Fine arts in Poland
The visual arts include works of painting , sculpture and others and are an important part of culture and art in Poland.
Prehistoric and early historical art
Stone age
The oldest art objects found in Poland were made of flint, amber and animal bones and date from the Paleolithic . They were particularly in the small Polish caves of the Krakow-Czestochowa Jura ( Bat Cave and Maszycka cave ) and the Pieninen ( Obłazowa cave found) and are located in large part in the Krakow 's Archaeological Museum . Paleolithic figures made of amber have been found in Greater Poland .
During the Neolithic period , what is now southern Poland was influenced by the linear ceramic culture . Decorated ceramic vessels have been found in Dobra , among others . Ornate jewelry from Brześć Kujawski is assigned to the Lengyel culture . Numerous clay vessels from the funnel beaker culture , which was around 1000 years younger , were found in Ćmielów , among others . A lamb figure from Jordanów also comes from the funnel cup culture . In the Neolithic Age, flint was mined in Krzemionki, among others , and artfully processed. Many of the finds from the Neolithic Age, including the spherical amphora culture and the Cord Ceramic Culture , come from the Heiligkreuzgebirge and its surroundings, especially near Sandomierz . One of them is the one dating from 3635-3370 BC. A vase from Bronocice, dated BC, on which is the oldest known picture of a cart with wheels.
Bronze age
In the Bronze Age , what is now Poland was part of the Lusatian culture . Works of art such as decorated vessels, cult objects, figures of animals, birds and people made of bronze and ceramics date from this period. Towards the end of the Bronze Age, larger settlements emerged in Poland, especially pile dwellings in the Greater Poland Lake District , of which the settlement in Biskupin is the best known. It is also associated with the Hallstatt culture . Other important sites from the Bronze Age are in Żagań , Uścikowice and Brzezie near Pleszew .
Iron age
At the transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age , the Pomeranian face urn culture emerged in what is now Poland . Preserved works of art from this culture were mainly grave supplements. On the urns of the deceased, the artists depicted the faces of the dead as well as everyday objects and weapons, sometimes even entire scenes from the life of the deceased. The urns were closed from above with lids shaped like headgear and decorated with necklaces. Attachments shaped like ears with earrings were attached to the urns so that the urn resembled a human head. These works of art were found among others in Deszczno , Rzadków , Niepoczołowice and Grabów Bobowski . In the late Iron Age, the Wielbark culture , which is often associated with the Goths , emerged in northern and eastern Poland . Here, too, works of art were found as grave attachments in the Kurganen laid out as stone circles in Odry , Węsiory , Grzybnica and Brąchnówko .
In the 6th and 5th centuries BC The area of today's Poland came under Celtic and Thracian influence. The Celts and Anartians left behind large stone works of art, especially in Silesia and Lesser Poland, including the bear figure on Mount Ślęża . Celtic works of art were also found in Greater Poland near Kalisz . In Roman times, the Przeworsk culture dominated what is now Poland. From this time numerous ceramic objects and jewelry were found as grave accessories all over Poland, including in Jakuszowice , Dobrodzien and Radziejów Kujawski . The most famous work of art of the Przeworskier culture was the vase from Biała near Łódź , which was attached to a woman as a burial attachment, among other things with riders . It was lost during the Second World War. A lively cultural exchange with the Roman Empire took place via the Bernsteinstrasse . Roman coins and works of art (ceramics, jewelry) were found in Wymysłów , Goszczyn , Gosławice , Łęg Piekarski and Rządz , among others .
Slavic culture
During the Slavic period, local artists created stone figures of Światowit and other deities. Burial mounds were also built, including the Krak Hill and Wanda Hill in Krakow. West Slavic ceramics were found in Bródno near Warsaw , among other places . Numerous sculptures made of wood and stone, most of which served a religious rite, also date from this period.
With the transition to Christianity, art initially retained its ritual character. The best-known work of art with a Christian character from the 10th century in Poland is the bowl that was found at Włocławek and was probably used as a chalice of the Eucharist.
The center of pre-Romanesque art was the then capital Gniezno . Most of the works of art were imported from Bohemia, Bavaria or other areas at this time. Cosmas of Prague reports in his Chronica Boemorum that Břetislav I brought 100 ox wagons with works of art from Gniezno to Prague after sacking Gnesen in 1039.
The transition from pre-Romanesque to Romanesque is dated to around 1040 in Polish art history with the transfer of the capital from Gniezno to Krakow. Nevertheless, besides Kraków, Greater Poland remained the center of Romanesque art in Poland. Romanesque artists still work anonymously; their names and origins are mostly unknown. Most of the Romanesque works of art were created as part of the furnishing of churches and monasteries.
In painting, frescoes have been preserved in the collegiate monastery in Tum near Łęczyca and the basilica in Czerwińsk, as well as book illuminations in the Pułtusk Codex , Emmeram Gospels , Tyniec Sacramentary , Czerwińsk Bible and the Golden Gnesener Codex .
In the field of sculpture, the church portals with tympanum of St. Mary on the Sand , donated by Jacza von Köpenick and Piotr Włostowic in Breslau and the St. Prokop rotunda in Strzelno, should be mentioned. In Strzelno there are also richly decorated Romanesque columns with allegorical figures of virtues and vices in the Trinity and St. Mary's Church . In the basilica of Wiślica the Wiślica plate has been preserved, which depicts prayers in the position of ornaments . Stone figures and reliefs were also very popular in Romanesque churches.
The goldsmith's trade and bronze sculpture formed an important part of Romanesque art. The Kruszwica reliquary and numerous golden measuring vessels, especially from Gnesen, Trzemeszno , Kalisz and Płock , which were mostly donated by the Polish royal court, should be mentioned. The oldest Polish crown jewels also come from the Romanesque period . The Szczerbiec coronation sword and three crowns, two of which are in Cracow and one in Płock, the so-called Płock diadem , have been preserved. Most other Polish crown jewels were after the third partition of Poland by the Prussians from the crown jewels of Wawel stolen and melted down in the 19th century. Replicas of the original Polish crown jewels were cast in Nowy Sącz in 2001-2003 and 2010 and are shown in temporary exhibitions. The most important surviving works of art from the Romanesque period include the monumental bronze door of the Arch-Cathedral of Gniezno and the bronze door of the Cathedral of Płock. The first represents the life story of St. Adalbert (Wojciech) . The second represents the cycle of redemption from Genesis to the New Testament and was later brought to the city of Novgorod in Russia under circumstances that can no longer be reconstructed . A copy of the original bronze door is now in the Płock Cathedral.
