List of people executed in the German Reich

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The list of people executed in the German Reich provides an overview of the people executed on the territory of this state during the existence of the German Reich .

For this purpose, subsections on the three different forms that the German Reich went through in the almost 74 years of its existence between January 1871 and May 1945 ( German Empire , Weimar Republic and German Reich 1933 to 1945 ), if possible, all persons who of the respective era were sentenced to death by a court judgment and consequently executed. They are listed in chronological order, beginning with the date of the earliest known execution of the respective era. Only those persons are taken into account who were executed by state-appointed executioners after a proper or at least (especially during the Nazi period ) a trial trial by a judgment pronounced by a judge , so that their killing has a legal or at least formally legal character The meaning of the literal (legalistic) interpretation of the law or legal consideration. The moral evaluation of the legitimacy of these death sentences and their possible classification as unjustified or even reprehensible remains naturally unaffected by this. This is to be distinguished from people who were killed by official state authorities or unofficial authorities who are de facto subordinate to the state leadership ( e.g. members of the SS ) on behalf of the state leadership without a court ruling. B. Concentration camp inmates who were killed “under the hand” by members of the guards, or people who were “shot” by the police after their arrest on the instructions of the state leadership.

Because the total number of people executed in Germany is unknown, this list does not claim to be complete. But it has the goal of getting closer and closer to the desired completeness over time.

From 1936 onwards, “central execution sites” were set up throughout the German Reich and the national territory was divided into “execution districts”. In the Plötzensee prison alone, around three thousand people (around 2,750 men and 250 women) died in official executions between 1933 and 1945, including eighty-nine resistance fighters from July 20 .

German Empire (1871 to 1918)

According to the criminal statistics of the empire, which are available from 1882, a total of 1721 death sentences were passed between 1882 and 1918 (four of them for high treason, the rest for murder).

  • March 27, 1874: Louis Krage (born June 5, 1851), sentenced to death on January 23, 1874 for a double murder committed in the previous year against a Braunschweig innkeeper and executed in Braunschweig by executioner Friedrich Reindel .
  • August 16, 1878: Max Hödel , anarchist, executed with a hand ax for an assassination attempt on Kaiser Wilhelm I.
  • September 30, 1891: Gustav Adolf Ludwig (born December 5, 1853 in Hainichen ), cloth maker, committed robbery in 1891 on the journeyman Emil Fritzsche, executed by guillotine.
  • September 16, 1892: Wilhelm Hurrelbrink, Neubauer (* 1865) from Dielingen , sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on May 27, 1892 for robbery and murder, executed by hand ax in the courtyard of the Bielefeld judicial prison (executioner Friedrich Reindel , Magdeburg).
  • March 20, 1894: Friedrich August Nuth, day laborer from Brakel (Höxter district), sentenced to death by the Paderborn jury for the murder of his wife, executed with a hand ax in the courtyard of the Paderborn court prison (executioner Friedrich Reindel , Magdeburg).
  • June 15, 1895: Johann Wilhelm Schlottmann (* 1861) from Bielefeld , sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on November 19, 1892 for murder, executed with a hand ax in the courtyard of the Bielefeld judicial prison (executioner Friedrich Reindel , Magdeburg).
  • July 8, 1896: Johannes Schulz, cutter (* May 20, 1852), Wilhelm Pottmann, gardener (* November 26, 1857), both from Bielefeld , sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on November 18, 1895 for murder, in the courtyard of the Bielefeld court prison executed with the hand ax (executioner Friedrich Reindel , Magdeburg).
  • December 7, 1900: Joseph Goenczi (born July 2, 1852 in Maros-Vásárhely , Transylvania), shoemaker, because of robbery murders, committed in Berlin in August 1897 on the house owner and plasterer widow Auguste Schultze, née. Lutze, and her stepdaughter Klara Schultze, whom he killed with an ax and buried in the basement, arrested in Brazil in September 1899 after fleeing abroad, extradited to Germany in November 1899, sentenced to death on April 7, 1900 and in the courtyard of the prison Plötzensee executed.
  • 1901: Execution of four prison inmates in Graudenz with a hand ax.
  • February 21, 1902: Mathias Kneißl , robber, sentenced to death for two murders (wounding of police officers in an exchange of fire resulting in death), attempted manslaughter as well as for serious robbery and extortion by robbery and executed with the guillotine in Augsburg
  • August 28, 1902: Emma Lina Seifert née Taubert (born November 20, 1855 in Stünzhain ), sentenced to death for inciting the murder of her husband Bernhard Seifert and executed with an ax in Altenburg by executioner Engelhardt from Magdeburg .
  • August 28, 1902: Bruno Tänzler (* 1882 in Jonaswalde ), sentenced to death for the murder of Bernhard Seifert and executed with an ax in Altenburg by executioner Engelhardt .
  • August 28, 1902: Johannes Niedermeier (* 1868 in Thürnthenning ), sentenced to death for inciting the murder of Bernhard Seifert and executed with an ax in Altenburg by executioner Engelhardt .
  • February 2, 1905: Elisabeth Wiese (born July 1, 1859 in Bilshausen), child murderer, sentenced to death by the Hamburg jury court on October 10, 1904 and executed with the guillotine in the courtyard of the remand prison on Holstenglacis in Hamburg.
  • December 5, 1906: Karl Rudolf Hennig , sentenced to death for robbery and murder, executed by beheading with an ax in the prison yard of the Plötzensee prison.
  • January 24, 1908: Friedrich Straß, stable servant, sentenced to death for the murder of a pensioner on November 15, 1907 and executed with a hand ax in the court prison in Bartenstein.
  • February 27, 1908: Friedrich Ziegan, worker, sentenced to death by the Stettin jury for the murder of a forester on September 28, 1907 and beheaded with a hand ax in the Stettin judicial prison.
  • April 2, 1908: The three Bosniaks Baic , Milor Kantar and Daniel Beslac , who were accused of triple robbery on July 19, 1907, were sentenced to death. They were guillotined.
  • April 30, 1908: Pauline Scholz , a trader, sentenced to death on October 16, 1907 for the murder of the worker Wendelin Schäffer, who lived in her apartment, by introducing poison and executed by hand in the judicial prison in Hirschberg.
  • May 23, 1908: Josef Weinmann (* around 1872), day laborer, executed with the guillotine by Franz Xaver Reichhart for the murder of his former lover in the courtyard of the regional court prison in Straubing .
  • July 14, 1908: Gustav Theodor Pohl (born October 17, 1878 in Doberwitz), gardener, sentenced to death for the murder of the gardener Johann Heinrich Lankau and executed with the guillotine in the penal institution in Bremen-Oslebshausen.
  • July 23, 1908: Grete Beier (born September 15, 1885 in Erbisdorf), sentenced to death for the murder of her groom and executed with the guillotine in the courtyard of the district court at Albertpark in Freiberg.
  • August 25, 1909: Richard Henkel (born August 3, 1886 in Gera), merchant, for robbery murder, committed on December 8, 1908 in Vienna at the jeweler Julius Frankfurter (he shot him in his shop and stole jewelry). Arrested on December 12th, 1908 while attempting to sell stolen pieces of jewelry from a Berlin pawnbroker in Frankfurt, indicted at the jury at the District Court I in Berlin, sentenced to death on March 24th, 1909 and executed by executioner Gröbler with the guillotine in the courtyard of the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • October 24, 1912: Alex Stadtkowitz, Schneider (* September 4, 1886), Anton Stadtkowitz, Fuhrmann (* June 7, 1888), both from Gelsenkirchen , sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on April 23, 1912 for murder, in the courtyard of Bielefeld court prison executed with the hand ax (executioner Carl Gröpler , Magdeburg).
  • July 30, 1913: August Sternickel , journeyman miller (born May 11, 1866 in Mschanna ), for murder and arson by executioner Lorenz Schwietz in Frankfurt / Oder.
  • March 23, 1914: Karl Hopf , businessman and fencing teacher (born March 26, 1863 in Frankfurt am Main) sentenced to death by the jury court of Frankfurt on January 17, 1914 for multiple murders and multiple attempts at murder, in the courtyard of the Royal Prison in Preungesheim by the ax on Executed March 23, 1914.
  • January 19, 1916: David Lucht, worker (born May 12, 1891) from Oberjöllenbeck , sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on July 5, 1915 for murder, executed by hand ax in the courtyard of the Bielefeld court prison (executioner Carl Gröpler , Magdeburg).

Weimar Republic (1919 to 1933)

According to official statistics, 1141 death sentences were pronounced during the Weimar Republic, of which 184 were carried out. Well-known executed persons include:

  • August 7, 1920: Otto Perleberg (born December 5, 1890 in Menitz near Schönlaken), train robber, arrested to death for deliberately derailing a train near Schneidemühl on January 20, 1919, in which eighteen people died and more than three hundred were injured sentenced and executed.
  • August 27, 1921: Friedrich Schumann (born February 1, 1893 in Spandau), on July 13, 1920 by the jury chamber of District Court III in Berlin-Moabit for at least six murders, eleven attempts at murder and several rapes, six times to death, to life imprisonment and sentenced to countless secondary sentences. Executed with a guillotine at 6 a.m. on August 27, 1921 in Plötzensee prison.
  • April 19, 1922: Franz Heising (born May 22, 1895 in Warendorf), locksmith, sentenced to death and executed for robbery and murder, committed by three mine officials on August 24, 1920 in Erkenschwick near Bochum.
  • April 19, 1922: Alex Kley (born August 2, 1887 in Bielefeld), sentenced to death and executed for robbery and murder, committed by three mine officials on August 24, 1920 in Erkenschwick near Bochum.
  • April 19, 1922: Wilhelm Müller (born February 26, 1888 in Alten-Essen), locksmith, sentenced to death and executed for robbery and murder, committed against three mine officials on August 24, 1920 in Erkenschwick near Bochum.
  • December 6, 1922: Otto Rathke (born September 30, 1898 in Praust near Danzig), worker for robbery murder, committed on May 24, 1921 of the Russian returnees Josef Drosdowski (born October 10, 1877 in Ihumen near Minsk) in Strashin- Prangschin, sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 24, 1924: Rupert Fischer, sentenced to death for the jointly committed murder of his wife and executed with the guillotine in the courtyard of the Landshut regional court prison.
  • June 24, 1924: Andreas Hutterer, sentenced to death for involvement in the murder of Rupert Fischer's wife and executed with a guillotine in the courtyard of the Landshut regional court prison.
  • April 15, 1925: Fritz Haarmann (born October 25, 1879 in Hanover), sentenced to death on December 19, 1924, executed with a guillotine in the courtyard of the Hanover judicial prison in the early morning of April 15, 1925.
  • April 24, 1925: Anna Schellhardt (* around 1893), sentenced to death for the murder of her ten-year-old daughter and executed with an ax in Gera by executioner Gröpler from Magdeburg.
  • April 24, 1925: Otto Seifert , carpenter, sentenced to death for the murder of his father-in-law and executed with an ax in Gera by executioner Gröpler from Magdeburg.
  • November 17, 1925: Fritz Angerstein (born January 3, 1891 in Dillenburg), sentenced to death on July 13, 1925 by the regional court Limburg ad Lahn for eightfold murders and executed by hand ax in the central prison in Freiendiez .
  • February 15, 1926: Josef Jakubowski (born September 8, 1895 in Utena), farm worker, arrested for child murder (which he had not committed), sentenced to death by the Neustrelitz regional court on March 26, 1925 and sent to the Neustrelitz-Strelitz regional institution with the Hand ax executed.
  • July 2, 1931: Peter Kürten (born May 26, 1883 in Mülheim am Rhein), sentenced to death nine times on April 22, 1931 by a Düsseldorf jury court for murder in nine cases, executed by guillotine in the Klingelpütz prison in Cologne.

German Empire 1933 to 1945

According to official statistics, 16,560 death sentences were passed in the German Reich between 1933 and 1945 , of which around 12,000 were carried out. 664 death sentences were passed before the start of the war, 15,896 during the war. In addition, there are around 20,000 death sentences passed by courts-martial. Of the approximately 33,000 death sentences imposed by the court martial (courts martial + regular courts), around 90% were carried out.

List of executions from 1933 to 1939


According to an elaboration on "death sentences and executions" transmitted by the Prussian Ministry of the Interior to the Reich Minister of Justice on March 20, 1933, 65 people (including 7 women) were sentenced to death in Prussia as the largest German state in 1933, 49 of them (3 women ) executed. The total number of those executed in all of Germany this year is therefore likely - extrapolated to the total population - to have been between 70 and 80.

  • May 9, 1933: Ernst Reins (born August 14, 1907 in Berlin), bricklayer, for the murder of the post office clerk ( money carrier ) Gustav Schwan on May 1, 1931. Arrested on May 6, 1931 while on the run in Genoa, December 1931 Sentenced to death and executed by Carl Gröpler with a hand ax in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 9, 1933: Johannes Kabelitz (born April 21, 1908 in Seehof / Teltow district), dealer, because of the murder of the haulage company Fritz Ponick (born November 9, 1883 in Zeblin-Buplitz) on January 24, 1931 (Kabelitz rented his Taxi, had him driven out of Berlin, shot him from behind near Ferch, robbed him, sank the body in a ditch and left the car elsewhere) sentenced to death by the jury at the Potsdam regional court on December 9, 1931 and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed by Carl Gröpler with a hand ax (6:08 a.m.).
  • June 13, 1933: Paul Rohrbach (* August 15, 1906), before 1933 for the murder of the taxi driver Kurt Pohl (* April 16, 1907), committed on November 8, 1931 in Berlin-Buchholz, sentenced to death and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed.
  • June 13, 1933: Hermann Wittstock (* May 4, 1910), before 1933 for the murder of the taxi driver Kurt Pohl (* April 16, 1907), committed on November 8, 1931 in Berlin-Buchholz, sentenced to death and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed.
  • August 1, 1933: August Lütgens , communist, executed by beheading in Altona.
  • August 1, 1933: Walter Möller , communist, executed by beheading in Altona.
  • August 1, 1933: Bruno Tesch , communist, executed by beheading in Altona.
  • August 1, 1933: Karl Wolff , communist, executed by beheading in Altona.
  • August 8, 1933: Wilhelm Gaston Volk (born December 17, 1906), chimney sweep, sentenced to death by the Hanseatic Special Court in July 1933 and executed in the Hamburg remand prison; first person to be executed in Hamburg under the National Socialists.
  • September 9, 1933: Lorenz Schriefer (born July 1, 1911 in Neuses-Poxstall near Ebermannstadt), servant, had the 26-year-old Josef Wiesheier on the night of May 21-22, 1933 in the village of Gaiganz in the Forchheim district office whom he was jealous of a girl, strangled and then thrown into the village pond. Since Wiesheier was an NSDAP supporter and SA member , while Schriefer was active in the BVP- affiliated Bayernwacht , the incident attracted a great deal of attention. On July 27, 1933, Schriefer was sentenced to death by the jury court at Bamberg Regional Court for a crime of murder with a continued offense of dangerous bodily harm and a prison sentence of 2 years and 6 months. An appeal was rejected by the Reichsgericht on August 19, 1933; a pardon request was rejected on August 30, 1933 by Franz von Epp . The sentence was on September 9, 1933 prison Ebrach of Johann realm-hard enforced; his body was taken to the anatomical institute of the University of Würzburg. The judgment was not revised after 1945.
  • September 12, 1933: Christiane Lies, farmer's wife, sentenced to death by the Torgau jury court on December 16, 1932 for the murder committed jointly with her son Walter on her husband, the farmer Otto Lies, and executed by beheading in the courtyard of the regional court prison by the Magdeburg executioner.
  • September 12, 1933: Walter Lies, agricultural worker, together with his mother Christiane Lies for the joint murder of his father, the farmer Otto Lies, sentenced to death by the Torgau jury court on December 16, 1932 and beheaded by the Magdeburg executioner in the courtyard of the regional court prison executed.
  • October 23, 1933: Robert Grötzinger (* February 2, 1912 Neckarwaihingen) offense unknown
  • November 28, 1933: Kurt Gerber (* 1909/1910), painter, member of the Reichsbanner , sentenced to death by the Breslau Special Court in an unusual case of rapid justice on October 31, 1933, after he became an SA man doctor on October 25, 1933 fatally wounded with a knife, then executed without appeal in November by beheading.
  • November 30, 1933: Josef Engel (* 1905), window cleaner, communist, member of the Red Front Fighters' League, because of the alleged involvement in the murder of the SA men Winand Winterberg and Walter Spangenberg on July 22, 1933 by the Cologne jury court on February 24, 1933 Sentenced to death and executed with a hand ax in Klingelpütz prison.
  • November 30, 1933: Hermann Hamacher (* 1911), worker, communist, sentenced to death by the Cologne jury court on July 22, 1933 for alleged involvement in the murder of SA people in February 1933 and with the hand ax in the Klingelpütz prison in Cologne executed.
  • November 30, 1933: Heinrich Horsch (* 1908), worker, communist, on July 22, 1933 for alleged involvement in the murder of SA men Winand Winterberg and Walter Spangenberg on February 24, 1933 by the Cologne jury on July 22 Sentenced to death in 1933 and executed with a hand ax in the Klingelpütz prison in Cologne.
  • November 30, 1933: Mathias Joseph Moritz , communist, condemned to death by the Cologne jury court on July 22, 1933 for alleged involvement in the murder of SA men in February 1933 and executed by hand ax in the Klingelpütz prison in Cologne.
  • November 30, 1933: Otto Wäser (* 1912), worker, communist, sentenced to death by the Cologne jury court on July 22, 1933 for alleged involvement in the murder of SA people in February 1933 and with the hand ax in the Klingelpütz prison in Cologne executed.
  • November 30, 1933: Bernhard Willms (* 1908), worker, communist, sentenced to death by the Cologne jury court on July 22, 1933 for alleged involvement in the murder of SA people in February 1933 and executed with a hand ax in Klingelpütz prison.


  • 1934: Josef Kreier, executed in Koblenz
  • January 10, 1934: Marinus van der Lubbe (born January 13, 1909 in Leiden or Oegstgeest, Netherlands), Dutch journeyman bricklayer, alleged Reichstag arsonist, sentenced to death by the Imperial Court in Leipzig and executed with the guillotine.
  • January 10, 1934: Rudolf "Rudi" Ernst Lindau (born May 18, 1912). Sentenced to death by the Hanseatic Special Court in Hamburg on December 30, 1933, for shooting a police officer on August 27, 1931. Executed with a guillotine or hand ax in the Hamburg remand prison.
  • January 17, 1934: Karl Hans (* 1908), Böttcher, communist, from the Dessau jury court on June 18, 1933 because of the shooting of the painter Hans Cieslick on February 11, 1933 in Hecklingen - which was actually probably committed by SA people - sentenced to death. The execution of the judgment was carried out - although the appeal had not yet been decided - at the urging of Gauleiter Loeper in the courtyard of the Dessau court prison with the hand ax.
  • January 17, 1934: Wilhelm Bieser (* 1884), basket maker, communist, from the Dessau jury court on June 18, 1933 because of the shooting of the painter Hans Cieslick on February 11, 1933 in Hecklingen - which was actually probably committed by SA people - sentenced to death. The execution of the judgment took place - although no decision had been made on the appeal - at the urging of Gauleiter Loeper in the courtyard of the Dessau judicial prison with the hand ax.
  • February 9, 1934: Arthur Retslag (* February 6, 1907), blacksmith, communist, as the alleged instigator of the murder of the Hitler Youth Otto Blöcker on February 1, 1934, sentenced to death by the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court and executed with a hand ax in the courtyard of the Hamburg remand prison .
  • March 8, 1934: Johannes Fick (* 1903), coachman, member of the Reichsbanners, was involved in a dispute on July 31, 1932 (Reichstag election) in which the SA man Willi Meinen was killed after Fick and Karl Kaehding pursued him and stabbed him several times. He was arrested on July 30, 1933, sentenced to death by the Lübeck court for collective murder on September 16, 1933 and executed with the guillotine on March 8, 1934 in the courtyard of the Lübeck Castle Monastery.
  • March 13, 1934: Richard Bahr (* 1910/1911), Melker, communist, arrested for setting fire to barns and cowsheds, sentenced to death for arson and executed with a hand ax in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 13, 1934: Friedrich Mann (born March 26, 1903 in Berlin), arrested on October 22, 1932 for the robbery of the fruit trader Auguste Könicke (née Ritz), sentenced to death in 1933 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 13, 1934: Alfred Schulz (born February 1, 1904), waiter, arrested on October 22, 1932 for the robbery of the fruit trader Auguste Koenicke (née Ritz), sentenced to death in 1933 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 20, 1934 in Königsberg: Gustav Lange, sentenced to death by the Königsberg jury court and executed for the alleged murder of an SA man.
  • March 20, 1934: Walter Siedelmann, sentenced to death by the Königsberg jury court for the alleged murder of an SA man and executed in Königsberg.
  • March 27, 1934: Peter Huppertz, worker, executed with a hand ax in the Ulmer Höh prison for alleged involvement in the murder of SS-Scharführer Kurt Hilmer in 1932.
  • March 27, 1934: Otto Lukat (born April 28, 1904 in Jodringkehnen), bricklayer, communist, executed with a hand ax for alleged involvement in the murder of SS-Scharführer Kurt Hilmer on June 20, 1932 in Erkrath in the Ulmer Höh prison .
  • March 27, 1934: Matthias Josef Moritz (* 1913), worker, communist, executed with a hand ax in the Ulmer Höh prison for alleged involvement in the murder of SA-Scharführer Hilmer on June 20, 1932.
  • March 27, 1934: Emil Schmidt (* 1884), worker, communist, city councilor in Düsseldorf, executed by ax for alleged involvement in the murder of SS-Scharführer Kurt Hilmer on June 20, 1932 in the Ulmer Höh prison.
  • April 7, 1934: Paul Lehmann, Melker, sentenced to death for murder and executed.
  • April 17, 1934: Erichhabenhagen (born December 12, 1902 in Berlin), arrested in 1932 as a member of a robbery gang active in Berlin-Schöneberg. 1933 sentenced to death for murder and executed by the Berlin II district court.
  • April 17, 1934: Erwin Hildebrand (born February 28, 1912 in Berlin), as a member of a band of robbers from Berlin-Schöneberg ("Geselligkeitsverein Einigkeit", "Schrecken von Schöneberg") because of the robbery of the authorized officer Bruno on May 13, 1932 Sauer and the BVG wage theft at the Charlottenburg town hall on September 15, 1933 sentenced to death for murder and executed by the Berlin II district court.
  • April 17, 1934: Alfons Hoheisel (born June 25, 1909 in Lissa), arrested in 1932 as a member of a robbery gang active in Berlin-Schöneberg, sentenced to death in 1933 for murder and executed by the Berlin II district court.
  • April 17, 1934: Willi Krebs (born July 1, 1909 in Neukölln), arrested in 1932 as a member of a robbery gang active in Berlin-Schöneberg, sentenced to death in 1933 by the Berlin II district court for murder and executed.
  • May 19, 1934: Jonny Dettmer (born September 11, 1901), dock worker, arrested on Blood Sunday in Altona after his involvement in political disputes , sentenced to death by the Hanseatic Special Court on May 2, 1933 for preparation for high treason and in the Holstenglacis remand prison in Hamburg with the Hand ax executed.
  • May 19, 1934: Fritz Fischer, arrested after participating in political disputes on Blood Sunday in Altona , sentenced to death by the Hanseatic Special Court on May 2, 1933 for preparation for high treason and executed by hand ax in the Holstenglacis remand prison in Hamburg .
  • May 19, 1934: Arthur Schmidt (born January 24, 1908), carpenter, communist functionary, arrested after participating in political disputes on Altona Blood Sunday , sentenced to death by the Hanseatic Special Court on May 2, 1933 for preparation for high treason and in Hamburg remand prison Holstenglacis executed with the ax.
  • May 19, 1934: Alfred Wehrenberg (born July 17, 1898), ship's fireman, communist functionary, arrested after participating in political disputes on Blood Sunday in Altona , sentenced to death by the Hanseatic Special Court on May 2, 1933 for preparation for high treason and in Hamburg remand prison Holstenglacis executed with the ax.
  • June 14, 1934: Richard Hüttig (born March 18, 1908 in Bottendorf), communist, arrested in 1933 on charges of having shot the SS man Kurt von der Ahé, sentenced to death on February 16, 1934 for a serious breach of the peace and attempted Modes and executed with a hand ax in the Plötzensee prison (6 a.m.).
  • June 14, 1934: Otto Woithe (born March 26, 1914 in Zehlendorf), communist, for collective murder committed against Fritz "Imme" Schmitzberg (born October 29, 1916 in Zehlendorf) on March 21, 1933 in Berlin-Grunewald (shot on a rest), and sentenced to death by the jury court in Berlin for arson and executed with a hand ax in the Plötzensee prison (6:06 a.m.).
  • June 14, 1934: Willi Rochow (born March 18, 1915 in Kieck), communist, for collective murder, committed against Fritz "Imme" Schmitzberg (born October 29, 1916 in Zehlendorf) on March 21, 1933 in Berlin-Grunewald (shot on a rest), and sentenced to death by the jury court in Berlin for arson and executed with a hand ax in the Plötzensee prison (6:10 a.m.).
  • July / August / September 1934: Stefan Kaptur , communist. Kaptur was accused of being involved in the shooting of SS man Adolf Höh on December 6, 1930 in Dortmund. A first criminal case against him was set around 1931. After 1933 the case was reopened: On December 7, 1933, Kaptur was found guilty of Höh's murder by the Hamm Higher Regional Court and sentenced to death. Kaptur, whose exact date of death cannot be found in the literature, was, along with Friedrich Rapior and Hans Voit, the first person to be executed with the guillotine in the "Lübecker Hof" prison in Dortmund.
  • August 30, 1934: Friedrich Rapior, painter, communist, accused of participating in an attack on the National Socialist Walter Ufer in Dortmund on June 24, 1932, who died of his injuries two weeks later, and of serious joint breach of the peace and joint murder. A first criminal case was dropped. After the trial was resumed, he was sentenced to death on March 7, 1934, together with Hans Voit, and executed with a hand ax on August 30, 1934 in the court prison in Dortmund.
  • August 30, 1934: Hans Voit, miner, communist, accused of participating in an attack on the National Socialist Walter Ufer in Dortmund on June 24, 1932, who died two weeks later of his injuries, and of jointly serious breach of the peace and joint murder. A first criminal case was dropped. After the trial was resumed, he was sentenced to death on March 7, 1934, together with Friedrich Rapior, and executed with a hand ax on August 30, 1934 in the court prison in Dortmund.
  • September 14, 1934: Franz Schidzig (* 1905/1906), driver, communist, in January or February 1933 on suspicion of an attack by communists on the SA home at the Westbahnhof in Iserlohn on January 16, 1933 - in which the SA Troop Leader Hans Bernsau suffered several gunshot wounds in which he finally died - having been involved in arrest on the basis of a confession - probably made under torture and later (in vain) revoked - that he had fired the fatal shots at Bernsau, by the Hagen district court Sentenced to death in September 1933 and executed in Hagen on September 14, 1934. The judgment was overturned in 1958 as untenable.
  • September 29, 1934: Willi Johann Jaspers (born January 28, 1898 in Meldorf), seaman, communist, arrested in a street battle with the SA on February 28, 1933, by the special court at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court on September 25, 1934 for attempted murder and resistance to Sentenced to death and executed with a hand ax in Hamburg's remand prison on Holstenglacis.
  • October 16, 1934: Kurt Voglemann (born October 26, 1913 in Neukölln), worker, for robbery murder, committed on December 10, 1933 against Ernestine Andryczewski, b. Klosowscki (born March 5, 1864 in Parchalin), his grandmother, sentenced to death and executed.
  • November 10, 1934: Josef Reitinger (* 1913), cook, communist, arrested on July 25, 1933 and taken to the wild concentration camp in the Frankfurt pearl factory. He was accused of participating in the shooting of SA man Hans Handwerk on June 4, 1932. Reitinger confessed to the crime after severe abuse; later he revoked the confession. He was sentenced to death for murder on September 25, 1933 and executed on November 10, 1934.
  • December 17, 1934: Wilhelm Schuhkraft (born February 14, 1894 Ginnheim / Frankfurt district) offense unknown


  • January 14, 1935: Kamal Syed (born September 18, 1900), Afghan, sentenced to death for the murder of the Afghan envoy in Berlin, Sardar Mohammed Aziz Khan , on June 6, 1933, and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 22, 1935: Paul Hahn, communist, sentenced to death for allegedly killing a member of the Stahlhelm on January 30, 1930, executed in the prison yard in Breslau.
  • February 18, 1935: Renate von Natzmer , sentenced to death by the People's Court for espionage in favor of the Polish secret service and executed with a hand ax in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 18, 1935: Benita von Falkenhayn , sentenced to death by the People's Court for espionage in favor of the Polish secret service and executed with a hand ax in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 23, 1935: Frieda Juchniewicz, b. Arnedt (born May 26, 1889 in Eichstädt), widow, because of the murder of Ida Krüger, b. Wedekind (born February 4, 1859 in Stuhm) on December 15, 1933 in Berlin, arrested, sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 10, 1935: Sally Epstein (born February 3, 1907 in Jastrow / West Prussia) painter, communist, sentenced to death for participating in the murder of Horst Wessel on April 10, 1935 and executed with a hand ax in Plötzensee prison.
  • April 10, 1935: Hans Ziegler (born June 15, 1901), hairdresser, communist, sentenced to death by the jury court in Berlin for his involvement in the murder of Horst Wessel on April 10, 1935 and executed by hand ax in Plötzensee prison.
  • May 15, 1935: Karl Schulze (born March 23, 1908 Kaiserslautern) convicted by the Ulm jury court and executed for murder
  • May 16, 1935: Artur Orlowski (born December 13, 1912 in Brandenburg), Melker, because of robbery and murder committed in Päwesin on July 3, 1934 of the widow Johanna Fehrmann, born Hödler (born September 22, 1853 in Düben), sentenced to death and executed.
  • May 22, 1935: Max Matern (born January 19, 1902 in Berndshof), machine shaper, arrested on March 25, 1933 for participating in the shooting of two police officers in 1931, sentenced to death on June 19, 1934 and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed with a hand ax.
  • June 6, 1935: Fiete Schulze (born October 21, 1894 in Schiffbek) worker, communist, arrested on April 16, 1933 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death three times in March 1935 and beheaded with a hand ax in the Hamburg remand prison.
  • July 3, 1935: Egon Bresz (* 1906/1907), arrested for researching military secrets, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 1, 1935, and executed.
  • July 3, 1935: Bruno Lindenau (* 1871/1872), arrested for espionage, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 29, 1934 and executed.
  • July 5, 1935: Karl Jänicke (born April 8, 1888 in Schönebeck), Social Democrat, member of the Reichsbanner, arrested on April 4, 1933 for the shooting of an SA man in a street battle in March 1933, sentenced to death and in the "Roter Ochse" prison “Executed in Halle.
  • July 12, 1935: Johannes Becker (* 1902 in Kassel), sentenced to death for shooting a policeman on June 12, 1931 and executed in the judicial prison in Kassel.
  • August 17, 1935: Conrad Emil Meller (born October 13, 1909 in Hamfelde, Stormarn district), sentenced to death and executed for murder, committed on January 30, 1935 in Vorder-Bollhagen on the nine-year-old Elli Kern.
  • August 27, 1935: Willy Gehrke (* 1911), executed with a hand ax for robbery and murder in the Berlin Plötzensee prison.
  • August 27, 1935: Charlotte Jünemann, b. Meißner (born November 23, 1910 in Calbe), for murder through neglect, committed on her children Ingeborg (5 months), Wolfgang (2 years) and Bernhard (4 years), in the days from January 28 to February 3, 1935 , sentenced to death and executed with a hand ax in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison by executioner Carl Gröpler.
  • September 20, 1935: Bruno Weisshaupt (* 27 years old / Neufra district of Riedlingen) convicted by the Ulm jury court and executed for robbery and murder
  • October 26, 1935: Peter Kolmen (* February 7, 1902 in Bietzen), Maria Steil (* 1898) murdered for murder on April 18, 1935 in Bietzen, sentenced to death and executed in Cologne.
  • November 5, 1935: Friedrich Haarer (born September 7, 1889 O.-Haustett / Calw district) convicted of murder by the Heilbronn jury, executed
  • December 17, 1935: Rudolf Claus (born September 29, 1893 in Gliesmarode near Braunschweig), lathe operator, arrested in June 1934 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death on July 25 and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.


