Charles K. Fletcher

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Charles K. Fletcher, 1946

Charles Kimball Fletcher (born December 15, 1902 in San Diego , California , †  September 29, 1985 there ) was an American politician . Between 1947 and 1949 he represented the state of California in the US House of Representatives .


Charles Fletcher attended public schools in his home country and then studied at Stanford University until 1924 . In 1934 he also graduated from the University of Oxford in England . Professionally, he worked in the banking industry. During the Second World War he was a lieutenant in the US Navy Reserve from 1943 to 1945 . Politically, he joined the Republican Party . In the 1946 congressional elections , Fletcher was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the 23rd  constituency of California , where he succeeded Edouard Izac on January 3, 1947 . Since he was not confirmed in 1948, he could only complete one term in Congress until January 3, 1949 . This was shaped by the events of the beginning Cold War .

Fletcher was President and Manager of the Home Federal Savings & Loan Association between 1934 and 1959, including while serving as Congressman . He then became its chairman. From 1955 to 1957 he was a member of the California State Commission for Prison Control. Charles Fletcher spent the rest of his life in his hometown of San Diego, where he died on September 29, 1985.

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