October 2004

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This article covers breaking news and events in October 2004.

Daily events

Friday October 1, 2004

Saturday 2nd October 2004

Sunday 3rd October 2004

Monday 4th October 2004

Tuesday October 5, 2004

Wednesday October 6, 2004

Thursday October 7, 2004

Elfriede Jelinek

Friday October 8, 2004

Saturday October 9, 2004

Sunday October 10, 2004

Monday October 11, 2004

Tuesday October 12, 2004

Wednesday October 13, 2004

Thursday October 14, 2004

Friday October 15, 2004

Saturday October 16, 2004

Sunday 17th October 2004

Cage for solitary confinement, Guantanamo Bay

Monday October 18, 2004

Tuesday October 19, 2004

  • Vienna / Austria . The Israeli President Moshe Katsav arrives on a four-day state visit to Austria. Katsav is the first Israeli head of state to visit Austria.
  • USA . The shortage of flu vaccines in the USA, which has persisted for a few weeks now, can hardly be overcome. More than 40 million Americans will not get a vaccine this year. Reason: The English company that produces the serum could not deliver because the vaccine was contaminated.
  • Baghdad / Iraq . Margaret Hassan , director of the aid organization CARE International , is abducted. The armed Iraqi group is responsible for the kidnapping , according to a report by broadcaster Al Jazeera .
  • India . On the Asian peninsula, India's " Robin Hood " is shot in the head. The man had killed 120 people and 2,000 elephants . KM Veerappan was India's most wanted murderer. He was on the run for 20 years.
  • Dublin / Ireland . The Irish presidential election planned for October 22nd was canceled due to a lack of opposing candidates. Acting President Mary McAleese will be sworn in on November 10 for an additional seven years.
  • Rangoon / Myanmar (Burma). Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt has been ousted by the ruling military junta . He was placed under house arrest on suspicion of corruption . According to diplomats, this dismissal means a shift in power within the junta in the direction of hardliners. They reject concessions to the democracy movement of Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi .
  • Karlsruhe / Germany . The German Federal Constitutional Court decided in a decision that judgments of the European Court of Human Rights are not binding for German courts. The German judiciary only has to "properly" take into account decisions of the Strasbourg Court of Justice and fit them "gently" into the national legal system, the judgments are only "interpretative aids" that do not have to be strictly followed if they conflict with the German Basic Law .

Wednesday October 20, 2004

  • Chongqing / People's Republic of China . In the Chinese metropolis there are sometimes violent unrest with around ten thousand participants. Police and military protect the government buildings.
  • Vienna / Austria . Ursula Plassnik is officially sworn in as the new Austrian Foreign Minister.
  • Vienna / Austria . The Constitutional Court (Austria) (VfGH) has repealed the outsourcing of the civil service administration to the Austrian Red Cross . "Decisions that interfere with fundamental rights, such as assignment or exemption from the obligation to perform community service, are core tasks of the state - and such should not be outsourced." Specifically, the authorization of the Minister of the Interior contained in Section 54a of the Civil Service Act was revoked to include a suitable company to commission the implementation of civil service administration tasks. December 31, 2005 was set as the repair deadline.
  • Bochum , Rüsselsheim / Germany . The strike at the Opel factory in Bochum ended this afternoon. After the employees demonstrated for six days against the planned job cuts at the US parent company General Motors (GM), the vast majority of employees voted in a works meeting today to go back to work, according to Works Council Chairman Dietmar Hahn. The Opel plant in Bochum played a key role as it is one of the group's most important supplier plants. In Antwerp , Belgium , the production lines also stood still at times due to the day-long strike.
  • Görlitz / Germany , Zgorzelec / Poland . As of today, Görlitz and Zgorzelec are a little closer together. The reason is the new old town bridge , which was built 60 years after its destruction and connects the two Neisse cities with one another. Saxony's Minister of Education and Culture Karl Mannsfeld ( CDU ) and the Lower Silesian voivode Stanislaw Lopatowski symbolically cut a blue ribbon. Mannsfeld: "This is a 'great moment' for Europe, because the bridge is a symbol that the decades-long division in Europe has been overcome."
  • Kruger National Park / South Africa . Just a few days after the end of the CITES Conference on Species Conservation in Bangkok , the fate of thousands of elephants is at stake in South Africa . Scientists, animal rights activists and nature park managers from all over southern Africa are currently meeting in the Kruger National Park to look for solutions for the region's explosively growing elephant populations.
  • Neuenkirchen (Lüneburg Heath) / Germany . At 8:59 a.m., an earthquake measuring 4.5 on the Richter scale shook northern Germany. The epicenter was in Lower Saxony near Neuenkirchen ( Heidekreis district ), the hypocenter at a depth of approx. 5 km. The effects were felt within a radius of around 40 kilometers, including in Bremen and Hamburg . A subsequent second tremor was stronger than the first.
  • Wurzen / Germany . The Wurzen CDU was only able to push through controversial savings plans within the municipality with the help of the votes of the representatives of the right-wing extremist NPD . “The PDS speaks of a scandal. The Greens accuse the CDU of seeing the NPD as an ordinary partner in the city council, ” writes the MDR . The first meeting of the newly elected Saxon state parliament took place in Dresden only yesterday . In the election on September 19, the NPD won 9.2% of the vote and has since provided twelve members.
  • Berlin / Germany . "The Greens are ruling out a new delivery of tanks to Turkey if it turns out that former NVA tanks are actually being used against Kurds ." With this statement, the parliamentary manager of the Greens, Volker Beck , responded to a report broadcast by ZDF yesterday - Magazine "Frontal 21", according to which former GDR war equipment is said to have been used against insurgent Kurds.
  • Beirut / Lebanon . The Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri resigns after a disagreement with the pro-Syrian President Émile Lahoud . Omar Karami will be his successor .