  • February 18, 1936: Karl Müller (born February 5, 1903 Urach) convicted by the Ulm jury court, executed
  • February 25, 1936: Martin Keil (born March 26, 1911 in Annaberg, Saxony), for murder, committed on December 6, 1934 between Eichhardt and Buch monastery to Irma Keil, b. Zwinzscher (born February 24, 1913 in Krumbach), sentenced to death and executed.
  • April 23, 1936: Johann Bichler (born March 15, 1886 Langen) convicted of triple murder by the Ravensburg jury, executed
  • June 4, 1936: Wladislaus Zelasny (* February 13, 1893 in Warsaw), sentenced to death for murder, committed on July 13, 1935 in Cantdorf of the worker Erna Lisbeth Mretzig (* February 4, 1911 in Alt-Odernitz), and executed in Cottbus.
  • July 4, 1936: Gotthilf Hasis (born May 27, 1916 in Mönsheim), unskilled worker, for murder and serious robbery, committed in Schwieberdingen near Ludwigsburg on October 11, 1935 to Wilhelmine Rothacker (born September 13, 1867 in Schwieberdingen), to death sentenced and executed.
  • July 28, 1936: Christian Hammer (59 years old, Stillau (Ellwangen district)) convicted of murder by the Ellwangen jury court, executed
  • August 13, 1936: Hans Giese (born July 25, 1904 in Bottrop), sentenced to death for kidnapping the twelve-year-old son of the Bonn merchant Hermann Hellings for extortionate child abduction and executed.
  • September 28, 1936: Helmut Kionka (born November 10, 1906 in Breslau), actor, arrested for working as a courier for groups critical of the regime, sentenced to death for treason in May 1936 and executed in Berlin.
  • November 4, 1936: Etkar André (born January 17, 1894 in Aachen), communist functionary, arrested in March 1933, sentenced to death on July 10, 1936 and executed by beheading in Hamburg.
  • November 25, 1936: Wilhelm Hartenstein, trader (born August 10, 1890) from Minden , sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on June 16, 1936 for murder, executed with an ax in the courtyard of the Bielefeld court prison (executioner Carl Gröpler , Magdeburg).
  • November 27, 1936: Albert Rüdiger (* December 1, 1911 in Altwasser), coachman and worker, for murder and moral crimes, committed on August 25, 1935 in Berlin-Marienfelde to Erna Vogel (* May 6, 1923 in Schlottnig), for Sentenced to death and executed.
  • December 15, 1936: Werner Schußmann (born February 9, 1914), for murder committed on the night watchman Richard Helmbold (* 1874) in the yard of the Sangerhausen machine factory on December 31, 1935, executed in Nordhausen.


  • 1937: Kurt Zimmer (born December 7, 1909 in Berlin), building fitter, for murder and rape, committed in Berlin on May 25, 1936 to Berta Schepull, b. Kothe (born April 10, 1891 in Herwigsdorf), sentenced to death and executed.
  • January 8, 1937: Willi Schönwetter (* February 1, 1913 in Dauborn), groom, for murder, committed on December 25, 1935 in Dauborn near Limburg / Lahn to the domestic worker Erna Lang (* August 5, 1913 in Sindlingen), to Sentenced to death and executed in Freiendiez.
  • January 13, 1937: Friedrich Astforth (born July 13, 1911 in Woltersdorf near Luckenwalde), executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison for the murder of his wife Anna Astforth in Jüterbog on July 23, 1936.
  • February 13, 1937: Bruno Busse (born July 30, 1901 in Berlin), stone carrier, for murder committed on March 17, 1936 at Bertra Kraff, b. Tokarczewski (born October 31, 1887 in Lenks), sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 25, 1937: Erhard Kulicke (born July 10, 1911 in Gelsenkirchen), for murder, committed on July 26, 1936 in Wanne-Eickel on the pregnant Elvira Kulicke, b. Hadrian (born September 29, 1910 in Wanne-Eickel), sentenced to death and executed.
  • February 26, 1937: Hans Stollenwerk (born June 21, 1914 in Gelsenkirchen), salesman, committed murder on 25/26 April for robbery and murder. December 1936 in the forest of Hohenschöpping near Velten at the taxi driver Erich Hägenholtz (born April 8, 1905 in Berlin), sentenced to death and executed.
  • March 2, 1937: Willi Heinrich (born September 9, 1905 in Sagan), peddler, for lust murder and attempted rape, committed on October 30, 1936 in Breslau against six-year-old Irene Fuchs (dead) and eleven-year-old Irmgard Froß, sentenced to death and executed.
  • March 23, 1937: Andreas Szymanski (born November 10, 1913 in Poley, Luckau district), servant, for murder, committed on October 18, 1936 in Trebbus of the maid Anna Graefe (born March 21, 1918 in Buckowien, Luckau district) , sentenced to death by the Cottbus jury court on October 14, 1936 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 27, 1937: Erwin Schmidt (born February 8, 1908 in Gestewitz), servant, for murder, committed in Flößberg on November 28, 1935 on the farm worker Margarete Ludwig, b. Stuff (born September 3, 1897 in Frohburg), sentenced to death and executed in Leipzig (5 a.m.).
  • June 4, 1937: Helle Hirsch (born January 27, 1916 in Stuttgart), student, prepared an attack on the Nuremberg Nazi Party rally grounds as a sympathizer of the Black Front , arrested on December 21, 1936, on March 8, 1937 by the People's Court for "preparation of a treasonous company under aggravating circumstances "sentenced to death and executed by guillotine in the Plötzensee prison.
  • June 15, 1937: Robert Schöler, worker (born February 28, 1900), sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on March 5, 1937 for murder, executed by hand ax in the courtyard of Hanover prison (executioner Carl Gröpler , Magdeburg).
  • July 8, 1937: Bruno Schröter , worker, communist, sentenced to death on February 29, 1936 for alleged involvement in the killing of SA storm host Heinrich Böwe in October 1931 for attempted and consummated murder on February 29, 1936 and after rejecting one Request for revision executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • July 8, 1937: Walter Schulz , worker, communist, sentenced to death on February 29, 1936 for alleged involvement in the killing of SA storm host Heinrich Böwe in October 1931 for attempted and committed murder on February 29, 1936, and after rejecting one Request for revision executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • July 8, 1937: Paul Zimmermann , (born September 6, 1895) worker, communist, on February 29, 1936 for alleged involvement in the killing of the SA storm host Heinrich Böwe in October 1931 for attempted and completed murder on February 29, 1936 Sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison after a petition for an appeal was rejected.
  • July 31, 1937: Reinhold Julius (born March 8, 1913 in Magdeburg), worker, arrested in 1935 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court in the summer of 1937 for high treason and executed by beheading in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 23, 1937: Willi Roloff (born September 29, 1909 in Schievelbein), agricultural assistant, for robbery murders, committed on June 4, 1936 against the farmer Albert Lüdke (born October 12, 1903 in Kötzlin), on October 24, 1936 on the Merchant Christian Worreschk (born October 16, 1884 in Kaupe Castle) in Altranft near Bad Freienwalde, on December 4, 1936 at Gut Lindenhufen near Briese to the farm worker Wilhelm Kochan (born March 3, 1905 in Heinersbrück) and an unknown woman in Remlin in Mecklenburg, furthermore sentenced to death for attempted rape, burglary, theft, fraud, presumption of office and negligent arson and executed.
  • October 14, 1937: Helmut Kuch (25 years old / Karlsruhe?) Convicted by the Tübingen jury of two murders, executed
  • November 4, 1937: Adolf Rembte (* 1902), executed by beheading in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 4, 1937: Robert Stamm (born July 16, 1900 in Remscheid), politician, arrested on March 27, 1935, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 4, 1937 for preparation for high treason and executed by beheading in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .


  • January 22, 1938: Felix Bobek (born August 21, 1898 in Prague), physical chemist, arrested in May 1935 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death and executed by beheading in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 22, 1938: Rudi Heubaum (born November 4, 1911 in Görlitz), butcher, for murder committed on July 24, 1937 at the Ziegelhof in Berlin-Spandau of the attendant Hedwig Klatt (born April 22, 1913 in Runowo), to death sentenced and executed.
  • March 4, 1938: Ewald Funke (born July 30, 1905 in Remscheid), businessman, arrested in May 1936 for working in the communist intelligence service and organizing resistance cells in armaments factories, sentenced to death on August 16, 1937 by the People's Court and sentenced to death on August 4, 1938 . Executed March 1938 in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 8, 1938: Anna Hebler, convicted of collective murder, committed on her husband on January 25, 1931, sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 8, 1938: Kurt Hebler (born March 27, 1910 in Straupitz), gardener, on charges of robbery, committed on July 27, 1937 to Elisabeth Lehmann, b. Lehmann, as well as collective murder, committed on January 25, 1931 on his father, sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 8, 1938: Erich Schmidchen (born August 30, 1910 in Cottbus), for robbery murder, committed on July 27, 1937 to Elisabeth Lehmann, b. Lehmann, sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 11, 1939: Karl Georg Genée, locksmith (* April 23, 1909), Walter Krause, locksmith (* May 12, 1910), both from Gelsenkirchen-Buer , sentenced to death by the Bielefeld jury court on October 1, 1937 for murder, executed with the guillotine at the execution site of the Wolfenbüttel prison (executioner Friedrich Hehr , Hanover).
  • June 20, 1938: Artur Göritz , arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on June 12, 1937 by the People's Court in Stuttgart for treason and high treason and executed with the guillotine in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • June 20, 1938: Liselotte Herrmann (born June 23, 1909 in Berlin), chemist, arrested on December 7, 1935 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground (including collecting information on armaments projects), and on June 12, 1937 by the People's Court in Stuttgart Treason condemned to death in unity with high treason and executed with the guillotine in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • June 20, 1938: Stefan Lovasz (born November 6, 1901 in Zeltweg), model carpenter, arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on June 12, 1937 by the People's Court in Stuttgart for treason and high treason and in Berlin-Plötzensee executed with the guillotine.
  • June 20, 1938: Josef Steidle (born February 24, 1908 in St. Georgen), arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on June 12, 1937 by the People's Court in Stuttgart for treason and high treason and in Berlin-Plötzensee executed with the guillotine.
  • June 22, 1938: Robert Körnig (born January 1, 1901 in Meißen-Zscheila), casual worker, for fourfold murders and threefold rape - committed in Hamburg and Cuxhaven to Mrs. Schönfuß (attempted rape in 1925), Grete Seidel (shot at the sea dike in Cuxhaven and raped), Mrs. Hävecker (rape in the Wernerwald 1930), Toni Biermann (attempted rape 1935), Wilma Wulf (rape and strangulation 1935), Frau von Bargen (rape and strangulation 1936) and Grete Bange (rape and strangulation 1937) - by the jury in Stade sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 24, 1938: Heinrich Menz (born November 18, 1910 in Biberach), boatman, sentenced to death by the People's Court for treason and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 30, 1938: Max Götze (born January 3, 1891 in Koepenick) and Walter Götze (born November 14, 1902 in Oberschöneweide), a Berlin criminal duo specializing in car trap robbery, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 23, 1938: Fritz Imlau (born July 28, 1912 in Goldap), for robbery murder, committed on January 8, 1938 in Berlin to the grocer Marie Zenke, b. Angerich (born December 21, 1882 in Klein-Schwenkitten), sentenced to death and executed.
  • September 24, 1938: Martin Scherer (* 1899, from St. Georgen near Salzburg ), by a jury court in Salzburg on November 11, 1937 for a number of offenses (poisoning in Bruck an der Glocknerstrasse , arson, insurance fraud and inciting other people serious criminal offenses ) sentenced to death under Austrian law. The execution was only carried out after Austria was "annexed" to the German Empire .
  • October 4, 1938: Marie Catherine Kneup , housewife, sentenced to death for espionage in favor of the French secret service in 1937 for “treason” and executed with the guillotine in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • October 4, 1938: Ludwig Maringer , businessman, sentenced to death for espionage in favor of the French secret service for "treason" and executed with the guillotine in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • October 4, 1938: Paul Polte (born April 21, 1909 in Rathenow), book auditor, on account of marriage fraud, insurance fraud and murder, committed on February 4, 1935 to the domestic worker Alma Garbe (born May 19, 1902 in Gewiesen) in Berlin-Hakenfelde , sentenced to death and executed.
  • November 26, 1938: Peter Zunker (born November 21, 1885 in Welschbillig near Trier), house servant for robbery and attempted rape, committed on November 3, 1938 in Glienicke to Johanna Meyer, nee. Bermann (born November 3, 1938), sentenced to death by the Berlin Special Court and executed.
  • December 21, 1938: Erich Boos (born April 26, 1918 in Eisenberg / Pfalz) had deserted as an SS guard and was detained in his home town of Eisenberg (Pfalz). On November 27, 1938, he shot and killed Alfred Linnebacher, chief sergeant in the gendarmerie. Shortly after midnight on December 8, 1938, Erich Boos was sentenced to death by the Kaiserslautern Special Court after a one-day trial. The presiding judge was Walther Stepp (1898–1972), who made a remarkable career as a lawyer in the NSDAP and SS. The execution of Boos took place in the remand prison in Stuttgart at 6:02 a.m. by air strangulation, probably by the executioner Johann Reichhart .
  • December 22, 1938: Karl Schülke (born November 10, 1903) convicted of manslaughter by SG Stuttgart, executed


  • January 28, 1939: Michael Krug (born March 26, 1913 Schifferstadt) convicted by the Stuttgart Special Court, executed (offense unknown)
  • February 10, 1939: Walter Cornehl (born January 20, 1905 in Magdeburg), metal worker, for murder, committed on January 23, 1938 in Favoredt near Erfurt of the shoemaker Otto Ehrhardt, sentenced to death and executed in Weimar.
  • March 14, 1939: Peter Kasper (born March 17, 1907 in Krettnich near Wadern), miner, arrested on May 19, 1937 for anti-Nazi activity in a communist group, sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Plötzensee prison.
  • May 10, 1939: Kurt Scherzinger (born December 30, 1918 in Groß-Rosseln), for murder, committed on November 20, 1938 of Lucie Plachta (born November 10, 1909 in Bismarckhütte), sentenced to death and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed.
  • June 14, 1939: Herbert Michaelis (born September 3, 1898 in Hamburg), lawyer, communist, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court in Hamburg on March 2, 1939 for oppositional activities against the Nazi regime and sentenced to death in Berlin prison -Plötzensee executed.
  • July 15, 1939: Friedrich Osthoff (born January 1, 1913 in Sölde), sentenced to death and executed on December 17, 1938 against the police chief sergeant Wegner for aggravated thefts, escaping from the Wiesmoor prison and dangerous bodily harm.

List of executions during World War II

  • September 26, 1939: Johann Pichler (born November 15, 1899 in Pachersdorf, today the parish of St. Marien ), Jehovah's Witness , sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and shot at the Glanegg military shooting range near Salzburg.
  • September 26, 1939: Josef Wegscheider (born September 28, 1897 in Pobersach, parish of Paternion ), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and shot at the Glanegg military rifle range near Salzburg.
  • September 30, 1939: Erich Brackmann (born May 1, 1914 in Borna), Melker, for escaping from the punishment detachment in Lübars, takes place on May 10, 1937, sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • October 13, 1939: Adolf Bultmeyer , Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 1, 1939: Johann Eichhorn ("Beast of Aubing") (born October 8, 1906 in Aubing, Munich district), locksmith at the Reichsbahn, for lust murders (rape, genital mutilation, killing or, in some cases, living burying of the victims ) - committed to the maid Katharina Schätzl (* 1915) on October 11, 1931 near Ebenhausen, to the office assistant Anna Geltel (née Burger) (* 1907) on May 30, 1934 in Forstenrieder Park 4, to the clerk Berta Sauerbeck ( * 1908) on September 9, 1934 in Milbertshofen, on September 1, 1937 between Puchheim and Germering to the seamstress Rosa Eigelein (* 1912) and to the domestic worker Maria Jörg - as well as for about ninety other moral crimes in the Munich area, committed in the years 1928 to 1939, arrested on January 29, 1939, sentenced to death in November 1939 and executed with the guillotine.
  • December 1, 1939: Hermann Göschler (born February 20, 1915 in Freundsam near Liebenfels), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 2, 1939: Franz Mattischek (born March 25, 1915 in Wolfsegg, Upper Austria), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 7, 1939: Gregor Wohlfahrt (born March 10, 1896 in Köstenberg), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 7, 1939: Richard Haiden (born April 10, 1898 in Leoben), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 15, 1939: Adolf Zierler (born March 16, 1917 in Schneegattern, Upper Austria), Holzknecht, Jehovah's Witness. As a conscientious objector, he was executed in Berlin-Plötzensee for subverting the military.
  • December 15, 1939: Rupert Sauseng (born January 16, 1896 in Eisenerz), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector because of degradation of military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 15, 1939: Karl Endstrasser (born December 3, 1904 in St. Johann in Tirol), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector because of degradation of military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 22, 1939: Anton Streyczek (born February 5, 1899), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector for degrading military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.


  • January 6, 1940: Johann Nobis (born April 16, 1899 in St. Georgen near Salzburg), farmer, Jehovah's Witness, arrested in 1939 for conscientious objection, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on November 23, 1939 for undermining military strength and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • January 6, 1940: Johann Ellmauer (* 1909 in Grödig), bricklayer, Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector for degrading military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • January 6, 1940: Gottfried Herzog (born October 20, 1899 in Straßwalchen), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector because of degradation of military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • January 6, 1940: Franz Reiter (April 28, 1903 in Munderfing), Jehovah's Witness, condemned to death as a conscientious objector for degrading military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • January 6, 1940: Franz Mittendorfer (September 10, 1903 in St. Georgen near Vöcklabruck), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector for undermining military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • January 11, 1940: Rudolf Redlinghofer (born October 31, 1900 in Alservorstadt, Austria), arrested as a Jehovah's Witness for conscientious objection to military service, sentenced to death by the 3rd Senate of the Reich Court Martial on December 9, 1939 for undermining military strength and executed with the guillotine.
  • January 25, 1940: Arthur Markmann (born February 27, 1901 in Rotthausen / Essen), for the murder of the domestic worker Käthe Keßler (born July 31, 1884), committed on August 20, 1939, sentenced to death on January 25, 1940 and executed.
  • January 26, 1940: Matthias Nobis (born January 15, 1910 in St. Georgen), farm worker, Jehovah's Witness, arrested for conscientious objection, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on December 20, 1939 for degrading military strength and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • February 16, 1940: Ignaz Kahlbacher (* 1913), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • March 13, 1940: Ferdinand Kosch (born January 6, 1912 in Vienna), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • March 30, 1940: Klaus Kienscherper (born May 2, 1923 in Berlin), pupil, because of the murder of his mother Anna Kienscherper, b. Peeckel (born June 1, 1892 in Weißensee), sentenced to death and executed.
  • March 30, 1940: Gerhard Steinacher (born September 21, 1920 in Vienna), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector for degrading military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • April 27, 1940: Wilhelm Kusserow (born September 4, 1914 in Bochum), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Münster.
  • May 25, 1940: Xaver Battes (born September 22, 1902 in Steinbach, Hall district), convicted of attempted murder by the Stuttgart Special Court on March 28, 1940 as a violent criminal.
  • May 28, 1940: Pranas Valavicius (31 years old), from Kallehnen, convicted in front of the special court in Königsberg as a violent criminal for two cases of robbery and murder.
  • May 30, 1940: Erwin Auchter (48 years old), from Eberswalde, convicted by the People's Court on March 9, 1940 for treason “on behalf of an intelligence service of a foreign power”.
  • May 30, 1940: Karl Palmer (62 years old), from Berlin, convicted by the People's Court on March 9, 1940 for treason “on behalf of an intelligence service of a foreign power”.
  • June 15, 1940: Rupert Heider (born September 16, 1908 in Anger near Weiz), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • June 21, 1940: Hermann Stöhr (born January 4, 1898 in Stettin), arrested for conscientious objection, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on March 16, 1940 for degrading military strength and executed by beheading in the Plötzensee prison.
  • August 10, 1940: Wilhelm Kox (born November 8, 1900 in Aachen), former functionary of the underground KPD, arrested on September 16, 1939 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 20, 1940 and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed
  • September 5, 1940: Michael Lerpscher (born November 5, 1905 in Wilhams (Allgäu)), arrested for conscientious objection, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in Vienna on August 2, 1940 for military strength and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • September 6, 1940: Ewald Brüske (born June 15, 1911 in Berlin), Korbmacher, for lust murder, committed on January 27, 1935 in Berlin-Niederschönause of eight-year-old Paul Herms (* 1932), sentenced to death and executed.
  • September 6, 1940: Karl Zink (born April 24, 1910 in Mehlis), businessman, arrested in 1939 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death in 1940 by the People's Court and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 24, 1940: Alfred Andreas Heiss (born April 18, 1904 in Triebenreuth near Stadtsteinach), sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial for conscientious objection to military service and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • October 10, 1940: Joseph Ruf (born December 15, 1905 in Hochberg), clergyman, arrested in April 1940 for conscientious objection, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on September 14, 1940 for undermining military strength and executed in the Brandenburg Görden prison.
  • October 10, 1940: Johann Moser (born November 2, 1900 in St. Peter am Kammersberg), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector for degrading military strength and executed in Brandenburg.
  • October 17, 1940: Maximilian Rutter (born January 30, 1897 in Liemberg near Liebenfels), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector because of degradation of military strength and executed in Brandenburg-Görden.
  • October 17, 1940: Alois Wagner (born July 7, 1907 in Eidexberg, Styria), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector for degrading military strength and executed in Brandenburg-Görden.
  • October 24, 1940: Alois Hofer (born June 20, 1899 in Wölbling near Graz), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Brandenburg-Görden.
  • November 6, 1940: Hermann Steigleiter (* 1917), Rhine boatman, communist, arrested in 1938 for spying on military installations and smuggling communist documents, sentenced to death on March 19, 1940 by the 3rd Senate of the People's Court for preparation for high treason and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed with the guillotine.
  • November 6, 1940: Hugo Steigleiter (* 1920), communist, arrested in 1938 for spying on military facilities and smuggling communist writings, sentenced to death on March 19, 1940 by the 3rd Senate of the People's Court for preparing high treason and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed with the guillotine.


  • February 1, 1941: Karl Schapper (born August 27, 1879 in Groß Möringen), lawyer, arrested on September 9, 1939 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court for high treason and executed by beheading in Plötzensee prison.
  • February 11, 1941: Walter Clasen (born May 9, 1903 in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg), coal worker, for sex murder, committed on June 21, 1938 in Hamburg-Billstedt to the seller Gerda Fengels (born September 21, 1914 in Lübeck), for Sentenced to death and executed.
  • February 16, 1941: Michael Schneeberger (born August 18, 1900 in Nuremberg), worker, communist, lived as an emigrant in Czechoslovakia since 1934, arrested while smuggling Nazi-hostile literature into Reich territory (where he offered armed resistance to his detention) , charged with high treason, sentenced to death on November 15, 1940 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 27, 1941: Paul Schurr (born June 27, 1907), commercial clerk because of the sending of around 4000 subversive chain letters in which he advocated Alemannic separatism and opposed the persecution of communists, churches and Jews, Nazi propaganda and turned against the war, arrested between August and October 1940, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed.
  • April 4, 1941: Albert Merz (* 1911), sentenced to death as Christadelphian for conscientious objection and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • May 7, 1941: Josef Prudik (born December 24, 1891 in Kostel-Gerling), for robbery murder, committed on February 15, 1941 of his landlady Helene Scheidecker, b. Colombiewsk (born December 24, 1891), sentenced to death and executed.
  • May 14, 1941: Maurice Bavaud (born January 15, 1916 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland), arrested for plans to assassinate Adolf Hitler, sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • June 4, 1941: Ludwig Cyranek (born September 1, 1907 in Herten), Jehovah's Witness, arrested in February 1940 for activity directed against the Nazi regime, in March 1941 by the Dresden Special Court for undermining military strength in unity with participation in an anti-military association and Sentenced to death in violation of the prohibition of the International Association of Serious Bible Students and executed in Dresen.
  • July 1, 1941: Heinz Kapelle (born September 17, 1913 in Berlin), printer, arrested on October 16, 1939 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground (distribution of leaflets critical of the war), sentenced to death on February 21, 1941 and in the Berlin prison -Plötzensee executed.
  • July 25, 1941: Willi Gall (born October 3, 1908 in Falkenstein) Dreher, arrested in December 1939 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on January 23, 1941 and executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • July 25, 1941: Otto Nelte (born December 4, 1898 in Berlin-Adlershof) metal worker, arrested on December 7, 1939 for work in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on January 23, 1941 and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 29, 1941: Luzian König (born December 10, 1912 in Wasselnheim / Alsace) convicted by SG Stuttgart and executed for pest offenses
  • August 9, 1941: Alois Schübl (born April 10, 1907 in Münzbuch, Austria), Jehovah's Witness, arrested for refusing to do military service on religious grounds, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in Berlin on June 27, 1941 and beheaded in Brandenburg prison .
  • August 9, 1941: Ernst Volkmann (born March 3, 1902 in Schönbach, Böhmen), Catholic guitar maker from Bregenz, arrested for religious reasons for conscientious objection to military service, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in Berlin on July 7, 1941 and beheaded in Brandenburg prison .
  • August 9, 1941: Leander Zrenner (born January 21, 1905 in Regensburg) supporter of the Reform Adventists from Munich, arrested for refusing to do military service on religious grounds, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in Berlin on July 7, 1941 and beheaded in the Brandenburg prison .
  • August 9, 1941: Franz Neubauer (born November 24, 1911 in Dobschitz / Sudetenland) baker, accused of desertion
  • September 10, 1941: Harald Viggo Hansteen (born September 13, 1900 in Oslo) lawyer, communist, sentenced to death for participating in a strike directed against the German occupation of Norway and executed by shooting.
  • September 10, 1941: Rolf Wickstrøm (born December 9, 1912 in Oslo), Norwegian trade unionist, sentenced to death by the occupying power for calling for a strike and executed.
  • October 24, 1941: Paul Ottmann (born April 18, 1908), police sergeant for attempted rape resulting in death, committed on December 28, 1940 in Berlin to the nurse Else Kley (born August 31, 1914 in Ilmenach, Zell district) , sentenced to death and executed.
  • October 25, 1941: Wilhelm Valentin Mannel (born September 10, 1911 in Wanne-Eickel), Jehovah's Witness, executed as a conscientious objector in the Brandenburg penitentiary.


