List of Abbreviations (Computer)

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This is a list of technical abbreviations used in IT .


AA Antialiasing
AAA a uthentication, a uthorization and a ccounting, see Triple-A system
AAC Advanced audio coding
AACS Advanced Access Content System
EEL ATM adaptation layer
AAM ATA / ATAPI Architecture Model
Automatic acoustic management
ACC Adaptive Computing Controller ( SAP )
ACE ASCII Compatible Encoding
Access Control Entry (entry in the Access Control List )
ACK ack nowledge 'confirm', see ACK (signal) and network jargon
ACL Access Control List
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
ACR Advanced Communication (s) Riser or
Automatic carriage return or
Attenuation To Crosstalk Ratio
ACS Applied Computer Science (Applied computer science) or
ATA / ATAPI Command Set (see ATA / ATAPI )
AD Active Directory
ADAM Active Directory Application Mode
ADAPT Application Design for Analytical Processing Technologies
ADB Apple Desktop Bus or
Android Debug Bridge
ADC Apple Display Connector (variant of DVI )
ADDS Active Directory Domain Services (extension of the former ADS directory service from Microsoft)
ADO ActiveX data objects
ADS Automated Deployment Service or
Alternate data streams
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line , variant of DSL
ADSP AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol
AEG Switch off, switch on, go , tip for problem solving
AEP AppleTalk Echo Protocol
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AF Anisotropic filtering
AFK Away from keyboard
AFP Apple Filing Protocol
AGA Advanced Graphics Architecture ( Amiga - chipset )
AGESA AMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture
AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
AGU Address generation unit
AHCI Advanced host controller interface
AI Artificial Intelligence ( Artificial Intelligence , German abbreviation: AI)
AIA Authority Information Access
AIFF Audio Interchange File Format
AIM AOL instant messenger
AIR Adobe Integrated Runtime
AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape
AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
aka also known as (also known by the name ...) see: pseudonym
ALM Application Lifecycle Management ( e.g. from Borland )
AS A Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
ALU Arithmetic-logical unit (arithmetic-logical unit, part of a CPU )
AMD Advanced Micro Devices
AMQP Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOP Aspect-oriented programming
AOSP Android Open Source Project
AP Access point
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
API Application Programmers / Programming Interface or
Adaptive planning intelligence
APIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
APIPA Automatic private IP addressing
APL A Programming Language
APL Termination point line technique
APM Advanced power management
APOP Authenticated Post Office Protocol
APU Accelerated Processing Unit
AQE Augmented Quad Edge (data structure for storage and efficient traversal of a 3D Voronoi diagram )
AR Augmented reality
POOR Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. or
Application Response Measurement
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ARQ Automatic Repeat reQuest
ARS Adaptive Rate Selection
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ( American standard code for information exchange)
ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit ( application specific integrated circuit )
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
ASP Active Server Pages or
Application Service Providing or
AppleTalk Session Protocol
ASPI Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
AT Advanced Technology (design for mainboards and cases)
ATA Advanced Technology (AT) Attachment
ATAPI AT attachment packet interface
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode or
Asynchronous Time Multiplexing or
Adobe Type Manager
ATPG Automatic test pattern generation
ATX Advanced Technology Extended
AUI Attachment unit interface
AV Anti virus
AVI Audio video interleave


B. Bell Laboratories or
Programming language B (predecessor of C )
B2A Business-to-Administration
B2B Business-to-business
B2C Business-to-consumer
B2D Backup-to-Disk Data backup on hard disk as opposed to backup-to-tape
B2E Business-to-Employee
B2T Backup-to-tape data backup on a tape medium such as DAT, DLT, LTO, ...
BAM Block Availability Map, see file system
BAPI Business application programming interface
BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (programming language)
BBS Bulletin Board System
BCC Blind Carbon Copy (German blind copy , field in the header of an e-mail that contains additional addressees, but which are not communicated to the other addressees) or
Block Check Character (dt. Block check )
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BCPL Basic Combined Programming Language
BD Blu-ray disc
BDC Backup Domain Controller or
Business Data Catalog in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server
BDD Binary Decision Diagram
BER Basic Encoding Rules or
Bit error rate
BERT Bit Error Rate Test ( bit error rate )
BFD Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
BGA Ball Grid Array
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
BiDi Bidirectional Text Layout, see Bidirectional Text
BI Business intelligence
BIL Bus interface logic
BIOS Basic input output system
BLOB Binary large object
BNC Bayonet Neill Concelman, see BNC connectors
BOFH Bastard Operator From Hell
BOM Byte Order Mark
BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol
BOS Base Operating System (German operating system )
BPEL Business Process Execution Language
BSC Binary synchronous communication
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution
BSOD Blue Screen of Death
BTO Build-to-order
BTX Balanced Technology Extended or
Screen text


