Nekrolog 1782

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This is a list of famous people who died in 1782 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 1st Johann Christian Bach German composer and son of Johann Sebastian Bach 46
January 1st Juan Crespí Spanish missionary 60
January 3rd Friedrich Wilhelm von Thile Prussian Major General and Chief of Infantry Regiment No. 28
January 4th Ange-Jacques Gabriel French architect 83
11th January Joseph Johann Kauffmann Austrian painter 74
13th January Ernst Heinrich von Czettritz Prussian lieutenant general 68
January 18th John Pringle British medic 74
January 20th Christian Ernst Simonetti Lutheran theologian 81
21th January Johann Ludwig Nöthiger Swiss engraver
January 25th Carl Samuel Neumann Edler von Buchholt Member of the provincial administration of the Temescher Banat, hereditary-Austrian nobility
January 27th Leopoldine Marie of Anhalt-Dessau Princess of Anhalt-Dessau, by marriage Margravine of Brandenburg-Schwedt 65
January 27th Johann Martin Mieding German carpenter 56
January 28th Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville French geographer 84
January 29th Johanna Charlotte Unzer German philosopher 56


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 9 Giuseppe Luigi Assemani Italian orientalist, professor of oriental languages ​​and liturgy
February 10th Friedrich Christoph Oetinger German theologian and pietist 79
February 11th Phaungkaza Maung Maung burmese king 18th
14th of February Manuel d'Amat i de Junyent Spanish viceroy in Peru
14th of February Christian Renatus Braun German lawyer 67
February 16 Heinrich Carl von Schimmelmann German-Danish politician 57
February 17th Joseph I. Prince von Schwarzenberg, German-Bohemian nobleman 59
20. February Andreas Trauttner German surveyor and map maker 79
February 24th François Jean-Philippe de Boccard French general 85
February 26th José Cadalso Spanish writer 40
February 26th Giovanni Battista Noferi Italian violinist and composer
February 28 Abraham Louis Michell Prussian envoy to London and deputy governor of Neuchâtel
February 28 Johann Nikolaus Ritter German organ builder 79


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st March Michael Fras German religious, mathematician and watchmaker 53
1st March John A. Treutlen American politician 48
2nd March Sophie of France Princess of France and Navarre 47
4th of March Ernst Martin Chladni German lawyer 66
4th of March Gaetano Matteo Pisoni Swiss architect 68
5. March Johann Martin Kraemer German builder and architect 68
7th March Hennow Ludwig von Barfus Mayor of Stargard in Pomerania and municipal district administrator
March 11 Georg August Langguth German medic 70
March 16 Johann Friedrich Schönemann German theater director 77
17. March Daniel Bernoulli Swiss mathematician 82
March 18th Ernst Jakob Danovius Lutheran theologian 41
March 22 Joachim Martin Falbe Portrait painter, eraser, draftsman 72
March 29 Karl Friedrich Johann Jakob von Linckersdorff Prussian major general in the army
March 30 Johann Gehmacher Salzburg-Austrian stonemason master of the baroque, judge in Kaisersteinbruch
March 30 Jakob Rüdiger von Zastrow Prussian major general
March Franz Wilhelm Rabaliatti Italian-German architect and court architect of Elector Karl Theodor
March Johan Vibe Norwegian poet 33