Thursday October 21, 2004

Friday October 22, 2004

  • Germany . The CDU and CSU cannot agree on a common concept for a health reform, but the CSU has signaled a possible move to the CDU model of the health premium . The chairman of the CDU SME Association, Peter Rauen , called on the CSU social politician Horst Seehofer to resign immediately before the internal working group meeting on health policy. "I am of the opinion that he must check himself whether he can really remain deputy chairman of the CDU and CSU faction groups with this outsider position [...]," said Rauen this morning on ARD . He referred to Seehofer's negative attitude towards the health bonus favored by the CDU.
  • The earth . According to the WWF , the biodiversity of animals in the sea and on land has declined by about 30 percent over the past 30 years .
  • Hanover / Germany . The collective bargaining conflict at Europe's largest car manufacturer, Volkswagen, threatens to escalate. After an unsuccessful fourth wage round yesterday in Hanover, work stoppages at the car manufacturer are getting closer and closer. For the time being, the negotiations were postponed until October 28th. However, the so-called “peace obligation” at VW also expires on this day. If no agreement can be reached by then, IG Metall has announced warning strikes for the beginning of November.
  • Gaza City / Israel . According to doctors and eyewitnesses, a high-ranking Hamas official and his companion were killed in a targeted rocket attack by Israel on a vehicle in Gaza City . The 47-year-old Adnan el Gul has been wanted as a suspected bomb maker for around 15 years, it said.
  • Russia . The Russian parliament ( Duma ) approved the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol .

Saturday October 23, 2004

  • Japan : In the worst earthquake in over 70 years with a magnitude of 6.8 M w , over 20 people die in northern Japan and around 1,500 are injured.
  • Kosovo / Serbia and Montenegro : Parliamentary elections were held in the southern Serbian province of Kosovo. The election was won by President Ibrahim Rugova 's Democratic League party with 47 percent of the vote. The Serbian minority boycotted the election because of the poor security situation. The UN criticized this boycott.
  • Tehran / Iran : Against the express request of the European Union , the government of Iran declares that it will not forego uranium enrichment .
  • Yaren / Nauru : In Nauru, the polling stations for the parliamentary elections open at 8:00 a.m. local time ( CET 9:00 p.m. (22.10.)) And close again at 6:00 p.m. local time (CET 7:00 (23.10.)). For the first time, Nauru residents living abroad can also take part in the election. Corresponding forms were sent to the Nauru residents of Australia , New Zealand , Fiji , the USA and Great Britain . First election results are expected on October 24th . The presidential election is expected to take place on October 26th .