C. Programming language C
CAAD Computer-aided architectural design (computer-aided architectural planning and design)
CA Certificate Authority
CAD Computer-aided design (Computer Aided Design)
CAE Computer-aided engineering
CAF Composite application framework
CAM Computer-aided manufacturing
CAN Controller Area Network or
Content Addressable Network
CAPI Common ISDN Application Programming Interface
CAPWAP Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points
CARP Common Address Redundancy Protocol
CAS Column Address Strobe: Dynamic Random Access Memory # CAS
CAS Computer algebra system
CAT Catalog service
CAV Constant Angular Velocity
CAVE Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
CAW Computer-Aided Woodcut (in German computer-aided woodcut)
CBO Cost Based Optimizer, cost-based optimizer for access to database records
CC Carbon Copy or
Creative Commons
C compiler
CCD Charge-coupled device
CC / PP Composite Capability / Preference Profiles
CCU Camera control unit
CD compact disc
CDATA Character data
CDC Connected device configuration
CDE Common Desktop Environment
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CDN Content Delivery Network
CD-R Compact Disc Recordable
CD-ROM Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
CD-RW Compact Disc ReWriteable
CEPT Conference Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications
CFML ColdFusion Markup Language
CFSM Communicating Finite State Machines
CGA Color Graphics Adapter
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHS Cylinder Head Sector
CICS Customer Information Control System
CIDR Classless inter-domain routing
CIF Common Intermediate Format
CIFS Common Internet File System
CIM Computer-integrated manufacturing or
Common Information Model
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer
CLDC Connected Limited Device Configuration
CLI Call Level Interface or
Command Line Interpreter or
Common Language Infrastructure
CLOB Character Large Object
CLM Certificate Lifecycle Manager
CLR Common language runtime
CLTS Connectionless Transport Service, a connectionless service such as UDP
CLV Constant Linear Velocity
CM Content management
CMM Capability Maturity Model or
Color Management Module
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (English Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor )
CMS Content management system
CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow Key, see CMYK color model
CO Callable Object
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language
CODASYL Conference on Data Systems Languages
COM Component Object Model or
Computer on Module (core hardware of a computer implemented on a pluggable module)
COMA Cache-only memory access
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
COTS Connection Oriented Transport Service, a connection-oriented service such as TCP
COW Copy-On-Write , a process for avoiding redundant copies of data
CPL Call Processing Language or
Combined Programming Language or
Common Public License
CP / M Control Program / Monitor, later: Control Program for Microcomputers
CPPM Content Protection for Pre-Recorded Media , copy protection method for DVD-Audio
CPRI Common Public Radio Interface
CPRM Content Protection for Recordable Media
CPSL Common Pattern Specification Language
CPU Central Processing Unit
CPUID Central Processing Unit IDentification
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check , procedure for determining transmission errors
CRE Content Relationship Engine
CRL Certificate revocation list
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CRUD Create, Read, Update, Delete (database operations)
CSA Common scrambling algorithm or
Connector, switch, attenuator theory
CSI Common System Interface
CSM Compatibility Support Module
CSMA / CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance
CSMA / CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection
CSP Communicating Sequential Processes
CSS Cascading Style Sheets or
Content scramble system
CSV Character Separated Values, Comma Separated Values
CTL Complex text layout
CTS Clear To Send
CUDA Compute Unified Device Architecture
CUI Character user interface , text-oriented user interface
CUoD Capacity upgrade on demand
CUPS Common Unix Printing System
CVS Concurrent Versions System
CWM Common Warehouse Metamodel


