Weißenburg in Bavaria
coat of arms | Germany map | |
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Coordinates: 49 ° 2 ′ N , 10 ° 58 ′ E |
Basic data | ||
State : | Bavaria | |
Administrative region : | Middle Franconia | |
County : | Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen | |
Height : | 422 m above sea level NHN | |
Area : | 97.57 km 2 | |
Residents: | 18,645 (Dec. 31, 2019) | |
Population density : | 191 inhabitants per km 2 | |
Postal code : | 91781 | |
Area code : | 09141 | |
License plate : | WUG, GUN | |
Community key : | 09 5 77 177 | |
District capital structure: | 27 districts | |
Address of the district town administration: |
Marktplatz 19 91781 Weißenburg i.Bay. |
Website : | ||
Lord Mayor : | Jürgen Schröppel ( SPD ) | |
Location of the district town of Weißenburg i. Bay. in the Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen district | ||
Weißenburg in Bavaria (officially Weißenburg i.Bay. , Formerly Weißenburg im Nordgau , Weißenburg am Sand ) is a large district town in the central Franconian district of Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen and the seat of the Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen district office.
The old town of Weißenburg is one of the most impressive city centers and monument ensembles in the region. Starting from a Roman settlement around the Biriciana fort - the Limes was only a few kilometers away - and first mentioned in a document in 867, the city was built around a Carolingian royal court and received the status of a free imperial city in the early 14th century , which it was able to maintain until 1802 . The historic cityscape is shaped by the largely preserved city wall, the Gothic town hall , the St. Andreas church and the Ellinger Tor .
Weißenburg in Bavaria, with over 18,000 inhabitants, is the most populous and with an area of 97.55 square kilometers the second largest municipality in the Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen district. According to the planning regulations for spatial planning in the planning region West Central Franconia (Region 8), the city of Weißenburg is one of six medium- sized centers in West Central Franconia.
Geographical location
Weißenburg is located in the part of West Central Franconia known as Altmühlfranken , south of Nuremberg , northwest of Ingolstadt , north of Augsburg and southeast of Ansbach . The Swabian Rezat flows through the city and the Fossa Carolina runs to the south . Other waters in the area of the city are the Bösbach , the Weimersheimer Bach , the Hammerstadtgraben , the Kühlenbach and the Schambach . The Altmühl flows past around four kilometers south of Weißenburg . It is diverted to the south by the European main watershed between Weißenburg and Treuchtlingen .
The city is located in the Altmühltal Nature Park and in the Weißenburger Bay . It is the namesake of the Weißenburger Alb , next to the Eichstätter Alb the second southwestern part of the Franconian Alb . While the wide open landscape of the Alb foreland with meadows and fields is in the west and north, the Albtrauf with the elevations Wülzburger Berg with the Wülzburg , Auf der Ebene , Schroppenwinkel and the Rohrberg lies in the south and east . Other mountains are the Eichelberg , the Steinplatte and the Steinberg .
The Ludwigswald extends around one kilometer south of the old town on the Ludwigshöhe , in the north there are foothills of the Ellinger Forest . Weißenburg lies in the Franconian Keuper-Lias-Land . The Flüglinger Berg and the Trommetsheimer Berg belong to this area . In the south is the Laubental . The federal highways 13 and 2 run through Weißenburg. To the east of the city lies the nature reserve Quellhorizonte and Magerrasen on the Albtrauf near Niederhofen . Enclaves of the city of Weißenburg, enclosed by Pappenheim, are located between Rothenstein and Bieswang .
Weissenburg city forest
The Weißenburger Stadtwald on Ludwigshöhe, east of the city, donated by Ludwig to Bavaria in 1338 , has an area of 2540.1 hectares. In 1350 the area was enlarged by a second donation of the forest. In 1821 King Maximilian I left the entire forest to the city to Joseph . It is now a mixed forest with a large number of spruce and beech trees and the recreational and hiking area of the Weißenburgers. There are two natural monuments within the forest and it is partly in a protected landscape area. The average annual temperature in the urban forest is 7 ° C; the annual precipitation 750 millimeters.
Neighboring communities
The neighboring communities are:
Ellingen | Höttingen , Ettenstatt | Mountains |
Alesheim |
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Burgsalach |
Treuchtlingen | Pappenheim | Raitenbuch Schernfeld ( District of Eichstätt ) |
Community structure
The political municipality of Weißenburg has 27 officially named districts:
Districts are Dettenheim, Emetzheim, Haardt, Holzingen, Kattenhochstatt, Oberhochstatt, Rothenstein, Suffersheim, Weiboldshausen and Weimersheim. There are also the residential areas Sommerkeller , Aumühle , Glaserhaus , Birkhof , Rohrwalk , Hohenmühle , Bosmühle , Habermühle , Lettenmühle , Silbermühle , Kreuzwirtshaus , Ziegelstadel , Am Laubenbuch , Am Siebenkreuzhof and Waldhof, which are not listed as official parts of the municipality .
