May 2017

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This article covers breaking news and events in May 2017.

Daily events

Monday 1st May 2017

Tuesday May 2, 2017

Jimmy Wales
  • Al-Haul / Syria : In the town of Rajm al-Sleibi in the al-Hasakah governorate near the Syrian-Iraqi border, at least 38 people are killed in an attack by the Islamic State (IS) terrorist militia on a temporarily set up refugee camp. The refugees waited in the place to enter the zone controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
  • Hildesheim / Germany : Robert Bosch Starter Motors Generators GmbH (SG), a subsidiary of the German Bosch group spun off in 2015 with around 7,000 employees at 14 locations worldwide (around 600 in Hildesheim), is transferred to the state-owned Chinese supplier ZMJ (Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group) and the investment company China Renaissance Capital Investment (CRCI) as capital providers.
  • Istanbul / Turkey : After the online encyclopedia Wikipedia was blocked in Turkey, the Istanbul city administration unloaded its founder Jimmy Wales from an expo event without giving any reason . More than 50 experts from all over the world are expected to take part in the event from 15 to 18 May 2017 entitled “World Cities Expo Istanbul 2017”. Access to all language versions of Wikipedia has not been available from Turkey since April 29, 2017. The information and communication technology authority (BTK) stated that the reason for the blockage was that the website "incorrectly claims that Turkey supports terrorist organizations".
  • Sochi / Russia : At a joint meeting between Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin , both agreed that there was good cooperation on the economic level, in the research area and in the fight against terrorism . However, the political relations in the civil war in Syria , the war in Ukraine and the treatment of minorities in Russia are differentiated. Both praised the efforts of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) observers in eastern Ukraine.

Wednesday May 3, 2017

  • Azajahr / Iran : In an explosion in the Zemestanyurt coal mine in the Golestan province , at least 26 miners are buried at a depth of around 1,800 meters. So far, two fatalities have been rescued.
  • Kabul / Afghanistan : At least eight civilians are killed in a suicide attack on a NATO MRAP military convoy near the US embassy and another 25 people are injured, including three US soldiers. The terrorist militia Islamic State (IS) is committed to the attack.

Thursday 4th May 2017

Friday 5th May 2017

Saturday 6th May 2017

  • Hama / Syria : According to SOHR , at least 11 government soldiers and 13 Islamist rebels died in the fighting in al-Zalaqeyat.

Sunday 7th May 2017

Daniel Günther
Emmanuel Macron

Monday 8th May 2017

  • Damascus / Syria : For the first time in the civil war in Syria , a rebel district in Damascus is evacuated. Armed fighters and their relatives from the Barseh district in the northeast of the city were brought to Idlib in 40 buses .

Tuesday May 9, 2017

Moon Jae-in wins the presidential election in South Korea

Wednesday May 10, 2017

New 20-franc note in Switzerland

Thursday May 11, 2017

Friday May 12, 2017

  • Abuja / Nigeria : According to the health authorities, at least 1,069 people died from a meningitis epidemic from November 2016 to April 2017 . Since the outbreak of the epidemic until April 2017, around 420,000 people in Nigeria have been vaccinated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Another 800,000 people are to be vaccinated in the state of Sokoto alone .
  • Bonn / Germany : The German photovoltaic company SolarWorld files for bankruptcy at the Bonn District Court . The subsidiaries are also affected. Around 2600 employees in Germany are affected, 800 of them in Arnstadt and 1200 in Freiberg .
  • Brasília / Brazil : The Brazilian government is lifting the national emergency imposed due to the zika virus epidemic after the number of new infections reported fell by 95% in 2017 to 7,911.
  • Istanbul / Turkey : Media reports on a deployment by the Turkish anti-terrorist unit on April 30, 2017 in the Kartal district to arrest the translator and German citizen Mesale Tolu .
  • Montabaur / Germany : The German internet and telecom group United Internet ( 1 & 1 , GMX , , Strato ) wants to take over the mobile communications provider Drillisch , based in Maintal, for 2.2 billion euros by the end of 2017 . The Federal Cartel Office has yet to approve the takeover.
  • Beijing / China : Beginning of the summit meeting of the Belt and Road Forum on the intercontinental infrastructure project New Silk Road with representatives from 100 countries, including 29 heads of state and government. President Xi Jinping pledges the equivalent of around 124 billion US dollars for the project. For Germany, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Brigitte Zypries, takes part.

