List of historical organs in East Frisia

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Overview of the important organs of East Frisia

The list of historical organs in East Frisia includes all preserved historical organs in East Frisia , one of the richest organ regions in the world with instruments from all epochs since the late Gothic (15th century). All organs that existed before the Second World War are listed here . The continuity in East Frisian organ building, as it was finally embodied by the family businesses of Gerhard Janssen Schmid and Gerd Sieben Janssen , came to an end between the world wars. Instead, the emerging organ movement in the 1930s created an awareness of historical organ building.

Preserved historical cases (with modern organs) are indicated by italics and classified chronologically under the year of the new building. This list is a supplement to the main article Organ Landscape Ostfriesland . In addition, there are complete organ lists for the city ​​of Emden and the districts of Aurich , Leer and Wittmund with all modern instruments.

All the important organs of East Frisia that have been preserved are shown on the map. The representation illustrates the high density of historical works, which are particularly concentrated in the Krummhörn . The color indicates the century in which the instrument was built, provided that the basic structure is still largely preserved. If only the brochure is still original, this is indicated by a ring. The shape of the sign indicates the degree of importance. The categories for the classification are taken from Harald Vogel's basic work : Organ Landscape Ostfriesland .

The main builders are listed in the fourth column of the table; Cooperation between several organ builders is indicated by a slash, later modifications by commas. In the sixth column, the Roman number indicates the number of manuals , a capital "P" indicates an independent pedal , a lower-case "p" indicates an attached pedal, and the Arabic number indicates the number of sounding registers . The penultimate column lists the last major restoration. More information on the individual organs can be found in the last column with links within Wikipedia or with external web links.

List of organs

place church image Organ builder year Manuals register restoration comment
Amdorf Amdorfer Church 4721234 Amdorf Organ.jpg Heinrich Wilhelm Eckmann 1773 I / p 9 Martin ter Haseborg , 2004 Largely preserved
Ardorf Ardorfer Church Organ Ardorf.jpg Arnold Rohlfs 1844-1847 I / p 10 Martin ter Haseborg , 2003 Largely preserved
Arle Boniface Church 4721821 Arle Organ.jpg Hinrich Just Müller / Johann Gottfried Rohlfs , Martin ter Haseborg 1799, 1999 II / p 18th Martin ter Haseborg , 1999 Rohlfs' registers largely preserved in the main work, expanded to include breast work in 1999
Asel St. Dionysius Church 7804393 Asel Organ.jpg Gerd Sieben Janssen , Alfred Führer 1855-1856, 1953 I / P 8th The prospectus (without pipes) and 3 registers are partially preserved from Janssen
Aurich reformed Church 34456525 Aurich ref.  Organ.jpg Gerd Sieben Janssen , Winold van der Putten 1836-1838, 2003 II / P 18th Winold van der Putten , 2003 Reconstructed and expanded in the Janssen style
Aurich-Oldendorf St. Peter's Church
Aurich-Oldendorf organ 2.JPG
Valentin Ulrich Grotian , Gebr. Jehmlich 1691-1693, 1973/91 I / P 9 New building Get prospectus; In 1991 a sub-bass 16 ′ was added to the pedal, which until then had only been attached.
Backemoor St. Laurentius and St. Vincenz Backemoor organ.jpg Johann Friedrich Wenthin 1783 I / p 12 Alfred Führer , 1974/78/82; Mense Ruiter, 2008 Largely preserved; with the only original gamba register from the 18th century → organ by St. Laurentius and St. Vincenz
Bagband Bagbander Church ChurchBagbandinnenChristmas.JPG Heinrich Wilhelm Eckmann 1774-1775 I / p 14th Alfred Führer , 1949 / 73–75 Next to Amdorf, Eckmann's only new building in East Friesland; almost completely preserved
Bangstede Bangsteder Church Rohlfs organ Bangstede.JPG Johann Gottfried Rohlfs 1794-1795 I / p 8th Bartelt Immer , 2008–2009 Largely preserved
Bargebur Bargebur Church
Bargeburer Church - interior130.jpg
W. Beckmann 1864 II / P 20th Bartelt Always , 2004 Rebuilt several times over the years
Barstede Barsteder Church
Organ Barstede.JPG
Johann Gottfried Rohlfs 1801 I / p 8th Alfred Führer , 1991 Largely preserved
Bedekaspel Bedekaspeler Church Bedekaspel Orgel50.jpg Rohlfs Brothers 1869 I / p 6th Bartelt Always , 1999 Largely preserved (5 registers); obviously put together from stock and only roughly processed → organ of Bedekaspeler church
Berdum Mary Magdalene 4722050 Berdum organ.jpg Gerd Sieben Janssen 1878 I / p 5 Alfred Führer , 1977 (renovation) 1. Manual largely preserved, 2. Manual expanded since 1977.
