List of companies with declarations of origin of names

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This is a list of companies ( names of companies ) and their origins ( etymology ). The companies are often abbreviations or acronyms of the names of the founders, previous companies or the company objective .



  • A & P - The Great A tlantic and P acific Tea Company , supermarket chain in the US, whose majority shareholder since 1979, the Tengelmann Group holds; in German A ttraktiv and P rice worth.
  • ABB - A sea B rown B overi, formerly ASEA and BBC
  • ABN AMRO - In the 1900s, the Nederlandse Handelmaatschappij (Dutch trading company; 1824) and Twentsche Bank merged to form A lgemene B ank N ederland (General Bank of the Netherlands). In 1966, the merged On sterdamsche Bank and the Ro tterdamsche Bank for Amro Bank . In 1991, ABN and Amro Bank merged to become ABN AMRO .
  • ABUS - A ugust B remicker ( U nd) S öhne
  • Accenture - " Accent on the Future " (for example: emphasis on the future). A greater-than sign as an accent above the t of the company logo symbolically indicates the future. The name came about as a suggestion by a Norwegian employee as part of a company-wide naming process. Until January 1, 2001, the company was called Andersen Consulting .
  • Adecco - emerged from the merger of the Swiss personnel agency Ad ia with the French personnel agency Ecco .
  • Adidas - from the name of the founder Adolf Dassler ( Adi Das sler)
  • Adobe - Comes from the name of the Adobe Creek that flows behind the house of founders John Warnock and Chuck Geschke .
  • AEG - A eneral E lektrizitäts- G ompany
  • AGA - A ktiebolaget G as a cculumator
  • Agfa - Agfa originally stood for " A ktien- G ompany f ÜR A nilinfabrikation". Aniline is used to synthesize colors.
  • Agip - A zienda G enerale I taliana P etroli ( Italian : General Italian Petroleum Company ).
  • Ahold - Ahold (founded in 1973) is A lbert Heijn hold ing (A holding company is a company without its own production plant). The holding was built around the Albert Heijn supermarkets (founded in 1887). In 1987 Ahold became Royal Ahold.
  • Akamai - Hawaiian for "smart, intelligent and cool".
  • AKZO - 1969mergerof Algemene Kunstzijde Unie ( AK U) and Koninklijke Zout Organon (K ZO )
  • Alcatel - Société Al sacienne de C onstructions A tomiques, de Tél écommunications et d'Electronique ( French : Alsatian development company for nuclear, telecommunications and electrical engineering).
  • ALDI - Al brecht- Di scount (company founders Karl and Theo Albrecht )
  • Alete - Latin alete "nourish yourself!" (Imperative plural of the verb "alere" = nourish oneself, be nourishing)
  • Alfa Romeo - A nonima L ombarda F abbrica A utomobili ( Italian : Lombard car factory ), supplemented by the name of the founder Nicola Romeo .
  • Alno - From the name of the founder Al bert No thdurft.
  • AltaVista - Spanish for "elevated view".
  • Alza - From the name of the founder Al ejandro Za ffaroni .
  • founder Jeff Bezos named the company after the largest river, the Amazon (previously called He saw the opportunities for increased sales that an online bookstore offered over the popular bookstores at the time. ( Alternative: It is said that Jeff Bezos named his bookstore Amazon that simply because of Yahoo's popularity; Yahoo listed the entries in alphabetical order, and so Amazon would always rank above its competitors in the relevant categories it was listed in .)
  • AMD - A dvanced M icro D evices
  • AMG - Hans-Werner A Ufrecht and Erhard M hich in G roßaspach
  • AMOCO - Am erican O il Co mpany - today part of BP
  • Amstrad - "Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc" was founded by Alan Michael Sugar in the UK . The name is a combination of A lan M ichael S ugar Trad ing ( trade ).
  • AOK - The A eneral O rts k entwine checkout consists of 11 independent health insurance and was of v Otto. Bismark founded in 1884.
  • Apache - First: The name was chosen out of respect for the indigenous people of North America , the Apache tribe, who were known for having the highest skill in warfare and inexhaustible perseverance. Second: Spacious (though erroneously) accepted, is that the name comes from an English word game: The founders began so on, source - patches for NCSA's writing httpd server. The result was "a patchy" server (loosely translated: a patched server, a patchwork server). Hence the name Apache.
  • Apple - ( English for apple ) Because of company co-founder Steve Jobs' favoritefruit and / or because of the time he worked in an orchard. He was already three months behind in naming his company and threatened to name his company "Apple Computer" if his colleagues didn't come up with a better name by 5:00 pm. Apple's Macintosh is named after a popular apple variety in the United States .
  • ARAG - A uto R ichtschutz- AG .
  • Aral - Ar omaten and Al iphaten , two essential components of the Otto -Kraftstoffs.
  • Arby's - American pronunciation of the abbreviation of its founders - the R Affel B Rother. Her partners wanted to use the name "Big Tex" but were unsuccessful in negotiating with an Akron businessman who was already using the name. In Forrest's words: "We came up with Arby's, which stands for RB, the initials of the Raffel Brothers, although customers might probably think that the initialsstandfor roast beef ."
  • ARC - A ustrian R esearch C enters, formerly Research Center Seibersdorf
  • Arcor - The name should stand out from the field of telecommunications providers. After developing and testing around 10,000 international name creations, the choice fell on thename Arcor, createdby Nomen International . The reason given was that "Arcor" was short and concise and radiated dynamism and competence. The semantics of the name play with the "golden bow" (French "l'arc d'or"), the bridge to the customer.
  • ARD - A rbeitsgemeinschaft of public R undfunkanstalten the Federal Republic of D erm . In the GDR, was it due to limited reach: A xcept R aum D resden.
  • ARM - Named after the microprocessor developed by the small British company Acorn as the successor to the 6502 from its BBC microcomputer . ARM originally stood for A corn R isc M achine ( RISC is an abbreviation from the IT sector that designates a type of processor). When the company received support from Apple and VTI, the name was changed to A dvanced R isc M achines.
  • ASICS - ASICS is an abbreviation for " A nima S ana I n C orpore S ano", whichtranslatedfrom Latin means "a healthy mind in a healthy body".
  • Ask Jeeves - Internet search engine named after the gentleman Reginald Jeeves in a series of books by PG Wodehouse .
  • Aston Martin - From the Aston Hill races (near Aston Clinton ) in the area where the company was founded and the last name of Lionel Martin , the company's founder.
  • ASV - A xel S pringer V died, since 2003 only "Axel Springer".
  • AT & T - The " A merican T elephone and T elegraph Corporation" changed its name in the 1990s officially to "AT & T".
  • Atari -Comingfrom the board game Go , “atari” is the Japanese word for the situation in which the opponent's stones are in danger of being taken.
  • Athesia - from the Latin name of the Adige (Athesis)
  • ATI - originally A rray T echnology I ncorporated, later A TI T echnologies I ncorporated ( recursive acronym ). ATI wasboughtby AMD in2006, but remains as a brand name.
  • ATS - A uto T echnical S pezialzubehör; Produced lightweight aluminum wheels and engine parts with its own Formula 1 team in the later 1970s and early 1980s.
  • AUA - today “ Austrian ”, formerly Au strian A irlines
  • Audi - Not an abbreviation, but the Latin translation of the surname of the company's founder August Horch . The founder left his company "Horch" after five years, but wanted to continue building cars. But since the previous company still existed, he named the new company Audi after the Latin translation (Horch = imperative singular for “to hear”).
  • Avanade - Derivation of the words that collectively describe the future- oriented and initiative-taking method with which the company drives customer goals: avan-, advance ( advance ), advantage ( advantage ), avenue ( possibility ) + -ade, action ( action ), act ( action ). Joint venture of Accenture and Microsoft .