Saturday 13th May 2017

Sunday May 14, 2017

Tuesday May 16, 2017

Thursday May 18, 2017

  • Brasilia / Brazil : The Supreme Federal Court approves investigations against President Michel Temer for corruption . Thereafter, there were previously media reports that Temer is said to have agreed to hush money payments to the imprisoned former parliamentary president Eduardo Cunha in an interview with Joesley Mendonça Batista, the chairman of the world's largest meat producer, JBS SA .
  • Brussels / Belgium : With a new regulation of the European Parliament and the European Council coming into force in 2018 to ensure the cross-border portability of online content services in the internal market, streaming subscriptions should be able to be used in the European Union. The approval is only valid for "temporary" stays abroad. As a control mechanism, streaming service providers can choose and specify whether customers have to provide the payment and tax data, postal and IP address of their EU country of residence, for example to use video-on-demand offers.
  • Saarbrücken / Germany : Almost two months after the state elections , the new Saarland state government under Prime Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) has started work. The Prime Minister was previously confirmed in office by 41 of 51 MPs.

Friday 19th May 2017

  • Buta / DR Congo : The World Health Organization (WHO) confirms three deaths in a renewed Ebola outbreak. There is a risk of a major Ebola epidemic in the Bas-Uele province .
  • New York / USA : Former US Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner committed before the US Federal Court for the Southern District of New York guilty of a 15-year-old girl for months messages via SMS to sent with brutal sex and rape fantasies. He also stated that he would not appeal against a prison sentence of up to 27 months.
  • Salamiyya / Syria : The terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) kills 52 people, including fighters close to the government, and injures 45 others in its offensive in the town of Aqarab al-Safiyeh and parts of the town of al-Mabouja.
  • Tehran / Iran : In the presidential election , President Hassan Rouhani will be re-elected with 57 percent. His challenger Ebrahim Raisi received 38.3 percent of the vote.
  • Vienna / Austria : The federal spokeswoman and club chairwoman of the Austrian Green Party , Eva Glawischnig , has resigned for personal reasons. Ingrid Felipe will be the new national spokeswoman , and Ulrike Lunacek will be the top candidate for the National Council election .
  • Milan / Italy A man attacks 2 soldiers and a police officer with a knife in front of Milan Central Station when they stopped him for a routine check. These are injured in the process. The perpetrator is being investigated for international terrorism.

Saturday 20th May 2017

Sunday May 21, 2017

Monday May 22, 2017

Tuesday May 23, 2017

  • Berlin / Germany : The Federal Ministry of Education and Research announces the winners of the competition to found the German Internet Institute . The consortium of the universities FU Berlin , HU Berlin , TU Berlin , UdK Berlin , University of Potsdam as well as the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems and the Berlin Science Center for Social Research (WZB) as coordinator have prevailed in a two-stage competitive process. Around 50 million euros are available for development over the next five years.
  • Kandahar / Afghanistan : According to the Defense Ministry, eight soldiers, seven civilians and a police officer as well as 10 attackers were killed in an attack by the Taliban on an outpost of the 205th Corps of the Afghan National Army in the Shah Wali Kot district north of Kandahar. In fighting in Ghazni province in Muqur district, 11 attackers and one police officer died, and in eastern Nangarhar province, Bati Kot district, four civilians were killed and 13 injured when caught in the crossfire between Afghan security forces and the Taliban. As recently as May 21, Taliban fighters killed 20 police officers in an attack in Zabul province .
  • Manila / Philippines : President Rodrigo Duterte imposed martial law on the southern Mindanao region for 60 days after around 100 followers of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist militia roamed the streets in Marawi City and saw a Catholic church, a prison, two schools and several other houses burned down. In the skirmishes between the security forces and the IS fighters, at least two soldiers and one police officer are killed and another twelve are injured.
  • Stuttgart / Germany : As part of the investigation against employees of the automotive group Daimler AG on suspicion of fraud and criminal advertising in connection with the manipulation of exhaust gas aftertreatment on diesel cars, 23 public prosecutors from the Stuttgart public prosecutor's office and around 230 emergency services from the Baden-Württemberg State Criminal Police Office , and the locally responsible police stations in the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Lower Saxony and Saxony, a total of 11 objects according to documents and data carriers relevant to evidence.
  • Frankfurt : Before the Landgericht Frankfurt the day trader has Armin S . filed a civil suit for EUR 152 million against the French bank BNP Paribas . Probably the highest demand that a civil person in Germany has ever made in court.