D2D2T Disk to disk to tape ( backup )
DAE Digital audio extraction
DAL Data abstraction layer
DAO Data Access Objects (Microsoft) or
Data Access Object (design pattern) or
Disc-at-once (writing method)
DAP Directory Access Protocol
DAT Digital audio tape
DAU Dumbest possible user
DAU daily active user - Facebook: daily active user (s)
DAV Distributed Authoring and Versioning; see WebDAV
DB Database
DBMS Database management system
DBP Database Publishing
DC Domain controller or
Domain component
DCE Data Communication Equipment or
Distributed Computing Environment
DCIM Digital Camera Images
DCL Data Control Language or
DIGITAL Command Language
DCO Device Configuration Overlay (see ATA / ATAPI ) or
Dynamic Code Obfuscation
DCOM Distributed Component Object Model
DCP Disk Control Program
DCS Dynamic Channel Selection
DCT Discrete cosine transformation
DCTL Direct Coupled Transistor Logic
DD Double Density ( diskette )
DDC Display data channel
DDE Dynamic data exchange
DDF Disk Data Format
DDI Device Driver Interface
DDL Data Definition Language
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
GDR Double data rate
DDS Digital data storage or
Direct Digital Synthesis or
Direct Draw Surface
DDV Direct data connection
DDX Direct data exchange
DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
DENIC DE Network Information Center
DEP Data Execution Prevention
OF Data Encryption Standard
DFS Distributed File System or
Dynamic Frequency Selection or
Depth-First Search
EDI Remote data transmission (DUN)
DH Data highway
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHTML Dynamic HTML , combination of Hypertext Markup Language and JavaScript
DIL Dual in-line package
DIME Direct Internet Message Encapsulation
DIMM Dual inline memory module
DIS Distributed Interactive Simulation
DIT Directory information tree
DivX Digital Video Express
DL Double layer
DLL Dynamic Link Library
DLM Document lifecycle management
DLP Digital light processing
DLR Dynamic Language Runtime, see .NET
DMA Direct memory access
DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DMD Digital micromirror device
DMI Desktop Management Interface or
Direct media interface
DML Data manipulation language
DMS Document Management System (Document Management System)
DMTF Distributed Management Task Force
DMZ Demilitarized zone (demilitarized zone)
DNS Domain Name System
DNSBL DNS-based blackhole list
DoD Department of Defense
DOM Document Object Model
DOS Disk Operating System or
Denial of Service (DoS)
dpi Dots per inch
DPA Data path array
DPS Desktop Purchasing System or
Data Protection System
DPU Data Path Unit
DRAC Dell Remote Access Controller
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DRI Direct rendering infrastructure
DRL Data Retrieval Language
DRM Digital Rights Management
DRT Document Related Technologies
DS double-sided ( floppy disk or memory module )
DSA Distributed Systems Architecture or
Directory System Agent
DSL Digital Subscriber Line or
Domain Specific Language
DSP Digital signal processor
DSR Data set ready
DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
DSSSL Document Style Semantics and Specification Language
DTD Document type definition
DTE Data terminal equipment
DTM Dual transfer mode
DTO Data Transfer Object
DTP Desktop publishing
DTR Data Terminal Ready
DUA Directory user agent
DUI D graphical user interface
DUN Dial-up networking
DVB Digital video broadcasting
DVB-C Digital Video Broadcasting - Cable
DVB-H Digital Video Broadcasting - Handhelds
DVB-S Digital Video Broadcast Satellite
DVB-T Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
DVI Digital visual interface
DVCS Distributed Version Control System (Distributed version control)
DWH Data warehouse
DWT Discrete wavelet transform
DXF Drawing Interchange Format (also Drawing Exchange Format)


EAI Enterprise application integration
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimals Interchange Code
EBNF Extended Backus-Naur Form
ECC Error-correcting code
ECM Enterprise content management
ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association
ECP Extended Capability Port or
Encryption Control Protocol
ED Extra-high density ( diskette )
EDD Enhanced Disk Drive Services (PC BIOS functions for access to hard disks )
EDDL Electronic Device Description Language
EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
EDI Electronic data interchange
EDID Extended Display Identification Data
EDM Electronic Document Management
EDP Electronic data processing
it Electronic data processing , English: EDP
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EFI Extensible firmware interface
EFS Encrypting File System
EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter
EHCI Enhanced host controller interface
EIA-232 Electronic Industries Alliance 232 , known as V.24 ; originally RS-232
EIB European installation bus
Oath Enhanced Integrated Device Electronics
EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
ICE Entry Into Service
EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture
EIST Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology
EJB Enterprise Java Beans
EJBQL EJB Query Language
Tbsp Expression Language
EM64T Extended Memory 64 Technology, old name of Intel 64
EMS Expanded Memory Specification
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EOD End Of Discussion (Slang)
EOF End of File or
Enterprise Objects Framework
EPLD Erasable Programmable Logic Device
EPP Enhanced Parallel Port or
Encrypting PIN Pad or
Enhanced Performance Profiles for RAM
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPS Encapsulated PostScript
EPSS Electronic Performance Support System
ESB Enterprise Service Bus
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
IT Enterprise service
ESCD Extended system configuration data
ESP EFI system partition, see definition in GUID Partition Table
ESQL Embedded SQL
ESSID Extended Service Set Identifier
ET Decision table
ETB End of Transmission Block, a control character for data transmission
ETL Extract, Transform, Load
EUCS End User Computing Satisfaction
EVA Input - processing - output ( EVA principle ) or
Enterprise Virtual Array ( disk array from Hewlett Packard for several terabytes of data)
EWF Enhanced Write Filter, is used in Windows XP embedded
exFAT Extended File Allocation Table
Exif Exchangeable Image File Format for Digital Still Cameras
Ext2 Second extended file system


FAI Fully Automatic Installation
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FAT File allocation table
FB Facebook
FC Fiber Channel
FCFS First-come, first-served, see First In - First Out
FD Floppy disk
FDD Floppy disk drive
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
FET Field Effect Transistor
FFT Fast Fourier Transform ( Fast Fourier Transform )
FGA Floating gate array
FHSS Frequency hopping spread spectrum
FIFO First in - first out
FILO First In - Last Out , see Last In - First Out
FLAC Free Lossless Audio Codec
FLOP Floating Point Operation ( floating point )
FLOPS Floating point operations per second
FPGA Field programmable gate array
FPLA Field Programmable Logic Array
FPS Frames per Second (frames per second. Frame rate ) or
First person shooter
FPU Floating Point Unit ( floating point unit , numeric coprocessor)
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name
FSAA Full scene antialiasing
FSB Front side bus
FSM Finite State Machine
FTBFS Fails to build from source ( Debian -Slang)
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FTTH Fiber To The Home
FW Forwarding ( often used for emails )


