: sequence of layers, type of rock
type: sandstone
embankment precious Natural park
Muschelkalkbruch at the Lange Lage W of Karlburg 677A017 Karlstadt
Western Franconian Plates The small, former shell limestone quarry opens up the sequence of layers of the lower shell limestone from wave limestone sequence 7 to the hanging wall of the 2nd foam limestone bank. The historical development of the deposits with clear landslides and injection structures has been preserved in an exemplary manner on the former dismantling walls. 1800
60 × 30
Type: Layer sequence, type of rock
: Limestone
Quarry significant no protected area
Clay pit NE of Wiesenfeld 677A018 Karlstadt
Spessart In the clay pit, red clay stones and myophoric layers of the upper red sandstone were mined. The pit is the most impressive and best preserved outcrop in this layer sequence in Bavaria. The Vulgaris-Costata-Bank is uniquely open-minded here, representing a nationally important time stamp in the Upper Buntsandstein. The mussels Costatoria costata and Myophoria vulgaris occur together in it. 15000
150 × 100
Type: Standard / Reference Profile, Layer Sequence, Animal Fossils
Type: Mudstone
Clay pit / clay pit / marl pit especially valuable no protected area
Former Sandstone quarry Steinernes Haus W von Lohr 677G001 Rechtenbach
Spessart During the former sandstone quarrying, a lot of overburden was stored in the hills around the quarry. Large rock sandstone slabs with clear sloping structures are exposed on the edge of the slope. The loose material was cleared out from under the blocks and a cavity was expanded, in front of which there are remains of a platform or weir. This accommodation is believed to have been used by quarry workers and coal-miners. 8000
200 × 40
Type: Quarry / Pit, Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Former Barite mining W from Rechtenbach 677G002 Forst Lohrerstraße
Spessart Only spoil heaps and the collapsed mouth hole can be seen from the former barite mining. Many pieces of barite and accompanying minerals can still be found in the material of the mine dumps. 300 m to the southwest and higher on the slope in the curve of the forest road, there are peculiar barite breccias on the heap of a schurf, which are probably early attempts to cast artificial stone. During the 2nd World War the stone was used for heavy mast foundations. Today radiation protection rooms are built from it. 1400
70 × 20
Type: tunnel, dump
type: sandstone
Tunnel / gallery / shaft significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Barite pit Erichstollen NE of Partenstein Erichstollen.JPG
677G003 Partenstein
Spessart The plant at the Erichstollen, which has been closed since 1964, documents the remains of the most important heavy spar mining in the Spessart. The small mining museum in the old school building next to the town hall of Partenstein provides more information. The tunnel was excavated from 1919 to 1922 over 520 m from the Marienschacht as a discharge tunnel for the 37-m floor of the productive Erich tunnel, in order to be able to more easily retrieve the heavy spar from the mountain on carts and transport it via the Schnepfenthal. Remnants of mineralization on a NW-SE trending dike can be seen around the tunnel mouth hole. Pieces of barite can still be found in the dump material in the nearby loading bunker. 4500
150 × 30
Type: tunnel, dump, minerals
Type: vein mineralization , sandstone
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Heidenloch NW of Birkenfeld 677H001 Birkenfeld
Western Franconian Plates The relatively large karst cave in the corrugated limestone (layers under the 2nd foam limestone bank) allows conclusions to be drawn about the history of the landscape. After about 40 m length, backfilling with cave clay. After a fatal accident, the cave was closed with a grid. 54
30 × 2
Type: Karst Horizontal Cave
Type: Limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural monument
Schächerloch NE from Bischbrunn 677H002 Esselbach
Spessart The Schächerloch is a cleft cave in the Solling sandstone that has been artificially expanded. The entrance to the Felsenmeer area consists of an inconspicuous, rectangular hole that leads into a two-meter-deep shaft, from where the approximately 15-meter-long crevasse cave begins. The cave has been used since the Neolithic and is said to a. served as a refuge for the German Emperor Heinrich IV. 30
15 × 2
Type: Fissured / Tectonic Cave
Type: Sandstone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Source pot Kühles Loch W of Münster Cool Hole.jpg
677Q001 Eußenheim
Western Franconian Plates The Kühle Loch is an approx. 25 m long head, fed by several springs in the Lower Muschelkalk, which is one of the most productive in Lower Franconia. The spring funnel is probably about 4 m deep, the water temperature is relatively constant between 8 and 12 ° C throughout the year. 300
25 × 12
Type: Constriction Source
Type: Limestone
no information precious Natural monument
Tuff rock and tuff cave on Schlossberg Homburg 677R001 Triefenstein
Spessart The outcrop on the road shows a profile from the Lower Röttonstones over the red quartzite to the Upper Röttonstones of the Upper Buntsandstein. The Mesozoic layers are covered in the lower area by mighty Holocene calcareous sinter deposits in which plant and animal remains are embedded. The lime-saturated water comes from the castle spring, which rises above the hanging layers of the Lower Muschelkalk. 3200
80 × 40
Type: Sinter formation, Tuff cave, Vegetable fossils, Animal fossils, Layer source
Type: Sandstone, Tufa limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural monument, nature park
Tufa wall in the Klingelbachgraben W of Lengfurt 20170421 13 09 39 Klingerbach-triefenstein 03.jpg
677R002 Triefenstein
Spessart On the edge of the slope to the Main valley lies the deeply incised brook valley, which has gorge-like incisions in the area of ​​the flat sandstone. A chalk tuff wallpaper that extends to the bottom of the valley is formed by the waters of the spring outlets in a red shade and forms a semi-cave. The sequence of shifts is almost completely open. The dense hillside and canyon forest is part of a 170 hectare nature reserve. 6000
150 × 40
Type: Sinter formation, ravine, layer sequence
Type: Tufa, sandstone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, FFH area
Doline Soll-See WNW from Johannishof 677R003 Birkenfeld
Western Franconian Plates The leaching of gypsum in the Middle Muschelkalk caused the formation of karst hollow forms in the vicinity of the Johannishof. The Soll-See was created by silting up a large sinkhole and today forms a shallow, episodic water-bearing pool, which is surrounded by thick bushes and trees. 1200
40 × 30
Type: sinkhole
Type: limestone
no information significant no protected area
Rock foundations of Karlburg W von Karlstadt Karlstadt, Karlsburg-001.jpg
677R004 Karlstadt
Western Franconian Plates Below the Karlburg the sequence of layers of the Lower Muschelkalk is exposed. There, the lime banks appear as characteristic cornices. In the lower area of ​​the rock face, the wave limestone sequences document the appearance of landslides in the semi-consolidated sediment. 20000
200 × 100
