Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize

portrait of Christoph Bernhard Francke , around 1700; Duke Anton Ulrich Museum , Braunschweig
The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize , actually a sponsorship prize for German scientists in the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Program of the German Research Foundation , or Leibniz Prize for short , is named after the scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716). It has been awarded annually since 1986 by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to scientists working in Germany from various fields of science.
The prize is endowed with up to 2.5 million euros (1.55 million euros until 2006) per winner. The prize money can be used for research work for up to seven years (five years up to 2006) according to the winners' ideas without any bureaucratic effort. The award was initiated by the President of the German Research Foundation, Eugen Seibold .
The intention behind the award is to
"To improve the working conditions of outstanding top researchers and to expand their research opportunities, to relieve them of administrative workload and to make it easier for them to employ particularly qualified young scientists."
Up to and including 2022, a total of 398 Leibniz Prizes, some of which were shared, had been awarded. The natural sciences were funded 127 times , the life sciences 115 times , the social and human sciences 95 times and the engineering sciences 61 times . 425 nominees received the award, including 358 scientists and 67 women scientists.
In order to promote the idea of open access , the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek activated a Leibniz Publik portal on behalf of the German Research Foundation in September 2011 with full texts (books and articles) by many award winners that are freely accessible online.
Award winners
1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990
- Géza Alföldy - Ancient History ( Heidelberg University )
- Dietrich Dörner - Psychology ( University of Bamberg )
- Jürgen Habermas - Philosophy ( University of Frankfurt )
- Otto Ludwig Lange and Ulrich Heber - Ecology and Biochemistry ( University of Würzburg )
- Hartmut Michel - Biochemistry ( MPI for Biochemistry, Martinsried )
- Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard and Herbert Jäckle - Biology ( MPI for Developmental Biology , Tübingen )
- Peter R. Sahm - Foundry ( RWTH Aachen )
- Fritz Peter Schäfer - Laser Physics ( MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen )
- Frank Steglich - Solid State Physics ( Technical University Darmstadt )
- Albert H. Walenta - Experimental Physics ( University of Siegen )
- Julius Wess - Theoretical Physics ( University of Karlsruhe )
- Gerhard Abstreiter - Semiconductor Physics ( Technical University of Munich )
- Knut Borchardt - Economic History / Economics ( University of Munich )
- Nils Claussen - Ceramic Materials ( Technical University Hamburg-Harburg )
- Bernd Giese - Organic Chemistry ( Technical University Darmstadt )
- Wolfgang A. Herrmann and Hubert Schmidbaur - Inorganic Chemistry ( Technical University of Munich )
- Günter Hotz , Kurt Mehlhorn and Wolfgang Paul - Computer Science ( Saarland University )
- Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann - Biophysical Chemistry ( MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen )
- Friedrich Seifert - Mineralogy ( University of Bayreuth )
- Rudolf Thauer the Younger - Biochemical Microbiology ( University of Marburg )
- Hans-Peter Zenner - Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine / Cell Biology ( University of Würzburg )
- Karl Joachim Ebeling - High Frequency Technology ( Technical University of Braunschweig )
- Lothar Gall - Modern History ( University of Frankfurt )
- Günter Harder - Mathematics ( University of Bonn )
- Walter Haug and Burghart Wachinger - Older German Literature Studies ( University of Tübingen )
- Werner Hildenbrand - Economics ( University of Bonn )
- Ingo Müller - Theoretical Physics ( Technical University Berlin )
- Herbert W. Roesky and George Michael Sheldrick - Inorganic Chemistry ( University of Göttingen )
- Wolfram Saenger and Volker Erdmann - Biochemistry ( Free University of Berlin )
- Günther Schütz - Molecular Biology ( German Cancer Research Center , Heidelberg)
- Hans Wolfgang Spiess - Physical Chemistry ( MPI for Polymer Research, Mainz )