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2nd of April Carl Heinrich von Wedel Prussian Lieutenant General and Minister of War 69
April 5th Carl Andreas Bel German author and historian 64
April 6th Johann Tobias Krebs German philologist and educator 63
April 6th Taksin King of Siam 47
April 8th Johann Michael Kirschbaum German master weaver and author 56
10th of April Johann Sylvius von Rothkirch Prussian major general 67
12. April Pietro Metastasio Italian librettist, lyricist and author 84
April 16 Giuseppe Vasi Roman engraver and graphic artist 71
April 19th Ludwig von Buddenbrock Prussian Major General, Chief of Infantry Regiment No. 16 62
April 19th Marinos Charvouris Greek engineer
April 21 Jacob Friedrich Werner German rhetorician and historian 49
April 22 Josef Seger Bohemian composer, representative of the Old Bohemian School 66
April 23 Christoph Friedrich Duttenhofer German pastor and silk producer
April 24th Hans Jakob Pestalozzi Swiss entrepreneur 74
April 24th Peter Joseph du Plat Elector of Hanover cartographer and chief dichgrave 54
April 25 Maria Theresia Isabella von Blumenthal Philanthropist and chief stewardess to Wilhelmine of Prussia 69
26th of April Jakob Fröschle German painter 40
April 27 David Bruhn German Protestant theologian and hymn poet 54
April 27 John Campbell, 4th Earl of Loudoun British military 76
April 27 William Talbot, 1st Earl Talbot British nobleman and politician 71
April 29 Johann Ernst von Plötz royal Prussian colonel, head of a grenadier battalion, later head of the cadet corps and governor of Balga


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
1st of May Simon August Count of Lippe 54
2.May Alexander Gottlieb von Seydlitz Royal Prussian Major General and Chief of Hussar Regiment No. 8
May 4th Christian Rudolf von Weiher Prussian Major General and Chief of the Cuirassier Regiment No. 2 73
5th of May Bernardino Giraud Cardinal of the Roman Church 60
5th of May Jean-Charles Perrinet d'Orval French pyrotechnician and encyclopedist
May 6th Johann Caspar Füssli Swiss painter and writer 76
May 6th Christine Kirch Calendar maker and astronomer in Berlin 85
May 6th Roger von Ruttershausen Austrian district administrator, book censor, assessor of the kk religious consess 55
May 6th Johann Michael Strickner Austrian master stonemason and baroque sculptor, judge in Kaisersteinbruch
May 6th Wilhelm Bernhard Trommsdorff German physician, chemist and botanist 43
May 7th Carl Hermann Hemmerde German publisher 73
May 7th Henriette Marie of Brandenburg-Schwedt Granddaughter of the Great Elector and the daughter of Philipp Wilhelm von Brandenburg-Schwedt (1669–1711) 80
8th of May Sebastião José de Carvalho e Mello Head of Government of Portugal 82
May 9 Friedrich Carl von Gram Danish high court marshal, bailiff and secret conference councilor 80
10th of May Christian Friedrich von Bandemer Royal Prussian Major General 64
May 13th Johann August von Hellfeld German legal scholar 65
May 13th Daniel Solander Swedish botanist 49
May 14th Magnus Sommar Swedish theologian 71
May 15 Philipp Friedrich von Rieger Württemberg general 59
May 15 Richard Wilson Welsh landscape painter and co-founder of the Royal Academy of Arts in 1768 67
May 15 Eustachio Zanotti Italian geometer and astronomer 73
17th of May Karl Leberecht von dem Bussche Royal Prussian Colonel and Commander of Grenadier Battalion No. 6 75
May 19th Isaac locks Mayor of Elberfeld 74
May 20th Ernst Friedrich von Podewils Pomeranian District Administrator
May 20th Christoph Gottlieb Schröter German composer 82
May 21 Michael Adam Bergmann German historian, mayor and mayor of Munich 48
May 21 Robert Monckton General and Governor of the English colony of New York 55
May 22 Friederike Caroline Luise of Hessen-Darmstadt Princess of Hessen-Darmstadt, by marriage Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz 29
May 22 Daniel Triller German medic and writer 87
May 22 Friedrich Gottlieb Zoller German legal scholar 64
May 24th Carl Heinrich von Peistel German hymnographer and pietist 78
25. May Johann Caspar Goethe Frankfurt lawyer and father of Johann Wolfgang Goethe 71
28th of May Jacob Wilhelm Haniel German businessman 48
28th of May Ernst Friedrich Wernsdorf German Protestant theologian and church historian 63
May Conrad Lüder from Pentz Mecklenburg nobleman and genealogist 53