Expansion of the urban area
The north-south extension of the urban area is 11.8 kilometers, in east-west direction it is 15.2 kilometers. The city has a circumference of around 61 kilometers. The total area is 97.55 square kilometers, making Weißenburg the second largest city in the district. 6.26 square kilometers are built on with houses. The agricultural and green areas cover 49.79 square kilometers, 5.34 square kilometers are used as traffic areas and 35.75 square kilometers are forest areas. The water area is 0.43 square kilometers.
Weißenburg has a humid, cool, temperate transitional climate that is neither very continental nor very maritime . The monthly average temperatures fluctuate between −1.7 ° C in January and 17.1 ° C in July. The annual average temperature is 7.9 ° C. The annual rainfall is 670 millimeters, with March being the driest and the wettest in July. Because of its proximity to the mountains of the Franconian Alb , the area around Weißenburg is much drier than the neighboring areas.
Gate of the fort - front view
Roman thermal baths of Weißenburg (reconstruction)
Military diploma for Mogetissa
A Roman wood and earth fort that was built around the year 100 was replaced by a stone fort of 3.1 hectares in size around the middle of the 2nd century. Probably around 253, at the latest 254, the fort and vicus were destroyed in the course of the Alemannic invasions. The final coins from a coin treasure find on the Via principalis dextra date back to 251 and 253.
The fort was occupied by the Ala I Hispanorum Auriana (1st Spanish Cavalry Unit Auriana) with one small interruption . A Cohors IX Batavorum equitata milliaria exploratorum (9th Batavian partially mounted reconnaissance cohort, 1000 men strong), also attested in Weißenburg, must be added to the second wooden fort in the east, which was about 1.6 kilometers east in the parcel of Behre and only temporarily in the second half of the 2nd century was used. A vicus and a thermal bath were built near the fort .
In the winter of 1867 a 15 cm bronze plaque was found by construction workers during construction work on the Treuchtlingen-Pleinfeld railway line. This is the military diploma of June 30, 107 AD for the soldier Mogetissa , which expresses the honorable discharge. At that time, his unit Ala I Hispanorum Auriana was stationed in Weißenburg. So far, 70 such diplomas are known from the province of Raetia. The honorable discharge after 25 or more years from the army were the reason for issuing such certificates. The granting of Roman citizenship and the right to marry were associated with it. The latter was particularly important because Roman soldiers had to remain single during their active service,
Mogetissa, with his wife Verecunda and their daughter Matrulla, is the first resident of today's Weißenburg to be known by name.
There is no evidence of the direct continuation of the settlement around the fort after the Romans withdrew. Rather, row grave cemeteries indicate a new Merovingian settlement about 600 meters east of the former fort. This Franconian village on today's Stadtbach or Volkammersbach did not stand out from the other villages in the area in the 7th century. The first parish church of St. Martin below today's Schranne is a reference to a village in the late Merovingian and early Carolingian times . A royal court was built next to this village around the end of the 7th century in the west, which probably belonged to the so-called Regnitz-Rezat line . In 793 AD, Charlemagne was believed to be in the city while the Fossa Carolina was being built further south.
The first documentary mention of Weißenburg was on June 14th, 867 as "Uuizinburc" in the deed of donation from King Ludwig the German to the Metten Monastery . In 1028 the city became the royal estate of the Salians , later the Hohenstaufen . During this time the Benedictine monastery Peter and Paul was built on the Wülzburger Berg.
Middle Ages, Reformation and Napoleonic times

The first city wall dates from the 12th and 13th centuries (Obertor = 1110, Spitaltor = 1152). In the 14th century, the city wall was relocated to the south with an imperial tax privilege. In addition to the wall, a 30-meter-wide trench was dug around the city, which was filled with water in the southern part and is still today. The city wall had several dozen towers, of which only 38 have survived. Most of the towers are square in shape. The Scheiblein tower is the only remaining round tower; the pentagonal tower is the only pentagonal tower.
It became a town in the 12th century. In 1188, burgus Wicenburch cum omnibus suis pertinenciis (German: the fortified town of Weißenburg with all its accessories ) was signed in a contract between Emperor Friedrich I Barbarossa and King Alfonso VIII of Castile , in which the marriage between Friedrich's son Konrad and Alfons daughter Berengaria agreed to be mentioned. The city was part of the bride's morning gift along with 29 other Staufer goods . However, this marriage was never consummated.
In the imperial tax register of 1241 Weißenburg is named (66th Item de Wizenburc XL mr). In a war between the dukes of Upper Bavaria and the marshals of Pappenheim , Weißenburg was completely destroyed in 1262 by Ludwig the Strict . In 1296 the rebuilt Weißenburg became an imperial city , which was the poorest Frankish imperial city. In 1322 a group of Weißenburgers probably took part in the battle of Mühldorf under Seyfried Schweppermann . In 1327 the St. Andreas Church , the town church of Weißenburg, was consecrated. In 1338 Ludwig the Bavarian donated the city forest, which for centuries was the city's most important source of money. In 1377 the council constitution was drawn up, whereby the patriciate was replaced by the bourgeoisie in the city council . In 1447 a civil hospital was donated to the city , which competed with the hospital of the Carmelites. In 1481 the city became so heavily indebted that the king had the entire council thrown in jail and set up a new council. In 1490 the financial crisis seemed to have been overcome, which is why a renovation of the town church was planned, but had to be shortened due to lack of money. From 1449 to 1450/51 several construction projects were delayed because of the southern German city war . From 1500 Weißenburg belonged to the Franconian Empire .
