Necrology 1801

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This is a list of famous people who died in 1801 . The entries are made alphabetically within the individual data. Animals can be found in the necrology for animals .


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
January 1st Daniel von Fellenberg Swiss politician and lawyer 64
January 2nd Joachim Christoph Bracke German Evangelical Lutheran clergyman and chief pastor at the main church of St. Nikolai in Hamburg 62
January 2nd Johann Caspar Lavater Swiss pastor, philosopher and writer 59
January 4th Florian Amand Janowski Bishop of Tarnów 75
January 4th Luise Charlotte of Mecklenburg Duchess of Mecklenburg, hereditary duchess of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg by marriage 21st
6th January Carl Albert Nauwerck German Evangelical Lutheran clergyman and provost 65
January 8th Johann Rautenstrauch Austrian satirist 54
January 8th Johann Wilhelm von Reden electoral field marshal of Brunswick-Lüneburg 83
January 9th Carl Christoph von Hoffmann Prussian privy councilor and chancellor of the University of Halle 65
10. January Johann Ernst Dietrich von Osen Prussian major general 77
11th January Domenico Cimarosa Italian classical music composer 51
11th January James Jones American politician
11th January Charles Eugène Gabriel de La Croix de Castries French military leader and Marshal of France 73
13th January Christian Ludwig Gerling German Lutheran theologian, senior pastor in Hamburg 55
January 14th Anton Estner German Catholic clergyman and mineralogist
January 14th George Leonard Staunton British diplomat, traveler and doctor 63
15. January Louis Bastoul French general of the infantry 47
January 17th Charles-François Frérot d'Abancourt French military and engineering geographer 44
January 17th Johann Rudolf Osiander German Protestant theologian 83
January 20th Alexander Kölpin German-Danish (Holstein) field surgeon and surgeon, professor in Copenhagen 69
21th January Friedrich Wilhelm von Arnim-Boitzenburg Prussian politician 61
January 24th Alberich Stingel Austrian Cistercian and abbot
January 30th Giuseppe Ceracchi Italian sculptor 49
January 30th Karl Ludwig von Troschke Prussian Lieutenant General, Chief of Infantry Regiment No. 50 82


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
February 2nd Johann Wilhelm Leopold von Borcke Prussian Major, Chief of Grenadier Battalion No. 3
February 5th Joseph McDowell Junior American politician 44
February 6th Johann Friedrich Lempe German mathematician, professor of mathematics and physics at the Bergakademie Freiberg 43
February 7th Daniel Chodowiecki German engraver, graphic artist and illustrator 74
February 9 Friedrich Konrad Hornemann Africa explorer 28
February 9 August Joseph Maria von Schaesberg Nobleman 70
February 9 Solomon Constantine Titius German medic 34
February 11th William Hutchinson British sailor, inventor and author
February 12th Jean d'Arcet French chemist
13th February Robert Motherby English trader in East Prussia and friend of Immanuel Kant 64
February 17th Philippine Charlotte of Prussia Duchess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel 84
February 18 Johann Friedrich Grooth German painter and animal painter 83
19th of February Georg Werner August Dietrich von Munster Imperial Count von Meinhövel, Baron von Oer and Schade, ruling class lord at Königsbrück 49
20. February Melchior Sylvius von Koschenbahr Prussian Lieutenant General, Chief of the Infantry Regiment "von Koschembahr" 75
February 23 Étienne d'Arnal French engineer and inventor of a steamship 67
February 23 Jean-Henri Voulland Politician during the French Revolution 49
February 24th Franz Martin Pelzel Bohemian historian and Slavist 66
February 28 Carl Wilhelm Muller Mayor of Leipzig 72
February 28 Joseph Anton Steiner German Catholic theologian 72
February 28 Friedrich Wilhelm von Wuthenau Prussian Major General, Chief of Hussar Regiment No. 10 78
February Gottfried Georgi German municipal lawyer, Lord Mayor of Stargard in Pomerania 69