- Karl Stetter - Microbiology ( University of Regensburg )
- Thomas Weiland - High Energy Physics ( German Electron Synchrotron , Hamburg)
- Heinrich Betz - Neurobiology ( Heidelberg University )
- Claus-Wilhelm Canaris - Civil Law ( University of Munich )
- Herbert Gleiter - Materials Science ( Saarbrücken University )
- Theodor Hänsch - Laser Physics ( University of Munich and MPI for Quantum Optics, Garching )
- Joachim Milberg - Manufacturing Technology ( Technical University of Munich )
- Jürgen Mittelstraß - Philosophy ( University of Konstanz )
- Sigrid Peyerimhoff - Theoretical Chemistry ( University of Bonn )
- Manfred T. Reetz - Organic Chemistry ( University of Marburg )
- Michael Sarnthein and Jörn Thiede - Marine Geology ( University of Kiel and Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Kiel )
- Reinhard Stock - Experimental Nuclear Physics ( University of Frankfurt )
- Wolfgang Stremmel - Internal Medicine ( University of Düsseldorf )
- Reinhard Genzel - Astrophysics ( MPI for Physics and Astrophysics, Garching )
- Rainer Greger - Physiology ( University of Freiburg )
- Ingrid Grummt - Molecular Biology ( University of Würzburg )
- Martin Jansen and Arndt Simon - Inorganic Chemistry ( University of Bonn and MPI for Solid State Research, Stuttgart )
- Bert Hölldobler - Zoology ( University of Würzburg )
- Konrad Kleinknecht - Experimental Physics ( University of Mainz )
- Norbert Peters - Combustion Research ( RWTH Aachen )
- Helmut Schwarz - Organic Chemistry ( Technical University Berlin )
- Dieter Stöffler - Planetology ( University of Münster )
- Richard Wagner - Materials Physics ( GKSS Research Center , Geesthacht)
1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000
- Gerhard Ertl - Physical Chemistry ( Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin )
- Dieter Fenske and Michael Veith - Inorganic Chemistry ( University of Karlsruhe and University of Saarbrücken )
- Ernst O. Göbel - Solid State Physics ( University of Marburg )
- Dieter Häussinger - Internal Medicine ( University of Freiburg )
- Karl-Heinz Hoffmann - (Applied) Mathematics ( University of Augsburg )
- Randolf Menzel - Zoology / Neurobiology ( Free University Berlin )
- Rolf Müller - Biochemistry / Molecular Biology ( University of Marburg )
- Hermann Riedel - Mechanics of Materials ( Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials , Freiburg)
- Hans-Ulrich Schmincke - Mineralogy / Volcanology ( Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Kiel )
- Michael Stolleis - Legal History ( University of Frankfurt )
- Martin Warnke - Art History ( University of Hamburg )
- Georg W. Bornkamm - Virology ( Society for Radiation Research, Munich )
- Christopher Deninger , Michael Rapoport , Peter Schneider and Thomas Zink - Mathematics ( University of Münster , University of Wuppertal , University of Cologne and University of Bielefeld )
- Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit - Japanese Studies ( Free University Berlin )
- Jürgen Kocka - Social History ( Free University Berlin )
- Joachim Menz - Markscheidewesen ( Technical University Freiberg )
- Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide and Burkhard Monien - Computer Science ( University of Paderborn )
- Jürgen Mlynek - Experimental Physics ( University of Konstanz )
- Svante Pääbo - Molecular Biology ( University of Munich )
- Wolfgang Raible - Romance Studies ( University of Freiburg )
- Hans-Georg Rammenee - Immunology (Interfaculty Institute for Cell Biology, University of Tübingen )
- Jan Veizer - Sedimentary Geochemistry ( University of Bochum )
- Christian von Bar - International Private Law ( University of Osnabrück )
- Johannes Buchmann and Claus-Peter Schnorr - Theoretical Computer Science ( Saarbrücken University and Frankfurt University )
- Dieter Enders - Organic Chemistry ( RWTH Aachen University )
- Gunter Fischer - Biochemistry ( University of Halle-Wittenberg )
- Michael Frotscher - Neuroanatomy ( University of Freiburg )
- Jürgen Jost - Mathematics ( University of Bochum )
- Regine Kahmann - Molecular Genetics ( University of Munich )
- Wolfgang Krätschmer - Nuclear Physics ( MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg )
- Klaus Petermann - High Frequency Technology ( Technical University Berlin )
- Wolfgang Prinz - Psychology ( MPI for Psychological Research, Munich )
- Rudolf G. Wagner - Sinology ( Heidelberg University )
