List of nautical technical terms (A to M)
This is a list of special nautical terms (in addition to sociolects , colloquial expressions) and explanations that are used on board seagoing and inland ships (see also Portal: Shipping ; it contains a list of articles on the subject of shipping ):
Contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- able bodied - as much as capable, proficient, fit and able to work. The AB is a specialist, corresponds internationally to the German sailor , in contrast to OS AB, the names of the seamen are written in the model roll .
- Aak
- a boat-like flat-bottomed ship sailing vehicle from the Netherlands
- Eel boat
- a Dutch sailboat of the same type as the botter
- bake off
- Clear the back (table) through the back shaft
- abbaken
- The laying out of beacons , etc., to mark a fairway in shallow waters
- abandon
- 1. Transfer the rights to a wrecked ship to the insurer, who pays the sum insured;
2. leave the ship due to an accident at sea - fade out
- Extinguish or cover lights shining outwards
- bruise
- the yards are rotated so that they come to rest a little more in the direction of the transept
- dissuade
- to get an aground, stranded ship afloat again
- cover
- Position yourself in such a way that another vehicle is in your slipstream (the cover )
- drift
- Lateral displacement (drifting) from the desired course , for example due to the action of a side wind, a side sea or a side current
- go away
- climbing down from a mast, the opposite of climbing up
- Aberration
- Magnetic field deflection of the compass needle or deflection by magnetic fields on board a ship
- thread off
- sound out a fairway using the thread (1.83 m) as a measure
- fall off
- Change of course of a sailing ship away from the wind direction. Opposite: luff up ( luff up and fall away )
- to wane
- Easing of the wind , cf. Wind speed (calm)

Approval entry in a German seafaring book
- flush
- the slimming down of Wales on a whaling ship
- tap
- Measure the distance on the nautical chart using the compass
- offshore
- Wind is offshore when it blows away from land towards the sea
- plumb
- determine the water depth in a certain area (by sounding )
- sign off
- officially discharged a seaman , in Germany before a seaman's office or abroad before the German consul
- Acceptance run
- the test drive on which the ship is handed over to the shipowner after all performance conditions have been met
- ride off
- Colloquial term for weathering
- Farewell signal
- A ship that leaves port within 24 hours sets the signal flag P, called "blue Peter"
- knock off
- 1. loosen a sail from the attachment on which it is otherwise driven
2. generally solve one thing, e.g. B. knock off a load from the crane hook - abseil
- Abseil oneself: slip away
- dismantle
- Removal of masts, sails, standing and moving rigging , see rigging
- weather
- Behavior in difficult weather on the part of the ship's command
- scrap
- cannibalize and scrap a ship, see scrapping yard
- Eighth
- Racing rowing boat for eight people and a helmsman
- aft
- is everything that lies behind the rear (construction-related, not according to the direction of travel)
- Eight haulers
- when sailing, the sheet of the spinnaker on the windward side of the ship
- Stern line
- a mooring line pointing astern when viewed from the stern
- dreadful
- coming from behind ( aft sea , aft wind)
- Leech
- the rear edge of a sail between the boom end and the masthead
- aft
- aft (from midships)
- Eight jump
- a mooring line that points diagonally forward from the stern and thus prevents the ship from drifting further backwards
- Backstay
- Stag to stabilize the mast that goes down from the top of the mast to the stern.
- Eight knot
- Knot at the end of a rope to this the slip through a block to prevent
- Adelborst
- Midshipman
- Adenauer
- Colloquially for the federal flag based on the first Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer
- Admiral Elliot Eye
- a Kauschauge that is worked over the Kausch at the end of a steel cable
- Admiral's barge
- Chief boat, gala boat
- Advance day sail
- a four-edged light weather sail that is set over the mainsail by schooners
- Monkey fist
- spherical knot to weigh down a throw line or as a decorative knot
- Monkey rock
- 1. A term in shipbuilding that describes container-high steps in the hold of a container ship, which are used for the technical realization of double hulls and tank volumes. The monkey rock is typically located in the area of the constriction on the fore and aft and is usually the length of an ISO 20-foot container . Classic monkey rocks can be up to 15 m high in the foredeck and are typically closed to the hold.