Type: rock wall / slope, type of rock, sequence of layers, sedimentary structures,
type: limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious no protected area
Maintalprallhang SE from Karlstadt Prallhang sdl Karlstadt 11042015 04.JPG
677R005 Karlstadt
Western Franconian Plates Large parts of the main valley slopes between Retzbach and Karlstadt are designed as steep walls. In the upper area, the lime banks are exposed and form eye-catching cornices. Above this, a slope flattening occurs in the area of ​​the orbicularis layers and the less weather-resistant rocks of the Middle Muschelkalk. These areas are used as vineyards. The layers of the upper shell limestone appear above this. 3600
120 × 30
Type: Prallhang
Type: Limestone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile precious FFH area
Main impact slope Kallmuth N from Homburg Kallmuth near Homburg am Main 220912.jpg
677R006 Triefenstein
Western Franconian Plates Above the famous Homburger Kallmuth vineyard, the uppermost layers of red sandstone and the basal layers of shell limestone are exposed. The sequence of layers of the rarely exposed upper myophoric layers of the Röt and the complete sequence in the border yellow limestone is remarkable. The vineyards lie on the red clay stones. This is the only place in Lower Franconia where the Buntsandstein-Muschelkalk border is completely open. 40000
400 × 100
Type: Impact slope, layer sequence
Type: Limestone, claystone, marlstone
embankment especially valuable Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Tretstein Gorge S from Eidenbacherhof Stepping stone waterfall.jpg
677R007 Graefendorf
Rhön The Tretstein water crack lies in a gorge-like valley cut north of the Franconian Saale. The stream flowing there exhumed the weather-resistant sandstone banks within the Röt series, so that individual, smaller waterfalls were created. A series of slightly higher cascades emerged at the level of the red quartzite. 12000
300 × 40
Type: Canyon, Waterfall
Type: Sandstone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Ringelbachschlucht NW of Gössenheim Werntal 2008 Gö Ringelbach 03.jpg
677R008 Gössenheim
Rhön The steep, deeply cut water crack forms the drainage channel of the red quartzite area north of the lower Wern. By clearing out the lower red clay stones and flushing under the lower red quartzite bank, red quartzite blocks break off and a block current forms. The blocks show oblique stratification and oscillation ripples. 75000
250 × 300
Type: Block Stream, Canyon
Type: Sandstone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile precious Natural monument
Maintalprallhang SE from Retzbach 677R009 Zellingen
Western Franconian Plates The upper layers of the wave limestone are exposed to the west of Retzbach. The 1st and 2nd foam lime banks form distinctive cornices that create a natural steep wall. A slope flattening above marks the transition to the orbicularis layers in the hanging wall. 200000
1000 × 200
Type: Impact slope, rock wall / slope
Type: Limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious FFH area
Romberg SE from Sendelbach 677R010 Lohr am Main
Spessart The morphologically conspicuous former Umlaufberg of the Main is largely covered by the oldest Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene gravel, which can be found in places on easily recognizable river terraces. The mountain is protected as a nature reserve. A 1.4 km long nature trail leads through sandy grasslands and fields. 650000
1000 × 650
Type: Umlauf- / breakthrough mountain
Type: Sandstone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Flying sands at Saupürzel NE of Karlstadt Karlst SauP Oct 2013 Flying sands 01.JPG
677R011 Karlstadt
Western Franconian Plates At the Saupürzel northeast of Karlstadt, drifting sands are widespread. They belong to the area of ​​the Karlstadt arid areas, which are designated as a nature reserve. The formation of the dunes is illustrated on site by display boards. 260000
650 × 400
Type: Dune field
Type: Sand
no information significant Nature reserve, FFH area
Umlaufberg Achtelsberg NW from Hafenlohr 677R012 Hafenlohr
Spessart The morphologically conspicuous, around 1.5 km long former Umlaufberg of the Main is bordered along its length by young valley sediments of the Hafenlohr Bach and the Lauter Grund and rises approx. 80 m above this floodplain level. At the Achtelsberg the terrace levels at 185 m and 200 m above sea level can be verified, which were created in the Old Pleistocene. 1500000
1500 × 1000
Type: Umlauf- / breakthrough mountain
Type: Sandstone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Main loop near Urphar 677R013 Kreuzwertheim
Spessart At Urphar, an approx. 100 m high impact slope was cut out very impressively through the Main. A 4 km long and at the narrowest point only 450 m wide circulating mountain formed. 2000000
4000 × 500
Type: Prallhang
Type: Sandstone, Mudstone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Aufgel. Muschelkalk quarry on Frohnberg near Ansbach 677A019 Clearing
Western Franconian Plates The abandoned Muschelkalk quarry on the western slope of the Frohnberg near Ansbach opens up Lower Muschelkalk. Despite the beginning of vegetation, Lower Muschelkalk 1 and 2 (wave limestone) and the Beta 2 oolite bank are exposed in numerous places. The latter contains massive amounts of animal fossils (shell remains), while the limestone mainly contains trace fossils (bioturbation). 11000
110 × 100
Type: Layer sequence, sediment structures, animal fossils 4 trace fossils
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious no protected area
Hölzlesgraben near Fuchsenmühle 677R014 Karbach
Spessart The 400 meter long and up to eight meter high brook fissure of the Hölzlesgraben offers outcrops in the slab sandstone in the lower area, directly above the Fuchsenmühle. Oblique stratification can rarely be observed. In the uppermost area, red quartzite is exposed, where a smaller waterfall has formed. The water flow is strongly fluctuating due to the weather. Plant fossils (including the roots of conifers) can be found occasionally. Outcrops exist only in a few places, as the steep valley flanks are heavily rolled and partially overgrown. Outcrops of Solling sandstone and the Lower Röttonsteine ​​described in the literature are hardly available. A noticeable widening of the trench on the north flank (only a little below the middle of the Hölzlesgraben) could be due to mining activity, as the slab sandstone was often used as a building material. A forest path runs almost parallel to the stream, which provides a view of the gorge regardless of the water flow. 4300
430 × 10
Type: ravine, rock type, storage conditions
Type: sandstone, quartzite
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area, nature park

Former quarry in the SW of Reistenhausen 676A002 Collenberg
Spessart In a long line of quarries in the Main Valley between Miltenberg and Stadtprozelten, the Miltenberg sandstone was quarried as a coveted natural stone in great abundance. Today these abandoned quarries provide space for protected species. This former quarry was therefore designated as a nature reserve. 90000
900 × 100
Type: Layer sequence
Type: Sandstone
