Curtis H. Castle

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Curtis H. Castle

Curtis Harvey Castle (born October 4, 1848 in Galesburg , Illinois , †  July 12, 1928 in Santa Barbara , California ) was an American politician . Between 1897 and 1899 he represented the state of California in the US House of Representatives .


Curtis Castle attended the public schools of his home country and then studied until 1872 at Northwestern University in Evanston . He then worked as a teacher in Washington ( Texas ) between 1872 and 1876 . He then studied medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Keokuk ( Iowa ). Until 1882 he practiced in Iowa in his new profession. Then he moved to California, where he first settled in Point Arena and from 1888 in Merced and worked as a doctor. Between 1894 and 1896 he was a member of the American Academy of Medicine . Politically, Castle joined the Populist Party . In Merced County he was their party chairman. At the same time he sat on the state board of his party.

In the congressional elections of 1896 Castle was elected to the United States House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the seventh constituency of California , where he succeeded William W. Bowers on March 4, 1897 . Since he was not confirmed in 1898, he could only serve one term in Congress until March 3, 1899 . This was shaped by the events of the Spanish-American War . After the end of his time in the US House of Representatives, Curtis Castle practiced as a doctor again. He spent his old age in Santa Barbara, where he died on July 12, 1928.

Web links

  • Curtis H. Castle in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress (English)