List of Roman Catholic Bishops for Spain

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The list of Roman Catholic Bishops for Spain includes all living bishops of Spain . It contains diocesan bishops and auxiliary bishops as well as curial bishops and apostolic nuncios . Also listed are emeritus bishops .

Bishops in the Spanish dioceses

Ecclesiastical province Diocese Office and title Surname Assumption of office Episcopal ordination photo Episcopal coat of arms Remarks
Barcelona Archdiocese of Barcelona Archbishop of Barcelona

Cardinal Priest of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme

Juan José Omella Omella 11/06/2015 09/22/1996 Card.  Omella (34385666133)
Coat of arms of Juan Jose Omella Omella.svg
07/15/1996 - 10/29/1999: Auxiliary Bishop in Saragossa , Titular Bishop of Sasabe

October 29, 1999 - April 8, 2004: Bishop of Barbastro-Monzón

08/24/2001 - 10/23/2003: Apostolic Administrator of Huesca

October 19, 2001 - October 23, 2003: Apostolic Administrator of Jaca

04/08/2004 - 11/06/2015: Bishop of Calahorra y La Calzada – Logroño

06/28/2017: Cardinal

03.03.2020: President of the Spanish Bishops' Conference

Auxiliary Bishop in Barcelona

Titular Bishop of Cenae

Sergi Gordo Rodríguez 06/19/2017 09.09.2017 Mons.  Gordo (38732479135)
Escudo de Sergi Gordo Rodríguez.svg
Auxiliary Bishop in Barcelona

Titular Bishop of Urci

Antoni Vadell Ferrer 06/19/2017 09.09.2017 Mons.  Vadell (27851562839)
Escudo de Antoni Vadell Ferrer.svg
Archbishop em. from Barcelona

Cardinal Priest of San Sebastiano all Catacombe

Lluís Martínez Sistach 06/15/2004 12/27/1987 Mons.  Martinez Sistach (30277911963)
Coat of arms of Lluis Martinez i Sistach.svg
11/06/1987 - 05/17/1991: Auxiliary Bishop in Barcelona, ​​Titular Bishop of Aliezira

May 17, 1991 - February 20, 1997: Bishop of Tortosa

February 20, 1997 - June 15, 2004: Archbishop of Tarragona

11/24/2007: Cardinal

11/06/2015: retirement

Diocese of Sant Feliu de Llobregat Bishop of Sant Feliu de Llobregat Agustín Cortés Soriano 06/15/2004 04/18/1998 Mons.  Cortés Soriano (34385665233)
Coat of arms of Agustin Cortes Soriano.svg
February 20th, 1998 - June 15th, 2004: Bishop of Ibiza
Diocese of Terrassa Bishop of Terrassa Josep Ángel Sáiz Meneses 06/15/2004 12/15/2001 Mons.  Saiz Meneses (34385662593)
Coat of arms of Jose Angel Saiz Meneses.svg
October 30, 2001 - June 15, 2004: Auxiliary Bishop in Barcelona, ​​Titular Bishop of Selemselae
Auxiliary Bishop in Terrassa

Titular Bishop of Aliezira

Salvador Cristau Coll 05/18/2010 06/26/2010 Mons.  Cristau Coll (34808608380)
Burgos Archdiocese of Burgos Archbishop of Burgos Fidel Herráez Vegas 10/30/2015 06/29/1996 Mons.  Herráez (34350657254)
Escudo de Fidel Herráez Vegas.svg
May 14, 1996 - October 30, 2015 Auxiliary Bishop in Madrid , Titular Bishop of Cediae
Archbishop em. from Burgos Francisco Gil Hellín 03/28/2003 06/01/1996 Mons.  Gil Hellin (30612837010)
Coat of arms of Francisco Gil Hellin, svg
04/03/1996 - 03/28/2002: Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family , Titular Bishop of Citium

October 30, 2015: Retirement

June 15, 2018 - January 16, 2019: Apostolic Administrator sede plena of Ciudad Rodrigo

Diocese of Bilbao Bishop of Bilbao Mario Iceta Gavicagogeascoa 08/24/2010 04/12/2008 Mons.  Iceta (34385664733)
Coat of arms of Mario Iceta Gavicagogeascoa.svg
05.02.2008 - 24.08.2010: auxiliary bishop in Bilbao, titular bishop of Álava
Auxiliary Bishop in Bilbao