GAL Generic Array Logic
GAN Global Area Network
GBIC Gigabit Interface Converter
GC Garbage Collection / Garbage Collector or
Global Catalog
GCC GNU Compiler Collection
GCR Group Coded Recording
GDDR Graphics double data rate
GFS Global File System
GID Group Identification, see User and Rights Management under Unix
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
GINA Graphical Identification and Authentication
GIS Geographic information system
GLBP Gateway Load Balancing Protocol
GLE Graphics layout engine
GLU OpenGL Utility Library
GLUT OpenGL Utility Toolkit
GML Geography Markup Language
GMPLS Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (further development of MPLS)
GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment
GNU GNU 's Not Unix (a recursive acronym ), see GNU Project
GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Events
GP Guided Procedures
GPG GNU Privacy Guard
GPL GNU General Public License
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPT GUID Partition Table
GPU Graphics processing unit
GPX GPS Exchange Format
GRE Gecko Runtime Environment or
Generic routing encapsulation
GRUB Grand Unified Bootloader
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
GTK GIMP toolkit
GUI Graphical user interface
GUID Globally Unique Identifier


HAL Hardware abstraction layer
HBA Host bus adapter
HBCI Home banking computer interface
HCA Host channel adapter
HCI Human Computer Interaction
HCR Handprint Character Recognition
HD Hard disk
HDCP High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection
HDD Hard disk drive
HDE Main Association of German Retailers
HDL Hardware Description Language
HDLC High-level data link control
HDMI High definition multimedia interface
HDRR High dynamic range rendering
HDTV High definition television
HGC Hercules Graphics Card
HID Human Interface Device
HIP Host Identity Protocol
HIPPI High performance parallel interface
HMA High memory area
HMD Head-mounted display
HMI Human machine interface
HPC High performance computing
HPET High Precision Event Timer
HPFS High performance file system
HRHD High resolution high definition
HSCSD High speed circuit switched data
HSDPA High Speed ​​Downlink Packet Access
HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol
HSUPA High speed uplink packet access
HT HyperTransport
HTC High throughput computing
HTCP Hyper Text Caching Protocol
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
HTPC Home Theater Personal Computer
HTT Hyper-threading technology
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure


I18N Internationalization
IA5 International alphabet number 5
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
I 2 C Inter-Integrated Circuit
ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICC International Color Consortium
I I / O controller hub
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ICS Internet connection sharing
IDE Integrated Development Environment or
Integrated Drive Electronics, see ATA / ATAPI
IDEF Integrated Definition Methods
IDF Intel Developer Forum
IDL Interface Definition Language
IDMS Integrated database management system
IDN Internationalized domain name
IDNA Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications
IED Intelligent Electronic Device
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IFF Interchange File Format
IGP Integrated Graphics Processor
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
IIS Microsoft Internet Information Services
IKE Internet Key Exchange (see IPsec )
ILDA International Laser Display Association
ILM Information lifecycle management
IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol
IMC Internet Mail Connector (see Microsoft Exchange Server )
IMQ Intermediate queuing device
IMS Information management system
INET Internet
Intel Integrated Electronics
IP Internet Protocol
IPC Inter-Process Communication or
Instructions per cycle
IPP Internet Printing Protocol
IPPD Integrated Product and Process Development
IPPP ISDN point-to-point protocol
IPS Instructions per second
IPSec Internet Protocol Security
IPT Intel Identity Protection Technology
IPTV Internet protocol television
IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange
IRC Internet relay chat
IrDA Infrared Data Association
IRQ Interrupt request
IRTF Internet Research Task Force
IRV International reference version (of the IA5 )
ISA Industry Standard Architecture
iSCSI Internet SCSI
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO International organization for standardization
ISO-C Variant of C
ISP Internet service provider
EAT Internet streaming SIMD extensions
IT Information technology / information technology
ITIL IT Infrastructure Library
ITU International Telecommunication Union ( Internationale Fernmeldeunion )
IxD Interaction design


J2EE Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
J2ME Java Platform, Micro Edition
J2SE Java Platform, Standard Edition
JACK JACK Audio Connection Kit
JAXP Java API for XML Processing
JCL Job Control Language
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
JDF Job definition format
JDIC JDesktop Integration Components
JDK Java Development Kit
JES Job Entry Subsystem
JEU Jump Execution Unit
JFS Journaled File System
JMF Java Media Framework
JMS Java Message Service
JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface
JNLP Java Network Launching Protocol
JOLAP Java Based OLAP interface
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JRE Java Runtime Environment
JSF JavaServer Faces
JSON Java Script Object Notation
JSP JavaServer Pages
JSR Java Specification Request
JTM Job transfer and manipulation
JVM Java Virtual Machine


KDE K Desktop Environment
AI Artificial intelligence
KM Configuration management or
Knowledge management
KML Keyhole Markup Language
KRA Key recovery agent
KVM Keyboard - Video - Mouse