In the early Gothic period, Poland was split up into several principalities within the framework of the seniority constitution, which were subordinate to the senior residing in Krakow. This favored a territorially different development of the individual parts of the country. The early Gothic first prevailed in southern Poland, especially in Silesia and Lesser Poland, and was heavily influenced by Bohemia. In northern Poland, especially in Pomerania and Prussia, brick Gothic was predominant, which was strongly influenced by northern Germany, Flanders and especially the Netherlands via the Hanseatic League and the Teutonic Order . Painting, wood carving, bronze foundry, sculpture and goldsmithing developed in the Gothic period.
Just as in the Romanesque period, frescoes in sacred but also profane buildings formed the main component of Gothic painting. In particular, the frescoes of the tower castle in Siedlęcin , the Ląd monastery , the Jacob's Church in Toruń, and the numerous Gothic monasteries in Krakow, especially the Franciscan monastery, should be mentioned . A specialty of Polish Gothic painting is the combination of Eastern icon painting as frescoes in Gothic chapels, for example in the Holy Cross Chapel in Wawel Cathedral and in the Trinity Chapel in Lublin Castle . In addition to frescoes, stained glass windows also played an important role in Gothic art. Krakow was the center of this art form in Poland. Gothic stained glass windows are particularly preserved in the Krakow Church of St. Mary , Dominican and Corpus Christi . The Wroclaw Cathedral , the Church of St. Mary and St. Nicholas in Toruń and the Church of St. Mary in Chełmno also have important Gothic stained glass windows.
Panel painting also developed in the High Gothic period in Poland and is particularly associated with painting altars. The International Gothic style came to Poland in the early 15th century. Its centers were mainly Krakow, Breslau, Thorn and Danzig. The so-called Krakow School of Gothic painting developed in Lesser Poland. Popular motifs of the Kraków School were the Hodegetria , to be found among others in the Kraków Dominican monastery, and the Lamentation of Christ , among others in Chomranice . Other important paintings of the Krakow School are the Misericordia Domini by Zbylitowska Góra , Saints Martha, Agnes and Clare from Sandomierz , the Dominican Triptych by the Master of the Dominican Passion , the Augustinian Polyptych by Nicolaus Haberschrack , the Johannes Polyptych, the Triptych ( all from Kraków), the Olkusz polyptych and the Assumption of Mary by Jan Wielki , the Stanislaus Altar by Stare Bielsko and the Maria family from Ołpiny . In Wielkopolska the Sacra Conversazione was often the subject of panel painting, for example in the painting Madonna with Child, Saint Felicitas and Saint Perpetua. Gothic painting in Silesia was under strong Bohemian influence. Her best-known panel paintings include the Glatzer Madonna , the Schönau Trinity, St. Anna von Striegau , the proclamation polyptych with unicorn, the altars of St. Hedwig and St. Barbara, the Madonna in the Chamber (all in Breslau ) and numerous other panel paintings from the Wroclaw Magdalene , Elisabeth and Barbara Church . Gothic painting in Pomerania and Prussia was under strong North German and especially Dutch influence. Her best-known panel paintings include the Graudanzer Polyptychon from Graudenz , the Thorner Polyptychon from Toruń , the Winterfeld Diptychon from the Danzig Marienkirche , Thorner Passion from Thorn, Great Ferber Altar, Kleiner Ferber Altar and Jerusalem Altar as well as The Last Judgment by Hans Memling , all from the Marienkirche in Gdańsk .
The art of sculpture as a decoration of sacred buildings developed in the early Gothic especially in Silesia, for example in the church portals in Altenburg , the east side of the Wroclaw Cathedral , the church portals of the Trebnitz monastery . As examples of the transition between Romanesque and Gothic, the portals, keystones, cantilevered girders, column capitals, friezes and facades of the Kreuzkirche in Wroclaw, Peter and Paul Basilica in Strzegom , the east facade and the interior decoration of the Wrocław City Hall , the facades and the interior decoration of the Marienburg in Malbork , the cantilever girders of St. Mary's Church on the Sande in Wroclaw, the portals and cantilever girders of the Arch-Cathedral of Gniezno , the interior of the Krakow St. Mary's Church and St. John's Church in Radłów are used. In Lesser Poland, the Gothic design of the chapter house of the Dominican monastery has been preserved.
In addition to the sculptures that were used to decorate sacred buildings, free-standing sculptures also developed during the Gothic period. The world's largest Gothic work of art of wood carving is the Kraków high altar in Kraków's St. Mary's Church by Veit Stoss . In the same church Veit Stoss left the crucifix known after him as well as the tomb Casimir IV in the Holy Cross Chapel of the Wawel Cathedral . Other important Gothic sculptures include the figure of Salomea in the Mariendom in Glogau , the Pietà from Leubus in Lubiąż , the Szamotuły crucifix in the St. Mary's Basilica in Szamotuły , the Cammin crucifix in St. John's Cathedral in Cammin , the crucifix in the Corpus Christi Church in Wroclaw and the figures in the Kraków Poor Clare Monastery and the Carmelite Convent there . Numerous shrine madonnas emerged on the territory of the Order . In Silesia and Pomerania numerous Madonnas were created on lions, including in the Wroclaw Martinskirche , in Skarbimierz and in Lubieszyn . The Ciećmierz triptych from the St. James' Cathedral in Szczecin should also be mentioned . So-called Beautiful Madonnas were particularly popular throughout Poland. The stone Thorner Schöne Madonna has been missing since the Second World War. The stone Wroclaw Beautiful Madonna , the Gdańsk Beautiful Madonna from the Gdańsk St. Mary's Church , and the wooden Krużlowa Beautiful Madonna have been preserved . Another popular motif was the Pietà, including the Krakauer Pietà from the Kraków St. Barbara's Church , the Breslau Pietà from the Breslau St. Mary's Church on the sand and the Danzig Pietà from the Danzig St. Mary's Church . Gothic tombs and tombstones are in the Wawel Cathedral, in addition to the already mentioned tomb Casimir IV, above all the tomb Ladislaus I and the tomb Casimir III. of the great, received. In Silesia there are numerous Gothic tombs of the Silesian Piasts in the Grüssau Monastery , the Heinrichau Monastery , the Opole Piast Castle and the St. Vincent Church in Wroclaw with the grave slab of Henry II of Poland and the Cross Church in Wroclaw with the sarcophagus of Henry IV the Righteous. Gothic baptismal fonts can be found in Elbingen's Nikolauskirche , the Liegnitz Peter and Paul Cathedral , the Kolberg Cathedral and the Breslauer Marienkirche on the sand . There are also two Gothic sacraments by Jodokus diving in Wroclaw , one in the Magdalenenkirche and one in the Elisabethkirche . Gothic choir stalls have been preserved in the Pelpin Cathedral , the St. Mary's Church in Thorner and the Trinity Church in Danzig .