Wednesday May 24, 2017

Thursday May 25, 2017

Friday May 26, 2017

Logo of the G7 summit in Taormina
G7 summit participants

Saturday May 27, 2017

Sunday May 28, 2017

Diane Kruger

Monday 29th May 2017

Tuesday May 30, 2017

Manuela Schwesig

Wednesday May 31, 2017

See also

Web links

Rome in May 2017
Commons : May 2017  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. US budget dispute settled: No standstill - no money for the wall. Tagesschau , May 1, 2017, accessed May 1, 2017 .
  2. Jens König : Merkel in Saudi Arabia: speed dating with king and prince. In: Stern . May 1, 2017, accessed May 3, 2017 .
  3. Dozens of dead in suicide attacks on refugee camps in Syria. In: . May 2, 2017. Retrieved May 2, 2017 .
  4. Chinese take over Bosch subsidiary. In: Augsburger Allgemeine . May 2, 2017. Retrieved May 2, 2017 .
  6. ^ German-Russian talks: The big points of contention remain. In: Tagesschau . May 2, 2017. Retrieved May 2, 2017 .
  7. At least 26 miners buried in a mine accident in Iran. (No longer available online.) In: Donaukurier . May 3, 2017, formerly in the original ; Retrieved May 3, 2017 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  8. Deaths in an attack in Kabul: Attack on military convoy. In: Tagesschau . May 3, 2017. Retrieved May 3, 2017 .
  9. Government coalition in Algeria defends absolute majority. In: Deutsche Welle . May 5, 2017. Retrieved May 7, 2017 .
  10. Russia, Turkey and Iran agree on protection zones in Syria. In: Deutsche Welle . May 4, 2017. Retrieved May 7, 2017 .
  11. Amazon launches online supermarket in Berlin. In: . May 4, 2017. Retrieved May 4, 2017 .
  12. ^ Buckingham Palace: Prince Philip withdraws . In: The time . May 4, 2017, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed May 4, 2017]).
  13. ^ Tiroler Tageszeitung: Amadeus Awards: Old friends and everyone victorious . Article dated May 4, 2017, accessed March 5, 2020.
  14. USA now have their own Greece with worldwide consequences, accessed on May 4, 2017.
  15. Navy SEAL Killed, 2 SEALS Wounded in Somalia Gunfight. In: May 5, 2017, accessed May 7, 2017 .
  16. Comac C919 - China jet takes off on maiden flight. In: Spiegel Online. May 5, 2017. Retrieved May 22, 2017 .
  17. ^ At least 24 killed in northern Syria. In: The Australian . Retrieved February 7, 2017 .
  18. "Chibok Girls" - Boko Haram releases 82 kidnapped girls in Nigeria. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . Retrieved February 7, 2017 .
  19. ^ State elections: State of Schleswig-Holstein. In: Retrieved May 8, 2017 .
  20. ^ Afghan Taliban offensive drives thousands to flee. In: Deutsche Welle . Retrieved February 7, 2017 .
  21. ^ War in Syria: First rebel district in Damascus evacuated. In: Tagesschau . May 8, 2017. Retrieved May 21, 2017 .
  22. ^ Moon officially starts presidency. In: The Korea Times . May 10, 2017, accessed May 10, 2017 .
  23. Trump fires FBI boss Comey. Deutsche Welle , May 9, 2017, accessed on May 13, 2017 .
  24. Kosovo: No confidence overturns government in Prishtinë . In: The time . May 10, 2017, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed on May 10, 2017]).
  25. ^ South Korea: Liberal Moon sworn in as President . In: The time . May 10, 2017, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed on May 10, 2017]).
  26. ^ No-Spy-Pact between Switzerland and Germany. In: Deutsche Welle . May 11, 2017. Retrieved May 13, 2017 .
  27. Sven Böll: Bankruptcy of DB competitor Locomore - The lie of competition on the rails. In: Spiegel Online . May 12, 2017. Retrieved May 14, 2017 .
  28. Weak climate protection commitment at the Arctic Council. In: Deutsche Welle . May 11, 2017. Retrieved May 13, 2017 .
  29. ^ London Conference on Somalia 2017 - Communique. (PDF) In: May 11, 2017, accessed May 13, 2017 .
  30. London conference promises Somalia millions in aid. In: Deutsche Welle. May 11, 2017. Retrieved May 13, 2017 .
  31. More than 1,000 deaths from the meningitis epidemic in Nigeria. In: . Retrieved March 9, 2020 .
  32. ( Memento of the original from May 17, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  33. Solarworld application for insolvency is received by Bonn court. Bonner General-Anzeiger , May 12, 2017.
  34. Zika virus: Brazil lifts the state of emergency . In: The time . May 12, 2017, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed on May 12, 2017]).
  35. Brazil declares the Zika emergency over. Retrieved May 12, 2017 .
  36. Frank Nordhausen journalist Mesale Tolu: Turkey provoked to arrest new dispute. In: Frankfurter Rundschau . May 12, 2017. Retrieved May 12, 2017 .
  37. ^ Frank Nordhausen: United Internet - The new strong force on the mobile communications market. In: . May 12, 2017. Retrieved May 14, 2017 .