2. Mocking for a boat with a very extensive crew or very many people on deck
3. Rock of Gibraltar - Monkey jacket
- derisive for a short uniform jacket worn by soldiers on warships
- Monkey seat
- Steering seat in the racing rowing boat
- Agwalle
- Name on old steam ships for the Indian stoker
- Aggeboot
- small, open boat for shrimp fishing in the German North Sea

Ahmings the Gorch Fock
- Ahmings
- Draft marks that are affixed to the bow and stern of a seagoing ship and sometimes also amidships. The draft is calculated from the keel and given in decimeters or English feet
- Ahoy
- a call from another vehicle (“ship ahoy” or “[name] ahoy”), no greeting
- AK (ahead)
- for "all strength", ie at top speed
- Alberich
- Rubber film that was used to cover German submarines during World War II in order to reduce the reflection energy of the Asdic devices, see Alberich (mythology)
- All-male
- Part of the (outside) on-board toilet: A rope hanging outboard in the water with a spliced, brush-like end that serves as a replacement toilet paper for everyone on board
- All-man maneuvers
- Maneuver in which the entire crew takes part, even when they are on watch
- Elderly man
- Coming from the English "elderman" - chairman of a pilot brotherhood
- Ammeral
- Canvas bag (bucket)
- Master and a half
- Two masters, one mast of which is significantly smaller than the other
- Angarien law
- in the event of an emergency caused by war, the right to seize and use foreign merchant ships against compensation
- hire
- also sign on : conclusion of contract for work as a seaman
- pick up
- pull a line; if a line is pulled up to the maximum, one also speaks of pulling tight
- anchor
- Device for the temporary or permanent fastening of a boat , ship or floating device to the bottom (anchoring)
- Anchor ball
- black signal ball that must be set by anchoring vehicles during the day
- Anchor feeding
- Protective and doubling plates on the outer skin
- Anchor neck
- the crossing point of the anchor shaft with the flukes (arms)
- Anchor chain
- belongs to the accessories of the anchor, in order to deploy and retrieve it again, it holds the anchor shaft against the more upwardly directed pull of the ship aground by its weight and its length
- Anchor hawk
- Opening in the hull in the fore section through which the anchor chain runs.
- Anchor lantern
- makes it clear in the dark that a ship is at anchor, see light guidance
- Anchor bearing
- Regular bearing of solid objects on land when anchoring in order to check the position and thus the hold of the anchor
- Anchor post
- Seaman on anchor watch.

Bb anchor winch of a large container ship
- Anchor watch
- The anchor watch ensures that the anchored ship holds the position and “carries” (holds) the anchor chain.
- Anchor guard
- Buoy or buoy - shows where the anchor is lying on the bottom.
- Windlass, windlass
- Winch to raise and lower the anchor.
- luff up
- Change of course towards the direction of the wind. Opposite: falling away ( luffing up and falling away ).
- pattern
- also hire : signing a contract to work as a seaman
- Annie Oakley
- Spinnaker with air holes in the center line.
- yell at
- call another ship
- Slayer
- the man who works under the crane and attaches the individual items to be lifted to the crane hook
- Antifouling
- Anti-fouling paint for the underwater hull
- Equator Baptism
- Nautical ritual , after which members of a crew who cross the equator for the first time are baptized in a coarse form
- Armstrong patent
- Slang from the old days of sailing ships, when there were no winches or breams on board and all work was carried out with muscle power (strong arms)
- to bake
- set the table
- turn on the plate
- turning or turning a ship on the spot or in very confined spaces
- go to the other bow
- Change of course of a sailing boat or ship by tacking , jibing or shoving so that the wind comes in from the other side
- to stay
- climb a mast
- lay on keel
- Lay the first shipbuilding section on the Helgen (start of shipbuilding).
- clear up
- 1. clean up;
2. Improvement of the weather ("it clears up") - Advent
- a vehicle approaching from aft (rear)
- shorten
- The casting off of part of the mooring lines before a ship leaves the port
- Trailer
- temporarily decommissioned ship
- Shooting up a line
- After use, fold up the rope so that it can be stowed away or used again
- Tow
- Most common form of land crossing by ships in Masuria with a slip wagon on rails
- scare up
- give a line a little loose (give the line, this is called loose)
- Surfacing
- the neat folding of salvaged sails and pulled down flags
- Eyeball navigation
- Estimation of the water depth based on color shades
- eye
- Noose in a leash
- Eye splice
- Splicing in which one eye (a sling) is created or a thimble results
- expand
- put out a sail with a spar to the side, see courses on wind
- get out of hand
- Losing control, becoming uncontrollable. Can happen especially with sailing boats when the rudder is no longer flowed around due to very large heeling .
- flag out
- Relocation of a ship's home port abroad for tax or legal reasons
- discard
- find out something
- declare
- Take care of customs and other official formalities when leaving a port
- leach out
- sharp looking
- turn off
- recognize / identify an object (object, ship or nautical mark) precisely
- to rush out
- rapid, unimpeded (and often unintentional) passage of a line or chain through a guide or block
- sing out
- Calling up the results of a continuous sounding ; also other shouting
- outboard (s)
- everything that is outside the watercraft, e.g. B. the outboard motor
- Outboard mates
- the fish in the sea
- aye
- Confirmation of an order or shout (on deck of sailing ships)
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- Baas
- Low German expression that means something like "master" and is related to the English word boss . The Heuerbaas arranged for seafarers to be employed, and the Schlafbaas for sleeping places on land. The carpenter is the master of carpentry.
