American horror story

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Television series
German title American horror story
Original title American Horror Story
Season 1: Murder House
Season 2: Asylum
Season 3: Coven
Season 4: Freak Show
Season 5: Hotel
Season 6: Roanoke
Season 7: Cult
Season 8: Apocalypse
Season 9: 1984
American Horror Story.svg
Country of production United States
original language English
Year (s) since 2011
20th Century Fox Television ,
Brad Falchuk Teley-vision ,
Ryan Murphy Productions
length approx. 37-71 minutes
Episodes 103 in 9+ seasons ( List )
genre Horror , thriller , drama , fantasy , mystery
Theme music Cesar Davila-Irizarry, Charlie Clouser - American Horror Story Theme
idea Ryan Murphy ,
Brad Falchuk
production Chip Vucelich ,
Alexis Martin Woodall
music James S. Levine
First broadcast October 5, 2011 (USA) on FX
first broadcast
November 9, 2011 on FOX

American Horror Story is an American horror - television series based on an idea by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk based. The series started on October 5, 2011 on the US cable channel FX . In Germany, the series will be on since November 9, 2011 Pay TV transmitter FOX broadcast. The broadcast on German free-to-air television started on March 7, 2013 on sixx .

FX extended the series for a 13th season after the ninth season was broadcast.



A special feature of the series is the anthology , in which the individual seasons are not designed with a continuous storyline. Each season tells a self-contained story. A large part of the cast is recurring, but with a few exceptions, completely different characters are embodied (see cast and synchronization ). In addition, the location and the time of the action of the different seasons are very different. As Ryan Murphy, one of the series' creators, explained in an interview, there should actually be connections between all seasons. This becomes clear for the first time in the fourth season of the Freak Show , in which the prehistory of the character Pepper from Asylum is a subplot. This storyline ends in episode ten with her introduction to Briarcliff. It is also shown that the German doctor Hans Gruber amputated Elsa Mars' legs; Gruber is the doctor practicing in Briarcliff under his alias Arthur Arden in Asylum . In the fifth season, Hotel, the Countess played by Lady Gaga in the 1920s visits Charles Montgomery, the builder of the Murder House from the first season, in that very same place. The characters Billie Dean Howard (from Murder House ) and the witch Queenie (from Coven ) also have short appearances in the fifth season. The colonial farmhouse in Roanoke , which is the main scene of the sixth season, was built by Edward Philippe Mott, whose last descendant Dandy Mott is the main antagonist on Freak Show several centuries later . Lana Winters from Asylum also appears in the last episode of the sixth season. In the seventh season of Cult , the murderous clown Twisty from Freak Show has several appearances in the form of a horror comic series, which is inspired by his murders from the fourth season, which took place 60 years earlier. In the last episode, the journalist Lana Winters is mentioned again, but does not appear this time.

The eighth season of Apocalypse marks the final break with the anthology format of the previous seasons . It leads storylines from Murder House (mainly the meanwhile grown-up Michael Langdon, who was identified as Antichrist at the end of the first season) and Coven (the eponymous coven of witches returns as an opponent of Langdon and his mythology is expanded here to include a male counterpart) and links them together. One episode also features a flashback to the Hotel Cortez from season five, where the witch Queenie was murdered as mentioned above. Apocalypse also contains cross-references to Asylum , Roanoke and Cult .

Popular fan theory

Popular fan theory suggests that each season of the series represents one of the nine circles of hell . So the protagonists of each season would be punished for one sin. Creator Ryan Murphy called the theory "interesting," but Season 10 would have to take place in Hell itself to be confirmed.


The episodes that take place on Halloween should also be highlighted. Certain motifs are the same for all seasons except for season 7. On Halloween, the boundaries between this and the hereafter disappear in the anthologies, which is why it is possible for ghosts to appear in all possible places in this world. So the cursed ghosts from the "Murder House" from season 1 can leave the house on Halloween. In the other seasons, this motif is at least hinted at or mentioned.

Season 1 (Murder House)

The first season of the series takes place in the present and tells the story of the Harmon family. Vivien Harmon, her husband Ben and their daughter Violet move into an old house in Los Angeles . The family had decided to move away from Boston to start a fresh start after Ben had an affair with a college student that nearly broke the marriage. Little does the family suspect that their new house has a dark past. It was built in the 1920s by a wealthy doctor for his wife. When he becomes addicted to drugs, she arranges for her husband to have illegal abortions in the basement of the house for fear of financial ruin. A patient's friend kills the couple's child in revenge for such an abortion. Falling into the "Frankenstein Complex", the doctor mutilates his child's dead body in the hope of being able to bring it back to life. When he tells his wife that he actually succeeded and that she can look in the nursery, she finds her child there, who now resembles a creature. The homeowner then shot her husband and then herself. This is the beginning of a long line of deaths that have occurred in the house since then. Anyone who dies on the property becomes a ghost and is forever tied to the building - except on Halloween day .

At first, the Harmon family knows nothing about this background. They are particularly often visited by their neighbor Constance and her daughter Adelaide, who has Down syndrome . The psychiatrist Ben, who wants to set up a practice, initially looks after the young Tate, who suffers from violent fantasies. Violet, who is an outsider at her new school, quickly becomes friends with Tate, which Ben clearly displeases. As it turns out later, Tate is the son of Constance and also a ghost. Violet is so appalled by this realization that she tries to commit suicide in a panic. It also turns out that the previous owners of the house, a homosexual couple, were murdered by Tate, who was wearing a black latex suit in the act. Vivien sleeps with Tate under the illusion that her husband Ben is wearing that latex suit. A short time later she is pregnant with twins.

Ben is increasingly beset by his old affair. His student is pregnant and decides to keep the child and to let Ben's wife know. But then a strange man appears who repeatedly urges Ben to leave the house. The man, who is severely burned, claims that he lived in the house himself and that he inadvertently burned his entire family. In truth, his wife and their two daughters burned themselves after he tried to leave them for Constance. The stranger slays Ben's former lover when she shows up at Ben's house after Ben has left her on a planned date, and buries her in the garden, whereupon she too becomes a ghost. Tensions between Ben and Vivien increase when it is discovered that Ben has only fathered one of the two unborn twins. Violet discovers her own body in the basement of the house. She died trying suicide and is also a ghost without even realizing it. Tate had hidden her body in the basement to protect her from the shock. Ben discovers that the figure in the black latex suit is Tate, who not only raped his wife, but also killed the previous owner. Violet turns away from Tate for good.

When the twins are born in the house, Vivien dies, as does Ben's child. Ben is hanged by ghosts in the stairwell. So the Harmon family and the spirit of the dead baby are reunited. To protect new owners from the angry ghosts in the house, the Harmons drive them away. Meanwhile, Constance has taken the surviving baby, who is said to be the Antichrist as the child of a living and a dead . The last scene shows Constance smiling over the little boy who murdered his nanny.

Season 2 (Asylum)

Season two logo

All characters are new and the action is now in a Catholic Church- run mental hospital called Briarcliff in 1964, which was previously a clinic for tuberculosis patients. This clinic is run by the nun, Sister Jude, who treats her patients in a cruel manner. When a new patient, the young widower Kit Walker, is admitted, the lesbian reporter Lana Winters is also interested in his story: He is accused of killing women as a bloody face and pulling their skin off. But for the journalist, the interest in what happened in the institution should have cruel consequences. Because of her homosexuality, Sister Jude also admitted her to Briarcliff as a patient. Together with her fellow patient Grace and Kit, she tries to escape from the asylum, but they are caught and punished. Dr. Oliver Thredson, a court-appointed psychiatrist who is supposed to examine Kit for his mental state, becomes aware of Lana and helps her to escape. Once at Thredson's house, however, it quickly becomes clear that the doctor is Bloody Face , who previously persuaded Kit to make a tape-recorded confession in order to no longer be a possible perpetrator. He holds Lana prisoner, tortures and rapes her in order to act out his mother complex. The young woman soon succeeds in escaping from her prison, in which Thredson is injured in the face, but she is involved in a serious car accident and ends up back in Briarcliff.

Meanwhile, it turns out that during the exorcism of a young patient in Briarcliff, the devil has run out of his body into that of the young, innocent sister Mary Eunice. Since then she has been manipulating all other employees of the institution, above all the clinic doctor Dr. Arden. He is a wanted war criminal from the Second World War and a Nazi from the Auschwitz extermination camp , but he can cover it up with the help of Sister Mary, who is blackmailing him. Together they lure Sister Jude into a trap, she is released and ends up as a patient in Briarcliff. From then on, Sister Mary is the head of the facility. However, Father Timothy Howard recognizes the devil in Sister Mary's body and kills her. Dr. Arden then commits suicide by lying down next to her dead body when she was cremated.

Lana meets Kit again in the infirmary and tells him the truth about Thredson. You manage to tape one of his confessions. Lana also learns that she is pregnant. Sister Jude promises her that she will help her escape because she does not belong in the institution. With the help of an old friend of Jude's, Sister Claudia, the journalist manages to escape again and reveals the true identity of Bloody Face to the police . She waits for Thredson in his house and shoots him before the police arrive, after which she claims to have killed him in self-defense. Then she goes public and writes a book about her experiences, which is very successful. However, it turns out more and more that Lana is only interested in her fame and not in helping the people in the institution.