Goldsmithing also flourished in Poland during the Gothic period, particularly during the reign of Casimir the Great in the mid-14th century. King Casimir donated numerous golden liturgical vessels for the churches throughout Poland, in particular the measuring vessels of the churches in Trzemeszno , Stopnica and Kalisz as well as the reliquary bust of St. Sigismund in the Płock Cathedral . The most important late Gothic goldsmith in Poland was Marcin Marciniec , who created, among other things, the reliquary bust of St. Stanislaus , the scepter of the Cracow Academy and the reliquary shrines donated by Friedrich Jagiello for the Gnesian Arch-Cathedral . Danzig goldsmiths created the reliquary of St. Barbara . Significant Gothic liturgical gold vessels and monstrances were created for the Church of St. Mary in Krakow and for the churches and monasteries in Miechów , Tyniec Abbey , Wieliczka , Niepołomice , Staniątki , Poznan and Czestochowa . Numerous other Gothic reliquary shrines were created for the church treasures of the cathedrals in Cracow and Gniezno.
During the transition from the late Gothic to the early Renaissance, important artists from the German area, especially from Nuremberg, such as Veit Stoss , Stanislaus Stoss , Hans Dürer , Jörg Huber , Peter Vischer the Elder , Peter Vischer the Younger and Georg Pencz came to the court of the Polish kings on the Wawel in Cracow or were commissioned by them directly. The best-known Polish late Gothic artists were Marcin Czarny , Nicolaus Haberschrack , Jan Polack , Adam from Lublin , Michael from Działdowo, as well as the Anonymous Masters of the Annunciation by Jodłownik , Masters of the Dominican Triptych , Masters of the Trinity Triptych . In Poland, Gothic art is collected and exhibited by the national museums in Warsaw , Kraków ( Erasmus Ciołek Bishops Palace , Princes Czartoryski Library ), Gdansk , Wrocław , Poznan and Stettin , the Diocesan Museum in Pelplin and the Museum in Kraków's Wawel Castle .
The center of the Polish Renaissance was the then capital Krakow, especially the royal court on the Wawel, and Vilnius , which was the second capital of the Jagiellonian Empire . The Italian Renaissance came to Poland very early. Between 1468 and 1470 the Italian humanist Callimachus came to the Krakow royal court of Casimir IV and brought the ideas of the Italian Renaissance to Poland. Casimir entrusted Callimachus with the upbringing of his sons in the spirit of humanism, of whom the eldest Ladislaus II as King of Hungary and Bohemia and three younger ones ( John I Albrecht , Alexander I and Sigismund I the Old ) one after the other between 1492 and 1548 when kings ruled Poland-Lithuania . The reign of the sons Casimir IV is regarded as the age of the Renaissance in Poland and at the same time as its golden age in art, culture and politics. Sigismund, who as the youngest initially had no prospect of the Polish-Lithuanian throne, went to the royal court in Prague and furnace of his brother Ladislaus around 1495, who enfeoffed him with the Duchy of Glogau , Duchy of Opava and finally all of Silesia. In the Hungarian capital, he became aware of a group of Renaissance artists and architects under the leadership of Francesco Fiorentino from Florence. When the Gothic royal castle on the Wawel in Kraków burned down in 1499, he was able to convince his mother and royal widow Elisabeth von Habsburg to engage the Florentines in the reconstruction.
When Francesco Fiorentino and his students arrived in Cracow in 1501, John I Albrecht died and Francesco Fiorentino was initially commissioned to erect the tomb for the deceased king in the chapel named after him in the Wawel Cathedral . The tomb of John I Albrecht , which Francesco Fiorentino created in the style of Bernardo Rossellino , is considered the first work of art of the Italian High Renaissance in Poland. The grave slab itself, however, was made by the students of Veit Stoss and still clearly shows characteristics of the late Gothic. After Sigismund became king of Poland-Lithuania in 1506 , he commissioned him together with Eberhard Rosemberger to rebuild the Wawel Castle in the Renaissance style of Tuscany. The north-east wing of the castle with its sculptures was designed by Francesco Fiorentino and his workshop, including his son Jan Fiorentine . He remained the leading Renaissance artist in Poland until his death in 1516. Sigismund married the Princess of Milan, Bari and Rosano Bona Sforza in 1518 . Together with the court of Bona Sforza, numerous Italian artists and architects from Florence , Padua and Milan came to Krakow, where they founded their own workshops. Among the best-known of these artists were Mateo Gucci , who worked on the Old Synagogue in Kazimierz and the Wawel Castle, among others , Giovanni Cini , who worked on the Renaissance altar of the Wawel Cathedral and the Villa Decius in Krakow (tomb Stanisław Oleśnickis in Poznan Cathedral, Krzysztof Szydłowiecki's tomb in St. Martin's Church in Opatów , Renaissance altar in Zator and numerous sculptures in Vilnius that are no longer preserved), Filippo Fiesole , Antonio Fiesole , Niccolò Castiglione , Giovanni Soli and Bernardino Zanobi de Gianotis (tomb Stanisław and Stanisław's tomb Janusz III in St. John's Cathedral in Warsaw), who created numerous Renaissance tombs and altars in Krakow, Płock, Vilnius and Warsaw, Giovanni Battista Veneziano , who was mainly active in Płock and Warsaw, Giovanni Maria Mosca , who mainly worked in Krakow and Poznan ( ciborium in St. Mary's Church in Krakow , tomb of Piotr Gamrats in Wawel Cathedral, tomb of Stanisław Oleś Nicki in Poznan Cathedral , Tomb Mikołaj Dzierzgowskis in Gnesner Archcathedral , tombs of Jan Tarnowski Barbara for Tęczyńskich Tarnowskis in the St. Mary's Church in Tarnów , Tomb January Kamienieckis in Krosno Franciscan ), and in particular Bartolomeo Berrecci , a student Andrea Ferrucci , who mainly due to the Wawel and was active in Krakow, where he completed the renaissance reconstruction of the castle after Francesco Fiorentino together with Benedikt von Sandomierz and created the Sigismund Chapel at the Wawel Cathedral with the tombs of the last Jagiellonians, which are a true example of the Italian Renaissance applies outside Italy. Berrecci's Sigismund Chapel became the model for numerous other Renaissance chapels throughout Poland-Lithuania, including the Vasa Chapel of the Wawel Cathedral, the Myszkowski Chapel of the Kraków Dominican Church and the Boim Chapel in Lemberg . Other works by Berrecci and his students are the Lamento in St. Martin's Church in Opatów, the baldachin of Ladislaus I's tomb, the tomb of Piotra Tomicki and the tomb of Jan Konarski in the Wawel Cathedral, the tomb of Jan Lubrański in the Poznan Cathedral and the tomb of Mikołaj Szydłowieckis in the Sigismund Church in Szydłowiec . Jan Michałowicz was a Polish sculptor and architect who created numerous tombs in the Italian Renaissance style, including those of Filip Padniewski and Andrzej Zebrzydowski in the Zebrzydowski Chapel of Wawel Cathedral. Breslauer Sebastian Tauerbach and the Krakow Hans Snycerz carved the Wawel heads on the ceiling of deputies hall on Wawel Hill. The tomb of Seweryn Boners, the royal banker of Sigismund I the Elder, in Krakow's St. Mary's Church is part of the bourgeois Renaissance art . It goes back to the workshop of Peter Vischer the Elder and was designed by Stanisław Samostrzelnik and Peter Flötner .
