List of prominent residents of the city of Leipzig

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This alphabetical overview names important personalities who lived and worked in Leipzig , but were not born here. They helped shape the genius loci of this city.







  • Gustav Theodor Fechner (1801–1887), physicist and philosopher, first director of a physics institute in Germany (Leipzig University).
  • Conrad Fiedler (1841–1895), art theorist.
  • Wilhelm Fink (bookseller) (1833–1890), typesetter, bookseller and social democrat.
  • Paul Flechsig (1847–1929), brain anatomist and director of the University's Psychiatric and Nervous Clinic from 1882 to 1920. First writer of the spinal cord pathway named after him. (Flechsig tract or tractus spinocerebellaris posterior). During his tenure, made Leipzig a center for brain anatomy and research.
  • Paul Fleming (1609–1640), German baroque poet, spent 10 years in Leipzig from 1623 to 1633.
  • Theodor Fontane (1819–1898), poet and important novelist, was training as a pharmacist (at that time still an apprenticeship) in 1841/42 in the Leipzig Adler pharmacy in Hainstrasse and took part in the city's literary life.
  • Ludwig Frankenthal (1881–1944), surgeon, chief physician at the Israelite Hospital in Leipzig from 1928 to 1938.
  • Christian Gottlob Frege (1715–1781), banker and merchant.
  • Livia Frege (1818-1891), singer and patroness.
  • Gustav Freytag (1816–1895), cultural historian and writer. From 1848–61 and 1867–70 he directed the weekly “Die Grenzboten” in Leipzig with Julian Schmidt , which he made the most influential organ of the national liberal German bourgeoisie.
  • Theodor Frings (1886–1968), medievalist and linguist. From 1946 to 1965 President of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig.
  • Sebastian Fröschel (1497–1570), Lutheran theologian.
  • Emil Fuchs (1874–1971), Protestant theologian. In his work he emphasized the social responsibility of the church, whereby as a theologian he positively received elements of Marxist social analysis. Professor of systematic theology and sociology of religion in Leipzig from 1949.
  • Johann Gregor Fuchs (1650–1715), Baroque architect and builder, builder of the Romanushaus .
  • Wilhelm Furtwängler (1886–1954), conductor and composer, Gewandhaus Kapellmeister from 1922 to 1928.


  • Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900–2002), professor of philosophy since 1939, dean from 1945, most recently rector of the university until 1947.
  • Hugo Gaudig (1860–1923), important teacher, director of the Gaudig School and the Leipzig Teachers' Seminar.
  • Oscar von Gebhardt (1844–1906), Protestant theologian and librarian.
  • Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715–1769), poet. Studied theology at Leipzig University from 1734–38. Lived permanently in Leipzig from 1741, was professor of philosophy at the university from 1751.
  • Otto Georgi (1831–1918), lawyer and first Lord Mayor of Leipzig.
  • Friedrich Gerstäcker (1816–1872), writer, student at the Nikolaischule. Reports on America, ethnographic studies.
  • Albert Geutebrück (1801–1868), master builder of classicism in Leipzig.
  • Peter Glasses (Caesar) (1949–2008), German rock legend (Renft, Karussell, Caesar's rock band, Caesar & the players).
  • Carl Friedrich Goerdeler (1884–1945), politician and resistance fighter, 1930 Lord Mayor of Leipzig.
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832), poet, studied in Leipzig from 1765 to 1768.
  • Johann David Goldhorn (1774–1836), Protestant theologian and university professor, pastor of the Nikolaikirche and professor in Leipzig
  • Felix Goldmann (1882–1934), rabbi of the Leipzig community synagogue from 1917 to 1934.
  • Wilhelm Goldmann (1897–1974), publisher, founded Goldmann Verlag in Leipzig in 1922 .
  • Henriette Goldschmidt (1825–1920), educator and women's rights activist, founded the General German Women's Association (ADF) in Leipzig in 1871 together with Louise Otto-Peters and Auguste Schmidt and in 1911 the first German university for women in Leipzig, which later became the socio-educational women's seminar.
  • Eugen Gollomb (1917–1988), chairman of the Israelite religious community in Leipzig from 1967 to 1988.
  • Georg Joachim Göschen (1752–1828), publisher, founded the publishing bookstore named after him in Leipzig in 1785, one of the most important publishers of German classics.
  • Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700–1766), writer and literary historian, in Leipzig since 1724.
  • Anton Graff (1736–1813), painter, pioneer of bourgeois male and female portraits in Germany. From 1766 court painter in Dresden, portrayed numerous members of the upper class of Leipzig.
  • Kurt Grahl (* 1947), composer and church musician.
  • Richard Graul (1862–1944), art historian, director of the Kunstgewerbemuseum .
  • Edvard Grieg (1843–1907), Norwegian composer, studied piano and composition at the Conservatory in Leipzig from 1858 to 1862.
  • Ernst Johann Groth (1859–1936), writer, pedagogue, director of the Goethe School.
  • Karl Friedrich Gerhard Gruner (1768–1837), businessman and politician
  • Christian Grunert (1900–1975), gardener and author, resident in what is now Leipzig's Holzhausen district from around 1930 until his death.
  • Ralph Grüneberger (* 1951), writer, poet, editor and long-time chairman of the Society for Contemporary Poetry
  • Hans Grüß (1929–2001), musicologist, founder and director of the Capella Fidicinia.
  • Lazar Gulkowitsch (1898–1941), Jewish philologist, taught from 1924 to 1933 at the University of Leipzig.
  • Doris Günther (1919–2009), entrepreneur and patron.
  • Rigobert Günther (1928–2000), German ancient historian, in Leipzig since 1955.




  • Johannes Jahn (1892–1976), art historian.
  • Christa Jahr (* 1941), German illustrator and graphic artist.
  • Johannes Job (1664–1736), German civil servant, Protestant theologian and hymn poet.
  • Uwe Johnson (1934–1984), writer. Lived in Leipzig from 1953 to 1959 and studied German with Hans Mayer . During this time he wrote his first novel "Ingrid Babendererde", which was published in 1985.
  • Hermann Joseph (1811–1869), German lawyer and liberal politician.
  • Ernst Jünger (1895–1998), writer.


  • Erich Kästner (1899–1974), writer and cabaret artist. Studied 1919-25 in Leipzig (German, history, philosophy, theater history), employed as a student trainee at the “Neue Leipziger Zeitung”.
  • Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877–1933), composer.
  • Küf Kaufmann (* 1947), author, director and cabaret artist.
  • Rolf Kauka (1917–2000), comic producer and publisher, born and raised in Markranstädt near Leipzig, from 1927 attended the Friedrich-List-Realschule in Leipzig, cartoonist for the “ Leipzig Latest News ”.
  • Christian Gottlob Kayser (1782–1857), bibliographer, bookseller and publisher.
  • Oskar Kellner (1851–1911), animal nutritionist.
  • Kessler twins (* 1936), singers, dancers, actresses and entertainers, grew up in Taucha near Leipzig, 1947 admitted to the children's ballet of the Leipzig Opera , 1950–1952 attended the opera dance school
  • Gustav Kirstein (1870–1934), publisher, art collector, bibliophile and patron.
  • Rudolf Kittel (1853–1929), theologian.
  • Christa Susanne Dorothea Kleinert (1925–2004), economist, lived and worked in Leipzig from the late 1950s to the mid 1960s.
  • Julius Klengel (1859–1933), cellist and composer.
  • Sebastian Knüpfer (1633–1676), composer and Thomaskantor.
  • Carl Theodor Körner (1791–1813), writer.
  • Theodor Kösser (1854–1929), architect (main work: construction of the Mädlerpassage).
  • Rudolf Kötzschke (1867–1949), historian.
  • Alois Kolb (1875–1942), etcher and painter.
  • Franz Konwitschny (1901–1962), conductor, Gewandhaus Kapellmeister.
  • Hermann August Korff (1882–1963), Germanist and Goethe researcher.
  • Henner Kotte (* 1963), author.
  • Rolf Kralovitz (1925–2015), actor, cabaret artist and radio play author.
  • Karl Krause (1823–1902), entrepreneur (graphic industry).
  • Angela Krauss (* 1950), writer and Bachmann Prize winner.
  • Julius Kreutzbach (1845–1913), piano manufacturer.
  • Werner Kriesel (* 1941), engineer, professor for automation and pioneer of industrial communication, has lived in Leipzig since 1979.
  • Ernst Kroker (1859–1927), historian, librarian, director of the Leipzig City Library and the Council Archives.
  • Karl Krug (1900–1983), painter.
  • Manfred Krug (1937–2016), actor and singer; spent part of his childhood in Leipzig and calls in his autobiography "My beautiful life" (2003), remembering these years, the Saxons "fine and generous people"
  • Joachim Kupsch (1926–2006), writer, screenwriter
  • Spyro Kyropoulos (1887–1967), Greek-German physicist and crystal grower.