Blersum Blersum Church 4722009 Blersum organ.jpg Johann Martin Schmid 1890-1891 I / P 7th Alfred Führer , 2000 (renovation) Largely preserved
Blomberg - Neuschoo Blomberg Church 7803391 Blomberg organ.jpg Johann Diepenbrock 1893 I / P 9 Martin Haspelmath , 1977–1978 Fully preserved, with tutti step, neo-Gothic case
Böhmerwold Šumava Church Böhmerwold Church (3) .jpg Johann Gottfried Rohlfs 1828 I / p 7th Krummhörner organ workshop, 1989 Using older pipes; largely preserved → organ of the Böhmerwolder church
Breinermoor St. Sebastian and St. Vincenz
Breinermoor Organ2.jpg
Gerd Sieben Janssen around 1860 I / P 9 Martin Wurm, 2006 Housing and partly pipework preserved
Bundles reformed Church Bunde Orgel.JPG Hinrich Just Müller , Karl Schuke 1793, 1965 II / P 23 New building Get prospectus → Organ of the Reformed Church (Bunde)
Burhafe St. Florian Church Burhafe organ.jpg Johann Gottfried Rohlfs , Johann Martin Schmid 1794, 1904-1905 I / P 10 (12) Harm Dieder Kirschner , 2009 First Rohlfs organ; technical system reconstructed, half of the pipework preserved
Buttforde St. Mary's Church
Buttforde Organ 2012.jpg
Joachim Richborn 1681 I / p 9 Hendrik Ahrend , 2012 Richborn's only largely preserved organ → St. Marien's organ (Buttforde)
Camp reformed Church 24994966 Camping reformed organ.jpg unknown 18th century, 1835 I / p 7th Bartelt Always , 1997 Originally a house organ from which some old pipe material has been preserved
Canum Canum Church
Canum first complete view.JPG
Gerhard von Holy , Bartelt Immer 1723, 2010 II / P 18th Reconstruction, 2010/2013 Restoration / reconstruction / new construction behind the preserved prospect with the original prospect pipes of the Holy organ from Wetter (Ruhr) (1723), is based on the disposition of the lost Holy organ in Nesse (1709–1710), otherwise on Dornum and Marienhafe
Carolinensiel Carolinensieler Church 4722038 Carolinensiel organ.jpg Hinrich Just Müller 1780-1781 II / p 11 Gebr. Hillebrand , 1975–1976; Heiko Lorenz, 2004-2005 Half of the registers preserved
Circwehrum Cirkwehrum Church Cirkwehrum organ.jpg Rohlfs Brothers 1877-1879 I / p 8th Harm Dieder Kirschner , 2012–2013 Largely preserved
Collinghorst Trinity Church Collinghorst organ.jpg Johann Gottfried Rohlfs 1838 I / p 7th Bartelt Immer , 2007 Largely preserved → organ of the Holy Trinity Church (Collinghorst)
Critzum Critzum Church
Critzum organ.jpg
Eberhard Friedrich Walcker 1939 I / p 6th Reconstruction of an original school organ (early 19th century), transferred in 1964; neo-Gothic prospectus
Detern St. Stephen's and Bartholomew Church Detern organ 003.jpg Wilhelm Eilert Schmid 1819 I / p 12 Alfred Führer , 1981; Martin ter Haseborg , 2002 Largely preserved
Dornum St. Bartholomew Church Dornum organ.jpg Gerhard of Holy 1710-1711 III / P 32 Jürgen Ahrend , 1997–1998 Largest north German village organ; largely preserved → organ of St. Bartholomew's Church (Dornum)
Driever reformed Church 4722342 Driever Organ.jpg Gebr. Rohlfing 1885 I / P 10 Bartelt Always , 2006 Almost completely preserved
Dunum Dunum Church 4721910 Dunum Organ.jpg Hinrich Just Müller 1759-1765 I / p 9 Martin Haspelmath , 1979–1981 Largely preserved
Eggelingen St. George Church 4722077 Eggelingen organ.jpg Gerd Sieben Janssen 1843-1846 I / p 8 (10) Alfred Führer , 1997–1999 Largely preserved
Hurry Eilsumer Church Eilsum organ.JPG Joachim Kayser , Karl Schuke 1709-1710 / 1967 I / P 9 New building Prospectus received
Engerhafe Church of John the Baptist
Engerhafe organ 1.jpg
Hinrich Just Müller , Hermann Hillebrand 1774-1775, 1971-1973 I / p 9 New building Get prospectus; Rückpositiv dummy; the prospect whistles with the donkey back labia may be late Gothic Engerhafe Prospekt.jpg