  • 1942/1943: Gertrud Schubert (born August 14, 1904), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • 1942: Melanie Kuriotek, prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • 1942: Meta Schulze (born August 14, 1906), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 23, 1942: Oskar Hübschmann (born April 12, 1908), sentenced to death on October 20, 1941 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 30, 1942: Rudolf Terer (born October 6, 1906), communist, sentenced to death and loss of civil rights for life by the People's Court on September 16, 1941 for being active in the anti-Nazi communist underground and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed.
  • January 31, 1942: Wilhelm Hetkamp , Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial for conscientious objection and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 5, 1942: Louwe Smilde (born August 23, 1923 in Muntendam), Dutch, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 7, 1942: Michael Klause, communist in the Plötzensee prison, beheaded with a guillotine.
  • February 10, 1942: Leo Bohnenstengel (born June 28, 1897 Mühlhausen / Konstanz) convicted by the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court and executed for undermining military strength
  • February 10, 1942: Otto Etzel (born March 16, 1911 in Bissingen district of Ludwigsburg) convicted of violent crimes by the SG Stuttgart, executed
  • February 12, 1942: Ady Claude (born July 8, 1913 in Oberkorn), Luxembourger, by guillotine in Cologne-Klingelpütz prison
  • February 12, 1942: Dominik Dondelinger (born October 12, 1897 in Zolwer / Soleuvre), Luxembourger, by guillotine in Cologne-Klingelpütz prison, see Ady Claude
  • February 28, 1942: Martin Rost (* 1919), executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 3, 1942: Johanna Kursatz (born February 15, 1900), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 12, 1942: Josef Bock (born February 28, 1908 Nordstetten / Horb) convicted by SG Stuttgart and executed for "public pest offenses"
  • March 14, 1942: Gregor Wohlfahrt junior (born July 24, 1921 in Köstenberg), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • March 19, 1942: Julie Ball (born April 24, 1880), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 20, 1942: Johann Zdum (born December 15, 1915 in Korczew), civil worker, arrested at the beginning of 1941 for illicit relationships with a German woman, sentenced to death and executed by hanging in Dürwiß.
  • March 28, 1942: Wolfgang Kusserow (born March 1, 1922 in Bochum), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • April 11, 1942: Karl August Haas (born February 12, 1909 in Vienna), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Brandenburg-Görden.
  • April 14, 1942: Marcel Weinum (born February 5, 1924 in Brumath), a schoolboy, arrested for a bomb attack on May 9, 1941, sentenced to death by a special court in Strasbourg on March 31, 1942 and executed by beheading in Stuttgart.
  • April 25, 1942: Willi Kuhlmey (born April 1, 1911 in Schmergow), gardener, for murders committed on April 10, 1941 in Bochow-Bruch near Groß-Kreutz on his children Willi (5 years), Rosemarie (3 years) , Alfred (2 years) and Erika (3/4 years), sentenced to death and executed.
  • May 8, 1942: Józef Trzeciak (born December 19, 1910 in Węglówka), forced laborer , arrested on August 9, 1941 for illicit relationships with a German woman, sentenced to death and executed by hanging in Zachenberg.
  • May 21, 1942: Kurt Steffelbauer (born February 16, 1890 in Görlitz) trade unionist, arrested on May 28, 1941 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on January 10, 1942 by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed.
  • May 21, 1942: Arthur Emmerlich (born September 20, 1907 in Niederwiesa) worker, communist, arrested on May 24, 1941 for attempting to organize underground KPD networks, and to death on January 10, 1942 by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court sentenced and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 21, 1942: Alfred Grünberg (born February 18, 1901 in Magdeburg) worker, sentenced to death by the People's Court on January 10, 1942 for high treason, executed by hanging in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • June 1942: Walter Lüdtke (born August 30, 1909 in Wilmersdorf), construction worker, for murder, committed on February 4, 1942 to Anna Mollath, b. Schuster and her mother Gertrud Schuster, sentenced to death and executed.
  • June 3, 1942: Cecilia Grzeskiewi (born August 10, 1924), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, executed.
  • June 3, 1942: Leo Katzenberger (born November 25, 1873 in Maßbach), businessman , arrested by the Nuremberg Special Court on charges of having had sexual intercourse with an Aryan woman as a Jew ( racial disgrace ), citing the Ordinance on People's Pest in March 1942 Sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in Munich.
  • June 5, 1942: Fritz Schulze (born April 14, 1903 in Leipzig), painter, arrested in February 1941 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court in 1942 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 5, 1942: Karl Stein (born January 30, 1902 in Dresden), electrician, arrested in January 1941 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 11, 1942 for high treason and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • June 5, 1942: Herbert Bochow (born November 20, 1906 in Eberstadt / Hessen), writer, arrested in June 1941 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death on March 11, 1942 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 5, 1942: Albert Hensel (born March 20, 1895 in Dresden), worker, arrested on February 6, 1941 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on March 11, 1942 and executed by guillotine in Plötzensee prison.
  • June 11, 1942: Michael Kitzelmann (born January 29, 1916 in Horben), officer, arrested in April 1942 for statements critical of the war, sentenced to death by a field war tribunal for undermining military strength and executed by shooting in Orel.
  • June 23, 1942: Jan Michalski (born September 14, 1915 Poland) the Pole who was assigned to work in Germany was executed by the SG Stuttgart for "harming the German people". Despite explicit warnings, he had an intimate relationship with a German for a long time
  • July 3, 1942: Heinrich Maas (born August 27, 1903), lathe operator, communist, employee of Frankfurter Maschinenbau AG, as head of a group of former social democrats and communists in his company who passed on foreign radio stations and their messages directed against the Nazi regime , arrested for "subversive word of mouth", sentenced to death for preparation for high treason and executed in the Preungesheim prison.
  • July 7, 1942: Rudi Nowak (born April 16, 1928 in Deutsch-Eylau), welfare pupil, for robbery, committed on May 26, 1942 at the Balbina Thygesen (* 1865), b. Braniewicz, sentenced to death and executed.
  • July 7, 1942: Horst Schimmelpfennig (* August 5, 1928 in Berlin), welfare pupil, for robbery, committed on May 26, 1942 at the Balbina Thygesen (* 1865), b. Braniewicz, sentenced to death and executed.
  • July 8, 1942: August Halicki (* 1915), Polish forced laborer, sentenced to death by the Darmstadt Special Court for escaping from a prison camp and two crimes in connection with serious theft under the Polish Criminal Law Ordinance and executed in Preungesheim prison.
  • July 28, 1942: Johann Bamberger (* 1919), executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • August 1, 1942: Heinrich Stück (* 1887), Schneider sentenced to death and executed by the Higher Regional Court of Kassel on June 30, 1942 for a crime against Section 2 of the Broadcasting Ordinance in unison with crime Section 1 of this Ordinance (5.35 a.m.)
  • August 5, 1942: Bronislawa Czubakow (born July 9, 1916), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison , executed.
  • August 7, 1942: Josef Adamczyk (born April 26, 1905), executed by beheading.
  • August 7, 1942: Sophie Golembiew (born February 8, 1907), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, executed.
  • August 15, 1942: Josef Augustyniak (born November 30, 1899), executed.
  • August 15, 1942: Veronika Augustyniak, executed.
  • August 15, 1942: Marianne Schejner (born March 29, 1878), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, executed.
  • August 18, 1942: Marianne Baum (born February 9, 1912 in Saarburg), communist, arrested for an attack on an anti-communist exhibition in May 1942, sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 18, 1942: Joachim Franke (born January 8, 1905), engineer, arrested in May 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on July 16, 1942 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 18, 1942: Hildegard Jadamowitz (born February 12, 1916 in Berlin-Neukölln), office assistant, arrested on May 17, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 16, 1942 for preparation for high treason and in executed by beheading the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 18, 1942: Sala Kochmann (born June 7, 1912 in Rzeszów, Poland), kindergarten teacher, arrested on May 23, 1942 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death on July 16, 1942 by the People's Court and in the Plötzensee prison with the Guillotine executed.
  • August 18, 1942: Hans-Georg Mannaberg (born December 24, 1912 in Rixdorf), worker, arrested in 1942 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 18, 1942: Werner Steinbrink (born April 19, 1917 in Berlin-Neukölln), chemical engineer, arrested in May 1942 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 16, 1942 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • August 18, 1942: Irene Walter (born January 23, 1914 or January 23, 1921), member of the Herbert Baum group, executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • August 18, 1942: Suzanne Wesse (born January 16, 1914 in Calais), translator, arrested on May 23, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 16, 1942 for preparation for high treason and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed by beheading.
  • August 19, 1942: Karl Göttig (born August 13, 1914 in Klein Werden), communist, arrested after writing on a cardboard sign in the closet of the tax office in Nordshausen: “Long live the Communist Party of Germany. Hitler, the pig, go crazy, because he alone is to blame for the war. This mass murderer ", for this reason (and for listening to foreign radio stations) sentenced to death on May 20, 1942 by the Higher Regional Court in Kassel for preparation for high treason and radio crime and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • August 21, 1942: Franz Reinisch (born February 1, 1903 in Feldkirch-Levis, Vorarlberg), priest, arrested on April 15, 1942 for refusing to take the oath of the oath on Adolf Hitler, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial and beheaded in the Brandenburg-Görden prison executed.
  • August 22, 1942: Agnes Zarembowicz (born October 23, 1895), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • August 22, 1942: Leokardia Zbierska (born March 22, 1917), executed.
  • August 22, 1942: Peter Kicinski, executed.
  • August 22, 1942: Dominik Kujawa, executed.
  • August 22, 1942: Kasimierz Ruzycki , executed.
  • August 22, 1942: Waclaw Stasiak, executed.
  • August 24, 1942: Czesław Jóźwiak (born September 7, 1919 in Łążyn near Bydgoszcz), youth, arrested on September 23, 1940 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death for preparation for high treason and executed in Dresden.
  • August 24, 1942: Edward Kaźmierski (born October 1, 1919 in Poznań), mechanic, arrested for participating in anti-Nazi activities against the German occupation of Poland, sentenced to death for high treason and executed in Dresden.
  • August 24, 1942: Franciszek Kęsy (born November 13, 1920 in Berlin), youth, arrested in September 1940 for activities against the German occupation, sentenced to death for preparation for high treason and executed in Dresden.
  • August 24, 1942: Eduard Klinik (born July 21, 1919 in Bochum-Werne), worker, arrested in September 1940 for working in the anti-Nazi resistance in Poland, sentenced to death for preparation for high treason and executed in Dresden.
  • August 24, 1942: Jarogniew Wojciechowski (born November 5, 1922 in Posen), arrested in September 1940 for activities against the German occupation in Poland, sentenced to death for preparation for high treason and executed in Dresden.
  • August 25, 1942: Walerian Wróbel (born April 2, 1925 in Fałków), Polish forced laborer, for setting fire to a haystack on July 8, 1942 by the special court at the Bremen Regional Court for arson and also as a "pest" according to the ordinance against pests to death sentenced and executed in Hamburg with the guillotine.
  • August 28, 1942: Andreas Hoevel (born February 24, 1900 in Pallien), arrested on November 30, 1941 in Koblenz for anti-Nazi activity (dissemination of foreign radio reports), on June 26, 1942 by the Kassel Higher Regional Court for preparation for high treason and radio crimes for Sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • August 28, 1942: Anneliese Hoevel (born October 3, 1898 in Cologne), arrested on November 30, 1941 in Koblenz, sentenced to death on June 26, 1942 by the Kassel Higher Regional Court for preparation for high treason and broadcast crimes and in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison executed with the guillotine.
  • 1 September 1942: Ludwig Pfältzer (* 7 July 1911 in Pforzheim) supporters of Reformadventisten arrested for refusing military service on religious grounds, condemned by the Reich Court in Berlin on 29 July 1942 death and in the penitentiary Brandenburg-Gorden beheaded.
  • September 2, 1942: Wilhelm Letonja (born May 6, 1915 in Donawitz, Austria) a Jehovah's Witness, arrested for desertion, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in Berlin on July 27, 1942 and beheaded in Brandenburg-Görden prison .
  • September 2, 1942: Agnes Laczkiewic (born February 16, 1891), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 2, 1942: Josefa Vichowa (born September 16, 1902), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 11, 1942: Carl Minster (born February 25, 1873 in Edenkoben), publicist, arrested in 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court for preparation for high treason and executed in Berlin.
  • September 15, 1942: Georg Lechleiter (born April 14, 1885 in Appenweier), communist, arrested in early 1942 for disseminating an underground newspaper, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court and executed by beheading in Stuttgart.
  • September 15, 1942: Wladislaw Stawowski (born August 15, 1922 in Poland) convicted of murder by SG Stuttgart, executed
  • September 15, 1942: Stanislaw Majchar (born March 8, 1907 in Poland) convicted of murder by SG Stuttgart, executed
  • September 17, 1942: Anton Breitinger (born June 19, 1898), varnisher, communist, arrested for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 24, 1942 and executed with the guillotine in Preungesheim prison.
  • September 17, 1942: Edmund Germann, communist, arrested in summer 1941 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 24, 1942 for high treason and executed with the guillotine in Preungesheim prison.
  • September 17, 1942: Otto Häuslein (born January 3, 1911), plumber, communist, arrested in the summer of 1941 for anti-Nazi activity, charged with preparation for high treason and degradation of military strength and sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 26, 1942, and with in Preungesheim prison executed with the guillotine.
  • September 17, 1942: Wilhelm Hugo (born July 18, 1906), post office worker, communist, arrested in the summer of 1941 for anti-Nazi activities, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 24, 1942 for high treason and executed with the guillotine in Preungesheim.
  • September 17, 1942: Wilhelm Klöppinger (born October 8, 1910 in Pfungstadt), post office worker from Wiesbaden, communist, obliged to work in a Frankfurt post office, arrested in summer 1941 for working in the communist underground, by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on 25. Sentenced to death in June 1942 and executed in Preungesheim.
  • September 17, 1942: Julius Nees (born September 28, 1898 in Pfaffenwiesbach), communist, arrested in the summer of 1941 for anti-Nazi activities, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 24, 1942 for high treason and executed with the guillotine in Preungesheim prison.
  • September 18, 1942: Gertrude Raraite (born July 7, 1921), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 22, 1942: Marianne Pietrzak (born May 16, 1900), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 22, 1942: Anna Zagora (born April 16, 1915), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 24, 1942: Max Behretz (born January 20, 1913 in Roermond), machinist, sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 30, 1942: Ferdinand Strasser (born April 3, 1901 in Krems an der Donau), politician, arrested on April 15, 1941 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 12, 1942 and executed in Vienna.
  • October 2, 1942: Julietta Kaechel (born November 20, 1920 in Markirch, Alsace), worker, inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 13, 1942: Stanislaus Malik (born July 21, 1918 in Tschammendorf, Neumark district), Melker, Pole, arrested in Berlin for robbery and murder of the factory owner Erich Plehn (born March 23, 1892 in Berlin), sentenced to death and executed.
  • October 27, 1942: Helmuth Hübener (born January 8, 1925 in Hamburg), administration apprentice, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court for high treason on August 11, 1942 as an opposition member against the Nazi state for distributing anti-Nazi leaflets and in executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 3, 1942: Anna Wanrurowa (born May 16, 1914), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 9, 1942 Johann August Malin (born September 22, 1902 in Satteins near Feldkirch), worker, arrested on May 6, 1942 for anti-Nazi activities, executed by the People's Court in the Stadelheim prison for preparation for high treason and defeat of military strength.
  • November 24, 1942: Agnes Maly (born January 7, 1910), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 1, 1942: Karl Albin Becker (born November 19, 1894 in Hanover), typesetter, extradited to Germany as an emigrant in June 1941 for anti-Nazi activities as a communist, sentenced to death on September 4, 1942 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • December 1, 1942: Kvetoslaw Kabat (also Viteslaw Vojkowsky) (born April 19, 1919 in Tschelolowicz), sentenced to death for murder on July 25, 1942 of the hotel servant Wachnitz and forgery of documents and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • December 3, 1942: Hanno Günther (born January 12, 1921 in Berlin), baker, communist, arrested on July 28, 1941 for anti-Nazi activities (dissemination of anti-regime propaganda material), sentenced to death on October 9, 1942 and in the Berlin prison -Plötzensee executed.
  • December 3, 1942: Hermann Seebach, machinist, worked for the Lübeck mechanical engineering company, arrested for eavesdropping on enemy broadcasters, charged with communist hate speech and preparation for high treason before the People's Court, sentenced to death on October 5, 1942 and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed.
  • December 5, 1942: Gustav Adolf Hochschild (born August 5, 1906 in Schleusenau), because of the attempted murder of Minn Hochschild, b. Sander (born December 21, 1904 in Piontken ), sentenced to death and executed.
  • December 14, 1942: Elisabeth Lambert (born October 15, 1897), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 18, 1942: Felix Grafe (born July 9, 1888 in Humpolec, Bohemia) poet and translator, arrested in July 1941 for the publication of an anti-Nazi poem in an underground magazine, sentenced to death by the district court of Vienna for degrading military strength and preparation for high treason and in executed on District Court Street.
  • December 18, 1942: Luise Reichman (born December 25, 1904), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 22, 1942: Hans Coppi (born January 25, 1916 in Berlin), as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state for participating in the anti-regime actions of the Red Orchestra, sentenced to death for high treason and in Berlin-Plötzensee with the guillotine executed.
  • December 22, 1942: John Graudenz (born November 12, 1884 in Danzig), as an oppositionist against the Nazi state for participating in the anti-regime actions of the Red Orchestra, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial for high treason and carried out in Berlin-Plötzensee Strangulation executed.
  • December 22, 1942: Arvid Harnack (born May 24, 1901 in Darmstadt), as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state for participating in the anti-regime actions of the Red Orchestra, sentenced to death for high treason and in Berlin-Plötzensee with the guillotine executed.
  • December 22, 1942: Harro Schulze-Boysen , as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state, sentenced to death for high treason for participating in the anti-regime actions of the Rote Kapelle and executed with the guillotine in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 22, 1942: Horst Heilmann (born April 15, 1923 in Dresden), student, sentenced to death for high treason and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state for participating in the anti-regime actions of the Rote Kapelle.
  • December 22, 1942: Walter Rietig (born November 4, 1906 in Breslau), worker, arrested on July 13, 1942 for supporting slave labor and anti-Nazi statements, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 26, 1942 and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed by guillotine.
  • December 22, 1942: Rudolf von Scheliha (born May 31, 1897 in Zessel, Oels district), sentenced to death for high treason as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state for participating in the actions of the Red Orchestra against the regime and in Berlin- Plötzensee executed.
  • December 22, 1942: Kurt Schulze (born December 28, 1894 in Pyritz,) as an oppositionist against the Nazi state because of his participation in the anti-regime actions of the Red Orchestra on December 19, 1942 by the Reich Court Martial for "high treason" to death sentenced and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 22, 1942: Libertas Schulze-Boysen (born November 20, 1913 in Paris), condemned to death for high treason as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state for participating in the anti-regime actions of the Rote Kapelle and in Berlin-Plötzensee with executed with the guillotine.
  • December 22, 1942: Elisabeth Schumacher (born April 28, 1904 in Darmstadt), graphic artist, arrested on September 12, 1942 for participating in the actions of the Red Orchestra against the Nazi regime, and on December 19, 1942 by the Reich Court Martial for preparation Sentenced to death for high treason and treason and executed with the guillotine in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 22, 1942: Kurt Schumacher (born May 6, 1905 in Stuttgart) was sentenced to death as an oppositionist to the Nazi state for participating in the anti-regime actions of the Red Orchestra for preparation for high treason and treason and sentenced to death in Berlin-Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • December 22, 1942: Ilse Stöbe , journalist, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on December 14, 1942, together with Rudolf von Scheliha, for allegedly helping Scheliha to divulge state secrets to foreign countries for money, and executed in the Plötzensee prison.