The monk Stanisław Samostrzelnik was active in Renaissance painting in Kraków and in the Mogila Monastery , where he created numerous frescoes and miniatures. His style is described as the transition from late Gothic to Renaissance. Pietro Veneziano painted the main picture of the Renaissance altar of the Wawel Cathedral , now in the Marienkirche in Bodzentyn . The altar of the Sigismund Chapel on the Wawel was created by Hans Dürer , Peter Flötner , Georg Pencz and Pankraz Labenwolf from Nuremberg . Around 1550, Sigismund II August ordered a total of around 170 tapestries for the Wawel Castle in Brussels , which were created by Pieter Coecke van Aelst , among others . Further tapestries were ordered from Jacob van Zeunen for the Wawel Cathedral. Other works by important Renaissance artists abroad were also ordered for the Krakow royal court, including those of Lucas Cranach the Younger . In the north and west of Poland and the Polish fiefdom of Prussia as well as in Silesia, which belonged to Bohemia during the Renaissance, and Pomerania, which was Brandenburg or independent, the Reformation found its way into the form of the Augsburg Confession. Unlike in southern and eastern Poland, art there did not follow the Italian, but the Dutch model. Instead of lavish tombs, simple Renaissance epitaphs have been preserved in the churches of Danzig or Wroclaw.
During the Renaissance, goldsmithing continued to develop in Poland-Lithuania. The best known example is the reliquary of St. Stanislaus from the cathedral treasure of the Wawel Cathedral.
In Poland, Renaissance art is collected and exhibited by the national museums in Warsaw , Cracow ( Europeum ), Gdansk , Wroclaw , Poznan and Szczecin , the Czartoryski Museum and the Museum in Cracow's Wawel Castle .
The transition from Renaissance to Mannerism in Poland-Lithuania occurs around 1540/50, with the reign of Sigismund II August . From around 1570 a Dutch-influenced mannerism developed in northern Poland (Danzig), while in Lesser Poland (Krakow, Lemberg) and Greater Poland (Posen) the Italians continue to dominate, especially from Tuscany and the northern Italian cities. From around 1600 begins in the new royal residence in Warsaw under Sigismund III. Wasa the early baroque, while Mannerism continued for some time in other areas.
During the Mannerist era, Italian sculptors continued to be the leaders in Poland, above all Santi Gucci at the Krakow royal court. He created tombs for the Polish kings Sigismund II and Stephan I. Bathory, as well as his wife Anna Jagiellonica in the cathedral in Krakow, also for Spytek Wawrzyniec Jordan in the Katharinenkirche in Kazimierz and for other magnate families.
Hieronimus Canavesi from Milan created an intermediate form between the Italian Renaissance and Dutch Mannerism. He also worked for the Polish royal court in Kraków and also created tombs of Stanisław Maleszewski in the Kraków Dominican Church , for Bishop Adam Konarski and the magnate family Górka in the Poznan Cathedral , and possibly also for Jakub Rokossowski in Szamotuły . The Italian Paolo Romano worked in Lwów.
Balthasar Kunz was active in Lesser Poland, where he created numerous Mannerist altars, including in the Krakow churches of St. Mark , St. Anna and the Holy Cross and the choir stalls of the Corpus Christi church in Kazimierz, also in the Poor Clare Monastery and other churches as another example of a Mannerist altar in Lesser Poland, the main altar in the Corpus Christi church in Biecz can be seen from an unknown carver.
The students of Jan Michałowicz , Jan Biały and Sebastian Czeszek , brought the Krakow style of the Renaissance tomb to Lwów and the surrounding area in the second half of the 16th century, where they created the Katarzyna Ramułtow tomb, among other things. The Krakow architect Gabriel Słoński was a representative of the bourgeois sculpture . Numerous Renaissance and Mannerist portals on Krakow town houses have been preserved from him. Bourgeois art also includes the tombs of the Italian merchant families Montelupi and the Cellari created by the students of Santi Gucci in Kraków's Marienkirche . The Mannerist choir stalls by Fabian Möller are in the same church . The sculptor Fodige Gaspare from Graubünden was active in Chęciny and the surrounding area.
The sculptor and architect Willem van den Blocke , who came from Flanders, worked in Gdansk, who spread the Flemish and Dutch-influenced mannerism. He created epitaphs, tombs and cenotaphs in Danzig, Thorn, Elbing, Oliva, Vilnius and other places. In addition, numerous portals of bourgeois houses in Danzig and Thorn can be traced back to him.
The painter Hans Vredeman de Vries from Antwerp worked in Gdansk for a few years and shaped the mannerism there. His presumed pupil Izaak van den Blocke completed his work on ceiling paintings in the town hall , of which the allegory of Gdansk trade is the best known, and created other ceiling paintings in Gdansk town houses.
Anton Möller was another representative of Mannerism in Danzig painting. He also created ceiling paintings for the town hall, the Artus Court , the Katharinenkirche , Marienkirche and numerous patrician houses in Gdansk as well as some portraits, among other things the model of the world and the Gdansk society , the building of the temple , the Last Judgment , the alms table and the epitaph of Jacob Schmidt.
At the Kraków royal court, Martin Kober from Wrocław worked as a portrait painter for the changing Polish-Lithuanian royal families at the end of the 16th century. Among his most famous portraits are those of Stephan I. Báthory, Sigismund III. Vasa, Anna Jagiellonica, and Crown Prince Ladislaus IV. Vasa. The Armenian painter Szymon Boguszowicz was active in Lviv and Galicia in the early 17th century, who also painted portraits and a battle picture.
The Baroque also came to Poland from Italy. This cultural epoch can be divided into three parts in Poland-Lithuania. The early baroque lasted from around 1590/95 to 1660/70, it is with the reign of King Sigismund III. Vasa and his two sons, which is why it is also known as the Vasa style . Early baroque and mannerism overlap. While Sigismund III. Vasa, who promoted the early Baroque from the beginning of his reign and brought artists from Italian Switzerland and Rome to Poland-Lithuania, the queen widow of his predecessor Anna Jagiellonica was still loyal to Mannerism. In the area around Lublin , a style of its own developed in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, known as the Lublin Renaissance .
The high baroque lasted about. from 1670 to 1700 and falls with the reigns of kings Michael I and John III. Sobieski together, it is therefore also known as the Sobieski style . During this time, the baroque took hold in Poland. The late Baroque was mainly implemented in Northern and Lesser Poland, while the new Saxon King August II seamlessly turned to the Rococo in his capital Warsaw.