Quarry precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Red sandstone outcrop WSW von Dorfprozelten 676A005 Dorfprozelten
Spessart In a long line of quarries in the Main Valley between Miltenberg and Stadtprozelten, the Miltenberg sandstone was quarried as a coveted natural stone in great abundance. From a little distance, this steep, former quarry is impressive, but as a nature reserve it is very ingrown and actually inaccessible. 57000
570 × 100
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Former Quarries WSW of Miltenberg 676A006 Miltenberg
Odenwald The large, old and abandoned red sand quarries near Miltenberg are extremely steep and not entirely harmless. On March 28, 2005, a large amount of rock, weighing up to a few tons, fell on the dealership and caused considerable damage. The beautiful outcrop is now secured. 12400
310 × 40
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape reserve, bird sanctuary, nature park
Former Großheubach quarry NNW 676A007 Großheubach
Spessart To the north of Großheubach is a former red sand quarry which, due to its use as a TRIAL training route, is very well maintained and not overgrown. The brown-red to light purple mica-bearing fine to medium sandstones are z. T. weakly scoop-bearing. They contain sloping layers, flow ripples and clay galls. In the upper area, silt and claystone layers are interposed. 6175
95 × 65
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Red sand quarry Königswald E von Mömlingen 676A008 Mömlingen
Odenwald In the Königswald east of Mömlingen there is an extensive area with historical quarries in the Lower Buntsandstein. The quarry to the south is now used as an event location and has a hut and a barbecue area. 15000
300 × 50
Type: Type of rock, sequence of layers, sedimentary structures
Type: Sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Sandstone quarry W von Bürgstadt 676A009 Burgstadt
Spessart On the banks of the Main across from Bürgstadt, the Calvoerde-Dickbank sandstone (Miltenberg sandstone) is exposed in an old quarry. The entrance immediately in front of the geotope is overgrown and cordoned off, but 3/4 of the wall is clearly visible. 1000
50 × 20
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Soil profile at the Schwedenschanze WSW in Mömlingen 676A011 Mömlingen
Odenwald The soil profile is a so-called sediment trap. Various floors were exposed here in a very small space. In addition to frost wedges and a polygon pattern floor, Rohlöss with an age of around 17,000 years was also found. The outcrop is on the Geopark Path Fire and Water Mömlingen. 40
20 × 2
Type: Fossil Soil, Schurf, Rock
Type: Loess, Silt, Sandstone
Schurf significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Mühlhansenloch WSW from Mömlingen 676A012 Mömlingen
Odenwald The Mühlhansenloch is interpreted as a Maar-Diatrem volcano. On the tuff wall you can see a basalt dike in places. The outcrop is on the Geopark Path Fire and Water Mömlingen. 40
20 × 2
Type: Rock type, volcanic vent
Type: Tuff / tuffite, basalt
Schurf precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Underground clay mining E from Klingenberg 676G001 Klingenberg am Main
Spessart The city of Klingenberg operated a clay mine until December 2011, the history of which goes back several centuries. The area of ​​the clay pit lies in a valley basin. Here clay was initially mined in open-cast mine holes and since the middle of the 18th century underground. The clay deposit owes its existence to a trench-like collapse in a red sandstone saddle that plunged to the east. In 2012 security and safekeeping work was carried out on the company premises. The tunnels are closed. At the Seitenbach below the site, a tunnel opening from the early days of mining was renovated. In addition, rails, hoists and a cage are reminiscent of mining. 60000
300 × 200
Type: Adit, Disturbance
Type: Clay, Sandstone
Tunnel / gallery / shaft especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park
Hay pillars on Haineberg SSW from Kleinheubach 676G002 Miltenberg
Odenwald The hay pillars are 7.5 m long and 1.3 m thick. They were knocked out of the red sandstone on the spot and were probably intended for the construction of the Mainz Cathedral in the 11th century. Of the original 42 columns, there were still 14 in the 18th century. Today, 8 columns are still preserved. 200
20 × 10
Type: Wrought Rock
Type: Sandstone
no information precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Basalt mine on the Buchberg SW of Mömlingen 676G003 Mömlingen
Odenwald Presumably in 1851, a basalt passage, presumably 5 to 10 m wide, was first opened up in the opencast mine. From 1892 basalt was repeatedly mined underground. In 1928 basalt mining was stopped due to a lack of funds. The opencast mine has now been filled. Today you can still see a row of pines with a dump and an attempt at opencast mining, which however did not reach the basalt. Basalt outcrops are not available, basalt stones can be found on the heaps. A shaft that was connected to the underpass tunnel is still available, but is currently covered. 1000
100 × 10
Type: Pinge / nfeld, Schacht, Halde
Type: Basalt
Ping significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Zigeunerhöhle SE by Heppdiel 676H001 Eichenbühl
Odenwald A large, slipped sandstone slab from the middle red sandstone lies at an angle on the slope in the forest. The resulting cavity was used as a cave or refuge, which can be recognized by the niches in the interior. 12
4 × 3
Type: Covered Cave
Type: Sandstone
block significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Zittenfeldener Quelle (Siegfriedquelle) SSE from Amorbach Zittenfelden source 1.JPG
676Q001 Amorbach
Odenwald Due to the intermediate layers of clay in the red sandstone, there are many springs, especially in the middle red sandstone. The Zittenfelden spring is one of several springs in the Odenwald that claims to be the Siegfried spring where Siegfried von Hagen was murdered. Today's source outlet is expanded like a cave. A few meters above there is another spring grotto that has fallen dry. 1000
200 × 5
Type: Layer Source
Type: Sandstone
cave precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Röllbachquelle SE from Röllbach Röllbachquelle.JPG
676Q002 Röllbach
Spessart In the local recreation facility at Röllbachsbrunnen, the spring fill is used as a water treading basin. The source outlet is one of many sources that arise from the clay / sandstone alternation of the middle red sandstone. 3000
100 × 30
Type: Layer Source
Type: Sandstone
no information significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Block field at Hallstein WSW from Weilbach 676R001 Weilbach
Odenwald Approx. 30 meters below the Hallhöhe, in a deforested and newly planted area in the forest, there is a collection of larger, non-standing rock blocks made of rock sandstone. The largest of these blocks is marked with white letters as the Hallstein natural monument. In the periglacial of the Würm Ice Age, this block migrated approx. 50 m from the next to the valley. 20000
200 × 100
Type: Boulder Sea, Boulder
Type: Sandstone
block precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, nature park
Umlaufberg NNE from Faulbach 676R002 Faulbach