On November 15, 1530, a large majority in St. Andrew's Church decided to accept the Confessio Augustana and thereby become Protestant . 454 citizens had come to the vote and decided by an overwhelming majority in favor of the Protestant faith. Only seven citizens wanted to stay with their Catholic faith and left the city soon afterwards. Because of the possible consequences, this was, as in Windsheim , a daring step for these small imperial cities. At this time Philipp Melanchton visited the city twice. As one of the first imperial cities, it publicly declared its commitment to the Confessio Augustana at the Diet in Augsburg in 1530. From 1588 to 1610, the Principality of Ansbach converted the monastery on the Wülzburger Berg into an artillery fortress Wülzburg , despite the resistance of the Teutonic Order , the Diocese of Eichstätt , the Marshals von Pappenheim and the imperial city of Weißenburg. In 1590 the council had the alleged witch Margarethe Seybold tortured and executed on the basis of a theological report , as well as the maid Anna Frank. Another woman died in 1591 as a result of the 'embarrassing questioning'.
During the Thirty Years' War the city was besieged, shot at and looted several times because of the nearby fortress of Wülzburg, the most serious in January 1647. In 1631 the fortress was captured by the troops of Tilly and burned down in 1634. In 1688, 40 years after the end of the war, 29 buildings were still vacant in Weißenburg and new buildings were not built until the end of the 17th century. Nevertheless, the city managed to regain all previous rights after the peace agreement. During the Napoleonic Wars , the city was repeatedly occupied. In 1798 the robbers of the great Franconian thieves and robbers gang were imprisoned in the Wülzburg, including Franz Troglauer . Some were executed, others were in the penitentiary accommodated. From 1801 Weißenburg sold its city wall due to financial difficulties. In September 1802 the city lost its imperial freedom, came first to Kurbayern , then to Prussia in 1804 and finally to the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1806 . Only in the 19th century did Weißenburg grow beyond its medieval walls.
The extended name of the city, which mainly served to distinguish it from the Alsatian Weißenburg , changed from Weißenburg am Sand or Weißenburg am Nordgau (18th century) to Weißenburg in Bavaria . Weißenburg was on the Nordgau , but was not one of them. The sand area , which extends from Bamberg via Nuremberg to the south to Weißenburg, gave its name to Roth am Sand at that time .
Younger story
In 1808 the Weißenburg district court was established, which initially belonged to the Altmühlkreis , from 1810 to the Oberdonaukreis and from 1817 to the Rezatkreis , which was renamed Middle Franconia in 1838. From 1862 the district courts of Ellingen and Pappenheim formed the district office of Weißenburg with the district court of Weißenburg. The city of Weißenburg left the district office of Weißenburg in 1863 and became a city directly within the district. As part of the municipal reform in 1972, the district of Weißenburg in Bavaria , the district of Gunzenhausen and the previously independent city of Weißenburg were combined to form a new district called the Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen district .
In the 19th century, many buildings in the old town were demolished, for example the Frauentor (1878), the Obertor (1874), the Schrecker Tower (1824/1825) and part of the Schanzmauer (1874). The planned demolition of the Ellinger Tor and the Old Town Hall were never realized. In 1882 the city of Weißenburg bought almost the entire Wülzburg, which had been empty for years. On July 29, 1821 King Maximilian I Joseph signed an edict with which the city received the nearby city forest as communal property. In 1904 the addition to the name in Bavaria was chosen; the addition in francs was never discussed. The Wülzburg Fortress was a prison camp during the First and Second World Wars . In 1918, the future French President Charles de Gaulle was a prisoner of war in the Wülzburg.
The First World War claimed 174 fatalities from the residents of the Weißenburg urban area, of which another 126 dead in today's districts. Most of them died on the battlefields in France and Belgium. The only bombing raid on Weißenburg during the Second World War took place on February 23, 1945 at around 12:30 p.m. as part of Operation Clarion . A bomber of type Boeing B-17 ( "Flying Fortress") of the Unites States Army Air Forces had to be connected to his squadron lost and threw its actually for the neighboring Ellingen certain bomb load of 1800 kg fragmentation bombs on the southern side of the square Am Hof from . 22 people were killed, including nine children. A memorial stone at the Südfriedhof commemorates the victims. The end of the war in Weißenburg was on April 23rd with the US Army marching in without a fight . From 1946 to 1947, 57 people were convicted during the Weißenburg pogrom trial, including the then Weißenburg mayor Michael Gerstner . Weißenburg belonged to the American zone of occupation . Around 6,000 expellees from the Sudetenland and Silesia settled in Weißenburg.