Esens St. Magnus Church 8732691 Esen's organ.jpg Arnold Rohlfs 1848-1860 II / P 30th Alfred Führer , Bartelt Immer , 1982–1983, 2006 Largest organ from Rohlfs, almost completely preserved
Esklum Esklumer Church Esklum Organ.jpg Gerd Sieben Janssen , Bartelt Immer 1855, 2008 I / P 7th Bartelt Immer , 2008 Pipe interior reconstructed and expanded
Etzel St. Martinus Church Organ Etzel.JPG Gerd Sieben Janssen , P. Furtwängler & Hammer 1864, 1928 II / P 12 Bartelt Immer , 2007 Pneumatic, behind the historical prospectus from 1864
Flax Sea St. Bernhard Carl Haupt , Bernhard Speith 1900, 1976 II / P 12 Bernhard Speith, 1976 Cone shop; 1976 complete renovation
Forlitz-Blaukirchen Lutheran Church 4720992 Forlitz-Blaukirchen organ.jpg Rohlfs Brothers 1869 I / p 6th Martin Haspelmath , 1979/82 Largely preserved
Freepsum Freepsumer Church Freepsum Organ.jpg Wilhelm Caspar Joseph Höffgen 1836-1839 I / p 7 (8) Alfred Führer , 1956 Next to Uphusen only new building in Höffgens; almost completely preserved
Fulcum Maria Magdalena Church 4721890 Fulkum organ.jpg Arnold Rohlfs , Alfred Führer 1860-1866, 1968-1969 I / p 6th Alfred Führer , 1968–1969 conversion Pipework only partially preserved
Funnix St. Florian Church P1000634Fkirche03.JPG Johann Friedrich Constabel / Hinrich Just Müller 1760-1762 I / p 8th Alfred Führer , 1984–1986 Largely preserved
Gandersum Gandersum Church
Gandersum organ.jpg
unknown, Winold van der Putten 18th century, 1990-1991 I. 5 Winold van der Putten , 1990–1991 Reconstruction using older remains
Greetsiel Greetsieler Church
2009 07 Greetsiel Organ Prospectus.JPG
Johann Friedrich Constabel , Karl Schuke 1738/1960 I / p 6th Krummhörner organ workshop, 1990 Prospectus received
Groothusen Groothuser Church Groothusen organ.jpg Johann Friedrich Wenthin 1798-1801 II / p 19th Alfred Führer , 1987 Largest organ of the Krummhörn with unique flute stops; received over half
Great Midlum Great Midlum Church Large Midlum organ (1) .jpg Johann Friedrich Wenthin , Alfred Führer 1803-1804, 1956 I / P 12 New building Prospectus received
Big wolves Großwolder Church 4721346 Großwolde Organ.jpg Gerd Sieben Janssen 1883-1884 I / p 8th Partly preserved
Grotegaste St. John Baptist
Grotegaste organ.jpg
Gerd Sieben Janssen , P. Furtwängler & Hammer 1854, 1919 II / P 12 Bartelt Immer , 2005 Prospectus received from Janssen, prospectus pipes and interior work from 1919
Hage St. Ansgari Church
4795292 Hage organ.jpg
Dirk Lohman 1776-1783 II / P 22nd Alfred Führer , 1979/1987; Bartelt Always , 2003 The only almost completely preserved organ from Lohmans
Hatshausen Maria Magdalena Church HatshausenOrgel.jpg Johann Friedrich Constabel , Alfred Führer around 1750, 1976 I / p 5 New building Originally built for the Ref. Church in Loga ; Prospectus received in Hatshausen
Back Behind church 4720927 Rear organ.jpg Johann Friedrich Wenthin , Jürgen Ahrend 1776-1781, 1958 I / p 8th New building Prospectus received
Holtgaste Liudgeri Church Holtgaste organ.jpg Arnold Rohlfs 1864-1865 I / p 7th Krummhörner organ workshop, 1991 Preserved unchanged → Organ of Liudgeri Church (Holtgaste)
Holtland Marienkirche 4799221 Holtland organ.jpg Johann Gottfried Rohlfs 1810-1813 II / p 14th Alfred Führer , 1981–1982 In addition to Neustadtgödens only two-manual parapet organ in East Friesland; largely preserved → organ of the Marienkirche (Holtland)
Holtrop Holtrop Church 4721354 Holtrop organ.jpg Hinrich Just Müller 1772 I / p 8th Rudolf von Beckerath , 1976–1977 Except for 2 reconstructed registers completely preserved
Clumps St. Mauritius Church 4721977 Horsten Organ.jpg Samuel Schröder 1731-1733 II / P 18th Alfred Führer , 1956/85 Schröder's only organ in East Frisia; 7-8 registers preserved → Organ of St. Mauritius Church (Horsten)
Their Baptist Chapel yours Your organ.jpg Eberhard Friedrich Walcker & Cie. 1931 II / P 10