- Jürgen Warnatz - Technical Combustion ( University of Stuttgart )
- Gisela Anton - Experimental Physics ( University of Bonn )
- Manfred Broy and Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog - Computer Science ( Technical University of Munich and University of Oldenburg )
- Ulrich Christensen - Geophysics ( University of Göttingen )
- Ulf Eysel - Neurophysiology ( University of Bochum )
- Theo Geisel - Theoretical Physics ( University of Frankfurt )
- Peter Gruss - Cell Biology ( MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen )
- Wolfgang Hackbusch - Numerical Mathematics ( University of Kiel )
- Adrienne Héritier and Helmut Willke - Sociology / Political Science ( Bielefeld University )
- Stefan Jentsch - Molecular Biology ( Heidelberg University )
- Glenn W. Most - Classical Philology ( Heidelberg University )
- Johann Mulzer - Organic Chemistry ( Free University Berlin )
- Peter Schäfer - Jewish Studies ( Free University Berlin )
- Siegfried Bethke - Elementary Particle Physics ( RWTH Aachen University )
- Niels Birbaumer - Psychophysiology ( University of Tübingen )
- Hans-Joachim Freund - Physical Chemistry ( University of Bochum )
- Martin Grötschel - Applied Mathematics ( Technical University Berlin )
- Axel Haverich - Surgery ( University of Kiel )
- Gerhard Hirzinger - Robotics ( German Aerospace Center , Oberpfaffenhofen)
- Thomas Jentsch - Biochemistry ( University of Hamburg )
- Gerd Jürgens - Molecular Plant Development ( University of Tübingen )
- Wolfgang Schleich - Quantum Optics ( Ulm University )
- Manfred G. Schmidt - Political Science ( Heidelberg University )
- Thomas Schweizer (†) - Ethnology ( University of Cologne )
- Elmar Weiler - Plant Physiology ( University of Bochum )
- Emo Welzl - Computer Science ( Free University Berlin )
- Eduard Arzt - Metallkunde ( University of Stuttgart and MPI for Metals Research, Stuttgart )
- Hans Werner Diehl - Theoretical Physics ( University of Essen )
- Gerd Faltings - Mathematics ( MPI for Mathematics, Bonn )
- Ulf-Ingo Flügge - Biochemistry of Plants, ( University of Cologne )
- Wolfgang Klein - Linguistics ( MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen )
- Dieter Langewiesche - Modern History ( University of Tübingen )
- Reinhard Lührmann - Molecular Biology ( University of Marburg )
- Joachim Reitner - Paleontology ( University of Göttingen )
- Michael Reth - Immunology ( MPI for Immunobiology, Freiburg )
- Wolfgang Schnick - Solid State Chemistry ( University of Bayreuth )
- Winfried Schulze - History of the Early Modern Age ( University of Munich )
- Reinhard Zimmermann - Legal History and Civil Law ( University of Regensburg )
- Thomas Boehm - Molecular Developmental Biology ( German Cancer Research Center , Heidelberg)
- Wolfgang Ertmer - Experimental Physics ( University of Hanover )
- Angela D. Friederici - Neuropsychology ( MPI for Neuropsychological Research, Leipzig )
- Georg Fuchs - Microbiology ( University of Freiburg )
- Jean Karen Gregory - Materials Science ( Technical University of Munich )
- Andreas Kablitz - Romance Philology / Italian Studies ( University of Cologne )
- Matthias Kleiner - Forming Technology ( Technical University Cottbus )
- Paul Knochel - Organometallic Chemistry ( University of Marburg )
- Elisabeth Knust - Developmental Genetics ( University of Düsseldorf )
- Stephan W. Koch - Theoretical Physics ( University of Marburg )
- Christian F. Lehner - Molecular Genetics ( University of Bayreuth )
- Stefan Maul - Ancient Near Eastern Studies ( Heidelberg University )
- Ernst Mayr - Theoretical Computer Science ( Technical University of Munich )
- Gerhard Wörner - Mineralogy / Geochemistry ( University of Göttingen )
- Heinz Breer - Zoology ( University of Hohenheim )
- Nikolaus P. Ernsting and Klaus Rademann - Physical Chemistry ( Humboldt University Berlin )
- Hans-Jörg Fecht - Metallic Materials ( Ulm University )
- Ute Frevert - Modern History ( Bielefeld University )
- Wolf-Bernd Frommer - Molecular Plant Physiology ( University of Tübingen )
- Christian Griesinger - Organic Chemistry ( University of Frankfurt )
- Regine Hengge (as Regine Hengge-Aronis) - Microbiology ( University of Konstanz )
- Volker Mosbrugger - Paleontology ( University of Tübingen )
- Onno Oncken - Geology ( GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam and Free University Berlin )
