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coat of arms
Sarzana (Italy)
Country Italy
region Liguria
province La Spezia  (SP)
Coordinates 44 ° 7 '  N , 9 ° 58'  E Coordinates: 44 ° 7 '0 "  N , 9 ° 58' 0"  E
height 21  m slm
surface 34.23 km²
Residents 22,148 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density 647 inhabitants / km²
Post Code 19038
prefix 0187
ISTAT number 011027
Popular name Sarzanesi
Patron saint St. Andrew

Sarzana is a small Italian town on the Magra River in the province of La Spezia in Liguria with 22,148 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019). Two fortresses shape the image of the place: the castle Fortezza di Sarzanello by Castruccio Castracani on a hill above the city, on whose construction Matteo Civitali helped, and the castle Firmafede ( La Citadella ) in the historical center.

Plan of the old town of Sarzana - gates: 1) Parma, 2) Romana -
watchtowers: 3) S.Giorgio, 4) Stella, 5) S.Francesco, 6) Testaforte -
7) Castle: Fortezza Firmafede - churches: 8) S. .Maria, 9) S.Andrea.


The name Sarzana is mentioned for the first time in a document from Emperor Otto I on May 19, 963. In a sense, it is taking over from the ancient city of Luna , which was abandoned because of the gradual swamping and thus the malaria contamination and the Saracen invasions of that time . Sarzana experienced an upswing in 1163 when it was directly subordinate to the emperor and was thus allowed to raise road tolls and to surround itself with a protective wall. Later Sarzana belonged alternately to Pisa , Lucca , Genoa and Florence . From 1562 Sarzana finally fell under the rule of Genoa and Liguria .


Intermarine shipyards are located at the mouth of the Magra. The Sarzana-Luni military airfield is nearby .

Honorary citizen

On November 29, 1953, a memorial plaque was erected in Piazza S. Giorgio for Rudolf Jacobs , who had joined the Resistance as a deserted Wehrmacht soldier . In addition, he was made an honorary citizen of the city posthumously .

Community partnerships

Partnerships exist between Sarzana and the French municipality of Villefranche-de-Rouergue in the Aveyron department and with the Hungarian city of Eger .


Web links

Commons : Sarzana  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Statistiche demografiche ISTAT. Monthly population statistics of the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica , as of December 31 of 2019.
  2. Certificate No. 254 in: Theodor Sickel (Ed.): Diplomata 12: The documents Konrad I., Heinrich I. and Otto I. (Conradi I., Heinrici I. et Ottonis I. Diplomata). Hanover 1879, pp. 363–364 ( Monumenta Germaniae Historica , digitized )

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