L10n Localization
L2TP Layer 2 tunneling protocol
LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol
LADSPA Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API
LAMP Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP
LAN Local Area Network
LAT Local area transport
LBA Logical block addressing
LCD Liquid crystal display
LCN Local Control Network
LCoS Liquid Crystal on Silicon
LCR Least Cost Router
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDS Lightweight Directory Services
LDU Logical data unit
LED Light Emitting Diode
LER Label Edge Router
LFS Large File Support or
Linux From Scratch
LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register
LGA Land Grid Array
LIFO Last in - first out
LILO Linux loader or
Last In - Last Out (see also First In - First Out )
LISP List processing
LLC Logical Link Control
LON Local Operating Network
LP Line printer ( line printer , see also printer )
LPC Low pin count
LPP Licensed Product Package
LPT Line printer
LRU Least recently used
LS120 Laser Servo Disk
LSA Local Security Authority
LSASS Local Security Authority Subsystem
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSR Label switch router
LTE Long Term Evolution
LTS Long term support
LUG Linux User Group
LUN Logical unit number
LVDS Low voltage differential signaling
LVM Logical Volume Manager


M2M Machine-to-machine
M4A MPEG-4 audio
MAC Media Access Control
MAC Machine Authentication Code
MAK Multiple activation key
MAPI Messaging application programming interface
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MAU monthly active user - Facebook: monthly active user (s) or
Multi-station access unit
MBR Master Boot Record
MCA Micro Channel Architecture
MCF Meta Content Framework
MCH Memory controller hub
MCM Multi-chip module
MCP Multi Chip Package, see Multi-Chip-Modul or
Master Control Program ( Operating System from Burroughs ) or
Media Communications Processor ( processor developed by Nvidia )
MCX Media Center Extender
MDAC Microsoft Data Access Components
MDCT Modified Discrete Cosine Transform or
Multi-detector Computed Tomography or
Multislice Detector Computed Tomography or
Multi-row detector Computed Tomography
MFM Modified Frequency Modulation
MFT Master File Table
MFU Most Frequently Used
MHP Multimedia home platform
MIDI Musical instrument digital interface
MIDS Multifunctional Information Distribution System
MII Media Independent Interface
MIIS Microsoft Identity Integration Server
MIMD Multiple instruction multiple data
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIPS Million Instructions per Second or
Microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages
MKV Matroska video
MMI Man-machine interface, see man-machine interface
MMORPG Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
MMS Multimedia messaging service
MMU Memory management unit
MMX Multi media extension
mobo Slang for motherboard
MOD Magneto Optical Disc
MOO Mud object oriented
MOST Media Oriented System Transport
MP3 MPEG-1 audio layer 3
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
MPI Message passing interface
MPLS Multiprotocol label switching
MPP Massively parallel processing
MP / M Multi-user version of the CP / M (Control Program for Microcomputers)
MPU Micro Processor Unit (see microprocessor ) or
Memory Protection Unit
MQTT Message Queue Telemetry Transport
MRAM Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory
MRCP Media Resource Control Protocol
MRU Maximum Receive Unit or
Most Recently Used
M $ Microsoft slang
MSB Most significant bit
MSDN Microsoft Developer Network
MSDNAA MSDN Academic Alliance
MSIMD Multiple single instruction multiple data
MSN Microsoft Network or
Multiple Subscriber Number
MTA Mail Transfer Agent
MTBF Mean time between failures
MTU Maximum transmission unit
MUA Mail user agent
MUD Multi user dungeon
MVC Model View Controller
MX Mail Exchange Resource Record
MZR Multiple zone recording


NAC Network Access Control
NAL Network Abstraction Layer
NAN National Area Network
NAS Network attached storage
NAT Network Address Translation
NBD Network block device
NCP NetWare Core Protocol
NCQ Native command queuing
NDES Network Device Enrollment Service
NDIS Network Driver Interface Specification
NDS Novell Directory Services
NEDC New Enterprise Data Center
NEXT Near end crosstalk
NFS Network File System
NGSCB Next Generation Secure Computing Base
NIC Network Information Center or
Network Interface Card
NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol
NOC Network Operation Center
NRU Not Recently Used (see paging )
NRZ Non Return to Zero (also NRZI = Non Return to Zero Invert)
NSS Name service switch
NTBA Network Termination for ISDN Basic Rate Access
NTFS New Technology File System
NTP Network Time Protocol
NTSC National Television Standards Committee
NUI Natural user interface
NUMA Non-Uniform Memory Access
NVE Networked Virtual Environment
NVRAM Non volatile random access memory
NWDS NetWeaver Developer Studio


OAN Open Access Network
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OCI Open Catalog Interface
OCP Over Current Protection
OCR Optical Character Recognition
OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol
ODBC Open DataBase Connectivity
ODD Optical disk drive
ODMC On demand clock modulation
ODMG Object Database Management Group
ODR Octal data rate
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium (formerly OpenGIS Consortium)
OHCI Open host controller interface
OLAP Online analytical processing
OLE Object linking and embedding
OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode
OLSR Optimized Link State Routing
OLTP Online transaction processing
OODBMS Object-Oriented DataBase Management System
OOP object oriented programing
OPC Operation Planning and Control or
OLE for Process Control
OQL Object Query Language
ORDBMS Object-Relational DataBase Management System
OS Operating system
OSA Open Systems Architecture
OSGi Open Services Gateway Initiative
OSI OSI model
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
OSS Open Sound System or
Open source software
OSSD Output signal switching device
OU Organizational Unit, a partial structure of an organization , e.g. B. a department
OWS OpenGIS Web Service (see Open Geospatial Consortium )