  • Bang & Olufsen - From the name of their founders, Bang and Olufsen from Denmark.
  • B&Q - From the initials of its founders, B lock and Q uayle.
  • B&W - From the initials of their founders, B owers and W ilkins.
  • Bally - Originally Lion Manufacturing, changed name to Bally following the success of their first popular pinball machine, Ballyhoo .
  • BASF - formerly B adic A Nilin and S ODA F abrik ( aniline is used for the synthesis of colors, soda is needed for glass processing). Soda and aniline were the company's first products.
  • Bayer - after the founder Friedrich Bayer , who had changed his name from Beyer for marketing reasons(until 1972 Farbenfabriken Bayer AG )
  • BayWa - Bay generic Wa renvermittlungs AG. In 1923, the Bavarian Central Loan Fund separated its goods business from the financial business.
  • BBDO - After the first letter of the company's founder B atton, B arton, D urstine, O sborne called international (advertising) agency network.
  • BEA Systems - From the first initials of the three company founders: B ill Coleman, E d Scott and A lfred Chuang.
  • BenQ - " B ringing En joyment and Q uality to life" (about: Bring joy and quality to life).
  • bft - B and f ree T ankstellen
  • Bibitec - acronym for Bi elefelder Bi o tec hnology. The BiBitec Process Development Ltd. is one in Bielefeld -based biotechnology company .
  • BIC - Abbreviation of the family name of the company's founder Marcel Bic h
  • Billa - Bil liger La the, founded by Karl Wlaschek (largest Austrian supermarket chain)
  • Bimota -Derivedfrom the first syllables of the founder'ssurnames Bi anchi, Mo rri and Ta mburini .
  • BIPA - Bi -catching Pa rfümerie, founded by Karl Wlaschek (Austrian drugstore chain)
  • Bizerba - family name of the company'sfounder, Bizer , company headquarters in Ba lingen
  • Blackstone - The company'sfounderStephen Schwarzman was the inspiration for Black , and the co-founder Peter Peterson, whose name means stone inGreek, contributed stone .
  • BMW - B ayerische M otoren w orks
  • BOB - B odensee- O berschwaben- B ahn , B ayerische O berland b ahn and B erner O berland- B ahn
  • BP - formerly The B ritish P etroleum Company, also reinterpreted b eyond p etroleum
  • BRAX - brand name of Leineweber GmbH & Co. KG, derived from the Latin term "bracae" for trousers in 1950 and from the English company "Daks", for which the company produced under license.
  • Bridgestone - named after the founder Shojiro Ishibashi. The surname Ishibashi (石橋) means "stone bridge" or "bridge of stone" (English: "stone bridge" or "bridge of stone")
  • BSF - B remer S ilberwaren F abrik
  • Bull - The Compagnie des machines Bull ,founded in Paris,used the patents for punched card machines , secured by the Norwegian engineer Frederik Rosing Bull .


  • C & A - initials of the brothers C Lemens & A ugust Brenninkmeijer which the textile company 1841 in the Netherlands established.
  • CA - C omputer A ssociates
  • Canon - From Kannon , the Japanese name of the Buddhist bodhisattva of grace. The name was changed to Canon to avoid offending religious groups.
  • Casala - former school furniture factory from Lauenau ( Ca rl Sa sse La uenau, named after founder and location).
  • Casio - From the name of its founder Kashio Tadao , who set up the Kashio Seisakuja company as a subcontractor factory.
  • Castrol - Derived from Castor Oil, the oil of the castor bean, which was added as an additive by the company founder.
  • Ciba-Geigy - Ciba's C hemical I ndustry Ba sel fused to a company after its founder Johann Rudolf Geigy was named -Merian. Laterrenamed Novartis after a merger with Sandoz .
  • Cintis - short for C onsulting, I nformation, N etworking, T echnology, I ntegrierung and S oftware of CINTIS International Limited
  • Cisco - short for San Fran cisco . But it is also possible that it was “CIS-co” - C omputer I nformation S ervices was the department at Stanford University in which the founders worked.
  • Coca-Cola - Coca-Cola comes from the name of the coca leaves and kola fruits that were processed for flavor. Coca-Cola inventor John Pemberton changed the "K" from Kola to "C" to make the name look better.
  • Coleco - Started as a Co nnecticut Le ather Co mpany (e.g. Connecticut Leather Company).
  • Colgate-Palmolive - Was formed from the merger of the soap manufacturers Colgate & Company and Palmolive-Peet. Peet was deleted in 1953. Colgate was named after William Colgate , an English immigrant who set up a starch, soap, and candle company in New York City in1806. Palmolive was named for the two oils used in its production.
  • COLT - From C ity o f L ondon T elecom.
  • Compaq - From “Comp” for computer and “pack” for a small object. Another explanation is Comp atibility a nd Q uality.
  • Corel - From the name of the founder Dr. Michael Cowpland . Corel stands for Co wpland Re search L aboratory (Cowpland Research Laboratory).
  • Cray Research - Named after founder Seymour Roger Cray , who died in a car accident in 1997.
  • CVS - Abbreviation for C onsumer V alue S tores (for example: consumer goods stores).


  • DADC - D igital A udio D isc C orporation, belongs to the Sony media group and specializes in the production of sound carriers .
  • Daewoo - The company's founder Kim Woo Chong called the company that because Daewoomeans "Big Universe"in Korean .
  • DAF - D oorne’s A utomobiel F abriken (founded by Hub van Doorne )
  • Daimler AG - After separating from Chrysler, this is now the new company name. Colloquially in Württemberg only "Daimler" has always been said. In Baden, Daimler AG is still popularly called "Benz" today. Daimler-Benz in turn is composed of the names of the founders of the predecessor companies Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft and Benz & Cie.
  • DB - D eutsche B ahn AG (since 1991, previously D eutsche B undesbahn)
  • DDB -International (advertising) agency network namedafter the first letters of the company's founders D oyle, D ane, B ernbach.
  • DEA - D eutsche E rdöl- A G,taken overby Shell in 2002.
  • debis - D aimler- B enz I nter S ervices AG
  • Debian - Project founder Ian Murdock named it after himself and his girlfriend Debra .
  • DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation , computer manufacturer
  • Dell - Named after the founder Michael Dell . The company changed its name to Dell Computer in 2003.
  • Delta Air Lines - The Atlanta , GA based airline was named for its first priority destination, the Mississippi Delta.
  • Demag - De funnel M aschinenbau- A ktien g ompany
  • Degesch - De funnel Ge Society for Sch ädlingsbekämpfung mbH, known as the owner of the patent of the toxic substance Zyklon B
  • Degussa - De funnel G old- u nd S ilber- S cheide a nstalt
  • Detecon - De funnel Te LePost Con sulting
  • DEUTA - Eng Chechnya Ta chometerwerke (1905-), automotive division today in VDO Automotive , rail division today DEUTA-Werke GmbH
  • DHL - The company was founded by Adrian D alsey, Larry H illblom and Robert L ynn, whose last initials make up the name.
  • Diamond Reo - This truck manufacturers emerged in 1967 from the merger of REO with Diamond T .
  • Diamond T - The founder of the former manufacturer of cars (1905–11) and trucks (until 1967), Charles Arthur T ilt, put the "Diamond" in front of his initial as an indication of the high quality of his products
  • DKW - D ampf k raft w recite, and later D is K hub W unsightly and D as k leash W under (or German children's car)
  • Dow Chemical Company - Named for founder Herbert Henry Dow .
  • DUAL - Once a manufacturer of high quality turntables. The name goes back to the dual drive (spring and electric motor) of the turntables built at the time.
  • Dugena - D eutsche U hrmacher- gene ossenschaft A lpina, German watchmaker
  • Dureco - Du tch Re cord Co mpany, Dutch record label
  • DSW - D eutscher S chutz- and W achdienst
  • DWS - D erman Society for W ertpapier s paren mbH