Titular Bishop of Basti

Joseba Segura Etxezarraga 02/12/2019 04/06/2019 Mons.  Segura (32620877027)
Escudo de Joseba Segura.svg
Diocese of Osma-Soria Bishop of Osma-Soria Abilio Martínez Varea 05/01/2017 03/11/2017 Mons.  Martínez Varea (34475536850)
Coat of arms of Abilio Martínez Varea.svg
Diocese of Palencia Bishop of Palencia Manuel Herrero Fernández 04/26/2016 06/18/2016 Manuel Herrero Fernández (31116694081)
Escudo de Manuel Herrero Fernández.svg
Bishop em. from Palencia Nicolás Antonio Castellanos Franco 07/27/1978 09/30/1978 Mons. Castellanos (30963725786) September 4th, 1991: retirement
Diocese of Vitoria Bishop of Vitoria Juan Carlos Elizalde Espinal 01/08/2016 03/12/2016 Mons.  Elizalde (22800449618)
Coat of arms of Juan Carlos Elizalde Espinal.svg
Granada Archdiocese of Granada Archbishop of Granada Francisco Javier Martínez Fernández 03/15/2003 05/11/1985 Mons.  Martínez Fernández (30277912053)
Escudo de Francisco Javier Martínez Fernández.svg
03/20/1985 - 03/15/1996: Auxiliary Bishop in Madrid , Titular Bishop of Voli

03/15/1996 - 03/15/2003: Bishop of Córdoba

Diocese of Almería Bishop of Almeria Adolfo González Montes 04/15/2002 07/05/1997 Mons.  Gonzalez Montes (30279525684)
Coat of arms of Adolfo Gonzalez Montes, svg
May 26th, 1997 - April 15th, 2002: Bishop of Ávila
Diocese of Cartagena Bishop Cartagena José Manuel Lorca Planes 07/18/2009 03/06/2004 Mons.  Lorca Planes (30277912253)
Coat of arms of Jose Manuel Lorca Planes.svg
January 15, 2004 - July 18, 2009: Bishop of Teruel y Albarracín
Auxiliary Bishop in Cartagena

Titular Bishop of Valliposita

Sebastián Chico Martínez 02/20/2019 05/11/2019 Mons.  Chico (47510461892)
Escudo de Sebastián Chico.svg
Diocese of Guadix Bishop of Guadix Francisco Jesús Orozco Mengíbar 10/30/2018 December 22, 2018 Mons.  Orozco (40597517033)
Coat of arms of Francisco Jesús Orozco Mengíbar.svg
Diocese of Jaén Bishop of Jaén Amadeo Rodríguez Magro 04/09/2016 08/31/2003 Mons.  RodriguezMagroAmadeo (30913891265)
Escudo de Amadeo Rodríguez Magro.svg
07/03/2003 - 04/09/2016: Bishop of Plasencia
Bishop em. from Jaén Ramon del Hoyo López 05/19/2005 09/15/1996 Mons.  del Hoyo (30277913383)
Escudo de Ramón del Hoyo López.svg
06/26/1996 - 05/19/2005: Bishop of Cuenca

April 9th, 2016: retirement

Diocese of Malaga Bishop of Málaga Jesús Esteban Catalá Ibáñez 10/10/2008 05/11/1996 Mons.  Catalá (34808615650)
Escudo de Jesús Catalá Ibañéz.svg
03/25/1996 - 04/27/1999: Auxiliary Bishop in Valencia, Titular Bishop of Urusi

04/27/1999 - 10/10/2008: Bishop of Alcalá de Henares

Bishop em. from Málaga Ramón Buxarrais Ventura 04/13/1973 10/03/1971 Mons.  Buxarrais (31016976076) 08/16/1971 - 04/13/1973: Bishop of Zamora

11.09.1991: retirement

Madrid Archdiocese of Madrid Archbishop of Madrid

Cardinal priest of Santa Maria in Trastevere

Carlos Osoro Sierra 08/28/2014 02/22/1997 Mons.  Osoro (30877902606)
Coat of arms of Carlos Osoro Sierra, svg
December 27, 1996 - January 7, 2002: Bishop of Orense

01/07/2002 - 01/08/2009: Archbishop of Oviedo

09/23/2006 - 07/27/2007: Apostolic Administrator of Santander

January 8, 2009 - November 21, 2009: Apostolic Administrator of Oviedo

January 8, 2009 - August 28, 2014: Archbishop of Valencia

March 12, 2014 - March 14, 2017, since March 3, 2020: Vice-President of the Spanish Bishops' Conference

06/09/2016: Ordinary for the Believers of the Eastern Rites in Spain

November 19, 2016: Cardinal

Auxiliary Bishop in Madrid

Titular Bishop of Bigastro

Juan Antonio Martínez Camino 11/17/2007 01/19/2008 Mons.  Martinez Camino (30279524564)
Sello episcopal de Juan Antonio Martínez Camino.svg
06/18/2003 - 11/20/2013: General Secretary of the Spanish Bishops' Conference
Auxiliary Bishop in Madrid

Titular Bishop of Beatia

José Cobo Cano December 29, 2017 02/17/2018 Mons.  Cobo (45668871455)
Coat of arms of José Cobo Cano.svg
Auxiliary Bishop in Madrid