Your field Ihrerfeld Church P. Furtwängler & Hammer 1916 II / P 7th
Ihrhove Old Reformed Church Ihrhove old reformed organ.JPG Thomas J. Robson around 1867 II / P 13 Hendriksen & Reitsma, 1989–1990 English organ; Register largely preserved, housing new
Jemgum reformed Church Jemgum organ.jpg Joseph William Walker 1844 II / P 19th Fokke Rinke Feenstra, 2007 English organ; largely preserved → Organ of the Reformed Church (Jemgum)
Jennelt Jennelter Church
Organ Jennelt0.jpg
Johann Friedrich Constabel 1738 I / p 8th Ahrend & Brunzema , 1969 The only largely completely preserved organ Constabels
Jheringsfehn Jheringsfehner Church Jheringsfehn organ.jpg Gerd Sieben Janssen 1865 II / P 15th Alfred Führer , 1961 new building in the old case with part of the old pipework, 1991 extension to include an upper work and a pedal register Housing and partially pipework (4 registers) preserved
Kirchborgum Kirchborgum Church Kirchborgum organ.jpg Rohlfs Brothers 1876-1878 I / P 8th Largely preserved
Landscape polder Landscape polder church Landscape polder organ.jpg Gerhard Janssen Schmid , Krummhörner organ workshop 1814, 1987-1988 I / p 5 Krummhörner organ workshop, 1988 New building in the style of Schmid → Organ of the Landschaftspolder Church
Larrelt Larrelter Church Organ of the Larrelter Church, Ostfriesland.jpg Johannes Millensis, Gerd Sieben Janssen 1618-1619, 1848-1855 I / p 11 Ahrend (& Brunzema ), 1954/88 Half of the late Renaissance registers preserved → Organ of Larrelter Church
Empty Big church Leer - evref Great Church - organ - prospectus 1.jpg Marten de Mare , Albertus Antonius Hinsz , Paul Ott , Ahrend & Brunzema 1609, 1763-1766, 1953-1955, 1963-1971 III / P 48 Hendrik Ahrend , 2014–2018 With a stock that has grown over 400 years → Organ of the Great Church (Leer)
Empty Luther Church Leer Lutherkirche organ.jpg Hinrich Just Müller , Jürgen u. Hendrik Ahrend 1793, 2002 III / P 39 New building 5. New organ in 300 years; Prospectus received → Organ of the Luther Church (Leer)
Empty Mennonite Church Empty Mennonite Organ.jpg Wilhelm Eilert Schmid , Brond de Grave Winter 1825-1826, 1860 I / P 9 Winold van der Putten , 2013 1860 new building using the existing housing; largely preserved
Empty harbor Cäcilien- and Margarethenkirche
Organ Leerhafe.JPG
Arnold Rohlfs , Alfred Führer 1863, 1956-1958 II / P 15th Martin ter Haseborg , 2000 Hauptwerk prospectus preserved, as well as old pipes in 4 registers; Rückpositiv and Pedal 1956–1958
Loppersum Loppersumer Church Organ loppersum.jpg Rohlfs Brothers 1867-1868 I / P 11 Bartelt Immer , 1996 and 2018 Largely preserved
Loquard Loquard Church Organ Loquard19.jpg Hinrich Just Müller , Alfred Führer 1793, 1966-1967 I / p 8th New building Prospectus received
Manslagt Manslagter Church 24995208 Manslagt Orgel.jpg Hinrich Just Müller 1776-1778 II / p 15th Bartelt Immer , 2000–2001 Largely preserved; Rückpositiv as a dummy
Marcardsmoor Kreuzkirche
Organ Marcardsmoor.JPG
P. Furtwängler & Hammer 1909-1911 II / P 7th East Frisian Organ Service, 2009 With pocket drawer; completely preserved
Marienhafe Marienkirche
Marienhafe organ 1.JPG
Gerhard of Holy 1710-1713 II / p 20th Ahrend (& Brunzema ), 1966/69, 1987–1988, 2010 Best preserved baroque organ in East Frisia → Organ of the Marienkirche (Marienhafe)
Marx St. Marcus Church
Organ Marx.JPG
Johann Gottfried Rohlfs 1820-1823 I / p 7th Martin ter Haseborg , 2002 Largely preserved
Middels Middels Church 4721024 Middels Organ.jpg Hinrich Just Müller 1784-1786 I / p 8th Alfred Führer , 1983/85/89 Largely preserved
Midlum Midlum Church
Midlum organ.jpg
Hinrich Just Müller 1766 I / p 9 Krummhörner organ workshop, 1987–1988 Almost completely preserved; Rückpositiv as a dummy → Organ of the Midlum Church