  • EADS - E uropean A eronautic D efence and S pace Company
  • Ebay - Pierre Omidyar , who founded the trading platform, had set up an Internet consulting company called "Echo Bay Technology Group". "Echo Bay" did not refer to the town in Nevada in the natural landscape at Lake Mead (the reservoir of the Hoover Dam ) or to any other real place. "It just sounded good" is reported by Omidyar. When he tried to register, he found that the gold mine operator Echo Bay Mining Companyhad already securedthe domain . So Omidyar registered what he thought was second best:
  • EDEKA - 1911 was the abbreviation EdK , E inkaufsgenossenschaft d he K olonialwarenhändler who still valid corporate and brand name EDEKA formed.
  • Eduscho - after the founder Edu ard Scho pf
  • EHI - E uro H andels I nstitut
  • ELF - French : E ssences et L ubrifiants F rançais (or "de F rance"; French fuels and lubricants)
  • EMC² Corporation - The company was founded by Richard E gan and Roger M arino . It was rumored for a long time that there was originally another partner C who was responsible for the third letter. From other reports indicate that the C only for Company ( English : Company) is, therefore: E + M + C ompany = EMC. Since the company would work in the technology sector, it adopted the EMC² notation from the famous Einstein equation E = mc².
  • EMI - E lectric & M usical I ndustries Ltd., media company and record label
  • EnBW - En ergie B aden- W ürttemberg
  • Epcos - E lectronic P arts and Co mponent s
  • Epson - Epson Seiko Corporation, the Japanese printer and peripheral manufacturer, was for " Son of E lectronic P named RINTER" (= son of electric printer).
  • Erdal - after the company headquarters in Erthalstrasse in Mainz (pronounced in Mainz dialect)
  • ESA - E uropean S pace A gency
  • Escom - Erich Schmitt Computergesellschaft mbH
  • Esso - From the initials SO (Standard Oil of New Jersey), which are pronounced "Esso" (today ExxonMobil).
  • Evonik - formerly RAG (Ruhrkohle AG), as Rag stands for nonsense in American usage, a new name was urgently needed for the international IPO. Evonik is derived from the Latin "evolvere" = to want to develop
  • Exxon - A name invented by Esso in the early 1970s to have a neutral but unique branding for the company. Just days after the name was announced, Exxon was dubbed the "double cross company," but that later faded.


  • FAG - F ischer AG
  • Faun - abbreviation of F ahrzeugfabriken A nsbach U nd N ürnberg
  • Facel - abbreviation of F orges et A teliers de C onstructions d ' E ure-et- L oir, was a French company that manufactured metal objects (household, aviation, Facel Métallon bodywork, Facel Vega Automobile)
  • FCB - After the first letter of the company founders F Oote, C one, B elding called international (advertising) agency network.
  • FedEx - Fed eral Ex press is one of the largest US package delivery company worldwide.
  • Fegime - Abbreviation for "Fédération Européenne des Wholesalers Indépendants en Matériel Electrique" (European Association of Independent Electrical Wholesalers).
  • Fiat - Abbreviation of F abbrica I taliana A utomobili T orino ( Italian : Italian car factory Turin )
  • Fibro - Originally an abbreviation for Fi scher and Bro dbeck
  • Firestone Tire & Rubber Company - Named for its founder, Harvey Firestone .
  • Ford Motor Company - Named after its founder Henry Ford , who invented automobile mass production in 1913.
  • Fraport - Fra nkfurt Air port Services Worldwide
  • Fuji - from the highest Japanese mountain Fujisan .


  • Galantos - Galantos is derived from galanthus nivalis, the snowdrop . The active ingredient galantamine it contains is used as a remedy for Alzheimer's disease .
  • GE - G eneral E lectric
  • Geha - short for Ge brotherly Ha rtmann works
  • GEMA - Ge Society for m usikalische A ufführungs- and mechanical rights
  • GEZ - G qua lification e inzugs such connotations of core
  • GF AG - Abbreviation for G eorg F ischer AG. Founded by the renowned inventor and developer Johann Konrad Fischer .
  • Glock - Named after its founder Gaston Glock .
  • GLS - G eneral L ogistics S ystem
  • GM - G eneral M otors
  • GNU - G NU’s N ot U NIX, an open source implementation of Unix
  • GOLA - anagram of the English word "Goal", founded in 1905 as the first British manufacturer of sports shoes.
  • Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company - Named by the company's founders after Charles Goodyear , the inventor of vulcanization , but who had nothing to do with the company itself.
  • Google - The name started out as a joking boast of how much information the search engine would be able to handle. It was originallycalled googol , a word for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. After the founders, two Stanford graduates Sergey Brin and Larry Page, presented the project to an investor, they received a check made out to Google Inc.
  • Gulfstream Aerospace - Gulfstream Aerospace goes back to Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation . In 1985 the company was sold and renamed Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation after the Gulf Stream , which runs directly on the east coast of the USA .