Titular Bishop of Horta

Santos Montoya Torres December 29, 2017 02/17/2018 Mons.  Montoya (45859341534)
Coat of arms of Santos Montoya Torres.svg
Auxiliary Bishop in Madrid

Titular Bishop of Elepla

Jesús Vidal Chamorro December 29, 2017 02/17/2018 Mons.  Vidal Chamorro (46674840311)
Coat of arms of Jesús Vidal Chamorro.svg
Archbishop em. from Madrid

Cardinal Priest of San Lorenzo in Damaso

Antonio María Rouco Varela 07/28/1994 10/31/1976 Mons.  Rouco Varela (30612834540)
Coat of arms of Antonio Maria Rouco Varela.svg
09/17/1976 - 05/09/1984: Auxiliary Bishop in Santiago de Compostela , Titular Bishop of Gergis

06/11/1983 - 05/09/1984: Apostolic Administrator of Santiago de Compostela

May 9, 1984 - July 28, 1994: Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela

02.03.1999 - 08.03.2005, 04.03.2008 - 12.03.2014: President of the Spanish Bishops' Conference

February 21, 1998: Cardinal

08/28/2014: retirement

Diocese of Alcalá de Henares Bishop of Alcalá de Henares Juan Antonio Reig Plà 07.03.2009 04/14/1996 Mons.  Reig Pla (35154812816)
Escudo de Juan Antonio Reig Pla.svg
02/22/1996 - 09/24/2005: Bishop of Segorbe – Castellón de la Plana

09/24/2005 - 03/07/2009: Bishop of Cartagena

Diocese of Getafe Bishop of Getafe Ginés Ramón García Beltrán 03/01/2018 02/27/2010 Mons.  García Beltran (30279526224)
Escudo de Ginés Ramón García Beltrán.svg
December 3rd, 2009 - January 3rd, 2018: Bishop of Guadix
Auxiliary Bishop in Getafe

Titular Bishop of Mentesa

José Rico Pavés 07/06/2012 09/21/2012 Mons.  Rico Paves (34350651384)
Coat of arms of Jose Rico Paves.svg
Bishop em. from Getafe Joaquin Maria López de Andújar October 29, 2004 05/06/2001 Mons.  López de Andújar (30612836400)
Coat of arms of Joaquin Maria Lopez de Andujar y Canovas del Castillo.svg
March 19, 2001 - October 29, 2004: Auxiliary Bishop in Getafe, Titular Bishop of Arcavica

03/01/2018: Retirement

Merida-Badajoz Archdiocese of Mérida-Badajoz Archbishop of Mérida-Badajoz Celso Morga Iruzubieta 05/21/2015 02/05/2011 Mons.  Morga (34350652174)
Escudo de Celso Morga Iruzubieta.svg
December 29, 2010 - October 8, 2014: Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy , Titular Archbishop of Alba Maritima

October 8, 2014 - May 21, 2015: Coadjutor of Mérida – Badajoz

Archbishop em. from Mérida-Badajoz Antonio Montero Moreno 07/28/1994 05/17/1969 Mons.  Montero (30913892155) Escudo de Antonio Montero Moreno 04/04/1969 - 03/05/1980: Auxiliary Bishop in Seville , Titular Bishop of Regiana

May 3rd, 1980 - July 28th, 1994: Bishop of Badajoz (with the elevation of the diocese to the Archdiocese of Mérida-Badajoz, Montero Moreno became Archbishop)

July 9, 2004 retirement

Diocese of Coria-Cáceres Bishop of Coria-Cáceres Sedis vacancy since December 27, 2019
Diocese of Plasencia Bishop of Plasencia José Luis Retana Gozalo 09.03.2017 06/24/2017 Mons.  Retana (34822114306)
Escudo de José Luis Retana Gozalo.svg
Oviedo Archdiocese of Oviedo Archbishop of Oviedo Jesús Sanz Montes 11/21/2009 12/14/2003 Mons.  Sanz Montes (34808605000)
Coat of arms of Jesus Sanz Montes.svg
October 23, 2002 - November 21, 2009: Bishop of Huesca , Bishop of Jaca

January 30, 2010 - December 30, 2010: Apostolic Administrator of Huesca, Apostolic Administrator of Jaca

Archbishop em. from Oviedo Gabino Díaz Merchán 08/04/1969 08/22/1965 Mons.  Diaz Merchán (30279526914) 08/22/1965 - 08/04/1969: Bishop of Guadix