Mitling Mark Mitling marker church Brond de Grave winter 1859-1860 I / P 7th The only almost completely preserved organ de Graves
Middle size Mittegroßefehner Church Organ Mittegroßefehn.jpg Brond de Grave winter 1859 II / P 13 Wilfried Müller, 1977–1979 Organ almost completely preserved, but currently shut down
Moordorf Martin Luther Church
Moordorf Organ.jpg
Johann Diepenbrock , Alfred Führer 1895, 1976 I / p 7th Alfred Führer , 1976 Two registers and cases received from Diepenbrock
Münkeboe Church of the Good Shepherd Münkeboe Church Organ.jpg P. Furtwängler & Hammer , G. Christian Lobback 1902, 1978-1980 I / P 10 New construction of the technical system (windchest, action, gaming table), reduction to one-manual Prospectus preserved, pipework largely original
Neermoor Old Reformed Church
Neermoor, old reformed, organ.JPG
Positive Organ London around 1900 I / p 4th Gerrit Geerds, 1993-1994 English organ; originally at St Alban's, Blue Bell Hill, Chatham, Kent ; rebuilt by Geerds for Neermoor
Neermoor reformed Church
Neermoor organ ref.  Church.jpg
Hinrich Just Müller 1796-1798 I / p 11 Winold van der Putten / Berend Veger, 1994–1995 Largely preserved → Organ of the Reformed Church (Neermoor)
Neuburg Neuburg Church
Organ Neuburg.JPG
Folkert Becker & Son 1884 I / P 7th Alfred Führer , 1992–1994 Only the twisted wooden pipes and wind chests were renewed, otherwise everything was original.
Neustadtgödens Lutheran Church
Organ Neustadtgödens.JPG
Johann Gottfried Rohlfs , Alfred Führer 1796-1798, 1990 II / P 15th Alfred Führer , 1989–1990 Two-manual parapet organ like Holtland, technical system from 1990, pipework largely preserved
north Christ Church
Organ north Christ Church.jpg
Johann Gottfried Rohlfs , Alfred Führer 1796-1799, 1958-1959 II / P 11 Bartelt Immer , 1994/98 Originally built for the Mennonite Church in the northOrgan of the Christ Church (north)
north Ludgeri Church 2009 07 North Ludgerikirche Arp-Schnitger-Organ.JPG Arp Schnitger 1686-1988 / 91-92 III / P 46 Jürgen Ahrend , 1981–1985 The second largest surviving work by Schnitger in Germany and the second largest organ in East Friesland; 8 registers from Evers and 13 from Schnitger preserved, 25 reconstructed by Ahrend → organ of Ludgerikirche (north)
north Mennonite Church
Organs North Mennonite Church.jpg
Gebr. Link 1900 II / P 12 Pneumatic; completely preserved
Nortmoor St. George Church
4795104 Nortmoor Organ.jpg
Hinrich Just Müller 1773-1775 I / p 8th Alfred Führer , 1980–1982 Largely preserved → Organ of St. George's Church (Nortmoor)
Nüttermoor reformed Church Johann Gottfried Rohlfs 1815-1816 I / P 11 Bartelt Immer , 1994–1995, 2013 Largely preserved
Ochtersum St. Materniani Church 4721855 Ochtersum organ.jpg Christian Klausing 1734-1737 I / p 9 Jürgen Ahrend , 1972–1973 Klausing's only work in East Frisia; largely preserved → organ of St. Materniani Church (Ochtersum)
Oldendorp Oldendorper Church Oldendorp organ.jpg Rohlfs Brothers 1870 I / p 7th Largely preserved
Osteel Warnfried Church Osteel Organ.jpg Edo Evers 1619 II / p 13 Jürgen Ahrend , 1994–1995 The only almost completely preserved organ from Evers → Organ of the Warnfried Church (Osteel)
Ostgroßefehn Ostgroßefehner Church Organ Ostgroßefehn.JPG P. Furtwängler & Hammer 1895 II / P 13 Martin Haspelmath , 1980 Received completely
Ostrhauderfehn Petrus Church Organ of Petrus-Kirche (Ostrhauderfehn) .jpg Johann Diepenbrock 1896 II / P 14th Alfred Führer , 1951 repairs and changes to the disposition Pipework largely preserved, 5 registers rebuilt
Peccum St. Anthony Church 4721113 Petkum organ.jpg Valentin Ulrich Grotian , Alfred Führer 1694-1699, 1957-1962 II / p 15th Krummhörner organ workshop (repairs), 1989 The organ has suffered a lot and has not yet been fully restored. 5 registers are still original.