Early baroque
The Polish early baroque is mainly influenced by the works of the Italian sculptor Bernini . An important event for early Baroque sculpture in Poland was the laying of marble quarries in Dębnik not far from Krakow. The black, white and yellow marble was used for many baroque statues across Poland. For example, the interior of the Vasa Chapel in Wawel Cathedral and the Zbarski Chapel of the Dominican Church in Krakow are made of this material. The Italians (or Ticino) Giovanni Trevano , Matteo Castelli , Constantino Tencalla and Sebastian Sala deserve special mention as sculptors and designers of these chapels . Other characteristic early baroque tombs made from this marble are the tomb of Andrzej Trzebickis in the Kraków Peter and Paul Church , the tomb of Piotr Tylickis in the Wawel Cathedral or the tomb of Piotr Opaliński in the Zirker Marienkirche in Sieraków . Giovanni Battista Falconi was a plasterer at the court of the Vasa kings, who worked in the Vasa Chapel, the Kraków Peter and Paul Church, the Sebastian Chapel of the Kraków Camaldolese Monastery , the Zamość Collegiate Church , the Lublin Stanislaus Basilica, the Krosno Franciscan Church, the Klimontówer Joseph Church, the chapel of the castle Podhorce , the Castle Baranów Sandomierski , at Castle Nowy Wiśnicz and Rzeszów Heiligkreuzkirche worked.
Probably the first early Baroque sculpture in Poland is the Danzig Neptune Fountain by Abraham van den Blocke with the main character of Peter Husen and Johann Rogge from Flanders . Abraham van den Blocke is considered to be the most important representative of the early Baroque among the Danzig sculptors. He created the main altar of St. John's Church and the detailed decoration of the facades of the Arturhofs , the Great Armory , the Golden Gate , the Golden House and the House of abbots in Pelplin and completed numerous orders from all over northern Poland, who had received his father. The epitaph Marchese Bonifazio Orias and the tomb of Simon and Judith Bahrs in Gdańsk's Marienkirche also go back to him.
Probably the best known early baroque and at the same time the first secular monument in Warsaw is the Sigismund Column by Agostino Locci and Constantino Tencalla, which Władysław IV. Wasa in honor of his father Sigismund III. Vasa had set up in front of the Warsaw Royal Castle .
High baroque
The models of the Polish high baroque were primarily the works of French sculptors. They were the native Romans Giovanni Battista Gisleni (main altar of the Wawel Cathedral, Vasa Obelisk in Wyszków , numerous tombs in the cathedrals in Krakow and Vilnius) and Giovanni Francesco Rossi (busts of the royal couple John II Kasimir and Luisa Maria Gonzagas , the tomb Piotr Gembickis in the Wawel Cathedral and numerous tombs in the Vilnius Cathedral) were the leading sculptors in Poland-Lithuania. The Ticino plasterer Baldassare Fontana worked in Krakow, where he, among others, in the Anna Church , Carmelite Church and Poor Clares worked well in the Klara Church in Altsandez.
Andreas Schlueter , who was born in Gdańsk , also worked for the Polish royal courts in Warsaw and Wilanów, where he created the statues for the Wilanów Palace , the epitaph Adam Konarskis in the Frauenburg Cathedral , the tomb of the Sobieskis in Żółkiew and the tympanum at the Krasiński Palace , the main altar of St. Anthony's Church in Czerniaków, the crucifix of St. Anthony's Church in Węgrów and Jan Małachowski's tomb in Wawel Cathedral. Jerzy Hankis was active as a carver in Krakow, where, among other things, he carved the main altar of the Church of Mary on the sand . Giuseppe Simone Bellotti created the column of the Passau Madonna and Child in the Cracow suburb in Warsaw.
Late baroque
During the late baroque period, Francesco Placidi was the most important sculptor in Poland-Lithuania. The tombs for King John II Sobieski and Marie Casimire Louise de la Grange d'Arquien, as well as Michael I and Eleanor of Austria in the Wawel Cathedral go back to him. He was also responsible for the reconstruction of the Lipski Chapel in the Wawel Cathedral, numerous altars in the Wawel Cathedral and Krakow's St. Mary's Church and the reconstruction of the facade of the Krakow Piartist Church . The Jesuit Dawid Heel created the figures in front of and on the Krakow Peter and Paul Church and the Krasnystawer Franziskuskirche. Antoni Frąckiewicz carved the interior of the Preministerial Monastery in Imbramowice, the main altar of the Krakow St. John's Church , the main altar of the Kliec Cathedral , the pulpit of the Krakow Anna's Church and numerous figures of saints for the Tyniec Abbey, among others .
Early baroque
The early Baroque painters included clergymen, including the Saint Bernard Franciszek Lekszycki , who was influenced by Rubens and van Dyck , and the dance of death and the altar in the Kraków Saint Bernard Church, as well as numerous pictures in the St. Mary's Basilica in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska , Leżajsk , Lwów , Przeworsk , Vilnius , Warsaw and Borek , Krzysztof Boguszewski , who created altar paintings for the Poznan Cathedral , and the anonymous painter of the death wheel of the Augustinian Church in Krakow.
However, the most important early Baroque painter in Poland was that of Sigismund III. Vasa hired Italian Tommaso Dolabella , who painted numerous paintings for the royal court and churches across Poland. His paintings with religious and historical themes hang in many churches, especially in Krakow Dominican monastery , in Camaldolese Krakow , in Krakow Corpus Christi Church , the Lublin Stanislaus , the Bishop's Palace Kielce and in the Wawel , of which the Battle of Lepanto is the best known. His students Astolf Vagioli and Zachariasz Dzwonowski completed many works, including eight paintings for the Kraków Augustinian monastery. In Krakow in particular, the previously Gothic interiors of most of the churches were replaced by monumental Baroque paintings, for example in the Baroque churches of St. Katherina and Corpus Cristi in Kazimierz , or in the Pelplin Monastery .
Herman Han (in the monasteries Pelplin and Oliva ), the portrait painter of the Danzig patricianship Andreas Stech , as well as Daniel Frecher (?), Daniel Schultz and Bartholomäus Strobel were active in Polish-Prussia during the early baroque period . Century strongly based on the works of Rembrandt van Rijn . The latter two named were also employed as court painters in Warsaw at times.