1981–1987: President of the Spanish Bishops' Conference

January 7, 2002: retirement

Diocese of León Bishop of León Julián López Martín 03/19/2002 09/25/1994 Mons.  Lopez Martin (34350659004)
Coat of arms of Julián López Martín.svg
07/15/1994 - 03/19/2002: Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo
Diocese of Santander Bishop of Santander Manuel Sánchez Monge 05/06/2015 07/23/2005 Mons. Sanchez Monge (30825952471)
Coat of arms of Manuel Sanchez Monge, svg
06/06/2005 - 06/05/2015: Bishop of Mondoñedo – Ferrol
Astorga diocese Bishop of Astorga Jesús Fernández González June 8th, 2020 02/08/2014 Mons.  Jesús Fernández González (34808600970) 10.12.2013 - 08.06.2020 auxiliary bishop in Santiago de Compostela
Pamplona y Tudela Archdiocese of Pamplona y Tudela Archbishop of Pamplona y Tudela Francisco Pérez González 07/31/2007 01/06/1996 Mons.  Pérez González (34808598330)
Coat of arms of Francisco Perez Gonzalez, svg
December 16, 1995 - October 30, 2003: Bishop of Osma-Soria

October 30, 2003 - July 31, 2007: Archbishop for the Spanish Military Ordinary

Auxiliary Bishop in Pamplona y Tudela

Titular Bishop of Bisuldino

Juan Antonio Aznarez Cobo 06/09/2012 09/09/2012 Mons.  Aznárez (35195274115)
Escudo de Juan Antonio Aznárez Cobo.svg
Diocese of Calahorra y La Calzada-Logroño Bishop of Calahorra y La Calzada-Logroño Carlos Manuel Escribano Subías 05/13/2016 09/26/2010 Mons.  Escribano (30877904726)
Escudo de Carlos Escribano Subías.svg
07/20/2010 - 05/13/2016: Bishop of Teruel y Albarracín
Diocese of Jaca Bishop of Jaca Julián Ruiz Martorell 12/30/2010 05.03.2011 Mons.  Ruiz Martorell (35064666171)
Escudo de Julián Ruiz Martorell.svg
In persona episcopi also Bishop of Huesca (ecclesiastical province of Saragossa)
Diocese of San Sebastian Bishop of San Sebastian José Ignacio Munilla Aguirre 11/21/2009 09/10/2006 Mons. Munilla (30612833130)
Coat of arms of Jose Ignacio Munilla Aguirre.svg
06/24/2006 - 11/21/2009: Bishop of Palencia
Bishop em. from San Sebastián Juan María Uriarte Goiricelaya 13/01/2000 10/11/1976 Mons.  Uriarte (30612833770) 17.09.1976 - 1991.10.17: Auxiliary Bishop in Bilbao , Titular Bishop of Marazanæ

October 17, 1991 - January 13, 2000: Bishop of Zamora

November 21, 2009: retirement

Santiago de Compostela Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela Julián Barrio Barrio 01/05/1996 02/07/1993 Mons.  Barrio (34385668543)
Coat of arms of Julian Barrio Barrio.svg
December 31, 1992 - January 5, 1996: Auxiliary Bishop in Santiago de Compostela , Titular Bishop of Sasabe
Diocese of Lugo Bishop of Lugo Alfonso Carrasco Rouco 11/30/2007 02/09/2008 Mons.  Carrasco Rouco (30612838310)
Escudo del obispo Alfonso Carrasco.svg
Diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol Bishop of Mondoñedo-Ferrol Luis Ángel de las Heras Berzal March 16, 2016 07/05/2016 Mons.  de las Heras (22800443728)
Escudo de Luis Ángel de las Heras Berzal.svg
Diocese of Orense Bishop of Orense José Leonardo Lemos Montanet December 16, 2011 02/11/2012 Mons.  Lemos (34350654994)
Escudo del obispo Leonardo Lemos.svg
Diocese of Tui-Vigo Bishop of Tui-Vigo Luis Quinteiro Fiuza 01/28/2010 06/19/1999 Mons.  Quinteiro (30913891455)
Escudo del obispo Luis Quinteiro.svg
April 23, 1999 - August 3, 2002: Auxiliary Bishop Santiago de Compostela, Titular Bishop of Fuerteventura

August 3, 2002 - January 28, 2010:

Bishop of Orense

Bishop em. by Tui-Vigo José Diéguez Reboredo 06/07/1996 10/28/1984 Mons.  Dieguez Reboredo (30279526864) 09/01/1984 - 05/15/1987: Bishop of Osma – Soria

May 15, 1987 - June 7, 1996: Bishop of Orense

January 28, 2010: retirement

Zaragoza Archdiocese of Saragossa Archbishop of Saragossa Vicente Jiménez Zamora 12/12/2014 07/17/2004 Mons.  Jiménez Zamora (35029898002)
Coat of arms of Vicente Jiménez Zamora.svg
May 21, 2004 - July 27, 2007: Bishop of Osma-Soria

07/27/2007 - 12/12/2014: Bishop of Santander

Archbishop em. of Saragossa Manuel Ureña pastor 04/02/2005 09/11/1988 Mons.  Ureña (30612833880)
Coat of arms of Manuel Ureña Pastor.svg
07/08/1988 - 07/23/1991: Bishop of Ibiza