  • Winter 1942/1943: Irene Bernaskow, prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • Turn of the year 1942/1943: Frieda Grewe (born November 23, 1899), executed, inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • 1943: Valentina Archipowa (* 1918), Soviet foreign worker , sentenced to death by the Frankfurt Special Court for stealing two meters of scorched material and executed with the guillotine in the Frankfurt-Pruchtesheim prison.
  • 1943: Jaroslawa Castek (* 1908), inmate in Barnim women's prison, executed.
  • 1943: Georg Jurkowski (born July 31, 1891 in Berlin), postman, arrested in August 1943 for comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 14, 1943 for undermining military strength and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • 1943: Eva Martinowicz (born January 21, 1893), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • 1943: Josefa Sadowska (born April 14, 1925), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • 1943: Agnes Szukolska (* 1891), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • 1943: Marie Wentzlau (born March 24, 1906 in Halle), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • Martha Hopp (* 1890), housewife from Lübeck, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 30th, 1943 for "degrading military strength" because she had told a colleague that Germany would lose the war and that the expected loss of human life was everyone Beyond imagination.
  • January 5, 1943: Jadojga Joksute (born June 8, 1912), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, executed.
  • 7 January 1943: Marceau Jumeau (* 1909), French, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • January 7, 1943: Erwin Puschmann (born February 8, 1905 in Vienna), worker, arrested on January 22, 1941 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death and executed in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • January 7, 1943: Franz Sebek (born April 30, 1901 in Schluesselburg near Blatna), arrested at the end of 1941, sentenced to death by the People's Court in Vienna in September 1942 for high treason and executed by beheading in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • January 7, 1943: Herbert Eichholzer (born January 31, 1903 in Graz), architect, arrested on January 7, 1941 for anti-Nazi activities, sentenced to death on September 9, 1942 for high treason and executed in Vienna.
  • January 11, 1943: Mieczyklaw Nowak (* 1919), Pole, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 10, 1943: Josef Klobas (* 1913), Czech citizen, executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 10, 1943: Josef Krska (born February 15, 1904 in Brno-Husovice), Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 10, 1943: Frantisek Rysanek (* 1899), Czech citizen, executed in the judicial prison in Frankfurt-Preungesheim.
  • January 11, 1943: Philipp Theodor Auerbach (born March 25, 1904 in Wiesbaden), commercial clerk, communist, denounced for his political views, arrested on August 20, 1942, on November 24, 1942 by the Kassel Higher Regional Court for preparation for high treason to death sentenced and executed with the guillotine in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison (8.10 p.m.).
  • January 11, 1943: August Philipp Louis Biese (born May 8, 1898 in Kassel), Sattler (6:00 a.m.).
  • January 11, 1943: Albert Jakob Friedrich Ege (born January 31, 1871 in Frankfurt), social pensioner, executed with the guillotine (4:05 p.m.).
  • January 11, 1943: August Paul Albert Kannaneck (born March 3, 1906 in Wiesbaden), lathe operator, sentenced to death by the Higher Regional Court of Kassel on November 24, 1942 and executed with the guillotine ( 8:05 p.m.).
  • January 11, 1943: Mieczyslaw Novak (born December 28, 1919 in Bogoszyce), agricultural worker, executed with the guillotine (8 p.m.).
  • January 11, 1943: Michael Sarnicki (born February 2, 1921 in Kule), agricultural worker, executed with the guillotine ( 4.10 p.m.).
  • January 11, 1943: Joseph Lardinois (born June 10, 1923 in Belgium), Dreher, for robbery, committed on January 3, 1943 in the S-Bahn between Oranienburg-Lehnitz, sentenced to death on January 11, 1943 and executed.
  • January 11, 1943: Willi van Leeuwen (born April 22, 1922 in Ukkel), machine worker, for robbery, committed on January 1, 1943 in the S-Bahn between Oranienburg-Lehnitz to Steffi Freese, nee. Behrens (born December 1, 1911 in Berlin) (killed with a mallet), sentenced to death on January 11, 1943 and executed.
  • January 15, 1943: Grete Jost (born May 26, 1916 in Vienna), worker, arrested on February 8, 1941 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death on September 23, 1942 for preparation for high treason and executed by beheading in the Vienna Regional Court .
  • January 15, 1943: Heinz Zunk (born May 17, 1919 in Berlin), member of the Wehrmacht, because of a robbery committed on September 18, 1942 in Berlin against the postal worker Hildegard Hahn, b. Michaelis (born December 13, 1907 in Berlin) arrested, sentenced to death and executed in Brandenburg prison.
  • February 10, 1943: Jan Martinek (* 1901), Czech citizen, executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 19, 1943: Josef Pomp (born October 25, 1898 in Troppau), Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 19, 1943: Heinrich Will (born August 27, 1895 in Treis), executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • January 20, 1943: Conrad Blenkle (born December 28, 1901 in Berlin), baker, persecuted for anti-Nazi activities in Germany, arrested as an emigrant in Denmark on December 16, 1941, transferred to Germany, to death by the People's Court on November 25, 1942 sentenced and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 20, 1943: Gerda von Klinski , b. Herrmann (born April 20, 1914 in Berlin), for murder committed on March 10, 1942 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf on her mother-in-law Else von Klinski, née. Vick (born May 23, 1889 in Schleffin), sentenced to death and executed.
  • January 23, 1943: Albrecht Ege (born January 31, 1878 in Frankfurt am Main), carpenter, sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • January 27, 1943: Richard Zach (born March 23, 1919 in Graz), arrested on October 31, 1941 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death and executed in Berlin.
  • January 27, 1943: Anton Dorner (born April 28, 1923 in Manessen, Himmelberg), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Brandenburg.
  • January 28, 1943: Rudolf Fischer (born December 5, 1905 in Vienna), Austrian resistance fighter, member of the KPÖ, sentenced to death by the Vienna / Berlin People's Court, executed in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • February 3, 1943: Helmuth Klotz (born October 30, 1894 in Freiburg im Breisgau), social democratic journalist, arrested as an exile in Paris in 1940, on November 27, 1942 by the People's Court for his publications on treason and treason directed against the Nazi regime Sentenced to death and executed by beheading in Plötzensee prison.
  • February 3, 1943: Anton Brugger (born April 9, 1911 in Kaprun), pastry chef, Reform Adventist , condemned to death by the Reich Court Martial in Berlin on January 5, 1943 as a conscientious objector and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • February 10, 1943: Josef Benes (born February 3, 1906 in Olomouc-Hejcin), Czech citizen, sentenced to death and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 10, 1943: Erwin Gehrts (born April 18, 1890 in Hamburg), journalist, arrested as a member of the Red Orchestra on October 9, 1942, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in January 1943 and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • February 10, 1943: Josef Psikal (* 1902), Czech citizen, executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 10, 1943: Antonin Strand (* 1907), Czech citizen, executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 12, 1943: Herbert Gollnow (born July 13, 1911 in Berlin), officer, arrested as a member of the Rote Kapelle on October 19, 1942, indicted by the 2nd Senate of the Reich Court Martial on December 15, 1942 for betraying military secrets Tegel shooting range executed.
  • February 12, 1943: France Bloch-Sérazin (born February 21, 1913 in Paris), arrested in May 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the Resistance , sentenced to death on September 30, 1942 by the Greater Paris Field War Court and in the courtyard of the Hamburg remand prison executed with the guillotine.
  • February 19, 1943: Otokar Doukounil (born January 21, 1895 in Warsaw), Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 19, 1943: Milan Matuska (born October 6, 1898 in Blanz), Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 19, 1943: Heinrich Will (born August 27, 1895 in Treis / Lumda), painter, arrested on February 6, 1942 for taking part in discussions critical of the regime and for listening to foreign radio broadcasts together, on July 21, 1942 by the People's Court in Darmstadt Preparing for treason and eavesdropping on enemy broadcasters, sentenced to death and executed by guillotine in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 16, 1943: Maria Rink (born March 22, 1901), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 19, 1943: Jaroslaw Golda (* 1893), Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • February 22, 1943: Christoph Probst (born November 6, 1919 in Murnau am Staffelsee), student, as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state, executed with the guillotine in the Munich-Stadelheim prison.
  • February 22, 1943: Hans Scholl , student, as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state, executed with the guillotine in the Munich-Stadelheim prison for "high treason".
  • February 22, 1943: Sophie Scholl , as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state, executed with the guillotine in the Munich-Stadelheim prison for “high treason”.
  • February 23, 1943: Anton Uran (born February 22, 1920 in St. Martin am Techelsberg), Jehovah's Witness, conscientious objector, sentenced to death for degrading military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • March 3, 1943: Vladislaw Podsenik (* 1898), Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 3, 1943: Milos Prosek (born May 8, 1913 in Brno), Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 3, 1943: Karel Svoboda , (* 1913), Czech citizen, executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 4, 1943: Heinz Birnbaum , arrested in 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on December 10, 1942 and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 4, 1943: Hella Hirsch (* 1921), worker, arrested in July 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in a communist underground group, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on December 10, 1942 and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison with the guillotine executed.
  • March 4, 1943: Marianne Joachim (born November 5, 1921 in Berlin), worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activity in 1942, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on December 10, 1942 and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • March 4, 1943: Hildegard Loewy , arrested in 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on December 10, 1942 and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 4, 1943: Hanni Meyer (born February 14, 1921 in Berlin), arrested for anti-Nazi activities in 1942, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on December 10, 1942 and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 4, 1943: Helmut Neumann, arrested in 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on December 10, 1942 and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 4, 1943: Anna Pajouk (born January 13, 1900), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 4, 1943: Heinz Rotholz , arrested in 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on December 10, 1942 and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 4, 1943: Siegbert Rotholz , arrested in 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on December 10, 1942 and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 4, 1943: Franziska Ryohly (born November 30, 1907), farm worker, inmate in Barnim women's prison, executed.
  • March 4, 1943: Lothar Salinger (born May 8, 1919), arrested for anti-Nazi activity in 1942, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on December 10, 1942 and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 6, 1943: Josef Tippelt (born August 30, 1908 in Marschendorf, Bohemia), teacher, arrested in October 1938 for anti-Nazi stance, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 22, 1942, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 9, 1943: Rosa Hofmann (born May 27, 1919 in Linz), worker, arrested on April 16, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, on June 29, 1942 by the People's Court for degrading military strength in connection with treacherous favoring the enemy and preparation for high treason Sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 9, 1943: Wielawa Jewierska (born October 13, 1912), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 9, 1943: Olga Prokop (born July 22, 1922), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 13, 1943: Kasimir Kukula (born September 1, 1906 in Papianice), sentenced to death by the special court for the higher regional court district of Kassel on February 10, 1943 for offenses against the Polish Criminal Law Ordinance and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 16, 1943: Helene Hanke (born March 1, 1917), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 16, 1943: Bruno Kochan (born December 23, 1907 in Berlin), employee of Aktion T4 , convicted of embezzlement by the Berlin Special Court on February 10, 1943, executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • March 16, 1943: Erna Zeidler , b. Groger, widowed Grabandt (born August 29, 1897 in Rixdorf), sentenced to death and executed for murder committed on June 25, 1942 of her son Wolfgang Grabandt (born July 12, 1932 in Berlin-Neukölln).
  • March 18, 1943: Jan Bezdek (* 1907), Czech citizen, arrested for resistance against the German occupation in 1940, sentenced to death on October 22, 1942 and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 18, 1943: Wenzel Cerny (* 1902), Czech citizen, arrested for resistance against the German occupation in 1940, sentenced to death on October 22, 1942 and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 18, 1943: Vratislav Ladislav Elsner (born June 16, 1917), Czech citizen, arrested for resistance against the German occupation in 1940, sentenced to death on October 22, 1942 and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 18, 1943: Oldřich Fictum (born July 3, 1907), Czech citizen, arrested for resistance against the German occupation in 1940, sentenced to death on October 22, 1942 and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 18, 1943: Zdenek Koznarek (born December 7, 1910), Czech citizen, arrested for resistance against the German occupation in 1940, sentenced to death on October 22, 1942 and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 18, 1943: Stanislav Prybil (* 1907), Czech citizen, arrested for resistance against the German occupation in 1940, sentenced to death on October 22, 1942 and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 18, 1943: Anton Smutny (* 1898), Czech citizen, sentenced to death and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 18, 1943: Rudolf Vlk (born February 17, 1908), executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 18, 1943: Oldřich Wilka, (born January 22, 1899 in Brno), Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 19, 1943: Friedrich / Fritz Hartmann (* July 24, 1912 in Pforzheim), for attempted murder, committed on December 10, 1942 on the Velten-Berlin S-Bahn line to the paramedic Maria Spitzer (* December 15, 1917 in Reußendorf ), sentenced to death and executed.
  • March 26, 1943: Marie Kudeříková (born March 24, 1921 in Vnorovy), student, arrested on December 5, 1941 for participating in the resistance against the German occupation of Bohemia and Moravia , sentenced to death on November 16, 1942 by the court in Breslau and executed in Breslau by beheading.
  • March 29, 1943: Adolf Dvorak, sentenced to death for anti-Nazi activity and executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • March 29, 1943: Emilie Dvorak (born September 27, 1919), sentenced to death for anti-Nazi activity and executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • March 29, 1943: Heinrich Höfig (born November 16, 1907 in Liegnitz), baker, for child abuse resulting in death in Berlin-Friedenau, committed on May 16, 1942 against his two-year-old daughter Karin, sentenced to death and executed.
  • March 29, 1943: Herta Lindner (born November 3, 1920 in Mariaschein), arrested on November 27, 1941 for anti-Nazi activity (production and distribution of anti-regime writings), sentenced to death on November 23, 1942 for preparing for high treason and favoring the enemy and in executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • March 29, 1943: Franz Müller, sentenced to death for anti-Nazi activity and executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • March 29, 1943: Ernst Patz, sentenced to death for anti-Nazi activity and executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • March 29, 1943: Wilhelmine Rubal (born February 6, 1901), arrested on March 23, 1942, prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 29, 1943: Zdenek Safranek, sentenced to death for anti-Nazi activity and executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • March 30, 1943: Maria Restituta Kafka (born May 1, 1894 in Hussowitz), religious sister, sentenced to death on October 29, 1942 for comments critical of the regime for “ favoring the enemy and preparing for high treason” and executed by beheading in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • March 30, 1943: Maria Fischer , (born September 12, 1903 in Vienna), Austrian resistance fighter, member of the KPÖ, by the People's Court Vienna / Berlin, 5th Senate, sentenced to death, executed in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • April 1, 1943: Maria Warszaws (born August 18, 1907), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 5, 1943: Maria Miarowa (born May 11, 1892), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 5, 1943: Alfred Schmidt-Sas (born March 16, 1895 in Schlegel), elementary school teacher, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 9, 1942 for anti-Nazi activities and executed with the guillotine.
  • April 7, 1943: Friedrich Haring (born July 20, 1917 in Kohlberg near Arnsfeld), son of a German farmer's daughter and a Russian prisoner of war of the First World War , enlisted in the Wehrmacht in 1939, joined the Waffen-SS in 1940, was, after he, After learning of his transfer to the Eastern Front, deliberately shot in the hand because he did not want to fight his Russian compatriots, arrested and sentenced to death by the court martial in Frankfurt for self-mutilation and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • April 8, 1943: Elise Hampel (born October 27, 1903 in Bismark (Altmark)) worker, sentenced to death on October 20, 1942 for distributing anti-Nazi postcards, on January 22, 1943 by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court for "decomposition of the Wehrkraft ”and“ Preparation for high treason ”were sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • April 8, 1943: Otto Hermann Hampel (born June 21, 1897 in Mühlbock) worker, sentenced to death on October 20, 1942 for distributing anti-Nazi postcards and leaflets, on January 22, 1943 by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court for "decomposition of the Wehrkraft ”and“ Preparation for high treason ”were sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • April 8, 1943: Marie Ulrich (born February 8, 1891), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 12, 1943: Maria Krsnah (born January 21, 1900), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • 12./13. April 1943: Heinrich (Hermann?) Lindner, miner, communist, sentenced to death by the People's Court for anti-Nazi activity and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • April 15, 1943: Gertrud Baumgartner (born August 26, 1920 in Mannheim), photo lab technician, inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 17, 1943: Herbert Lamboy (born May 27, 1922) convicted by Ger. Komm. Eifel, executed for "military offenses"
  • April 17, 1943: Werner Müller (born October 2, 1914) convicted by SG Mannheim (violent crime), executed
  • April 21, 1943: Julius Bockemüller (born October 10, 1895 in Thedinghausen), doctor, arrested in June 1942 after comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court for undermining military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 21, 1943: Kurt Geisen (Grenzhausen near Limburg).
  • April 21, 1943: Kurt Garbarini (born January 13, 1913 in Hamburg), machinist, Social Democrat, arrested for anti-Nazi agitation within the Wehrmacht, sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 21, 1943: Herbert Neubeck (born March 30, 1923 in Düsseldorf), apprentice pharmacist, arrested on December 5, 1941 for anti-Nazi activity in the political underground in Belgium, sentenced to death on February 2, 1943 by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court and in executed by guillotine at the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 28, 1943: Marie Wrobinski (born November 18, 1894), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 29, 1943: Maria Olip (born March 29, 1913 in Ebriach), worker, arrested in November 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on April 12, 1943 and executed in Vienna.
  • April 29, 1943: Thomas Olip (born December 17, 1913 in Zell-Pfarre), farm worker, arrested on December 1, 1942 for involvement in the Yugoslav partisan struggle against the German occupation, sentenced to death by the People's Court on April 12, 1943 and in Vienna District court executed with the guillotine.
  • April 29, 1943: Johann Oraže (born May 12, 1925 in Zell (Carinthia)), postman, arrested on December 1, 1942 for supporting deserters, sentenced to death by the People's Court on April 9, 1943 and executed in Vienna.
  • April 29, 1943: Jakob Oraže (born July 17, 1902 in Zell-Pfarre), farm worker, arrested on December 1, 1942 for desertion, sentenced to death on April 9, 1943 and executed in the Vienna State Prison.
  • April 29, 1943: Franc Pristovnik (born July 30, 1910 in Zell-Pfarre / Sele fara), farmer, arrested on December 3, 1942 for anti-Nazi activities (hiding and caring for Yugoslav Nazi opponents), arrested on April 9, 1943 by the People's Court Sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • April 29, 1943: Franz Weinzierl (born September 14, 1912 in Zauchen near Miklauzhof), farmer, arrested in 1942 for distributing anti-Nazi pamphlets, sentenced to death by the People's Court on April 12, 1943 and executed by beheading in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • May 4, 1943: Jan Chury (* 1910), a Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • May 4, 1943: Eugen Hajek (* 1913), Czech citizen, executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • May 4, 1943: Jan Tomasek (* 1890), Czech citizen, executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • May 5, 1943: Grzegorz Frackowiak (born July 18, 1911 in Lowecice in Poland), Polish religious, took responsibility for the printing of anti-Nazi leaflets in 1942, sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the district court building in Dresden.
  • May 6, 1943: Franz Oswald (born October 23, 1908 in Vienna), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Brandenburg-Görden.
  • May 10, 1943: Siegfried Rädel (born March 7, 1893 in Copitz), politician, persecuted for anti-Nazi activities in Germany, arrested as a German citizen while emigrating on September 1, 1939 in France, after the German occupation in August 1942 to Germany Extradited, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 25, 1943 for high treason and executed by beheading in the Brandenburg penal institution.
  • May 10, 1943: Wilhelm Lehmann (born January 13, 1869), politician, persecuted for anti-Nazi activities in Germany, arrested as a German citizen while emigrating on September 1, 1939 in France, extradited to Germany in August 1942 after the German occupation, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 25, 1943 for high treason and executed by beheading in the Brandenburg penal institution.
  • May 11, 1943: Adolf Bittner (born August 6, 1899 in Troplowitz-Jägersdorf, Silesia), worker, arrested on September 10, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in a communist underground group, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 5, 1943 and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed.
  • May 11, 1943: Werner Schaumann (* 1908), gardener, arrested in May 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in a communist underground group, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 5, 1943 for undermining military strength and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 11, 1943: Arthur Illgen (May 22, 1905), technical draftsman, arrested on May 22, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in an underground communist group, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 5, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 11, 1943: Hans-Georg Vötter (born July 6, 1901 in Leipzig), worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death on March 5, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 13, 1943: Friedrich Rehmer (born June 2, 1921 in Berlin), worker, arrested in November 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on January 18, 1943 for undermining military strength and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 13, 1943: Erika Countess von Brockdorff (born April 29, 1911 in Kolberg, Pomerania), arrested as a member of the Rote Kapelle on September 16, 1942, first to ten years in prison and then sentenced to death in January 1943 and in Berlin Plötzensee executed with the guillotine.
  • May 13, 1943: Karl Behrens (born November 18, 1909 in Berlin), locksmith, arrested in the Rote Kappel in autumn 1942 for anti-Nazi activities, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in January 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 13, 1943: Helmut Himpel (born September 14, 1907 in Schönau im Schwarzwald), dentist, arrested for anti-Nazi activities in the Rote Kapelle group, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • May 13, 1943: Walter Husemann (born December 2, 1903 in Ellerbek near Kiel), worker, communist, arrested as a member of the Rote Kapelle on July 19, 1942, on January 26, 1943 by the Reich Court Martial for preparing high treason and aiding in espionage Sentenced to death and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 13, 1943: Walter Küchenmeister (born January 9, 1897 in Waldheim), worker, arrested on September 16, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death on February 6, 1943 for preparation for high treason and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison with the Guillotine executed.
  • May 13, 1943: John Rittmeister (born August 21, 1898 in Hamburg), doctor, arrested as a member of the Rote Kapelle on September 27, 1942, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on February 12, 1943 for preparation for high treason and favoring the enemy and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed with the guillotine.
  • May 13, 1943: Wilhelm Guddorf (born February 20, 1902 in Melle, Belgium), language scholar, arrested on October 15, 1942 for participating in the actions of the Rote Kapelle, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on February 3, 1943 and imprisoned Berlin-Plötzensee executed by.
  • May 13, 1943: Philipp Schaeffer (born November 16, 1894 in Koenigsberg), orientalist, arrested on October 2, 1942 for connections to resistance circles, sentenced to death in 1943 for high treason and executed by beheading in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 13, 1943: Heinz Strelow (born July 15, 1915 in Hamburg), worker, arrested in October 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on January 18, 1943 for favoring the enemy and executed by beheading in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 13, 1943: Fritz Thiel (born August 17, 1916 in Polkwitz), watchmaker, arrested on September 16, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the Rote Kapelle group, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on January 18, 1943 for preparing for high treason and favoring the enemy and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 17, 1943: Hildegard Briese (born January 9, 1923), prisoner in the women's prison in Barnimstrasse, Berlin, sentenced to death on April 14, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 17, 1943: Hedy Urach (born August 20, 1910 in Vienna), arrested on June 17, 1941 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court for preparation for high treason and executed in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • May 20, 1943: Agnes Swukolska (born April 12, 1891), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 22, 1943: Alfred Ansorge (born April 12, 1886), prisoner in the Breslau prison and executed there.
  • May 25, 1943: Heinrich Hetkamp , Jehovah's Witness, arrested in 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 26, 1943: Wanda Wegierska (born January 31, 1919), arrested in April 1942, prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 1, 1943: Elli Piotrzwkowski (born September 18, 1909), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • June 4, 1943: Robert Stuhlmann (* 1921), executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • June 7, 1943: Kurzhals, prisoner, executed.
  • June 10, 1943: Ernst Stoiber (born May 10, 1922 in Salzburg), carpenter, arrested on April 17, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on November 2, 1942 and in the Stadelheim prison executed.
  • June 16, 1943: Johann Teufel (born December 12, 1896 in Vienna), carpenter, arrested in September 1941 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 21, 1942 for preparation for high treason and in the courtyard of the Vienna Regional Court executed with the guillotine.
  • June 18, 1943: Karl Kunger (born February 2, 1901 in Berlin), worker, arrested in September 1942 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in Plötzensee prison.
  • June 22, 1943: Josef Bohonek (* 1910), Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • June 25, 1943: Stefanie Engler (born November 18, 1910), worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activity in a communist underground group, sentenced to death by the People's Court for preparation for high treason and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 25, 1943: Charlotte Joch (born February 22, 1906), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, sentenced to death on April 28, 1943, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 25, 1943: Anton Kusebauch, gardener, sentenced to death by the People's Court on April 5, 1943 for exposing a German agent.
  • June 25, 1943: Ruth Oesterreich (born June 6, 1894 in Dresden), worker, arrested on April 21, 1941 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 25, 1943: Henrika Veith (born December 19, 1914), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 28, 1943: Monika Dymski (born April 28, 1918), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 1, 1943: Willem Arondeus (born August 22, 1894 in Naarden), Dutch painter, sentenced to death by a court martial as a member of the Dutch resistance against the German occupation and executed in Haarlem.
  • July 1, 1943: Wera Lederer (born March 25, 1912), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 1, 1943: Elisabeth Scheitza (born November 30, 1902), agent, fiancé of Otto Walitza, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 27, 1943 for betraying state secrets and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 1, 1943: Otto Walitza, agent, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 27, 1943 for betraying state secrets and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 13, 1943: Alexander Schmorell (born September 16, 1917 in Orenburg), student, charged with high treason before the People's Court as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state, found guilty, sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Munich-Stadelheim prison .
  • July 13, 1943: Kurt Huber (born October 24, 1893 in Chur), professor, charged with high treason before the People's Court as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state, found guilty and executed with the guillotine in Munich-Stadelheim prison.
  • July 22, 1943: Maria Tomasch (born September 29, 1899), seamstress, sentenced to death by the People's Court for betraying agents of the German intelligence service who worked at the Yugoslav Consulate General in Graz and executing her in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • July 22, 1943: Eduard Zachert (born March 8, 1881 in Berlin), trade unionist, arrested, sentenced to death by the People's Court on April 30, 1943 for undermining military strength and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • July 26, 1943: Karl Taberski (* 1922), executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • July 27, 1943: Max Karl Prince zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg (born July 21, 1901 in Toblach, South Tyrol), writer, charged with high treason on October 26, 1942 and sentenced to death by the First Senate of the People's Court on December 12, 1942 and in Stuttgart beheaded.
  • July 28, 1943: Medardo Griotto (born February 16, 1901 in Turin,) engraver from Italy, arrested for forging passports for an underground organization in December 1942, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in March 1943 and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • July 28, 1943: Käte Voelkner (born April 12, 1906 in Danzig), artist, arrested on January 31, 1943 for working in the French Resistance, sentenced to death on March 15, 1943 by a special tribunal of the Reich Court Martial and imprisoned in Berlin -Plötzensee executed.
  • July 29, 1943: Meta Behnke (born December 22, 1874), prisoner in Barnim women's prison, sentenced to death on April 30, 1943 and executed.
  • July 29, 1943: Else Neumann (born May 15, 1914), inmate in Barnim women's prison, sentenced to death on April 30, 1943 and executed.
  • August 4, 1943: Anton Reisinger (born May 31, 1903 in Vienna), metal worker, arrested in Bratislava on March 6, 1940 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death on May 28, 1943 and executed by beheading in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • August 5, 1943: Liane Berkowitz (born August 7, 1923 in Berlin), arrested on September 26, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the Rote Kapelle group, by the Reich Court Martial on January 18, 1943 for aiding and abetting the preparation of high treason and favoring the enemy to death sentenced and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 5, 1943: Cato Bontjes van Beek (born November 14, 1920 in Bremen), arrested on September 20, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity (printing and distribution of leaflets), on January 18, 1943 by the Reich Court Martial for aiding and abetting in preparation for high treason Sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 5, 1943: Eva-Maria Buch (born January 31, 1921 in Berlin), arrested as a member of the Rote Kapelle on October 11, 1942, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on February 3, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 5, 1943: Hilde Coppi (born May 30, 1909 in Berlin; † August 5, 1943 Berlin-Plötzensee), arrested as a member of the Rote Kapelle on September 12, 1942, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on January 20, 1942 and in executed by guillotine at the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 5, 1943: Ursula Goetze (born March 29, 1916 in Berlin), student, sentenced to death on January 18, 1943 for passing on anti-Nazi leaflets and for sticking anti-Nazi stickers on and executed with the guillotine in Plötzensee prison.
  • August 5, 1943: Emil Huebner (born March 26, 1862 in Berlin), pensioner, arrested as a member of the Red Orchestra in October 1942, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on February 3, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 5, 1943: Else Imme (born September 24, 1885 in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg), saleswoman, arrested on October 18, 1942 for anti-Nazi activities in the Rote Kapelle group, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on January 30, 1943 for favoring the enemy and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 5, 1943: Walter Klingenbeck (born March 30, 1924 in Munich), switching technology apprentice, arrested on January 26, 1942 for disseminating anti-Nazi propaganda, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 24, 1942 for high treason and in the Stadelheim prison by the Guillotine executed.
  • August 5, 1943: Annie Krauss (born October 27, 1884, in Bogen), fortune teller, business owner, arrested on September 14, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the Rote Kapelle group, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in February 1943 and in the Berlin prison -Plötzensee executed with the guillotine.
  • August 5, 1943: Adam Kuckhoff (born August 30, 1887 in Aachen), writer, arrested on September 12, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the Rote Kapelle group, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in February 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • August 5, 1943: Ingeborg Kummerow (born August 23, 1912 in Neurahlstedt), clerk, arrested in November 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the Rote Kapelle, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on January 27 for aiding in espionage and imprisoned in Berlin Plötzensee executed by guillotine.
  • August 5, 1943: Klara Schabbel (born August 9, 1894 in Berlin), arrested in October 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on January 30, 1943 and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • August 5, 1943: Rose Schlösinger (born October 5, 1907 in Frankfurt am Main), secretary, arrested on September 19, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death on January 20, 1943 for espionage and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison with the Guillotine executed.
  • August 5, 1943: Oda Schottmüller (born February 9, 1905 in Posen), sculptor, arrested on September 16, 1942 for anti-Nazi work in the Rote Kapelle group, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial for aiding and abetting the preparation of a highly treasonable enterprise and favoring the enemy and in executed by guillotine at the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 5, 1943: Maria Terwiel (born June 7, 1910 in Boppard), secretary, arrested on September 17, 1942 for supporting Jews and spreading anti-Nazi propaganda, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on January 26, 1942 and imprisoned in Berlin -Plötzensee executed with the guillotine.
  • August 5, 1943: Frida Wesolek (born September 3, 1887 in Sommerfeld / Niederlausitz) seamstress, arrested in September for giving shelter to Communist agents, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in spring 1943 and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • August 7, 1943: Wladislaus Jastrzab (born May 17, 1915 in Poland) convicted by SG Stuttgart (violent crime), executed
  • August 7, 1943: Ernst Koch (born February 23, 1915) convicted by the Mannheim Special Court and executed for pest offenses
  • August 7, 1943: Heinrich Keppner (born June 10, 1923) convicted by the Mannheim Special Court, executed for pest offenses
  • August 12, 1943: Bebo Wager (born December 29, 1905 in Augsburg), Dreher, arrested on April 12, 1942, sentenced to death by the People's Court in Innsbruck on May 27, 1943 for high treason and executed in Stadelheim prison.
  • August 13, 1943: Jakob Gapp (born July 26, 1897 in Wattens, Tyrol), priest, member of the Tyrolean Catholic labor movement, arrested in 1942, sentenced to death on July 2, 1943 in Berlin for treason and executed by beheading in Berlin-Plötzensee .
  • August 14, 1943: Viktor Kunz (alias Georg Goss or Georges Goss, born December 3, 1885 in Marseille ), Franco-German politician, trade unionist, pacifist and socialist. 1923 Minister of Labor and Police in the 100-day Republic of the Autonomous Palatinate , founder of the Rhenish Workers' Party, fleeing the Nazis to Mulhouse , working as a roller shutter seller and trade union activist, member of the Resistance during the German occupation , sentenced to death for treacherous communist activities, guillotined in the Stuttgart Regional Court , his remains were transferred to the anatomy of Tübingen as "study material" and buried in cemetery X in Tübingen.
  • August 20, 1943: Rita Arnould , a member of the Rote Kapelle, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in April 1943 for espionage and treason and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 22, 1943: Alexander Bessmertny (born March 20, 1888 in St. Petersburg), writer, executed in Berlin-Moabit.
  • August 25, 1943: Theodor Korselt (born November 24, 1891 in Buchholz), lawyer, arrested in July 1943 because of the statement that Hitler's resignation was necessary in order to avert a defeat in the war, and on August 23, 1943 by the People's Court for undermining military strength Sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 25, 1943: Ernst Emil Offhaus (born August 23, 1891), head of the Frankfurt Food Office, member of the NSDAP, arrested on July 3, 1943 for listening to foreign radio stations and distributing their "hostile" news as well as for defeatist statements regarding the war situation Sentenced to death by the Kassel Higher Regional Court for undermining military strength and executed with the guillotine in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • August 31, 1943: Renée Lévy (born September 25, 1906 in Auxerre), teacher, arrested on October 25 for activities against the German occupation in the Resistance, sentenced to death by the Cologne court on April 30 and executed by beheading.
  • September 2, 1943: Anna Hemmerlin (born November 24, 1902), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 2, 1943: Luize Vogel (born April 12, 1920), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 3, 1943: Rudolf Mandrella (born March 6, 1902 in Auschwitz, Poland (then Austria-Hungary)), lawyer, arrested in 1942 for criticism of the Nazi regime, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on May 12, 1943 for degrading military strength and imprisoned Brandenburg-Görden executed.
  • September 3, 1943: Arnd Freiherr von Wedekind (born June 3, 1919 in Derschlag), student, arrested on July 26, 1943 for comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death on September 1, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 7, 1943: Herbert Budzislawski (born December 30, 1920 in Berlin), sentenced to death as a member of a communist resistance group against the Nazi system and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • September 7, 1943: Karlrobert Kreiten (born June 26, 1916 in Bonn), pianist, arrested on May 3, 1943 for statements critical of the war, sentenced to death on September 3, 1943 by the People's Court for undermining military strength and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison with the Guillotine executed.
  • September 7, 1943: Zdenek Hajek (born July 27, 1919 in Litomysl), locksmith from Prague working in Berlin, sentenced to death for theft of rabbits and geese on July 23, 1943 by the Special Court V Berlin for this theft and after heavy arrest in executed by guillotine at the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • 7th / 8th September 1943: Alfred Althus (born August 29, 1888 in Pieschen near Dresden), worker, arrested for helping Polish prisoners of war in May 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court in Plötzensee prison, executed by beheading.
  • September 8, 1943: Kurt Bietzke (born January 13, 1894 in Guben), painter, communist, founding member of the Lichtenberg KPD, arrested on July 8, 1942 for working in the anti-Nazi resistance (getting quarters, passports and food for communist agents), Sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 17 and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 8, 1943: Julius Fučík (born February 23, 1903 in Prague), writer, arrested on April 24, 1942 for activities in the Czech underground movement against the German occupation, transferred to Germany, sentenced to death in Berlin and in the Berlin penal institution -Plötzensee executed.
  • September 8, 1943: Rudolf Hallmeyer (born February 3, 1908 in Plauen) communist, arrested on August 24, 1940 for activity in the communist underground movement, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 5, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 8, 1943: Richard Hinkelmann (born November 3, 1895 in Höltensleben), proofreader, communist, as an employee of the newspaper publisher Scheumann & Müller, had access to internal documents of the Reich Propaganda Ministry that were not intended for publication (»Confidential information of the Reich Propaganda Office«, »Daily slogans des Reichspressechefs «), which he passed on to the underground KPD in Berlin, and in 1942 he granted two couriers from the KPD in exile from the Soviet Union shelter in his apartment. In July 1942 he was arrested for this, and on August 17th by the People's Court to death sentenced and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 8, 1943: Rudolf Scheffel (born June 6, 1901 in Debschwitz), communist, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 17, 1943 and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 8, 1943: Felix Tucholla (born May 17, 1899 in Friedrichsfelde), locksmith, arrested on July 8, 1942 for hiding a Soviet parachutist, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 17, 1943 and in the Plötzensee prison with the guillotine executed.
  • September 9, 1943: William Otto Bauer (born July 14, 1886 in Niedermeisa), businessman in Meißen (traveler in refrigeration machines), because of the statement he made in June 1942 "There are only two options: Either Hitler kills us, or we make Hitler dead ”arrested, sentenced to death by the 6th Senate of the People's Court on March 31, 1943 for undermining military strength and executed with the guillotine in the Plötzensee prison.
  • September 9, 1943: Theodor Hespers (born December 12, 1903 in Mönchengladbach), businessman, arrested in the Netherlands on February 10, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, extradited to Germany, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 22, 1943 and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed.
  • August 9, 1943: Franz Jägerstätter (born May 20, 1907 in St. Radegund, Upper Austria), farmer, arrested on March 1, 1943 for conscientious objection, sentenced by the Reich Court Martial on July 6, 1943 for degrading military strength and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg prison .
  • September 9, 1943: Eugen Neutert (born March 19, 1905 in Berlin), masseur, arrested on October 23, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court in August 1943 and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • September 9, 1943: Wilhelm Schürmann-Horster (born June 21, 1900 in Cologne), actor, arrested on October 29, 1942 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 21, 1943 and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • September 9, 1943: Wolfgang Thiess (born October 30, 1911 in Berlin), businessman, arrested on October 21, 1042 for anti-Nazi activities in the Rote Kapelle group, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 21, 1943 for preparation for high treason and in executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 16, 1943: Joh. Franz Hübel (born August 26, 1919) convicted by the special court in Stuttgart, executed for pest offenses
  • September 16, 1943: Josef Maljevac (born February 1, 1923 in Bos Dubica / Croatia) convicted by the Stuttgart Special Court, executed for theft
  • September 16, 1943: Kurt Ankener (born June 29, 1907) convicted by the Stuttgart Special Court, executed for theft
  • September 17, 1943: Else Budarh (July 3, 1911), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 17, 1943: Adalbert von Springer (born September 28, 1896 in Rzeszów, Poland), medic, arrested on February 9, 1943 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on September 17, 1943 by the Reich Court Martial for degrading military strength and high treason and executed in Halle by beheading.
  • September 18, 1943: Martin Kochmann (born October 30, 1912 in Wongrowitz, Posten), businessman and worker, on October 7, 1942 he was arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • September 24, 1943: Anna Andrzejew (born October 4, 1898), inmate in Barnim women's prison, executed.
  • September 24, 1943: Jeanne Comelli (born January 17, 1924), inmate in Barnim women's prison, executed.
  • September 24, 1943: Nelly Gethe (born March 31, 1900). Inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, executed.
  • September 24, 1943: Wally Schuck (Schulz?) (Born April 11, 1909). Inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, executed.
  • September 24, 1943: Renée Tanton (born November 1, 1921), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 24, 1944: Hedwig Wolff (born March 6, 1898), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 28, 1943: Marianne Gaszczka (born December 18, 1943), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • September 28, 1943: Martha Riefenbach (born September 8, 1897), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • September 28, 1943: Emilie Riesenack (born October 13, 1893), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 28, 1943: Käthe Tucholla (born January 10, 1910 in Berlin), worker, arrested on July 25, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 17, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • September 29, 1943: Frieda Bölter (born November 21, 1911), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 30, 1943: Martha Kosin (born May 9, 1904), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 5, 1943: Anna Blauenstei (or Blauenstein) (born July 21, 1904), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 5, 1943: Johann Dombrowski, sentenced to death by the 1st Senate of the People's Court on October 4, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 5, 1943: Dorothea Fonden (born October 8, 1902 in Berlin), warehouse clerk, typist, arrested on September 13, 1943 for spreading a mocking poem about Hitler and the war, on October 4, 1943 by the 1st Senate of the People's Court of Sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 5, 1943: Fritz Grosspietsch (born March 5, 1887 in Reichenbach), employee, sentenced to death by the 1st Senate of the People's Court on October 4, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 5, 1943: Fritz Pahnke, sentenced to death by the 1st Senate of the People's Court on October 4, 1943 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 5, 1943: Pelagia Scheffczyk (born March 8, 1915), Polish invoice clerk, arrested for working as a courier for the Polish intelligence service, sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 8, 1943: Marianne Golz (born January 30, 1895) actress, arrested by the Gestapo on November 19, 1942 for helping Jews flee Prague, and on May 18, 1943 by the special court at the German Regional Court in Prague for favoritism Sentenced to death by enemies of the Reich, executed with a guillotine in the Pankrác Gestapo prison in Prague.
  • October 12, 1943: Willi Graf , student, as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state, executed with the guillotine for "high treason".
  • October 13, 1943: Hedwig Modrzorski (born February 20, 1922), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 18, 1943: Joseph Raskin (born June 21, 1892 in Stevoort ), Belgian priest, executed in the remand prison in Dortmund .
  • October 19, 1943: Wilhelm Boller (born October 22, 1904 in Hamburg), businessman, arrested by the Danish police in October 1942 for activities against the German occupation of Denmark, extradited to Germany, sentenced to death and executed in Brandenburg prison.
  • October 29, 1943: Robert Dorsay (born August 16, 1904 in Bremen as Robert Stampa), singer, arrested for expressions critical of the war in a letter, sentenced to death on October 8, 1943 for undermining military strength and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • October 30, 1943: Jakob Lehmann (born October 3, 1880) convicted by the Saarbrücken Special Court, executed for theft
  • November 1, 1943: August Beckmann (born December 14, 1890 in Brüggen), warehouse worker, Social Democrat from Brünninghausen, arrested, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 28, 1943 for preparation for high treason and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • November 1, 1943: Alois Geiger (born December 1, 1890 in Ellenbach, Deggendorf district), doctor, arrested for defeatist remarks, sentenced to death by the People's Court for degrading military strength and executed by hanging in the Brandenburg prison.
  • November 1, 1943: Erwin Granget, senior civil servant, arrested because of letters to his son, in which he advised him not to be too obedient to the military and gave him advice on how to avoid the front line Degradation of military strength sentenced to death and executed in Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • November 1, 1943: Gustav Horstbrink (born September 13, 1889 in Kusenbaum), Reichsautobahn route attendant, arrested for activity in the anti-Nazi underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 28, 1943 for preparation for high treason and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • November 1, 1943: Suzanne Masson (born July 10, 1901 in Doullens), trade unionist, arrested on February 5, 1942 for working in the Resistance, sentenced to death by the Lübeck court in June 1943 and executed with a guillotine in the Hamburg remand prison.
  • November 1, 1943: Leo Statz (born July 17, 1898 in Cologne), entrepreneur, arrested on September 1, 1943 for statements critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 27, 1943 for propaganda of decomposition and executed by beheading in the Brandenburg-Görden prison .
  • November 2, 1943: Lina Beckmann, b. Sprich (born October 4, 1894 in Schöldmar / Lippe-Detmold), sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 28, 1943 for preparation for high treason and wiretapping of enemy transmitters and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg prison.
  • November 2, 1943: Emma Granget (born January 21, 1894), housewife, on the basis of letters to her son in which she advised him not to be too obedient in the military and gave him advice on how to behave before serving at the front could press, arrested, sentenced to death for degrading military strength and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • November 2, 1943: Frieda Horstbrink , b. Plauel, (born September 4, 1896 in Altenhagen), arrested for activity in the anti-Nazi underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 28, 1943 for preparation for high treason and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 2, 1943: Martha Rachel (born May 26, 1904 in Kepno / Kempen, Warthe), accountant, inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 8, 1943: Josef Schmidt , executed in Berlin-Plötzensee for "deceit" and "decomposition of military strength" .
  • November 8, 1943: Hermann Koehler (born October 8, 1876 in Schwäbisch Gmünd), banker, sentenced to death by the People's Court for high treason and executed in Brandenburg prison.
  • November 8, 1943: Günther Paschen (born August 29, 1880 in Berlin), Imperial German naval officer and teacher at the Naval School Flensburg-Mürwik, arrested after a denunciation, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 18, 1943 for degradation of military strength and in Brandenburg -Görden executed.
  • November 10, 1943: Hermann Lange (born April 16, 1912 in Leer), Catholic priest, arrested on June 15, 1942 for disseminating writings critical of the Nazi regime, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court in June 1943 and in Hamburg Holstenglacis penitentiary executed with the guillotine.
  • November 10, 1943: Eduard Müller (born August 20, 1911 in Neumünster), priest, arrested on June 22, 1942 for comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death in June 1943 for degrading military strength, treacherous favoring the enemy, offenses against the Broadcasting Act and the Treachery Act and im Horstenglacis prison in Hamburg, executed with the guillotine.
  • November 10, 1943: Johannes Prassek (born August 13, 1911 in Hamburg), priest, arrested on May 18, 1942 for statements critical of the regime, sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Holstenglacis prison in Hamburg.
  • November 10, 1943: Karl Friedrich Stellbrink (born October 28, 1894 in Munster), pastor, arrested on April 7 for statements critical of the regime, on June 23, 1943 by the People's Court for treacherous favoring the enemy, degradation of military strength, offenses against the broadcasting law and offenses against the Treachery Act sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Horstenglasis remand prison in Hamburg.
  • November 12, 1943: Helene Delacher (* 1904 in Burgfrieden), kitchen assistant from Innsbruck, arrested in June 1943 while transporting Jehovah's Witnesses' written material near the German-Italian border, on October 4, 1943 by the People's Court for undermining military strength and treacherous incitement to death sentenced and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 12, 1943: Emma Szadiel (born February 18, 1917), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 15, 1943: Martin Weise (born May 12, 1903 in Torgau), worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activities in December 1942, sentenced to death by the People's Court in October 1943 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • November 20, 1943 : Paolo Rossi (born December 10, 1907) sentenced to death by the field court for rioting, executed
  • November 22, 1943: Erich Köckert (born August 29, 1900 in Dessau), engineer, arrested on August 20, 1943 for anti-regime attitudes, sentenced to death on October 26, 1943 for high treason and defeatism and in the Brandenburg-Görden prison with the guillotine executed.
  • November 24, 1943: Lucienne Rognant (November 7, 1920), prisoner in Barnim women's prison, executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 25, 1943: Aenne Kraupner (born April 11, 1896 in Grossensiel), businesswoman, inmate in Barnim women's prison, executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 25, 1944: Erich Kraupner (born January 17, 1892 in Berlin), businessman, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 7, 1943: Georges Tainturier (born May 20, 1890 in La Cote-Saint-André), French fencer, arrested on March 7, 1942 for work in the Resistance on March 7, 1942, on October 19, 1943 from 2. Senate of the People's Court sentenced to death, executed in Cologne.
  • December 9, 1943: Anna Rohde (born October 13, 1905), inmate in Barnim women's prison, executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 13, 1943: Erich Garske (born November 21, 1907), architectural draftsman, arrested on January 30, 1943 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 9, 1943 and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 16, 1943: Charlotte Garske (born December 4, 1906 in Berlin), clerk, arrested on January 30, 1943 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 9, 1943 and executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • December 16, 1943: Emma Martin (born October 25, 1892 in Holzweißig), housewife, farm worker, arrested for expressions critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court for degrading military strength and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 16, 1943: Elfriede Scholz (born March 25, 1903 in Osnabrück), tailor, arrested for comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court in October 1943 for undermining military strength and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 16, 1943: Margarete Seitz (born April 21, 1880 in Jülich), baker's wife, arrested in September 1943 for making statements critical of the regime and distributing communist pamphlets, on November 2, 1943 by the 1st Senate of the People's Court for degrading military strength and preparing for high treason Sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Plötzensee prison.
  • December 18, 1943: Eleonora Slach (born October 14, 1919), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 21, 1943: Gisela Dietrich (born June 10, 1920), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 22, 1943: Heinrich Fehrentz (* 1908), bugged enemy transmitters, arrested in 1943, executed December 22, 1943 in the Stuttgart prison.