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2th of June Ludwig Eberhard von Gemmingen Hanover government councilor and minister of state as well as Grand Bailiff in Celle and Hanover 62
3rd of June Ketewan Andronikashvili Georgian nobles and the first wife of King Giorgi XII. from Kartlien-Kakheti
8th June Johann Wilhelm waiter from Zinnendorf Founder of the Great State Lodge of the Freemasons of Germany 50
June 10th Franz Ludwig von Thürheim Austrian field marshal 71
June 11th William Crawford American officer and geometer in the service of George Washington
June 11th Juan de Torrezar Díaz y Pimienta Viceroy of New Granada
June 13th Anna Göldi Swiss justice victim 47
18th of June Marcantonio Marcolini Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church 60
18th of June John Wood the Younger British builder
June 21st Georg Wilhelm of Hessen-Darmstadt Prince of Hesse-Darmstadt 59
June 26th Antonio Visentini Italian architect and painter 93


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
July 1 Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham British Prime Minister 52
3rd of July Esteban de Terreros y Pando Spanish philologist, lexicographer and Jesuit 74
July 11th Adam Dietrich German botanist 70
July 13th Joseph Pickford English builder and architect
15th of July Isaac Iselin Swiss history philosopher active in journalism during the Enlightenment 54
16th of July Luise Ulrike of Prussia Swedish queen 61
July 19 Joseph Fuchs German Benedictine priest and court archaeologist in Mainz
20th of July Karl Joseph von Firmian Austrian statesman 65
21 July Placidus from Camerloher German pre-classical composer 63
21 July Karl Duke of Saxe-Meiningen 27
22nd of July Gennaro Basile Italian painter and draftsman


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
August 2nd Andreas Schickhardt ducal-Württemberg chamber clerk 71
6th of August Nicolas Chédeville French Baroque composer 77
August 7th Andreas Sigismund Marggraf German chemist 73
August 9 Ludwig Heinrich Mollwo Councilor of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck
August 10 Johann Gottlob Thierbach German educator 46
August 14th Christian Gottfried Struensee German educator and author 65
15th of August Joseph von Bolza Saxon financier and banker, Bohemian textile entrepreneur 63
15th of August Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Forqueray French gambist and composer 83
August 19th Francesco De Mura Italian painter 86
August 19th Stephen Trigg American pioneer and soldier of the state of Virginia
20th of August Alfred of Great Britain, Ireland and Hanover Member of the British royal family from the House of Hanover 1
August 22nd Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau French botanist and engineer 82
August 25 Marianne Auenbrugger Austrian pianist and composer 23
August 27 Henriette Maria Luise von Hayn German poet of sacred songs 58


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
5th September Bartolina Sisa Wife of Tupac Katari
September 6th Giovanni Battista Cacherano di Bricherasio Piedmontese general 75
September 6th Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson American wife of Jefferson 33
7th of September Reimar von Kleist Prussian major general 72
the 9th of September Martin Anton von Puttkamer Prussian major general and heir to the estate 84
September 14th Nicholas Cooke American politician 65
16th September Farinelli Italian castrato 77
September 23rd Mathias Etenhueber German poet 60
September 24th Jules Crozet French navigator and explorer 53
September 28th Friedrich Theodor Withof German classical philologist and rector of the academic high school in Lingen 50


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
5th October Heinrich Sander German teacher and writer 27
October 11th Ludwig von Wangen-Geroldseck Prince-Bishop of Basel 55
15th October Johann Georg Oegg Prince-bishop's locksmith and blacksmith 79
23rd October Joseph Riepel German music theorist 73
October 26th Jacob Engelbert Teschemacher German organ builder 71
October Charles Lee British soldier and Continental Army general in the American Revolutionary War 50