07/23/1991 - 07/01/1991: Bishop of Alcalá de Henares

07/01/1998 - 04/02/2005: Bishop of Cartagena

December 12, 2010: Retirement

Diocese of Barbastro-Monzón Bishop of Barbastro-Monzón Ángel Javier Pérez Pueyo December 27, 2014 02/22/2015 Mons.  Pérez Pueyo (34808600110)
Coat of arms of Angel Javier Perez Pueyo.svg
Bishop em. from Barbastro-Monzón Alfonso Milián Sorribas 11/11/2004 December 3, 2000 Mons.  Milián Sorribas (34385669693) November 9, 2000 - November 11, 2004:

Auxiliary Bishop in Saragossa, Titular Bishop of Diana

12/27/2014: retirement

Diocese of Huesca Bishop of Huesca Julián Ruiz Martorell 12/30/2010 05.03.2011 Mons.  Ruiz Martorell (35064666171)
Escudo de Julián Ruiz Martorell.svg
In persona episcopi also Bishop of Jaca (ecclesiastical province Pamplona y Tudela)
Diocese of Tarazona Bishop of Tarazona Eusebio Hernández Sola 01/29/2011 03/19/2011 Mons.  Hernández Sola (34808613740)
Coat of arms of Eusebio Hernandez Sola.svg
Diocese of Teruel y Albarracín Bishop of Teruel y Albarracín Antonio Gomez Cantero 11/17/2016 01/21/2017 Mons.  Gómez Cantero (34808616000)
Seville Archdiocese of Seville Archbishop of Seville Juan José Asenjo Pelegrina 05/11/2009 04/20/1997 Mons.  Asenjo Pelegrina (34350653834)
Coat of arms of Juan Jose Asenjo.svg
General Secretary of the Spanish Bishops' Conference 1998–2003
Archbishop em. from Seville

Cardinal priest of Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli

Carlos Amigo Vallejo 05/22/1982 04/28/1974 Card.  Amigo Vallejo (30279529854)
Coat of arms of Carlos Amigo Vallejo.svg
Cardinal October 21, 2003
Diocese of Cádiz y Ceuta Bishop of Cádiz y Ceuta Rafael Zornoza Boy 08/30/2011 02/05/2006 Mons.  Zornoza (30825953321)
Escudo de Rafael Zornoza Boy.svg
Bishop em. of Cádiz y Ceuta Antonio Ceballos Atienza 12/12/1993 03/25/1988 Mons.  Ceballos (30277913613)
Escudo de Antonio Ceballos Atienza.svg
em. August 30, 2011
Diocese of Islas Canarias Bishop of Islas Canarias José Mazuelos Pérez 06/06/2009 07/06/2020 Mons.  Mazuelos (30279524324) 19.03.2009 - 06.07.2020: Bishop of Jerez de la Frontera
Bishop em. from Islas Canarias Francisco Cases Andreu 11/26/2011 04/10/1994 Mons.  Cases (35064666701)
Coat of arms of Francisco Cases Andreu.svg
em. July 6, 2020
Diocese of Cordoba Bishop of Cordoba Demetrio Fernández González 02/18/2010 01/09/2005 Mons.  Demetrio Fernández González (34808601940)
Coat of arms of Demetrio Fernandez Gonzalez.svg
Diocese of Huelva Bishop of Huelva Santiago Gomez Sierra June 15, 2020 02/26/2011 Mons.  Gómez Sierra (34808603520) December 18, 2010 - June 15, 2020: Auxiliary Bishop in Seville, Titular Bishop of Vergi
Bishop em. from Huelva José Vilaplana Blasco 07/17/2006 December 27, 1984 Mons.  Vilaplana Blasco (30612833590)
Coat of arms of Jose Vilaplana Blasco.svg
em. June 15, 2020
Asidonia-Jerez diocese Bishop of Asidonia-Jerez Sedis vacancy
Diocese of San Cristóbal de La Laguna Bishop of San Cristóbal de La Laguna Bernardo Álvarez Afonso 06/29/2005 09/04/2005 Mons.  Álvarez Alfonso (34385664973)
Escudo de Bernardo Álvarez Afonso.svg
Bishop em. from San Cristóbal de La Laguna Damián Iguacén Borau 08/14/1984 10/11/1970 Mons.  Iguacen (30612836570) em. June 12, 1991
Tarragona Archdiocese of Tarragona Archbishop of Tarragona Joan Planellas i Barnosell 05/04/2019 06/08/2019 Roda de premsa de presentació de Joan Planellas com a nou arquebisbe de Tarragona 04 (cropped)
Coat of arms of Joan Planellas i Barnosell.svg
Archbishop em. from Tarragona Jaume Pujol Balcells 06/15/2004 09/19/2004 Mons.  Pujol (34350649844)
Coat of arms of Jaume Pujol Balcells.svg
em. 4th May 2019
Diocese of Girona Bishop of Girona Francesc Pardo i Artigas 07/16/2008 10/10/2008 Mons.  Pardo (34385666303)
Coat of arms of Francisco Pardo Artigas, svg
Bishop em. from Girona Carles Soler Perdigó 10/30/2001 09/22/1991 Mons.  Soler Perdigo (30913890795) em. July 16, 2008
Diocese of Lleida Bishop of Lleida Salvador Giménez Valls 07/28/2015 07/02/2005 Mons.  Giménez Valls (34808602790)
Coat of arms of Salvador Gimenez Valls.svg
Bishop em. from Lleida Juan Piris Frígola 07/16/2008 04/28/2001 Mons.  Piris (35064667551)
Escudo de Juan Piris Fígola.svg
em. July 28, 2015
Bishop em. from Lleida Francesc-Xavier Ciuraneta Aymí 10/29/1999 09/14/1991 Mons.  Ciuraneta (30277913443)
Escudo de Francesc Xavier Ciuraneta Aymí.svg
em. March 8, 2007
Bishopric of Solsona Bishop of Solsona Xavier Novell i Gomà 03/11/2010 12/12/2010 Bisbe Novell (35154805786)
Coat of arms of Xavier Novell i Gomà.svg
Diocese of Tortosa Bishop of Tortosa Enrique Benavent Vidal 05/17/2013 01/08/2005 Mons.  Benavent (34808614160)
Coat of arms of Enrique Benavent Vidal.svg
Urgell diocese Bishop of Urgell