Pilsum Pilsum Kreuzkirche Kreuzkirche Pilsum msu169.jpg Valentin Ulrich Grotian 1694 II / p 16 Jürgen Ahrend , 1991 The only largely completely preserved organ of Grotian's → organ of the Pilsum Kreuzkirche
Pogum Pogum Church Pogum organ.jpg Johann Adam Berner 1758-1759 I. 6th Martin ter Haseborg , 1998–1999 Berner's only new building in East Friesland, 3 registers preserved → Organ of the Pogum Church
Reepsholt St. Mauritius Church organ Reepsholtmsu6.jpg Johann Friedrich Wenthin 1788-1789 II / p 17th Bernhardt Edskes , 1992-1993 Largely preserved
Remels St. Martin Church
Johann Friedrich Constabel , Hinrich Just Müller 1733, 1782 II / p 15th Rudolf Janke , 1978–1979 The main work comes from Müller, the positive from Constabel was integrated into the system as a return positive; last organ in East Friesland with Rückpositiv; largely preserved
Rhaude Rhauder Church
Organ Rhaude.JPG
Johann Friedrich Constabel , Gebr. Hillebrand 1756/1986 I / P 9 New building Prospectus received
Riepe Riepster Church 4722626 Riepe Organ.jpg Johann Friedrich Wenthin , Alfred Führer 1776-1785, 1967-1970/1990 II / P 14th Alfred Führer , 1970 new building Prospectus and prospectus pipes received
Roggenstede Roggensteder Church
Roggenstede Orgel.jpg
Johann Gottfried Rohlfs 1827-1833 I / p 8th Martin Haspelmath , 1988-1989 With lateral pipe mock-ups; largely preserved
Rorichum Nicolai Church
4795164 Rorichum organ.jpg
Rohlfs Brothers 1867-1869 I / p 7th Largely preserved
Rysum Rysumer Church Rysumorgan.jpg Master Harmannus (?) 1457, 1513 I. 7th Ahrend & Brunzema , 1959-61 One of the world's oldest organs; 4 registers preserved, 3 reconstructed → organ of the Rysum church
Seal sum Siegelsumer Church
Organ Siegelum.JPG
Arnold Rohlfs 1842-1845 I / p 6th Alfred Führer , 1977–1980 Largely preserved
Simonswolde Simonswoldmer Church Simonswolde organ.jpg Hinrich Just Müller 1777 I / p 7th Jürgen Ahrend , 1981–1982; Bartelt Always , 2001 Received completely
Spetzerfehn Privately owned
Spetzerfehn organ privat.jpg
Johann Diepenbrock 1892 I / p 4th Originally built for the Old Island Church on Spiekeroog , 1974–1976 conversion into a private house organ (I / p / 4) with mechanical slider drawer instead of cone drawer, based on Principal 4 ′ instead of 8 ′, and installation in Spetzerfehn; 3–4 registers, keyboards, register pulls and console cabinet preserved
Pile bog Stapelmoorer Church Stapelmoor Orgel.jpg Bartelt Immer / Reinalt Johannes Klein / Claude Jaccard 1994 III / P 23 New building Replica of the Louis Alexandre Clicquot organ (1734) → Organ of the Stapelmoorer church
Stedesdorf St. Aegidien Church Stedesdorf organ.jpg Valentin Ulrich Grotian , Arnold Rohlfs 1696, 1847-1849 I / p 9 Rudolf Janke , 1986 Organ from Rohlfs with four registers still from Grotian
Steenfelde Steenfeld Church 4720885 Steenfelde Organ.jpg Gerd Sieben Janssen , Hillebrand brothers 1858-1860, 1984-1986 II / P 12 New building Prospectus received
Strackholt St. Barbara Church
Barbara Church (Strackholt) Organ 2.jpg
Gerhard Janssen Schmid , Hans Wolf, Hermann Hillebrand 1798–1799, 1971, 1973/86 II / P 23 Hermann Hillebrand , 1973 One of the largest village organs in East Frisia; rebuilt several times → organ of the Barbara church (Strackholt)
Tergast Tergaster Church
Tergast organ.jpg
Gerd Sieben Janssen , Winold van der Putten 1840, 2000 I / p 7th Winold van der Putten , 2000 1939 transferred from Neustadtgödens (Ref. Church); largely reconstructed
Thunum St. Mary's Church Thunum Organ.jpg Arnold Rohlfs 1855 I / p 6th Alfred Führer , 1984–1985 3–4 registers preserved; with knife back pedal