Population development
Weißenburg is the largest city in the Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen district. In 2009, 9,103 residents were female and 8,416 were male. There were 130 live births, 246 deceased, 756 new arrivals and 738 departures. There are 4,398 residential buildings with 8,593 apartments in the city. The residents have an average of 44.97 square meters of living space, which is slightly above the Bavarian average of 42 square meters. A good 53 percent of the population belong to the Protestant faith, just under 29 percent to the Catholic faith and around 17 percent to other faiths, mainly Islamic , or none.
The incorporations as part of the municipal reform took place on July 1, 1972 and May 1, 1978. From the municipality of Weiboldshausen , which was dissolved on May 1, 1978 , the municipality of Hagenbuch came to Weißenburg with around 250 inhabitants.
Former parish | Incorporation date |
Dettenheim | July 1, 1972 |
Emetzheim | May 1, 1978 |
Haardt | May 1, 1978 |
Holzingen | July 1, 1972 |
Kattenhochstatt | July 1, 1972 |
Oberhochstatt | May 1, 1978 |
Rothenstein | July 1, 1972 |
Suffersheim | May 1, 1978 |
Weimersheim | July 1, 1972 |
City council
Composition of the city council (as of local elections on March 15, 2020 ):
- CSU : 10 seats
- SPD : 5 seats
- Bündnis90 / Die Grünen : 4 seats
- FW : 4 seats
- The left : 1 seat
Mayor of the city
- 1807–1821 Johann Jakob Roth
- 1821–1825 Georg Friedrich Zencker
- 1826–1832 Karl Meyer
- 1832–1834 Christian Böhm
- 1834–1846 Georg Adam Voltz
- 1846–1854 Karl Castner
- 1854–1887 August Fleischmann
- 1887–1897 Wilhelm Mercenary
- 1897–1898 Friedrich Krebs
- 1898–1905 Hans Küfner
- 1906–1920 August Lober
- 1920–1927 Karl Danler
- 1927–1933 Hermann Fitz
- 1934–1945 Michael Gerstner (NSDAP)
- 1945–1948 Friedrich Traber
- 1949–1960 Ludwig Thumshirn (SPD)
- 1960–1972 Horst Lenz (independent, supported by CSU)
- 1972–1984 Günther W. Zwanzig (SPD)
- 1984-2008 Reinhard Schwirzer (CSU)
- Since 2008 Jürgen Schröppel (SPD)
In 1955 the sponsorship for the expelled Sudeten Germans from the cities of Kaaden , Duppau and Klösterle an der Eger and the district of Kaaden was taken over. For the 50th anniversary of the sponsorship, the Kaaden house in the Reichsstadtmuseum was opened in 2005 .
coat of arms
In 1481 Weißenburg received from Emperor Friedrich III. his city arms. The blazon reads: "In red a silver castle with two tin towers, floating above a golden shield with a black double-headed eagle." The black double-headed eagle is the imperial eagle and refers to the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation when Weissenburg was a Free Imperial City. From 1808 to 1835 there was a capital W instead of the eagle on the small shield .
- Of the three city gates, after being demolished in the late 19th century, the Ellinger Tor is still preserved, which adorned two postage stamps from the Deutsche Bundespost .
- Roman thermal baths , an old Roman village complex ( vicus ) and remains of the Roman fort Biriciana
- Bismarck tower on the slope of the Rohrberg
- The entire old town of Weißenburg is listed. The cityscape is characterized by late medieval half-timbered houses and baroque town houses. In the old town are the old Latin school , the Scheibleinsturm , the former Wildbad , the old district court , the blue house , the Lebküchnerhaus , the small hospital , the barracks , the rose bath , the five-sided tower , the new and the old town hall , as well as the Rosenstrasse and the Am Hof and Luitpoldstrasse squares . The five oldest town houses in the inner city of Weißenburg include the house Luitpoldstrasse 16 , the house Judengasse 14 , the house Marktplatz 3 , the house Rosenstrasse 10 and the house Rosenstrasse 18 . The fountains of Weißenburg include the Schweppermannsbrunnen , the Kaiser-Ludwig-Brunnen and the Millenniumbrunnen .
- In the 19th century, the rich industrialists moved from the densely populated city, which until then consisted almost exclusively of the medieval old town, into large brick buildings or classicist villas such as the Stichvilla or the Doerflervilla .

- The Bergwaldtheater Weißenburg is an open-air theater . It was built in a former quarry in 1928 according to plans by the garden architect Bernhard Nill and inaugurated in 1929 with a performance of the Weißenburg forest game by Johanna Arntzen .
- The Fossa Carolina was a connection built in 793 between the large river systems of the Rhine / Main and Danube . It is thus in a certain way the forerunner of the Ludwig-Danube-Main Canal and the Main-Danube Canal . Some remains of the building are in the urban area.
- The well-preserved Renaissance fortress of Wülzburg on a nearby mountain above the city has been owned by Weißenburg since 1882 . It was originally a Benedictine monastery that was converted into a fortress in 1588. Since 1968 it has had the status of a National Monument .
- On August 3, 2015, the Roman mask by the artist Roland Ottinger was put up at the Römerbrunnenweg exit on Bundesstraße 2 towards Augsburg.