- Hermann Parzinger - Prehistory and Early History of Eastern Europe ( German Archaeological Institute , Berlin)
- Ingo Rehberg - Experimental Physics ( University of Magdeburg )
- Dietmar Vestweber - Cell Biology / Biochemistry ( University of Münster )
- Annette Zippelius - Statistical Physics ( University of Göttingen )
- Ekkard Brinksmeier - Production Technology ( University of Bremen )
- Bernd Bukau - Cell Biology ( University of Freiburg )
- Joachim Cuntz - Mathematics ( University of Münster )
- Alois Fürstner - Organometallic Chemistry ( MPI for Coal Research, Mülheim an der Ruhr )
- Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - Protestant Theology ( University of Augsburg )
- Ulrich Herbert - Modern and Contemporary History ( University of Freiburg )
- Martin Johannes Lohse - Pharmacology ( University of Würzburg )
- Hans-Christian Pape - Neurophysiology ( University of Magdeburg )
- Joachim Ullrich - Experimental Physics ( University of Freiburg )
- Klaus Fiedler - Cognitive Social Psychology ( Heidelberg University )
- Peter Greil - Materials Science ( University of Erlangen-Nürnberg )
- Matthias W. Hentze - Molecular Biology ( European Molecular Biology Laboratory , Heidelberg)
- Peter M. Herzig - Geochemistry and Mineral Resources ( Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg )
- Reinhard Jahn - Cell Biology ( MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen )
- Aditi Lahiri - General Linguistics ( University of Konstanz )
- Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff - Public Law ( Bielefeld University )
- Dieter Lüst - Theoretical Physics ( Humboldt University Berlin )
- Stefan Müller - Mathematics ( MPI for Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, Leipzig )
- Manfred Pinkal - Computational Linguistics ( Saarbrücken University )
- Ilme Schlichting - Biophysics ( MPI for Molecular Physiology, Dortmund )
- Friedrich Temps and Hans-Joachim Werner - Physical Chemistry ( University of Kiel ) and Theoretical Chemistry ( University of Stuttgart )
- Martin Wegener - Solid State Physics ( University of Karlsruhe )
2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
- Jochen Feldmann - Optoelectronic Components ( University of Munich )
- Eduard Christian Hurt - Molecular Biology ( Heidelberg University )
- Hans Keppler - Mineralogy ( University of Tübingen )
- Arthur Konnerth - Neurophysiology ( University of Munich )
- Ulrich Konrad - Musicology ( University of Würzburg )
- Martin Krönke - Immunology / Cell Biology ( University of Cologne )
- Joachim Küpper - Romance Studies in Literature ( Free University of Berlin )
- Christoph Markschies - Protestant Theology / Church History ( Heidelberg University )
- Wolfgang Marquardt - Process Engineering ( RWTH Aachen University )
- Helge Ritter - Computer Science ( Bielefeld University )
- Günter M. Ziegler - Mathematics ( Technical University Berlin )
- Carmen Birchmeier-Kohler - Molecular Biology ( Max Delbrück Center, Berlin-Buch )
- Wolfgang Dahmen - Mathematics ( RWTH Aachen )
- Wolf-Christian Dullo - Paleoceanography ( Research Center IfM-GEOMAR Kiel )
- Bruno Eckhardt - Theoretical Physics ( University of Marburg )
- Michael Famulok - Biochemistry ( University of Bonn )
- Christian Haass - Pathobiochemistry ( University of Munich )
- Franz-Ulrich Hartl - Cell Biochemistry ( MPI for Biochemistry, Martinsried )
- Thomas Hengartner - Folklore ( University of Hamburg )
- Reinhold Kliegl - General Psychology ( University of Potsdam )
- Wolfgang Kowalsky - Optoelectronics ( Technical University of Braunschweig )
- Karl Leo - Solid State Physics ( Technical University Dresden )
- Frank Vollertsen - Forming and machining production technology ( University of Paderborn )
- Winfried Denk - Medical Optics ( MPI for Medical Research, Heidelberg )
- Hélène Esnault and Eckart Viehweg - Algebraic Geometry ( University of Duisburg-Essen )
- Gerhard Huisken - Geometric Analysis ( MPI for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam )
- Rupert Klein - Numerical Fluid Mechanics ( Free University Berlin and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research )
- Albrecht Koschorke - Modern German Literature ( University of Konstanz )
- Roland Lill - Cell Biology / Biochemistry ( University of Marburg )
- Christof Niehrs - Molecular Developmental Biology ( German Cancer Research Center , Heidelberg)
- Ferdi Schüth - Inorganic Chemistry ( MPI for Coal Research, Mülheim an der Ruhr )