  • 1944: Heinrich Böke , Jehovah's Witness, arrested, sentenced to death and executed for sheltering a fellow believer who was active in the political underground.
  • 1944: Georg Holz , arrested for listening to foreign radio broadcasts and distributing their reports, sentenced to death by the People's Court for undermining military strength and favoring the enemy and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • 1944: Philipp Mann , arrested for listening to foreign radio broadcasts and disseminating their reports, sentenced to death by the People's Court for degrading military strength and favoring the enemy and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • 1944: Luise Löwenstein (born August 17, 1895), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • 1944: Maria Spata (* 1883), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • 1944: Helene Markowick (born July 12, 1902), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 7, 1944: Mary Wegner (born August 15, 1913), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 10, 1944: Bruno Böhnke (born July 4, 1905 in Münsterwalde, Danzig administrative district), farmer. Denounced for rejection of war and degradation of military strength and sentenced to death by the court martial of the Wehrmacht commandantur in Danzig (St.L.III 317/43) on November 21, 1943 and executed in Königsberg on January 10, 1944. The burial took place in the site cemetery II in Königsberg.
  • January 17, 1944: Lilli Karmann (born October 25, 1898), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 17, 1944: Max Sievers (born July 11, 1887 in Berlin), chairman of the Freethinkers Association, arrested on June 3, 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 17, 1943 for preparation for high treason and favoring enemies and in the Brandenburg penitentiary -Görden executed with the guillotine.
  • January 19, 1945: Minna Rupp (born October 27, 1901), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 24, 1944: Alwine Toxopeus (born August 14, 1891), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 27, 1944: Christiane Lombaert , b. Bailly (born January 24, 1907 in Somtresse), sentenced to death on December 22, 1942 on the Moroccan Abdallah ben Mohamed for robbery and murder and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • January 27, 1944: Everiste Lombaert (born September 30, 1908 in Koekelberg), sentenced to death for robbery, committed against the Moroccan on December 22, 1942 against the Moroccan Abdallah ben Mohamed and executed in the Plötzensee penal institution.
  • January 27, 1944: Martha Kosch (born July 27, 1911), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 27, 1944: Christine Lamberts (born January 21, 1907), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 27, 1944: Hedwig Neumann , arrested in autumn 1942 for hiding people who had been persecuted, sentenced to death by the People's Court in October 1943 for war espionage and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 27, 1944: Melanie Risch (born January 24, 1887 in Konstanz), tailor, arrested, sentenced to death for degrading military strength and executed with a guillotine.
  • February 4, 1944: Hansheinrich Kummerow (born February 27, 1903 in Magdeburg), engineer, arrested for anti-Nazi activities in the Red Chapel in November 1942, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial on December 18, 1942 and on February 4, 1944 in Halle executed with the guillotine.
  • February 14, 1944: Stanislav Brunclík (born June 17, 1910 in Podmoklice), journalist, arrested on July 16, 1943 for resisting the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, sentenced to death by the People's Court in Dresden on December 16, 1943 and imprisoned in Dresden Executed Münchner Platz
  • February 16, 1944: Balthasar Kirchberger (born January 6, 1895 Hofreuth, district of Miesbach) repeatedly vented his anger about the political situation. Convicted by the VGH Stuttgart 4th Senate and executed for degrading military strength
  • February 16, 1944: Johann Strobler (born February 5, 1912) convicted by a divisional court and executed
  • February 16, 1944: Eugen Hägele (born May 6, 1920) convicted by a divisional court and executed
  • February 19, 1944: Hedwig Olejak (born September 25, 1906), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 21, 1944: Eduard Risch (born December 27, 1879 in Konstanz), upholsterer, arrested on August 16, 1943 for comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 25, 1943 for degrading military strength and with the guillotine in the Brandenburg-Görden prison executed.
  • February 21, 1944: Willi Tietze (born March 25, 1910), sign painter, deserted from the Wehrmacht, arrested in 1942, sentenced to death and executed in Brandenburg prison.
  • February 21, 1944: Alfons Maria Wachsmann (born January 25, 1896 in Berlin), theologian, arrested on June 23, 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • March 2, 1944: Hedwig Jahn (born October 24, 1890), prisoner in the Barnimstrasse women's prison in Berlin, executed.
  • March 2, 1944: Madelene Parmeter (born February 3, 1923), inmate in the Barnimstrasse women's prison in Berlin, executed.
  • March 6, 1944: Claudius Gosau (born May 9, 1892 in Blankenmoor), engine driver in Bremen, arrested on September 17, 1943 for comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death on February 11, 1944 for high treason and degradation of military strength and sentenced to death in Brandenburg-Görden prison Executed beheading.
  • March 6, 1944: Alfred Kowalke (born April 11, 1907 in Rummelsburg near Berlin), carpenter, arrested on February 2, 1942 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 5, 1943 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison .
  • March 8, 1944: Helmut Böhmer (* 1915), Czech citizen, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • March 8, 1944: Theodor Moonen (born June 15, 1899 in the Netherlands) convicted by SG Saarbrücken, executed for pest offenses
  • March 8, 1944: Erich Blaurock (born June 12, 1921) convicted by the Stuttgart Divisional Court and executed
  • March 9, 1944: Emma Bethke (born July 13, 1891), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison in Berlin, executed.
  • March 11, 1944: Ida Wertvolch (born February 10, 1884), prisoner in the Barnimstrasse women's prison in Berlin, executed.
  • March 13, 1944: Karl Burian (born August 4, 1896 in Vienna), officer, arrested on October 13, 1938 for monarchist activity in favor of a restoration of the Habsburgs, sentenced to death on December 9, 1943 for high treason and executed in Vienna.
  • March 17, 1944: Anna Ebermann (born February 10, 1891 in Rottenbauer near Würzburg), a worker, arrested on May 5, 1943 for statements critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 19, 1943 for degrading military strength and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • March 20, 1944: Otto Weiß (born April 28, 1902 in Mülheim an der Ruhr), lawyer, arrested in August 1943 while trying to enter Switzerland, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 14, 1944 for desertion and high treason and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 28, 1944: Heinrich Dolde , employee in the dental laboratory of the Schwerzmann company in Frankfurt, arrested on May 31, 1943 after repeatedly expressing himself critical of the regime, refusing the Hitler salute, describing the Wehrmacht reports as a hoax and allegedly practicing pro-Soviet propaganda against French prisoners of war sentenced to death by the Higher Regional Court on February 11, 1944 and executed in Preungesheim prison.
  • March 28, 1944: Rudolf Klug (born October 8, 1905 in Hamburg), educator, arrested on February 26, 1944 for contact with prisoners of war, sentenced to death by a court martial on March 15, 1944 and executed by shooting in Beistfjord.
  • March 29, 1944: August Eckert (born August 1, 1908 in Gettorf, Eckernförde-Kiel), Reichsbahn assistant, because of the murder on November 21, 1943 (killed with a hammer) and dismemberment of his former lover Vera Korn, née Rust (March 29, 1910 in Breslau), and her daughter Eva Korn (born August 6, 1935 in Berlin), from the Special Court IV in Berlin on March 28, 1944 for a "crime according to § 1 of the Violent Criminal Ordinance" in connection with murder Sentenced to death and executed by beheading.
  • March 31, 1944: Katharina Fellendorf (born November 7, 1884 in Hamburg), Plätterin, hid a Soviet parachutist in her apartment, sentenced to death for "favoring the enemy" and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 31, 1944: Margarethe Jucksch (born April 23, 1906), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 1, 1944: Robert Lynen (born May 24, 1920 in Sarrogna-Nermier, Jura Department, France), actor, arrested on February 7, 1943, sentenced to death by a military tribunal in Freiburg in December 1943 and executed in the Karlsruhe fortress .
  • April 8, 1944: Hedwig Töws (born May 22, 1920), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 17, 1944: Max Josef Metzger (born February 3, 1887 in Schopfheim), priest, arrested on June 29, 1943 for pacifist attitudes, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 14, 1943 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • April 17, 1944: Georg Friedrich Munkert (born December 5, 1888 in Nuremberg), Social Democrat, arrested in 1943 for anti-Nazi activities and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • April 19, 1944: André Dubois (* 1914), railroad worker with the SNCF, member of the CGT trade union and the Resistance , sentenced to death on November 27, 1943 by the friars' court at Field Command 669 in Dijon , for impending strikes on December 9, 1943 “ pardoned ”, deported to Karlsruhe on December 22, 1943 , sentenced to death again, guillotined on April 19, 1944 at 5:00 am in the Stuttgart regional court , the remains of the dead man were transferred to the Heidelberg anatomy department as“ study material ”.
  • April 19, 1944: Raymond Gaspard (* 1914), railroad worker with the SNCF, member of the CGT trade union and the Resistance , sentenced to death on November 27, 1943 by the friars' court of Field Command 669 in Dijon , for impending strikes on December 9, 1943 " pardoned ”, deported to Karlsruhe on December 22, 1943, sentenced to death again, guillotined on April 19, 1944 at 5:00 am in the Stuttgart regional court , the remains of the dead man were transferred to the Heidelberg anatomy department as“ study material ”.
  • April 19, 1944: Paul Meunier , employee of the Dijon city ​​council , fighter of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War against the fascist troops of General Franco, member of the CGT and the Resistance union , sentenced to death on November 27, 1943 by the friars' tribunal of field command 669 in Dijon, "pardoned" on December 9, 1943, deported to Karlsruhe on December 22, 1943, sentenced to death again, guillotined on April 19, 1944 at 5 o'clock in the morning in the Stuttgart Regional Court , the remains of the deceased were used as "study material “Transferred to the Heidelberg anatomy.
  • April 19, 1944: Raymond Pageaux (* 1911), railroad worker with the SNCF, member of the CGT trade union and the Resistance , sentenced to death on November 27, 1943 by the friars' court of Field Command 669 in Dijon , on account of impending strikes on December 9, 1943 " pardoned ”, deported to Karlsruhe on December 22, 1943, sentenced to death again, guillotined on April 19, 1944 at 5:00 am in the Stuttgart regional court , the remains of the dead man were transferred to the Heidelberg anatomy department as“ study material ”.
  • April 19, 1944: Maxime Perreau (misspell Terreau, * 1909), railroad worker with the SNCF, member of the CGT trade union and the Resistance , sentenced to death on November 27, 1943 by the friar court of field command 669 in Dijon , because of the threat of strikes on November 9 , 1943 . "Pardoned" on December 22nd, 1943, deported to Karlsruhe on December 22nd, 1943, sentenced to death again, guillotined on April 19th, 1944 at 5 a.m. in the Stuttgart Regional Court , the remains of the dead man were transferred to the Heidelberg anatomy department as "study material".
  • April 19, 1944: Jean Ridet (spelling Riclet, * 1912), railroad worker with the SNCF, member of the CGT and the Resistance union , sentenced to death on November 27, 1943 by the friar court of field command office 669 in Dijon , because of the threat of strikes on November 9 , 1943 . "Pardoned" on December 22nd, 1943, deported to Karlsruhe on December 22nd, 1943, sentenced to death again, guillotined on April 19th, 1944 at 5 a.m. in the Stuttgart Regional Court , the remains of the dead man were transferred to the Heidelberg anatomy department as "study material".
  • April 19, 1944: Jean Tamigi (misspelling Tamipi, * 1910), railroad worker with the SNCF, member of the CGT trade union and the Resistance , sentenced to death on November 27, 1943 by the friar court of field command office 669 in Dijon , for impending strikes on November 9 , 1943 . "Pardoned" on December 22nd, 1943, deported to Karlsruhe on December 22nd, 1943, sentenced to death again, guillotined on April 19th, 1944 at 5 a.m. in the Stuttgart Regional Court , the remains of the dead man were transferred to the Heidelberg anatomy department as "study material".
  • April 19, 1944: Maurice Thuringer (or Thuringian, * 1911), railroad worker with the SNCF, member of the CGT trade union and the Resistance , sentenced to death on November 27, 1943 by the free-riot court at Field Command 669 in Dijon , because of the threat of strikes on November 9 , 1943 . "Pardoned" on December 22nd, 1943, deported to Karlsruhe on December 22nd, 1943, sentenced to death again, guillotined on April 19th, 1944 at 5 a.m. in the Stuttgart Regional Court , the remains of the dead man were transferred to the Heidelberg anatomy department as "study material".
  • April 19, 1944: Jakob Welter (born August 31, 1907 in Dudweiler), locksmith, arrested on January 19, 1943 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court on February 22 and executed in Stuttgart.
  • April 24, 1944: Kilian Kirchhoff (born December 18, 1892 in Rönkhausen), priest, arrested on October 21, 1943 for comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 7, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • April 26, 1944: Jakob Fuchs (born July 23, 1911), glass worker, sabotaged the glass production in the factory where he worked as a communist Nazi opponent, arrested on February 15, 1944 by the People's Court for preparation for high treason leading to death sentenced and executed in Vienna.
  • April 26, 1944: Erna Franke (born November 23, 1897), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 26, 1944: Bozena Svatoz (born July 12, 1899), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • April 26, 1944: Leopold Stípčak (born December 10, 1909 in Siebenhirten, Vienna), craftsman, arrested in September 1942 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court in February 1944 for preparation for high treason and executed in Vienna.
  • May 2, 1944: Erich Knauf (born February 21, 1895 in Meerane), journalist, sentenced to death by the People's Court on April 6, 1944 for telling political jokes "for defeatist statements" and executed by beheading in Brandenburg prison.
  • May 4, 1944: Hulda Schmenkel (born September 23, 1884), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 8, 1944: Georg Groscurth (born December 27, 1904 in Unterhaun), doctor, arrested for helping Jews and deserters, arrested on September 4, 1943, sentenced to death on December 16 by the People's Court for preparing for high treason and favoring the enemy and Executed by beheading in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • May 8, 1944: Paul Rentsch (born September 29, 1898), dentist, arrested on September 5, 1943 for taking part in preparations for an overthrow of the Nazi system, sentenced to death by the People's Court on December 16, 1943 and Executed by beheading in Brandenburg-Görden penitentiary in May 1944.
  • May 8, 1944: Herbert Richter (born August 5, 1901 in Halle (Saale)), architect, arrested on September 5, 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court on December 16, 1943 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • May 9, 1944: Amanda Pilan (born July 27, 1881), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 10, 1944: Olga Bancic (born May 10, 1912 in Chișinău, Russian Empire), communist, arrested for working in the Resistance in November 1943, sentenced to death on February 21, 1944 and executed by beheading in Stuttgart.
  • May 10, 1944: Ernst Paeplow (born July 12, 1924) convicted and executed by the divisional court
  • May 10, 1944: Veit Drev (born June 23, 1924) convicted by divisional court and executed
  • May 10, 1944: Roman Karl Scholz (born January 16, 1912 in Mährisch Schönberg), Augustinian canon, arrested on July 22, 1940 for denouncing plans to detach Austria from the German Reich, and on February 23, 1944 for high treason Sentenced to death and executed in Vienna.
  • May 10, 1944: Elfriede Zabel (born May 11, 1885), housewife, arrested for statements directed against leading Nazi politicians, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 21, 1944 and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • May 10, 1944: Heinrich Fein (born April 12, 1909) convicted by divisional court and executed
  • May 12, 1944: Oskar Kusch (born April 6, 1918 in Berlin), officer, arrested on January 12, 1944 for expressions critical of the regime, sentenced to death on January 26, 1944 by the court of the Higher Command of Submarine Training for degrading military strength and listening to foreign broadcasters and executed by shooting in Kiel.
  • May 15, 1944: Heinrich Bayer (born September 30, 1909 in Uchtelfangen), Jehovah's Witness, arrested in December 1943 for declaring his opposition to war, sentenced to death on March 23, 1944 by the Berlin Field War Court and imprisoned in Brandenburg.
  • May 15, 1944: Paul Hatschek (born March 11, 1888), engineer, arrested for espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union in September 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 27, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • May 19, 1944: Anna Maria Hölzlsauer (born June 30, 1902 in Graz), worker at the Bavarian light metal works in Lochau, because of statements directed against the Nazi regime (denigration of Hitler as a "scoundrel", who put the people "in misery") pull, also statements against the NSDAP and in favor of communism) after denunciation on November 9, 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 24, 1944 for degrading military strength and favoring the enemy, and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • May 19, 1944: Fiolmena Kazlauska (born January 10, 1915), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • May 19, 1944: Bertha Kempa (born August 17, 1894), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • May 19, 1944: Wilhelm Mößlacher (born May 28, 1915 in Edling near St. Stefan im Gailtal), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Halle an der Saale.
  • May 21, 1944: Rudolf Malter (* 1896), executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • May 23, 1944: Fernand Fandel (born December 4, 1924), Luxembourger, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • May 23, 1944: Denis Stoffel (born June 14, 1921), Luxembourger, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • May 23, 1944: Johannes Volz (* 1912), denounced for listening to foreign radio stations, arrested, sentenced to death for undermining military strength and executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • May 23, 1944: Francois Wehr (born March 30, 1923), Luxembourger, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • May 25, 1944: Martha Litzenberg (born October 8, 1923), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • May 30, 1944: Werner Holländer (born August 2, 1914 in Cologne), engineer, sentenced to death on April 20, 1943 by the special court at the Kassel Higher Regional Court and executed by beheading for racial disgrace.
  • May 30, 1944: Pierre Jungblut (* 1923), Luxembourger, executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • June 5, 1944: Josef Hufnagel (born October 9, 1903 in Dünschede), farmer, arrested for defeatist statements and listening to foreign radio stations, sentenced to death by the People's Court on April 18, 1944, executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • June 6, 1944: Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer (born January 2, 1902), electrician and stoker, arrested on September 30, 1943 for saying that Germany would not win the Second World War , and on April 27, 1944 for high treason and deprivation of military strength Sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine on June 6, 1944 in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • June 7, 1944: Jakob Burger (born August 11, 1896 in Dillingen / Saar), locksmith, executed in Stuttgart, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 27, 1944 for alleged communist propaganda for preparation for high treason and disintegration of the military Stuttgart prison Urbanstrasse executed.
  • June 7, 1944: Leo Gabler (born May 11, 1908 in Vienna), politician, arrested on October 20, 1941 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death on April 15, 1944 and executed by beheading in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • June 7, 1944: Johann Mithlinger (born July 31, 1898), arrested on December 16, 1942, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 29, 1943 for preparation for high treason and degradation of military strength and executed by beheading in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • June 9, 1944: Wilhelmine Günther (born July 18, 1917 in Posen), office worker, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison
  • June 9, 1944: Maria Luise Henin (born December 8, 1898), Belgian, sentenced to death on January 7, 1944 and executed for a political offense.
  • June 9, 1944: Johanna Kirchner (born April 24, 1889 in Frankfurt am Main), arrested in 1942 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court on April 20, 1944 for treason and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 9, 1944: Anna Schneider (born December 9, 1900), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, executed.
  • June 9, 1944: Anna Wewnev (born March 7, 1898), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, executed.
  • June 9, 1944: Emmy Zehden , née Windhorst (born March 28, 1900 in Lübbecke), newspaper deliverer from Berlin-Gatow, as a member of the Association of Serious Bible Students (Jehovah's Witnesses) sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 19, 1943 for "degradation of military strength" because she hid and cared for three Jehovah's Witnesses who refused to serve in the military, and executed them with the guillotine in the Plötzensee prison.
  • June 19, 1944: Alexander Westermayer (born October 29, 1894 in Goslar), commercial clerk, arrested on September 9, 1943 for anti-Nazi activity in an opposition group (distribution of anti-Nazi leaflets), sentenced to death by the People's Court on April 17, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • June 19, 1944: Franz Johann Pascutti (born December 16, 1911 in St. Margareten near Knittelfeld), Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death as a conscientious objector and executed in Halle an der Saale.
  • June 22, 1944: Willi Fröhle (born July 14, 1898 in Schöntal) arrested on September 6, 1943, tried on March 17, 1944 in the Heilbronn People's Court, on June 22, 1944 in Stuttgart for hateful state and party incitement as well as disruption of the military Guillotine executed
  • June 22, 1944: Werner Buse (* October 22, 1922) convicted by the field court for "military offenses" and executed
  • June 24, 1944: Maria Jaster (born March 19, 1899), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • June 26, 1944: Walther Arndt (born January 8, 1891 in Landeshut), zoologist, arrested for comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on May 11, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • June 26, 1944: Erich Heins (born November 1, 1907 in Hamburg), worker, arrested in May 1944 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed with the guillotine in the Hamburg remand prison.
  • June 26, 1944: Karl Kock (born June 16, 1908 in Hamburg), worker, communist, sentenced to death by the People's Court for activities directed against the Nazi state and executed in the remand prison on Holstenglacis.
  • June 26, 1944: Hans Köpke , worker, communist, sentenced to death by the People's Court for activities directed against the Nazi state and executed in the remand prison on Holstenglacis.
  • June 26, 1944: Otto Mende (born February 10, 1907 in Zwickau), arrested on March 19, 1943 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court in January 1944 for preparation for high treason and executed by beheading in the Hamburg remand prison.
  • June 26, 1944: Ernst Mittelbach (born December 31, 1903 in Hamburg), trade teacher, arrested on October 20, 1942 for attitude directed against the Nazi state, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the remand prison on Holstenglacis.
  • June 26, 1944: Kurt Müller (born February 2, 1903 in Berlin), executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • June 26, 1944: Walter Reber (born March 25, 1891 in Hohenstein-Ernstthal), worker, communist, sentenced to death by the People's Court for activities directed against the Nazi state and executed by beheading in the remand prison on Holstenglacis.
  • June 26, 1944: Wilhelm Stein (born May 15, 1895 in Biebernheim), worker, communist, sentenced to death by the People's Court for activities directed against the Nazi state and executed in the remand prison on Holstenglacis.
  • June 26, 1944: Paul Thürey (born July 16, 1903 in Hamburg), mechanical engineer, arrested on October 20, 1942 for working in the anti-Nazi underground, sentenced to death and executed by beheading in the Hamburg remand prison.
  • June 26, 1944: Kurt Vorpahl (born May 7, 1905 in Krempe), locksmith, arrested on June 24, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on May 4, 1944 by the People's Court for preparation for high treason and favoring the enemy and im Hamburg remand prison executed with the guillotine.
  • June 26, 1944: Oskar Voss (born December 28, 1907 in Wolgast), locksmith, arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court in May 1944 and executed in the Holstenglacis remand prison in Hamburg.
  • June 26, 1944: Paulus Wörndl (born August 20, 1894 in Itzling near Salzburg), religious priest, arrested on the basis of contacts with the resistance against the Nazi regime, sentenced to death on April 18, 1944 for high treason and degradation of military strength and served in the Brandenburg prison executed with the guillotine.
  • June 29, 1944: Margarete Hillz (born December 4, 1907), prisoner in the Barnimstrasse women's prison in Berlin, executed.
  • May 30, 1944: Jean Clement (* 1922), Luxembourger.
  • May 30, 1944: Josef Clement (* 1920), Luxembourger.
  • July 3, 1944: Hans Wölfel (born March 30, 1902 in Bad Hall), lawyer. Wölfel was denounced because of the statements that Germany could not win the Second World War and that Hitler was a twisting word, sentenced to death by the People's Court on May 10, 1944 for "undermining military strength" and executed by beheading in Brandenburg-Görden.
  • July 5, 1944: Anna Goldsteiner (born June 17, 1899 in Vienna) in December 1943 for supporting efforts to re-autonomize Austria in Pulkau because of the charge of having removed propaganda posters together with like-minded people, prepared explosive attacks and planned the removal of the Pulkau mayor , arrested, sentenced to death on April 17 by the Vienna Higher Regional Court for preparation for high treason and degradation of military strength and executed in Vienna.
  • July 6, 1944: Hein Bretschneider (* December 12, 1904), Zimmermann, as a member of a communist resistance group, sentenced to death by the People's Court in Hamburg and executed in the Hamburg remand prison.
  • July 6, 1944: Richard Heller (born October 26, 1908 in Dessau), worker, arrested on October 20, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on May 5, 1944, executed in the Hamburg remand prison.
  • August 29, 1944: Paul Kroll (* 1884), communist, because of statements directed against the Nazi regime, which he dropped to two employees in a health resort in Bad Pyrmont in the summer of 1943 (he declared Germany would lose the war, the capitalist (Beginning with Hitler and Mussolini, the head was soon cut off and an employee recommended to write her father at the front a letter telling him to desert), sentenced to death on July 7, 1944 by the Higher Regional Court for preparation for high treason and degradation of military strength and in Frankfurt prison -Preungesheim executed.
  • July 7, 1944: Jenoweva Mlynarz (born December 29, 1902), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 10, 1944: Robert Abshagen (born January 12, 1911 in Hamburg), insurance employee, worker, arrested on October 19, 1942 for participating in the communist resistance, sentenced by the People's Court on May 2, 1944 and executed by beheading in Hamburg.
  • July 10, 1944: Otto Grabowski (born September 18, 1901) Dreher, arrested on May 21, 1943 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 30, 1944 for preparation for high treason and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • July 10, 1944: Arthur Ladwig (born March 9, 1902 in Berlin), worker, as a member of a communist combat group that slowed down the production of armaments and distributed anti-regime leaflets, arrested on May 21, 1943, by the People's Court on March 30, 1944 Sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg prison.
  • July 10, 1944: Oskar Reincke (born January 10, 1907 in Hamburg), worker, arrested on October 17, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death and executed in the Hamburg remand prison.
  • July 11, 1944: Marcel Bour (* 1923), Luxembourger, sentenced to death and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • July 11, 1944: Pierre Eischen (born June 18, 1923), Luxembourger, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • July 11, 1944: Arthur Rauth (* 1920), Luxembourger, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • July 11, 1944: Richard Reitsamer (born March 3, 1901 in Freiburg im Breisgau), farm worker, arrested for conscientious objection, sentenced to death and executed in Bozen.
  • July 11, 1944: Jean Schroeder (* 1921), Luxembourger, executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • July 17, 1944: Hermann Jacobsen (born December 13, 1890 in Estrupfeld ); Satrup church servant , was denounced by a Satrup woman "out of personal vengeance". Jacobsen was sentenced to death by the People's Court in 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison. The informer received a three-year prison sentence after the war.
  • July 18, 1944: Clemens Austen (born March 31, 1888 Lyck) convicted by the VGH, executed for degrading military strength
  • July 19, 1944: Marian Kudera (born August 5, 1923 in Myslowitz, Upper Silesia), medical student, arrested in February 1944 for participating in the Polish resistance against the German occupation, executed in Dachau concentration camp.
  • July 20, 1944: Marie Dubsky (born May 27, 1916), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 21, 1944: Emma Churheber (born July 9, 1902), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 21, 1944: Franz Jaindl-Haring (born October 2, 1895 in Graz), lathe operator, for statements critical of the war (he explained to an acquaintance that Germany would lose the war after the American entry into the war and that Hitler would shoot himself) on November 3, 1942 arrested, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 22, 1944 for undermining military strength and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 24, 1944: Hans Grünberg (* 1917), member of the Communist Youth Association, executed in Brandenburg prison on July 24, 1944.
  • July 24, 1944: Wilhelm Knöchel (born November 8, 1899 in Offenbach), Dreher, arrested on January 30, 1944 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 12, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg penitentiary.
  • July 27, 1944: Wilhelm Beuttel (born August 10, 1900 in Durlach) Schneider, arrested for communist underground work on February 10, 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court on May 25, 1944 and executed in Cologne.
  • July 27, 1944: Therese Brinkmeyer (born July 2, 1903), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 27, 1944: Gertrud Dörfel (born August 15, 1889), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 27, 1944: Marta Gurth (born August 28, 1894 in Berlin), executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 27, 1944: Willi Seng (born February 11, 1909 in Berlin), Schneider, arrested on January 20, 1943 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on May 24, 1944 and executed in Cologne.
  • July 27, 1944: Albert Kamradt (born March 16, 1903 in Goschin), blacksmith, arrested on April 23, 1943 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on May 24, 1944 by the People's Court (AZ: 10 J 571/43) and executed in Cologne Klingelpütz.
  • July 29, 1944: Marie Liptow (February 16, 1891), seamstress, inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • July 31, 1944: Otto Springborn (born June 26, 1890), locksmith, arrested in January 1944 for working in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death for degrading military strength and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • July 31, 1944: Oskar Billion (born March 8, 1913 in Morsbach / Lothringen), driver in Limburg ad Lahn, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 13, 1944 for listening to foreign broadcasters and derogatory remarks about the Reich government for degrading military strength and im Brandenburg prison executed.
  • July 31, 1944: Max Schmidt (* in Finsterwalde) was denounced by the beer table on February 16, 1943 in Finsterwalde with the insurance agent Arthur Zwick about the defeat of Stalingrad and on April 26, 1944 by the People's Court in Berlin ( President Martin Stier ) sentenced to death. Death by beheading in the Brandenburg / Havel prison.
  • August 2, 1944: Jacob Kastelic (born January 4, 1897 in Vienna) arrested on July 23, 1940, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 1, 1944 for high treason and executed in Vienna by guillotine.
  • August 4, 1944: Vera Apollonowna Obolenskaya (* June 11 jul. / 24. June  1911 greg. In Moscow), convicted, arrested for operating in the French Resistance on December 17, 1943, death, and on August 4, 1944 in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed.
  • August 7, 1944: Marguerite Bervoets (born March 6, 1914 in La Louvière), Belgian resistance fighter, sentenced to death by the People's Court in Leer / Berlin, executed in Wolfenbüttel prison.
  • August 8, 1944: Robert Bernardis (born August 7, 1908 in Innsbruck), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944 , sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 8, 1944 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 8, 1944: Albrecht von Hagen (born March 11, 1904 in Langen (Pomerania)), lawyer, arrested as a participant in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 8, 1944 and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed by hanging .
  • August 8, 1944: Paul von Hase (born July 24, 1885 in Hanover), officer, city commandant of Berlin, arrested as a participant in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee prison.
  • August 8, 1944: Erich Hoepner (born September 14, 1886 in Frankfurt (Oder)), officer, arrested on July 21 for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court and hanged to death in the Plötzensee prison .
  • August 8, 1944: Friedrich Karl Klausing (born May 24, 1920 in Munich), officer, arrested on July 21, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 8, 1944 and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • August 8, 1944: Hellmuth Stieff (born June 6, 1901 in Deutsch Eylau), officer, arrested on July 20, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 8 and executed by hanging.
  • August 8, 1944: Erwin von Witzleben (born December 4, 1881 in Breslau), officer, sentenced to death by the People's Court for "high treason" for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • August 8, 1944: Peter Yorck von Wartenburg (born November 13, 1904 at Gut Klein Oels), lawyer, arrested on the same day for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 8, 1944 and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed.
  • August 10, 1944: Berthold von Stauffenberg (* 1905), lawyer, sentenced to death by the People's Court for “high treason” for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • August 10, 1944: Alfred Kranzfelder (born February 10, 1908 in Kempten), officer, sentenced to death by the People's Court for "high treason" for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • August 10, 1944: Fritz-Dietlof von der Schulenburg (September 5, 1904 in London), sentenced to death by the People's Court for “high treason” for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • August 11, 1944: Wilhelmine Gärtner (born September 16, 1896), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 11, 1944: Auguste Hetkamp (born August 26, 1885), Jehovah's Witness, arrested in April 1943 for the dissemination of unwanted writings by the Nazi regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 2, 1944 and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed.
  • August 11, 1944: Krista Lavíčková (born December 15, 1917 in Mährisch Ostrau), foreign language secretary, arrested in September or November 1943 for working in a resistance group, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 27, 1944 and sentenced to death in the Brandenburg-Görden prison with the Guillotine executed.
  • August 11, 1944: Elsa Stimmig (born November 19, 1889), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 11, 1944: Klara Stoffels (born December 7, 1904), Jehovah's Witness, arrested in April 1943 for distributing unwanted writings by the Nazi regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 2, 1944 and held in Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed.
  • August 11, 1944: Elisabeth Sytwertnia (born March 26, 1905), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 11, 1944: Hedwig Toddey (born December 7, 1885), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 14, 1944: Wilhelm Bischoff , Jehovah's Witness, arrested in April 1943 for distributing writings that the Nazi regime disliked, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 2, 1944 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 14, 1944: Wilhelm Böse (born March 29, 1883 in Nieder-Kränig, Neumark), electrician, arrested for communist underground work in February 1942, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 21, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • August 14, 1944: Julius Engelhard (* 1899), Jehovah's Witness, arrested in April 1943 for distributing writings that the Nazi regime disliked, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 2, 1944 for degrading military strength and favoring the enemy, and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed.
  • August 14, 1944: Georg Fleischer (born April 28, 1889 in Berlin), toolmaker, head of an illegal KPD factory cell with the aim of disrupting war production. Sentenced to death on July 3, 1944 for defeatist decomposition. Executed in Brandenburg prison on August 14, 1944.
  • August 14, 1944: Johann Hörstgen (born January 8, 1908 in Mülheim an der Ruhr), electrician, Jehovah's Witness, arrested in April 1942 for activity in the sense of his religious community, on June 2, 1944 by the People's Court for degrading military strength and treacherous favoring the enemy Sentenced to death and executed in Brandenburg prison.
  • August 14, 1944: Georg Nebel (born August 7, 1897 in Frankfurt am Main), carpenter, communist, arrested for comments critical of the war, sentenced to death on June 2, 1944 for degrading military strength and executed in Potsdam.
  • August 14, 1944: Arthur Sodtke (born December 25, 1901 in Inowrazlaw), locksmith, arrested on February 4, 1942 for working in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 21, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • August 14, 1944: Friedrich (Fritz) Stoffels , Jehovah's Witness, arrested in 1943, sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • August 15, 1944: Hans Bernd von Haeften (born December 18, 1905 in Charlottenburg), diplomat, sentenced to death by the People's Court for "high treason" for involvement in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • August 15, 1944: Egbert Hayessen (born December 28, 1913 in Eisleben), officer, sentenced to death by the People's Court for "high treason" for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • August 15, 1944: Bernhard Klamroth (born November 20, 1910 in Berlin), officer, sentenced to death by the People's Court for "high treason" for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • August 15, 1944: Wolf-Heinrich von Helldorff (born October 14, 1896), sentenced to death by the People's Court for "high treason" for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, and executed in the Plötzensee correctional facility by hanging with a wire noose forced him to see three other executions.
  • August 16, 1944: Adele Stürzl (born November 23, 1892 in Vienna), politician, arrested in June 1942 for supporting a deserter, sentenced to death on April 13, 1944 and executed by guillotine in Munich.
  • August 16, 1944: Herbert Blochwitz , worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activity on December 3, 1943, sentenced to death on June 30, 1944 and executed in Dresden with the guillotine.
  • August 16, 1944: Otto Galle , worker, arrested on December 3, 1943 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death on June 30, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in Dresden.
  • August 16, 1944: Kurt Schlosser , worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activity on December 3, 1943, sentenced to death on June 30, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in Dresden.
  • August 16, 1944: Arthur Weineck (born February 4, 1900 in Zittau), worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activity on December 3, 1943, sentenced to death on June 30, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in Dresden.
  • August 18, 1944: Barbara Brammertz (born January 9, 1895), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 18, 1944: Johanna Hinz (born December 8, 1891), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 18, 1944: Wanda Kallenbach (born June 13, 1902 in Jankendorf), a working-class woman, arrested on January 20, 1944 for statements critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court for undermining military strength and executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • August 18, 1944: Ida Stein (born August 2, 1889), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 21, 1944: Walter Budeus (born October 29, 1902 in Zossen), locksmith, arrested as a member of a communist resistance group against the Nazi system in February 1942, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 7, 1944 and imprisoned in Brandenburg with the Guillotine executed.
  • August 21, 1944: Karl-Wilhelm Frank (born December 5, 1906 in Berlin), cabinet maker, arrested in March 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court in June 1944, executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • August 21, 1944: Paul Gesche (born June 12, 1907 in Berlin), carpenter, arrested in February 1942 as a member of a communist resistance group against the Nazi state, sentenced to death in July 1944 for preparation for high treason and imprisoned in Brandenburg-Görden executed.
  • August 21, 1944: Friedrich Gustav Jaeger (born September 25, 1895 in Kirchberg an der Jagst), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 21, 1944 for high treason and imprisoned in Berlin -Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • August 21, 1944: Erich Kurz (born March 16, 1895 in Charlottenburg), worker, arrested on February 4, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 6, 1944, in the Brandenburg-Görden prison with the Guillotine executed.
  • August 21, 1944: Franz Mett (born October 25, 1904 in Nickelnischken in East Prussia), worker, arrested on February 4, 1942 for activity in the communist resistance, sentenced to death on June 7, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • August 21, 1944: Fritz Riedel (born March 1, 1908 in Berlin), metal worker, arrested on February 4, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced by the People's Court on July 6, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in the Brandenburg prison.
  • August 21, 1944: Willy Sachse (born January 7, 1896 in Leipzig), worker, arrested on February 4, 1942, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 6, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • August 21, 1944: Robert Uhrig (born March 8, 1903 in Leipzig), toolmaker, arrested in February 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on June 7, 1944 and executed by beheading in the Brandenburg prison.
  • August 24, 1944: Erich Gentsch (born August 1, 1893 in Altenburg), worker, arrested as a member of the communist resistance in April 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court under Roland Freisler on June 23, 1944 and executed by beheading in Stuttgart.