The original parish of St. Martin was built around 700 in the oldest part of the old town. In 1329, the Martinskirche was replaced as the city church by the St. Andreas Church. In the course of the Reformation in 1534 it was profaned. In 1863 it was demolished and replaced by a new building designed by Eduard Bürklein , today's Schranne . Another church that no longer exists was probably built on the foundations of a chapel in 1182 and demolished in 1290. In 1520, a wooden Lady Chapel was planned to replace the synagogue , which was never built due to the Reformation.
The Gothic Protestant parish church of St. Andreas was consecrated in 1327, expanded by 1400, raised in 1891 and converted back to its original Gothic shape in 1958. The hall choir of the listed church is relatively high and is considered an outstanding work of the southern German late Gothic .
In 1447 the Protestant hospital church of the Holy Spirit was built and in 1729 it was baroque by Gabriel de Gabrieli . It was an important source of money for the imperial city.
The Catholic St. Willibalds Church was consecrated in 1871 and renovated and restored several times.
The Catholic Holy Cross Church by the architect Alexander von Branca was built in the 1960s in the shape of a Greek cross .
The Evangelical Methodist parish of Weißenburg has its own church building, the Christ Church .
The oldest monastery in the city was founded in 1238 as a women's monastery outside the city wall according to the rules of Augustine . In 1276 the nuns moved to Adlersberg after severe damage to the monastery during the city war in 1262 . As a result of the city expansion, the vacant building was located in the middle of the city center and became a hospital in 1331, the seat of the margravial administrator in 1536 and has been part of the district office since 1812, now the Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen district office.
In 1325 the Carmelites moved to Weißenburg and founded the Weißenburg monastery . The baroque church building has been the city's cultural center since 1983.
The Weißenburg City Library is located in the Alte Post next to the District Office. On an area of 1000 square meters, it has a public Internet connection and over 42,000 media units. After a renovation and expansion, the library was reopened in July 2001.
The Weissenburg Catholic Public Library in the Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche has over 9000 books.
The Weissenburg Historical Council Library is located in Ellinger Tor , but it is not open to the public.
The cloister garden of the Carmelite monastery was previously used as a brewery yard. In 1976 the city of Weißenburg acquired the entire facility including the monastery building. While the monastery was being converted into a cultural center , the 719 square meter garden was opened in 2000. There is a statue of Saint Walburga by Ernst Steinacker and a fountain as a replica of a fountain in the Reichsstadtmuseum.
The city garden used to be the hospital garden and has been a public park with a size of one hectare since 1985. The Stichvillenpark, also known as the Seeweiherpark, was created in 1835 around the classicist Stichvilla in the style of the English Gardens . The park is located on the Seeweiher wall and is 1.3 hectares in size.
In the pharmacy museum in the vaulted cellar of the Blue House on Rosenstrasse , a pharmacy facility from the end of the 19th century is shown. The operator is the Kohl'sche Einhorn-Apotheke Foundation, founded in 1979 in memory of the pharmacist and Limes researcher Wilhelm Kohl .
The Roman Museum with the Weissenburg Roman Treasure discovered in 1979 is a branch museum of the Munich State Archaeological Collection . The exhibition focuses on the prehistoric and early historical cultures of the region. The Bavarian Limes Information Center is located in the Roman Museum. The Imperial City Museum with the subjects of music and science, trade, church, handicrafts and guilds illustrates the history of the former Imperial City of Weißenburg. In 2005 the museum was expanded with the Haus Kaaden department, which deals with the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia after the Second World War and their integration in the Weißenburg area.
The brewery museum of the Schneider brewery shows historical brewing equipment.
Fallgarten Memorial / Russian Cemetery
Of the Soviet prisoners of war housed as forced laborers on the Wülzburg during the Second World War , over 40 lost their lives. They were buried in the fall garden, a memorial commemorates them without any further details on the facts of the matter.
Karmeliterkirche cultural center
In 1325 the Carmelites founded a monastery in Weißenburg . In 1544 the imperial city of Weißenburg bought the monastery. A baroque transformation took place in 1729. In 1976 the city of Weißenburg acquired the building in danger of collapsing and had it renovated from 1981 to 1983. On October 15, 1983, the Karmeliterkirche cultural center was opened as the city's conference, exhibition and congress building.
Art, theater and literature
In addition to concerts, theater performances and sporting events organized by the district administration and the city as well as the numerous clubs and groups in halls, museums and stages such as the Bergwaldtheater Weißenburg or the Luna stage , the art scene is also active in Weißenburg. Time and again, private individuals and art associations organize vernissages , exhibitions and events, for example in the Weißenburger Schranne . With Carpe Diem, there is a local culture magazine in the region. The city awards the Johann-Alexander-Döderlein-Kulturpreis .
Weißenburger Kirchweih
Weissenburgers from all over the world meet at the Kerwa ( parish fair ) from the third to fourth Sunday in August. The first written mention of the parish fair was in 1455. The parish fair takes place on the fourth Sunday in August. With an estimated 70,000 visitors, the Weißenburger Kirchweih is the largest folk festival in southern Franconia. The emigrants to America celebrated the Weissenburger Kirchweih in New York in the 19th century .