Kit is also released from Briarcliff as his innocence is now proven. He leaves the asylum with Grace, who died after being shot by an asylum guard and was brought back to life by aliens, and they both move into his old farmhouse with their son, who has now been born. It turns out that Alma Walker, Kit's wife, who also had contact with the mysterious aliens, is still alive and has a child by him. The five live together on the farm, but the two women process the events completely differently. While Grace is fascinated and only deals with the aliens, Alma wants to forget everything and is afraid. One night she kills Grace with an ax and comes to Briarcliff, which is now a government institution.

Kit now has to look after the children alone. He seeks out Lana to get her to think not only of herself but also of other people. Lana is now trying everything to help people, but also wants to advance her career. Kit has been taking care of Jude since Alma died and even brings her home. Lana's son Johnny, whose experiences are shown in the present, has inclinations similar to his father. Lana gave him away as a baby and since then he too has suffered from a mother complex. He finds out everything about his parents and their history and wants to kill his mother to end his father's work. But at the last moment Lana shoots her son in the head, just like she did with Thredson.


The conditions later in the season in Briarcliff were based on the scandal (1946) of the real Byberry Mental Hospital .

Pepper, suffering from microcephaly , the nun Mary Eunice and the doctor Dr. Arden can be seen in both Asylum and Freak Show . However, Asylum's plot takes place later.

Season 3 (Coven)

Season three logo

The main plot of the third season takes place in the present. When young Zoe tries to sleep with her boyfriend for the first time, he dies of a brain hemorrhage . She must realize that she is a witch and that her family is descended from the witches of Salem . Because of this, she is sent to a witches' coven in New Orleans . This is led by the herbalist witch Cordelia. Besides Zoe, there are three other young witches in the house: the self-centered, telekinetically gifted actress Madison, the overweight, black, human voodoo doll Queenie and the somewhat naive, clairvoyant Nan. After a few days, the head of the circle, Cordelia's mother Fiona, appears. In search of eternal youth and in an attempt to prevent a new colonel from gaining strength, she also walks over corpses.

Fiona takes the students on a trip to Delphine Lalaurie's house . There Nan discovers with her abilities that the sadistic former mistress of the house is still alive. In revenge , she was buried alive by the voodoo witch Marie Laveau after receiving the gift of eternal life. Fiona takes Lalaurie into the house of the circle and thus arouses the wrath of Laveau, who has long harbored a grudge against the white witches. Meanwhile, Madison drags Zoe to a college party. Zoe flirts with likable Kyle, while his frat brothers attack and rape Madison. In revenge, Madison later crashes the connection's bus. Almost all boys die, including Kyle. Zoe is horrified at first, but then decides to kill the only survivor in the hospital with her witchcraft. In return, Madison shows her a way to save Kyle. They sneak into the morgue to wake it up. When they discover that he had lost some body parts in the accident, they replace them with parts from his fraternity brothers. Zoe manages to wake Kyle. However, he is very confused and can hardly speak and think. The hermit witch Misty appears and helps her bring Kyle back to life.

Fiona now recognizes Madison's strong powers and that she could become the new head of the circle. Apparently she starts to support her, but then cuts her throat in an argument. The butler Spalding hushed up the murder, but nevertheless the circle council appeared to indict Fiona for this murder. Councilor Myrtle had tried years earlier to hold Fiona accountable for the murder of the last colonel. Fiona is able to ward off the accusations and even convince her daughter Cordelia of her innocence. The two go out together, but Cordelia is attacked and her eyes are burned with acid. With Queenie's help, Fiona manages to convince the council that Myrtle carried out the attack. Myrtle is burned, but later resurrected by Misty. Cordelia has been blinded by the acid, but has received a second face. She thereby realizes her mother's deviousness, but also that her husband Hank is a murderer. She throws him out, but does not yet know that he should kill the circle on behalf of Marie Laveau as a witch hunter. Cordelia wants to fight her mother with Zoe, who is developing new strong powers.

Meanwhile, Zoe realizes that Madison is dead and, with the help of the demon spirit of an ax slayer, finds her near Spalding. She thereby frees the mind. Madison is also revived, but as the undead she feels numb and dissatisfied. She starts sleeping with Kyle. In the meantime Queenie has made friends with Delphine, but then delivers her to Marie Laveau, who decapitates Delphine. The head lives on. Myrtle returns to the Coven's house with Misty, and everyone devises a plan to drive Fiona to suicide and make Misty the new colonel. The plan almost succeeds until Spalding's ghost appears and tells Fiona that she has been tricked. While Nan is with the son of the bigoted neighbor, he is accidentally shot by Hank, who was actually after Nan, but later resuscitated by Misty. It turns out that Hank's family has been witch hunters for centuries. His father heads this order under the guise of a very wealthy financial company. Hank was supposed to infiltrate the coven by marrying Cordelia and then kill them all, but he actually fell in love with them, so he didn't implement his plan until they separated from him.

Fiona wants to work with Marie against the killer. She only refuses, but when her entire circle, including Queenie, is shot, she accepts. Meanwhile, a fight for the position of colonel breaks out among the witch students, because each of them wants to be the queen of witches. To get Misty out of the way, Madison knocks her down and then has her buried in a coffin. Meanwhile, Myrtle ensures that Cordelia gets her eyesight back (through one of the eyes of the council members who betrayed her), but she has to lose her second face.

Marie, meanwhile, reveals to Fiona that her immortality comes from a pact with the voodoo spirit Papa Legba: He preserves her soul and she has to sacrifice another innocent soul to him every year - in the form of babies. Nevertheless, Fiona would also like to enter into this pact in order to be able to avoid her impending death from cancer. Papa Legba then informed her that no pact could be reached because she had no soul. This time Laveau is not willing to offer the infant she abducted as an offering, as he reminds her of her own baby, which she had to sacrifice to Papa Legba in the first year of her pact. Fiona feels sorry for her and decides to sacrifice Nan instead. The voodoo ghost is not very happy about this sacrifice, as it was expecting a baby, but then accepts it because it is impressed by Marie's and Fiona's collaboration.

To get the second face again, Cordelia stabs herself in the eyes with a pair of secateurs and goes blind again. At first she does not regain her strength and does not realize when she touches Madison that she buried Misty alive. Only later can she use her gift again. Marie Laveau and Fiona team up and, with the help of the ax man, who is now with Fiona, kill the witch hunters in order to solve the problem. Meanwhile, Madison and Zoe argue over who should get Kyle, but Kyle chooses Zoe because he loves her. From then on, the two are inseparable.

The young witches begin to prepare for the power showdown, in which they have to perform all their powers, also known as "the seven miracles". So, one after the other, they show all the powers that they have mastered, starting with telekinesis (being able to move things), which everyone can perform skillfully. Also on display are lighting fires, mind control and teleportation. Misty dies on her descent into Hell, unable to come back and stuck in her personal Hell. When teleporting, Zoe accidentally "beams" herself too high into the air over the fence and is impaled. For the next task, resuscitation, Madison is supposed to resuscitate Zoe, but refuses and instead resuscitates a fly in order to still pass the task. Queenie fails to resuscitate Zoe and so fails that task, which means she cannot be the next Colonel.

In the last task (reading things out of stones) Madison fails too, and Cordelia (Fiona's daughter / headmistress) tries her luck with the seven miracles. She manages them all until she only has the resuscitation ahead of her, which she masters with ease, so that Zoe is alive again. Cordelia is the new Colonel, and through the knowledge she gets her eyesight back, better than ever. Angry at Madison for not healing Zoe, Kyle kills her and hides it up with the help of the butler. The other young witches Zoe and Queenie are now head witches who live alone with Cordelia in the school. They make the academy public, to which hundreds of young girls respond and go to school to join.

Season 4 (Freak Show)

Season four logo

The fourth season takes place in a freak show in the USA in 1952. The main location is the city of Jupiter in the state of Florida. Elsa Mars, the show's operator, is fighting with her “monsters” against the extinction of her trade. When the Siamese twins Bette and Dot Tattler are discovered, she senses her chance to bring the show back to success with the twins as the main attraction. When some murders happen in town, the freak show members are the prime suspects. The killer is a clown who also kidnapped some children. The spoiled dandy Mott takes the clown killer as a role model. In a flashback you learn something about the past of the clown "Twisty" and he finally dies. Elsa Mars tries to sell her show lucratively in order to gain a foothold in Hollywood, which she only partially succeeds in. In the end, the rich dandy Mott buys the show, who has already killed a few people, including his mother Gloria. After being exposed, Dandy instigates a massacre in which over half of the freak show is shot. He marries the two twins Bette and Dot, who have prepared an intrigue with the last freaks and let him drown. In addition to the horror elements and conflicts with one another, a large part of the plot revolves around the discrimination of the “freaks” by the public and the past of the main characters. Freak Show also has by far the fewest supernatural plot elements compared to the previous seasons of the series.