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
6th March Carl Ferdinand von Orgies-Rutenberg Courland Chancellor and Councilor 59
7th March Georg Heinrich Macheleid Thuringian manufacturer 77
9th March Johann Christian Gottlieb Ackermann German doctor 45
9th March Friedrich Carl Emil von der Lühe German poet lawyer and botanist, Danish chamberlain and bailiff and imperial councilor in Lower Austria 50
March 13th Ulrich Karl von Froreich Prussian major general and chief of the body cuirassier regiment 61
March 13th Etienne Maynon d'Invault French lawyer
the 14th of March Ignacy Krasicki Polish clergyman and writer 66
the 14th of March Christian Friedrich Penzel German cantor and composer 63
March 16 Alexandra Pavlovna Romanova Member of the House of Romanow-Holstein-Gottorp 17th
19th March Ambrosio O'Higgins Spanish Governor of Chile, Viceroy of Peru
March 21st Howsep Arghutjan Armenian-Russian Archbishop and Catholicos of the Armenian Apostolic Church
March 21st François Lanusse French division general 28
March 21st Noël Lemire French engraver 76
March 21st Andrea Lucchesi Italian organist and composer 59
March 24th Paul I. Tsar of Russia 46
25th March Novalis German poet of early romanticism 28
25th March Charles Stuart British general and politician 48
26th of March Levin Friedrich von der Schulenburg Electoral Saxon Privy Councilor and heir, feudal lord and court lord on castle divisions and church divisions as well as small loving care 62
27th of March Johann Michael Fischer German sculptor 83
28th March Ralph Abercromby British general 66


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
April 1st Gebhard Friedrich Gottlob von Ingersleben Prussian major general and most recently chief of Grenadier Guard Battalion No. 6 59
2nd of April Christian Willibald von Goldacker Saxon major general 80
2nd of April Edward Riou British Royal Navy officer 38
4. April Martin Gottlieb Klauer German sculptor 58
April 6th Johann Földi Hungarian doctor, linguist and biologist 45
7th of April Ernest Coquebert de Montbret French botanist 21st
7th of April Murad Bey Muhammad Bey of the Mamluks in Egypt
9th April Johann Joseph Scheubel III. Franconian painter, court painter and valet 67
9th April Paul Weidmann Austrian author
10th of April Giovanni Battista Innocenzo Colombo Swiss architect, church painter and set designer 83
10th of April Theodor Lingke German Protestant theologian 80
April 13th Antoine de Rivarol French author 47
April 14th Ibrahim Khan Kalantar Grand Vizier of Persia
17th April Johann Kleych German clergyman, Protestant pastor of Neusalza 77
April 18 Johann Jakob Hill German engineer 70
April 21 Carl Wilhelm Benno von Heynitz Saxon mining captain and curator of the Freiberg Mining Academy 62
April 21 Johann Michael Wagner German organ builder 78
26th of April Karl Heinrich Heydenreich German writer and philosopher 37
26th of April Johann Hinrich Winter German piano maker 28


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
5th of May Georg Friedrich Christoph von Bardeleben Royal Prussian Lieutenant General, Chief of Dragoon Regiment No. 8 67
5th of May Ludwig Ernst von Benkendorf Saxon general of the cavalry 89
May 6th Johann Ernst Schickler Merchant, entrepreneur and banker in Prussia 39
May 6th Franz Troglauer Robber captain and poacher in Northern Bavaria 46
May 7th Franz Karl von Kressel von Gualtenberg bohemian official
May 14th Johann Ernst Altenburg German composer and organist 66
May 15 Ludovico Luigi Carlo Maria di Barbiano e Belgiojoso Italian Habsburg administrative officer and diplomat 73
May 15 Heinrich Wolff German Protestant theologian 67
17th of May William Heberden English medic
May 22 Philipp Ludwig Siegmund Bouton des Granges Royal Prussian Major General, Chief of the Jäger Corps on foot
May 22 Heinrich Gottfried Reichard German teacher, philologist, cantor and composer 58
23. May Johann Heinrich von Carmer Prussian grand chancellor and judicial reformer 80
May 24th Nikolai Vasilyevich Repnin Russian field marshal and diplomat 67
May 24th Adolf Karl Alexander Lothar von Zehmen Electoral Saxon Privy Council 72
25. May Ferdinand Kindermann von Schulstein Bishop of Leitmeritz 60
25. May Nicolai Jacob Wilse Danish author 66
30th May John Millar Scottish philosopher and historian 65