Sports and clubs
There are many opportunities to do sports in Weißenburg. The sports clubs offer sports ranging from basketball and volleyball to athletics to chess and table tennis . One of the most popular sports is soccer . The football division of TSV 1860 Weißenburg , founded in 1860, played in the main round of the DFB Cup in 1974/75 . In the course of the tourist development, numerous hiking trails were created that can be used for jogging and Nordic walking . The German Golf Teachers Federation is based in Weißenburg .
Outside of sport, the residents are active in numerous shooting clubs, nature conservation organizations, church associations, political parties and youth organizations. Many organize themselves in the fire departments. The Weissenburg volunteer fire brigade was founded in 1867.
A city marketing association founded in September 2019 is an amalgamation of retail, industry, cultural workers and people, companies and associations working in the tourism sector. It should maintain and expand Weißenburg's attractiveness.

Weissenburg originally belonged to the diocese of Eichstätt . On November 15, 1530, a large majority under Peter von Preu (1464–1550) as Lord of the Interior Council and elector in the St. Andrew's Church in Weissenburg decided to accept the Confessio Augustana and become Protestant . The proportion of Catholics in Weißenburg has increased since the 1850s : in 1860 the city had 156 Catholics, in 1872 there were already 470 and in 1970 5844 Catholics and 11,690 Protestants lived in Weißenburg. The sharp increase in Catholics as well as non-denominational and Methodists after the Second World War is due to the approximately 6,000 expellees who came to Weissenburg. Today, a good 53 percent of the Protestant denomination, just under 29 percent of the Catholic Church and around 17 percent of other faiths, mainly Islam .
At the end of the 13th century, the first Jews settled in Weißenburg. In 1298 several Jews were killed during the rint meat persecution . In 1348 and 1349 there was also persecution of the Jews because of the plague . The still existing Judengasse was first mentioned in 1514. After the expulsion of the Jews in 1520, there was no evidence of a Jewish community in Weißenburg, with the exception of the Thirty Years War, but in the neighboring villages. A tombstone with a Hebrew inscription in the Reichsstadtmuseum commemorates the Jews of the city .
Christian communities
- Regional Church Community (LKG) Weißenburg
- Methodist Church (EMK) Weissenburg
- Fatih Camii of the Turkish Islamic Community Weissenburg
Economy and Infrastructure
- Weissenburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry
At Weißenburg the federal highways B 2 and B 13 meet, which together form a bypass east of the town. To the west is the Weißenburg railway station, which opened in 1869, on the Treuchtlingen – Nuremberg line . Local public transport is operated by the Greater Nuremberg Transport Association.
The German Limes Cycle Route runs through the village . It follows the Upper German-Raetian Limes over 818 km from Bad Hönningen on the Rhine to Regensburg on the Danube .
Authorities and institutions
In addition to the city administration itself, the following authorities are also located in the city:
- Office for Food, Agriculture and Forests Weissenburg
- Employment Agency (office)
- Police inspection
- District court Weißenburg i. Bay.
- Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen district office
- As part of the relocation of the Bavarian authorities, the state office for non-state museums in Bavaria and the Bavarian Limes coordinator in Weißenburg have been set up.
Large based company
- Plastic Omnium , previously Faurecia Exteriors GmbH (formerly Dynamit Nobel Kunststoff GmbH, then Plastal GmbH), automotive supplier
- Gutmann AG , building hardware
- Ossberger GmbH + Co , water turbines
- Schwan-Stabilo GmbH & Co. KG , writing implements, highlighters, cosmetic pens
The following media appear in Weißenburg:
- Weißenburger Tagblatt , local daily newspaper
- Carpe Diem, quarterly culture magazine
- Weissenburg Aktuell, online city magazine

- Weissenburg primary school with three school buildings
- Middle school
- State secondary school
- State vocational school
- Agricultural school
- State Technical College and State Vocational School
- Werner von Siemens High School
- Vocational training center Weißenburg of the Rummelsberger Anstalten e. V.
- Vocational school for nursing on the Wülzburg
- Technical college for plastics technology (state recognized)
- Private school for individual coping with life from Lebenshilfe e. V.
- Special educational support center (beaver school)
- Sing- und Musikschule Weißenburg e. V.
- Old Latin school
Colleges and universities
In 2015, the Kunststoff Campus Bayern was opened in Weißenburg with its technology and study center for plastics technology as the second university location in the district. It is jointly managed by Ansbach University and Deggendorf University .
The nearest universities are in Erlangen-Nuremberg , Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and Bamberg .
Weissenburg Clinic
The Weißenburg district clinic is one of three hospitals in the Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen district and, together with the Gunzenhausen clinic , has been part of the independent municipal company Klinikum Altmühlfranken since 2002 , which has been operating under the name Klinikum Altmühlfranken since March 2013. The hospital provides basic and standard care. The Weißenburg clinic has 190 beds and 350 employees (as of 2014) in the departments of internal medicine , interdisciplinary abdominal center , intensive medicine , general , viscural and thoracic surgery , gynecology , ENT medicine, oncology and urology . Every year around 8,000 patients are treated and 5,000 operations are carried out. The clinic has existed since 1985, after the municipal hospital ceased operations after 100 years.
