Lažánky u Veverské Bítýšky

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Lažánky coat of arms
Lažánky u Veverské Bítýšky (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Jihomoravský kraj
District : Brno-venkov
Area : 1400 ha
Geographic location : 49 ° 17 '  N , 16 ° 23'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 16 '45 "  N , 16 ° 23' 17"  E
Height: 442  m nm
Residents : 710 (Jan. 1, 2019)
Postal code : 664 71
License plate : B.
Street: Veverská Bítýška - Deblín
Status: local community
Districts: 2
Mayor : František Zetka (as of 2010)
Address: Lažánky 14
664 71 Veverská Bítýška
Municipality number: 583260
Website :

Lažánky (German Laschanko ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic . It is located twelve kilometers east of Velká Bíteš and belongs to the Okres Brno-venkov . The village used to be nicknamed Vápenné Lažánky because of its lime kilns .


Lažánky is located in the Bobravská vrchovina on a plateau above the valleys of the Maršovský potok, the Svratka and the Bílý potok . The village is located on the northern edge of the Údolí Bílého Potoka Nature Park. The Pravková forest extends to the north. The Krajina (514 m) rises to the west. An old lime works and several limestone quarries are located northwest of Lažánky . To the west is the Mořské oko kaolin lake .

Neighboring towns are Pejškov, Vohančice and Heroltice in the north, Sarka, Sentice and Kopaniny in the Northeast, Holasice and Veverská Bítýška in the east, Prachovna and Hvozdec the southeast, Veverské Knínice , Lažanský Mlyn and Javůrek in the south, Šmelcovna , Maršovský Mlyn and Javůrecký Mlyn in the southwest , Maršov in the west and Braníškov and Deblín in the northwest.


Lažánky probably originated as a settlement of lime burners and charcoal burners. The first written mention of the place took place in 1236, when Margrave Přemysl left the income from Lažánky and the right to mine iron ore to the burgrave Ctibor of Veveří and his successors for loyal services. 1358 exchanged Burgrave Jakub von Veveří Lažánky at Hereš von Lelekovice for Jinačovice . Later the village became subject to Deblín . Lime has been extracted here since the Middle Ages. The quicklime was used as an important additive in the ironworks in the area. In 1470 the royal city of Brno bought the Deblín estate from the Lords of Boskowitz . To the west of the village, iron ore had been mined in some shafts since the 16th century, and from 1722 it was processed in the nearby Eichhornhütte . There is evidence of a parish in Lažánky since 1527. This became extinct during the Thirty Years' War, since 1630 the village was parish to Deblín. In the hoof register of 1674 there are 17 properties for Lažánky. The tavern has been traceable since 1696 and has been owned by the Orator family ever since. The first news about a lime distillery comes from the year 1711. In 1749 the village consisted of 30 farms. The oldest local seal, showing a tree and the inscription Sigil of the municipality of Lažánek , also dates from this period . After the church was rebuilt and expanded, a branch church was established in Lažánky in 1786 . A cemetery was laid out in the churchyard, before the burials took place in Deblín. In the same year school lessons began, which the children from Holasice and Maršov also attended. In the Josephine cadastre of 1787 49 house numbers are recorded for Laschanko . In the 19th century, quick lime production experienced a great boom. The sugar factories of the Rosice , Veveří and Porta Coeli domains were also among the customers of the lime . Lažánky was always part of Brno until the middle of the 19th century. In 1848 the road from Veverská Bítýška to Maršov was built.

After the abolition of patrimonial Lažanky formed from 1850 with the district Holasice a municipality in the district authority of Brno and the judicial district of Tischnowitz . The Kosová colony was established east of the village and operated twelve small lime kilns. The volunteer fire brigade was founded in 1881. In 1894 Heinrich Orator had the first shaft furnace built in Kosová . From 1896 Lažánky belonged to the newly established district administration Tischnowitz. At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the Lažánky landowners operated lime kilns. The quicklime was sold throughout South Moravia, but mainly to Brno, and lime production provided a lucrative income until the 1930s. The cemetery in the churchyard was closed in 1899 and replaced by a new one at the northeast exit of the village. The first drilling was carried out in 1900 on the Šachet corridor between Lažánky and Maršov, after a large kaolin deposit was suspected there. In 1906 the mining of kaolin started there by Montan AG in Prague. Between the kaolin pit and the Veverská Bítýška train station , a cable car was built in 1911 that transported the kaolin to the Kuřim – Veverská Bítýška railway line . In 1921 the kaolin plant was connected to the network of West Moravian Electricity Works, and electrical drilling operations began. Due to the decline in sales, the company was temporarily shut down at the end of 1923. As a result of the global economic crisis, production in the kaolin factory was completely stopped in 1932. In 1936 a cooperation cooperative built a new lime kiln in the lime quarries. In the last days of the Second World War, the Wehrmacht sank military equipment in the flooded kaolin pit while retreating from the Red Army . The twelve small lime kilns in Kosová were shut down in 1947 and left to decay. In 1949 they were razed to the ground and a cherry plantation was planted in their place. In 1948 there were only three lime kilns left in Lažánky. The two private lime works merged in 1949. In the same year the private and the cooperative lime works were nationalized and subordinated to the Moravian-Silesian cement and lime works Maloměřice . The Orator shaft furnace in Kosová was demolished in 1952. With that the entire colony of Kosová was demolished. In 1958 a laying hen farm was established in Kosová. In 1954 an RSO / 03 was recovered from the kaolin lake . In 1961 the municipality was assigned to the Okres Brno-venkov. In a storm in 1961, the large linden tree on the village pond toppled over and fell onto a combine harvester. The last lime kilns in Lažánky were shut down in 1970, as production using traditional methods could no longer compete with the modern Čebín lime works .

Community structure

The municipality Lažánky consists of the districts Holasice ( Holasitz ) and Lažánky ( Laschanko ) and the settlement Kopaniny.


  • Parish Church of St. Trinity, the 14th century Gothic style church was dedicated to St. Trinity consecrated. A late Baroque extension and a new tower were added in 1786 with funds from the Religionsfonds. In 1841 the church was robbed and all church silver stolen.
  • Churchyard wall, the oldest parts date from the 14th century. It was remodeled in the second half of the 18th century.
  • Prayer column on the road to Maršov, built in the second half of the 18th century
  • disused lime kilns at the limestone quarries
  • Chapel of St. Wenceslas in Holasice
  • Service tree at the old limestone quarries, the approximately 16 m high tree, protected as a tree monument since 2008, has a trunk circumference of 2.30 m. The treetop is 16.5 m wide and 14 m high. Its age is estimated to be 180 to 200 years.
  • Údolí Bílého Potoka Natural Park
  • Slunná nature reserve, remains of a primeval beech forest, north of the village
  • Kaolinsee Mořské oko , west of Lažánky
  • Lažánecko-Heroltický kras, east of the village between the valleys of the Svratka and the Bílý potok . In the karst area there is an inaccessible cave system through which three streams flow.

Individual evidence

  1. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 7.4 MiB)

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