Musical anachronisms

In several episodes of the fourth season, members of the freak show perform music tracks that were only released years after the time of the plot. Ryan Murphy explained that with this anachronistic selection of music he wanted to introduce musicians to the season's environment, who themselves perform in an unusual way or as outsiders.

episode role title Original interpreter Initial release
4.01 Elsa Mars Life On Mars David Bowie 1971
4.02 Dot Tattler Criminal Fiona Apple 1997
4.03 Elsa Mars Gods & Monsters Lana Del Rey 2014
4.07 Jimmy Darling Come as you are Nirvana 1991
4.13 Elsa Mars Heroes David Bowie 1977

Season 5 (Hotel)

Season five logo

The fifth season takes place in 2015 in Los Angeles, California at the fictional Hotel Cortez . The construction of the hotel was partly inspired by the Winchester House and partly modeled on the horror house of HH Holmes . In the course of the plot there are several retrospectives on American epochs of the 20th century (e.g. 20s , 70s, etc.). Detective John Lowe ( Wes Bentley ) tries to track down a serial killer who is inspired by the 10 commandments in the cursed hotel . He falls into the clutches of the Countess ( Lady Gaga ), who, together with her lover Donovan, holds a bloody secret. The hotel's employees include Donovan's mother Iris ( Kathy Bates ) and bartender "Liz Taylor" ( Denis O'Hare ), and there are several regulars such as the drug dealer Sally ( Sarah Paulson ). Together they try to save the Cortez from investor Will Drake ( Cheyenne Jackson ). Will Drake brings top-class guests to the hotel at a fashion show, including model Tristan Duffy ( Finn Wittrock ) and Vogue editor Claudia Bankson ( Naomi Campbell ). In his research, John finds out that the hotel was built by James Patrick March ( Evan Peters ) in 1926 to torture and kill guests in cold blood. He also finds indications that his son Holden ( Lennon Henry ) , who has been missing for 5 years, may still be alive. His wife, Alex ( Chloë Sevigny ), a pediatrician, has been plagued by depression since their son's disappearance. In the course of the season she also finds her way to the strange hotel and finds her son again. Slowly she becomes aware of Holden's strange behavior and finally discovers the dark secret of the Countess. Iris, the receptionist, is also not as harmless as one initially suspects. Together with the transsexual Liz Taylor, she murders a couple with annoying extra wishes who have checked into the hotel. Meanwhile, John finds himself at the so-called Devil's Night (the night before Halloween ) at a table with the serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer , John Wayne Gacy , Richard Ramírez , Aileen Wuornos and the never caught Zodiac killer . Because he spends more and more time in the hotel, neglecting his work and his state of mind deteriorating, he is finally suspended. Frustrated by the situation, he ends up in bed with Sally. Alex, on the other hand, uses a rather unusual method in her job to save a patient's life.

Old secrets come to light during the hotel's renovation work. In a flashback to 1925, the viewer learns a lot about the Countess' past with the couple Rudolph (also Finn Wittrock ) and Natacha ( Alexandra Daddario ).

It later turns out that John Lowe himself is the 10 Commandments killer and acted on behalf of James March, who wants to make him his successor. Sally always supported him. However, this now deviates from the plan. Countess Elizabeth and her great love Valentino are reunited. Meanwhile, Alex becomes aware of the extent of her action as a horde of vampire children ravages the streets of Los Angeles because of her. However, together with her husband, she can stop the plague. They find each other again, but the jump into their normal life is difficult. Meanwhile, Iris, Liz and the other staff plan to stand up against the Countess. They succeed in the plan and they eventually become the managers of the hotel.

Season 6 (Roanoke)

Season six logo

The sixth season is presented as a fictional documentary My Roanoke Nightmare and tells the story of Matt and Shelby Miller. While Lily Rabe Shelby Miller and André Holland Matt Miller in the interview recordings , their narratives are visualized in reenacted scenes , with Shelby in turn embodied by Audrey Tindall (played by Sarah Paulson ) and Matt from Dominic Banks (played by Cuba Gooding Jr. ) . After Matt and Shelby are attacked by a gang in Los Angeles as part of a test of courage and Shelby miscarries in the process, the two decide to move to a house in North Carolina, the state where Matt comes from. Strange things happen shortly after they move. Shelby is almost drowned in the hot tub, Matt finds the rotten body of a dead pig outside the door of the house. At first the two think that the Polk family, who were also after the house, is behind the events. Since the police are not of much help, Matt's sister Lee, an ex-police officer who is portrayed in the interview recordings by Adina Porter and in the re- enactment scenes by Monet Tumissee (played by Angela Bassett ) , moves into the house a little later . The strange events take their course and become more and more dangerous. After an argument with her husband Mason, Lee “kidnaps” their daughter, Flora, to the Roanoke house. Flora disappears shortly afterwards, without a trace. Mason blames Lee for the incident and is found burned to death after an argument with his ex-wife. The cameras installed by Matt capture Lee leaving the house shortly after Mason and returning a few hours later. Shelby suspects Lee was behind Mason's murder. Lee vigorously refuses to do so. Even after 3 days of manhunt, Flora was still not found. Through an encounter with the medium cricket Marlowe (in the reenactment of Ashley Gilbert, played in reality Leslie Jordan) it turns out that all previous residents of the house were murdered and now continue to exist as ghosts. The first to be killed in the country are the members of the vanished Roanoke colony, led by Thomasin “the Butcher” White. In the documentary, "The Butcher" is played by Agnes Mary Winstead (played by Kathy Bates ). Every year at the time of the blood moon , the ghosts have the power to murder for 6 days. The first five episodes deal with the terror and survival of the Miller family on the 2015 Blood Moon.

With the start of the sixth episode, we're heading into 2016. Since My Roanoke Nightmare was such a big hit, producer Sidney Aaron James (played by Cheyenne Jackson ) decided to start a second season called Return to Roanoke: Three Days in Hell to order . For this, both the real Miller family and their actors and Rory Monahan (played by Evan Peters ), who played Edward Felippe Mott in My Roanoke Nightmare , return to the house together. Agnes Mary Winstead loves her role as "The Butcher" so much that she has already got used to fatally injuring people in real life and performing as her role. You will not be allowed to be part of the second season. Nevertheless, she is up to mischief in Roanoke Island as "The Butcher". Sidney and his crew want to scare the participants even more by applying scary effects to the entire environment and in the house or even appearing in horror clothing themselves. Shelby, Lee, Dominic and the others are monitored with cameras. Due to a cutscene, it becomes clear that within the next three days all but one of the people will die under mysterious circumstances.

On the first night, everyone gets a video camera from Sidney to record everything that's going on in Roanoke Island. After Shelby and Matt split up, she started dating Dominic, which led to arguments in the house. But when everyone calms down and Audrey takes a shower, she sees Piggy Man , a dead man with a pig's head, and runs out of the bathroom screaming. Everyone thinks it's a trick on Sidney, so Rory, Audrey's husband, is looking. He is stabbed to death by the two nurses Miranda and Bridget. Meanwhile, Sidney, a cameraman and one of his assistants are killed by Agnes a little further away from the house.

The next day, Agnes attacks Shelby in the house and injures her, but Dominic is able to save her and Agnes escapes. While Shelby is resting, Audrey, Lee, and Monet are looking for help. They find the bodies of Sidney and his employees and are attacked by Agnes. But Lee shoots Agnes and the three women flee. A little later they also find Rory's body and are then kidnapped by the Polk family. When Dominic wakes up after a sleep in the house and goes into the cellar, he discovers Matt, who is sleeping with Scáthach , a forest witch. Dominic tells Shelby and they go down to the basement together. After she scared off Scáthach and Matt confesses his love for the forest witch, Shelby freaks out and smashes Matt's head with a crowbar. In the evening, Agnes, who is still alive, and a little later also the real Thomas "The Butcher" White and her followers appear at the house. It is only when Agnes is surrounded by them that she realizes that she is in great danger and confesses that she really only wants to be on TV. Then "The Butcher" splits her head with a cleaver.

At the same time, Lee is tortured by Jether Polk (played by Finn Wittrock ) and his mother, while Audrey and Monet are tortured by Jether's two brothers. A few hours later, Lee asks Jether to film her so she can say goodbye to her daughter Flora as she thinks she is dying. In this video, she also confesses to the murder of Mason, her husband. Still, Lee escapes and kills Jether. Monet can also free himself and wants to help Audrey, but when Mama Polk arrives, Monet flees without Audrey. Mama Polk orders her two sons to fetch Monet and takes care of Audrey, pulling a tooth out of her in the process. Lee is able to free Audrey and smashes Mama Polk's head with a hammer. Lee and Audrey flee, but Monet is still on the run in the woods.

Arriving at the house, Lee bursts into tears when she sees her brother's body. They also find Shelby's body and Dominic. He tells the two that Shelby killed himself because of guilt. The two do not believe Dominic and blame Dominic for the two murders. They argue and lock him out of the bedroom, whereupon he is stabbed by the "Piggy Man" a short time later.