Honorary citizen
- Georg Adam Bauer (1828–1901), civil engineer
- Hans Doerfler (1863–1942), surgeon
- Hermann Gutmann (1907–1987), entrepreneur
- Richard Stücklen (1916–2002), politician (NSDAP, later CSU)
sons and daughters of the town
- Ludwig von Schmidberg (1594–1657), person in the Thirty Years War
- Johann Alexander Döderlein (1675–1745), scholar, master's degree and polyhistorian
- August Fleischmann (1826–1887), administrative lawyer and politician
- Wilhelm Kohl (1848–1898), pharmacist and Limes researcher
- Otto Rieder (1850–1919), Reich archivist and historian
- Heinrich Schützinger (1857–1920), lawyer, local politician and local researcher
- Gustav Ritter von Kahr (1862–1934), politician
- Hans Hofmann (1880–1966), painter
- Ludwig Schmuck (1892–1945), teacher, politician (NSDAP), paramilitary activist and SA leader
- Rudolf Nebel (1894–1978), physicist and rocket pioneer
- Ludwig Reichel (1900–1982), chemist
- Heinrich Stöhr (1904–1958), politician
- Karl Hemmeter (1904–1986), sculptor
- Heinz Schecher (1922–1984), mathematician, computer scientist and university professor
- Georg Karl Pfahler (1926–2002), painter, artist and art professor
- Peter Carsten (1928-2012); actually Peter Ramsentaler , German actor
- Gunther Wenz (* 1949), Protestant theologian
- Arthur Rosenbauer (* 1955), Franconian songwriter & world musician, MundART Festival Weissenburg, mining historian
- Wolfgang Hauber (* 1959), politician (free voters)
People related to Weißenburg
- Gunthildis von Suffersheim, saint, probably from Weißenburg-Suffersheim
- Blasius Berwart (1530–1589), builder of the Wülzburg fortress
- Gustav von Kahr (the elder) (1833–1905), administrative lawyer
- Wilhelm Jacob van Bebber (1841–1909), meteorologist
- Hans Doerfler (* 1863 in Markt Berolzheim; † May 9, 1942 in Weißenburg in Bavaria), internist, surgeon and gynecologist. He is considered a pioneer of surgery in Bavaria, was a secret medical councilor and from 1884 chief physician in Weißenburg
- Charles de Gaulle (1890–1970), French President, was a prisoner in the Wülzburg during World War I.
- Erwin Schulhoff (1894–1942), composer
- Fritz Staudinger (1896–1964), politician
- John M. Shalikashvili (1936-2011), US General
- Artur Auernhammer (* 1963), politician
- John Degenkolb (* 1989), athlete
- Working group Weissenburger Heimatforschung: UUIZINBURC WEISSENBURG 867–1967, contributions to the city history . Weißenburg i. Bay. 1967, DNB 458497495
- Johann Kaspar Bundschuh : Weissenburg in Bavaria . In: Geographical Statistical-Topographical Lexicon of Franconia . tape 6 : V-Z . Verlag der Stettinische Buchhandlung, Ulm 1804, DNB 790364328 , OCLC 833753116 , Sp. 957-958 ( digitized version ).
- Peter Fleischmann: The imperial tax register of 1497 of the imperial city of Nuremberg (and the imperial administration of Weißenburg) . Nuremberg 1993 (Sources and research on Franconian family history, 4)
- Rainer Kammerl: Weißenburg i. Bavaria . Regensburg 2003, ISBN 3-7954-1547-0
- Irene Reif : Weissenburg the citizen town. Idyll by a hair. In: Franken - my love, Oberfränkische Verlagsanstalt, Hof 1989, p. 230f, ISBN 3-921615-91-7
- Arthur Rosenbauer : A village saves its dialect. The language island of Auernheim. wek-Verlag , Treuchtlingen / Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-934145-95-5
- Arthur Rosenbauer: Forgotten secrets - rediscovered. Mining in the Altmühltal Nature Park between Altmühl, Anlauter and Danube. wek-Verlag, Treuchtlingen / Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-934145-81-8
- Arthur Rosenbauer: Caves, grottos and sinkholes. Fascinating world underground, Altmühlfranken region. wek-Verlag, Treuchtlingen / Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-934145-87-0
- Simon Sulk: The Roman fort Biriciana. Weißenburg in Bavaria. Pustet-Verlag, Regensburg 2020, ISBN 978-3-791731-58-2
- City of Weißenburg i. Bay: Riedersche Chronik, Volume 1–3 . Weißenburg 2004, DNB 96536416X
- Gottfried Stieber: Weissenburg . In: Historical and topographical news from the Principality of Brandenburg-Onolzbach . Johann Jacob Enderes, Schwabach 1761, p. 925-926 ( digitized version ).