P2PTV Peer-to-Peer TV
P2P peer to peer
PADI PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation
PAG Program Analyzer Generator
PAL Programmable Array Logic or
Phase alternating line
PAM Pluggable Authentication Module
PAN Personal Area Network
PAP Password Authentication Protocol or
Printer Access Protocol or
Program schedule
PATMOS Power And Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation
PBCC Packet Binary Convolution Coding
Pc Personal computer or
Program Counter
PCA Programmable counter array
PCB Process Control Block or
Printed Circuit Board (circuit board)
PCI Peripheral component interconnect
PCIe / PCI-E Peripheral Component Interconnect Express
PCI-X Peripheral Component Interface Extension
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PC / SC Personal computer / smart card
PDA Personal digital assistant
PDC Primary Domain Controller
PDF Portable Document Format
PDM Product data management
PDU Protocol Data Unit or
Power Distribution Unit
PEBKAC Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
PEG PCI Express for Graphics
Pearl Practical Extraction and Report Language (Backronym)
PFS Perfect Forward Secrecy
PGA Pin grid array
PGP Pretty good privacy
PHP PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (recursive acronym)
PI Process integration
PIA Peripheral interface adapter
PIC Participant Identification Code
PIC Programmable interrupt controller
PID Personally Identifiable Data
PIM Personal Information Manager
PIMF Pair in metal foil
PING Packet Inter-Network Groper
PIO Programmed input / output
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PL / I Programming Language One
PLA Programmable logic array
PLM Product lifecycle management
PLMA Private Label Manufacturers Association
PMF Pointer to Member Function ( data type of the programming language C ++ )
PMU Power management unit
PNG Portable Network Graphics
PnP Plug and play
PoE Power over Ethernet
POF Polymer optical fiber
POJO Plain Old Java Object
POP Post Office Protocol
POP3 Post Office Protocol Version 3
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface for UniX
POST OFFICE Power On Self-Test
POTS Plain Old Telephone System
PPD PostScript Printer Description
PPI Pixels per inch
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
PPPoE PPP over Ethernet
PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PPU Physics Processing Unit
PRBS Pseudo-random bit stream
PS PostScript
PPE Pseudo application as a Microsoft Office 2007 document, such as PowerPoint or Excel
PSACR Power Sum Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio
PSAI Pseudo application interface , delivers data in real time to other applications or other hardware
Psd Photoshop Document
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
PXE Preboot Execution Environment


QDR Quadruple Data Rate , further development of Double Data Rate
QPI QuickPath Interconnect
QoS Quality of Service
QUXGA Quad Ultra Extended Graphics Array
QVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array
QWUXGA Quad Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
QXGA Quad Extended Graphics Array


WHEEL Rapid application development
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks , originally Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
R.A.M. Random Access Memory
RAR Resource adapter
RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RAS Remote access service
RAS Row address strobe
RBL Realtime blackhole list
RCP Rapid Control Prototyping or
Rich client platform or
Remote Copy Protocol
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RDF Resource Description Framework
RDP Remote Desktop Protocol
RED Random early detection
REST Representational State Transfer
REU RAM expansion unit
REXX Restructured Extended Executor Language
RFC Request for comments
RFC Remote function call
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RGB Red Green Blue (Red Green Blue)
RI Ring indicator
RIA Rich Internet Application
RIMM Rambus in-line memory module
RID Relative Identifier
RIP Routing Information Protocol or
Raster Image Process
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
RLE Run-length encoding
RLL Run Length Limited
RMI Remote method invocation
RMS Rights Management Services
ROI Region of Interest (in image processing)
ROME Read only memory
RPC Remote procedure call
RPG Role Playing Game or
Report program generator
RPM RPM Package Manager (recursive acronym, formerly RedHat Package Manager)
RPS Rights Protection System
RS-232 Recommended Standard 232 , actually: Radio Sector 232, today: EIA-232
RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adleman
RSH Remote shell
RSS Really Simple Syndication
RTC Real time clock
RTF Rich text format
RTFM Read The Fucking Manual
RTL Transfer Level tab (level in hardware / hardware modeling)
RTOS Realtime operating system
RTP Realtime Transport Protocol
RTS Request To Send
RTSI Real time system integration
RTTI Runtime type information
RUE Rich user experiences