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 1st Jean-Charles Colombot French architect 63
November 9th Anna Dorothea Therbusch German Rococo painter 61
November 10th Marianne Pirker German opera singer 65
November 13th Jacques Montet French chemist, pharmacist, encyclopaedist 60
November 19th Benjamin Gottlieb Lorenz Boden German historian and literary scholar 45
November 19th Maria Christina of Saxony Electoral Saxon-Polish princess, later lady of the star cross and princess abbess of the free worldly imperial monastery in Remiremont 47
21st November Jacques de Vaucanson French engineer, inventor and aviation pioneer 73
November 24th Stefano Evodio Assemani Lebanese orientalist 75
30th of November André-Joseph Blavier Belgian composer and conductor 68


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
2. December Christian Friedrich Polz German logician and Protestant theologian 68
2. December Friedrich Ehrenreich von Ramin Prussian lieutenant general 73
3rd of December Nikolaus Lorenz von Puttkamer Prussian lieutenant general 79
December 7th Haidar Ali South Indian general and opponent of the British East India Company
9th of December Ludovico Calini Italian clergyman, bishop and cardinal of the Roman Church 86
9th of December Heinrich Wilhelm Muzel German officer and councilor 59
10th of December Johann Baptist Lethner builder
13th December Carl Friedrich Aichinger German linguist 65
13th December Christian Friedrich Boetius German engraver 76
13th December Friedrich Wilhelm Dieterichs Architect, engineer, and construction officer 80
15th December Guillaume François Berthier French Jesuit and publicist 78
19. December Andreas Mayer German mathematician 66
December 22 Georg Wilhelm Detharding German legal scholar and mayor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck 81
December 26th Wilhelm Anton von der Asseburg Prince-Bishop of Paderborn (1763–1782) 75
December 26th Scipione Borghese Cardinal of the Catholic Church 48
December 27th Henry Home Kames Scottish lawyer and philosopher
December 28th Maria Carolina of Savoy Princess of Sardinia and by marriage Princess of Saxony 18th
December 28th Georg Friedrich Stabel German chemist and doctor 95
December 31 Christian Gärtner German telescope maker and astronomer 77
December 31 Sebastian Georg Helbling von Hirzenfeld Austrian naturalist

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Friedrich Ludwig Abresch Dutch philologist of German origin
Gerhard Friedrich Albrecht Lawyer, genealogist and publicist
Karl Andrassy de Szent Király military
Anna Maria dal violin Italian violinist and violin teacher
Pedro Avondano Portuguese composer and violinist
Simon Moritz Bethmann German merchant and banker
August Aleksander Czartoryski Polish military
Damian Hugo von Helmstatt Imperial Knight
Wilhelm von Danckelmann Prussian Minister of State
Johann Gottfried Donati German composer and organist
John Fothergill English engineer and entrepreneur
Ferdinando Fuga Italian architect
Johann Adolf Friedrich von Gentzkow German writer
Heinrich Ludwig von Gotter Prussian Lieutenant Colonel, Chief of Garrison Battalion No. 4
Christian Großbayer German builder of the late baroque
Benedict of Herman Swabian long-distance trade merchant
Peter Hess German gem cutter
Pietro Antonio Lorenzoni Italian painter
Jacques Marquet French architect
Matonabbee Indian, chief of the Chipewyan tribe
Jean Novi de Caveirac French ultra-conservative cleric and writer
Hyde Parker British admiral
Phraya Phichai Siamese nobleman and henchman
Jean-Martin de Prades French theologian, contributor to the Encyclopédie
Sadiq Khan Shah of Persia from the dynasty of the Zand princes
Franz Xaver Bad German musician and composer
Christian Heinrich Siegel German mathematician
Johann Rudolf Sinner Swiss magistrate
Adrian van Steckhoven Dutch gardener
Franz Joseph Steinböck Austrian stonemason master of the Baroque, 1768 and 1776 head of the Viennese building works
Pierre Chrysostème d'Usson de Bonnac French diplomat