Spessart Clearly set off from the surrounding landscape of the dark, forest-covered low mountain range hills, near Faulbach there is an oval-shaped hill covered with meadows (Grohberg). It is the backward island of a previous meander. The best view of this Umlaufberg can be found on the opposite side of the Main near Mondfeld. 935000
1100 × 850
Type: circulation / breakdown Mountain
Type: loess, sandstone
no information significant Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Seltenbachschlucht E from Klingenberg Seltenbachschlucht.jpg
676R003 Klingenberg am Main
Spessart The Seltenbach Gorge is one of the few easily accessible places where, among other things, rocks from the Middle Buntsandstein are exposed. Various sediments of the red sandstone can be studied on the rock walls. At the upper end of the gorge is the Klingenberg clay mine, where particularly pure and high-quality special clays were extracted. 20000
1000 × 20
Type: Type of rock, sequence of layers, sedimentary structures
Type: Sandstone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile precious Landscape protection area, nature park Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 90

Former Basalt quarry Altenfeld NW of Urspringen 673A001 Ostheim before the Rhön
Rhön In the former, extensive mining area, the exposure conditions are very poor due to the strong overgrowning. However, the quarry serves as an example of natural succession of uncultivated quarries. 120000
400 × 300
Type: Rock
Type: Basalt
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Former Basaltsee quarry northwest of Oberelsbach Rhoen Steinernes Haus 2013-05.jpg
673A003 Oberelsbach
Rhön This exposure shows typical, columnar basalt of the Rhön. Due to the already existing protection status (NSG Rhön), dry and wet biotopes formed in the Bruch. The source outlets in the outcrop feed the basalt lake. Formerly up to 12 m high pillars were opened here, which were dismantled in the 1930s and sent to Holland for dam construction. Only the top ends of the basalt columns are visible. Developed with parking lot, kiosk, barbecue area. 450
30 × 15
Type: basalt columns, rock type, layer source
type: basalt
Quarry significant Natural monument, nature reserve, landscape protection area
Basaltsee (Silbersee) S of Roth Rhön SilberseeRothA 2013-05.jpg
673A004 Hausen
Rhön In the central part of the former basalt quarry, fan-shaped or pile-shaped columnar basalt was mined. The massive olivine basalts show columnar formation on the SW wall. At the deepest point of the bottom a lake formed, which is partly surrounded by a picturesque tree population (picnic area and hiking trails open up the place). Beautiful, palisade-like basalt columns along the south and south-west bank. 14000
100 × 140
Type: basalt columns, rock wall / slope, rock
type: basalt
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Former Basalt quarry NNE from Sennhütte 673A005 Fladungen
Rhön In the former basalt quarrying, columnar basalt is partially exposed on the steep walls. 21600
120 × 180
Type: Rock type, Basalt columns
Type: Basalt
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Former Basalt quarry E from Sennhütte 673A006 Fladungen
Rhön The entire quarry complex (approx. 3 larger extraction areas) opens up tuff, basanite and columnar basalt. Basalt flows store e.g. T. on pyroclastites. In this break there is interesting geology paired with valuable wet and dry biotopes. The entire complex is overgrown and difficult to walk, the two lakes are fishing waters. 120000
300 × 400
Type: Basalt columns, sequence of layers, type of rock
Type: Basalt, tuff / tuffite
Quarry significant Bird sanctuary, nature park
Former Basalt quarry WSW from Roth 673A007 Hausen
Rhön The former quarry is right on the edge of the NSG Lange Rhön. He develops olivine basalts in massive training. 20000
100 × 200
Type: Rock
Type: Basalt
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Former Basalt quarry N of Bischofsheim (am Holzberg) 673A008 Bischofsheim in the Rhön
Rhön The extensive basalt quarry complex has two main excavation levels. Above the upper level there are basalt columns showing effusive lava ceilings (similar to those in the neighboring Bauersberg quarry). T. bulky waste, partly in the groundwater area, deposited. 120000
300 × 400
Type: Rock type, Basalt columns
Type: Basalt
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, nature park
Former Shell limestone quarry northwest of Hollstadt 673A009 Hollstadt
Northern Franconian Plates The former quarry opens up a section of the Lower Muschelkalk with the Beta 2 oolite bank under the upper edge. The main wall, which is formed by a single large fissure area, shows a karst chute and primary sedimentary structures (sedimentary landslides, inclined stratification, bioturbation) that have been excellently prepared by weathering. Buildings have been heavily overbuilt since the initial survey. 1000
50 × 20
Type: sedimentary structures, rock type, karst chimney, karst crevice
Type: limestone
Quarry precious no protected area
Clay pit ENE from Kleinbardorf 673A010 Bad Königshofen in the Grabfeld
Hassberge region The uppermost section of the myophoria layers is exposed, consisting of alternating blue-green and red-brown clay silt stones with hard dolomitic marl banks (stone marls) inserted into them. The open fracture tectonics is a typical (Germanotype or Saxon) alternative tectonics. The outcrop is the type locality of the Grabfeld formation. 1600
80 × 20
Type: Type locality, disturbance, sequence of layers
Type: Clay marl
Clay pit / clay pit / marl pit especially valuable Landscape protection area, nature park
Outcrop at the Judenhügel NE of Sulzfeld 673A011 Sulzfeld
Hassberge region In a ravine on the hill, clay-marly layers of the Middle to Upper Burgsandstein (basin facies) are well exposed in a slightly (20 °) inclined position. They are marked by stone marl banks with gray-greenish and red-brown clay silt stones in between. The gray-greenish (chemically-reduced?) Clay siltstone inclusions directly below the stone marl banks are typical. 800
80 × 10
Type: Layer sequence, type of rock
Type: Clay marl
embankment precious Landscape protection area, nature park
Basalt prism wall on the Gangolfsberg WNW of Urspringen Basalt columns detail Gangolfsberg.jpg
673A016 Oberelsbach
Rhön Basalt columns (approx. 30–40 cm in diameter) lying on top of each other like a stack of wood. Spectacularly open-minded and visible. Information board on the wall base. Medium-sized sea of ​​blocks to the right of the prism wall. Very rare type of digestion. Approx. 50 m west to the right of the path there is a small outcrop with contact between basalt / tuff and slag. Possibly. Remnant of a cinder cone? 150
30 × 5
Type: basalt columns, contact, rock
type: basalt, tuff / tuffite
Slope crack / rock wall precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Brend gate NW of Schönau 673A017 Schönau at the Brend
Rhön The 10 m high outcrop on the steep bank of the Brend shows part of the Volpriehausen alternation. It represents the only major outcrop in this sequence in the entire region. 0
not specified
Type: sequence of layers, sediment structures
Type: sandstone, claystone, siltstone