On the following third day, Audrey and Lee head to Polk House to pick up a camera that filmed Mama Polk's murder. They are about to leave the house when Piggy Man is standing in front of them. But this time it was just one of Sidney's pranks, because Dylan (played by Wes Bentley ), who plays Ambrose White, Thomasin's son in My Roanoke Nightmare , is behind the pig's head. He was commissioned to perform as "Piggy Man" on the third day. After Audrey and Lee explain to him that everything they reenacted in the documentary is true, they show him the bodies of Shelby and the others and mention that Monet is still alive, they tell him that they are on their way now to the polks. Dylan accompanies them. They get there and split up. Dylan takes care of the vehicle, and Audrey and Lee look for Monet and the video. Audrey finds Monet and saves her, but suddenly one of the sons appears and threatens the two women. Audrey pulls out her revolver and shoots him in the head. Dylan is apparently stabbed to death by the other son while attempting to short the car. Audrey and Monet see him, but have to leave him behind because they have to see "The Butcher" and their colony from afar and flee into the forest. Lee has found nothing and also flees into the forest, as the son of the Polks, who stabbed Dylan, is chasing them. Audrey and Monet arrive at the house and first calm down. Monet thinks Lee is dead, but Audrey says no, and together they watch the recording from the Polks' house that Audrey found. They are shocked when Lee confesses to Mason's murder. Meanwhile, in the Scáthach forest, Lee is tricked into eating a heart so that she becomes possessed by it.

On the same day, three fans of the documentary are on their way to the house on Roanoke Island. These are bloggers Sophie Green (played by Taissa Farmiga ), Milo (played by Jon Bass) and Todd Connors (played by Jacob Artist ). They film themselves and walk through the woods to get to the house. It gets more and more scary in the forest until they finally meet Lee. This stands there very still, due to the obsession with Scáthach. Todd speaks to her, but Lee kills him. Sophie and Milo immediately flee until they later see the bodies of Sidney and the other two. Suddenly an injured man appears and the two bloggers run anxiously into the surveillance building of Sydney. Only then do they realize that the injured man is Dylan. On the surveillance screens, Sophie and Milo see that Audrey and Monet are still alive, but Lee is on his way to the house. They want to prevent Audrey and Monet from dying and they run to the house too.

Lee arrives at the house and Audrey and Monet are happy to see her. The mood is very strange as Lee is still calm. Lee pushes Monet through the railing, whereupon Monet falls through the stairwell onto the previously fallen chandelier and is impaled. Audrey runs out of the house past the dying Monet. She goes to the basement outside the house, but is badly injured by Lee and pushed into the basement.

When the two bloggers arrive at the house, it is already too late and they can no longer save them. You see "The Butcher" and her followers arrive at the house. You have Dylan too. This is eviscerated. Sophie and Milo want to run away, but Lee is already with them and takes them to Thomasin. Both are impaled and burned alive while everything is recorded by their cameras.

The next morning the police arrive at the house. Everyone but Lee seems dead. She has no idea what happened last night and the police are helping her. A little later, the injured Audrey is found, who knew nothing about Lee and her obsession. She sees Lee, takes the gun of one of the cops and aims at her. But before she manages to kill Lee, Audrey herself is shot by the other police officers.

After some time, during which she could be seen in many interviews due to her fame thanks to the series (including the Lana Winters Show), Lee goes in search of her daughter Flora. She is missing and finally found by Lee in the house on Roanoke Island. Flora wants to stay with Priscilla, the ghost girl, and take care of her, but she has to die for that. But Lee doesn't want her daughter to die and sacrifices himself to grant Flora's wish. The house goes up in flames and eventually explodes. Lee dies in the flames, Flora survives and is brought to safety by the police. Meanwhile the blood moon rose again. "The Butcher" and her colony finally reappear at the house, which is still surrounded by the police. Shortly afterwards, the first screams can be heard.

Season 7 (Cult)

Season seven logo

The seventh season premiered on September 5, 2017, with the final episode on November 14. It initially dealt with the 2016 presidential election - although Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton could only be seen in the form of TV images - while later a cult consisting of normal citizens, which in the population with its gruesome deeds for fear and The focus was on horror. At Cult only five actors acted as lead actor with (Paulson, Peter, Jackson, Lourd and Pill), less than in other seasons. Furthermore, Cult is the first season of the series, which does not contain any supernatural elements.

The plot of Cult begins with Donald Trump's election victory in November 2016 and takes place in the fictional suburb of Brookfield Heights, Michigan. The lesbian couple Ally and Ivy Mayfair-Richards, who raise their son Oz and run a restaurant together, take note of the choice with shock and fear that they will again be exposed to increased homophobic hostility in the future. Ally also suffers from several phobias, the worst from coulrophobia - the panic fear of clowns - which is why she consulted the psychiatrist Dr. Rudy Vincent is in treatment. In the weeks after the election, Ally was repeatedly the victim of supposed hallucinations by a group of horror clowns, who attacked her several times and also murdered a neighbor of the family who was an elected member of the city council.

The group of masked clowns turns out to be not as imaginary allys, but as part of the elaborate plan of the young Kai Anderson. Inspired by Trump's electoral success and his own ability to manipulate and persuade, Kai gradually builds a cult around himself in order to advance his own political ambitions. First, he gradually recruited his younger sister Winter (whom he smuggled in as a nanny to Ivy and Ally), the frustrated local reporter Beverly Hope, the eccentric couple Meadow and Harrison Wilton (also neighbors of Ivy and Ally), the corrupt cop Jack Samuels and fanatical Trump supporter Gary Longstreet by confronting them all in one-on-one conversations with their deepest fears. Disguised as clowns, they commit several murders and terrorize the village. Beverly exploits this in the media and Kai uses the resulting fear to base his campaign for entry into the city council on populism and promises of security and stability. He doesn't even shy away from staging an attempted murder on himself in order to rise in the polls. Kai is eventually elected to the city council.

In the course of the season it turns out that Ivy has also been in Kai's cult since the beginning of the season and that her wife Ally has secretly hated Oz since the birth of Oz, because she carried Oz and brought him into the world and thus claims a closer bond with him. Her personal pursuit in the cult is to drive Ally to the brink of sanity through her phobias in order to obtain sole custody of Oz. In the course of Kai's assassination attempt on herself, Ally is finally transferred to a closed psychiatric facility for a short time, although she was not the shooter, and loses custody. Ivy leaves her under the pretext she has made that Winter wanted to start an affair with Ally. Strangely enough, Ivy's plan backfires: The experiences of the last few weeks are healing Ally's phobias and with the aim of regaining Oz, she herself joins Kai's cult, which has meanwhile expanded to include a kind of vigilante group consisting of young men from all over the country has been.

In the following, however, more and more tensions arise within the cult. The women involved Beverly, Winter, Ivy and Ally recognize that in Kai's view of the world - contrary to his statements that he wants to improve society as a whole - men are superior to women in every respect (which turns out to be ironic, since Kai's ambitions originally came from a radical feminist from the environment of Valerie Solanas ). At the same time, different cult members attack each other: Winter shoots Detective Samuels after he tries to rape her. Ally poisons Ivy in revenge, at the same time she reveals to Kai that her psychiatrist Doctor Vincent, who turns out to be Kai and Winter's older brother, plans to betray the cult and its murders to the authorities. Kai then kills his own brother. Ally also uses forged documents to tell Kai that, as a sperm donor, he was Oz's biological father.

Kai, on the other hand, becomes increasingly paranoid in the course of his political rise, allows his followers to address himself as “divine leader” and increasingly manically suspects a traitor in the cult. Since he suspects his own sister Winter to be a traitor, he strangles her too. The cult finally collapses when Kai and his vigilantes prepare to kill one hundred pregnant women and their home is stormed by the FBI. All members of the vigilante group die in the firefight, while Kai is transferred to a maximum security prison. Only now is it revealed to the viewer that Ally has been playing a double game since her brief arrest after the "assassination attempt" on Kai. The FBI kept an eye on Kai longer, but in order to get concrete evidence, Ally was guaranteed complete criminal immunity if she infiltrated the cult for it.

Next, Ally is running for Michigan Senator - a plan Kai had previously followed. In a television duel with her opponent Herbert Jackson, however, Kai threatens her with a gun. He had previously escaped from federal prison with the help of a prison guard manipulated by him. Kai's pistol turns out to be unloaded and the attendant in question - Gloria - is actually working with Ally. While still on the podium, Kai is finally shot by Beverly.

The season ends with Ally putting Oz to bed and cryptically telling him that she was still meeting a group of powerful women whose goal would also be to comprehensively renew the political value system in the United States. After Oz falls asleep, Ally puts on a green hooded robe and it is implied that she herself has started a new cult - in the tradition of the fanatical feminist Valerie Solanas.

Over the course of the season there are several flashbacks of "cults" of various forms in the 20th century, including the leaders Andy Warhol , Jim Jones and also Charles Manson (all also played by Evan Peters) and Valerie Solanas, who inspired Kai.