  • H&M - In 1947 a Swedish businessman named Erling Persson opened a women's clothing store called Hennes in Västerås, Sweden . “Hennes” is Swedish for “you”. In 1968 Persson acquired the prerequisites for a chain by buying up the warehouse of a hunting equipment store called "Mauritz" Widforss. A collection of men's clothing was also found in the store's inventory, and Persson was encouraged to expand into men's clothing. So he named the company " H Ennes & M auritz" which was later shortened to H & M.
  • Haier - Chinese海尔; The name is derived from the second syllable of the (formerly) German company Liebherr , as the company originated in aLiebherr joint venture .
  • Hakle - derived from company founder Ha ns Kle nk
  • Hanomag - Hannoversche Maschinenbau AG
  • Hanwag - by company founder Han s Wag derived ner. The brother Lo Conference Wa gner founded LOWA Sport Shoes
  • Hapag - Hamburg-American Packetfahrt-Actiengesellschaft
  • Haribo - from the name of the founder and his German hometown: Ha ns Ri egel Bo nn
  • Hasbro - founded by Henry and Helal Hassenfeld, the Has Senfeld Bro thers
  • HB (cigarette brand) - is derived from the name of the cigarette factory H from B ergmann
  • HDI - H aftpflichtverband the D eutsche I ndustry
  • Helago - 1938 the name of the founder and the German derived headquarters for the 1932 founded company: Peter He inz Erich La shore Go Desberg .
  • HELLA - company founder Sally Windmüller wanted to honor his wife, who was called Helene, with the short form of her name and also use the tonal association with the word "lighter"
  • Hertie - Her man Tie tz , uncle of the founder Oskar Leonhard Tietz
  • HP - is composed of the first letters of the surnames of the founders William Hewlett and David Packard
  • HEW - H amburgische E lectricitäts- W orks AG
  • HHLA - H Amburger H AFEN and L ogistics A G
  • Hilcona - Hil ti Co nvenience Na currency medium
  • Hitachi - literally "sunrise"
  • HL - initials of the founder Hugo Leibbrand
  • Hoechst - derived from the headquarters of the former Farbwerke vorm. Master Lucius & Brüning in the city of Höchst (today Frankfurt-Höchst)
  • Honda - from the name of the founder Soichiro Honda
  • Honeywell - from the name of Mark Honeywell of the founder of Honeywell Heating Specialty Co. (about "Honeywell heating specialist"); it later merged with the Minneapolis Heat Regulator Company (" Minneapolis Heat Regulator Company ") and was called Honeywell Inc. at the end of 1963
  • Hospira - The name selected by the company's employees, comes from the English words "Hospital" ( Hospital ), "Spirit" ( spirit ), "Inspire" (Inspire) and the Latin word "spero" (= hope). It reflects the company's market focus as a manufacturer of hospital articles.
  • Hotmail founder Jack Smith came up with the idea of ​​being able to check e-mails over the Internet from a computer anywhere in the world. When Sabeer Bhatia created the business plan for the mail service, he tried all kinds of names that ended in “mail” and ended up sticking with Hotmail because it contained the letters “ HTML ” - the document language used for web pages. Originally it was also called HoTMaiL with the specific upper / lower case (if you click on Hotmail's "mail" tab, you will still find "HoTMaiL" in the URL ).
  • HSBC - The H ONG K ONG and S hanghai B anking C orporation (as "Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Company")
  • Hyundai - Meaning of the words "present" or "modern" in Korean


  • IABG - I ndustrial a nlagen- B etriebs g esellschaft mbH
  • IATA - I nternational A ir t ransport A ssociation
  • IBM - Founded by a former employee of the National Cash Register ("National Cashier Machines"). To trump this in every aspect, he called the company " I nternational B usiness M achines" ( "International business / corporate machine").
  • IKEA - Founded by Ingvar Kamprad from Sweden . The name IKEA comes from a nifty abbreviation of the founder's initials, I ngvar K amprad, whose familyfarm was called E lmtaryd and was located near the village of A gunnaryd. The abbreviation is also used for a Swedish sentence that happens to havethe same abbreviationin English : I ngvar K amprad’s E conomical A lternative (Ingvar Kamprad's economic alternative).
  • IMS Connector Systems - Founded by Johann Morat, was later to J ohann Morat and S öhne, the J at some point in the course of globalization I was.
  • Imhotep Ltd - Named after the first engineer Imhotep (2686–2613 BC, Egypt ). He built the step pyramid of Saqqara .
  • Infineon Technologies AG - After Siemens AG separated from its semiconductor business (Siemens HL or Siemens SC / SSC), the name was formed from the two words Infin ity (infinity) and A eon (eternity).
  • INA - I ndustrie- Na dellager
  • Inco - I nternational N ickel Co mpany
  • Intel - Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore wanted their new company 'Moore Noyce' name, but the name was already protected by a hotel chain, so they had to with the abbreviation Int egrated El ectronics ( "Integrated Electronics ") satisfied.
  • IVECO - I ndustrial Ve hicles Co rporation - Company for industrial vehicles


  • JVC - Victor Company of Japan or J apan V ictor C ompany. The Victor is an abbreviation of the English word victory (= victory) and comes from the former parent company Victor Talking Machine Company .


  • K2 - After the brothers Bill and Don Kirschner (K2 = 2 × K irschner), the same name as the second highest mountain in the world is often used for advertising purposes.
  • KACO Dichtungswerke - From the foundation named " K upfer- A sbest & Co ." Worldwide operating manufacturer of seals, based in Heilbronn .
  • Kawasaki - From the name of the company's founder Shōzō Kawasaki .
  • KBA - K oenig und B auer A ktiengesellschaft - manufacturer of printing machines
  • Keli - The beveragedealerWalter Ke sterzanek from Li nz invented the popular lemonade in 1956. It is known in Austria that Keli wrote himself Ke-Li for a long time, Kesterzanek has recently been called, when Keli was still part of Stock-Weinbrand-Linz (until the end of the 1990s) a Count Keglevich appeared in the management of the Stock company (Source Official Gazette of the Wiener Zeitung from that time)
  • Car - K s f ESEARCH for Entrum Jülich (today: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
  • KFC - short form of K entucky F ried C hicken (= Kentucky fried chicken). The company shortened the name in 1991 to avoid the unhealthy impression of the word "fried" (= deep-fried). Newer commercials try to give the impression that the abbreviation stands for "Kitchen Fresh Chicken" (= chicken fresh from the kitchen).
  • KIA - The name KIA is based on Chinese characters: ki stands for ascend and a for Asia. Loosely translated "Ascent from Asia"
  • KiK - K unde i st K önig - German textile discounter
  • Kinko’s - From the college nickname of founder Paul Orfalea . He was called Kinko because he had curly red hair.
  • KKH - Since 1975, "Health Insurance Fund - KKH" before " K aufmännische K entwine fund H all".
  • KLM - K oninklijke L uchtvaart M aatschappij (Dutch for "Royal Aviation Society")
  • Kodak - The Kodak camera and name wereinventedby company founder George Eastman . The letter "K" was his favorite letter, he thought it was a strong, concise letter. He tried different combinations of words that began or ended with "K". He saw three advantages in this name: It had advantages as a brand, it can hardly be pronounced wrongly and it was not like anything else in the art of photography. There is also the (false) rumor that the name originated from the sound of the shutter.
  • Konica Minolta - Konica used to be known as Koni shiroku Ko gaku. Konishiroku is the short form of Konishi ya Roku beiten and was the first name of the company of Rokusaburo Sugiura . The roots of the Konica company go back to 1873. In August 2003, Konica and Minolta merged to form the new company "Konica Minolta". The company history of Minolta goes back to the year 1928, when Kazuo Tashima founded the Nichi-Doku Shashinki Shōten (日 独 写真 商店 商店, "Japanese-German camera business") on November 11, 1928. In July 1931, the company was renamed Molta KG ("Mechanism, Optics and Lenses from Tashima") and the brand name Minolta ("Mechanism, Instruments, Optics and Lenses from Tashima") was registered.
  • KPM - K önigliche P orzellan- M anufaktur Berlin.
  • KPMG - K lynveld, P eat, M arwick, G oerdeler
  • KUKA - K eller u nd K nappich A ugsburg. Founded in Augsburg in 1898, the company name is made up of the names of the company founders and the place where it was founded. Today KUKA is a manufacturer of industrial robots .
  • Kuno - K riminalitätsbekämpfung in u nbaren payments by using n maybe police O rganisations
  • KTM - K ronreif T runkenpolz (company founder ) M attighofen (location in Austria )
  • KW-Software - initials of the founders Jürgen K löpper and Reinhard W iege, technology provider for industrial control, safety and network technology
  • Kyocera - From Kyo to Cera mics (= Kyōto ceramics )


