Mount Jim Crow National Park

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Mount Jim Crow National Park
Rainbow Lorikeet
Rainbow Lorikeet
Mount Jim Crow National Park, Queensland
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 23 ° 12 ′ 53 ″  S , 150 ° 37 ′ 43 ″  E
Location: Queensland , Australia
Specialty: Lava dome, dry rainforest, New Guinea araucarias
Next city: Rockhampton , Yeppoon
Surface: 1.44 km²
Founding: 1977
Noise leather head
Noise leather head
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The Mount Jim Crow National Park ( English : Mount Jim Crow National Park ) is a national park in the east of the Australian state of Queensland . It is located 531 kilometers northwest of Brisbane and 29 kilometers northeast of Rockhampton .


Dream time

For the Aborigines of the area, the Darumbal , the mountain always had a special meaning: A dream tale tells that once a boy and a girl fell in love and wanted to get married. But since they belonged to the same totem , the elders had something to object to. The young people, however, did not care, ran away and hid in a flat bushland in the area of ​​what is now Mount Jim Crow . But the rainbow serpent , which sat on Mount Wheeler (southeast of Mount Jim Crow), saw the dilemma and decided to intervene. She pushed herself with all her strength between the two lovers and pushed up the earth and trees until Mount Jim Crow was built and the lovers separated. Frightened by such violence, the two decided to abide by the tribal rules in future.

After the arrival of the Europeans

The mountain initially served as a quarry. During the Second World War , the US Army used it as a storage place for supplies.

National nature and geology

The park surrounds the 221-meter-high Mount Jim Crow , the Trachyt - lava dome of an extinct volcano 70 million years ago. Erosion left the upper, outer parts of the volcano weathered, so that only the cooled lava is visible. Mount Jim Crow is one of a series of 12 volcanoes in the area called Mount Hedlow Volcanoes .

Flora and fauna

Dry rainforest can be found on the mountain slopes . New Guinea araucarias grow on the summit . Hedlow Creek forms the southwest boundary of the park . This stream has many water holes covered with water lilies .

In the twilight you can see noisy leather heads , panther birds , all-color loris and golden-eared honeyeater ( Meliphaga lewinii ).

Facilities and access

Camping is not allowed in the park. There are also no picnic areas or hiking trails.

Mount Jim Crow National Park can be reached on the Rockhampton – Yeppoon road. It's about halfway north of the road.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Australian Government - CAPAD 2010 ( MS Excel ; 170 kB), DSEWPaC , accessed on January 7, 2013 (English)
  2. Australian Government - CAPAD 1997 ( MS Excel ; 93 kB), DSEWPaC , accessed on January 7, 2013 (English)
  3. ^ A b Steve Parish: Australian Touring Atlas . Steve Parish Publishing. Archerfield QLD 2007. ISBN 978-1-74193-232-4 . P. 11
  4. a b c d e f g Mount Jim Crow National Park . Department of Environment and Resource Management. Retrieved November 29, 2012