Season 8 (Apocalypse)

Season eight logo

In Apocalypse the action takes place in the near future in which a nuclear disaster the world has transformed into a post-apocalyptic scene. However, a few people have escaped the end of the world unscathed by being brought to safety by an organization called The Cooperative because of their special genetic makeup. Two of them, Timothy and Emily, are housed in an underground bunker called Outpost 3 , which is run by Ms. Venable and her right hand man, Ms. Mead. There Timothy and Emily meet other survivors, including the spoiled millionaire daughter Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt, her assistant Mallory, her personal hairdresser Mr. Gallant and his grandmother Evie. After the survivors have lived by Ms. Venable's strict rules for 18 months and vital resources are slowly becoming scarce, a man arrives at “Outpost” 3 who pretends to be Michael Langdon from the “Cooperative”. The reason for his appearance is to interrogate every single person in order to decide who deserves to find refuge in the “holy place” ( sanctuary ). After Ms. Venable is denied entry to the holy place, she makes the decision to poison all survivors and kill Michael Langdon in order to be able to locate the holy place with his laptop. With the help of Ms. Mead, Ms. Venable manages to poison the survivors. She orders her playmate, who turns out to be a cyborg and programmed to obey Ms. Venable, to shoot Michael Langdon. However, Langdon mentally steers the gun at Ms. Venable, whereupon she is shot by Ms. Mead. It turns out that Michael Langdon created Ms. Mead and modeled her in the image of a woman who was once his adoptive mother.

Cordelia, Myrtle and Madison from the Coven season appear in "Outpost 3" and bring Mallory, Coco and Dinah back to life by the poisoned. Cordelia explains to them that they are witches too. You then face Michael Langdon. In a flashback one learns that Michael Langdon and the coven have a common history.

Season 9 (1984)

Season 9 logo

In April 2019 it was announced that Evan Peters would not be represented as an actor for the first time since the beginning of the series in the ninth season. After Sarah Paulson only played leading roles from the second season, she did not play in 1984 either.

In the USA, the season ran from September 18 to November 13, 2019, in Germany between November 28, 2019 and January 23, 2020. It pays homage to horror slasher films of the 1980s such as Friday the 13th. or Bloody Summer - The Camp of Horror .

Season 10

At the beginning of 2020, Ryan Murphy confirmed Sarah Paulson as well as the regulars Kathy Bates , Leslie Grossman , Billie Lourd , Evan Peters , Adina Porter , Lily Rabe , Angelica Ross and Finn Wittrock as actors. In addition, Macaulay Culkin will also play a role.


In February 2011, FX had requested a pilot for a possible series, whereupon Ryan Murphy wrote a script with Brad Falchuk that Murphy wanted to film himself as a director. Dante Di Loreto was eventually listed as an executive producer. Production of the series finally began in April 2011. On July 18, 2011, FX officially ordered the first season. On August 3, 2011 it was announced that the writing team would be comprised of Tim Minear ( Angel , The X-Files - The FBI's Creepy Cases ), Jennifer Salt ( Nip / Tuck ), James Wong ( Final Destination , Final Destination 3 ) and Jessica Sharzer got a new addition.

In October 2011 the series was extended for a second season. It began broadcasting in America on October 17, 2012 and is running under the title American Horror Story: Asylum . On November 15, 2012, FX announced the production of a thirteen-part third season that aired October 9, 2013 through January 29, 2014.

In October 2013, after four broadcast episodes of the third season, a fourth season was announced, the broadcast of which began on October 8, 2014. Among other things, this is about a kind of fair in the 1950s. In an interview with Buzzfeed , Jessica Lange announced that the fourth season will be her last on the series. In November it was confirmed that Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett will be returning for season four.

Due to the audience record of over 6 million viewers set by the first broadcast episode of the fourth season, FX ordered a fifth season of the series in October 2014. In February 2015, the pop singer Lady Gaga was cast in one of the leading roles of the fifth season.

As the font for the title logo, the creators used the Rennie Mackintosh , which is based on the original by Charles Rennie Mackintosh .

Cast and dubbing

The German synchronization was based on dialogue books by Martin Keßler (season 1), Tobias Neumann (season 1 to 6), Marcel Collé , Maja Condrus (season 2), Tammo Kaulbarsch (season 3), Karlo Hackenberger (season 6 to 8) and Christian Kahler (season 7 and 8) under the dialogue director of Collé (season 1 to 5) and Hack Berger (season 6 to 8) by the synchronous company arena synchronous GmbH , Berlin.

Season 1 (Murder House)

Connie Britton can be seen in the first season as the homeowner Vivien Harmon .
actor role Main role
Supporting role
Voice actor
Connie Britton Vivien Harmon 1.01–1.12 Melanie Pukass
Dylan McDermott Dr. Benjamin "Ben" Harmon 1.01–1.12 Peter Flechtner
Evan Peters Tate Langdon 1.01–1.12 Jan Rohrbach
Taissa Farmiga Violet Harmon 1.01–1.08, 1.10–1.12 Luisa Wietzorek
Denis O'Hare Larry Harvey 1.01-1.05, 1.07, 1.09-1.10 Udo Schenk
Jessica Lange Constance Langdon 1.01–1.07, 1.09–1.12 Karin Buchholz
Frances Conroy Moira O'Hara 1.01–1.09, 1.11–1.12 Helga Sasse
Alexandra Breckenridge young Moira O'Hara 1.01-1.03, 1.07, 1.09, 1.12 Maria Koschny
Jamie Brewer Adelaide Langdon 1.01–1.02, 1.04–1.05, 1.10, 1.12 Marie-Luise Schramm
Christine Estabrook Marcy (broker) 1.01, 1.03-1.04, 1.07-1.08, 1.12 Claudia Kleiber
Kai and Bodhi Schulz Troy and Bryan 1.01, 1.04-1.05, 1.12 Alexander Landmann
Kate Mara Hayden McClaine 1.02–1.05, 1.08–1.09, 1.11–1.12 Luise Helm
Michael Graziadei Travis Wanderly 1.02, 1.04, 1.09-1.10, 1.12 Tobias Nath
Lily raven Nora Montgomery 1.03–1.05, 1.07–1.08, 1.11–1.12 Cathlen Gawlich
Matt Ross Charles Montgomery 1.03-1.04, 1.06-1.07, 1.09, 1.11 Viktor Neumann
Zachary Quinto Chad Warwick 1.04–1.05, 1.08, 1.11 Timmo Niesner
Teddy Sears Patrick 1.04–1.05, 1.08, 1.11 Oliver Field
Morris Chestnut Officer Luke 1.04–1.09 Tobias Kluckert
Sarah Paulson Billie Dean Howard 1.06, 1.09, 1.11 Ulrike Stürzbecher
Rebecca Wisocky Lorraine Harvey 1.07, 1.10, 1.12 Ulrike Möckel
Mena Suvari Elizabeth Short 1.09, 1.12 Julia digit

Season 2 (Asylum)

Zachary Quinto is homeowner Chad Warwick in season 1 , and as Dr. See Oliver Thredson .
actor role Main role
Supporting role
Voice actor
Joseph Fiennes Monsignor Timothy Howard 2.01-2.02, 2.04, 2.06, 2.08-2.13 Frank Schaff
Sarah Paulson Lana Winters 2.01-2.13 Ulrike Stürzbecher
Evan Peters Kit Walker 2.01-2.13 Jan Rohrbach
Lily raven Sister Mary Eunice 2.01-2.10 Cathlen Gawlich
Lizzie Brocheré Grace Bertrand 2.01-2.05, 2.07-2.12 Kaya Marie Möller
James Cromwell Dr. Arthur Arden / Hans Gruber 2.01-2.10 Jochen Schröder
Jessica Lange Sister Jude / Judy Martin 2.01-2.13 Karin Buchholz
Zachary Quinto Dr. Oliver Thredson 2.02-2.13 Timmo Niesner
Adam Levine Leo Morrison 2.01-2.03, 2.06, 2.13 Jaron Lowenberg
Jenna Dewan-Tatum Teresa Morrison 2.01-2.03, 2.06 Giuliana Jakobeit
Britne Oldford Alma Walker 2.01, 2.04-2.05, 2.08, 2.11-2.12 Nicole Hannak
Naomi Grossman Pepper 2.01-2.03, 2.09-2.13 Elke Appelt
Chloë Sevigny Shelley 2.01-2.06 Anna Carlsson
Mark Consuelos Spivey 2.01, 2.03, 2.06, 2.10 Matthias Rimpler
Clea DuVall Wendy Peyser 2.01-2.02, 2.05, 2.12 Peggy Sander
Fredric backrest Frank McCann 2.02-2.05, 2.07-2.09 Erich Rauker
Franka Potente " Anne Frank " / Charlotte Brown 2.04-2.05 Natascha Schaff
Mark Margolis Sam Goodman 2.05-2.07 Friedrich Georg Beckhaus
Dylan McDermott Johnny Morgan 2.06, 2.09, 2.11-2.13 Peter Flechtner
Frances Conroy Shachath (angel of death) 2.07, 2.09-2.10, 2.12-2.13 Helga Sasse
Ian McShane Leigh Emerson 2.08-2.09 Lutz Riedel
Barbara Tarbuck Sister Claudia 2.08-2.09, 2.11 Isabella Grothe
Notes (Season 2)
  1. Lily Rabe embodies the role of Mary Eunice also in the fourth season.
  2. Zachary Quinto is only listed in the opening credits of the first episode.
  3. Naomi Grossman embodies the role of Pepper also in the fourth season.
  4. Dylan McDermott is not featured in any of the episodes.