- Hans-Peter Seidel - Computer Graphics ( MPI for Computer Science, Saarbrücken )
- Hubert Wolf - Church History / Catholic Theology ( University of Münster )
- Frank Allgöwer - Control Engineering ( University of Stuttgart )
- Gabriele Brandstetter - Theater Studies ( Free University Berlin )
- Thomas Carell - Organic Chemistry ( University of Munich )
- Karl Christoph Klauer - Social and Cognitive Psychology ( University of Bonn )
- Hannah Monyer - Neurobiology ( Heidelberg University )
- Nikolaus Pfanner and Jürgen Soll - Biochemistry / Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Cell Biology of Plants ( University of Freiburg and University of Munich )
- Klaus Dieter Pfeffer - Infection Immunology ( University of Düsseldorf )
- Dierk Raabe - Materials Science ( MPI for Iron Research, Düsseldorf )
- Konrad Samwer - Solid State Physics ( University of Göttingen )
- Manfred Strecker - Structural Geology ( University of Potsdam )
- Peter Becker - Cell Biology / Biochemistry ( University of Munich )
- Immanuel Bloch - Quantum Optics ( University of Mainz )
- Stefanie Dimmeler - Molecular Cardiology ( University of Frankfurt )
- Jürgen Gauß - Theoretical Chemistry ( University of Mainz )
- Günther Hasinger - Astrophysics ( MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching )
- Christian Jung - Plant Breeding ( University of Kiel )
- Axel Ockenfels - Experimental Economic Research ( University of Cologne )
- Wolfgang Peukert - Mechanical Process Engineering ( University of Erlangen-Nuremberg )
- Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger - History of the Early Modern Age ( University of Münster )
- Andreas Tünnermann - Microsystem Technology ( Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Mechanics , Jena)
- Matthias Beller and Peter Wasserscheid - Homogeneous Catalysis ( Leibniz Institute for Catalysis at the University of Rostock ) and Chemical Process Engineering ( University of Erlangen-Nuremberg )
- Patrick Cramer - Structural Biology ( University of Munich )
- Peter Jonas - Neurophysiology ( University of Freiburg )
- Ferenc Krausz - Quantum Optics ( University of Munich and MPI for Quantum Optics, Garching )
- Klaus Mezger - Geochemistry ( University of Münster )
- Thomas Mussweiler - Social Psychology ( University of Cologne )
- Felix Otto - Analysis of Partial Differential Equations ( University of Bonn )
- Dominik Perler - History of Philosophy / Theoretical Philosophy ( Humboldt University Berlin )
- Gyburg Radke - Classical Philology and Philosophy ( University of Marburg )
- Marino Zerial - Cell Biology ( MPI for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden )
- Jens Claus Brüning - Molecular Diabetes Research, Endocrinology ( University of Cologne )
- Patrick Bruno - Theoretical Solid State Physics ( MPI for Microstructure Physics, Halle / Saale )
- Magdalena Götz - Neuroscience ( GSF - Research Center for Environment and Health and University of Munich )
- Peter Gumbsch - Materials Science ( University of Karlsruhe (TH) and Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials , Freiburg im Breisgau and Halle / Saale)
- Gerald Haug - Paleoclimate Research ( GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam and University of Potsdam )
- Bernhard Jussen - Medieval History ( Bielefeld University )
- Guinevere Kauffmann - Astrophysics ( MPI for Astrophysics, Garching near Munich )
- Falko Langenhorst - Mineralogy and Petrology ( University of Jena )
- Oliver Primavesi - Classical Philology ( University of Munich )
- Detlef Weigel - Developmental Biology ( MPI for Developmental Biology, Tübingen )
- Susanne Albers - Theoretical Computer Science ( University of Freiburg )
- Martin Beneke - Theoretical Particle Physics ( RWTH Aachen University )
- Holger Boche - Telecommunications and Information Theory ( TU Berlin , Fraunhofer German-Sino Lab for Mobile Communications , Berlin, and Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications , Berlin)
- Martin Carrier - Philosophy ( Bielefeld University )
- Elena Conti and Elisa Izaurralde - Structural Biology ( MPI for Biochemistry, Martinsried ) and Biochemistry ( MPI for Developmental Biology , Tübingen )
- Holger Fleischer - Business Law ( University of Bonn )
- Stefan Hell - Biophysics ( MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen )
- Klaus Kern - Physical Chemistry of Solids ( MPI for Solid State Research, Stuttgart )
