Bertrand W. Gearhart

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Bertrand Wesley Gearhart (born May 31, 1890 in Fresno , California , †  October 11, 1955 in San Francisco , California) was an American politician . Between 1935 and 1949 he represented the state of California in the US House of Representatives .


Bertrand Gearhart attended public schools in his home country and then, until 1910, the Boones University School in Berkeley . After a subsequent law degree at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and his admission to the bar in 1913, he began to work in this profession in Fresno. During the First World War he served in the US Army Air Corps between 1917 and 1919 . He then served as the Fresno County attorney until 1923 . In 1932 he became a board member of the California Veterans' Home . At the same time he embarked on a political career as a member of the Republican Party . In 1933 he was a delegate to a meeting to revise the California constitution.

In the 1934 congressional election Gearhart was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC in the ninth constituency of California , where he succeeded Denver S. Church on January 3, 1935 . After six re-elections, he was able to complete seven legislative terms in Congress by January 3, 1949 . By 1941, further New Deal laws were passed there by the federal government under President Franklin D. Roosevelt . Since 1941, the work of the Congress was also shaped by the events of the Second World War and its consequences. Gearhart was considered an extremely conservative MP. In 1948 he was not re-elected.

After the end of his time in the US House of Representatives, Bertrand Gearhart practiced again as a lawyer. He died in San Francisco on October 11, 1955 and was buried in Fresno.

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