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, nature park
Gypsum marl outcrop at Altenburg SE von Trappstadt 673A019 Trappstadt
Hassberge region Below the Altenburg plateau, which is formed from layers of Coburg sandstone, the Heldburg marl is exposed. A plaster lens used to be removed here. Today only a small outcrop is left overgrown with rare plants typical of the site. 120
30 × 4
Type: Type of rock, sedimentary structures
Type: gypsum, marlstone
Open pit significant Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Aufgel. Rhätsandsteinbruch SE by Johanneshof 673A020 Sulzfeld
Hassberge region The abandoned quarry at the holiday complex is located in the lower part of the Rhät. What is particularly striking in the quarry is a dense array of crevices and faults that literally break the sandstone layers into dominoes. Some of the sandstone banks are tilted and placed at an angle. The brackish water mussel Haßbergia haßbergensis can be found in the uppermost parts of the sandstone. Information board No. 15 of the Haßberge route. 250
25 × 10
Type: Fault, Animal Fossils, Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape reserve, bird sanctuary, nature park
Abandoned clay pit S from Großbardorf 673A021 Großbardorf
Hassberge region The layers of the grave field formation with their alternating blue-green and red-brown clay silt stones are exposed. Hard dolomitic stone marl benches are inserted in it. The prominent bench in the uppermost area is the so-called beta bench. 1200
120 × 10
Type: sequence of layers, sediment structures
Type: clay, marlstone
Clay pit / clay pit / marl pit precious no protected area
Abandoned reed sand quarry NNW of Eyershausen 673A022 Bad Königshofen in the Grabfeld
Hassberge region The dismantling walls document a mighty and homogeneous sandstone, which is traversed by sloping fissures. The parting line that divides the sandstone is only slightly formed. The quarry is located in the center of a former river channel. At the lower entrance to the break, the transition to the Middle Estherian layers is open. The upper part was cleared out by the river system. 8100
90 × 90
Type: Rock
Type: Sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Gypsum hill SE from Alsleben 673A023 Trappstadt
Hassberge region In the nature reserve southeast of Alsleben, a pronounced subrosion landscape has been preserved over an area of ​​around 200 200 meters. Numerous unevenness are the remains of the leaching of gypsum (gypsum karst) from the gypsum keuper. In the wider area, due to intensive agriculture, no evidence of subrosion can be seen. Occasionally, however, smaller pieces of plaster of paris can be found on the arable land. 40000
200 × 200
Type: subrosion landscape, sinkhole, sinkhole, layer level
Type: plaster
Slope crack / rock wall precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, nature park
Former Basalt quarry on the northern slope of the Kreuzberg 673A024 Bischofsheim in the Rhön
Rhön The small basalt quarry located on the slope shows extremely regular basalt columns, as if drawn with a ruler. The quarry is growing rapidly. 400
20 × 20
Type: Rock type, Basalt columns
Type: Basalt
Quarry significant Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Former basalt quarry Steinernes Haus 2 673A025 Oberelsbach
Rhön Former dismantling of basalt columns, which stand in the partially overgrown up to 8 meter high exposed walls in horizontal to vertical position. In the late summer of 2010, parts of the outcrop were deforested. Unusual is the occurrence of the swamp heart leaf (Parnassia palustris), an indicator for damp locations, which prefers chalky-marly locations. This may indicate backfilling with foreign material. 17500
175 × 100
Type: Rock type, Basalt columns
Type: Basalt
Quarry significant Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Sand pit S by Wollbach 673A026 Wollbach
Rhön The sand pit is owned by the municipality and opens up an approx. 4 m thick sand deposit. After consulting the municipal administration, private individuals may remove sand for non-commercial purposes. The cross-layered sand contains irregular, thin layers of light gray plastic clay. On the northern excavation face there are brood tubes from hymenoptera (presumably solitary bees). In the eastern area there is a seldom drying out accumulation of surface water. Approx. 500 m northwest There is another sand pit. This is operated sporadically. It is fenced in and entry is prohibited. In the clay lenses there, relics of leaves, fruits and seeds were found, which allow a stratigraphic assignment to the Pliocene. The organic matter was dissolved by circulating water, so that only prints remained. It is assumed that these are deposits of a primeval Saale with a river-side forest. Thus one of the oldest known river systems in Northern Bavaria is documented here. 2700
90 × 30
Type: Vegetable Fossils, Open Pit
Type: Sand, Clay
Gravel pit / sand pit especially valuable no protected area
Frickenhäuser See ESE from Frickenhausen Frickenhaeuser see doline.jpg
673R001 Mellrichstadt
Northern Franconian Plates The almost circular, inflow and outflow-free Frickenhäuser Lake, the only naturally formed lake in northern Lower Franconia, lies on a fault that separates a slab of Lower Muschelkalk in the NE from the Upper Buntsandstein in the SW, about 20 degrees to the SW. Since half of the lake lies in the area of ​​the lower shell limestone, which was previously there, it must have been dissolved. It remains to be seen whether the fundamental cause is leaching of Zechstein salt. 22500
150 × 150
Type: sinkhole, rock
type: limestone
Slope crack / rock wall especially valuable Natural monument, landscape protection area Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 12
Basalt block sea Johannisfeuer on Kreuzberg KG Basalt Boulder Sea Midsummer Fire 0.JPG
673R002 Bischofsheim in the Rhön
Rhön Immediately to the east of the transmitter mast lies a wide sea of ​​boulders made of massive basalt. The Kreuzberg is the most popular excursion mountain in the Bavarian Rhön (monastery). As a result, the block sea is also better known than the block sea on neighboring mountains. The block flow on the eastern slope feeds on the basalt on the edge of the plateau / valley slope. 8000
200 × 40
Type: Block Sea, Rock
Type: Basalt
other information precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Teufelskeller on Gangolfsberg NW of Oberelsbach Basalt prism wall Gangolfsberg.jpg
673R003 Oberelsbach
Rhön Rock wall with cut of two basalt ceilings over a discordance: in the hanging wall a more or less horizontally layered ceiling, underneath a ceiling consisting of steep basalt columns that are bent over directly under the discordance. The Teufelskeller is a 5 3 1.5 m large natural cave under a huge fall block at the foot of the steep wall, where numerous small blocks lie around. The earlier interpretation of the formation as a gas bubble in the magma cannot be confirmed. 4000
100 × 40
Type: volcanic vent, basalt columns, boulder, contact, rock
type: basalt
Slope crack / rock wall precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Basalt block rubble at the Eisgraben WSW von Hausen 673R004 Hausen
Rhön The deposit is located on the slope of the Eisgraben behind a house (Eisgraben hut) and turns into a slide down the valley. 6000
