Harry Lane Englebright

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Harry Lane Englebright

Harry Lane Englebright (born January 2, 1884 in Nevada City , California , †  May 13, 1943 in Bethesda , Maryland ) was an American politician . Between 1926 and 1943 he represented the state of California in the US House of Representatives .


Harry Englebright was the son of Congressman William F. Englebright (1855-1915). He attended public schools in his home country and then studied at the University of California at Berkeley . After that he worked as a mining engineer. He also worked as a geologist at the Land Office . Between 1911 and 1914, Englebright worked for the California State Conservation Commission . He was also involved in several mining companies. Politically, he was a member of the Republican Party .

After the death of MP John E. Raker , Englebright was elected as his successor to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC , where he took up his new mandate on August 31, 1926 when the by-election was due for the second seat of California . After nine re-elections, he could remain in Congress until his death on May 13, 1943 . During his time in Congress, the New Deal laws of the federal government under President Franklin D. Roosevelt were passed there from 1933 . From 1941 the work of the Congress was also determined by the events of the Second World War . Harry Englebright was buried in Nevada City, his birthplace.

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