- Wolfgang Lück - Algebraic Topology ( University of Münster )
- Jochen Mannhart - Experimental Solid State Physics ( University of Augsburg )
- Antje Boetius - Biology ( Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen)
- Holger Braunschweig - Chemistry ( University of Würzburg )
- Wolfram Burgard - Autonomous Intelligent Systems / Robotics ( University of Freiburg )
- Heinrich Detering - Modern German and Nordic Literature ( University of Göttingen )
- Jürgen Eckert - Metal Physics ( Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden and Technical University Dresden )
- Armin Falk - Experimental Economic Research ( University of Bonn )
- Frank Kirchhoff - Virologist ( Ulm University )
- Jürgen Rödel - Materials Science ( Technical University Darmstadt )
- Karl Lenhard Rudolph - Gastroenterology ( Ulm University )
- Burkhard Wilking - Differential Geometry ( University of Münster )
- Martin R. Zirnbauer - Mathematical Physics ( University of Cologne )
- Jan Born - Neuroendocrinology / Sleep Research ( University of Lübeck )
- Peter Fratzl - Biomaterials ( Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces , Potsdam )
- Roman Inderst - Economics ( University of Frankfurt / Main )
- Christoph Klein - Pediatrics / Pediatric Oncology ( Hannover Medical School )
- Ulman Lindenberger - Developmental Psychology ( Max Planck Institute for Human Development , Berlin )
- Frank Neese - Theoretical Chemistry ( University of Bonn )
- Jürgen Osterhammel - Modern and Contemporary History ( University of Konstanz )
- Petra Schwille - Biophysics ( Technical University Dresden )
- Stefan Treue - Cognitive Neuroscience in Primates ( German Primate Center , Göttingen )
- Joachim Weickert - Image Processing / Computer Science ( Saarland University )
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020
- Ulla Bonas - Microbiology / Molecular Phytopathology ( Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg )
- Christian Büchel - Cognitive Neuroscience ( University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf )
- Anja Feldmann - Computer Science / Computer Networks / Internet ( Technical University Berlin , T-Labs )
- Kai-Uwe Hinrichs - Organic Geochemistry ( University of Bremen )
- Anthony A. Hyman - Cell Biology / Microtubules and Cell Division ( MPI for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden )
- Bernhard Keimer - Experimental Solid State Physics ( Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research , Stuttgart )
- Franz Pfeiffer - X-ray Physics ( Technical University of Munich )
- Joachim Friedrich Quack - Egyptology ( Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg )
- Gabriele Sadowski - Thermodynamics ( Technical University Dortmund )
- Christine Silberhorn - Quantum Optics ( University of Paderborn )
- Michael Brecht - Neurophysiology / Cellular Neuroscience ( Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin and Humboldt University Berlin )
- Rainer Forst - Political Philosophy / Theory ( Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main )
Gunther Hartmann - Clinical Pharmacology / Innate Immunity ( University Hospital Bonn )
Christian Kurts - Immunology / Nephrology (University Hospital Bonn) - Matthias Mann - Biochemistry ( Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry , Martinsried)
- Friederike Pannewick - Arabic studies / literature, theater, history of ideas ( Philipps University of Marburg )
- Nikolaus Rajewsky - Systems Biology ( Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine , Berlin)
- Ulf Riebesell - Oceanography ( Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences (IFM-Geomar) at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel )
- Peter Sanders - Theoretical Computer Science / Algorithmics ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology , KIT)
- Barbara Wohlmuth - Numerical Mathematics ( Technical University of Munich )
- Jörg Wrachtrup - Experimental Physics ( University of Stuttgart )
- Thomas Bauer - Islamic Studies ( University of Münster )
- Ivan Đikić - Biochemistry / Cell Biology ( University of Frankfurt am Main )
- Frank Glorius - Molecular Chemistry ( University of Münster )
- Onur Güntürkün - Biological Psychology ( University of Bochum )
- Peter Hegemann - Biophysics ( Humboldt University Berlin )
- Marion Merklein - Forming Technology / Manufacturing Technology ( University of Erlangen-Nuremberg )