60 × 100
Type: Blockmeer
Type: Basalt
Slope crack / rock wall precious Nature reserve, natural monument, landscape protection area
Shell limestone strata NW of Ostheim 673R005 Ostheim before the Rhön
Northern Franconian Plates The Weyershauk nature reserve is located on a slab of Lower Muschelkalk (wave limestone) that dips to the east at about 20 °. The path leading to the top rises especially in its upper half (up to the summit cross) with the streaking on the edge of the terrain and z. Partly well exposed limestone layers (especially with a conglomerate bank). 240000
300 × 800
Type: Layer
Type: Limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Sinkhole NNW of Großbardorf 673R006 Großbardorf
Northern Franconian Plates The circular, approx. 10 m deep and funnel-shaped widened hole was created in 1989 by leaching in the Upper Muschelkalk, approx. 350 m west of the Untertanningsmühle in the forest. 4
2 × 2
Type: sinkhole, karst shaft cave
Type: clay marl stone, gypsum
other information precious no protected area
Teufelsmühle SSE by Holzberg ND Teufelsmuehle Holzberg June 2015 4.jpg
673R007 Bischofsheim in the Rhön
Rhön Surrounded by canyon forest lies a legendary 3 m deep fall. 60
20 × 3
Type: Waterfall
Type: Basalt
Impact slope / river bed / stream profile significant Natural monument, landscape protection area, FFH area
Schwarzes Moor WNW von Hausen Schwarzes Moor Moorauge.JPG
673R008 Hausen
Rhön The Black Moor is one of the largest and best preserved moorlands in the Rhön. The visitors are led through the raised bog on wooden planks. Signs show the origin and ecology of the moor. An observation tower provides an overview. 1200000
1500 × 800
Type: raised bog, low bog
Type: peat, basalt
no information precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 47
Basalt block heaps on Gangolfsberg NW of Oberelsbach 673R009 Oberelsbach
Rhön The block heap made of early Tertiary basalt covers large areas of the west side of the Gangolfsberg. 20000
200 × 100
Type: Blockmeer
Type: Basalt
block precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Arnsberg NE volcanic residue from Wildflecken 673R010 Bischofsheim in the Rhön
Rhön The summit area of ​​the Arnsberg consists of a morphologically striking basalt dome, which towers over the surrounding Lower Muschelkalk by about 50 m. The hiking trail leading to the summit shows the Lower Muschelkalk pending, while the partially wooded hilltop offers opportunities to find basalt (partly pending, partly as reading stones). 250000
500 × 500
Type: volcanic vent, cliff
Type: basalt, limestone
Rock slope / cliff precious Landscape protection area

Quarry in the Höllental near Schweinfurt 662A001 Schweinfurt
Eastern Franconian Plates In this old quarry in Höllental, a profile in the uppermost shell limestone at the level of the upper Terebratelbank and the ostracod clay above it is exposed. The information is the type locality of the mussel crab Euestheria franconica Reible 1962, which gives the biostratigraphic Euestheria franconica zone its name. Type: type locality, animal fossils, layer sequence
Type: claystone, marlstone, limestone
Quarry especially valuable Landscape protection area

Former SW Kronungen factory sandstone quarry 678A001 Poppenhausen
Eastern Franconian Plates Of the formerly exposed layers of the Lower Keuper (a profile from the factory sandstone to the Anoplophora sandstone), only the factory sandstone and mudstone immediately above are now accessible. However, large blocks of sandstone are still stored in the quarry area. A former mining tunnel is now used by bats as a sleeping quarters. The quarry is privately owned and not accessible. 41600
260 × 160
Type: Layer sequence, tunnel
type: Sandstone
Quarry significant Landscape component
Former Quarry NW of Wülfershausen 678A003 Waterless
Western Franconian Plates In the quarry, the sequence of layers from the upper part of the Middle Muschelkalk in the horizontal part of the chert bank to the deep main Muschelkalk up to the Zeller claystone horizon is accessible. Parts of the bulbous limestone are oolithic and unusually rich in fossils. A collapse funnel is also cut into the quarry wall, which can be traced back to the leaching of underlying rocks. 10000
200 × 50
Type: Layer sequence, Animal fossils, Rock
type: Limestone
Quarry precious no protected area
Schleerieth WNW factory sand quarry 678A004 Werneck
Eastern Franconian Plates The layers from the factory sandstone to the anoplophora horizon are open. Remarkable are the plant remains from the upper part of the sandstone, which are among the best preserved plant fossils of the Triassic in the world. In addition, the deposit conditions from the factory sandstone to the anthraconite bank are excellently documented. 87500
350 × 250
Type: Sequence of layers, Vegetable fossils
Type: Sandstone
Quarry significant no protected area
Former Factory sandstone quarry E from Egenhausen 678A005 Werneck
Eastern Franconian Plates In the abandoned quarry area, the sequence of layers from the factory sandstone to the anthraconite bank is still accessible. The Albertibank area shows an unusual, dolomitic-dominated sequence with a clear diagenetic overprint. Large horsetail fragments are embedded at the top of the channel sandstone. 20000
250 × 80
Type: sequence of layers, type of rock
Type: sandstone, claystone, dolomite stone
Quarry significant no protected area
Former sandstone quarry SE from Egenhausen 678A006 Werneck
Eastern Franconian Plates In the abandoned quarry area, the sequence of layers from the factory sandstone to the Albertibank is still accessible. The factory sandstone in the south-western part of the site is extraordinarily thick with benches up to over 5 m thick. 8000
160 × 50
Type: sequence of layers, type of rock
Type: sandstone, claystone, dolomite stone
Quarry significant no protected area
Gypsum break N from Sulzheim 678A010 Sulzheim
Sandstone Keuper Region The gypsum quarry north of Sulzheim has been abandoned and serves as a nature reserve. It is located on the Gipsrundweg. A viewing platform provides a glimpse. Exemplary plaster karst forms can be seen in the broken walls. 40000
200 × 200
Type: Rock type, karst chimney, karst crevice
Type: gypsum
Quarry precious no protected area
Quarry Zabelstein bar NE from Altmannsdorf 678A011 Hundelshausen
Sandstone Keuper Region The Zabelstein bar is located in the area of ​​an abandoned quarry in the bubble sandstone. The dismantling walls show some interesting sedimentary structures. 1000
50 × 20
Type: sediment structures, layer sequence
type: sandstone
Quarry precious Landscape protection area, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Mineral spring E from Untereuerheim 678Q001 Grettstadt
Eastern Franconian Plates The spring, pouring approx. 10 l / s, has a clearly red colored bottom and iron hydroxide precipitations can also be seen on plants. In addition to high iron contents, a clear emphasis on calcium sulfate can be seen in the chemistry. The spring water is mixed water from a higher groundwater level with deep waters that penetrate from faults in the Kissingen-Haßfurt fault zone from a depth of at least 100 m. 5
5 × 1
Type: Noise Source