  • Lamborghini - after the company founder Ferruccio Lamborghini .
  • Lancia - after the company founder Vincenzo Lancia .
  • Lego - a combination of the Danish le g go dt”, which means “play well”. Lego also means “I put it together” in Latin, but the company claims that this is just a coincidence and that the etymology of the word is entirely Danish. Years before the little plastic building block was invented, LEGO made wooden toys.
  • Leica - Lei tz Ca mera.
  • LG - L ucky G Oldstar. The "Lucky" goes back to the Lak-Hui Chemical Industrial Corporation founded in 1947, "GoldStar" was added in 1958 as a brand for radios. Today the second largest Korean conglomerate. Since 2002 the company's name has been derived from "Life's Good".
  • LoJack - "LoJack" (manufacturer of detection systems for stolen vehicles, construction machinery and computers) is a play on the words "looted" (US English for "stolen") and "Hijack" (English for "kidnap").
  • Lominger Limited - Combination of the surnames of the company's founders: Lom bardo and Eich inger .
  • Lonsdale - boxing equipment manufacturer, named after the "Lonsdale Belt", a boxing trophy donated by the English Lord Lonsdale.
  • Lotus Software - Mitch Kapor got the name from the " lotus position " (also "Padmasana"). Kapor used to be a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation taughtby Maharishi Mahesh Yogi .
  • LOWA sports shoes - derived from companyfounder Lo renz Wa gner. The brother Han s Wag ner founded Hanwag .
  • LVMH - L ouis V uitton M oët H ennessy
  • LTU - L runs t ransport- U ompany GmbH & Co. KG
  • LuK - L amellen- u nd K upplungsbau
  • Lycos - From Lycos idae , the family of wolf spiders .


  • Maggi - after the company founder Julius Maggi .
  • Maserati - after company founder Alfieri Maserati .
  • Mattel - combination of the name of the company founder Harold " Matt " Matson and El Liot handler
  • Macronimous - Indian web designer. Combination of Magno nimous and the prefix Macro for large.
  • Magirus-Deutz - after the founder of the Magirus fire fighting equipment factory, Conrad Dietrich Magirus, and the engine manufacturer Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz , who took over Magirus in 1935/36
  • MAN - M aschinenfabrik A ugsburg- N ürnberg
  • Mandriva - Created by the merger of the Linux distributors Mandrakesoft and Conectiva .
  • MBNA - originally a subsidiary of Maryland National Corporation, the abbreviation for M aryland B ank N ational A ssociation; also Mercedes-Benz of North America.
  • McDonald’s - After the founders of the first McDonald’s restaurant in 1940, Dick McDonald and Mac McDonald
  • Mercedes-Benz - The brand name of Daimler AG is composed of the first name of the daughter Emil Jellineks, a major customer of the Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (around 1900) and the last name Carl Benz , the founder of Benz & Cie.
  • MGM - M etro- G oldwyn- M ayer Studios, created through the merger of Metro Picture Corporation, Goldwyn Picture Corporation and Louis B. Mayer Pictures. Goldwyn is made up of parts of the name of Samuel Goldfish and Edgar and Archibald Selwyn.
  • MIBRAG - Mi tteldeutsche Br aunkohlen A ktien g ompany
  • Microsoft - Micro computer Soft ware, the original name was Micro-Soft; later the hyphen was removed
  • - Original name EasyCopy , later renamed after the mimeograph (copying process with wax matrices)
  • Minol - The name consists of the two first syllables of Min eralöl and Ol eum (lat oil.).
  • Mitel - Mi ke and Te rrys L awnmowers (= lawn mowers), according to the company founders Michael Cowpland and Terry Matthews.
  • MITER - M assachusetts I nstitute of T echnology R esearch E stablishment
  • Mitropa - With teleu rop ean sleeping and dining cars A ktiengesellschaft.
  • Mitsubishi - The name means "three water chestnuts", whereby the Japanese word for water chestnut was used in Japanese to describe the shape of a diamond. The "three water chestnuts" come from the family crest of the company founder Yataro Iwasaki and also form the company logo. In German-language advertising, the name is translated as "three diamonds".
  • Motorola - Galvin Manufacturing Company founder Paul Galvin used this term when his company began making radios for cars. The ending “ola” was used for many products in the audio sector (e.g. “Victrola” from the Victor Talking Machine Company). The name should create a connection between "movement" and "sound". The name became so popular that it was later adopted as a company .
  • Mozilla Foundation - After the Mozilla web browser, which was toreplacethe Mosaic browser. Mozilla is a creation by Jamie W. Zawinski from the word "Mosaic-Killer" based on Godzilla .
  • MPO - M oulages P lastiques de l ' O uest, today the MPO Group , French-born company for the production of sound carriers
  • MTU - M otoren and T urbinen U nion, or MTU Aero Engines
  • MOL - M agyar and Ol aj és Gázipari Részvénytársaság, Hungary's leading mineral oil company
  • MZ - M otorradwerk Z schopau


  • Nabisco - Formerly " Na tional Until cuit Co mpany," renamed Nabisco in 1971
  • namco - N akamura A musement M achine Manufacturing Co mpany
  • Namestorm - combination of Name s and Brain storm ing
  • NCR Corporation - N ational C ash R egister. While the company was owned by AT&T, the abbreviation (presumably only unofficially) was also interpreted as "Network Computing Resource"
  • ND SatCom - from N ortel D asa SatCom (SatCom means satellite communication )
  • NEC - N ippon E lectric C ompany, Limited. Founded in 1899 as the first Japanese joint venture with an American company, Western Electric. Today belongs to the Sumitomo group
  • Nestlé - named after the company's founder Heinrich Nestle (later: Henri Nestlé ). Because of the form of the name (Nestle = Swabian for little nest, small nest), the company logo contains a nest with a mother bird and two chicks.
  • Nike - named after the Greek goddess of victory
  • Nikon - Short form of the original name Ni ppon Ko gaku, which means "Japanese optics"
  • Nintendo - consists of the three Japanese Kanji characters 任天堂 ( nin-ten-dō ). The first two mean “Heaven blesses honest work” and “In the hand of heaven / fate”; Finally, “dō” directly translated means “temple” or “hall” and is a general suffix for a business
  • Stainless steel - Ni CHT ro stender Sta hl (registered trademark of Thyssen Krupp )
  • Nissan - Short form of the original name Ni ppon San gyo, which means "Japanese Industry"
  • NITAG - N aphtha i ndustry and T ankanlagen AG
  • NKD - N iedrig K alkuliert = D iscount
  • Nokia - Originally a paper mill, the Finnish city of Nokia later maderubber products. Eventually the place name was adopted as a company.
  • Nortel - By 1976, under the name of Northern Electric, then as Nor thern Tel ecom and Bay Networks.
  • Novartis - Latin novae artes = new craft
  • Novell - Bymistakingthe wife of the company'sfounder, George Canova , who thought that "novell" is the French expression for "new" (correct would be "Nouvelle" for "new, news")
  • Nvidia - from Latin Invidia for "envy", note the pronunciation in commercials etc .: "Invidia"