- Roderich Moessner - Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems , Dresden, together with Achim Rosch , Theoretical Solid State Physics, University of Cologne
- Erika von Mutius - Pediatrics, Allergology, Epidemiology (University Hospital Munich)
- Vasilis Ntziachristos - Biomedical imaging with optical methods ( Technical University of Munich )
- Lutz Raphael - Modern and Contemporary History ( University of Trier )
- Artemis Alexiadou - Linguistics ( University of Stuttgart )
- Armin von Bogdandy - Foreign Public Law and International Law ( Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law , Heidelberg)
- Andreas Dreizler - Combustion Research ( Technical University Darmstadt )
- Christof Schulz - Combustion and Gas Dynamics ( University of Duisburg-Essen )
- Nicole Dubilier - Marine Ecology ( Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology , Bremen and University of Bremen )
- Leif Kobbelt - Computer Science / Computer Graphics ( RWTH Aachen University )
- Laurens Molenkamp - Experimental Solid State Physics ( University of Würzburg )
- Brigitte Röder - Biological Psychology / Neuropsychology ( University of Hamburg )
- Irmgard Sinning - Structural Biology ( Heidelberg University )
- Rainer Waser - Nanoelectronics / Materials Science ( RWTH Aachen University and Peter Grünberg Institute of Research Center Jülich )
- Lars Zender - Hepatology / Oncology ( University Hospital Tübingen )
- Henry N. Chapman - Biological Physics / X-ray Physics ( German Electron Synchrotron and University of Hamburg )
- Hendrik Dietz - Biochemistry / Biophysics ( Technical University of Munich )
- Stefan Grimme - Theoretical Chemistry ( University of Bonn )
- Christian Hertweck - Biological Chemistry ( Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll Institute and University of Jena )
- Friedrich Lenger - Modern and Contemporary History ( University of Giessen )
- Hartmut Leppin - Ancient History ( University of Frankfurt / Main )
- Steffen Martus - Modern German Literature ( Humboldt University Berlin )
- Tobias Moser - Auditory Sensory Technology / Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine ( University of Göttingen )
- Frank Bradke - Neuroregeneration ( German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases Bonn)
- Emmanuelle Charpentier - Infection Biology ( Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology Berlin)
- Daniel Cremers - Computer Vision ( Technical University of Munich )
- Daniel James Frost - Mineralogy / Experimental Petrology ( University of Bayreuth )
- Dag Nikolaus Hasse - Philosophy ( University of Würzburg )
- Benjamin List - Organic Molecular Chemistry ( Max Planck Institute for Coal Research Mülheim / Ruhr)
- Christoph Möllers - Law ( Humboldt University Berlin )
- Marina V. Rodnina - Biochemistry ( Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Göttingen)
- Bénédicte Savoy - Modern Art History ( Technical University Berlin )
- Peter Scholze - Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry ( University of Bonn )
Award ceremony on March 15, 2017 in Berlin:
- Lutz Ackermann - Organic Molecular Chemistry ( Georg-August University Göttingen )
- Beatrice Gründler - Arabic Studies ( Free University Berlin )
- Ralph Hertwig - Cognitive Psychology ( Max Planck Institute for Human Development )
- Karl-Peter Hopfner - Structural Biology ( Ludwig Maximilians University Munich )
- Frank Jülicher - Theoretical Biophysics ( Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems )
- Lutz Mädler - Mechanical Process Engineering ( University of Bremen )
- Joachim Spatz - Biophysics ( Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg )
- Anne Storch - African Studies ( University of Cologne )
- Jörg Vogel - Medical Microbiology ( Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg )
Award ceremony on July 4, 2017 in Halle:
- Britta Nestler - Materials Science ( Karlsruhe Institute of Technology )
The award to Britta Nestler was suspended in March after the DFG had received an anonymous letter five days before the planned award date alleging the researcher's scientific misconduct in 30 cases over a period of 14 years. When the DFG checked the allegations, Nestler was completely exonerated and the prize was subsequently handed over at the DFG annual meeting in Halle (Saale). The events led to a discussion about how the DFG dealt with anonymous defamation.