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
June 1st Franz Joseph von Wurmbrand-Stuppach Governor of Carinthia and designated governor of Western Galicia 48
June 4th Frederick Muhlenberg American politician; first Speaker of the House of Representatives 51
June 5th Johann Christian Kerstens German chemist, physicist, naturalist, alchemist and physician 87
6th of June John W. Kittera American politician 48
June 12 David Claparède Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor 74
14th June Benedict Arnold General in the Continental Army of the 13 rebel colonies on the North American east coast 60
14th June Jakob Albrecht von Birkhahn Prussian major general, commander of the cuirassier regiment No. 4 68
14th June Georg Friedrich Veldten Russian-German architect; Court architect of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great
14th June Karl von Zeppelin Württemberg State Minister and Privy Council 33
15th June Johann Sigismund Friedrich von Khevenhüller-Metsch imperial diplomat 69
18th of June Willie Jones American politician 60
June 24th Gotthelf Friedrich Oesfeld German pastor and chronicler 65
June 28th Martin Johann Schmidt Austrian Rococo painter 82
June 30th Caterina Cavalieri Austrian opera singer, soprano 46


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
July 1 Oswald Neumann Abbot of the Hohenfurth Monastery in South Bohemia 50
3rd of July Johann Nepomuk Wendt Bohemian oboist and composer 56
July 4th Johannes Hotze Swiss country doctor 67
8th of July Christian Heinrich Hecht Saxon Evangelical Lutheran pastor and chronicler 66
July 11th James Brice American politician 54
17th July Thérèse Levasseur Life partner of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
July 26th Georg Heinrich Borowski German naturalist 55
July 26th Maximilian Franz of Austria Austrian Archduke, Bishop of Munster and Archbishop of Cologne 44
29th of July August Wilhelm Ernesti German classical philologist 67
30th July James Gunn American politician 48


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
3rd August Nicolaus Dierling German shipbuilder
5th of August Anastasius Ludwig Mencken Prussian administrative reformer 49
6th of August Robert Cuninghame, 1st Baron Rossmore British Army officer and politician, Member of the House of Commons 75
August 9 Fedele Tirrito Italian painter 84
August 11th Félix María Samaniego Spanish fable poet 55
12. August Georg Friedrich Holtzhauer German lawyer
August 16 Ralph Earl American painter 50
August 16 Lorenz Johann Daniel Suckow German natural scientist and full professor of physics and mathematics at the University of Jena 79
18th of August Johann Dietrich Mellmann German lawyer and professor at the University of Kiel 54
August 22nd Pieter Gerardus van Overstraten last Governor General of the Dutch East Indies 46
August 30th Peter Mollner Austrian builder
August 31 Nicola Sala Italian composer 88


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
September 6th Silas Condict American politician 63
7th of September Charlotte Amalie of Hessen-Philippsthal Duchess of Saxe-Meiningen
7th of September Matthew Locke American politician
7th of September Antoine de Sartine French Minister of Police 72
the 9th of September Christoph von Schmidt-Phiseldeck German lawyer, archivist and author of publications on Russia 61
the 9th of September Robert Yates American lawyer and politician 63
September 10 Johann Jakob Wülfing Mayor of Elberfeld 69
September 11 Daniel Sprüngli Swiss ornithologist 80
13.september Alexander Friedrich Christoph von der Schulenburg imperial colonel 81
September 14th Karl Friedrich von Langen Prussian Major General, Chief of Infantry Regiment No. 17
17th of September David Jackson American politician
17th of September Christopher Sykes, 2nd Baronet British politician 52
September 18 Friedrich Cerulli Evangelical Lutheran preacher in Warsaw and Lemberg
21st September Johann Albert Dinnies German politician, Mayor of Stralsund (1778–1801) 74
September 23rd György Pray Hungarian historian 78
September 24th Otto Leopold Ehrenreich von Gloeden Prussian major general 70
September 27th Friedrich August Thomas von Heymann French and Prussian major general


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
October 2nd August von Veltheim German mineralogist 60
October 3 Johann Georg unrest German church painter
8th October Christian Wilhelm Buettner German naturalist 85
8th October Philippe-Henri de Ségur French general and statesman; (1780–1787) Minister of War; since 1783 Marshal of France 77
October 10th Carl Wilhelm Ernst Heimbach German Lutheran theologian and educator 35
October 13th Richard Pulteney English doctor and botanist 71
October 13th Johann Nepomuk van Recum Entrepreneur, company founder, porcelain and earthenware producer 48
October 19th Wolfgang Aigner Bavarian Benedictine and scholar 55
October 19th August Friedrich Cranz German writer 64
October 21 Johann Stapfer Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor 81
23rd October Johann Gottlieb Naumann German classical composer 60
October 24th Karl Albrecht von Frisching Swiss politician and member of the Executive Council of the Helvetic Republic 66
October 25 Joseph Touchemoulin French violinist and Rococo composer 74
October 31 Johann Justus Hansen German organ builder