Sunday October 24, 2004

  • Basel / Switzerland . In the parliamentary elections in the Swiss canton of Basel-Stadt , the left won strong seats, the Social Democrats and Greens together won 62 seats, with the central parties DSP and EPP together they had a majority.
  • Baghdad / Iraq . According to the Washington Post newspaper, numerous prisoners in Iraq have been removed from the country in the past six months with the help of the CIA and without the knowledge of the International Committee of the Red Cross . This is a violation of the Geneva Conventions .
  • Yaren / Nauru . The government around President Ludwig Scotty clearly wins the parliamentary elections in Nauru. while the liberal-reformist government was able to hold all of its 9 of the total of 18 parliamentary seats, the conservative opposition lost 7 of its 9 seats to the government. Scotty and his followers now have a majority of 16 against 2, which is the largest parliamentary majority in Naurus history.
  • Hamburg / Germany . The former UN weapons inspector, Hans Blix , has called on the West to make concessions in the dispute over the Iranian nuclear program. After all, did Iran the legal right of uranium to be allowed to accumulate for the production of nuclear fuel material, Blix said today in an interview with the evening news of ARD .
  • Bakuba / Iraq . In Iraq, members of the local security forces have again been victims of violence. The police discovered the bodies of 49 Iraqi recruits near Bakuba. The men had apparently been ambushed and shot by strangers.
  • Germany . With belongings , the German Language Council and the Goethe Institute decided on the most beautiful German word in a competition . The word denotes a person's possessions with a “friendly, compassionate undertone” and makes the owner of things appear “sympathetic and lovable”. The word dragonfly won the most beautiful word for children .
  • The Soyuz spacecraft from flight Soyuz TMA-4 with two space travelers from the International Space Station landed safely on Earth in the morning.
  • Zeitz / Saxony-Anhalt . The first state horticultural show in Saxony-Anhalt in Zeitz ended with a colorful spectacle. In an initial assessment, the organizers expressed their satisfaction: The show brought an enormous boost to the image of the south of the country in particular. A total of around 30,000 guests have been counted on the grounds around the Moritzburg in the past 184 days. A concept for the subsequent use of the 12 hectare site is currently being developed. Meanwhile, Wernigerode is preparing for the show in two years.
  • Afghanistan . Incumbent Hamid Karzai won the presidential election in Afghanistan. After counting 94% of the votes, he is in first place with 54.6%. His biggest challenger Junus Kanuni comes in at around 16%.

Monday October 25, 2004

  • Tunis / Tunisia . The Tunisian President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali (68) won the elections on October 24th . This marks the beginning of his fourth term since 1987 , when he replaced Habib Bourguiba (retired for reasons of age). Zine received 94.4 percent of the vote, the Home Office said. The parliamentary election held at the same time wins the incumbent Democratic Constitutional Movement (RCD). The election was called a farce .
  • Japan . Just two days after the worst earthquake in Japan in nine years, the earth shook again in the north of the country. The quake reached a magnitude of 5.6 on the Richter scale . Since then, hundreds of minor and major aftershocks (up to 4.9) have been registered. Meteorologists expect another major quake this week. Fear of further earthquakes has led thousands of Japanese to spend the night outdoors.
  • Stuttgart / Germany : The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Erwin Teufel and his State and European Minister Christoph Palmer announce their resignation. Teufel will no longer stand for the office of the top candidate at the state party convention of the CDU in February 2005 and will resign from his offices as prime minister and state chairman on April 19, 2005 . Palmer, on the other hand, is stepping down with immediate effect after he twice slapped the CDU member of the Bundestag Joachim Pfeiffer at the election party for the re-elected Lord Mayor of Stuttgart the day before . The background to the dispute was Pfeiffer's rejection of Teufel's candidacy .
  • Chan Yunis / Palestinian Territories . In an offensive by the Israeli army on the Chan Yunis refugee camp, a total of 5 Palestinians were killed and 23 others injured. The attack was a retaliation for the latest attacks on a Jewish settlement.
  • Pabbo / Uganda . A heavy storm and rainfall destroyed more than 3,000 accommodations in the Pabbo refugee camp . Almost 15,000 people are now homeless.