  • Télémaque Lambrino (1878–1930), pianist and piano teacher, lived and worked in Leipzig from 1909 until his death.
  • Karl Lamprecht (1856–1915), historian, founder of the Institute for Universal History at the University of Leipzig.
  • Gordian Landwehr (1912–1998), German Catholic religious priest, Dominican. OP , in Leipzig since 1951.
  • Bernd-Lutz Lange (* 1944), cabaret artist, writer.
  • Juraj Láni (1646–1701), Slovak Lutheran theologian and author.
  • Michael Lantzenberger (1552–1612), printer.
  • Ferdinand Lassalle (1825–1864), writer, philosopher and politician, co-founder and first chairman of the General German Workers' Association founded in Leipzig in 1863.
  • Friedrich Leibnütz (1597–1652), professor of moral philosophy and father of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • Wolfgang Lenk (* 1966), musician " Die Prinzen ".
  • August Leskien (1840–1916), Slavist.
  • Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729–1781), playwright and literary historian. Studied theology, medicine and philosophy in Leipzig from 1746–1748. Here he came into contact with Caroline Neuber's group of actors , who in 1748 also performed his play “The Young Scholar”.
  • Polykarp Leyser II (1586–1633), Lutheran theologian and general superintendent in Leipzig.
  • Hugo Licht (1841–1923), architect and city ​​planner in Leipzig (1879–1906).
  • Alfred Liebig (1878–1952), architect (main work at the "Petershof" exhibition center).
  • Renate Lieckfeldt (1965–2013), pharmacist, university professor and rector of the HTWK (2011–2013).
  • Richard Lipinski (1867–1936), German trade unionist, politician and writer.
  • Hans Lissmann (1885–1964), concert singer and singing teacher.
  • Johann Christian Lobe (1797–1881), German composer, was music professor in Leipzig from 1846 to 1881.
  • Erich Loest (1926–2013), writer.
  • Marie Lomnitz-Klamroth (1863–1946), librarian, expert on the blind and for many years director of the German Central Library for the Blind in Leipzig (DZB).
  • Albert Lortzing (1801–1851) actor, singer and composer (best known was his opera “Zar und Zimmermann”, premiered on December 22, 1837 in Leipzig), 1833–1844 singer and 1844/45 and 1848/49 Kapellmeister at the Leipzig City Theater .
  • Enrico Lübbe (* 1975) general manager, director
  • Paul Luther (1533–1593), physician, personal physician to Electors August and Christian I of Saxony, son of the reformer Martin Luther .