Archbishop ad personam

Joan Enric Vives i Sicília 05/12/2003 09/05/1993 Mons.  Vives (30612833490)
Coat of arms of Joan Enric Vives i Sicília.svg
Coadjutor of Urgell June 25, 2001 - May 12, 2003

Archbishop ad person on March 19, 2010

Co-Prince of Andorra since 2003

Diocese of Vic Bishop of Vic Román Casanova Casanova 06/13/2003 09/14/2003 Mons.  Casanova (35195271335)
Coat of arms of Roman Casanova Casanova.svg
Toledo Archdiocese of Toledo Archbishop of Toledo Francisco Cerro Chaves December 27, 2019 09/02/2007 Mons.  Cerro Chaves (34808602300)
Escudo de Francisco Cerro Chaves.svg
June 21, 2007 to December 27, 2019 Bishop of Coria – Cáceres
Archbishop em. from Toledo Braulio Rodríguez Plaza 04/16/2009 December 20, 1987 Mons.  Rodríguez Plaza (34385664723)
Coat of arms of Braulio Rodriguez Plaza.svg
Archbishop em. from Toledo

Cardinal Priest of Santa Maria Regina Pacis a Monte Verde

Francisco Álvarez Martínez 06/23/1995 06/03/1973 Card.  Alvarez Martinez (30913897465)
Coat of arms of Francisco Alvarez Martinez.svg
Cardinal February 21, 2001

em. October 24, 2002

Auxiliary bishop em. in Toledo

Titular Bishop of Rubicon

Joaquín Carmelo Borobia Isasa 10/21/2004 06/09/1990 Mons. Borobia (30825953111)
Escudo de Carmelo Borobia Isasa.svg
em. 3rd December 2012
Diocese of Albacete Bishop of Albacete Ángel Fernández Collado 09/25/2018 09/15/2013 Mons.  Fernández Collado (34808614950)
Escudo de Ángel Fernández Collado.svg
Bishop em. from Albacete Ciriaco Benavente Mateos 10/16/2006 03/22/1992 Mons.  Benavente Mateos (34385664323)
Coat of arms of Ciriaco Benavente Mateos.svg
em. 25th September 2018
Diocese of Ciudad Real Bishop of Ciudad Real Gerardo Melgar Viciosa 04/08/2016 07/06/2008 Mons.  Melgar Viciosa (34385668753)
Coat of arms of Gerardo Melgar Viciosa (Ciudad Real) .svg
Bishop em. by Ciudad Real Antonio Ángel Algora Hernando 03/20/2003 29.09.1985 Mons.  Algora (30913897755) em. April 8, 2016
Diocese of Cuenca Bishop of Cuenca José María Yanguas Sanz 12/23/2005 02/25/2006 Mons.  Yanguas (30612833370)
Coat of arms of Jose Maria Yanguas Sanz.svg
Diocese of Sigüenza-Guadalajara Bishop of Sigüenza-Guadalajara Atilano Rodríguez Martínez 02/02/2011 02/18/1996 Mons.  Rodríguez Martínez (34350650174)
Escudo de Atilano Rodríguez Martínez.svg
Bishop em. from Sigüenza-Guadalajara José Sánchez González 09/11/1991 March 19, 1980 Mons. Sanchez González (35154806806) em. February 2, 2011

