Peak Range National Park

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Peak Range National Park
Peak Range National Park (Queensland)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 22 ° 28 ′ 53.7 ″  S , 147 ° 52 ′ 37.1 ″  E
Location: Queensland , Australia
Specialty: Volcanic mountains
Next city: Creswick
Surface: 25 km²
Founding: 1983
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The Peak Range National Park is located 45 kilometers from Clermont in central Queensland in Australia . It is part of the Peak Range Volcano , a series of volcanoes .

National park

From the Peak Downs Highway , which passes on the south side of the park, the Peak Range can be seen in the flat central highlands of Queensland. The most famous mountain in the national park is Wolfgang Peak, 487 meters above sea level .

In the park there are lava fields next to extinct volcanoes .

Peak Range Volcano

The Peak Range Volcano is an area with volcanoes that form a line 100 kilometers in length and cover an area of ​​2500 square kilometers with lava. The Peak Range National Park is part of this area. These volcanic mountains include Anvil Peak , Table Mountain , Scotts Peak , Malvern Hill, and Ropers Peak . The highest mountain in this chain is Browns Peak with a height of 807 meters above sea level. The mountains Scotts Peak , Ropers Peak and Browns Peak discovered and named the Prussian explorer Ludwig Leichhardt in February 1845 on his first expedition to Australia from 1844 to 1845.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Australian Government - CAPAD 2010 ( MS Excel ; 170 kB), DSEWPaC , accessed on October 7, 2012 (English)
  2. Australian Government - CAPAD 1997 ( MS Excel ; 93 kB), DSEWPaC , accessed on October 7, 2012 (English)
  3. , in English, accessed January 25, 2012
  4. Clermont , in English, accessed January 25, 2012
  5. : Peak Range Volcano , in English, accessed January 25, 2012