High baroque
Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter rose to become the most important painter at the court of Johann III. Sobieski, who created numerous portraits of the royal family and the allegorical frescoes in the new Wilanów residence near Warsaw and in the Anna Church in Krakow . Other important painters at court were the Italians Jan Tricius and Michelangelo Palloni (in the cathedral in Vilnius , in particular the frescoes of the Casimir Chapel, the Vilnius Peter and Paul Church , the Camaldolese monastery in Warsaw , the Łowicz monastery , the Pažaislis monastery in Lithuania, as well several churches in Węgrów ), the Warsaw Jan Reisner , the Swede Karl Dankwart (in Krakow Anna Church ), the Austrian Martino Altomonte (in the Heiligelinde monastery and churches in Krakow and Vilnius and in the Sobieski residences in Podhorce and Żółkiew ) and the French Claude Callot and François Desportes .
Coffin painting became increasingly popular, in which portraits of the deceased were painted in the shape of the cross-sectional shape of the coffin for the purpose of the funeral ceremony. These were either attached to the coffin at the burial or placed in the church where the deceased was buried.
In Silesia, which at that time belonged to the Habsburg Kingdom of Bohemia , among others Michael Willmann was active, who among other things created the ceiling frescoes in the monasteries of Leubus and Grüssau .
Polish painters abroad
Wojciech Bobowski worked at the Sultanshof in Istanbul , Teodor Lubieniecki at the Prussian royal court in Berlin and Marcin Teofilowicz in Tyrol .
Late baroque
Szymon Czechowicz and Tadeusz Kuntze were among the late Baroque painters who were already influenced by the Rococo .
The taste in art at the Polish royal court passed almost seamlessly from the high baroque to the rococo , so that relatively little was painted in the late baroque style in Warsaw. In the provinces and also in Bohemian Silesia, however, the late baroque was able to hold its own. The Wroclaw painter Georg Wilhelm Neunhertz worked in the monasteries of Czestochowa , Ląd , Himmelwitz , Liebenthaler Kloster , Sagan , Heiligberg bei Gostyń as well as the Neumarkter Andreaskirche, Schömberger Heilige-Familie-Kirche and Bunzlauer Marienkirche, as well as at the castle Rydzyna .
The Munich fresco painter Felix Anton Scheffler worked in the monasteries of Leubus , Grüssau , Glatz as well as the Hirschberg Gnadenkirche Liebauer Marienkirche and the Neißer Peter-und-Paulkirche , also at the University of Breslau .
The Italian Wilhelm Italiano worked in Lesser Poland. Frescoes from him have been preserved in the Imbramowice Monastery and the Church of St. Mary in Kraków . At this time, a separate form of Ukrainian baroque and icon painting was developing in eastern Poland .
The Aula Leopoldina at the University of Breslau was designed by Christoph Tausch , Franz Joseph Mangoldt , Johann Christoph Handke and Krzysztof Hollandt . In Cieszyn Silesia were Ludwik Antoni Brygierski , Wawrzyniec Cieszyński and Piotr Brygierski operates.

King August II the Strong brought many artists from Saxony who were particularly active at the royal court in Warsaw.
During the Saxon period, the sculptor Johann Georg Plersch (Jan Tarłos tomb in the Jesuit Church , the interior of the Visitant Church and the Carmelite Church in Warsaw, and the allegorical figures in the Saxon Garden ) worked at the royal court in Warsaw. In Lemberg (Lvov), the carvers and sculptors Maciej Polejowski (altars in Cathedral Lwów and Cathedral Sandomierz ), Sebastian Fesinger (figures in the Dominican and Trinitarian Lvov, the Franciscan Church Przemyśl, the Joseph Church Boćki and in Lubomirski Palace Lvov), Antoni Osiński (figures in the Dominican Church in Warsaw and the St. Mary's Basilica in Leżajsk) and in particular Johann Georg Brush (including figures for the Butschatsch Town Hall, the Greek Catholic Arch -Cathedral in Lwów, the Church of All Saints in Hodowice, the Church of St. Mary in Horodenka and the Church of St. Martin in Lwów), who worked for the Lviv Rococo -School established. The rococo carvers Wojciech Rojowski and Piotr Kornecki worked in Kraków and the surrounding area (including the main altar in the Nikolauskirche in Bochnia ). In Gdansk , the rococo sculptor Johann Heinrich Meißner created the figures on the small organ in Gdansk St. John's Church , the large organ in Gdansk St. Mary's Church and the Rococo pulpit in the same church.
At the Warsaw royal court were the rococo painters Anton Ignaz Hamilton (animal scenes and still lifes), Louis-François Marteau (portrait painter), Józef Meyer (among other things frescoes in the Lublin St. John's Cathedral ) and Johann Samuel Mock (portrait painter, paintings for the Warsaw royal castle and the Grodner Royal Castle , historical paintings, such as August II's entry into Warsaw ) and his pupil Łukasz Smuglewicz (ceiling frescoes in the Zwierzyniec Nepomuk Church and the dome of the Podhorc St. Joseph's Church as well as the first project of the Temple of Divine Providence ) and Johann Benedikt Hoffman for August III. active.
The transition from Rococo to Classicism took place relatively abruptly with the end of the Wettin dynasty and the beginning of the reign of Stanislaus II August in the 1760s. The first phase of classicism coincides with the reign of Stanislaus II August, which ended with the third partition of Poland in 1795 and is therefore called the Stanislaus style. Classicism then lasted into the 1820s and was no longer the only art style, as Romanticism had competed with it since the beginning of the 19th century.
In the Stanislaus style, the French sculptor André Le Brun created the monument to Johann III together with the native Austrian Franciszek Pinck . Sobieski in Warsaw in Łazienki Park and numerous other figures in this park as well as numerous statues in the Warsaw Royal Castle and Castle Kozienice . André Le Brun's pupil was the Italian Giacomo Monaldi , who also worked for the Warsaw Royal Castle, the Myślewicki Palace and the Warsaw Church of St. Anne .
The most important sculptor of late classicism in Poland was the Dane Bertel Thorvaldsen , who created many monuments in Warsaw, Krakow and Lviv, including the Józef Poniatowski monument , the Nicolaus Copernicus monument , the tomb of Stanisław Małachowski in the Warsaw Basilica of the Holy Cross , the tomb of Artur Stanisław Potockis in the Potocki Chapel in the Wawel Cathedral as well as other works, among others at the Łańcut Castle and Warsaw town houses. Thorvaldsen's student was Jakub Tatarkiewicz , who created the Potocki mausoleum and numerous tombs in the Powązki cemetery . Anton Schimser and Hartmann Witwer worked in Lemberg, where they designed numerous figures for town houses and tombs in the Lützenhof cemetery .
