Thomas M. Rees

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Thomas M. Rees (1975)

Thomas Mankell Rees (born March 26, 1925 in Los Angeles , California , †  December 9, 2003 in Santa Cruz , California) was an American politician . Between 1965 and 1977 he represented the state of California in the US House of Representatives .


Thomas Rees attended public schools in his home country as well as the Occidental College in Los Angeles, which he graduated in 1950. He then served in the US Army . After graduating from the University of California with a law degree and admission to the bar, he began working in the profession. He also became president of an export company. At the same time he embarked on a political career as a member of the Democratic Party . From 1954 to 1962 he was a member of the California State Assembly ; between 1962 and 1965 he was a member of the State Senate . Between 1956 and 1968 he participated as a delegate at all Democratic National Conventions .

After the resignation of MP James Roosevelt , Rees was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the by-election due for the 26th seat of California , where he took up his new mandate on December 15, 1965. After five re-elections, he could remain in Congress until January 3, 1977 . Since 1975 he has represented the 23rd constituency of his state as the successor to Delwin Clawson  . During his time as a congressman, the Vietnam War and the Watergate Affair fell, among other things, as well as the final phase of the civil rights movement in domestic politics .

1976 Rees renounced another candidacy. He later became head of the City of San José Municipal Development Commission . He died on December 9, 2003 in Santa Cruz.

Web links

  • Thomas M. Rees in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress (English)