  • August 24, 1944: Eugen Schwebinghaus (born January 4, 1906 in Ronsdorf), craftsman, arrested on April 23, 1943 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in Bruchsal prison.
  • August 24, 1944: Ludwig Colab (* Cracow / Poland) convicted by SG Stuttgart, executed for pest offenses
  • August 24, 1944: Rudolf Rosanka (* December 7, 1901 Scharley / Upper Silesia) convicted by the VGH and executed
  • August 24, 1944: Elisabeth Reif (born September 20, 1901 Edolsheim / Pfalz) convicted by the VGH and executed for undermining military strength
  • August 24, 1944: Charlotte Grassmann (* March 12, 1907 Berlin) convicted by the VGH and executed for undermining military strength
  • August 24, 1944: Johannes Schmittberger (born March 7, 1915) convicted by the VGH, executed
  • August 25, 1944: Musa Cälil (born February 15, 1906 in Mustafino), poet, arrested for sabotage in 1943, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial in Dresden on February 12, 1944 for undermining military strength and favoring the enemy, and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 25, 1944: Charlotte Eisenblätter (born August 7, 1903 in Berlin), secretary, arrested in February 1942 for working in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 10, 1944 for preparing for high treason and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed with the guillotine.
  • August 25, 1944: Gertrud Gast (born December 16, 1907), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 25, 1944: Elisabeth Groß (born July 24, 1899 in Worms), housewife from Worms, arrested in August 1943 for statements directed against the regime, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court on July 21, 1944 for undermining military strength and in executed by guillotine at the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 25, 1944: Margarete Seifert (born January 27, 1901), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • August 25, 1944: Elfriede Tygör (born October 10, 1903), stenographer, arrested as a member of the Rote Kapelle on February 4, 1942, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 7, 1944 for high treason and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • August 26, 1944: Otto Kiep (born July 7, 1886 in Saltcoats, Scotland), diplomat, arrested on January 16, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 1, 1044, executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • August 26, 1944: Hans Georg Klamroth (born October 12, 1898 in Halberstadt), officer, sentenced to death by the People's Court for "high treason" for involvement in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • August 26, 1944: Ludwig von Leonrod (born September 17, 1906 in Munich), officer, arrested on July 21, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 21, 1944 and in prison Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • August 26, 1944: Adam von Trott zu Solz (born August 9, 1909 in Potsdam), diplomat, sentenced to death by the People's Court for "high treason" for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944 and in the Plötzensee correctional facility by hanging with a wire loop executed.
  • August 27, 1944: Heinz Effe (born September 27, 1920) convicted and executed by the VGH
  • August 28, 1944: Jean Arnolds (born March 7, 1904 in Baelen), priest, arrested for supporting prisoners of war, sentenced to death by the 4th Senate of the People's Court in April 1944 for “favoring the enemy” and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg prison .
  • August 28, 1944: Helmut Masche (born March 16, 1894 in Berlin), carpenter, communist, arrested on February 4, 1942 for working in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death by the People's Court in the summer of 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison
  • August 28, 1944: Fritz Plön (born December 3, 1906 in Berlin), welder, communist, arrested on February 4 for activity in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 7, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • August 28, 1944: Heinrich Preuß (born May 23, 1886 in Mauenfelde), politician and trade unionist, arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on July 7, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • August 28, 1944: Kurt Ritter (born December 31, 1909 in Ostramondra), worker, arrested in 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 6, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg prison.
  • August 29, 1944: Georges Michel (* 1925), Luxembourger, executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • August 30, 1944: Eberhard Finckh (born November 7, 1899 in Kupferzell), officer, arrested on July 26, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 29, 1944 and in Plötzensee prison executed by hanging.
  • August 30, 1944: Johann Otto Haas (born January 6, 1906 in Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary), teacher, arrested for setting up an anti-Nazi intelligence service, sentenced to death by the People's Court on December 15, 1943 and executed by hanging in Vienna.
  • August 30, 1944: Hans Otfried von Linstow (born March 16, 1899 in Wittenberg), officer, arrested on July 23 as a participant in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death on August 29, 1944 and served in the Plötzensee prison Hanging executed.
  • August 30, 1944: Karl Ernst Rahtgens (born August 27, 1908 in Lübeck), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 30, 1944 and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • August 30, 1944: Carl-Heinrich von Stülpnagel (born January 2, 1886 in Berlin), officer, arrested on July 21, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 30, 1944 and in executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • September 1, 1944: Bertha Warret (born June 6, 1904), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 4, 1944: Max Ulrich Graf von Drechsel (born October 3, 1911 in Karlstein), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 4, 1944 and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • September 4, 1944: Hans Otto Erdmann (born December 18, 1896 in Insterburg) officer, arrested on August 14, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 4 and sentenced to death in Plötzensee prison Hanging executed.
  • September 4, 1944: Erich Fellgiebel (born October 4, 1886 in Pöpelwitz near Breslau, Silesia), sentenced to death by the People's Court for "high treason" for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • September 4, 1944: Kurt Hahn (born July 22, 1901 in Januschkau, Osterode district in East Prussia), officer, arrested on August 12 as a participant in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 4, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 4, 1944: Gerhard Knaak (born June 19, 1906 in Königsberg), officer, arrested as a participant in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 4, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee prison.
  • September 4, 1944: Heinrich Graf von Lehndorff-Steinort (born June 22, 1909 in Hanover), officer, arrested on July 21, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 3, 1944 and in of the Plötzensee prison, executed by hanging.
  • September 4, 1944: Fritz Thiele (born April 14, 1894 in Berlin), officer, arrested on August 11, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 21, 1944 and in Plötzensee prison executed by hanging.
  • September 8, 1944: Antonie Bejdova (born September 30, 1911), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 8, 1944: Georg Alexander Hansen (born July 5, 1904 in Sonnefeld), sentenced to death by the People's Court for “high treason” for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • September 8, 1944: Ulrich von Hassell (born November 12, 1881 in Anklam), diplomat, arrested as a participant in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944 on July 29, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 9, 1944 and in prison Plötzensee executed.
  • September 8, 1944: Martha Klemenz (born July 11, 1898), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 8, 1944: Paul Lejeune-Jung (born March 16, 1882 in Cologne), economist and politician, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 3, 1944 and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed.
  • September 8, 1944: Ulrich Wilhelm Graf Schwerin von Schwanenfeld (born December 21, 1902 in Copenhagen), farmer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 21, 1944 and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed.
  • September 8, 1944: Günther Smend (born November 29, 1912 in Trier), officer, arrested on July 21, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 30, 1944 and imprisoned in Berlin Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • September 8, 1944: Martha Speer (born September 22, 1892), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 8, 1944: Gertrud Swierczek (born December 22, 1921), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 8, 1944: Elisabeth von Thadden (born July 29, 1890 in Mohrungen, East Prussia), arrested on January 13, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court in July 1944 for degrading military strength and executed with the guillotine in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • September 8, 1944: Josef Wirmer (born March 19, 1901 in Paderborn), lawyer, sentenced to death by the People's Court for "high treason" for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944 and executed in the Plötzensee correctional facility by hanging with a wire loop.
  • September 11, 1944: Alois Grimm (born October 24, 1886 in Külsheim), Jesuit, arrested in October 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 12, 1944 for degrading military strength and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • September 11, 1944: Joseph Müller (born August 19, 1894 in Salmünster in Hessen), priest, arrested on May 11, 1944 for telling a joke critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 28, 1944 for degrading military strength and imprisoned in Brandenburg -Görden executed with the guillotine.
  • September 12, 1944: Zygmunt Bąk (born July 16, 1920 in Plöhn , then Zichenau district), worker, arrested on March 22, 1943 with Arthur Vogt in Lustenau on the Swiss border, on June 27, 1944 by the People's Court for "favoring the enemy" Sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in Munich Stadelheim prison.
  • September 12, 1944: Arthur Vogt (born July 24, 1912 in Gossau near St. Gallen / Switzerland), worker, arrested on March 22, 1943 with Zygmunt Bąk in Lustenau on the Swiss border, on June 27, 1944 by the People's Court for " Enemy Favor ”was sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Munich Stadelheim prison.
  • September 12, 1944: Liesbeth Beutler (born February 3, 1901), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 13, 1944: Wilhelm Dieckmann (born July 17, 1893 in Stotel, Geestemünde district), civil servant, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death and shot in the Lehrter Strasse cell prison.
  • September 13, 1944: Fritz Schreiter (born April 27, 1892 in Dresden), worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground and sentenced to prison, sentenced to death for continuing anti-Nazi activity in prison for favoring the enemy and executed in Dresden.
  • September 14, 1944: Heinrich Graf zu Dohna-Schlobitten (born October 15, 1882 in Waldburg near Königsberg), officer, arrested on July 21, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, and to death on September 14, 1944 by the People's Court sentenced and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 14, 1944: Michael Graf von Matuschka (born September 29, 1888 in Schweidnitz), administrative officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 14, 1944 and served in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison Hanging executed.
  • September 14, 1944: Hermann Josef Wehrle (born July 26, 1899 in Nuremberg), priest, arrested on August 18, 1944 for complicity in the assassination attempt of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 14, 1944 and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • September 15, 1944: Anna Musie (born July 21, 1920), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 15, 1944: Ilse Prehn (born July 17, 1920), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 15, 1944: Hildegard Ziegler (born October 22, 1918), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 18, 1944: Bernhard Bästlein (born December 3, 1894 in Hamburg), metal worker, arrested again on May 30, 1944 for activities in the communist resistance and successfully escaping from prison, sentenced to death on September 5, 1944 and sentenced to death on September 18, 1944. Executed with the guillotine in the Brandenburg prison in September 1944.
  • September 18, 1944: Oswald Bosko , waiter, sentenced to death for helping numerous Jewish ghetto residents to flee as police sergeant in the Krakow ghetto, and executed by shooting
  • September 18, 1944: Franz Jacob (born August 9, 1906 in Hamburg), worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death on September 18, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • September 18, 1944: Anton Saefkow (born July 22, 1903 in Berlin), toolmaker, arrested in July 1944 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court in September 1944 and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg prison.
  • September 22, 1944: Gerhard Boche (born January 8, 1921 in Luckenwalde), driver, arrested on October 5, 1943 and accused of having made public defenses in Luckenwalde in August 1943 by making statements. Sentenced to death, executed by beheading in Plötzensee.
  • September 22, 1944: Fritz Klein (born December 18, 1898 in Hilschbach, Riegelsberg), miner, arrested as an emigrant due to anti-Nazi activities in France on October 9, 1943 and brought to Germany, on June 29, 1944 by the People's Court for high treason and Treacherous weapon aid and enemy favoritism sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Seilerbahn prison in Bruchsal.
  • September 22, 1944: Marie Wieczorek (born August 4, 1886), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • September 22, 1944: Anna Zoyoyra (born April 16, 1915), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • September 22, 1944: Herbert Reinert (born February 5, 1906), arrested on July 16, 1943, from August 9, 1943 on remand in prison in Berlin-Tegel, sentenced to death on August 24, 1944 for preparing for high treason, degrading military strength and favoring the enemy and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 25, 1944: Josef Römer (born March 5, 1892 in Munich), political activist, arrested in early 1942 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 19, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg Görden prison.
  • September 26, 1944: Max Mährlein (* 1896), worker at the marshalling yard in Würzburg, arrested for comments critical of the war, sentenced to death for degrading military strength and executed in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • September 29, 1944: Otto Herfurth (born January 22, 1893 in Hasserode), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 2, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 29, 1944 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 29, 1944: Lina Hoffmann (born March 18, 1897), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • September 29, 1944: Fritz von der Lancken (born June 21, 1890 in Diedenhofen), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 29 and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee prison .
  • September 29, 1944: Marianne Latoschinski (born September 12, 1903 in Bernburg), housewife, denounced on August 1, 1944 dated August 1, 1944, because of the statement that after the war the "Nazi pigs" would be settled and that they would be shot People's Court sentenced to death for degrading military strength, preparation for high treason and favoring the enemy and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 29, 1944: Wilhelm Leuschner (born June 15, 1890 in Bayreuth), trade unionist and politician, as an opponent of the Nazi state and because of his involvement in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • September 29, 1944: Wilhelm Graf zu Lynar (born February 3, 1899 in Berlin), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 29, 1944 and carried out in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison Hanging executed.
  • September 29, 1944: Joachim Meichßner (born April 4, 1906 in Deutsch-Eylau), officer, arrested at the end of July 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 29, 1944 and in the Berlin penal institution -Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • September 29, 1944: Katharina Peters (born November 30, 1897), wife of a cinema tenant in Zwönitz, a Dutch citizen since her marriage, arrested in September 1943 after she allegedly expressed doubts about the German prospects of victory in a conversation with a non-commissioned officer in May 1943 had declared that the people were deliberately dumbfounded and misled, and had thought that the people had chosen this so, after all, the National Socialists had chosen it themselves (she herself spoke of a false denunciation out of revenge, because she had given the non-commissioned officer the entrance had refused to show a film), sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 23, 1944 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • September 29, 1944: Therese Raimond (born August 25, 1923), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison
  • September 29, 1944: Joachim Sadrozinski (born September 20, 1907 in Tilsit), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 21, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • September 30, 1944: Anna Styma (born March 2, 1926), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 6, 1944: Elsa Danhofer (born December 18, 1888), Jehovah's Witness, arrested for activity in the sense of this religious community, sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 6, 1944: Frieda Melzen (born September 29, 1912), executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 8, 1944: Viktor Pestek (born April 18, 1924 in Oberscheroutz near Czernowitz), member of the SS, was arrested for helping a prisoner to escape from the Auschwitz concentration camp as a security guard, for favoring prisoners from an SS court in Katowice Sentenced to death and executed in Międzybrodzie Bialskie.
  • October 9, 1944: Richard Düwell (born April 26, 1902 in Rostock), journalist, arrested in May 1944 for statements critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 28, 1944 for subversive and defeatist statements and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • October 9, 1944: Nikolaus Christoph von Halem , as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state, executed with the guillotine for "high treason" in the Brandenburg prison.
  • October 9, 1944: Karl Rabold (* 1881 in Irndorf), Schneider, arrested on April 15, 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court on July 28, 1944 for degrading military strength and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • October 9, 1944: Vinzenz Platajs (born April 2, 1899 near Leibnitz), Jehovah's Witness, arrested in August 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court in 1944, among other things for degrading military strength, and executed by beheading in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • October 12, 1944: Carl Langbehn (born December 6, 1901 in Padang), lawyer, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 3, 1944 for working as a liaison officer for oppositional circles to foreign secret services and hanged to death in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 12, 1944: Rudolf von Marogna-Redwitz (born October 15, 1886 in Munich), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 12, 1944 and by hanging in the Plötzensee prison executed.
  • October 12, 1944: Alexis von Roenne (born February 22, 1903 in Tuckum in the Russian Governorate of Courland), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944 at the beginning of August 1944, sentenced to death on October 5 by the People's Court and in the Plötzensee prison executed by hanging.
  • October 13, 1944: Hans-Jürgen Graf von Blumenthal (born February 23, 1907 in Potsdam), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 13, 1944: Eva Duchmann (born April 22, 1893), Jehovah's Witness, arrested for activity within the meaning of this religious community, sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 13, 1944: Luise Graf (* October 25, 1892), sentenced to death by the 6th Senate of the People's Court for degrading military strength and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 13, 1944: Roland von Hößlin (born February 21, 1915 in Munich) officer, arrested as a participant in the coup d'état of July 20, 1944 on August 23, 1944, sentenced to death on October 13 by the People's Court and on the same day in the Plötzensee prison executed by hanging.
  • October 13, 1944: Luise Kraft (born October 25, 1892), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 13, 1944: Friedrich Scholz-Babisch (born April 10, 1890) officer, arrested on July 21, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 13, 1944 and carried out on the same day Hanging executed.
  • October 13, 1944: Georg Schulze-Büttger (born October 5, 1904 in Posen), officer, arrested on August 20, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 13, 1944 and in the Plötzensee prison executed by hanging.
  • October 16, 1944: Kühner (born April 25, 1884), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 16, 1944: Hermann Schiering (born April 27, 1884 in Magdeburg), worker, arrested on December 16, 1943 for defeatist statements, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 5, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • October 20, 1944: Maria Altmann (born October 10, 1921), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 20, 1944: Eduard Brücklmeier , diplomat, arrested on July 27, 1944 as a participant in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944 and sentenced to death on September 29, 1944 by the chairman of the People's Court, Roland Freisler, for high treason, together with Joachim Meichßner and Otto Herfurth and executed by hanging in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • October 20, 1944: Hermann Maaß (born October 23, 1897 in Bromberg), trade unionist, arrested on August 8, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 20, 1944 and in the Berlin penal institution -Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • October 20, 1944: Aloys Nordmann (born January 3, 1921 in Melchendorf), soldier, arrested for statements critical of the war, sentenced to death by an express court for degrading military strength and executed in Berlin-Spandau prison.
  • October 20, 1944: Adolf Reichwein (born October 3, 1898 in Ems), educator, arrested on July 4, 1944 for anti-Nazi activities, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 20, 1944: Frieda Stenzel (born November 3, 1905), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 24, 1944: Walter Eichberg (born July 10, 1898 in Berlin), electrician, communist, arrested in May 1942 for working in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the Brandenburg penitentiary.
  • October 24, 1944: Karl Heinz Engelhorn (born September 6, 1905), officer, as a participant in the coup d'état of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death on October 12, 1944 and executed in Brandenburg penitentiary.
  • October 24, 1944: Otto Schmirgal (born December 15, 1900 in Bentschen, Meseritz district), blacksmith, arrested on February 4, 1944 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 5, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg penitentiary .
  • October 24, 1944: Werner Seelenbinder (born August 2, 1904 in Stettin), transport worker, wrestler, arrested on February 4, 1942 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court in Potsdam and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg prison.
  • October 24, 1944: Karl Freiherr von Thüngen (born June 26, 1893 in Mainz), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 5, 1944 and shot in the Brandenburg-Görden prison executed.
  • October 24, 1944: Franz Wipplinger (born January 10, 1915 in Munich), candidate for a priesthood, denounced for rejection of the war and by the field war court of the Central Court of the Army in Berlin on August 31, 1944 for degradation of military strength (diary entries critical of the war, possession of leaflets "With subversive and corrosive content" and listening to "messages from enemy broadcasters") sentenced to death and executed in Berlin-Spandau.
  • October 25, 1944: Heinrich Duhme (* 1894 in Rheine), railroad worker, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the execution site of the Seilersbahn prison in Bruchsaal.
  • October 25, 1944: Gerhard Luther (* 1897), arrested on August 23, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the execution site of the Seilersbahn prison in Bruchsal.
  • October 26, 1944: Hans Zoschke (born January 28, 1910 in Landsberg an der Warthe), metal worker, arrested in February 1942 for anti-Nazi work in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the Potsdam district court in September 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • October 27, 1944: Judith Auer (born September 19, 1905 in Zurich), arrested on July 7, 1944 for participating in communist resistance campaigns against the Nazi state, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 27, 1944: Hermann Düllgen (born December 26, 1899 in Düsseldorf), construction worker, communist, former city councilor in Neuss, as a concentration camp prisoner in the Kalkum concentration camp for writing an anti-Nazi leaflet (from Stalingrad to Kiev) before the Darmstadt court accused, sentenced to death for preparation for high treason, degrading military strength and favoring the enemy and executed with the guillotine in Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • October 27, 1944: Georg Fröba (born November 27, 1896 in Bayreuth), tailor, communist, arrested in 1943 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death on September 6, 1944 by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court for preparation for high treason and favoring the enemy, and in prison Frankfurt-Preungesheim executed with the guillotine.
  • October 27, 1944: Karl Kemptner (born August 2, 1898), machinist at the Mannheim power station, social democrat, arrested on March 28, 1944 for speeches critical of the war, sentenced to death by the People's Court in September 1944 for preparation for high treason and degradation of military strength and in prison Frankfurt-Preungesheim executed with the guillotine.
  • October 7, 1944: Maria Lersch (born November 21, 1906), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • October 27, 1944: Irene Wosikowski (born February 9, 1910 in Danzig), member of the Resistance, arrested on July 26, 1943 during attempts to induce German occupation soldiers to abandon the German leadership, and on September 13, 1944 by the People's Court Sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee execution site.
  • October 30, 1944: Emil Heinrich Darapsky (born June 10, 1906 in Mainz), study assessor, arrested in autumn 1943, sentenced to death by the Berlin Regional Court on September 6, 1944 for undermining military strength and executed by hanging.
  • October 30, 1944: Otto Marquardt (born August 17, 1893 in Hamburg), typesetter, arrested on July 10, 1944 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • October 30, 1944: Axel Rudolph (born December 26, 1893 in Cologne-Nippes in Germany), author, arrested for anti-Nazi statements on New Year's Eve 1943, sentenced to death on July 18, 1944 by the People's Court for degrading military strength and favoring the enemy and imprisoned in Brandenburg- Görden executed with the guillotine.
  • October 30, 1944: Bernhard Schwentner (born September 28, 1891 in Schwerin), priest, arrested on October 21, 1943 for comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 15, 1944 for undermining military strength and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • November 1, 1944: Ewald Huth (born January 11, 1890 in Hersfeld), organist, sentenced to death for degrading military strength and executed in Stuttgart.
  • November 3, 1944: Anna Dutz (born January 16, 1900), worker, sentenced to death by the People's Court for helping prisoners of war (obtaining food and civilian clothing for the escape) and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 3, 1944: Helene Gossing (born May 21, 1886 in Breslau), widow from Leipzig, arrested on the grounds that she regretted the failure of the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944, and sentenced to death on October 18, 1944 by the People's Court and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 3, 1944: Ingeborg Pflug (born July 2, 1924), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 3, 1944: Galina Romanowa (born December 25, 1918 in Romankowo, Ukraine), a doctor, arrested on October 6, 1943 for supporting prisoners of war, sentenced to death on April 27, 1944 and executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • November 6, 1944: Bernhard Almstadt (born August 23, 1897 in Linden), arrested in July 1944 for participating in the communist resistance, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 19, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • November 6, 1944: Erwin Nöldner (born April 29, 1913 in Lichtenberg), locksmith, arrested in July 1944 for working in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 19, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg penitentiary.
  • November 6, 1944: Arthur Weisbrodt (born September 23, 1909 in Rummelsburg near Berlin), optician, arrested in July 1944 for anti-Nazi activities, sentenced to death on September 19, 1944 and executed by beheading in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • November 8, 1944: Karoline Redler (born February 16, 1883 in Bregenz), social worker, arrested in July 1944 for anti-Nazi statements, sentenced to death by the People's Court in October 1944 for undermining military strength and executed with the guillotine in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • November 10, 1944: Gerda Boenke (born October 12, 1913 in Berlin), worker, arrested for statements critical of the war, sentenced to death on November 9, 1944 and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 10, 1943: Elsa Göttmann (born March 23, 1943), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 10, 1944: Herta Mischling (born February 20, 1917), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 10, 1944: Barthel Schink (born November 27, 1927), teenager, arrested for working in an anti-Nazi youth group and executed by hanging in Cologne.
  • November 10, 1944: Friedrich-Werner Graf von der Schulenburg (born November 20, 1875 in Kemberg), diplomat, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 23, and imprisoned in Berlin- Plötzensee executed.
  • November 13, 1944: Bruno Binnebesel (born September 26, 1902 in Tuchel, West Prussia), priest, arrested on November 3, 1943 for listening to foreign radio broadcasts, sentenced to death by the People's Court on September 9, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • November 13, 1944: Carl Lampert (born January 9, 1894 in Göfis), Catholic clergyman, arrested on July 4, 1943 for comments critical of the Nazi regime, repeatedly sentenced to death, most recently on September 8, 1944 and in the Roter Ochse prison in Halle executed on the Saale with the guillotine.
  • November 13, 1944: Friedrich Lorenz (born June 10, 1897 in Klein Freden), priest, arrested on February 4, 1943 for conversations critical of the war, on July 28, 1944 in Torgau for "listening to enemy broadcasts", "decomposing the military" and "Enemy favoring" sentenced to death and executed in Halle by beheading.
  • November 13, 1944: Herbert Simoleit (born May 22, 1908 in Berlin), priest, arrested in Stettin on February 4, 1943 for comments critical of the regime, sentenced to death in Halle for undermining military strength and favoring the enemy.
  • November 13, 1944: Emil Wölk (born October 25, 1903 in Zinten), engine fitter, arrested on July 14, 1944 for working in the anti-Nazi underground, sentenced to death on September 20, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • November 14, 1944: Walter Cramer (born May 1, 1886 in Leipzig), entrepreneur, arrested on July 22, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court for high treason and treason and in the Berlin penal institution -Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • November 14, 1944: Ferdinand Freiherr von Lüninck (born August 3, 1888 in Ostwig), politician and administrative officer, former President of Westphalia, because of his involvement in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944 by the People's Court on November 13, 1944 for "high treason" Sentenced to death and executed by hanging in Plötzensee prison.
  • November 14, 1944: Bernhard Letterhaus (born July 10, 1894 in Barmen), trade unionist and politician, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 13, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison
  • November 17: Elisabeth Wehmer (born March 28, 1900), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 20, 1944: Leo Drabent (born June 15, 1899 in Blumenthal / Unterweser) machinist, arrested on March 29, 1943 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 13, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg penitentiary
  • November 20, 1944: Hans Neumann (born October 5, 1908 in Aumund (Blumenthal district)), carpenter, arrested on March 29, 1943 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 13, 1944 for decomposition work and im Brandenburg-Görden prison executed by guillotine.
  • November 20, 1944: Ferdinand Thomas (born April 30, 1913 in Heidelberg), employee, arrested on July 19, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 4, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • November 21, 1944: Willi Schütte (* 1895), sentenced to death on December 14, 1942, executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • November 22, 1944: Ernst Schmidtseifer (* 1918), sentenced to death on October 7, 1944 and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison on November 22, 1944.
  • November 23, 1944: Erna Wazinski (born September 7, 1925 in Ihlow), executed with the guillotine as a "public pest" in Wolfenbüttel
  • November 24, 1944: Vera Cevinka (born August 27, 1905), clerk, sentenced to death and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 24, 1944: Andrea Lucas (born August 1, 1924), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 26, 1944: Helene Korth (born April 17, 1911), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 27, 1944: Friedrich Aue (born July 27, 1896 in Dodendorf) worker, arrested for anti-regime activity in February 1944, sentenced to death on October 25, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • November 27, 1944: Hans Krüger (born June 5, 1904 in Berlin), locksmith, arrested for anti-Nazi statements, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the Brandenburg penitentiary.
  • November 27, 1944: Willi Sänger (born May 21, 1894 in Berlin), worker, arrested on July 6, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 21, 1944 and executed by beheading in the Brandenburg prison.
  • November 27, 1944: Walter Siemund (born May 20, 1896 near Bernau), locksmith, communist, arrested on March 26, 1942 for anti-Nazi activities, sentenced to death by the People's Court in September 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg penitentiary.
  • November 27, 1944: Herbert Tschäpe (January 15, 1913), worker, communist, arrested in July 1944 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court in October 1944 for preparation for high treason and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • November 30, 1944: Elisabeth Charlotte Gloeden (born December 9, 1903 in Cologne), a lawyer, was arrested for hiding General Fritz Lindemann, wanted after the failed coup attempt of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court and in executed by beheading the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 30, 1944: Erich Gloeden (born August 23, 1888 in Berlin), architect, was arrested on November 27, 1944 by the People's Court for hiding General Fritz Lindemann, wanted after the failed attempt to overthrow on July 20, 1944 Sentenced to death and executed by beheading in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 30, 1944: Jens Jessen (born December 11, 1895 in Stoltelund near Tingleff), economist, arrested on October 11, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, on November 7, 1944 by the People's Court for "failure to report a treasonous company “Sentenced to death and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • November 30, 1944: Elisabeth Kuznitzky (born January 22, 1878), housewife, was arrested for hiding General Fritz Lindemann, wanted after the failed coup attempt on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court and in the Berlin penal institution -Plötzensee executed by beheading.
  • November 30, 1944: Libuse Bernsakov (born March 9, 1922), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 4, 1944: Alfred Jung (born June 13, 1908 in Berlin), administrative clerk, arrested in July 1944 for supporting French prisoners of war, sentenced to death on October 31 by the People's Court for degrading military strength and preparation for high treason and in the Brandenburg-Görden prison executed.
  • December 4, 1944: Paul Junius (born July 10, 1901 in Berlin), carpenter, arrested on July 13, 1944 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 26, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • December 4, 1944: Gerhard Kaun (born July 11, 1911 in Weimar), commercial clerk, arrested on July 26, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court in October 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • December 4, 1944: Kurt Schmidt (born October 5, 1892 in Münster), a businessman, arrested for statements critical of the war, sentenced to death by the 6th Senate of the People's Court on December 4, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg penitentiary.
  • December 5, 1944: Hanns Georg Heintschel-Heinegg (born September 5, 1919 in Knežičky, Czechoslovakia), poet, sentenced to death by the People's Court in February 1944 and executed with the guillotine in Vienna.
  • December 8, 1944: Ehrengard Frank-Schultz (born March 23, 1885 in Magdeburg), deaconess, because of the statement to an acquaintance that she regretted that the assassination attempt of July 20, 1944 was unsuccessful and that Allied rule over Germany was preferable to Nazi rule, arrested, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 6, 1944 for degrading military strength and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 8, 1944: Margarete Eder (born November 4, 1922), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 8, 1944: Helene Gotthold (born December 31, 1896 in Dortmund as Helene Nieswand), housewife, sentenced to death on August 4, 1944 by the 6th Senate of the People's Court for "undermining military strength in connection with treasonous favoring of the enemy" because she had worked for the Association of International Bible Students until December 1943 and was executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 8, 1944: Elli Hatschek (born July 2, 1901 in Wetzlar), housewife, arrested for espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union in September 1943, sentenced to death by the People's Court for undermining military strength and executed in Berlin-Plötzensee.
  • December 8, 1944: Emma Hölterhoff (born May 28, 1904 in Homberg, Niederrhein), housewife, denounced by the People's Court on November 8, 1944 for undermining military strength to death because of the demand on younger men to desert if they came to the front sentenced and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • December 8, 1944: Ursula Lipke (born July 15, 1923), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 8, 1944: Henriette Meyer (* 1896), arrested in December 1943 for working as a Jehovah's Witness, sentenced to death on August 4, 1944 by the 6th Senate of the People's Court for "undermining military strength in connection with treasonous favoring of the enemy" and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed with the guillotine.
  • December 8, 1944: Margarete Näfe (born March 20, 1905 in Berlin), housewife, non-party, arrested on August 9, 1943 for anti-Nazi activities (making her apartment available for meeting a resistance group, listening to foreign radio stations, hiding and caring for Jews), On November 3, 1944, sentenced to death by the 2nd Senate of the People's Court for preparation for high treason and favoring the enemy and executed with the guillotine in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 8, 1944: Luise Pakull (* 1895), domestic servant, sentenced to death on August 4, 1944 by the 6th Senate of the People's Court for “decomposing military strength in connection with treasonous favoring of the enemy”, since she supported the Association of Internationalers until December 1943 Biblical Researcher and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 8, 1944: Erna Schmidt (born June 12, 1891), arrested for statements critical of the war, sentenced to death by the 6th Senate of the People's Court on December 4, 1944 and executed.
  • December 8, 1944: Elli Voigt (born February 22, 1912 in Berlin), worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on October x, 1944 by the People's Court for preparation for high treason, favoring the enemy and degrading military strength and sentenced to death in the Berlin penal institution. Plötzensee executed.
  • December 8, 1944: Else Woieciziech , sentenced to death on August 4, 1944 by the 6th Senate of the People's Court for "undermining military strength in connection with treasonous favoring of the enemy" because she had worked for the Association of International Biblical Students until December 1943, and in executed by guillotine at the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 11, 1944: Willi Bänsch (born February 27, 1908 in Berlin), locksmith, sent to an education camp for communist activities (dissemination of communist literature), arrested again on November 12, 1944 after successfully escaping, and to death on December 1, 1944 sentenced and executed in the Brandenburg prison on the Havel.
  • December 11, 1944: Wilhelm Hengeveld , sentenced to death on August 4, 1944 by the 6th Senate of the People's Court for "undermining military strength in connection with treasonous favoring of the enemy" because he had worked for the Association of International Bible Students until December 1943, and in the prison in Brandenburg-Görden executed with the guillotine.
  • December 11, 1944: Richard Jänsch (born June 23, 1898 in Wolfshagen near Altlandsberg), carpenter, communist, arrested on August 7, 1943 for anti-Nazi activities (formation of an opposition group, listening to foreign radio broadcasts, supplying hidden Jews with food), Sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 3, 1944, and executed with the guillotine in Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • December 11, 1944: Franz Lahde (born October 4, 1885), butcher, communist, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 3, 1944 and executed for anti-Nazi activities.
  • December 11, 1944: Ernst Meyer (* 1893), sentenced to death on August 4, 1944 by the 6th Senate of the People's Court for "undermining military strength in connection with treasonous favoring of the enemy" because he worked for the Association of International Bible Students until December 1943 and executed with the guillotine in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • December 12, 1944: Raymond Dombret (* 1889), foreman, Belgian, NSDAP member, local group training leader, entrusted with the task of driving dairy cattle inward to the Reich in the face of the Allied advance in autumn 1944, on September 25, 1944 while stealing valuables Arrested the luggage of a refugee family in Aachen, sentenced to death on October 10, 1944 by the Aachen Special Court in Düren for looting and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • December 15, 1944: Maria Kluthe (born May 3, 1905), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 20, 1944: Caesar von Hofacker (born March 11, 1896 in Ludwigsburg) an officer, arrested as a participant in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 30, 1944 and executed by hanging in Plötzensee prison.
  • December 20, 1944: Helene Knothe (born September 1, 1892), nurse, arrested by the People's Court on November 23, 1944 for anti-war statements (insulting Hitler and the announcement that the Nazis were about to be overthrown) Sentenced to death and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • December 20, 1944: Carl Wentzel (born December 9, 1876 in Brachwitz), farmer, arrested on July 30, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 13, 1944 and in the Berlin penal institution -Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • December 29, 1944: Elfriede Dzialles (born April 30, 1912), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.