  38. Beijing summit on the "New Silk Road" opened. In: Deutsche Welle . May 12, 2017. Retrieved May 14, 2017 .
  39. Jens König : Merkel in Saudi Arabia: speed dating with king and prince. In: Deutsche Welle . May 13, 2017. Retrieved May 13, 2017 .
  40. At least 17 mummies discovered in Egypt. In: Deutsche Welle . May 13, 2017. Retrieved May 13, 2017 .
  41. Salzburg were crowned champions 1-0 over Rapid. In: . May 13, 2017. Retrieved May 13, 2017 .
  42. state election NRW 2017. In: . Retrieved February 2, 2017 .
  43. ^ North Korea fires missile 800 kilometers, challenging S. Korean leader. In: CTV . Retrieved February 14, 2017 .
  44. David Shukman: Open Sesame: Science center unveiled in Jordan. In: BBC News . May 16, 2017, accessed May 21, 2017 .
  45. Stefania Pandolfi: Pioneering SESAME light source officially opened. In: CERN . May 16, 2017, accessed May 21, 2017 .
  46. ^ Brazil: Supreme Court approves investigation against President Temer. In: Spiegel Online . May 18, 2017. Retrieved May 21, 2017 .
  47. Game of Thrones Unlimited: The way is clear for EU-wide streaming of paid content. In: Deutsche Welle . May 18, 2017. Retrieved May 23, 2017 .
  48. Kramp-Karrenbauer re-elected as Prime Minister. In: Zeit Online . May 17, 2017. Retrieved May 21, 2017 .
  49. WHO fears a major Ebola epidemic in the Congo. In: . May 19, 2017. Retrieved May 23, 2017 .
  50. Anthony Weiner pleads guilty - "Sexting" with a 15-year-old rocked US election campaign. In: Epoch Times . May 20, 2017. Retrieved May 21, 2017 .
  51. ^ ISIS attacks village near Aleppo. In: May 19, 2017. Retrieved May 21, 2017 .
  52. ^ Presidential election in Iran - incumbent Hassan Rohani wins. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . May 20, 2017. Retrieved May 21, 2017 .
  53. Green party leader: Eva Glawischnig: Resignation after a track record and crises. In: Tyrolean daily newspaper . May 19, 2017, accessed March 8, 2020 .
  54. Government against counter-government: More than 140 dead in Libya. In: May 20, 2017. Retrieved May 21, 2017 .
  55. More than 140 dead in attack on air force base. In: Münchner Merkur . May 20, 2017. Retrieved May 21, 2017 .
  56. Third Force retakes Brak Airbase in southern Libya. In: May 20, 2017, accessed May 21, 2017 .
  57. RTP: Francisco Guterres é o novo presidente de Timor-Leste , March 20, 2017 , accessed on March 19, 2017 (CET).
  59. ^ Raid in Kabul - Federal Foreign Office confirms death of German development worker. (No longer available online.) In: May 21, 2017, archived from the original on May 30, 2017 ; accessed on May 21, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  60. Afghanistan: Germans killed in Kabul / Police officers killed in southeast Afghanistan. In: May 21, 2017. Retrieved May 21, 2017 .
  61. Jump up ↑ Ice Hockey World Cup: Sweden duped the favorite. In: . Retrieved May 22, 2017 .
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  63. Pukguksong-2: How dangerous is Kim's rocket? In: . May 22, 2017. Retrieved May 22, 2017 .
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  67. China and Russia force Airbus competing project. In: Reuters. May 22, 2017. Retrieved May 22, 2017 .
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  69. ÖBB sell Hellö-Fernbus to German Flixbus. In: May 22, 2017. Retrieved May 22, 2017 .
  70. Press release: 051/2017 - The German Internet Institute is being built in Berlin. In: . May 23, 2017. Retrieved May 23, 2017 .
  71. Afghan attacks kill 8 soldiers, policeman, 7 civilians. In: Washington Post . May 23, 2017, accessed May 23, 2017 .
  72. Militant attack on Afghanistan army base kills 10 soldiers. In: newindianexpress. May 23, 2017, accessed May 23, 2017 .
  73. Duterte declares martial law on Mindanao region. In: May 23, 2017. Retrieved May 23, 2017 .
  74. Joint press release by the Stuttgart public prosecutor and the Baden-Württemberg State Criminal Police Office: Several searches in the proceedings against employees of Daimler AG. In: May 23, 2017. Retrieved May 23, 2017 .
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  77. Basel dismantles Sion and destroys the myth. In: . May 25, 2017. Retrieved May 26, 2017 .
  78. Bundesliga, relegation. In: Sport1 , May 24, 2017, accessed May 3, 2017 .
  79. ^ After attack on Christians: Egyptian army attacks terror camp. (No longer available online.) In: today , May 26, 2017, archived from the original on May 26, 2017 ; accessed on May 26, 2017 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  80. The pot goes into the pot: Dortmund wins the DFB-Pokal. In: . May 27, 2017. Retrieved May 28, 2017 .
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