SAA Systems Application Architecture
SACD Super audio compact disc
JUICE Simple asynchronous file transfer
SAM Security Account Manager
SAN Storage Area Network or
System Area Network
SANE Scanner Access Now Easy or
Standard Apple Numeric Environment
SAS Serial Attached SCSI
SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer
SAT SCSI / ATA translation
SATL SCSI / ATA Translation Layer (see SCSI / ATA Translation )
SAX Simple API for XML
SaaS Software as a service
SBC Session Border Controller or
single-board computer
SBP-2 Serial Bus Protocol , protocol from the IEEE1394 or Firewire or iLink world
SCAM SCSI Configuration AutoMatically
SCEP Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol
SCP Secure Copy Protocol
SCPI Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
SCSA Secure Content Storage Association
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SCUMM Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion
SD Single density ( diskette )
SDF Synchronous data flow
SDH Synchronous digital hierarchy
SDK Software Development Kit or
System design kit
SDL Service Description Language (see Web Services Description Language ) or
Simple DirectMedia Layer or
Specification and Description Language
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control or
Software Development Life Cycle
SDR Single data rate
SDSL Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (variant of DSL)
SEO Search Engine Optimization
SFF Small form factor
SFP Small form-factor pluggable (colloquially also mini- GBIC )
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SHFS Shell File System
SHTTP Secure Hyper Text Transport Protocol
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIMD Single instruction multiple data
SIMM Single inline memory module
SIP Session Initiation Protocol or
Sideway information passing
SIPP Single Inline Pin Package (see Single Inline Memory Module )
SIS Single instance storage
SL Microsoft Silverlight
SLA Service level agreement
SLAM Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
SLD Second level domain or
Styled Layer Descriptor
SLI Scalable Link Interface
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
SLL Static Link Library
SLNP Simple Library Network Protocol
SLP Service Location Protocol
SLR Scalable linear recording
SMAP Simple Mail Access Protocol
SMART Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology
SMASH Systems Management Architecture for Server Hardware
SMB System Management Bus or
Server message block
SMBIOS Systems Management BIOS
SMD Surface Mounted Device
SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SMI-S Storage Management Initiative - Specification
SML Standard ML or
System Management Language
S / MIME Secure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
SMP Symmetric Multi-Processing, see Symmetric Multiprocessor System
SMS Short Message Service
SMT Simultaneous multithreading
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
S / N Serial Number
SNA Systems Network Architecture (IBM mainframe)
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SOA Service Oriented Architecture or
Start of Authority (in DNS, see SOA Resource Record )
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SOX Sarbanes-Oxley Act
S / PDIF Sony / Philips digital interface
SPDX Software Package Data Exchange
SPEC Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
SPEWS Spam Prevention Early Warning System
SPF Sender Policy Framework
SPI Serial peripheral interface
SPLC Secure Product Lifecycle
SPM Scratch pad memory
SPoF Single point of failure
SPP System Platform Processor (NVIDIA's counterpart to Intel's MCH)
Standard parallel port
SPW Satisfaction per watt (more objective key figure suggested by Intel than PPW (performance per watt))
SQL Structured Query Language , database query language
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SRM Service Resolution Management
SRP Secure Remote Password , security standard for authentication procedures or
Software Restriction Policies
SS single-sided ( floppy disk or memory module )
SSD Solid state drive
SSE Streaming SIMD extensions
SSH Secure Shell
SSI Server side includes
SSID Service Set Identifier
SSL Secure Sockets Layer or
Syntax / Semantic Language
SSO Single sign-on
ST Simple transformations
STFW Search the fucking web
STP Shielded twisted pair
STUN Simple traversal of UDP over NATs
SUXGA Super Ultra Extended Graphics Array
SVCD Super video compact disc
SVDRP Simple Video Disk Recorder Protocol
SVG Scalable vector graphics
SVGA Great video graphics array
SVN subversion
SXGA Great Extended Graphics Array


Tcl Tool command language
TC Turbo Cache
TCO Total cost of ownership
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCPA Trusted Computing Platform Alliance
TCP / IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TDP Thermal design power
TEDS Transducer Electronic Data Sheet
TFT Thin film transistor
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TIPC Transparent inter-process communication
TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
TLB Translation lookaside buffer
TLD Top-level domain or
Tag Library Descriptor
TLM Transaction level modeling
TLS Transport Layer Security
TM Transactional memory
TOS The Operating System or
Tramiel Operating System (operating system of the Atari computers)
TPC Transmitter Power Control or
Transaction Processing Performance Council
TPI Tracks Per Inch
TPM Trusted Platform Module
TPoX Transaction Processing over XML
TS Timeserver or
Terminal Server or
TeamSpeak or
Transport stream
TSC Time stamp counter
TSP Traveling Salesman Problem
TSO Time sharing option
TTL Time-to-live or
Transistor-transistor logic
TWAIN Toolkit Without An Interesting Name
TWI Two-wire interface