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
November 4th Karl von Grothaus German officer, military theorist and adventurer 54
November 4th William Shippen American politician 89
November 5th Ivan Lazarevich Lazarev Armenian-Russian jeweler and patron 65
November 5th Humphry Marshall American botanist 79
November 5th Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer German anatomist 53
November 5th Motoori Norinaga Japanese scholar at the time of the Tokugawa Shogunate 71
November 6th Christian Gregor German evangelical clergyman and church musician 78
November 9th Carl Stamitz German violinist and composer 56
November 10th Johann Gottlob Haase German medic 61
November 10th Friedrich Zacharias Saltzmann Royal gardener in Sanssouci, Potsdam 70
November 11th Giovanni Bernardo Zucchinetti Italian composer and organist 71
15th of November Sigmund Freudenberger Swiss painter 56
15th of November Maria Klementine of Austria Archduchess of Austria 24
15th of November Christian August von Seilern Austrian diplomat 84
November 16 Mauritius Ribbele Prince Abbot of the Monastery of St. Blasien (1793–1801)
November 17th Friedrich August von Erlach Prussian Lieutenant General and Chief of Infantry Regiment No. 40 80
November 17th Christoph-Antoine Gerle French revolutionary and mystic 65
November 18 Pierre Joseph Beauchamp French diplomat and astronomer 49
November 18 Alexander Bernhard Kölpin German doctor and botanist 62
21st November Diepold Ziegler German religious and writer 73
November 24th Philip Hamilton eldest son of Elizabeth Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton 19th
November 24th Franz Moritz von Lacy Austrian general 76
November 26th Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu French geologist and mineralogist 51
November 27th Pierre-Paul Le Mercier de La Rivière French economist 82
November 29th Ann Street Barry English singer, dancer and stage actress
30th of November Paul Jacob Förtsch German Lutheran theologian, general superintendent 79


Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
3rd of December Christian Gottfried von Pentz royal Danish general of infantry 85
December 4th Johann David Hartmann German pedagogue, philologist and poet 40
December 8th Maria Josefa Carmela of Spain Princess of Naples and Sicily, Infanta of Spain 57
9th of December Carlo Monza Italian classical composer
9th of December Darja Nikolaevna Saltykova Russian landlady and serial killer
10th of December Heinrich Wilhelm of Anhalt Prussian general 66
13th December Karl Wilhelm von Brausen Prussian Major General and Chief of Dragoon Regiment No. 8
15th December Francesco Alberti di Villanova Italian literary man, Romanist, Italianist, translator and lexicographer 64
December 16 Wolfgang Hagenauer German architect 75
December 16 Karl Ludwig of Baden Hereditary Prince of Baden 46
December 17th Karl Franz von Irwing German senior consistory advisor and philosophical writer 73
19. December Francesco Saverio de Zelada Italian cardinal 84
20th of December Ferdinand Fleck German actor 44
21st December Giacomo Maria Brignole last doge of the Republic of Genoa 77
21st December Esdras Heinrich Mutzenbecher German Evangelical Lutheran theologian and general superintendent in Oldenburg 57
December 26th Christian Friderich Knuth Danish military and landlord 73
December 27th Johann August Eyserbeck German court gardener 39
30th of December Friedrich August von Nauendorf Austrian Lieutenant Field Marshal 52
30th of December Filippo Maria Visconti Italian clergyman, Archbishop of Milan 80
December 31 Giuseppe Maria Capece Zurlo Roman Catholic bishop and cardinal 90

Date unknown

Day Surname Profession known as Age receipt
Ulrica Arfvidsson Clairvoyant and occultist
John Barber English inventor
Honoré Blanc French gunsmith
Fortunatus Cavallo German Kapellmeister and composer
James Hemings Slave and head chef to Thomas Jefferson
Ludwig Daniel Heyd Hessian court sculptor
Johann Christoph Keller German builder
Antoine-Claude-Pierre Masson de La Motte-Conflans French printer and encyclopaedist
Pablo Minguet e Yrol Spanish writer
Wilhelm Jeremias Müller German architect
Ozawa Roan Japanese poet
Adolph Lobegott Peck German pastor