General Secretary of the Spanish Bishops' Conference 1993–1998

Valencia Archdiocese of Valencia Archbishop of Valencia

Cardinal Priest of San Pancrazio

Antonio Cardinal Cañizares Llovera 08/28/2014 04/25/1992 Card.  Canizares (30279529724)
Coat of arms of Antonio Cañizares Llovera.svg
Cardinal March 24, 2006

Vice-President of the Spanish Bishops' Conference 2005-2008 and since 2017

Auxiliary Bishop in Valencia

Titular Bishop of Diano

Esteban Escudero Torres 05/07/2015 13/01/2001 Mons.  Escudero Torres (34350656064)
Coat of arms of Esteban Escudero Torres.svg
previously Bishop of Palencia (2010-2015)
Auxiliary Bishop in Valencia

Titular Bishop of Ursona

Arturo Pablo Ros Murgadas 06/27/2016 09/03/2016 Mons.  Ros (34808605680)
Escudo de Arturo Ros Murgadas.svg
Auxiliary Bishop in Valencia

Titular Bishop of Monterano

Javier Salinas Viñals 09/08/2016 09/06/1992 Mons.  Salinas Viñals (34385663423)
Coat of arms of Javier Salinas Viñals.svg
previously Bishop of Ibiza (1992–1997), Tortosa (1997–2012) and Mallorca (2012–2016)
Auxiliary Bishop in Valencia

Titular Bishop of Armentia

Vicente Juan Segura January 18, 2020 05/14/2005 Mons.  Vicente Juan Segura (34808601490)
Coat of arms of Vicente Juan Segura.svg
previously Bishop of Ibiza (2005–2020)
Diocese of Ibiza Bishop of Ibiza vacant
Diocese of Mallorca Bishop of Mallorca Sebastià Taltavull i Anglada 09/19/2017 03/21/2009 Mons.  Taltavull (34808601200)
Escudo de Sebastián Taltavull Anglada como obispo de Mallorca.svg
Diocese of Menorca Bishop of Menorca Francisco Simón Conesa Ferrer 10/27/2016 07/01/2017 Mons.  Conesa (34808613980)
Coat of arms of Francisco Simón Conesa Ferrer.svg
Orihuela-Alicante diocese Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante Jesús Murgui Soriano 07/27/2012 05/11/1996 Mons.  Murgui (35195271525)
Coat of arms of Jesus Murgui Soriano.svg
Bishop em. from Orihuela-Alicante Rafael Palmero Ramos 11/26/2005 01/24/1988 Mons.  Palmero (35064668601)
Escudo de Rafael Palmero Ramos.svg
em. July 27, 2012
Bishop em. from Orihuela-Alicante Victorio Oliver Domingo 02/22/1996 October 12, 1972 Mons.  Oliver (30877902746)
Escudo de Victorio Oliver Domingo.svg
em. November 26, 2005
Segorbe-Castellón de la Plana diocese Bishop of Segorbe-Castellón de la Plana Casimiro López Llorente 04/25/2006 03/25/2001 Mons.  Lopez Llorente (30277912283)
Coat of arms of Casimiro López Llorente.svg
Valladolid Archdiocese of Valladolid Archbishop of Valladolid

Cardinal priest of Santa Maria in Vallicella

Ricardo Cardinal Blázquez Pérez 03/13/2010 05/29/1988 Card.  Blázquez (34808616450)
Coat of arms of Ricardo Blazquez Perez.svg
Cardinal February 14, 2015

President of the Spanish Bishops' Conference 2005–2008 and 2014–2020

Vice-President of the Spanish Bishops' Conference 2008–2014

Auxiliary Bishop in Valladolid

Titular Bishop of Ipagro

Luis Javier Argüello García 04/14/2016 06/03/2016 Mons.  Argüello (35064663821) General Secretary of the Spanish Bishops' Conference since 2018
Diocese of Avila Bishop of Avila José María Gil Tamayo 11/06/2018 December 15, 2018 Mons.  Gil Tamayo (44765356350)
Coat of arms of José María Gil Tamayo.svg
General Secretary of the Spanish Bishops' Conference 2013–2018
Bishop em. from Ávila Jesús García Burillo 01/09/2003 09/19/1998 Mons.  García Burillo (30279526204)
Coat of arms of Jesus Garcia Burillo.svg
em. November 6, 2018