- Bacalao
- (portug.) Cod as dried fish, clipfish (stockfish)
- Brook
- Nautical slang term for every body of water, be it ocean , sea or lake
- Back
- 1. Upper deck at the bow
2. Dining table - Port
- (Abbrev .: Bb; English portside or port , abbrev. P) - left side of the ship (looking in the direction of travel); in port entrances and fairways the left side from sea
- Port bow
- Term for the direction of travel of a sailing boat / ship relative to the wind: It then travels on the port bow when the leeward side is on port, i.e. the wind comes in from starboard
- Baking and banks
- serving the food, taking the meal and cleaning the dishes
- come back
- unintentional change of the sail position, so that a sail is back , i.e. on the wrong side
- Backmann
- Cook's mate-baker
- Backshaft
- Working in the mess, washing dishes; partly also kitchen service. In the past: the community of 4–12 seafarers at one “table”. The work that had to be done was replaced in turn
- bake
- Quick turning maneuver on the spot by operating the right and left screws in opposite directions
- Locker
- Storage space on smaller ships that is accessible from the deck and installed directly below the deck or the cockpit seats
- Baking spar
- Spars for mooring boats to ships that are anchored in the roadstead
- Backday breeze
- Clear (from diagonally behind) blowing wind
- stand back
- Position of the sails when they have been put back in order to slow the ship down
- Bather
- friendly nickname for a guest on board who has no nautical experience and only travels for fun
- Baguio
- Cyclone in the Philippines
- Beacon
- fixed, mostly on land erected sea mark to mark an obstacle near a sea route ( Kugelbake )
- Balandra
- a coastal vehicle in western South America
- Bellows
- also Balje - a fairway that always carries water between or behind the islands of the Wadden Sea
- Beam bay
- 1. Curvature of the deck upwards, which allows the water to flow transversely from the deck
2. Gauge for the curvature of the deck beam - Beam knee
- in the case of steel ships, a knee made of sheet metal that connects the frame and the deck beam at the shear path
- Balkenweger
- also Balkweger , in wooden boat construction on both sides fore and aft and inboard on the upper edges of the frames , on which the deck beams or the gunwales rest
- Ballahoo, Ballahou
- West Indian schooner
- ballast
- a heavy but worthless cargo that serves to stabilize the ship
- Balong
- a sailing vessel used for fishing in northern Borneo
- Balsa
- Raft of the inhabitants of the west coast of South America, from 5–9 trunks of the light balsa tree
- Bamboo
- an unskilled seaman who knows what to do
- Banana hunter
- (Pronounced “banana hunter ”) the white painted fast reefer ships
- Banana pig
- Type of rat that got on the fruit ships in green banana trees
- Banana day sail
- slim spinnaker staysail
- Lanyard
- short, thin leash for tying, securing or connecting different things on board. Of wool, silk or other lightweight materials as Windbändsel of shrouds or Achterlieken attached and displaying the wind direction or the optimum wind flow used
- Banian day
- the meatless Thursday, the name of which comes from a vegetarian indigenous population in East India
- Baratterie
- unlawful act by the master to the detriment of the shipping company
- Barge
- English for bark
- Barque
- Sailing ship with three to five masts, the mizzen (last mast) has a gaff sail and the other masts square sails
- Barkalonga
- Spanish vehicle with two or three masts and Latin sails
- Launch
- Originally the name for dinghies on war or sailing ships, today in use for harbor ships
- Barge
- Ship type
- Barquentines
- also Schonerbark - three-master with only one fully rigged mast and two gaff rigged masts
- Barre
- natural shoal, sandbar ; artificial shoal in front of a coast or port entrance
- Barring beams
- At deck height from the superstructure to the ship's side, beams with boat holding cleats to accommodate rescue / dinghies
- beard
- vegetation on the underwater hull
- Bathometer (bathymeter)
- Depth gauge
- Bathy probe
- Deep sea probe
- Battery whistle
- The battery whistle is similar to a whistle and is used on warships of the German Navy by the officer on watch / officer from the watch service for signaling. With this, maneuvers (including the flag parade and “ front ” (honor of the ship to other ships or important guests)) are kicked off and whistled.
