List of Heads of State 1976

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◄◄1972197319741975List of Heads of State 1976  | 1977  | 1978  | 1979  | 1980  |  | ►►
Other events


  • Western Sahara (controversial; declared independence August 27, 1976)
    • Head of State:
      • Chairman of the Revolutionary Council al-Wali Mustafa Sayyid (February 29, 1976– June 9, 1976) (in exile)
      • Chairman of the Revolutionary Council Mahfoud Ali Beiba (June 10, 1976– August 30 , 1976) (acting) (1982–1985, 1988–1993, 1995–1999 Prime Minister) (in exile)
      • Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council Mohamed Abdelaziz (August 30, 1976-2016) (in exile)
    • Head of Government: Prime Minister Mohamed Lamine Ould Ahmed (March 5, 1976–1982, 1985–1988 ) (in exile)


North America

Central America

  • Cuba
    • Head of State:
    • Head of Government: Prime Minister Fidel Castro (1959–2008) (since December 3, 1976 President of the Council of Ministers)

South America


East, South and Southeast Asia

  • Maldives
    • Head of State and Government: President Ibrahim Nasir (1968–1978) (1957–1968 Prime Minister)

Middle East

Central Asia

Australia and Oceania

  • Nauru
    • Head of State and Government:



  1. a b The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are areas that are directly under the British Crown. They are not part of the UK.
  2. The Federal Council is the collective head of state in Switzerland. The Federal President has the role of primus inter pares