since January 16, 2019 Apostolic Administrator of Ciudad Rodrigo

Diocese of Ciudad Rodrigo Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo Sedis vacancy since January 16, 2019
Apostolic Administrator of Ciudad Rodrigo Jesús García Burillo January 16, 2019 09/19/1998 Mons.  García Burillo (30279526204)
Coat of arms of Jesus Garcia Burillo.svg
Bishop em. Ciudad Rodrigo Cecilio Raúl Berzosa Martínez 02/02/2011 05/14/2005 Mons.  Berzosa (30279528504)
Escudo de Raúl Berzosa Martínez.svg
em. 16th January 2019
Diocese of Salamanca Bishop of Salamanca Carlos López Hernández 01/09/2003 05/15/1994 Mons.  López Hernández (30279524894)
Diocese of Segovia Bishop of Segovia César Augusto Franco Martínez 11/12/2014 06/29/1996 Mons.  Franco Martínez (35064666661)
Escudo de César Augusto Franco Martínez.svg
Bishop em. from Segovia Ángel Rubio Castro 03/11/2007 12/12/2004 Mons.  Rubio (30877902316) em. November 12, 2014
Diocese of Zamora Bishop of Zamora Sedis vacancy since September 20, 2019
Immediate Spanish military ordinariate Archbishop for the Spanish Military Ordinary Juan del Río Martín 06/30/2008 23.09.2000 Mons.  del Río (34808610090)
Coat of arms of Juan del Rio Martin, svg

Spanish Curia Bishops

Office and title Surname Assumption of office Episcopal ordination Remarks
Cardinal priest pro hac vice of Santissimo Nome di Gesù Eduardo Martínez Somalo retired December 13, 1975 Retired April 4, 2007

Camerlengo 1993-2007

Cardinal priest of Santissimo Nome di Gesù January 9, 1999

Cardinal Protodiacon 1996-1999

Cardinal Deacon of Santissimo Nome di Gesù June 28, 1988

Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life 1992–2004

Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments 1988–1992

Cardinal priest pro hac vice of San Eugenio Julián Herranz Casado retired 01/06/1991 Cardinal priest pro hac vice of San Eugenio June 12, 2014

Cardinal Deacon of San Eugenio October 21, 2003

President of the Pontifical Council for Laws 1994-2007

Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Laws 1983–1994

Cardinal Deacon of San Ponziano Santos Abril y Castelló retired 06/16/1985 retired December 28, 2016

Cardinal February 18, 2012

Archpriest of the Patriarchal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore 2011–2016

Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Cardinal Deacon of Sant'Ignazio di Loyola in Campo Marzio

Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer 07/01/2017 07/26/2008 Cardinal June 28, 2018

Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 2008–2017

President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue

Cardinal Deacon of San Girolamo della Carità

Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot 05/25/2019 03/19/2016 Cardinal October 5, 2019

Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue 2012–2019

Titular Archbishop of Vannida Felix del Blanco Prieto retired 07/06/1991 retired November 3rd, 2012

Papal almsmen 2007–2012

Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

Titular Archbishop of Bellicastrum

José Rodríguez Carballo 04/06/2013 05/18/2013 Minister General of the Franciscans (OFM) 2003–2013
Titular Bishop of Aufinium José Luis Redrado Marchite retired 01/06/1999 retired March 19, 2011

Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care 1986–2011

Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legal Texts

Titular Bishop of Civitate

Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru 02/15/2007 05/01/2008
Titular Bishop of Thapsus Ignacio Carrasco de Paula retired 10/09/2010 retired August 15, 2016

President of the Pontifical Academy for Life 2010–2016

Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy for Life 2005–2010

Generalsekretä r of Governatorate the Vatican

Titular Bishop of Villamagna in Proconsulari

Fernando Vérgez Alzaga 08/30/2013 11/15/2013 since 2008 Director of the Telecommunications and Information Systems Office of the Vatican City Governorate

Apostolic Nuncio

Office and title


Assumption of office Episcopal ordination Remarks
Titular Archbishop of Macri Pablo Puente Buces retired May 25, 1980 em. October 23, 2004

lastly Apostolic Nuncio in Great Britain

Titular Archbishop of Sarda Ramiro Moliner Inglés retired 02/22/1993 em. September 1, 2016

lastly Apostolic Nuncio in Albania

Titular Archbishop of Penafiel Francisco-Javier Lozano Sebastián retired 07/25/1994 em. 5th December 2015

most recently apostolic nuncio in Romania and Moldova

Apostolic Nuncio in Austria

Titular Archbishop of Acropolis

Pedro López Quintana 04.03.2019 01/06/2003
Apostolic Nuncio in Ecuador

Titular Archbishop of Elo

Andrés Carrascosa Coso 06/22/2017 07/10/2004
Apostolic Nuncio in Romania
Apostolic Nuncio in Moldova

Titular Archbishop of Italica

Miguel Maury Buendía 05.12.2015
Apostolic Nuncio in Chile

Titular Archbishop of Midila

Alberto Ortega Martín 07.10.2019 10/10/2015
Apostolic Nuncio in the Central African Republic
Apostolic Nuncio in Chad

Titular Archbishop of Gabala

Santiago de Wit Guzmán 21.03.2017
Apostolic Nuncio in Sudan and Eritrea

Titular Archbishop pro hac vice of Nasai

Luís Miguel Muñoz Cárdaba March 31, 2020 (appointed)