- Farmer's night
- a night in which the seaman does not have to go on watch, e.g. B. because the ship is in the roadstead or has not yet been cleared
- tree
- horizontal part of the rig
- Tree rock
- the outer end of the tree
- Building frame
- a "material" frame (cross bracing in the ship) in contrast to the "ideal" construction frame, which is only used to construct the shape of the ship
- Building frame tear
- the frame crack , which shows all the structural frames - there are more than a hundred on large ships - and has also drawn in the decks, stringers, plate aisles, the double bottom, etc.; serves as the most important construction drawing for the ship
- watch
- put a ship on the beach, usually to break it up there (see Alang )
- Charterer
- the contracting partner of the carrier in maritime trade law (corresponds to the sender in general freight law)
- Dinghy
- Small boat that is carried by a larger one, for example to go ashore where it is not possible to moor with the large ship. Sometimes also an alternative name for a lifeboat.
- turn
- Turning and adding
- Enclosed letter
- the building certificate from the shipyard
- get
- take the wind out of the sails , get into a lull
- got
- lie in a doldrums, in the slipstream of a land cover or another ship.
- occupy
- 1. tie a line to something
2. revoke an order
- Belay nail
- a wooden or metal pin stuck through a board to which lines are attached (attached); mainly found on sailing ships (also called Coffee-Nagel).
- benept
- Ship with ground contact and anchored in case of Nippptide floods (English: neaped)
- Observation network
- on the windward side of fishing vessels moored network , which is pulled up more often to see if the fish goes online
- planking
- the shell made of planks , which is built on the skeleton of keel and frames in wooden shipbuilding and together with this results in the ship's hull .
- Salvage
- 1. Securing an object floating in the sea
2. Rescuing people
3. Packing up (recovery) and securing the sails. - Ascent
- in river navigation, travel against the current, upstream
- Mountain wood
- Plank through which putty bolts are driven
- Bergy Bits
- Large pieces of drift ice broken off by icebergs that protrude 1–5 m out of the water
- Besanschot on
- traditional command on tall ships to dispense a glass of schnapps; originally the information that on a tall ship the mizzen bulkhead, which was trimmed last, was occupied and that a mooring or anchoring maneuver was thus completed
- fitting
- Fittings are parts i. d. Usually made of metal, with which anything is fastened, held together or secured. These include cleats, chucks, winches, halyard stoppers, curry clips, jib sheet guide rails, travelers and eyelets, as well as parts for connecting two moving parts such as shackles or thimbles in the sail
- cutlery
- 1. Aids for navigation
2. Geographical location of the ship
3. Calculation of the location (take / make cutlery): Direction (rw) and distance (in sm) from the coupling location (Ok) to the observed location (Ob), based on the same point in time .
- Cutlery relocation
- Incorrect cutlery: The cutlery offset can be caused by
1. inaccurate steering and coupling
2. course errors (e.g. due to inaccurate control panel) and / or
3. incomplete consideration of electricity and wind. - Best man
- The most experienced seaman on coasters and fishing vessels , also key seaman .
- Bet
- Extra trip with the anchor chain around the bollard or anchor winch head in bad weather .
- mind
- to take care of; have a drink.
- bilge
- lowest space of a ship, bounded below by the keel and floor.
- Bilge pig
- Inexperienced sailors should go downstairs and feed the bilge hog - which of course didn't exist
- Flag of convenience
- (English flag of convenience ) - flag of a flagged ship.
- Binoculars
- Binoculars.
- Rush boat
- In ancient times, rush boats operated between Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus. They were built from thick bundles of cane tied together. Thor Heyerdahl succeeded in proving their suitability for the sea with the help of Indians from the South American highlands, who still build their boats from reeds on Lake Titicaca .
- unpack
- Place fish on ice without an ice cover.
- Bladder float
- Floating ball by the fishing net.
- blue
- the nautical mourning color.
- Blue or Blaubüdel
- Nickname for the ship's carpenter on board.
- blue guys
- Term for seamen on warships.
- Blue Peter
- Flag signal: ship is going to sea in the next 24 hours.
- Blue fire
- signal shown at night by ships requesting a pilot.
- Blender
- Smuggling ship.
- Blinding charge
- Stealth cargo during smuggling .
- block
- Housing with mostly several discs (rollers) for deflecting ropes, e.g. B. in a tackle ; the block corresponds to the bottle of the pulley.
- Flower arch
- the bulkhead directly from the keel upwards.
- Buck
- Bunk , sleeping place.
- Gust
- Gust of wind
- Bodden
- a coastal body of water on the Baltic Sea separated from the open sea by headlands.
- Floor walls
- in shipbuilding, a cross connection in the lower part of the ship, which connects the frames, keel and ship's bottom. In boats and yachts, they often serve as supports for the floorboards at the same time, and in cargo ships as supports for the lowest loading deck.
- Ground trawl
- digging fishing gear for catching flatfish, oysters, mussels, etc.