Timmel Peter and Paul Church 4720849 Timmel organ.jpg Johann Friedrich Constabel , Gebr. Hillebrand 1740, 1962 II / P 18th New building Hauptwerk prospectus (without pipes) received
Uphusen Uphuser Church Wilhelm Caspar Joseph Höffgen 1825-1831 I / p 14th Bartelt Always , 1997 Southern license plates through split registers ; Organ almost completely preserved
Uttum Uttum Church Uttum church organ (2) .jpg unknown around 1660 I. 9 Ahrend & Brunzema , 1956-1957 One of the most important Renaissance organs , which is still almost completely original → Organ of the Uttum Church
Veenhusen Veenhuser Church Johann Gottfried Rohlfs 1801-1802 I / p 8th Bartelt Immer / Reinalt Klein / Uwe Knaak, 1993 Largely preserved
Vellage Vellager Church Vellage church organ loft.jpg Gebr. Rohlfing 1885-1888 I / P 6th Largely preserved
Victorbur St. Victor Church 4720841 Victorbur organ.jpg Johann Gottfried Rohlfs , Hermann Hillebrand 1818-1819, 1966-1969 II / p 15th New building Prospectus received
Visquard Visquard Church Visquard Church Organ.jpg unknown, Johann Reil before 1680, 1966 I / p 8th New building Double doors with painted pipes
Full Peter and Paul Church
Völlen Organ (2) .JPG
Wilhelm Eilert Schmid , Gerd Sieben Janssen 1822-1823, 1869 I / P 10 Bartelt Always , 2004 Largely preserved
Weene Nikolaikirche 4721056 Weene Organ.jpg Valentin Ulrich Grotian , Alfred Führer 1698-1699, 1960/1962/1966/1992 II / P 17th Alfred Führer , 1992 Hauptwerk prospectus (without pipes) received
Weener Organeum Organ Ibsen.JPG Ibe Peters Iben 1790 I. 5 Reinalt Klein , 2007-2008 Almost completely preserved; Division into bass / treble
Weener Organeum
Organeum Bureau-Orgel.jpg
Franz Caspar Schnitger Jr./ Heinrich Hermann Freytag 1792 I. 5 Bureau organ built into a secretary
Weener Organeum Organ Vool.JPG Jan Jacob Vool around 1800 I. 8th Fritz shield Almost completely preserved; Division into bass / treble
Weener Evangelical Reformed Church Weener Ref Organ.jpg Arp Schnitger , Johann Friedrich Wenthin 1709-1710, 1782 II / P 29 Hendrik Jan Vierdag , 1972–1978; Jürgen Ahrend , 1978–1983 Schnitger's late work; last organ in East Friesland with separate pedal towers; 6 registers from Schnitger preserved → Organ of the Evangelical Reformed Church (Weener)
Weener St. Joseph Weener St. Joseph (07) .jpg Carl Haupt 1879 II / P 9 Bernhard Speith , 1975 Neo-Gothic prospect
Weenermoor Weenermoorer Church Weenermoor Church (2) .jpg Gebr. Rohlfing 1906 II / P 10 Pneumatic; completely preserved
Become St. Nicolai Church 7532639 Werdum organ.jpg Johann Diepenbrock 1897-1998 II / P 14th Martin Haspelmath , 1987–1988 Received completely
Westeraccum Petrikirche Westeraccum organ.jpg Gerd Sieben Janssen 1856-1861 I / p 7th Alfred Führer , 1972 Prospectus received, originally in Pewsum
Westerbur Westerbur Church
Westerbur Organ.jpg
Arnold Rohlfs 1860 I / p 7th Alfred Führer , 1983–1985 Largely preserved; with knife back pedal
Westerende St. Martin
Organ Westerende.JPG
Johann Friedrich Wenthin , Johann Diepenbrock , Alfred Führer 1793, 1885, 1959 I / P 15th Alfred Führer (repair), 1985 Largely preserved
Westerholt Westerholter Church 4721763 Westerholt Organ.jpg Arnold Rohlfs 1840-1842 I / p 8th Martin Haspelmath , 1988-1989 Largely preserved
Westerhusen Westerhuser Church 8072676 Westerhusen Organ.jpg Jost Sieburg 1642-1643 I / p 7th Ahrend & Brunzema , 1955 The only almost completely preserved organ of Sieburg → organ of the Westerhuser church
Westrhauderfehn Hope Church Rhauderfehn - Bottom - Hope Church in 15 ies.jpg Gerd Sieben Janssen , P. Furtwängler & Hammer , Alfred Führer 1852, 1937, 1984-1985 II / P 24 Alfred Führer , 1984–1985 1937 almost new building (largely preserved) behind the old prospectus; Remodeling by guides