The Warsaw royal court under was Stanisław August. Originating from Italy painter Bernardo Bellotto , called Canaletto (numerous Warsaw-and Rome-vistas for the Castle Ujazdów and the Royal Castle in Warsaw , including the Warsaw panorama of Praga , as well as the historical pictures of the arrival of Envoy Jerzy Ossoliński in Rome in 1733 and the election of Stanislaus II August as Polish King ), Marcello Bacciarelli (portraits of the members of the royal court, especially the king, as well as historical paintings and wall and ceiling frescoes for the Warsaw Royal Castle and the Łazienki Palace ), the son of Johann Georg Plersch ' Johann Gottlieb Plersch (wall paintings in Ujazdów Castle, ceiling and wall paintings in the Warsaw Royal Castle, interiors of the Łazienki Palace, the White House and the Old Orangery in Warsaw's Łazienki Park , wall paintings in the Warsaw National Theater and in numerous palaces around Warsaw), the portrait painter Antoni Albertrandi and the miniature and portrait painter Józef Kosiński .
The French history painter Jean Pierre Norblin de La Gourdaine was one of the painters of the late Classicism, who worked in Warsaw as well as in the castles of Nieborów and Arkadia as well as Puławy , the sons of Łukasz Smuglewicz ' Antoni Smuglewicz (including frescoes in the Podhorc Nikolauskirche ) and Franciszek Smuglewicz (including frescoes in the University of Vilnius ), as well as his pupil Józef Peszka (including history paintings and numerous views of Krakow), and the watercolor painter Zygmunt Vogel (including numerous views of Warsaw). Jan Rustem , Józef Oleszkiewicz and Mateusz Tokarski belonged to the Vilnius Art School .
Romanticism, Historicism and Art Nouveau
At the beginning of the 19th century, from the Napoleonic Wars to the January Uprising , the classical and romantic styles competed in Polish art, which prevailed in the 1830s and was replaced by positivism and historicism after the January Uprising. At the turn of the century before last, the Jungendstil dominated, especially in Galicia known as Young Poland .
Important sculptors of the 19th century were Konstanty Hegel (including the Syrenka monument on the Warsaw market square and the Quadriga at the Warsaw Great Theater ), Leonard Marconi (including the epitaph of Frédéric Chopin in the Warsaw Kreuzkirche , figures on the facade of the Lviv University - at that time of the Galician state parliament , Lviv Aleksander Fredro monument today Wroclaw , Kraków Tadeusz Kościuszko monument as well as sculptures at the Warsaw Kronenberg Palace , Lviv Hotel Gorge , the Lviv Galizische Sparkasse as well as tombs on the Lemberg Lützenhofer cemetery ), Andrzej Pruszyński (including a statue of Christ in front of the Warsaw Holy Cross Church , Marien statue in front of the Warsaw Karlskirche , statues in the Warsaw Villa Rau and the Warsaw Bogusławski Palace as well as numerous tombs in the Powązki Cemetery , the Warsaw Evangelical-Augsburg Cemetery and the Warsaw Jewish Cemetery ), Wacław Szymanowski (memorials and Fi Jungendstil gures, in particular the Warsaw Chopin monument , tombs in the Powązki cemetery, figures in Warsaw's Romuald Traugutt Park and numerous tombs in the Krakow Rakowicki cemetery ). Teodor Rygier also worked in Kraków , who created the Adam Mickiewicz monument in Kraków and figures at the Kraków Art Palace . Antoni Popiel was active in Lviv, including the Lviv Adam Mickiewicz Memorial , Lviv Kornel Ujejski Memorial today in Stettin , the Tadeusz Kościuszko Memorial in front of the White House in Washington, DC (a copy has been in front of it since 2010 the Warsaw Lubomirski Palace ) as well as characters at the Lviv Opera . Kazimierz Chodziński created the Kazimierz Pułaski Memorial in front of the White House in Washington and the Tadeusz Kościuszko Memorial in Chicago . Antoni Wiwulski erected the Kraków Grunwald Monument and the Three Cross Group in Vilnius. Bolesław Bałzukiewicz also worked primarily in Vilnius, where he created, among other things, the Stanisław Moniuszko monument and numerous tombs in the Vilnius Rosa Cemetery . Cyprian Godebski created the Adam Mickiewicz monument in Warsaw , the Alexander Fredro monument in Krakow and the Lviv Artur Grottger monument in the Lviv Dominican Church . Antoni Madeyski created the tomb Hedwig Anjous and the tomb Ladislaus III. in the Wawel Cathedral . Pius Weloński created numerous sculptures, including in Kraków's Planty Park .
Romantic painting developed in Poland after the partitions and mostly dealt with political or mythological subjects. Well-known representatives of Romanticism in Polish painting were Walenty Wańkowicz , Piotr Michałowski , Henryk Rodakowski and Artur Grottger . The best- known representative of academic art was Henryk Siemiradzki . Józef Szermentowski was probably the most important Polish landscape painter of the 19th century. In the age of positivism, history painting dominated, the best-known representatives of which are Juliusz Kossak , the brothers Maksymilian and Aleksander Gierymski and Jan Matejko . Other important representatives of realism were Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowiczowa , Józef Brandt , Teodor Buchholz , Józef Chełmoński , Ludwik Gędłek , Wojciech Gerson , Henryk Grabiński , Antoni Gramatyka , Stanisław Grocholski and Jan Gwalbert Olszewski . Matejko's students Józef Mehoffer and Stanisław Wyspiański developed the secessionist direction Young Poland , which also included Ludwik Eugeniusz Dąbrowa-Dąbrowski , Jacek Malczewski and Edward Okuń . Well-known representatives of Impressionism were Stanisław Chlebowski , Jan Ciągliński , Julian Fałat , Władysław Podkowiński , Józef Pankiewicz and Olga Boznańska . Polish expressionists included Wojciech Weiss , Leon Weissberg , Witold Wojtkiewicz , Ryszard Woźniak , Stanislaw Kubicki , Konrad Krzyżanowski , Wincenty Drabik , Waldemar Cwenarski , Marian Bohusz-Szyszko and Andrzej Awsiej . Feliks Brzozowski and Janina Płoska are counted among the naturalists . Wlastimil Hofman , Ferdynand Ruszczyc , Kazimierz Stabrowski , Władysław Ślewiński and Witold Wojtkiewicz are considered symbolists .
Second Polish Republic
Probably the best-known sculptor of the interwar period was Xawery Dunikowski , who created the Józef Dietl Monument in Cracow and the Warsaw America Gratitude Monument . He was also active after the Second World War and created, among other things, the monument to the uprisings in Upper Silesia on St. Annaberg , the monument to the liberation of Warmia and Mazury in Allenstein and the monument to the soldiers of the First Polish Army in Warsaw. A museum for his works has been set up in Warsaw's Królikarnia Palace . His students included Jerzy Bandura , Zygmunt Gawlik , Józef Gosławski , Maria Jarema , Ludwik Konarzewski , Jacek Puget and Henryk Wiciński . Ludwika Nitschowa created, among other things, the Syrenka monument on the bank of the Vistula .