- Bongo
- Lavatory, toilet.
- Börteboot
- Boat for the transport of passengers from the seaside resort ships on the outer roadstead in Helgoland to the island.
- buoy
- 1. Float anchored to the bottom, e.g. B. for mooring boats or ships or as a marker for the anchor (anchor buoy)
2. non-anchored floating body (floating buoy, e.g. with measuring instruments)
3. life-saving appliances for water rescue. Often tons (floating navigational aids that are used for navigation) misnamed buoys. - Boatswain's seam
- simple seam for sewing canvas
- Boatswain's chair
- A short board hanging in slings that can be raised with a dinghy and serves as a seat when working in the rigging , on the ship's side or on superstructures
- Boat roll
- Security role: plan for the organization of security on board, which assigns each crew member his / her duties
- Boat sanding planks
- vertical planks on the outer skin to protect the lifeboats when lowering and hauling up
- Bonnet (sail)
- Strips of cloth that are attached to the leech of square sails to enlarge the sail area
- Bottelier
- on naval ships the canteen manager
- Bovo
- a Sicilian coastal sailor
- boxing
- the repeated moving backwards and forwards of an icebreaker on particularly thick ice or pack ice
- Bram chilled
- any medium strong wind, in which a ship can lead top-sails before the wind
- Brandenburger
- overheating machine warehouse
- Fire
- fuel-laden boats used to attempt to set enemy ships on fire by drifting them onto a fleet at anchor
- bream
- Line for horizontal swiveling of the yards (bream) .
- Brass ride
- fast ride of a sailor.
- good westerly winds
- the westerly winds blowing over the ocean between 40 ° and 50 ° north latitude .
- Crusher
- large water wave with a breaking crest, see breaking waves
- Broad jib
- also Brefock , loose square sail on yachts
- Broadside
- Joint firing of all on-board cannons on one side of the ship
- Brig
- Ship prison.
- Brigantine
- Two-masted sailing ship, in front (on foremast ) with square sails , behind (on mainmast ) partially or exclusively with jib sails .
- brig
- a frame-rigged two-masted ship
- glasses
- two-eyed fitting on round timber
- breeze
- light to medium strong steady wind
- Bun bag navigation
- “Navigation” by sailors the morning after arriving: find out where you have landed from the label on the bread rolls at the bakery
- Brook
- a coarse net made of thin cordage, which is used to secure movable objects, e.g. B. when loading and unloading the load
- bridge
- Command bridge, the command center on a ship
- Bridge sign
- Movable sign on the pier (the quay, the mole), which shows the ship the correct place to moor.
- Roaring forties
- (from English Roaring Forties ) strong westerly winds between 40 ° and 50 ° south latitude.
- Bruhne
- at the Haffkahn the lowest plank corridor was previously carved out of whole logs in the shape of an L.
- Fountain
- The deepest part of the ship in the bilge , where the suction cups for the pumps are installed. A ship has at least as many wells as there are watertight compartments. The well is also called the "pump sump".
- Gross register ton
- (Abbreviation: BRT) - an outdated measure of space for the size of merchant ships .
- Peter Pan collar
- white contrasting color over the black hull in combination ships ; should demonstrate speed and elegance.
- bay
- At the knot, the end of the rope is arched or the rope circles are laid out on deck ("shot up").
- Bucintoro
- also the golden barge , ornate galley of the Doge of Venice .
- Bucko
- In the past, a term used especially on American ships, but widely understood in seafaring, for a helmsman who rigorously ensures order and discipline on board; synonymous with English Bully ("Schinder").
- Digger
- bottle .
- Ship in a bottle
- Ship in a bottle, small model replica of a sailing ship in a bottle
- Buckeye
- ("Bag sewer"), joke term for the sailmaker
- Buff
- Ocher ship color often used for masts, chimney, etc.
- Bug
- 1st front end of the ship
2nd side on which a sailing ship lies relative to the wind (see port bow ) - Bow rudder
- Part of the steering gear on submarines
- Bow anchor
- Anchor at the bow, in narrow and busy waters in a fairway ready to fall
- Bow head
- Bow ornament in the shape of a violin snail
- Pulpit
- Metal rods similar to a low railing on the bow of the boat, which are supposed to prevent a crew member from falling overboard
- Nose
- Upper bow end. In the German Navy , colored paintings are common (for a maximum of one year): red for crossing the Suez Canal , yellow for crossing the equator , blue for crossing the Arctic Circle , black for visiting the Black Sea .
- bowsprit
- Spars at the bow of sailing ships.
- Bow thruster
- Impeller near the ship's bow below the waterline for better maneuvering in port
- Bow visor
- Fold-up bow section on RoRo ships (ferries)
- Bow washer
- Installation on icebreakers: When driving through ice, a mixture of air and water flows along the outer skin, thereby reducing the friction between the side plating and the ice.