  • January 5, 1945: Julius Leber (November 16, 1891 in Biesheim), politician, former SPD member of the Reichstag, after having been arrested on July 5, 1944 for illegal political activity, for participating in the preparations for the attempted coup on July 20 1944 sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 20, 1944 and executed.
  • January 5, 1945: Antonia Schweighart (born December 15, 1888), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • January 5, 1945: Marie Schweighart (born October 9, 1886), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • January 8, 1945: Karl Ladé (born November 25, 1909 in Berlin), worker, arrested on July 12, 1944 for activity in the anti-Nazi underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 20, 1944 and guilty in the Brandenburg-Görden prison executed.
  • January 8, 1945: Kurt Rühlmann , worker, arrested on July 12, 1944 for activity in the anti-Nazi underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 20, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • January 8, 1945: Stanislaus Szczygielski , worker, arrested for activity in the anti-Nazi underground on July 12, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 20, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • January 8, 1945: Walter Zimmermann , worker, arrested on July 12, 1944 for activity in the anti-Nazi underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 20, 1944 and executed with the guillotine in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • January 9, 1945: Walter Caldonazzi (born June 4, 1916 in Mals / South Tyrol), forest engineer, arrested on February 25, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 28, 1944 and executed by beheading in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • January 9, 1945: Leopold Hilgarth (born September 8, 1895 in Seewiesen), shoemaker, arrested on June 13, 1944 for spreading anti-Nazi propaganda, sentenced to death on November 3, 1944 and executed in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • January 11, 1945: Georg Schumann (born November 28, 1886 in Reudnitz, Saxony), toolmaker, arrested in the summer of 1944 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death on November 21, 1944 by the People's Court for preparation for high treason, favoring the enemy and degrading military strength and executed in Dresden.
  • January 12, 1945: Johanna Bandero (born April 5, 1920), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • January 12, 1945: Auguste Haase (born August 26, 1899 in Schwiddern / East Prussia), communist, arrested on August 3, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity (supporting forced laborers), sentenced to death by the People's Court on December 7, 1944 and in prison Berlin-Plötzensee executed.
  • January 12, 1945: Mathilde Hengeveld (born May 6, 1912 in Wald, district of Solingen), sentenced to death on August 4, 1944 by the 6th Senate of the People's Court for "decomposing military strength in connection with treasonous favoring of the enemy", since she was up to December 1943 had worked for the Association of International Bible Students, and was executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 12, 1945: Arthur Hoffmann (born September 29, 1900 in the hamlet of Neumannswaldau, Wichelsdorf), worker, communist, arrested on July 19, 1944 for attempts to disrupt work in the armaments industry Senate of the People's Court in Dresden sentenced to death and executed in Dresden.
  • January 12, 1945: Martha Heinrich (born September 7, 1916), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • January 12, 1945: Karl Jungbluth (born March 17, 1903 in Hanover), typesetter, arrested in July 1944 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the Dresden People's Court on November 23 and executed in the courtyard of the Dresden Regional Court.
  • January 12, 1945: Richard Lehmann (born January 28, 1900 in Vienna), arrested in August 1944 for working in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death on November 24, 1944 and executed in Dresden.
  • January 12, 1945: Bozena Novakowa , prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed.
  • January 12, 1945: Gertrud Seele (born September 22, 1917 in Berlin), nurse, arrested in 1944 for statements critical of the regime, sentenced to death by the People's Court on December 6, 1944 for degrading military strength and favoring the enemy, executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 15, 1945: Rupert Huber (* 1896), printer, arrested for anti-Nazi activity in January 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on December 8, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • January 15, 1945: Adolf Friedrich von Schack (born August 3, 1888 in Sankt Goar), officer, arrested on July 21, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 12, 1944 and im Brandenburg prison executed by shooting.
  • January 15, 1945: Hermann Schöne : (* May 6, 1888 in Kirchhain, Niederlausitz), officer, arrested on July 21, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 12, 1944 and im Brandenburg prison executed.
  • January 19, 1945: Frieda Frank (born June 24, 1907), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 19, 1945: Anna Pollert (* 1899), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 23, 1945: Eugen Bolz (born December 15, 1881 in Rottenburg am Neckar), politician, arrested on August 12, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on December 21, 1944 and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed by beheading.
  • January 23, 1945: Reinhold Frank (born July 23, 1896 in Bachhaupten), lawyer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on January 12, 1945 for high treason and treason and in the Berlin penal institution -Plötzensee executed by hanging.
  • January 23, 1945: Nikolaus Groß (born September 30, 1898 in Niederwenigern, today Hattingen), miner, trade unionist, arrested on August 12, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, and to death on January 15, 1945 by the People's Court convicted and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee prison.
  • January 23, 1945: Theodor Haubach (born September 15, 1896 in Frankfurt am Main) journalist, arrested in autumn 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 23, 1945: Hermann Kaiser (born May 31, 1885 in Remscheid), teacher, captain in the staff of the Chief of Army Command and commander of the replacement army, for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, to death on January 17, 1945 by the People's Court sentenced and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • January 23, 1945: Helmuth James von Moltke (born March 11, 1907 in Kreisau), executed as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison for "high treason".
  • January 23, 1945: Erwin Planck (born March 12, 1893 in Charlottenburg), officer and economic functionary, sentenced to death by the People's Court in October 1944 for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 23, 1945: Ludwig Schwamb (born July 30, 1890 in Undenheim), administrative officer, arrested on July 23, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on January 13, 1945 and in Plötzensee prison executed by hanging.
  • January 23, 1945: Franz Sperr (born February 12, 1878 in Karlstadt am Main), lawyer, arrested on July 20, 1944 for complicity in the assassination plan on Hitler and not reporting the same on July 28, 1944, on January 11, 1945 by the People's Court to the Sentenced to death and executed by hanging in Plötzensee prison.
  • January 23, 1945: Busso Thoma (born October 31, 1899 in St. Blasien-Immeneich, Black Forest), merchant, arrested on September 14, 1944 for participating in the coup of July 20, 1944, to death on January 17, 1945 by the People's Court convicted and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • January 24, 1945: Heinrich Dalla Rosa (born February 16, 1909 in Lana / South Tyrol), priest, sentenced on November 23, 1944 for “degrading military strength” and executed in the Vienna Regional Court on January 24, 1945.
  • January 26, 1945: Elisabeth Mill , seamstress, arrested for statements critical of the war, sentenced to death and executed.
  • January 29, 1945: Wilhelm Käß (born April 3, 1915 in Würzburg), waiter, sentenced to death by the People's Court on December 20, 1944 for preparation for high treason, degradation of military strength and favoring the enemy and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • January 29, 1945: Hans Conrad Leipelt (born July 18, 1921 in Vienna), chemist, arrested for listening to hostile radio stations and collecting for survivors of executed opponents of the regime, on October 13, 1944 in Donauwörth by the People's Court for undermining military strength and favoring the enemy to death sentenced and executed by guillotine in Munich-Stadelheim.
  • January 29, 1945: Josef Losch (born October 26, 1900 in Rottendorf), Catholic priest, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 24, 1944 for undermining military strength and favoring the enemy and executed with the guillotine in the Plötzensee prison.
  • January 30, 1945: Marcel van Holder (* 1921), car painter, Belgian (Flame), arrested in Wiesbaden in July 1944 after he had said that he would fight as a partisan against foreign workers in Germany in the event of an American weapon drop, as well as Due to the dissemination of reports from foreign news channels, sentenced to death by the 3rd Senate of the People's Court on December 13, 1944 for undermining military strength and executed in the Frankfurt-Preungesheim prison.
  • January 30, 1945: Wilhelm Martinke (born October 12, 1909 in Berlin), shot in the Sonnenburg prison.
  • February 2, 1945: Alfred Delp (born September 15, 1907 in Mannheim), as a member of the Kreisau Circle, sentenced to death by the People's Court for “high treason and treason” and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 2, 1945: Carl Friedrich Goerdeler , sentenced to death by the People's Court for “high treason” for participating in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee correctional facility.
  • February 2, 1945: Gustav Heisterman von Ziehlberg (born December 10, 1898 in Inowrazlaw), officer, after he had not carried out the order to arrest an officer under his control, on November 21, 1944 by the Reich Court Martial to death for disobedience in the field sentenced and executed by shooting at the Ruhrleben shooting site.
  • February 2, 1945: Elisabeth Kliß (born June 11, 1909 in Königshütte), impostor, because of the singing of the International during a prison sentence she served since 1941, as well as because of the spread of communist propaganda among her fellow prisoners, because of preparation for high treason, favoring the enemy and violation of Section 5 of the Special War Criminal Law Ordinance on January 9, 1945, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed in Plötzensee prison.
  • February 2, 1945: Johannes Popitz , as a member of the opposition to the Nazi system, sentenced to death on October 3, 1944 by the People's Court in connection with the attempted coup on July 20, 1944 and executed by hanging in Plötzensee prison.
  • February 2, 1945: Ina Weyergang (born May 23, 1909), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 5, 1945: Hermann Danz (born October 18, 1906 in Niederschelderhütte (Rhineland-Palatinate)), worker, arrested on July 9, 1944 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 1, 1944 and imprisoned in Brandenburg -Görden executed.
  • February 5, 1945: Theodor Neubauer (born December 12, 1890 in Ermschwerd (today Witzenhausen an der Werra)), sociologist, arrested on July 14, 1944 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, on January 8, 1945 by the People's Court for preparation for high treason and condemned to death in favor of enemies and executed in Brandenburg prison.
  • February 5, 1945: Friedrich Rödel (born April 18, 1888 in Witzleshofen), worker, arrested in July 1944 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on November 1, 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • February 5, 1945: Johann Schellheimer (born February 18, 1899 in Höchst), worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activity in July 1944, sentenced to death in November 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • February 5, 1945: Martin Schwantes (born August 20, 1904 in Drengfurth near Rastenburg / East Prussia), teacher, arrested in 1944 for activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death and executed in the Brandenburg penitentiary.
  • February 6, 1945: Wilhelm Walter , sentenced to death for preparation for high treason and executed with a guillotine.
  • February 19, 1945: Max Borrack (born August 11, 1901), worker, arrested in April 1944 on suspicion of contact with the communist resistance against the Nazi system, sentenced to death for "preparing for high treason in an aggravated form" as well as degrading military strength, because he had given the communist Hinze accommodation and favors, and executed in the Brandenburg penitentiary.
  • February 19, 1945: Werner Etter (born November 1, 1913 in Hamburg), orthopedic shoemaker, arrested for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death on January 9, 1945 by the People's Court for preparation for high treason, favoring the enemy and degrading military strength and sentenced to death in Brandenburg prison with the guillotine executed.
  • February 23, 1945: Marie Schäfer (* September 2, 1880), because of anti-Nazi statements (she declared that the people had to stand up against the Nazi government and that the common people would not have it badly in the event of a war defeat; she also regretted the failure of the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944), sentenced to death by the People's Court on January 26, 1945 for undermining military strength and executed with the guillotine in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • February 26, 1945: Willi Heinze (born March 29, 1910 in Berlin), worker, arrested for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death and executed in the Brandenburg prison.
  • February 26, 1945: Wilhelm Selke (born April 29, 1893 in Kröpelin), bookbinder, arrested in August 1944 for anti-Nazi activities in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on January 18, 1945 and executed by guillotine in the Brandenburg-Görden prison .
  • February 26, 1945: Gustav Tellgmann (born October 22, 1891 in Weida), officer, arrested for anti-Nazi statements, sentenced to death by the People's Court on January 18, 1945 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • March 1, 1945: Fritz Goerdeler (born March 6, 1886 in Schneidemühl), lawyer, as a participant in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death on February 23, 1945 and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 1, 1945: Franz Leuninger (born December 28, 1898 in Mengerskirchen), trade unionist, arrested on September 26, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 26, and executed by hanging in Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 1, 1945 Fritz Voigt (born November 18, 1882 in Trebra), construction worker, social democrat arrested for anti-Nazi activity after the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 26, 1945 and by hanging in Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed.
  • March 1, 1945: Oswald Wiersich (born September 1, 1882 in Breslau), trade unionist, belonged to Ludwig Beck's resistance group . After the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944, he was arrested on August 22, 1945, together with Franz Leuninger and Fritz Voigt, sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed by hanging in the Plötzensee prison.
  • March 3, 1945 (controversial): Arthur Nebe , former head of the German criminal police, sentenced to death by the People's Court for involvement in the attempted coup on July 20, 1944 on March 2, 1945 for "high treason" and executed by hanging in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison .
  • March 5, 1945: Hasso von Boehmer (born August 9, 1904 in Groß-Lichterfelde), officer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on March 5, 1945 and in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed.
  • March 5, 1945: Franz Kempner (born October 19, 1879 in Bromberg), civil servant, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court on January 12, 1945 for high treason and with him in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison executed with the guillotine.
  • March 6, 1945: Jakob Nester (* 1905), communist, arrested in July 1944 for listening to foreign radio stations and disseminating their reports, sentenced to death on December 13, 1944 for high treason, undermining military strength and radio crimes and executed in the Preungesheim prison.
  • March 9, 1945: Hedwig Gernsdorf (born January 26, 1896), inmate in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 9, 1945: Edeltraud Sass (born March 20, 1920), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 12, 1945: Friedrich Fromm (born October 8, 1888 in Charlottenburg), officer, arrested after the attempted coup on July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court for "cowardice before the enemy" and shot in the Brandenburg penitentiary.
  • March 12, 1945: Heinz Priess (born April 2, 1920 in Hamburg), worker, arrested for accommodating people wanted by the police in October 1942 and again on June 19, 1944, sentenced to death in October 1944 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison .
  • March 18, 1945: Hermann Berndes (born October 29, 1889 in Ober-Ingelheim), officer, arrested as Volkssturmführer in Ingelheim on March 17, 1945 for publishing a call to avoid unnecessary fighting, sentenced to death by a court martial and by hanging executed.
  • March 19, 1945: Caesar Horn (born May 18, 1914 in Berlin), commercial clerk, communist, campaigned for the NKFD among members of the armed forces and distributed anti-war leaflets, arrested on July 19, 1944, sentenced to death on January 23, 1945 and im Brandenburg-Görden prison executed with the guillotine.
  • March 19, 1945: Stanislaus Peplinski (born April 16, 1909 in Wiescherhöfen (Hamm)), farm worker, arrested on April 16, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death in February 1945 for high treason and executed with the guillotine in the Brandenburg-Görden prison .
  • March 19, 1945: Jakob Schultheis (born September 4, 1891 in Speyer), painter, arrested in 1944 for supporting the families of imprisoned communists, sentenced to death in Potsdam in February 1945 and executed by beheading in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • March 19, 1945: Irmgard Voigt (born November 7, 1924), prisoner in Barnimstrasse women's prison, Berlin, executed in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison.
  • March 22, 1945: Hermann Klepell (born June 19, 1918 in Vienna), student, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 28, 1944 for preparation for high treason and executed in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • March 22, 1945: Karl Krumpl (born September 27, 1909 in Sankt Veit an der Glan), politician, sentenced to death by the People's Court on August 11, 1944 for preparation for high treason and executed in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • March 22, 1945: Heinrich Maier (born February 16, 1908 in Großweikersdorf), theologian, arrested on March 28, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 28, 1944 for preparation for high treason and with the guillotine in the Vienna Regional Court executed.
  • March 22, 1945: Ernst Ortner (born September 1, 1914 in Innsbruck), arrested in mid-1943 for anti-Nazi activity, sentenced to death on August 11, 1944 and executed.
  • March 22, 1945: Josef Wyhnal (born February 22, 1903 in Vienna), doctor, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 28, 1944 for preparation for high treason and executed in the Vienna Regional Court.
  • March 28, 1945: Gustav Boecker (born August 16, 1910 in Frankfurt), radio mechanic, on December 20, 1944, found guilty of preparing for high treason, degrading military strength and favoring the enemy, sentenced to death and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • March 28, 1945: Friedel Heymann (born August 9, 1919 in Königstein , Taunus, † March 28, 1945 in Aschaffenburg ) was a lieutenant in the artillery . In the last days of the war he was the victim of an end- stage crime and, as a wounded soldier, sentenced to death by hanging by a court martial for alleged desertion. Heymann's execution took place in public on March 28, 1945 at around 9 a.m. in Herstallstrasse in Aschaffenburg. For this purpose, a temporary scaffolding was erected, the advertising sign of a café was used to fasten the rope. Shortly before the execution, Heymann was demoted to his honors, which were torn from his shoulder pieces, and insulted by the combat commander Lamberth as a “coward and traitor”. The murdered man remained hanging for 7 days as a deterrent.
  • March 28, 1945: Georg Lehnig (born March 15, 1907 in Lichtenberg near Berlin), worker, arrested in April 1944 for working in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on January 11, 1945 and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • April 1945: Wilhelm Bösch , worker, arrested for activity in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • April 1945: Richard Klotzbücher , worker, arrested for working in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • April 1945: Otto Ernst Lang , worker, arrested for activity in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • April 1945: Wilhelm Leist , worker, arrested for activity in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • April 1945: Karl Müller , worker, arrested for activity in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • April 1945: Gustav Sadranowski , worker, arrested for activity in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • April 5, 1945: Wilhelm Gräfer (born October 8, 1885 in Bad Gandersheim), Mayor of Lemgo, sentenced to death by a court martial for negotiations with the American troops approaching his city, executed by shooting and then hanged.
  • April 8, 1945: Karl Biedermann (born August 11, 1890 in Miskolc, Hungary), an officer, arrested on April 6, 1945 and sentenced to death by a court martial for participating in attempts to prevent fighting for the city of Vienna Days later hanged in public on Floridsdorfer Spitz in Vienna.
  • April 8, 1945: Alfred Huth (born August 30, 1918 in Vienna), officer, arrested on April 6, 1945 and acquitted by a court martial for participating in attempts to prevent fighting for the city of Vienna. Sentenced to death by an SS and police court on April 8, 1945 and hanged publicly at the Floridsdorfer Spitz in Vienna.
  • April 8, 1945: Rudolf Raschke (born June 21, 1923 in Penk, Carinthia ), officer, arrested on April 6, 1945 for participating in attempts to prevent fighting for the city of Vienna and acquitted by a court martial. Sentenced to death by an SS and police court on April 8, 1945 and hanged publicly at the Floridsdorfer Spitz in Vienna.
  • April 9, 1945: Ludwig Gehre (born October 5, 1895 in Düsseldorf), an officer, arrested on November 9, 1944 as a participant in the conspiracy to attempt the coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by an SS court martial under Otto Thorbeck and Executed by hanging together with Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the Flossenbürg concentration camp.
  • April 9, 1945: Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin (March 22, 1890 at Gut Dubberow), farmer and politician, arrested as a member of the opposition to the Nazi state in connection with July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court and in the penal institution Plötzensee executed with the guillotine.
  • April 9, 1945: Karl Sack (born June 9, 1896 in Bosenheim), lawyer, arrested on August 8, 1944 for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death on April 5, 1945 by an SS court martial for high treason and executed by hanging in the Flossenbürg concentration camp.
  • April 9, 1945: Theodor Strünck (born April 7, 1895 in Pries), lawyer, officer, arrested on August 1, 1944 for anti-Nazi activities, sentenced to death by the People's Court on October 10, 1944 and executed by hanging in the Flossenbürg concentration camp.
  • April 10, 1945: Walter Homann (born January 15, 1906 in Berlin), locksmith, arrested on February 28, 1945 for working in the anti-Nazi resistance, sentenced to death by the Berlin Supreme Court on March 21, 1945 and executed in the Plötzensee prison.
  • April 15, 1945: Kapistran Peller (born September 30, 1891 in Vienna), Franciscan, arrested in August 1943 for distributing anti-Nazi leaflets, sentenced to death in August 1944 and executed in the prison in Stein an der Donau.
  • April 15, 1945: Angelus Steinwender (born March 14, 1895 in Maria Lankowitz, Styria), clergyman, arrested on July 6, 1943, sentenced to death on August 11, 1944 and executed in Krems an der Donau.
  • April 18, 1945: Robert Limpert (born July 15, 1925 in Ansbach), student, arrested for damaging a military communication line, sentenced to death by a court martial and executed by hanging in Ansbach.
  • April 19, 1945: Karl von Dewitz-Krebs (born August 6, 1887 in Berlin), officer, as a prisoner of war of the Yugoslavs, called on German officers to vacate their positions, sentenced to death by the Reich Court Martial after they were handed over to German authorities and in Torgau executed by shooting.
  • April 20, 1945: Reinhold Franznick , soldier, arrested for supporting prisoners of war, sentenced to death by a field court and shot in Brottewitz.
  • April 20, 1945: Ernst Hampel , executed in Brandenburg prison.
  • April 20, 1945: Paul Hinze (born August 10, 1906 in Letschin), butcher, arrested on April 14, 1944 for anti-Nazi activity in the communist underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 15, 1945 for preparation for high treason and degradation of military strength and im Brandenburg-Görden prison executed.
  • April 20, 1945: Johann Jakobi , soldier, arrested for supporting prisoners of war, sentenced to death by a field court and shot in Brottewitz.
  • April 20, 1945: Erich Kindermann , soldier, arrested for supporting prisoners of war, sentenced to death by a field court and shot in Brottewitz.
  • April 20, 1945: Friedrich Klemstein (born January 1, 1893 in Altcarbe, Friedeberg / Neumark district), locksmith, arrested on September 18, 1944 for working in the anti-Nazi underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 2, 1945 for high treason and im Brandenburg-Görden prison executed.
  • April 20, 1945: Werner Kube (born April 24, 1923 in Trebitsch, Friedeberg district), soldier, arrested for supporting prisoners of war, sentenced to death by a field court and shot in Brottewitz.
  • April 20, 1945: Harry Prien , soldier, arrested for supporting prisoners of war, sentenced to death by a field court and shot in Brottewitz.
  • April 20, 1945: Herbert Mumm von Schwarzenstein (born October 22, 1898 in Frankfurt), diplomat, arrested on February 23, 1942 for anti-Nazi activities, sentenced to death in 1944 and shot in the Brandenburg prison.
  • April 20, 1945: Hans Schulz , Dreher, arrested for activity in the anti-Nazi underground, sentenced to death by the People's Court on February 2, 1945 for high treason and executed in the Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • April 20, 1945: Paul Sonntag (born February 10, 1890 in Leipzig), printer, arrested in July 1942 for making statements critical of the war and listening to foreign radio stations, charged with preparing for high treason and undermining military strength before the People's Court, on February 21, 1945 Sentenced to death and executed in Brandenburg-Görden prison.
  • April 23, 1945: Hans John (born August 31, 1911 in Ziegenhain in Hessen), lawyer, arrested for participating in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944, sentenced to death by the People's Court in February 1945 and executed by shooting in the Lehrter Strasse cell prison.
  • April 23, 1945: Friedrich Justus Perels (born November 13, 1910 in Berlin), lawyer, arrested on October 5, 1944 for "failing to report known overturning plans and for illegal activity for the Confessing Church", on February 2, 1945 by the People's Court to the Sentenced to death and executed by shooting in Berlin.
  • April 24, 1945: Johann Maier (born June 23, 1906 in Berghofen, today in Aham, Lower Bavaria), Catholic priest, as spokesman for the demand for the city of Regensburg to be handed over to the advancing American army without a fight Sentenced to death and executed by hanging in Regensburg.
  • April 24, 1945: Josef Zirkl , as spokesman for the demand for the city of Regensburg to be handed over to the advancing American army without a fight, sentenced to death by a court martial for undermining military strength and executed by hanging in Regensburg.
  • April 27, 1945: Alois Timmesfeld (born April 24, 1920 in Düsseldorf-Rath), resident in Limburg ad Lahn, withdrew from military service for religious reasons. Shot under the law because of decomposition of military strength and attempted escape in Hundhübel / Erzgebirge.
  • April 28, 1945: Kurt Albrecht , forcibly recruited soldier, sentenced to death by the field court of the 2nd Marine Infantry Division for removal from the troops on April 28, 1945 and executed by shooting in Osterholz-Scharmbeck.
  • April 28, 1945: Hermann Fegelein (Major General of the Waffen SS), executed by shooting in the area of ​​the Führerbunker for alleged participation in negotiations with the Allies without due process .
  • May 5, 1945: The three sailors Karl-Heinz Freudenthal , Günther Kaellander and Willi Albrecht , who served on the Z 5 Paul Jacobi and tried to prevent the ship from sailing on May 3 by sabotage, were convicted on May 4 and on May 5 Executed in May at the Mürwik special area on the Twedter Feld shooting range .
  • May 6, 1945: Asmus Jepsen , Marine, was in the period between partial capitulation and unconditional surrender of the Wehrmacht as a deserter in the special area Mürwik at the firing Twedter field executed. The road Asmus-Jepsen-Weg was named after Asmus Jepsen at Twedter Feld .
  • May 10, 1945: Alfred Gail , a marine, was arrested by the Danish auxiliary police after he had left his unit after the partial surrender of May 6, handed over to a still-in-office naval court, sentenced to death for desertion on May 9 and the following Executed by shooting on the ship Buea in Flensburg day .
  • May 10, 1945: Martin Schilling , a marine, was arrested by the Danish auxiliary police after he had left his unit after the partial surrender on May 6, handed over to a still-in-office naval court, sentenced to death for desertion on May 9 and the following Executed by shooting on the ship Buea in Flensburg day.
  • May 10, 1945: Fritz Wehrmann (born July 7, 1919 in Mölkau near Leipzig), a marine, was arrested by the Danish auxiliary police after he had left his unit after the partial surrender on May 6, and handed over to a still-ruling naval tribunal for desertion Sentenced to death on May 9 and executed by shooting on the ship Buea in Flensburg the following day.
  • May 11, 1945: Johann Christian Suess , who was accused of "undermining male discipline" and "corrosive speeches", was executed at the Twedter Feld naval firing range.
  • May 13, 1945: Rainer Beck (born October 16, 1916 in Gleiwitz), sailor, sentenced to death by a court martial for desertion and, with the approval of the Allies, even after the German surrender, together with the soldier Bruno Dörfer , who was charged with similar things, executed by shooting. - The two sailors were probably the last victims of the Nazi military justice. Corresponding judgments afterwards were at least not known. On the other hand, the High Command of the Navy in Meierwik (in the special area Mürwik ) confirmed death sentences in northern Germany and Norway until May 15, 1945, with the subsequent demand to carry them out. Only on the day in question did the high command announce that death sentences, corporal punishment and the mere use of German weapons were prohibited on the basis of an order from the British occupying forces .