Type: Limestone
no information precious Natural monument
Gründleinsloch (Blue Grotto) WNW of Pusselsheim Gründleinsloch.JPG
678Q002 Donnersdorf
Sandstone Keuper Region At the artesian spring outlet, a limestone funnel forms, which is 1–1.5 m above the surrounding area. 36
18 × 2
Type: Constriction source, sinter formation
Type: Limestone, tufa
no information precious Natural monument
Gypsum karst spring S from Falkenstein 678q003-Gipskarstquelle-S-Falkenstein-2303.jpg
678Q003 Donnersdorf
Sandstone Keuper Region Sources in the base plaster are mostly bound to the bite of the plaster layers. The promotion takes place via karst paths in the gypsum-bearing layers. 20
5 × 4
Type: Layer source, rock
type: Gypsum, claystone, marlstone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument, nature park
Doline WNW from Wiebelsberg 678R002 Oberschwarzach
Sandstone Keuper Region The subrosion phenomenon in the gypsum keuper is about 70 × 50 meters in size and about 5 meters deep. It has no water. 5400
90 × 60
Type: sinkhole
Type: gypsum, claystone, marlstone
no information significant no protected area
Swan Lake NW of Alitzheim 678R003 Sulzheim
Eastern Franconian Plates The Swan Lake lies in a shallow subrosion depression of the myophoric layers (gypsum keuper). There are no geological layers exposed. The lake and its surroundings are worth protecting as a biotope. 150,000
500 × 300
Type: subrosion sink
Type: plaster of paris
no information precious Natural monument, FFH area, bird sanctuary
Eichelmannsee SE from Gerolzhofen 678R004 Gerolzhofen
Sandstone Keuper Region The silting up Eichelmansee lies on the edge of the plaster of paris layer. Its emergence is probably due to the appearance of subrosion. 8000
100 × 80
Type: sinkhole, layer
type: plaster of paris
no information precious Natural monument, landscape protection area, FFH area
Sulzheimer gypsum hill 2015 Sulzheimer Gypsum Hill 03.jpg
678R005 Sulzheim
Sandstone Keuper Region The Sulzheimer gypsum hills are of great ecological importance as a location for rare flora communities (especially postglacial steppe vegetation). In the area with unsteady relief created by gypsum leaching or subrosion, there are sinkholes and sinkholes as well as mushroom-shaped hardened stones made of gypsum and layers of caves. 80000
400 × 200
Type: subrosion landscape, sinkhole, sinkhole, layer level
Type: plaster
Slope crack / rock wall precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 87
Wagnersee S from Pusselsheim 678R006 Donnersdorf
Eastern Franconian Plates The flat and almost circular depression is filled with water. Their location on the level of the base plaster indicates a genesis in the wake of a sinkhole formation. Meanwhile overgrown. No access to the property. No outcrops available, but a very beautiful biotope. 4800
80 × 60
Type: sinkhole
Type: gypsum, claystone, marlstone
no information significant Natural monument
Sinkholes in Mahlholz SE from Gerolzhofen 678R007 Gerolzhofen
Sandstone Keuper Region Several sinkhole fields can be found in the Mahlholz forest area. In the western area there are four sinkholes next to each other. One of these overgrown sinkholes has a water inflow. 10000
100 × 100
Type: Dolinenfeld, Ponor
Type: Plaster of Paris
no information precious Nature reserve, landscape protection area, FFH area
Ponordoline Hollergrube NNW from Sulzheim 678R008 Sulzheim
Sandstone Keuper Region The Ponordoline Hollergrube is located in a depression in a forest near the abandoned gypsum quarry north of Sulzheim. The mostly dry stream bed leading to it is an impressive testimony to the large amounts of water that are discharged here. 500
50 × 10
Type: Ponor, sinkhole
Type: plaster
Sinkhole / sinkhole precious FFH area, bird sanctuary
Meadow landscape NW of Hirschfeld 678R009 Röthlein
Eastern Franconian Plates This meadow landscape was formed with the typical meadow vegetation through recurring flood events. The edges of the terrace and the former meandering course of the Main can be seen. The Unkenbach runs in a former loop of the river Main. The meanders were broken by the flood events and natural still waters formed, such as north-west of Hirschfeld. 150000
1500 × 100
Type: terrace, meander
type: silt, sand, gravel
no information precious FFH area, bird sanctuary
Flying sand dune in Tännig E of Grafenrheinfeld 678R010 Grafenrheinfeld
Eastern Franconian Plates In the Tännig east of Grafenrheinfeld there is a small dune field in an extensive former mining area of ​​Pleistocene drifting sand. In the cold periods of the last 2.6 million years, westerly winds deposited the sand in places protected from the wind. The most striking dune is accessible by a hiking trail (Auenwaldweg) that leads directly past it. There are two major outcrops of sand. The dune and its surroundings are under special protection as a protected landscape component. 8000
200 × 40
Type: Dune field
Type: Sand
other information precious Part of the landscape, bird sanctuary

Road profiles Am Stein, Löwe am Stein near Würzburg 663A001 Wurzburg
Western Franconian Plates An eyrie and several antithetical faults are excellently exposed in the street profile. The offset amounts and dragging can be easily recognized using guide horizons (e.g. 2nd foam lime bank). The outcrop is on a four-lane main road and is not accessible, but can be seen from the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road. 600
600 × 1
Type: Fault, layer sequence
Type: Limestone
embankment precious no protected area
Rock wall at the Maschikuliturm in Würzburg Maschikuliturm, 4.jpg
663R001 Wurzburg
Western Franconian Plates Part of the Lower Muschelkalk (mu 3, Upper Wellenkalk) is exposed. The first foam lime bank shows noticeable fluctuations in thickness in the outcrop area and wedges out in places. The second lime bank is of normal thickness and emerges as a cornice. The erosive lower edges of both benches are particularly easy to see. 3500
350 × 10
Type: Layer step, rock wall / slope, rock
type: Limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural monument
Lime sinter on the Main between Oberzell Abbey and Zellerau 663R002 Wurzburg
Western Franconian Plates Along the Würzburg / Zellerau cycle path to Oberzell Abbey, a limestone-rippled slope of the Main, typical of the area, is exposed. The constant leakage of spring water in the upper area resulted in calcium sinter precipitations. 2000
200 × 10
Type: Sinter Formation
Type: Limestone
Slope crack / rock wall significant Natural monument

Lützelbruch WNW from Lindelbach 679A002 Randersacker
Eastern Franconian Plates The quarry area opens up the uppermost parts of the Upper Muschelkalk and the lowest layers of the Lower Keuper. The quarry was extracted, the extraction of which is documented by the remains of the extraction systems and temporary demonstrations. The eponymous right-angled cleft on the quarry floor is particularly easy to see. In the eastern part of the quarry, a fault penetrates the layers. 15000
150 × 100
Type: Sediment structures, layer sequence
Type: Limestone
Quarry especially valuable Natural monument
Former Muschelkalkbruch Höchheimer Höhe ENE from Greußenheim 679A004 Greußenheim