- Buccaneers
- West Indian pirate in the 17th century.
- Floorboards
- thick layer of wooden planks on the top of the tank for protection during grab operation and for insulation against heated double-bottom tanks.
- Bukligger
- lazy guy.
- Bulin
- a holding rope for a square sail.
- Bulkers
- also bulk carriers , bulk carriers for bulk goods such as coal , ore , grain ..
- Porthole
- round window ; the English name is not bulleye or bull's eye , but porthole .
- Bullenstander or Bullentalje
- Safety line on a sailboat from the end of the boom to the front to prevent the boom from rolling over to the other side ( collar ).
- Bumboat
- Sutler boat , also water boat; especially in Singapore for ship dealers, scrap dealers, souvenir dealers, also with "ladies" on board.
- Bunk
- (English for bunk ) Sleeping place on board.
- bunkering
- Take over fuel or drinking water.
- Bunker deck
- Upper deck in line with the main deck, exactly above the flooded fish room (Deken) at Haffkähnen.
- Bünn
- Fish hold of a fishing vessel that is connected to the outside water through numerous openings in order to transport the catch alive.
- Office stick
- Employee of the shipping company (joking).
- Bush rump
- Blue work smock with thin white stripes, originally from Finkenwerder . Was mainly carried by Hamburg port workers. Nickname: "Finkenwerder death coat".
- Butterland
- a false appearance of land caused by fog or haze, see Fata Morgana
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- Caballa
- spanish mackerel
- Cade
- an English fish measure, 500 herrings or 1000 sprats
- caisson
- ventilated caisson for underwater work
- Canvas
- Canvas
- Cargo
- the cargo of a ship
- Casco
- the buoyant hull without technology (drive or rigging)
- Cat's Paw
- light wind ("cat's paw")
- charter
- renting or leasing a ship or boat
- Charter party
- the lease for the ship
- Chief
- Chief Engineer
- Chief Mate
- first officer in charge
- China max
- the Chinese washer on board Hamburg ships. At the North German Lloyd in Bremen her nickname was "Fritz". The boss of all "Maxes" in Hamburg was the "Obermax"
- chinschen
- Pidgin -German / -English for trading, swapping
- Chow
- (Slang) eating, "eating"
- Clapotis
- standing wave on a wall
- Club stand
- triangular pennant with an emblem or the colors of the sailing club is hoisted under the port spreader
- Clubbing
- let yourself drift in the current when the anchor is briefly inserted and dragged over the ground
- Clupeids
- The collective name for all herrings
- Coffee nail
- see attachment nail
- Coil
- heavy sheet steel roll
- Condock carrier
- ( Con tainer and dock carrier) Container and dock ship: a special type of ship that is lowered by the flooding of tanks and can take on floatable cargo by floating directly into the hold via the open tailgate
- Container stacking cone
- a pivot pin similar to the bayonet lock, which engages in a hole in the container underneath to prevent it from moving
- Coracle
- Boat cane, with a skin or cover related
- Costa pear
- A fluid-mechanically favorable pear-shaped thickening on the rudder directly behind the screw propeller. Their diameter is 1/10 to 1/8 of the screw diameter
- chop-chop
- (Pidgin-English) fast, "do fast", "hopp-hopp"
- Colani
- see Kulani
- Coxswain
- Combat oarsman, helmsman
- Creek
- currentless river-like water
- crew
- the crew of a ship
- Crude oil
- crude oil
- Cumshaw
- (Pidgin-English) gift, tip, favor; from Hokkien: 感謝 kám-siā, thank you
- Cunningham
- Device for stretching the mainsail luff approx. 20 cm above the sail neck, see sail trim
- Curry pin
- Device for quickly clamping and releasing a line, named after Manfred Curry
- cutter
- 1. British Border Guard or US Coast Guard ship ; 2. Milling cutting head on the trunk of certain suction dredgers
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- Dacron
- synthetic material that many modern sails are made of
- Dagge
- Thaws as punishment on old sailing ships
- Dolphins
- (also Dalbe , Duckdalben ) stake or group of stakes in the harbor for mooring the ship
- Call sign from Norddeich Radio
- Steamer light
- Colloquial term for the white masthead light to be led by machine vehicles at night
- Dan Leno otter board
- small otter board for keeping open a fishing trawl
- David
- a small boat with a torpedo, was in the American Civil War used
- Davis quadrant
- an old instrument for taking the height of the sun
- davit
- a crane on the railing of larger ships, with which (rescue) boats are called
- Deadlight