See also


  • Roger Repplinger: beheaded by the Nazis. In: Context: weekly newspaper. August 20, 2014, online .
  • Roger Repplinger: Shoot them or behead? In: Context: weekly newspaper. September 10, 2014, online .
  • Death penalty. List of those sentenced to death who were sent to the Stuttgart remand prison in 1942–1944. State Archive Ludwigsburg, online .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c .
  2. Hans Halter: No Hitler salute at the place of execution . In: Der Spiegel . No. 8 , 1979, pp. 100 ( online ).
  3. ^ Bernhard Düsing: Abolition of the death penalty . Bollwerk-Verlag, Offenbach 1952, p. 131-133 .
  4. Matthias Blazek: "Mr. Public Prosecutor, the sentence has been carried out." The brothers Wilhelm and Friedrich Reindel: Executioners in the service of the North German Confederation and His Majesty 1843–1898. ibidem, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-8382-0277-8 , p. 61 f.
  5. Schwabe: Robbery and murder (Ludwig-Chemnitz case). In: Archives for Criminal Anthropology and Criminology. 1902, H. 4, pp. 263-278.
  6. a b c Udo Bürger: Westphalian underworld. Historical criminal cases and executions in Westphalia . Ardey-Verlag GmbH, Münster 2014, ISBN 978-3-87023-376-1 .
  7. Landesarchiv NRW, Department OWL, D 21 A No. 4488–4491
  8. a b c Frank Esche (author), Wolfgang Krüger (author), Michael Kirchschlager (foreword); Thuringian murderesses: the fate of women between love and the scaffold; Verlag Kirchschlager 2009; ISBN 978-3934277281 , pp. 161ff
  9. Uwe Bahnsen: Death under the guillotine: the angel maker from St. Pauli. In: . January 22, 2005, accessed April 13, 2020 .
  10. Berliner Tageblatt No. 167, March 31, 1908.
  11. Berliner Tageblatt No. 171. April 2, 1908, 1st supplement.
  12. Bremer Nachrichten. July 15, 1908.
  13. ^ Landesarchiv NRW, OWL department, D 21 A No. 4569–4577.
  14. Gerhard Raiss, Karl Hopf, a mass murderer from Niederhöchstadt, Between Main and Taunus - MTK yearbook 1994, full text .
  15. ^ Landesarchiv NRW, OWL department, D 21 A No. 4917–4921.
  16. ^ Richard Evans: Rituals of Retribution: Capital Punishment in Germany, 1600-1987. 1996, p. 524.
  17. a b Andreas Dachs: Death by the guillotine. 1996, p. 43.
  18. a b Frank Esche (author), Wolfgang Krüger (author), Michael Kirchschlager (foreword); Thuringian murderesses: the fate of women between love and the scaffold; Verlag Kirchschlager 2009; ISBN 978-3934277281 , pp. 219ff
  19. Konrad Repgen; Karl-Heinz Minuth (editor): files of the Reich Chancellery. Hitler government. Part 1, Volume 1, p. 370.
  20. Angelika Ebbinghaus, Karsten Linne: No closed chapter: Hamburg in the "Third Reich". 1997, p. 321.
  21. Mechthildis Bocksch: Hans Wölfel 1902-1944. A Bamberg resident against National Socialism. 2004, p. 119; Hans Schütz: Justice in the "Third Reich". Documentation from the district of the Bamberg Higher Regional Court. 1984, p. 37.
  22. a b mother and son executed. In: night edition. September 12, 1933.
  23. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Benigna Schoenhagen: burial X . In: Universitätsstadt Tübingen Kulturamt (Hrsg.): Small Tübinger Schriften . No. 11 , 1987.
  24. Six murderers executed in Cologne. In: Vossische Zeitung. December 1, 1933 ( digitized ).
  25. Six murderers executed in Cologne. In: Vossische Zeitung. December 1, 1933 ( digitized ).
  26. Six murderers executed in Cologne. In: Vossische Zeitung. December 1, 1933 ( digitized ).
  27. Six murderers executed in Cologne. In: Vossische Zeitung. December 1, 1933 ( digitized ).
  28. Six murderers executed in Cologne. In: Vossische Zeitung. December 1, 1933 ( digitized ).
  29. Six murderers executed in Cologne. In: Vossische Zeitung. December 1, 1933 ( digitized ).
  30. ^ Second Victim. In: Indiana Evening Gazette. January 10, 1934, p. 2.
    Ursel Hochmuth: Nobody and nothing is forgotten. Biograms and letters from Hamburg resistance fighters 1933–1945. A grove of honor documentation in text and images. 2005, p. 88 f.
  31. Franziska Bruder, Heike Kleffner (Ed.): ... memory must not die. Barbara Reimann - A biography from eight decades in Germany. 2005, p. 28 u. 253.
  32. ^ Elke Imberger: Resistance "from below": Resistance and dissent from the ranks of the labor movement and Jehovah's Witnesses in Lübeck and Schleswig-Holstein 1933–1945. S. 87.
    Two death sentences in the Lübeck murder trial. In: Vossische Zeitung. September 17, 1933.
  33. a b c d e f g h i j k Johannes Tuchel, Klaus Bästlein: The Plötzensee Memorial. Development and perspectives of a European place of remembrance for the victims of the National Socialist justice. In: Petra Frank, Stefan Hördler, Sigrid Jacobeit: National Socialism as reflected in public memory: Forms of coming to terms with and commemorating. For Sigrid Jacobeit. 2005, p. 55.
  34. ^ A b Wilhelm Matull: East Prussia workers movement. 1970, p. 149.
  35. .
  36. .
  37. .
  38. ^ A b c d e Gertrud Meyer: Night over Hamburg. P. 36.
  39. Ulrike Puvogel: Memorials for the Victims of National Socialism. A documentation. Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein , 1995, p. 521; Kurt Klotzbach: Against National Socialism: Resistance and persecution in Dortmund 1930-1945: A historical-political study , 1969, p. 40; Sarah Thieme: National Socialist Martyr Cult , 2017, p. 498.
  40. a b Entry on Walter Ufer. In: Marcus Weidner: The street naming practice in Westphalia and Lippe during National Socialism. Database of street names 1933–1945.
    Hans-Eckhard Niermann: Criminal Justice in the Third Reich. 1995, p. 666 f.
  41. Michael Schuh: "Story as exciting as a crime thriller", article in the Westfalenpost from October 27, 2013 on the case ; Sarah Thieme: National Socialist Martyr Cult , 2017, p. 495. ( digitized version )
  42. Wolfgang Benz , Barbara Distel (ed.): The place of terror . History of the National Socialist Concentration Camps. Volume 2: Early camp, Dachau, Emsland camp. CH Beck, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-406-52962-3 , p. 99 (online).
  43. Execution of a communist. In: Pariser Tageblatt. January 23, 1935 (digitized).
  44. Imre Lázár: The Horst Wessel case , 1980, p. 189.
  45. Dagmar Schlünder: The Press of the Socialist Workers' Party of Germany in Exile: 1933-1939. 1981, p. 133.
  46. The Small Sheet. Vienna, August 28, 1935.
  47. Landesarchiv NRW, Department OWL, D 21 A No. 8469-8474.
  48. a b c d e f g Landesarchiv Berlin: Central file for murderous matters ( Memento of the original from October 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 1.7 MB). @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  49. Landesarchiv NRW, Department OWL, D 21 A No. 8553–8556.
  50. a b c Sauer: Rabauken. P. 349.
  51. ^ Landesarchiv NRW, OWL department, D 21 A No. 8557-8570.
  52. ^ Book of honor of the victims of Berlin-Plötzensee. 1974, p. 118.
  53. ^ Johann Eichhorn: The beast of Aubing. At:
  54. ^ Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro, 7th year (1940), morning edition of May 27, 1940.
  55. Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro, 7th year (1940), morning edition of May 29, 1940.
  56. ^ Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro, 7th year (1940), morning edition of May 31, 1940.
  57. ^ Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro, 7th year (1940), morning edition of May 31, 1940.
  58. .
  59. .
  60. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb Marina Wesner: Barnimstrasse women's prison. Executed women. In: 2008, accessed August 31, 2017 .
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  62. ^ Gerhard Beier: Labor movement in Hessen. 1984, p. 491.
  63. Fred Dorn, Klaus Heuer: "I was always good to my Russian". On the structure and practice of the forced labor system in the Second World War in the South Hesse region. 1991, p. 83 f.
  64. Wolfgang Form, Theo Schiller: Political Nazi Justice in Hessen. The proceedings of the People's Court, the political senates of the higher regional courts in Darmstadt and Kassel 1933–1945 as well as special court processes in Darmstadt and Frankfurt am Main (1933/34). 2005, p. 126.
  65. a b c d e f g h Victor von Gostomski, Walter Loch: The death of Plötzensee. Memories, Events, Documents, 1942–1944. 1993, p. 174.
  66. .
  67. ^ Gerhard Beier: Labor movement in Hessen. 1984, p. 465 f.
  68. Youth against National Socialism: "Circular letters" and "Special information for German youth". 1968, p. 2.
  69. a b Detlef Garbe: Between Resistance and Martyrdom. Jehovah's Witnesses in the Third Reich. 2008, p. 344; Judgment of November 30, 1943 - 2 J 637/43 = 1 L 197/43 - against Martha Hopp, in the Federal Archives.
  70. .
  71. Hammer murder in the S-Bahn .
  72. Hammer murder in the S-Bahn .
  73. ^ Henry Friedlander : The way to the Nazi genocide. Munich 2001, p. 445 f.
  74. ^ Ernst Klee : "Euthanasia" in the Third Reich. The "destruction of life unworthy of life". Frankfurt / M. 2010, p. 569.
  75. .
  76. .
  77. .
  78. .
  79. a b c d e f .
  80. Heimo Halbrainer: "In the certainty that you will continue the fight". Letters from Styrian resistance fighters from death row and concentration camp. 2000, p. 76 f.
  81. .
  82. ^ Wilhelm Lehmann. At:
  83. a b c d e f g h Peter Milger: The memorial in Preungesheim - 1962 difficult to enforce. In: Retrieved August 31, 2017 .
  84. ^ A b c Victor von Gostomski, Walter Loch: The death of Plötzensee. Memories, Events, Documents, 1942–1944. 1993, p. 262.
  85. ^ Wolfgang Form, Wolfgang Neugebauer, Theo Schuller: Nazi Justice and Political Persecution in Austria 1938–1945. Analyzes, articles and studies on the proceedings before the People's Court and the Higher Regional Courts in Vienna and Graz. 2005, p. 270.
  86. ( Memento of the original from March 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  87. ^ Luise Kraushaar: Berlin communists in the fight against fascism 1936 to 1942. Robert Uhrig and comrades. 1981, p. 186.
  88. Bernward Dörner: "Heimtücke". The law as a weapon. Control, deterrence and persecution in Germany 1933–1945. 1998, p. 280.
  89. .
  90. Willy Perk: Book of Honor of the Victims of Berlin-Plötzensee. P. 101.
  91. ^ Arne Molfenter: Second World War: carrier pigeons as secret couriers of the British - history. In: Spiegel Online . April 3, 2019, accessed April 13, 2020 .
  92.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. .@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  93. a b Lothar Bembenek, Axel Ulrich: resistance and tracking in Wiesbaden 1933-1945: A documentation. 1990, p. 205.
  94. ^ Walter Wagner: The People's Court in the National Socialist State. Munich 2011, p. 310.
  96. .
  97. .
  98. ^ List of stumbling blocks in Heidelberg .
  99. He died for the fifth commandment. In: WAZ. April 24, 2014.
  100. ^ Sibylle Nägele / Joy Markert: Die Potsdamer Strasse: Stories, Myths and Metamorphoses. 2006, p. 182.
  101. .
  102. Wolfgang Form, Theo Schiller: Political Nazi Justice in Hessen. The proceedings of the People's Court, the political senates of the higher regional courts in Darmstadt and Kassel 1933–1945 as well as special court processes in Darmstadt and Frankfurt am Main (1933/34). 2005, p. 469.
  103. Michael Klein: Vera and the brown lucky man. How the Nazi state executed a murderer of Jews. A true story. 2006, p. Iii.
  104. #Repplinger 2014.1 , #Repplinger 2014.2 , Les Cheminots Fusillés, Exécutés, Assassinés , .
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  108. #Repplinger 2014.1 , #Repplinger 2014.2 , [1] , .
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  111. #Repplinger 2014.1 , #Repplinger 2014.2 , .
  112. Von Herren und Menschen: Persecution and Resistance in Vorarlberg 1933–1945. P. 140.
  113. .
  114. .
  115. ^ Book of honor of the victims of Berlin-Plötzensee. 1974, p. 101.
  116. ^ Stichting Holländerei: Dutch and Flemish people in Berlin 1940–1945. 1996, p. 64.
  117. 55/44 Werner Buse Field Court October 22, 1922 62
  118. Online project Memorials to Fallen. Satrup in fishing (memorial book - 2nd World War), Schleswig-Flensburg district, Schleswig-Holstein , accessed on: December 21, 2019
  119. Grenzfriedenshefte : 55th year 3/2008 , p. 242; accessed on: December 21, 2019
  120. ^ Book of honor of the victims of Berlin-Plötzensee. 1974, p. 101.
  121. Thomas Gebauer: The KPD department of the Gestapo Düsseldorf, disserta Verlag 2011, ISBN 978-3-942109-74-1 , p. 545.
  122. ^ The fate of Max Schmidt , Lausitzer Rundschau, May 17, 2015
  123. Manfred Gebhard: The Jehovah's Witnesses. A documentation about the Watchtower Society. P. 196.
  124. Biography of Georg Fleischer on (with photo)
  125. .
  126. Barbara Bromberger: Down with Hitler! Frankfurt workers' movement in the resistance against fascism 1933–1945. 2004, p. 158.
  127. .
  128. Herbert Reinert in: The death sentences of the Chamber Court 1943 to 1945: A documentation on, Lukas Verlag, 2016, ISBN 3867322295
  129. ^ Walter Wagner: The People's Court in the National Socialist State. Munich 2011, p. 129 f.
  130. Werner Röhr, Brigitte Berlekamp: Death or Survival? New research on the history of the Ravensbrück concentration camp. 2001, p. 84.
  131. ^ Wolfgang Form, Wolfgang Neugebauer, Theo Schiller: Nazi Justice and Political Persecution in Austria 1938–1945. 2006, p. 561.
  132. ^ Book of honor of the victims of Berlin-Plötzensee. 1974, p. 118.
  133. .
  134. Hanne Job: Fight for the human right. 1958, p. 651.
  135. .
  136. .
  137. ^ Political resistance in Hesse .
  138. ^ Walter Wagner: The People's Court in the National Socialist State. Munich 2011, p. 543.
  139. a b c d e f g Detlef Garbe: Between resistance and martyrdom. The Jehovah's Witnesses in the “Third Reich”. 1999, p. 347.
  140. ( Memento of the original from December 16, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  141. ( Memento of the original from January 14, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  142. ^ Adolf Diamant: Gestapo Leipzig. On the history of a criminal organization in the years 1933–1945. 1990, p. 185.
  143. a b c d e f Commemoration and warning / Vienna VIII (Regional Court / Weiheraum). In: Central Austrian Research Center for Post-War Justice, accessed on August 17, 2017 .
  144. ^ Extract from an unidentified journal from 1964, archived at the IFZ (PDF).
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  147. Fritz Salm: In the shadow of the executioner. On the workers' resistance in Mannheim against fascist dictatorship and war. 1973, p. 232.
  148. Anne Alex: Controlled - marginalized ... supposedly anti-social. 2009, p. 41.
  149. Fulda History Association: History of the City of Fulda. Volume 2, p. 142.
  150. ^ The downfall in Flensburg in 1945. (PDF) State Center for Civic Education Schleswig-Holstein , p. 12 f. , archived from the original on October 20, 2016 ; accessed on January 18, 2019 (talk on January 10, 2012 by Gerhard Paul ).
  151. Gerhard Paul u. Broder Schwensen (Ed.): May '45. End of the war in Flensburg , Flensburg 2015, p. 97 ff.
  152. S. Currently shot . In: Der Spiegel . No. 28 , 1965, p. 30th f . ( online ).
  153. ^ The downfall in Flensburg in 1945. (PDF) State Center for Civic Education Schleswig-Holstein , p. 17 , archived from the original on October 20, 2016 ; accessed on January 18, 2019 (talk on January 10, 2012 by Gerhard Paul ).
  154. "In the interest of male discipline" . In: Der Spiegel . No. 20 , 1997, pp. 68-74 ( Online - May 12, 1997 ).
  155. Gerhard Paul, Broder Schwensen (Ed.): May '45. End of the war in Flensburg. Flensburg 2015, p. 109 f.
  156. Click image, click image 1, menu bar: select "Print / Download", select "Print (PDF output)" in the pop-up window and click "Entire document".