Season 3 (Coven)

Kathy Bates plays the racist serial killer Delphine Lalaurie in season
three .
actor role Main role
Supporting role
Voice actor
Sarah Paulson Cordelia Foxx 3.01-3.13 Ulrike Stürzbecher
Taissa Farmiga Zoe Benson 3.01-3.13 Luisa Wietzorek
Frances Conroy Myrtle Snow 3.01, 3.04-3.05, 3.08-3.13 Katharina Lopinski
Evan Peters Kyle Spencer 3.01-3.04, 3.06-3.09, 3.11-3.13 Jan Rohrbach
Lily raven Misty Day 3.01-3.03, 3.05-3.06, 3.08-3.10, 3.12-3.13 Cathlen Gawlich
Emma Roberts Madison Montgomery 3.01-3.13 Gabrielle Pietermann
Denis O'Hare Spalding 3.01-3.09, 3.11, 3.13 Udo Schenk
Kathy Bates Dolphins LaLaurie 3.01-3.05, 3.07-3.09, 3.11-3.12 Regina Lemnitz
Jessica Lange Fiona Goode 3.01-3.13 Karin Buchholz
Angela Bassett Marie Laveau 3.01-3.12 Anke Reitzenstein
Gabourey Sidibe Queenie 3.01-3.13 Maja Maneiro
Jamie Brewer Nan 3.01-3.10 Marie-Luise Schramm
Josh Hamilton Hank Foxx 3.02, 3.04-3.07, 3.09 Dennis Schmidt-Foss
Patti LuPone Joan Ramsey 3.03, 3.08-3.10 Katarina Tomaschewsky
Alexander Dreymon Luke Ramsey 3.03-3.05, 3.08-3.09 Marcel Collé
Danny Huston The axman 3.06-3.08, 3.10-3.13 Klaus-Dieter Klebsch
Stevie Nicks Stevie Nicks 3.09-3.10, 3.13 Denise Gorzelanny
Notes (Season 3)
  1. a b c Is listed as a Special Guest Star .

Notable guest actors

Alexandra Breckenridge appeared as Kaylee (3.04, 3.06), Lance Reddick as Papa Legba (3.10, 3.12-3.13).

Season 4 (Freak Show)

Jessica Lange announced she would be leaving the series after season four, but returned as a special guest star for season eight .
actor role Main role
Supporting role
Voice actor
Jessica Lange Elsa Mars 4.01-4.13 Karin Buchholz
Sarah Paulson Bette & Dot Tattler 4.01-4.07, 4.09-4.13 Ulrike Stürzbecher
Frances Conroy Gloria Mott 4.01-4.03, 4.05-4.09 Katharina Lopinski
Finn Wittrock Dandy Mott 4.01-4.09, 4.11-4.13 Roman Wolko
Evan Peters Jimmy Darling 4.01-4.13 Jan Rohrbach
Kathy Bates Ethel Darling 4.01-4.03, 4.05-4.09, 4.12-4.13 Regina Lemnitz
Michael Chiklis Wendell "Dell" Toledo 4.02-4.05, 4.07-4.11 Jörg Hengstler
Angela Bassett Desiree Dupree 4.02-4.05, 4.07-4.13 Anke Reitzenstein
Emma Roberts Maggie Esmerelda 4.03-4.12 Gabrielle Pietermann
Denis O'Hare Stanley 4.03-4.12 Udo Schenk
Skyler Samuels Bonnie Lipton 4.01-4.04 Maria Hönig
Naomi Grossman Pepper 4.01-4.10 Elke Appelt
John Carroll Lynch Twisty the clown 4.01-4.04, 4.13 Werner Böhnke
Ben Woolf Meep 4.01-4.02, 4.13 Marcel Collé
Mat Fraser Paul "The Illustrated Seal" 4.01-4.13 Tobias Lelle
Amazon Eve Eve 4.01-4.03, 4.05-4.13 Katrin Zimmermann
Jyoti Amge Mahadevi "Ma Petite" Patel 4.01-4.03, 4.05-4.11, 4.13 Julia Stoepel
Christopher Neiman Salty 4.01-4.10 Santiago Ziesmer
Grace Gummer penny 4.01, 4.06-4.08, 4.12-4.13 Julia Kaufmann
Patti LaBelle Dora Brown 4.02-4.05 Joseline Gassen
Celia Weston Lillian Hemmings 4.03-4.10, 4.12 Isabella Grothe
Notes (Season 4)
  1. Naomi Grossman embodied the role of Pepper in the second season.

Notable guest actors

During the season, several well-known actors were seen in guest roles. Jamie Brewer returned to the series in the form of the humanized ventriloquist dummy Marjorie in two episodes. Furthermore, Wes Bentley as Edward Mordrake (4.03–4.04, 4.13), Matt Bomer as Andy (4.05), Gabourey Sidibe as Regina Ross (4.05, 4.08–4.09), Danny Huston  as Massimo Dolcefino (4.08, 4.12–4.13), Neil Patrick Harris as Chester Creb (4.11–4.12) and his husband David Burtka as Michael Beck in guest roles. In the tenth episode, Lily Rabe was seen as Mary Eunice, who appeared in the second season of the series , and in the twelfth episode, John Cromwell in the role of Dr. Arthur Arden / Hans Gruber , who is played in the second season by his father James Cromwell .

Season 5 (Hotel)

Sarah Paulson had a supporting role in the first season, since the second season she has been part of the main cast.
actor role Main role
Supporting role
Voice actor
Kathy Bates iris 5.01-5.03, 5.05-5.12 Regina Lemnitz
Sarah Paulson Sally McKenna 5.01-5.05, 5.08, 5.10-5.12 Ulrike Stürzbecher
Billie Dean Howard 5.12
Evan Peters James Patrick March 5.02-5.04, 5.06-5.12 Jan Rohrbach
Wes Bentley John Lowe 5.01-5.08, 5.10-5.12 Alexander Doering
Matt Bomer Donovan 5.01-5.03, 5.05-5.06, 5.08-5.11 Simon hunter
Chloë Sevigny Alex Lowe 5.01-5.12 Anna Carlsson
Denis O'Hare Liz Taylor 5.01-5.06, 5.08-5.12 Udo Schenk
Cheyenne Jackson Will Drake 5.01-5.03, 5.06-5.07, 5.09-5.12 Jaron Lowenberg
Angela Bassett Ramona Royale 5.03, 5.05-5.06, 5.09-5.12 Anke Reitzenstein
Lady Gaga Elizabeth Johnson 5.01-5.12 Jacqueline Belle
Helena Mattsson Agnetha 5.01-5.02, 5.06, 5.12 Ingrid Gustafsson
Kamilla Alnes Vendela 5.01, 5.06, 5.12 Josefin Hagen
Max Greenfield Gabriel 5.01-5.03 Robin Kahnmeyer
Mare Winningham Hazel Evers 5.01-5.04, 5.06-5.12 Silke Matthias
Richard T. Jones Det. Hahn 5.01-5.04, 5.06, 5.08 Tobias Kluckert
Lennon Henry Holden Lowe 5.01-5.06, 5.08, 5.10-5.12 Manik Gaschina
Shree Crooks Scarlett Lowe 5.01-5.04, 5.06, 5.11-5.12 Melina Witez
Lyric Lennon Parker-Angel Lachlan Drake 5.01-5.03, 5.06-5.07, 5.09 Oliver Szerkus
Finn Wittrock Tristan Duffy 5.02-5.06, 5.12 Roman Wolko
Rudolph Valentino 5.07, 5.09-5.10
Anton Starkman Max Ellison 5.02-5.03, 5.05, 5.09-5.11 Henning Berg
John Carroll Lynch John Wayne Gacy 5.04, 5.12 Werner Böhnke
Lily raven Aileen Wuornos 5.04, 5.12 Cathlen Gawlich
Alexandra Daddario Natacha Rambova 5.07, 5.09-5.10 Rubina Kuraoka
Notes (Season 5)
  1. Sarah Paulson played the role of Billie Dean Howard in the first season of the series.
  2. a b Will be listed as a Special Guest Star .

Notable guest actors

Christine Estabrook was seen again after the first season in her role as real estate agent Marcy and embodied the character in three episodes (5.01, 5.07 and 5.12). In addition, Gabourey Sidibe also returned for the eleventh episode as Queenie , which she played in the third season. Next embodied Naomi Campbell Claudia Bankson (5:02 to 5:03), Darren Criss , the role of Justin (5:05 to 5:06), and Robert Knepper the role of a Police Lieutenant (5:05).