UAA Universal Audio Architecture
UAC User Account Control
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UAT User acceptance test
UBE Unsolicited Bulk Email
UC Unified Communications
UCD User centered design
UCE Unsolicited Commercial Email
UCP Universal Computer Protocol
UCS Universal Coded Character Set
UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
UDF Universal disk format
UDF User defined function
UDMA Ultra-Direct Memory Access
UDP User Datagram Protocol or
Usenet Death Penalty
UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
UFS Unix File System
UHCI Universal host controller interface
UI User Interface or
User interaction
UID User Identifier (see user ID ) or
User interface design
UMA Uniform Memory Access or
Unified Memory Architecture or
Universal multimedia access
UMB Upper memory block
UMDF User-mode driver framework
UML Unified Modeling Language
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
UPnP Universal plug and play
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
Url Uniform Resource Locator
USB Universal Serial Bus
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
UTF Unicode Transformation Format
UTM Unified threat management
UTP Unshielded twisted pair
UUG Unix User Group
UUID Universally Unique Identifier
UWB Ultra wide band
UXD User Experience Design (see User Experience )
UXGA Ultra Extended Graphics Array


VAFC VESA Advanced Feature Connector
VB Visual Basic - in the 2 variants Visual Basic Classic (stands for the VB versions up to VB6) and Visual Basic .NET (with the abbreviation VB.NET)
VBA Visual Basic for Applications
VBS Visual Basic Script
VC Visual Composer
VCD Video CD or virtual channel descriptor
VCI virtual channel identifier
VCS Version Control System (version management)
VDR Video Disk Recorder (hard disk recorder )
VDSL Very High Speed ​​Digital Subscriber Line (variant of DSL)
VESA Video Electronics Standards Association
VFAT Virtual FAT
VFC VESA Feature Connector
VFS Virtual filesystem switch
VGA Video Graphics Array
VHDL Very High Speed ​​Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VLB VESA local bus
VLIW Very Long Instruction Word
VLSI Very large scale integration
VM Virtual machine
VMS Virtual memory system
VNC Virtual Network Computing
VO Virtual organization (in grid computing )
VoIP Voice over IP
VP Visual programming
CPI Virtual Path Identifier
VPL Visual Programming Language
VPN Virtual private network
VR Virtual reality
VRAM Video Random Access Memory
VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
VSAM Virtual Storage Access Method (IBM mainframe)
VST Virtual Studio Technology
VTAM Virtual Terminal Access Method (IBM mainframe)
VTS Virtual tape server
VXLAN Virtual Extensible LAN


W2K Windows 2000
W2Kx Windows 2Kx ( Windows 2003 = W2K3, Windows 2008 = W2K8)
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WAIS Wide area information servers
WAMP Windows-Apache-MySQL-PHP or
WAN Wide area network
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WBEM Web-based enterprise management
WCS Web Coverage Service
WDDX Web Distributed Data Exchange
WDS Wireless distribution system
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy
WFS Web Feature Service
WIDL Web Interface Definition Language
WIMP WIMP (user interface) for W indows, I cons, M enus, P ointing device
WINE Wine Is Not an Emulator (recursive acronym)
WINS Windows Internet Naming Service
WISP Wireless Internet Service Provider
WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS Wireless Local Area Network ( Wireless Local Area Network )
WLL Wireless local loop
WMA Windows Media Audio
WML Wireless Markup Language
WMM Wireless multimedia
WMS Web Map Service
WOL Wake on LAN
WORM Write Once Read Multiple
WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access
WQVGA Wide Quarter Video Graphics Array
WRS Web registry service
WS-CDL WS-Choreography Description Language
WSDL Web Services Description Language
WSDM WS-Distributed Management
WSH Windows Scripting Host
WSRF WS-Resource Framework
WSRM WS-Reliable Messaging
WSUXGA Wide Super Ultra Extended Graphics Adapter
WSVGA Wide Super Video Graphics Array
WSXGA Wide Super Extended Graphics Array
WTS Windows Terminal Server ( Terminal Server )
WUXGA Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
WVGA Wide video graphics array
WWAN Wireless wide area network
WWW World wide web
WXGA Wide Extended Graphics Array
WYSISLWYG What You See Is Sort-of Like What You Get (pronounced: wiesel-wig) (German: “What you see is something like what you get”), cynical term for WYSIWYG programs that don't keep what they do promise
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get (pronounced: wi-szi-wig) (German: "What you see is what you get"). Term for graphical HTML editors and word processing programs in which the printed result looks exactly as it does on the screen


X3D Extensible 3D (VRML successor)
XAML eXtensible Application Markup Language
XAMPP Extended Apache / MySQL / PHP / Perl
XGA Extended Graphics Array
xHCI Extensible host controller interface
XHTML Extensible Hypertext Markup Language
XI Exchange Infrastructure (since SAP NetWeaver 7.0: PI - Process Integration )
XILP XILP: Internet Links People
XML Extensible Markup Language
XML-RPC Extensible Markup Language Remote Procedure Call
XMPP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
XMS Extended memory specification
XMSF Extensible Modeling and Simulation Framework
XOG XML Open Gateway
XrML Extensible rights markup language
XSD XML schema definition
XSL Extensible Stylesheet Language
XSL-FO Extensible Stylesheet Language - Formatting Objects
XSLT XSL transformation
XSS Cross site scripting
XT Extended Technology


Y2K Year 2 kilos (Year 2000)
YAGNI You ain't gonna need it
YaST Yet another setup tool


ZBR Zone bit recording
ZFS Zettabyte File System

See also

Web links