  • O&K - O renstein & K oppel
  • whether - o teeth B inde
  • Obi - goes back to the French pronunciation of the word hobby
  • Océ - O sons C omponente, according to a 1930 put on the market copying process. The "é" was added for marketing reasons.
  • odol - either from the Greek odous ("tooth") and Latin oleum ("oil") or O ne D rop O nly L otion
  • Oldsmobile - merging of the surname of the company founder Ransom Eli Olds and Auto mobile (English spelling)
  • OMV - E Austrian M ineralöl v erwaltungs AG
  • Onko - means coffee " o h n e co ffein"
  • Oracle - Originally a CIA project that wassupposed to facilitatethe use of the newly developed database language SQL . This was led under the code name Oracle (in the hope of "getting an answer to everything"). Later it was taken over by the project team Larry Ellison, Ed Oates and Bob Miner in their own company "Relational Technology Inc." and subsequently also used as a company.
  • ORF - east Austrian R and f unk
  • Osram - named after the elements Os mium and Wolf ram
  • ÖBB - Ö Austrian B UNDES b suspect
  • Optrel - is an abbreviation of the term optoelectronics and refers to the connection between optics and electronics


  • Pamida - US retailer, founded by Jim Witherspoon and Lee Wegener, who was named Witherspoon's three sons: Pa trick, Mi chael and Da vid
  • PCM-Sierra - PCM stands for P acific M icroelectronics C enter, the research division of BC Tel. Sierra is the company Sierra Semiconductor, possibly due to the proximity of the Sierra Nevada was named that way.
  • PDO : P hilips & D uPont O ptical, former manufacturer of audio CDs
  • Pennzoil - From the merger of South Penn Oil (former Standard Oil subsidiary) and Zapata Oil
  • Pepsi - The name Pepsi comes from the digestive enzyme pepsin
  • Persil - This detergent name is made up of " Per borat" and " Sil ikat"
  • Petrobras - short for Petróleo Brasileiro SA , the state oil company in Brazil
  • Petronas - short for Petroliam Nasional Berhad , Malaysian mineral oil company
  • Philips - After the company founders Gerard and Anton Philips, who founded the company in 1891.
  • Pixar - Spanish verb form to pixel , means something like to make pixels . The name pixer was originally up for discussion, but company founder Steve Jobs favored the Spanish form
  • Plus - P rima l just u nd s paren
  • PMA - P rint M edia A ustria AG
  • PMDC - P olyGram M anufacturing & D istribution C entres GmbH, a former manufacturer of audio CDs
  • Pontiac - namesake was the Ottawa chief Pontiac .
  • Porsche - sports car manufacturer, named after Ferry Porsche , son of the founder Ferdinand Porsche (Austrian car designer). The family name could come from the Czech name "Boreš" (boresh).
  • Psion - From company founder David Potter as an abbreviation for " P otter S cientific I nstruments O r N othing"
  • Puma AG - Rudolf Dassler , founder of the sporting goods company, initially ran a company together with his brother Adolf ("Adi") Dassler . Due to differences of opinion, they separated in 1948. While his brotherwent his own business pathwith Adidas , Rudolf Dasslerinitiallyenvisaged“Ruda” (from “ Ru dolf Da ssler”)as the company . Because of the similar but better sound and the association with the dynamics of the American silver lion , the decision was made on “Puma”.
  • PwC - P rice w aterhouse C oopers


  • Q8 - Kuwait – Petroleum sells mineral oils under this brand, the English pronunciation (“Q eight”) is similar to the country name.
  • Qantas - Q ueensland A nd N orthern T erritory A erial S ervices
  • Quark - (Maker of QuarkXPress ) Named after the elementary particle of atoms
  • QVC - Q uality, V alue and C onvenience (German quality, value and convenience)


  • RAND - (American "Think Tank") R esearch AN d D evelopment
  • Raytheon - (American arms and electronics company) " Ray " engl. for “ray” and “ theon ”, Greek for “from the gods”. Manufacturers of projectiles such as Patriot, Maverick, Sidewinder, Tomahawk and other military technology.
  • RBS - R oyal B ank of S Cotland
  • RCA - (Formerly manufacturers of communication electronics, now trademark for consumer electronics) From R adio C orporation of A merica (about "American Radio Company" )
  • REWE - Re vision joined the We stkaufgenossenschaften
  • Red Hat - Company founder Marc Ewing was given a cap in the colors ofthe Cornell University lacrosse team(with red and white stripes) from his grandfather when he attended college there. He was soon referred to as "the guy with the red hat" since many people turned to him with computer problems. When he lost the cap, he was desperately looking for it - there was even a search message in the manual for the beta version of Red Hat Linux.
  • Reebok - a modified spelling of Rhebok , an African antelope (German deer antelope )
  • Reo - The former truck and car manufacturer is named after the initials of the company'sfounder R ansom E li O lds, who was forbidden to build vehicles under his own name after he left Oldsmobile, which he founded.
  • Repsol - (Petrochemical company) The name comes from Re fineria de P etroleo de e S combreras O i l (Escombreras is an oil refinery in Cartagena , Spain ) and was chosen because of its euphoria when the then state-owned oil company was converted into a public company in 1986 has been. Before that, Repsol was a brand of lubricating oil.
  • Ricola - Ri chterich & Co . La Ufen
  • Rolls-Royce - In 1884 Frederick Henry Royce founded an electrical and engineering products company. In 1904 he built his first car, a Royce . On May 4 of the same year, he was introduced to Charles Stewart Rolls ; the two decided to partner - Royce would build the cars and Rolls would sell them exclusively. A contract clause stipulated that the carsshould be called Rolls-Royce .
  • RSA Security - Named after the first letters of the last names of the inventors of the RSA cryptosystem (and company founders), namely Ronald Rivest , Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman .
  • RSCG -International (advertising) agency network namedafter the first letters of the company's founders R oux, S éguéla, C ayzac, G oudard.
  • RTL - R adio t élévision de L uxembourg
  • RUEFA Reisen - this company, which today belongs to the Austrian Tourist Office, was originally called Reisen und Recreation For All
  • RWE - founded as a Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk


  • Saab - founded in 1937 as S venska A eroplan A ktie B olaget (Swedish aircraft company)
  • SAECO - S ergio A rthur e co mpagnia - Italian household appliance company founded in 1981 by Sergio Zappella and Arthur Schmed (mainly fully automatic coffee machines)
  • SAME - S ocieta A nonima M otori E ndotermici
  • Samsonite - Samsonite is named after the biblical Samson , who was known for his strength.
  • Samsung - is Korean for "three stars"
  • Sanyo - is Japanese ("三洋") for "three oceans"
  • SAP - S ystems, A PPLICATIONS and P roducts in the data processing; Originally designed for: S ystem a nalysis and P rogrammentwicklung.
  • Saudi Aramco - (oil producing company) was originally the name of ARAMCO ( Ar abian Am erican Oil Co mpany , such as "Arab-American Oil Company" ). When the Saudi Arabian government took over the company in 1988, the name "Aramco" was already known all over the world, especially in Saudi Arabia. The name was then changed to "Saudi Aramco" without being aware of the original meaning of the abbreviation ARAMCO, which, unlike before, has nothing in common with the current official name: "Saudi Arabian Oil Company" (for example, "Saudi- Arab Oil Company " )
  • SCO - S anta C ruz O peration
  • Seat , originally SEAT : S ociedad E spañola de A utomóviles de T urismo ( Spanish for "Spanish Car Company")
  • Sega - Se rvice Ga mes of Japan. English for example "Games for the military service in Japan", since the American company founder Marty Bromley originally made pinball machines for the barracks of the American soldiers stationed in Japan.
  • Seiko - (watch manufacturer)According to theofficial company history "A Journey in Time: The Remarkable Story of Seiko" (2003) , Seiko is the Japanese word for "exquisite" , "exact" (Japanese 精巧 seikō ) or "success" (成功 seikō )
  • SERO AG - processed secondary raw materials
  • SEW Euro Drive - S üddeutsche E lektromotoren w orks. One of the world's leading companies in drive technology based in Bruchsal .
  • SGI - From S ilicon G raphics I nc.
  • Sharp - This Japanese electronics company named itself after their first product, a pencil that is always sharp.
  • Shell - The shell symbol and the corresponding company name "Shell" (originally "The Shell Transport and Trading Comp. Ltd.") go back to the company's founder, Marcus Samuel, whose fathermade his moneyby importing and trading Asian scallops earned.
  • Siemens - Founded by Werner von Siemens and Johann Georg Halske in 1847; Original name: Telegraphen-Bau-Anstalt von Siemens & Halske .
  • Simca - The S ociété I ndustrielle de M écanique et C arosserie A utomobile was a French automobile manufacturer.
  • Sinalco - from the Latin expression sin e (= "without") alco hole (" alcohol "). Originally “ Bilz 'Brause ”; renamed after a competition for the new name.
  • Six Apart - Company co-founders Ben and Mena Trott were born six days apart (September 1977).
  • STO AG - From the name of the founder, Sto tmeister
  • SKF - Von S venska K ullager f abriken AB (“Swedish Ball Bearing Factory”), a Swedish manufacturer founded in 1907. See also Volvo
  • SMA - SMA Technologie AG; the company's original name was S ystem-, M ess- and A nlagentechnik
  • SMA und Partner From the name of founder Werner - S tohler, Martin M aster and Hans Rudolf A Kermann
  • smart - S watch + M ercedes + Art
  • Smilebit - (Console Game Developer) Former Sega development studio . The name comes from the hope of making the players smile ( "smile" ) and the smallest unit of information on the computer ( "bit" )
  • Smeg - (manufacturer of kitchen appliances) The abbreviation comes from the name of the original enamel factory M etallurgiche E miliane G uastalla in the village of Guastalla , Reggio nell'Emilia .
  • SNK - (video game company) S hin N ihon K ikaku, Japanese for "New Japan Project" or "Plan for a New Japan"
  • Sony - from the Latin word sonus = sound and the English word sunny = sunny ; the first suggestion, Sonny , sounds similar to a Japanese term for “bad business”, which is why company founder Akio Morita changed it to Sony - also because this word is pronounced well in many languages. Originally the company was called Tōkyō Tsūshin Kōgyō Kabushiki Kaisha .
  • Spar - nl. De SPAR - D oor e endrachtig S amenwerken P rofiteren A ll R egelmatig (German: everyone benefits regularly / equally from working together). Retail chain, voluntary association of retailers. The Dutch word “de spar” also stands for “the fir tree ”, which is reflected in the company logo.
  • Sperry - American company founded by Elmer Ambrose Sperry (1860–1930), originally called the Sperry Gyroscope Company. Sperry took over Univac and was latertaken overby Burroughs himself; the merged company was "Unisys" called ( Un ited I nformation Sys tems, such as "United Information Systems" ).
  • SP OAO Spartak - (Belarusian confectionery manufacturer) SP OAO is the transliterated Russian abbreviation СП ОАО (Joint Operation Open Joint Stock Company ). Originally "Proswet" ("Lichtblick"), in 1931 the company was renamed and received its current name after the name of the famous Roman gladiator and leader of the rebellious slaves in the third slave war, Spartacus .
  • Sprint - S outhern P acific R ailroad International Communications, as telecommunication lines used to be laid along railway lines or pipelines because the land and the permits were already in place.
  • Starbucks - At first one of the company's founders wanted to name the company Pequod , after the ship inHerman Melville'snovel Moby Dick . This was rejected and a term with a local reference to Seattle was sought - Starbo , the name of a mining camp on Mount Rainier, was found . In Moby Dick there is a character whose name sounds so similar, namely the first mate Starbuck - although he is not known as a coffee drinker.
  • Stellent - Created from the words st ellar ( "brilliant" , "excellent" ) and excellent ( "great" ).
  • Subaru - Named after the Japanese name of the Pleiades , also known as the Seven Stars. The company emerged from a merger of six individual companies, analogous to the six stars that are counted among the Pleiades in Japan. The arrangement of the six stars can be found in the company logo.
  • SULO - Named after the company's founders Fritz S Treuber u nd Walter Lo hmann
  • SuSE - Society for S oftware- u nd S ystem e evelopment AG
  • Sun Microsystems - The company's founders designed their first computers at Stanford University and chose the name S tanford U niversity N etwork for one of their products for networking librarycomputersat the university.
  • Suzuki - Named after the company's founder Michio Suzuki .
  • Swicofil - a French made-up word for "Swiss yarn company"