Western Franconian Plates The quarry shows the sequence of layers from wave lime sequence 7 to the 3rd foam lime bank. The wave limestone sequence 7 shows landslide phenomena (including sigmoidal fissures) that were formed in semi-consolidated sediments. A fault is localized in the northern part, the displacement of which can be quantified on the 1st foam limestone bank. 1200
40 × 30
Type: sequence of layers, type of rock, sedimentary structures, fault
type: limestone
Quarry precious Landscape component
Former Gypsum break NE from Bergtheim 679A005 Bergtheim
Eastern Franconian Plates The following are the basic plaster layers of the myophoria layers in the form of layered, partially leached, white plaster in which thin clay and marl stones are interposed. In the largely overgrown quarries, only small parts of the former quarry walls are exposed. Karst features with a cave are recognizable. 1000
50 × 20
Type: Rock
Type: Gypsum
Quarry significant Landscape component
Former Rectangular limestone quarries Gieshügel NE from Randersacker 679A006 Randersacker
Eastern Franconian Plates The uppermost layers of the Upper Muschelkalk and the lowest layers of the Lower Keuper are exposed in several neighboring quarries that are now heavily collapsed and overgrown. The quarry was mined. The site is owned by the University of Würzburg and is mainly used as an outdoor teaching area for ecological reasons. It is surrounded by an electric fence and is not accessible. 300000
1500 × 200
Type: Layer sequence, type of rock
: Limestone
Quarry significant Nature reserve, FFH area
Former sandstone quarry W von Höchberg Former sandstone quarry-W-Hoechberg.jpg
679A007 Höchberg
Western Franconian Plates In the long-abandoned quarry, the layers of the Lower Keuper (so-called Lettenkeuper) are exposed with the red and green clays and the underlying sandstone. The walls show a typical inventory of fluvial sedimentation with channel bodies and flood layers. Trace fossils can be seen on the strata. The dismantling walls show clear signs of processing. 10000
200 × 50
Type: Type of rock, sequence of layers, plant fossils, animal fossils, sedimentary structures
Type: sandstone
Quarry precious Natural monument, FFH area Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 86
Kaisersteinbruch WSW from Gaubüttelbrunn 679A009 Kirchheim
Eastern Franconian Plates The abandoned quarry of the Kaisersteinbruch GmbH company is located in the area of ​​the parallelepiped limestone that was formerly mined at the level of the upper main cuboid horizon. Only the quarry-worthy horizon can still be seen on the former quarry walls, but the right-angled cleft is clearly visible on the excavation floor in the central area. On the occasion of a European symposium of stone sculptors, artistic sculptures were set up, twelve of which can still be seen in the quarry today. 45000
300 × 150
Type: Layer sequence, type of rock
: Limestone
Quarry precious no protected area
Quarry on the Thüngersheim-Güntersleben road Geotopes in the district of Würzburg Quarry on the Thüngersheim-Güntersleben road Geotope number 679A010 north side 9.jpg
679A010 Thüngersheim
Western Franconian Plates The small former Muschelkalk quarry opens up the sequence of layers of the Lower Muschelkalk from the lying of the 2nd foam limestone bank to the Orbicularis layers. On the former excavation wall, the development of the history of deposits can be read from the wave limestone sequence 7 with significant landslides via diagenetic overprinting below the 2nd foam limestone bank to the top of the 2nd foam limestone bank. 1200
60 × 20
Type: Type of rock, type of layer sequence
: Limestone
Quarry significant no protected area
Shell limestone profile on Höhfeldplatte SE from Thüngersheim Geotopes in the district of Würzburg Muschelkalkprofil on the Höhfeldplatte SE of Thüngersheim Geotope number 679A011 outcrop south slope 3.jpg
679A011 Thüngersheim
Western Franconian Plates At the edge of the Höhfeldplatte nature reserve, the sequence of layers from the spiriferina bank to the lower part of the Middle Muschelkalk is exposed. The stratigraphically deeper area is developed on the slope edge as an artificially extended slope crack, the higher area on a footpath along the upper edge of an adjacent quarry. The outcrops of the limestone bank, the base of the Middle Muschelkalk and the fossil orbicularis layers are valuable. 4000
200 × 20
Type: layer sequence, rock type, fossil soil
type: limestone
Rock slope / cliff precious Nature reserve, FFH area
Block limestone quarry NW of Kleinochsenfurt 679A012 Ochsenfurt
Eastern Franconian Plates The quarry opens up the rectangular limestone facies of the Upper Muschelkalk. It was created in the 1940s for the construction of the neighboring Main barrage. Regular grazing prevents overgrowth. The break lies in a nature reserve. 25000
250 × 100
Type: Type of rock, sequence of layers, sedimentary structures, gorge
Type: Limestone
Quarry precious Nature reserve, FFH area Bavaria's most beautiful geotopes No. 83
Karst spring in the Norbertusheim tunnel near Oberzell 679Q001 Zeil am Main
Western Franconian Plates At the end of the Norbertusheim tunnel near Zell, a heavily pouring spring emerges from a karstified fault with only a slight offset from the upper area of ​​the orbicularis layers. The emerging water, as well as that from more than 25 other sources in the tunnel, is used to supply the city of Würzburg with water and is treated in the nearby, listed waterworks. 6
3 × 2
Type: Noise Source
Type: Limestone
Tunnel / gallery / shaft precious no protected area
Rock slopes on the Hirschberg ENE from Erlabrunn Geotopes in the Würzburg district Rock slopes on the Hirschberg ENE von Erlabrunn Geotope number 679R003 Outcrop in the vineyards 1.jpg
679R003 Thüngersheim
Western Franconian Plates On the slopes of the Hirschberg south of Thüngersheim, the layers of the uppermost lower shell limestone spread out. Among other things, the three foam limestone banks in the steepest section of the slope are exposed, while the less weather-resistant orbicularis layers cause the slope to flatten. Typical for this part of Main Franconia is the spread of the vineyards on the slope, which spare the area of ​​the steep limestone bank level. 8000
200 × 40
Type: rock wall / slope, rock type, layer sequence
type: limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Natural monument
Muschelkalkhang Talberg NNW from Veitshöchheim 679R004 Thüngersheim
Western Franconian Plates On the steep slopes of the Talberg, the layers of the Lower Muschelkalk spread out in the stratigraphic area of ​​the foam limestone banks. The layers show remarkable landslide phenomena, some of which led to a brecciated habitus of the limestone packages. In two nature reserves on the slopes, vegetation characteristic of this substrate has developed. 6750
150 × 45
Type: rock wall / slope, type of rock, sequence of layers, sedimentary structures,
type: limestone
Slope crack / rock wall precious Landscape protection area

See also

Individual evidence

  1. LfU, Geotopes in Lower Franconia ( Memento of the original from August 26, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (accessed October 2015) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

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