Season 6 (Roanoke)

Cuba Gooding Jr. completes the main cast in season six and plays Dominic Banks .
actor role Role in My Roanoke Nightmare Main role
Supporting role
Voice actor
Kathy Bates Agnes Mary Winstead Thomasin "The Butcher" White 6.01–6.08, 6.10 Regina Lemnitz
Sarah Paulson Audrey Tindall Shelby Miller 6.01-6.10 Ulrike Stürzbecher
Lana Winters 6.10
Lily raven Shelby Miller 6.01–6.08, 6.10 Cathlen Gawlich
Cuba Gooding Jr. Dominic Banks Matt Miller 6.01-6.10 Dietmar miracle
André Holland Matt Miller 6.01–6.07, 6.10 Stefan Günther
Denis O'Hare William van Henderson Dr. Elias Cunningham 6.01–6.02, 6.04–6.05, 6.10 Udo Schenk
Wes Bentley Dylan Ambrose White 6.01–6.05, 6.08–6.10 Alexander Doering
Evan Peters Rory Monahan Edward Felippe Mott 6.05–6.07, 6.10 Jan Rohrbach
Cheyenne Jackson Sidney Aaron James 6.03 (vote), 6.06–6.07, 6.10 Jaron Lowenberg
Angela Bassett Monet Tumusiime Lee Harris 6.01–6.03, 6.05–6.10 Anke Reitzenstein
Adina Porter Lee Harris 6.01–6.03, 6.05–6.10 Katrin Zimmermann
Charles Malik Whitfield Mason Harris 6.01–6.03 Sascha Rotermund
Colby French Officer Connell 6.01–6.03, 6.05 Detlef Bierstedt
Chaz Bono Lot Polk 6.01, 6.05–6.06, 6.10 Tino Kießling
Lady Gaga Scáthach 6.02–6.04 Jacqueline Belle
Saniyya Sidney Flora Harris 6.02, 6.04–6.05 Marie Lemke
Estelle Hermansen Priscilla 6.02, 6.04–6.05 Pauline Grossmeier
Leslie Jordan Ashley Gilbert Cricket Marlowe 6.03–6.04, 6.10 Lutz Mackensy
Susan Berger Thomasin "The Butcher" White 6.07, 6.09–6.10
Frederick Koehler Lot Polk 6.07-6.10 Tim Sander
Notes (Season 6)
  1. Lily Rabe, André Holland and Adina Porter represent the real people who can be seen in the documentary as interviewees, while other actors impersonate actors in the re-enacted scenes.
  2. Sarah Paulson embodied the role of Lana Winters in the second season of the series.

Notable guest actors

Frances Conroy is in the fifth episode in re- enacted scenes as Mama Polk and Robin Weigert as the real character (6.07–6.08). Finn Wittrock is again represented in the seventh and eighth episodes as a real Jether Polk . The ninth episode also features Jacob Artist as Todd Connors and Taissa Farmiga as Sophie Green , who is back in the series for the first time since the third season.

Season 7 (Cult)

Evan Peters is the only actor who has a lead role on all seasons.
actor role Main role
Supporting role
Voice actor
Sarah Paulson Allyson "Ally" Mayfair-Richards 7.01-7.11 Ulrike Stürzbecher
Susan Atkins 7.10
Evan Peters Kai Anderson 7.01-7.11 Jan Rohrbach
Andy Warhol 7.07
Marshall Applewhite 7.09
David Koresh 7.09
Jim Jones 7.09
Jesus 7.09
Charles Manson 7.10-7.11
Billie Lourd Winter Anderson 7.01-7.10 Lara Trautmann
Linda Kasabian 7.10
Cheyenne Jackson Dr. Rudy Vincent / Vincent Anderson 7.01–7.06, 7.08, 7.10 Jaron Lowenberg
Alison Pill Ivy Mayfair-Richards 7.01-7.09 Manja Doering
Cooper Dodson Ozymandias "Oz" Mayfair-Richards 7.01–7.03, 7.05, 7.09, 7.11 Jaron Müller
Colton Haynes Det. Jack Samuels 7.01–7.03, 7.05–7.06, 7.08 Florian Clyde
Chaz Bono Gary Longstreet 7.01, 7.04-7.10 Tino Kießling
John Carroll Lynch Twisty the clown 7.01-7.02 Werner Böhnke
Adina Porter Beverly Hope 7.02-7.11 Katrin Zimmermann
Leslie Grossman Meadow Wilton 7.02-7.06 Bianca Krahl
Patricia "Katie" Krenwinkel 7.10
Billy Eichner Harrison Wilton 7.02–7.07 Florian Hoffmann
Charles "Tex" Watson 7.10
Dermot Mulroney Bob Thompson 7.03–7.05 Charles Rettinghaus
Notes (Season 7)
  1. Will be listed as a Special Guest Star .

Notable guest actors

Emma Roberts , who played a leading role in each of the third and fourth seasons, starred as reporter Serena Belinda in the fourth episode. Mare Winningham impersonated the city council candidate Sally Keffler in the sixth episode. Frances Conroy , who has been in all seasons except Hotel , appeared for two episodes as Bebe Babbitt , the friend of author Valerie Solanas ( Lena Dunham ). Jamie Brewer , known from the first, third and fourth seasons, played Hedda , one of the women in Valerie Solanas' group. All three appeared in the seventh episode, with Conroy also appearing again in episode 10, and were listed as "Special Guest Stars" just like Roberts.

Season 8 (Apocalypse)

Joan Collins adds to the cast in season eight.
actor role Main role
Supporting role
Voice actor
Sarah Paulson Wilhemina Venable 8.01–8.04, 8.08–8.10 Ulrike Stürzbecher
Cordelia Goode 8.03–8.05, 8.07–8.10
Billie Dean Howard 8.06
Evan Peters Mr. Gallant 8.01–8.03, 8.10 Jan Rohrbach
James Patrick March 8.04
Tate Langdon 8.06
Jeff Pfister 8.08-8.10
Adina Porter Dinah Stevens 8.01–8.04, 8.07, 8.09–8.10 Katrin Zimmermann
Billie Lourd Mallory 8.01–8.05, 8.07, 8.09–8.10 Lara Trautmann
Leslie Grossman Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt 8.01–8.05, 8.07, 8.09–8.10 Bianca Krahl
Cody Fern Michael Langdon 8.01–8.06, 8.08–8.10 Jeremias Koschorz
Kathy Bates Miriam Mead 8.01-8.10 Regina Lemnitz
Dolphins LaLaurie 8.10
Emma Roberts Madison Montgomery 8.03–8.07, 8.09–8.10 Gabrielle Pietermann
Cheyenne Jackson John Henry Moore 8.04–8.05, 8.07, 8.09 Jaron Lowenberg
Billy Eichner Brock 8.01, 8.03, 8.10 Florian Hoffmann
Mutt Nutter 8.08-8.10
Joan Collins Evie Gallant 8.01-8.02 Liane Rudolph
Bubbles McGee 8.07, 8.09
Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman Andre Stevens 8.01–8.03 Karlo Hackenberger
Kyle Allen Timothy Campbell 8.01–8.03, 8.10 Konrad Bösherz
Ashley Santos Emily 8.01–8.03, 8.10 Marie Hinze
Erika Ervin The Fist 8.01–8.03 Judith Steinhäuser
Frances Conroy Myrtle Snow 8.03–8.05, 8.07, 8.09–8.10 Katharina Lopinski
Moira O'Hara 8.06
Taissa Farmiga Zoe Benson 8.04–8.05, 8.07, 8.09–8.10 Luisa Wietzorek
Violet Harmon 8.06
Gabourey Sidibe Queenie 8.04–8.05, 8.07, 8.09–8.10 Maja Maneiro
Billy Porter Behold Chablis 8.04–8.07, 8.09 Florian Halm
Bradley Darryl Wong Baldwin Pennypacker 8.04–8.05, 8.07 Rainer Fritzsche
Lily raven Misty Day 8.05, 8.10 Cathlen Gawlich
Jessica Lange Constance Langdon 8.06, 8.10 Karin Buchholz
Naomi Grossman Samantha Crowe 8.06, 8.10 Elke Appelt
Carlo Rota Anton Szandor LaVey 8.06, 8.10 Erich Rauker
Jamie Brewer Nan 8.07, 8.10 Marie-Luise Schramm
Notes (Season 8)
  1. a b c Is listed as a Special Guest Star .

Notable guest actors

Lesley Fera appeared as the "Cooperative" agent (8.01). Stevie Nicks played himself in episode 5 and, like in the third season, sang a song. Mena Suvari appeared as Elizabeth "The Black Dahlia" Short in a scene from episode 8.06 - she played this role in the first season ( Murder House ). Moreover occurred Connie Britton and Dylan McDermott as special guests each in 8:06 in their roles from the first season on. Lance Reddick appeared on 7/8 in the role he played in season three. In episode 8.08 Sandra Bernhard could be seen as the satanic high priestess Hannah and Harriet Sansom Harris in the role of Madelyn . Mark Ivanir played Emperor Nicholas II of Russia in two scenes in 9/8. Moreover embodied Angela Bassett in 10.08 Marie Laveau , their role in the third season.