- Pleikard Joseph Stumpf : Weissenburg . In: Bavaria: a geographical-statistical-historical handbook of the kingdom; for the Bavarian people . Second part. Munich 1853, p. 768-770 ( digitized version ).
- Georg Voltz: Chronicle of the city of Weissenburg in Nordgau and the Wülzburg monastery. With 10 lithographed sheets by Fräulein Amalie v. Peters. Weissenburg 1835 ( full text )
- Wolfgang Wüst (Ed.): Franconia's cities and territories as a cultural hub. Communication in the middle of Germany . Interdisciplinary conference from September 29th to 30th, 2006 in Weißenburg i. Bavaria. (Middle Franconian Studies 19), Ansbach 2008, ISBN 978-3-87707-713-9
Web links
- www.weissenburg.de
- www.stadtmarketing-weissenburg.de
- Map of the urban area of Weißenburg on the Bavarian Atlas of the Bavarian State Government ( references )
- Website of the Weißenburger Stadtwiki (Lexicon)
- Entry on the coat of arms of Weißenburg in Bavaria in the database of the House of Bavarian History
Individual evidence
- ↑ "Data 2" sheet, Statistical Report A1200C 202041 Population of the municipalities, districts and administrative districts 1st quarter 2020 (population based on the 2011 census) ( help ).
- ↑ Weißenburg in Bayern , Bavarian Monument List , Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation (PDF)
- ↑ Spatial structure: Map 1 (pdf; accessed April 6, 2015)
- ^ Municipality of Weißenburg in Bavaria in the local database of the Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online . Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, accessed on December 25, 2019.
- ↑ Values on baylink.de
- ↑ Geoclimate 2.1
- ↑ Claus-Michael Hüssen, The wood-earth fort on the spread in Weißenburg i. Bay. Gebr. Mann Berlin 2019
- ↑ Nürnberger Nachrichten of May 21, 2015, page 14
- ↑ Mogetissa-Therme , accessed on March 31, 2017
- ^ Page with Latin text and German translation
- ^ Weissenburg railway station , accessed on March 31, 2017
- ↑ Document Ludwig the German dated June 14, 867 (Bavarian Main State Archives, Kaiserselekt U 41): ad nostram villam quae vocatur Uuizinburc (= to our court, which is called Weißenburg)
- ↑ a b Overview of the city's history , accessed on March 31, 2017
- ^ Peter Koblank: Treaty of Seligenstadt 1188 on stauferstelen.net. Retrieved April 9, 2017
- ^ From Weißenburg 60 marks
- ↑ Denomination picture , accessed on March 31, 2017
- ^ The organ in St. Kilian Bad Windsheim , accessed on March 31, 2017
- ^ Weissenburg am Nordgau
- ↑ Historical relationships between the Weißenburg area and the Sudetenland , accessed on March 31, 2017
- ↑ Overview map with locations and project sites
- ^ Villa Nostra - Weißenburger Blätter. Edition 03/2018, p. 21
- ↑ Article in the Weißenburger Tagblatt of February 21 and 23, 2015 on the bombing raids on cities in the Altland district 70 years ago
- ^ Weissenburg pogrom process of 1946 : www.wugwiki.de; Retrieved March 18, 2013
- ↑ Statistics for the city, accessed on September 25, 2015 (PDF; 1.3 MB) 2014
- ^ Wilhelm Volkert (ed.): Handbook of Bavarian offices, communities and courts 1799–1980 . CH Beck, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-406-09669-7 , p. 602 .
- ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 731 .
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ fraenkisches-seenland.bayern-online.de
- ↑ Florian Handl: New Roman mask put up. In: stadtzeitung-weissenburg.de. Retrieved September 25, 2015 .
- ↑ senatsbibliothek.de
- ↑ Eckart Roloff , Karin Henke-Wendt: Recipes and pills under the sign of the unicorn. (The pharmacy museum in Weißenburg) In: Visit your doctor or pharmacist. A tour through Germany's museums for medicine and pharmacy . Volume 2, Southern Germany. Verlag S. Hirzel, Stuttgart 2015, pp. 151–152, ISBN 978-3-7776-2511-9
- ↑ Memorial sites for the victims of National Socialism. A documentation . Volume 1. Federal Agency for Civic Education, Bonn 1995, ISBN 3-89331-208-0 , p. 198
- ↑ TSV 1860 Weißenburg on fussballdaten.de , accessed on April 4, 2018
- ^ History of the Weissenburg Volunteer Fire Brigade , accessed on April 15, 2015
- ↑ www.stadtmarketing-weissenburg.de
- ^ Minister of Education Spaenle: We are moving the State Office for Schools and the Ministry's Examination Office to Gunzenhausen and the State Office for Non-State Museums in Weissenburg - around 150 employees , www.bayern.de, Bavarian State Government, accessed on June 27, 2016
- ↑ Weissenburg Current. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on September 27, 2014 ; Retrieved October 17, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ^ "Klinikum Altmühlfranken" as a new brand, nordbayern.de from February 6, 2013
- ↑ Quality report 2014 Altmühlfranken Weissenburg Clinic, p. 7f
- ^ History of the hospital