- Name for the sinking action of delivered German submarines by British naval forces from November 1945 to January 1946. A total of 116 submarines were drawn together north of Ireland in Loch Ryan in Lisahalley on Loch Foyle in front of Derry and sunk by shelling or detonation
- deck
- the top horizontal termination of the ship's hull
- Deck bearing
- Has nothing to do with deck, but with "cover". You have a deck bearing if two beacons or two fires mark a certain fairway etc. at the moment when they are “under cover”
- Deck builders
- Deck crew seaman (joking, pejorative)
- Deck bear
- a heavy box for cleaning and whitening the deck is pulled back and forth
- Deck walk
- (also deck aisle ) - expression for the deck crew, in contrast to the engine aisle

Loading , deck load logs on both sides
- Cover slip
- A glass that is firmly, i.e. not hinged, inserted into the deck. It usually has a prismatic shape to better distribute the light below deck
- Deck load
- Charge not below , but for some reasons (bulkiness Oversized gassing content) on the deck is moved
- Deck crew
- the nautical part of the crew
- Deck master
- Highest NCO in the nautical area of a ship (in contrast to machines or navigation), synonymous with Schmadding
- Deck passenger
- Passenger who is not entitled to a cabin space
- Deck seat
- floating deck bench as an additional means of rescue
- Dan
- Abbreviation for Deka- Newton , measure of the tensile strength of rope (= 10 Newton roughly corresponds to the weight that causes 1 kg of mass on the earth)
- German Society for the Rescue of Shipwrecked People
- DG Hull
- see displacer and glider
- delta
- bifurcating river mouth, named after the shape of the Greek letter delta
- Dolphin scourge
- seamanly for tamped floor , a component of a sailing ship for rigging, the jib-boom to improve, see rigging
- Dennebaum
- Longitudinal hatch coaming on a barge
- Derivative angle
- Angle between the tangent to the turning circle and the ship's longitudinal axis
- Derrick
- (English name for loading tree ) a crane that is built around a vertical post
- German seaman's mission
- (German Seaman's Mission) a Christian welfare institution for seafarers
- Deviation
- Magnetic fields that emanate from the ship's hull, the iron on board and electrical circuits
- close up
- maximum pulling in (pulling through) of a line
- Thick ship
- Colloquially a large seagoing ship, warship, also four or five masters
- dinghy
- small dinghy
- dip
- greeting from one ship to another with the flag half lowered
- Dirk
- Name for the line that runs from the top of the mast to the boom
- Distance freight
- Freight paid by miles
- German Motor Yacht Association
- dock
- is a lockable and pumpable harbor basin to dry out a retracted ship
- Dock plan
- Cross-sectional drawing of a ship with the dimensions important for docking
- Dodel
- Prevents water from penetrating through the tab into the interior of the boat. The dödel (vaginal nail) is a softwood nail that is driven into a hole at the intersection of the tongue and spun . Penetrating water causes it to swell, thus sealing the flap. Its diameter depends on the size of the keel and the depth of the sponation
- Dödelmoker
- Boat builders and shipbuilders
- Dördehand
- (Handtalje, third handtalje) - English Handy billy (also watch tackle) very small pulley
- Doldrums
- Zone with frequent calm near the equator
- Gunwale
- (sometimes also called sielbord ) is the top edge and end of the side of an open boat, e.g. B. a rowing boat or a sailing dinghy
- Oarlock
- Iron or metal fittings in the form of a two-pronged fork are used in rowing boats to insert the straps when pulling or sculling
- Domper
- also preventer rope; to prevent a tree, pole or yard from jumping up, etc.
- Donkey (boiler)
- Auxiliary boiler
- Donkeyman
- Auxiliary heater
- Double bearing
- a method of location determination in terrestrial navigation by taking bearings of the same object twice. If you take a bearing on an object and sail or drive a certain distance, e.g. B. 5 nm , and bearings on the object for the second time, the point of intersection of the second bearing beam with the first bearing beam shifted parallel to the course line gives the ship's location
- Double-ended
- Ship with propellers fore and aft, e.g. B. a ferry
- Dorade ventilation
- Pressure fan system for yachts, in which the ingress of water into the ship's interior is avoided by moving the fan head to the side from the air shaft
- Dory
- open row boat for line fishing
- Dragganker
- four-armed search anchor for searching the ground
- Dragging
- Anchor type with foldable flukes
- Dragger
- small US west coast trawler
- Wire brook
- like Netzbrook, but made of wire instead of rope . For loading rubber, etc.