  • Taco Bell - named after the company's founder, Glen Bell
  • Talanx - originally founded as HDI Beteiligungs AG, the word Talanx is made up of the terms talent (ancient currency unit) and phalanx (flexible battle setup)
  • TAM - The name of the second largest Brazilian airline is the abbreviation of T ransportes A éreos M arília ; the company was founded in the city of Marília (State of São Paulo ) by Rolim Amaro.
  • Taxan - ( Japanese electronics company) Artificial name chosen because on the one hand "Takusan" ( Japanese for "a lot (e)" ) seemed a good name, on the other hand (and mainly) because the companyboss(at the time in the USA ) was known to all as "Tak-san" (Japanese for "Mr. Tak" or polite pronunciation of the name)
  • Thomas Cook AG - named after the first tour operator Thomas Cook
  • Tchibo - Tchi Ling Bo teeth, according to Carl Tchiling-Hirrian
  • Teroson - T h e odor Ro ss and Sun h n
  • Tesa - Named after the nickname of El secretary sa Te smer, who worked at Beiersdorf.
  • Tesco - Founder Jack Cohen took a big load of tea from TE Stockwell and create new labels, where he mixed parts of his name and the supplier's name: TE S tock well + Jack Co hen
  • Testa - The company Te sch & Sta benow became known in the post-war period as a supplier of the pesticide Zyklon B in concentration camps. From 1947 onwards, the abbreviation Testa is for " Te chnical Entwesungs sta been used tion".
  • Texaco - from the English: Texa s co mpany
  • THX - From the name of the inventor of this audio technology and the u. a. used therein Crossover Equalizer : T omlinson H Olman Crossover ( English ) for (over) crossing, so X . However, this interpretation could only after the shortcut created his ( Backronym ) because George Lucas has the technology and he had long before the invention of a film called THX 1138 had turned
  • Tim Hortons - Named after the founder, the Buffalo Sabers ice hockey player, Tim Horton
  • Toblerone - Jean Tobler (company founder), torr one ( Italian for nougat)
  • Tomra - The name is derived from Tom ske (Norwegian for “empty”) and R eture A utomat (return machine).
  • Toshiba - The company was formed from a merger of the consumer goods manufacturer kyō Denki and the electrical engineering company Shiba ura Seisaku-sho and was called Tōkyō Shibaura Denki , but was only known under the abbreviation Toshiba .
  • Toyota - Named after the company's founder, Sakichi Toyoda . Originally the company was Toyoda , but has been renamed as the new name is easier to pronounce and gives the company founder his private name. The new name is drawn in katakana characters with eight lines, this is a lucky number in Asia.
  • Trigema - Tri kotwarenfabrik Ge brothers Ma yer
  • TVR - The name of this sports car manufacturer comes from the first name of the company's founder, T re v o r Wilkinson.


  • Umbro - ( British sportswear manufacturer) Was founded in 1924 by the H um phrey Bro thers Harold C. and Wallace
  • UA - U nited A rtists.
  • UBS - Originally the French version of the companyabbreviation ofthe Swiss Bank Corporation(→ U nion des B anques S uisse). After the merger with Swiss Bank Corporation, UBS should first U nited B anks of S witzerland say that name, however, was already occupied. So UBS just doesn't mean anything.
  • Unisys - ( American computer science service) From Un ited I nformation Sys tems (about United Information Systems ), the new name for the company resulting from the merger of two previous mainframe maker Burroughs and Sperry emerged. It united two incompatible product ranges.
  • Below average - first appeared in early 1980 as a record store in the communist Hamburg punk movement. The retail space was on the lower ground floor facing the street “Average”. Since 1999 a music label from Cologne.
  • ÜSTRA - Named in 1921 as Ue berlandwerke und Stra ßenbahnen Hannover AG
  • UFA - U niversum F ilm A ktiengesellschaft
  • Unocal - The Un ion O il Company of Cal ifornia was founded in 1890
  • UPS - U nited P arcel S ervice
  • Urospace - "yo UR O nline SPACE ", IAAS provider within the scope of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology technology program Trusted Cloud funded SkIDentity project.
  • UUNET - One of the oldest and largest Internet service provider , named after U NIX -to- U NIX Net work
  • Uvex - The short form of the qualityfeature" U ltra V iolet EX cluded"


  • VAG - V Volkswagen and A UDI G ommunity
  • Varig - The name of the largest Brazilian airline is an abbreviation of V iação A érea Ri o G randense , as it was founded in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul .
  • VARTA - V istribution, A ufladung and R Repa t ransportabler A kkumulatoren
  • Vaude - initials of the surname of company founder Albrecht von Dewitz
  • VDO - United Deuta OTA (Deuta: Deutsche Tachometerwerke; OTA: OSA changed for legal reasons; OSA: Otto-Schulze-Autometerwerke; Otto Schulze: Tachometer developer)
  • VEBA - V nited E lektrizitäts- and B ergwerks A G
  • Verizon - a suitcase word from veri tas ( Latin truth ) and hori zon ( English horizon )
  • VIAG - V nited I ndustry company AG
  • Victorinox - Victor ia (mother of the founder) and inox ydable (. French for stainless )
  • Vileda - from: like leather
  • Virgin - A friend of the company's founder Richard Branson said they were all virgins when it came to business.
  • Vodafone - Vo ice, Da ta F ax O ver Ne t
  • Volvo - Latin for I roll
  • VW - V olks w agen AG


  • Wachovia - (finance / bank) From the Latin version of the name Wachau . An area in North Carolina , USA wasso namedbecause of the German-speaking settlers from this area, and many companies around the place Charlotte have “Wachovia” in their name
  • WAGO - named after the inventors of spring clamp technology WAG ner and O lbrich
  • Waitrose - This British supermarket chain is named after two of the founders: Wallace Waite, Arthur Rose, David Taylor
  • Wal-Mart - Sam Walton → " Wal ton’s Mart "
  • Wang Laboratories - Named after the inventor of core memory and company founder An Wang
  • Wendy's - This fast food chain was named after the nickname of Melinda Thomas, the daughter of company founder Dave Thomas .
  • WHSmith - ( British book and magazine chain) Founded in London in1792 by Henry Walton Smith and his wife Anna. They named their small newspaper business for her son W illiam H enry Smith , who was born in the same year.
  • Wielton - pun in the Polish words for many tons (Pol. Wiele ton ), based on the advertised capacity of under the brand name Wielton sold semi-trailers ; also sounded similar to the company headquarters in Wieluń and the camel used in the logo (Polish: wielbłąd ).
  • Williams-Sonoma - Founded by Chuck Williams in Sonoma, California
  • WIDIA - Wi e Dia mant - trade name of a specially hardened metal for tools. Patent from Krupp AG, Essen.
  • Wipro - W estern I ndia Pro ducts Limited (today's IT-company introduced earlier housewares ago)
  • WLZ - W ürttembergische L andwirtschaftliche Z entralgenossenschaft Raiffeisen eGmbH, now merged with BayWa
  • WMF - W ürttembergische M etallwaren f abrik.
  • WoltLab - Wolt ersdorf Lab oratory
  • WPP - W ire and P lastics P roducts plc., Originally a manufacturer of shopping baskets, today the largest advertising holding company in the world. The company's firm was owned by the original Saatchi & Saatchi founder Martin Sorrell .
  • Würth - From the name of the company's founder Adolf Würth



  • Yahoo! - The word comes from the book Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift and describes a being that only looks human-like with animal behavior. Company founders David Filo and Jerry Yang jokingly referred to themselves as Yahoos. The word was laterreinterpretedas a backronym to "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle".
  • Yoplait - In 1965 the companies Yo la and Co plait merged . The joint company's logo is a six-petalled flower symbolizing the six main cooperatives that made up the company.


  • ZDF - Z -wide D eutsches F ernsehen
  • ZDIS - The company name Z iegler D omain and I nternet S ervice, originates from the early days. Replacement batteries are produced today.
  • ZEAG - Ze ment factory A ktien g ompany
  • Zend Technologies - from the names of the two founders Ze ev Suraski and A nd i Gutmans
  • Zewa - Ze llstoff Wa ldhof, Mannheim paper manufacturer. Waldhof is a Mannheim district that is also known for the football club of the same name ( SV Waldhof Mannheim ).
  • Zuse KG - Founded by the German computer pioneer Konrad Zuse , who built his first computer in his parents' living room in the late 1930s. This company was later taken over by Siemens.


  1. ^ Detecon: History

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