In the interwar period, various art movements developed. The first years were from Formism coined his representative Leon Chwistek , Tytus Czyżewski , Henryk Gotlib , January Hrynkowski , Jacek Mierzejewski , Tymon Niesiołowski , Andrzej Pronaszko , Zbigniew Pronaszko , Konrad Winkler , Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz , August Zamoyski , Romuald Kamil Witkowski , Wacław Wąsowicz , Jerzy Zaruba , Mieczysław Szczuka , Leon Dołżycki and Ludwik Lille were. Later on the Unismus dominated , whose representatives were Władysław Strzemiński , Julian Lewin , Samuel Szczekacz and Stefan Wegner , as well as the group Rytm, whose representatives Maja Berezowska , Wacław Borowski , Léopold Gottlieb , Tadeusz Gronowski , Stanisław Horno-Popławarski , Zygmunt Kamięowarski , Szowarski , Henryk Kuna , Rafal Malczewski , Tymon Niesiołowski, Stanislaw Noakowski , Tadeusz Pruszkowski , Władysław Roguski , Stanislaw Rzecki , Władysław Skoczylas , Zofia Stryjeńska , Zofia Trzcińska-Kamińska , Romuald Kamil Witkowski, Edward Wittig and Eugene Zak . Independent artists of this era were Bruno Schulz , Mieczysław Szczuka and Tadeusz Makowski .
During the Second World War, Hitler's Germany and the Soviet Union looted or destroyed a large number of art treasures from Polish museums, churches and palaces. Many of them, such as Raphael's youth , have not reappeared to this day.
People's Republic of Poland
In the People's Republic, social realism was predominant. Important sculptors of the People's Republic were Magdalena Abakanowicz , Alina Szapocznikow , Bronisław Chromy and Alina Szapocznikow. Leon Suzin and Natan Rapaport erected the monument to the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto and Marian Konieczny the monument to the heroes of Warsaw in the 1940s . Witold Cęckiewicz created the Cracow Memorial to the Victims of Fascism , Franciszek Duszeńko the Memorial to the Victims of the Treblinka Concentration Camp , Wiktor Tołkin the Monument to Resistance and Martyrdom in Majdanek and Hanna Szmalenberg and Władysław Klamerus the Monument to the Umschlagplatz in Warsaw. Kazimierz Gustaw Zemła created the Katowice Monument to the Silesian Insurgents , the Monument to the Fallen-Undefeated in the Warsaw Insurgent Cemetery , the Monument to the Polish Deed in Szczecin , the Warsaw Monument to the Battle of Monte Cassino and the Warsaw Monument to Henryk Sienkiewicz in the Łazienki Park .
In painting, Andrzej Wróblewski was the leading exponent of social realism. Nevertheless, artists such as Piotr Potworowski , Władysław Hasior Ludwik Konarzewski , Jerzy Duda-Gracz , Zdzisław Beksiński and Nikifor Krynicki developed their own artistic styles. The group of colorists included Jan Cybis , Jan Szancenbach , Artur Nacht-Samborski and Hanna Rudzka-Cybisowa, and the Krakau II group included Tadeusz Kantor , Maria Jarema and Jerzy Nowosielski . The Polish School of Poster Art achieved world fame, which included Józef Gielniak , Jerzy Panek , Stanisław Kluska , Mieczysław Wejman , Henryk Tomaszewski , Roman Cieślewicz , Jan Młodożeniec , Waldemar Świerzy , Jan Lenica and Roman Kalarus .
Republic of Poland since 1990
Art has now been depoliticized again. The most important contemporary artists are Wilhelm Sasnal , Rafał Bujnowski , Józef Robakowski , Paweł Althamer , Mirosław Bałka , Leszek Knaflewski , Robert Kusmirowski , Zuzanna Janin , Krzysztof Wodiczko , Paulina Ołowska , Katarzyna Kozyra and Joanna Rajkowska .
The sculptor Igor Mitoraj attracted attention abroad with his monumental sculptures linked to ancient art. Numerous galleries and museums are dedicated to contemporary art, of which the Galeria Zachęta and the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw are the most important. The latter is to have a new building on Defiladenplatz in front of the Kulturpalast by 2020 .
Foreign art in Poland
Since the 10th century, works of art such as manuscripts, liturgical objects, paintings and sculptures have been imported from other countries and regions. The Polish royal court has been ordering art from leading foreign artists since around the 15th century, initially from the Nuremberg people and, from the Renaissance onwards, mainly in Italy, the Netherlands and Flanders. The rich aristocracy also began to create their own art collections by important foreign artists after the Renaissance. Works by Leonardo da Vinci , Sandro Botticelli , Raphael , Domenico Ghirlandaios , Bonifazio Veroneses , Lorenzo Lottos , El Grecos , Guercinos , Hans von Kulmbach , Hans Holbein the Younger , Lucas Cranach the Elder , Lucas Cranach the Younger , Pieter Brueghels the Younger , Jan Brueghels the Elder , Peter Paul Rubens , Jacob Jordaens , Rembrandt van Rijns , Eugène Delacroixs and many others to Poland. The first to open their collection to the public were the Czartoryskis in the 18th century , whose museum is now in Krakow. Many important works of art were stolen or destroyed during the Swedish Flood , the period of partition and especially the two world wars. However, some could also be preserved and regained. In addition to the Kraków Czartoryski Museum, significant world-class works can also be found at the Wawel , the Kraków National Museum , especially in the Europeum exhibition, the Warsaw Royal Castle , the Warsaw John Paul II Collection and the Warsaw National Museum .
See also
- Tadeusz Dobrowolski, Władysław Tatarkiewicz (red.): Historia sztuki polskiej t. I-III, Kraków 1965.
- Marek Walczak , Piotr Krasny , Stefania Kszysztofowicz-Kozakowska: Sztuka Polski , Kraków 2006.
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ The most famous of these figures is the idol of Sbrutsch from Ukraine, which is now in the Kraków Archaeological Museum .
- ↑ Rafał Quirini-Popławski: Rzeźba przedromańska i romańska w Polsce wobec sztuki włoskiej. Kraków 2006. Digitized
- ↑ Zygmunt Świechowski: Sztuka Romanska . Warszawa 2005 (Dzieje sztuki polskiej, t. I)
- ^ Adam S. Labuda, Krystyna Secomska: Malarstwo gotyckie w Polsce . Warsaw 2005
- ↑ Mariusz Karpowicz, Wolfgang Jöhling, Renate Böning: Baroque in Poland. Arkady, Warszawa 1991; after Mariusz Karpowicz: Barok w Polsce . Arkady, Warszawa 1988
- ^ Peter Winter: Art of the Baroque in Poland. Herzog-Anton-Ulrich-Museum, Braunschweig 1974, exhibition catalog
- ^ Zbigniew Bania: Sztuka polska. Tom V. Póżny baroque, rococo i klasycyzm. Warsaw 2016
- ↑ Sztuka Rococo No. 3, 4.