- Jens Beckert , Sociology, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne
- Alessandra Buonanno , Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam
- Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln , Economics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt / Main
Veit Hornung , Immunology, Gene Center, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
Eicke Latz , Immunology, University Hospital Bonn, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn - Heike Paul , American Studies, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Erika L. Pearce , Immunology, Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg / Breisgau
- Claus Ropers , Experimental Solid State Physics, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Oliver G. Schmidt , Materials Science, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden and Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Chemnitz University of Technology
- Bernhard Schölkopf , Machine Learning, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen
- László Székelyhidi , Applied Mathematics, University of Leipzig
- Sami Haddadin , Robotics, Technical University of Munich
- Rupert Huber , Experimental Physics, University of Regensburg
- Andreas Reckwitz , Sociology, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt / Oder
- Hans-Reimer Rodewald , Immunology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg
- Melina Schuh , Cell Biology, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer Institute), Göttingen
- Brenda Schulman , Biochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry (MPIB), Martinsried
- Ayelet Shachar , Law and Political Science, Max Planck Institute for Research on Multi-Religious and Multi-Ethnic Societies, Göttingen
- Michèle Tertilt , Economics, University of Mannheim
- Wolfgang Wernsdorfer , Experimental Solid State Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Matthias Wessling , Chemical Process Engineering, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen and Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials (DWI), Aachen
- Thorsten Bach , Chemistry, Technical University of Munich
- Baptiste Jean Germain Gault , Materials Science, Max Planck Institute for Iron Research
- Johannes Grave , Art History, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
- Thomas Kaufmann , Protestant Theology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Andrea Musacchio , Cell Biology, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology
- Thomas Neumann , Computer Science, Technical University of Munich
- Marco Prinz , Neuropathology, Albert Ludwig University Freiburg
- Markus Reichstein , Biogeochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
- Dagmar Schäfer , History of Science, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
- Juliane Vogel , Literary Studies, University of Konstanz
Since 2021
- Asifa Akhtar , Epigenetics, Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology and Epigenetics , Freiburg
- Elisabeth André , Computer Science, University of Augsburg
- Giuseppe Caire , Theoretical Communication Engineering , Technical University of Berlin
- Nico Eisenhauer , Biodiversity Research, Leipzig University
- Veronika Eyring , Earth System Modeling, German Aerospace Center , Oberpfaffenhofen site and University of Bremen
- Katerina Harvati-Papatheodorou , paleoanthropology, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment, Tübingen
- Steffen Mau , Sociology, Humboldt University Berlin
- Rolf Müller , Pharmaceutical Biology, Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) and Saarland University , Saarbrücken
- Jürgen Ruland , Immunology, Klinikum rechts der Isar , Technical University of Munich
- Volker Springel , Astrophysics, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics , Garching
- Almut Arneth , Ecosystem Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe
- Marietta Auer , Law, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory , Frankfurt / Main, and Justus Liebig University Gießen
- Iain Couzin , Animal Behavior, Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior , Konstanz, and University of Konstanz
- Stefanie Dehnen , Inorganic Molecular Chemistry, Philipps University of Marburg
- Eileen Furlong , Functional Genome Biology, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg
- Peter Hommelhoff , Experimental Physics, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo , Theoretical Physics, Technical University of Darmstadt
- Mischa Meier , Ancient History, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
- Karen Radner , Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
- Moritz Schularick , Economics, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
In addition to this Leibniz Prize from the DFG, there is also the Heinz Maier Leibnitz Prize from the DFG for young scientists.
- Marco Finetti : From fairytale freedom: 20 years of cutting-edge research in the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz program. German Research Foundation (Ed.), Lemmens, Bonn 2005, ISBN 3-932306-69-4 .
Web links
- German Research Foundation (DFG): Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize
- Leibniz Publik , the excellence platform for Leibniz Prize winners
- Films from the German Research Foundation (DFG) on YouTube for the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the Years
Individual evidence
- ↑ The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize. Federal Ministry of Education and Research, accessed on December 9, 2021 .
- ↑ Funding at a glance: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft eV, accessed on December 9, 2021 (last update: October 4, 2021).
- ↑ a b Leibniz Prizes 2022: DFG honors five female and five female scientists. Press release. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft eV, December 9, 2021, accessed on December 9, 2021 .
- ↑ Shared Price, see .
- ↑ Leibniz Prizes 2017: DFG honors three female and seven female scientists. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
- ↑ DFG press release , accessed on July 6, 2017.
- ↑ Jan-Martin Wiarda: History of a reputation damage. In from August 1, 2017.
- ↑ Marco Finetti: Leibniz Prizes 2018: DFG honors four female and seven female scientists. German Research Foundation (DFG), press release from December 14, 2017 from the Science Information Service (, accessed on December 14, 2017.