  • Elias Nathusius (1628–1676), cantor of the Nikolaikirche since 1650.
  • Andris Nelsons (* 1978), Gewandhaus Kapellmeister of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra
  • Friederike Caroline Neuber (1697–1760), b. Weißenborn, called "the Neuberin", actress and theater principal. In 1727 he took over the management of a theater group and was granted the Saxon privilege to run a permanent theater in Leipzig. Dramas realized in high German.
  • Nikolaus Weigel (around 1396–1444), theologian, indulgence commissioner, participant in the Council of Basel
  • Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900), philologist and philosopher, studied with Ritschl in Leipzig from 1865 to 1869 . Met Richard Wagner in Leipzig and stayed repeatedly in Leipzig.
  • Arthur Nikisch (1855–1922), Kapellmeister of the Leipzig City Theater from 1878 to 1889, conducted the world premiere of Bruckner's 7th Symphony in 1884.
  • Novalis (1772–1801), writer, student at the University of Leipzig .


  • Adam Friedrich Oeser (1717–1799), painter and sculptor, in Leipzig since 1759, director of the academy from 1764 (forerunner of the art academy ). Influenced the development of early classicism ( Winckelmann , Goethe , Mengs, etc.).
  • Georg Emanuel Opiz (1775–1841), painter and graphic artist, active in Leipzig since 1805, since 1820 professor at the Leipzig Art Academy .
  • Wilhelm Ostwald (1853–1932), physical chemist and philosopher, 1887–1906 holder of the first German chair for physical chemistry at Leipzig University. Received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1909 for his research into catalysis.
  • Lothar Otto (1932–2019), cartoonist and book illustrator
  • Johannes Overbeck (1826–1895), classical archaeologist, 1863–1895 professor of archeology and head of the archaeological collection at the University of Leipzig.







  • Oswald Ufer (1828–1883), painter, engraver and photographer.



  • Ernst L. Wagner (1829-1888), pathologist.
  • Marcus von Weida (1450–1516), Dominican, ecclesiastical writer.
  • Georg Weidenbach (1853–1928), architect, architectural office "Weidenbach und Tschammer" (Reformed Church, Russian Memorial Church, Handelshof trade fair building and others).
  • Christian Theodor Weinlig (1780–1842), composer, Thomas Cantor since 1823 , composition teacher of Richard Wagner.
  • Wilhelm Weismann (1900–1980), composer and musicologist.
  • Volkmar Weiss (* 1944), controversial social historian, genealogist and geneticist, 1990–1995 / 2008 head of the German Central Office for Genealogy .
  • Carl Friedrich Ernst Weisse (1781–1836), insurance entrepreneur, founder of the "Alte Leipziger" .
  • Christian Felix Weisse (1726–1804), studied in Leipzig and lived here from 1761 to 1804, representative of the Enlightenment and founder of German children's and youth literature.
  • Johann Wendler (1713–1799), bookseller, publisher and benefactor
  • Joachim Wenzel (1927–1958), journalist.
  • George Werner (1682–1758), architect and builder of the Leipzig Baroque and Rococo.
  • Johannes Weyrauch (1897–1977), composer and cantor.
  • Paul Widemann († 1568), stonemason, sculptor and master builder of the late Gothic and early Renaissance.
  • Johannes Widmann (1460–1500), German mathematician of the Middle Ages and lecturer at the University of Leipzig.
  • Bernhard Wildenhain (1873–1957), Leipzig theater and film actor.
  • Manfred Wittich (1851–1902), writer, journalist and literary historian.
  • Kurt Wolff (1887–1963), central publisher of the 20th century. The publishing house named after him was located in Leipzig from 1912 to 1919.
  • Christoph Wonneberger (* 1944), pastor, has coordinated the Monday prayers for peace in the Nikolaikirche since 1986.
  • Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920), philosopher and psychologist. Founded the first institute for experimental psychology at the University of Leipzig in 1879.
  • Wilhelm Bruchmüller (1872–1935), student historian, journalist, editor


See also