Season 9 (1984)

actor role Main role
Supporting role
Voice actor
Emma Roberts Brooke Thompson 9.01–9.09 Gabrielle Pietermann
Billie Lourd Montana Duke 9.01–9.09 Lara Trautmann
Leslie Grossman Margaret Booth 9.01–9.02, 9.04–9.09 Bianca Krahl
Cody Fern Xavier Plympton 9.01–9.09 Jeremias Koschorz
Gus Kenworthy Chet Clancy 9.01–9.09 Sebastian Kluckert
Angelica Ross Donna Chambers / Rita 9.01–9.09 Anja Stadlober
Matthew Morrison Trevor Kirchner 9.01–9.04, 9.06–9.09 Sven Hasper
John Carroll Lynch Benjamin Richter / "Mr. Jingles " 9.01–9.09 Detlef Bierstedt
Zach Villa Richard Ramirez 9.01–9.09 Tim Knauer
DeRon Horton Ray Powell 9.01–9.03, 9.05–9.09 Fabian Oscar Vienna
Orla Brady Dr. Karen Hopple 9.01–9.04 Sabine Falkenberg
Lou Taylor Pucci Jonas Shevoore 9.01–9.02, 9.05, 9.08–9.09 Vanya Gerick
Tara Karsian Bertie 9.01, 9.04, 9.09 Almut Zydra
Mitch Pileggi Art 9.01, 9.03 Reinhard Scheunemann
Renton Pexa Keith 9.03–9.04, 9.07–9.09
Andrew Tippie Larry 9.03–9.04, 9.07–9.09
Sean Liang Pete 9.03, 9.07–9.09
Leslie Jordan Courtney 9.06–9.09
Dylan McDermott Bruce 9.07–9.09
Lily raven Lavinia Richter 9.07–9.09

Notable guest actors

Dreama Walker had a guest appearance as the real Rita in the third episode of the season, while Finn Wittrock was seen in the ninth episode in the season finale as the adult son of Mr. Jingles.

Season 10

actor role Main role
Supporting role
Voice actor
Kathy Bates
Macaulay Culkin
Leslie Grossman
Billie Lourd
Sarah Paulson
Evan Peters
Adina Porter
Lily raven
Angelica Ross
Finn Wittrock

Episode list

Opening credits

The leading actors appearing in the relevant season are named in the opening credits of the series. The opening credits of the various seasons differ from each other. Visually, they always pick up on the overarching theme of the season without explicitly referring to the plot and characters. For example, the opening credits for the third season, Coven, contain various aspects of a witch's sabbath without explicitly referring to the witches in the season. Sometimes, however, there are also references to the further course of the season: The opening credits for season 5 fade in several of the Ten Commandments, but it only becomes clear in the course of the season to what extent these are significant for the plot. The focus on pickled fetuses and photos of children in the opening credits of Murder House only becomes apparent to the viewer during the course of the season.

The music in the opening credits always uses the same theme, the arrangement is different for some seasons. String instruments are not played with a bow, but plucked. Atonal noise is used when the main actors are faded in. In season 4, Freak Show , the theme is drowned out with circus music. In season 5 the theme is varied with violin music and stronger basses. In season 7, distinctive parts of the music are voiced by brass, reminiscent of American marching bands. The opening credits of the 8th season go back to the roots and you can hear a less "modified" theme music, which is similar to that of the first and third seasons. Many pictures from the opening sequences from the seasons “Murder House” and “Coven” are also used. In the intro to season 9, the opening credits are for the first time not varied, but replaced by a version played by synthesizers and drum computers, as they are stereotypically associated with music from the 1980s.

In the title sequences for Cult and 1984 , the series name was replaced by the acronym AHS .

A big exception is the sixth season, where an opening credits were omitted in favor of the mockumentary style. Instead, only the title is displayed on a black background. For the first time, the actors and crew members are only listed in the credits and not with the title overlay during the episode. The title music is used in the credits instead.


Jessica Lange won the Satellite Award in 2011 , the Golden Globe Award in 2012 and the Critics' Choice Television Award and the Primetime Emmy in 2014 .

Kathy Bates won the 2014 Primetime Emmy for Best Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Film for the role of Delphine Lalaurie in American Horror Story Coven.

James Cromwell also won a Primetime Emmy in 2013.

Lady Gaga won a 2016 Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Miniseries or TV Movie for her role in American Horror Story Hotel.


Entertainment Weekly chose the thirteenth episode of the second season, The madness is over ( Madness ends ), ranked four of their top 10 best TV episodes of the year, 2013.

DVD and Blu-ray publishing

United States
  • Season 1 was released on September 25, 2012
  • Season 2 was released on October 8, 2013
  • Season 3 was released on October 7, 2014
  • Season 4 was released on October 6, 2015
  • Season 5 was released on October 4, 2016
  • Season 6 was released on October 3, 2017
Great Britain
  • Season 1 was released on October 15, 2012
  • Season 2 was released on October 21, 2013
  • Season 3 was released on October 20, 2014
  • Season 4 was released on October 16, 2015
  • Season 5 was released on October 3, 2016
  • Season 6 was released on September 11, 2017
  • Season 1 was released on DVD on July 26, 2013
  • Season 2 was released on DVD on February 28, 2014
  • Season 1 was released on November 14, 2014 on Blu-ray Disc
  • Season 2 was released on November 14, 2014 on Blu-ray Disc
  • Season 3 was released on February 26, 2015 on DVD and Blu-ray Disc
  • Season 4 was released on April 7, 2016 on DVD and Blu-ray Disc
  • Season 5 was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on October 13, 2016
  • Season 6 was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on September 28, 2017
  • Season 7 was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on September 27, 2018
  • Season 8 was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on September 26, 2019

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bernd Michael Krannich: FOX Channel shows American Horror Story as early as November . . September 22, 2011. Retrieved October 17, 2011.
  2. Guaranteed until 2023: Scary with “American Horror Story” , accessed on January 9, 2020
  5. American Horror Story season 9: Release date, theme, cast and everything you need to know ,, accessed on March 29, 2019 (English)
  6. Life Magazine Article displayed on - accessed October 18, 2015
  7. 7 American Horror Story Characters Who Have Appeared on More Than 1 Season. Retrieved October 13, 2016 .
  8. Here's The Story Behind That 'Life On Mars' Performance On 'American Horror Story: Freak Show', October 9, 2014, accessed April 20, 2016
  9. Evan Peters says he will not be returning for American Horror Story season 9 ,, accessed April 11, 2019
  10. Sarah Paulson Reportedly Will Not Star in “American Horror Story: 1984” Sarah Paulson Reportedly Will Not Star in “American Horror Story: 1984” ,, accessed on July 9, 2019 (English)
  11. FX 2019: Start dates for AHS 1984, Always Sunny, Mayans MC and more ,, accessed on June 25, 2019
  12. ^ Sarah Paulson Is Returning For 'American Horror Story'; How She Is Prepping For Linda Tripp In Next 'American Crime Story' - TCA ,, accessed April 26, 2020
  13. Ryan Murphy Reveals 'AHS' Season 10 Cast: Macaulay Culkin Joins, Evan Peters and Kathy Bates Return ,, accessed April 26, 2020
  14. Daniel Fienberg: FX orders 'American Horror Story' from 'Glee' pair . In: Entertainment Weekly . February 17, 2011. Retrieved February 17, 2011.
  15. FX Orders "American Horror Story" to Series
  16. ^ Lesley Goldberg: 'American Horror Story' Adds Tim Minear, 3 More Writers (Exclusive) . In: The Hollywood Reporter . August 3, 2011. Retrieved August 3, 2011.
  17. ^ Robert Seidman: FX Renews 'American Horror Story' for a Second Season . TV by the Numbers . October 31, 2011. Retrieved October 31, 2011.
  20. Lenka Hladikova: American Horror Story: FX orders third season of the horror series . In: . November 15, 2012. Retrieved November 16, 2012.
  21. Andrea Reiher: 'American Horror Story: Coven' premieres Oct. 9 on FX . In: . August 27, 2013. Archived from the original on August 28, 2013. Retrieved on August 27, 2013.
  22. 'American Horror Story' renewed for 4th season , accessed November 7, 2013
  23. Jessica Lange Is Leaving “American Horror Story” Behind , accessed November 7, 2013
  24. 'American Horror Story': Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett approached to return for season 4 - EXCLUSIVE , accessed November 14, 2013
  25. Matt Webb Mitovich, American Horror Story Renewed for Season 5, After Freak Show Sets Record . In: . October 13, 2014. Retrieved October 13, 2014.
  26. Arthur A .: “American Horror Story” Season 5 finds a new leading actress . In: . February 25, 2015. Retrieved February 25, 2015.
  27. a b c d e f g h i j k American Horror Story. In: German dubbing file , accessed on April 13, 2020 .
  28. Joey DiGuglielmo: flamboyantly funny . In: Washington Blade . June 2, 2016. Retrieved July 5, 2016.
  29. Ryan Murphy on Instagram on February 26, 2020
  30. Rejoice! Sarah Paulson is coming back to American Horror Story , accessed January 10, 2020
  31. 10 Best TV Episodes of 2013. , December 24, 2013, accessed December 27, 2013 (English).