Tuesday October 26, 2004

  • Kabul / Afghanistan . According to the ARD magazine “ Kontraste ”, excessive torture is the order of the day in the prisons in Afghanistan run by the USA , which surpass those already known in Iraq in their brutality. The report has been confirmed by independent human rights organizations.
  • Cuba . President Fidel Castro has announced an embargo on the US dollar from November 8, 2004. So far, between 800 and 1200 million US dollars has flowed into Cuba annually. The Cuban, rather underutilized, peso should be strengthened. The embargo is not unexpected as the US has recently stepped up the economic embargo and cracked down on violations. Venezuela's oil supply is also not dependent on the dollar.
  • Rüsselsheim / Germany . All European Opel / GM plants are producing again. As a result of the workers' protests against the radical restructuring plans, more than 7,000 vehicles could not be built on schedule. In the Opel crisis, management tried to reach out to the workforce. CEO Hans Demant is self-critical and admits management mistakes . The development on the automobile market was not correctly assessed and accordingly "the brakes were applied early enough". Opel has been in the red for several years .
  • Karlsruhe / Germany . The Federal Constitutional Court declares the Political Party Financing Act to be unconstitutional. You thereby strengthen the role of splinter parties. The Ecological Democratic Party (ödp) and the party Die Grauen - Graue Panther (GRAUE) had sued against the amendment because it violated the equal opportunities of smaller parties and threatened a loss of political diversity. The judges ruled that the restriction on party funding is incompatible with the Basic Law . Originally, from 2005 onwards, parties should only be entitled to government funding under more difficult conditions. This should prevent small, radical parties from deliberately choosing the city-states in order to be able to participate in the state partial financing with as little effort as possible.
  • Israel . The Israeli parliament ( Knesset ) has voted in favor of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s plan to withdraw from the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank . This decision is historic, for the first time the Israeli parliament spoke out in favor of the evacuation of Jewish settlements in the occupied territories. Opponents of the withdrawal plan are now seeking a referendum. As a result of the vote, Sharon dismissed Ministers Usi Landau and Michael Razon , who had voted against the plan. The US welcomed the decision.
  • Thailand . Bloody clashes broke out between police and Muslim demonstrators in southern Thailand, in which at least 78 people were killed. 1,300 people were arrested.

Wednesday October 27, 2004

  • Strasbourg / France . In the European Parliament , Commission President-designate José Manuel Barroso stated that he did not want to put the new college of 25 Commissioners up for election but would rather postpone the vote to the next meeting (November 15-18, 2005). Several groups had previously announced that they would either close or vote against the Commission with a majority. The Italian candidate, Rocco Buttiglione , in particular , was criticized for his ideological statements about homosexuality and the role of women in connection with his area of ​​responsibility for law and home affairs. But other commissioners-designate had also come under fire. It is expected that Barroso will reshuffle the future commission in the next few days.

Thursday October 28, 2004

  • Riga / Latvia . The Latvian minority government fails because of a draft budget . The rejection of the budget draft of the ruling party of Prime Minister Indulis Emsis (Greens / Peasant Party) by the parliament corresponds to a successful vote of no confidence according to the rules of procedure.
  • Ramallah / West Bank . According to government sources in Ramallah, Yasser Arafat is in a very critical state of health. According to the Israeli media, the Palestinian President had to be revived and is not yet fully conscious.
  • USA . Prior to the US presidential election on November 2, around 58,000 postal voters failed to deliver in the populous Broward , Florida area . Election inspectors speak of a riddle, opposition Democrats have voiced suspicion of electoral fraud , and they have already filed nine lawsuits in connection with the presidential election. Florida could play a key role in the presidential election, as it did in 2000 .
  • Gaza Strip . An eight-year-old Palestinian woman was shot dead on her way to school. The girl was hit by fire from an Israeli checkpoint. The incident is being investigated by the Israeli army.

Friday October 29, 2004

Saturday October 30, 2004

  • Rome / Italy . Rocco Buttiglione withdrew his candidacy for a place in the new EU Commission . He remains European Minister in the Italian Cabinet.
  • Potsdam / Germany . A rally of around 350 neo-Nazis was flanked by left-wing counter-demonstrations, which around 3,000 people attended. Violent clashes broke out between the police and some of the autonomists.

Sunday October 31, 2004

See also

Web links

Saxony in October 2004
Commons : October 2004  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Monaco - Member State. In: coe.int . Retrieved January 14, 2018 .
  2. The Commission recommends starting accession negotiations. In: europa.eu . July 3, 2007, accessed July 11, 2017 .
  3. ^ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004. In: nobelprize.org . October 8, 2004, accessed November 20, 2016 .
  4. ^ Prize winners 2004. In: friedenspreis-des-deutschen-buchhandels.de . Retrieved July 21, 2017 .
  5. 20 years of the Brandenburg State Parliament - a balance sheet. In: lkv.nomos.de . December 2010, accessed March 25, 2017 .
  6. Race's oasis has the best view of the finish. In: the.honoluluadvertiser.com. October 17, 2004, accessed October 10, 2016 .
  7. ^ Ironman Hawaii. In: tri226.de. Retrieved October 27, 2019 .
  8. New party financing law unconstitutional. In: Wahlrecht.de . October 26, 2004, accessed September 16, 2016 .
  9. Polar ice is melting faster and faster. In: spiegel.de . October 31, 2004, accessed September 16, 2016 .