Westrhauderfehn St. Boniface Rhauderfehn - Kirchstrasse - St. Bonifatius in 15 ies.jpg Carl Kramer 1861 II / P 16 Franz Breil , 1977 Pneumatic play and stop action
Wiegboldsbur Wibadi Church Wibadi organ msu.jpg Wilhelm Eilert Schmid 1818-1819 I / p 8th Gebr. Hillebrand , 1983–1985 Largely preserved
Wiesens John the Baptist Church Wiesen's organ.jpg Johann Gottfried Rohlfs 1820-1822 I / p 10 Alfred Führer , 1979–1981 Almost completely preserved
Wittmund St. Nicolai
Wittmund organ. 1776.
Hinrich Just Müller , Alfred Führer 1776/1936 II / P 25th Bartelt Always , 2006 Prospect of Müller and possibly a register from the previous organ of Arp Schnitger get
Wolthusen Wolthuser Church Johann Friedrich Wenthin 1790-1793 I / p 8th Alfred Führer , 1984–1985 4 registers obtained from Wenthin
Woquard Marienkirche 4722725 Woquard organ.jpg Hinrich Just Müller 1803-1804 I / p 9 Bartelt Always , 2006 Müller's last work; almost completely preserved
Wymeer reformed Church
Wymeer Evangelical Reformed Church (19) .jpg
Johann Diepenbrock 1888 II / P 15th Alfred Führer , 1992 With mechanical cone drawer; almost completely preserved


  • Walter Kaufmann : The organs of East Frisia . East Frisian Landscape, Aurich 1968.
  • Ralph Nickles: Organ inventory of the Krummhörn and the city of Emden . Hauschild Verlag , Bremen 1995, ISBN 3-929902-62-1 .
  • Fritz Schild: Monument organs. Documentation of the restoration by Organ Builders Guide 1974–1991 . Florian Noetzel, Wilhelmshaven 2005, ISBN 978-3-7959-0862-1 (2 parts: Backmoor-Groothusen, Hage-Wiesens).
  • Harald Vogel , Günter Lade, Nicola Borger-Keweloh: Organs in Lower Saxony . Hauschild, Bremen 1997, ISBN 3-931785-50-5 .
  • Harald Vogel, Reinhard Ruge, Robert Noah, Martin Stromann: Organ landscape Ostfriesland . 2nd Edition. Soltau-Kurier-Norden, Norden 1997, ISBN 3-928327-19-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Organ in Amdorf (PDF file; 880 kB), accessed on January 13, 2016.
  2. ^ Organ in Aurich , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  3. Organ project of the Canum parish , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  4. NOMINE eV: Organ in Carolinensiel , accessed on 26 March 2018th
  5. Freepsumer organ pipes are looking for sponsors , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  6. ^ Organ in Funnix , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  7. ^ Organ in Gandersum , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  8. ^ Organ in Hage , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  9. ^ Organ in Jennelt , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  10. ^ Organ in Loquard , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  11. ^ Organ in Marx , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  12. ^ Organ in Reepsholt , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  13. ^ Organ in Remels , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  14. ^ Organ in Rhaude , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  15. ^ Organ in Siegelum , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  16. ^ Organ in Simonswolde , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  17. ^ Archive Heinze , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  18. ^ Organ in Tergast (Dutch), accessed on January 13, 2016.
  19. ^ Organ in Timmel , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  20. ^ Organ in Weene , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  21. ^ Organ in Wiegboldsbur , accessed on January 13, 2016.
  22. ^ Organ in Woquard , accessed on January 13, 2016.
This version was added to the selection of informative lists and portals on October 20, 2010 .