- Rotating bass
- cannon suspended in a fork
- Three-master
- Sailing ship with three masts , mostly a tall ship
- Three sisters
- three consecutive giant waves
- Three island ship
- a cargo ship , which has a back (structure on the foredeck), bridge and poop (structure on the stern ). These structures appeared at sea after the chimney or the masts, first at the horizon on
- Drifters
- 1. Driftnet fisherman, 2. Lull genoa
- Dromone
- large speed sailor in the Middle Ages; Transition from trireme to galley ; 80 oars, 2 masts
- junk
- chinese cargo sailing ship
- Call procedure in marine radio, important u. a. for emergency calls
- German Sailing Association
- Dubasse
- mastless vehicle on the Vistula
- thwart
- the bench in an open boat
- Duckdalben
- see Dalbe
- to bob
- a ship bobbles when it sways gently in calm conditions or at anchor in a swell
- Dark sea
- Latin mare tenebrosum in ancient times the name for the Atlantic waters on the Moroccan coast up to Cape Verde (the name probably has its origin in the ignorance of these waters, where one still believed to find the end of the earth)
- Run through the Daggen
- Corporal punishment with rope ( running the gauntlet )
- capsize
- overturns the ship to the top of the keel
- rush through
- the sliding of one end out of a loose or incorrect knot
- push through
- Tighten and secure a rope, while trimming the rig of a dinghy, tension the luff wire of the jib
- dwars
- ( nds , from the Germanic thvert ) - twisted; abeam; across the direction of the keel
- Dwarsdriver
- (Cross driver) Term for complainers and those who always want to know better
- Dwars line
- Ships travel when they travel exactly parallel courses with equal distances on a line at 90 ° to the course, i.e. side by side
- Dwarsloper
- Ship running transversely to your own direction of travel
- Dwarsmiecher
- (Querpinkler) Term used by superstitious sailors for women on board
- Dwarssee
- Sea that hits the hull transversely in the direction of travel
- Dwarswind
- Wind that hits the side of the hull (cross wind)
- Dynaship
- an automated rig system for square sailors
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Keyword Echo [ ɛkoʊ ]
- ebb
- Time of runoff from high tide to low tide
- Ebbetor
- inner gate of a flood lock
- Electronic Chart Display and Information System: Enables electronic navigation using a moving map with GPS
- embark
- going on board with the help of the ship's boat
- evaporate
- in the fore or aft jump is part of the maneuver for berthing and casting off ships
- dock, dock
- going to the dock, for example to carry out repairs or cleaning the floor
- Owner
- Owner, owner. The term is used in connection with the ownership of ships
- bucket
- Nickname for a ship; a water bucket, on the other hand, is called Pütz
- monoplane
- A ship that has only one (continuous) deck
- retracted
- is a crew and the like when they have become familiar with the handling of their ship etc.
- Single hand yacht
- A yacht that one man can operate alone. It must be built in such a way that all sailing maneuvers, including setting and recovering the sails, anchoring maneuvers and everything else that goes with it, can be performed by one man (see one-handed sailing )
- clear in
- completing customs and other official formalities when entering a port
- mothball
- decommission a ship
- pick up
- referred to in sailing attaching a Lifebelts the designated jackline for securing the sailor on the ship. It is attached using a snap hook attached to the lifebelt
- shackle
- a part, e.g. B. attach a leash, a block to another part with a shackle
- embark
- boarding to start a journey
- Notice of embarkation
- Message to passengers a few days before departure
- Sneak in
- Name for a stowaway
- deploy
- When the ship pounds out to sea, the forecastle goes into the sea
- turn on
- 1. Procedure for the anchor maneuver . If, after the anchor has fallen, force is applied to the chain, the anchor digs into the ground with its flukes, and the chain then slackens again, then the anchor has turned. 2. Sailor expression for "making love"
- Icebear
- Nickname for the Schmierer (official "machine attendant") who looks after the cooling systems on board
- Ice cover
- thick insulating covers that separate different cooling zones between the individual decks on refrigerated ships, or stable covers in the hatch shaft. The supporting “shear sticks” are also insulated
- the three ice saints
- Crew nickname for the captain, chief engineer, and first officer
- Iron Gustav
- (coll.) Autopilot
- Ice belt
- Ships that frequent areas where ice can be expected are built with ice reinforcement, i.e. H. primarily the foredeck between the empty and low-loading line is reinforced, possibly until well after midships
- Ice shortage
- a ship is in ice distress when it is enclosed or trapped by ice all around
- Elephant
- an intermittent heavy rain on the west coast of Hindustan
- Elger
- Fish spear to catch bonito Grab crane on the pier, Hamburg
- Elevator
- 1. americ. Elevator, 2. Grain lifter, 3. Unloading and loading system for banana trees, 4. Elevator on an airship, 5. Height scissor board of the floating trawl, 6. Bucket excavator
- Elmsfeuer
- Electrical discharge during thunderstorms , in the form that small flames develop on the tops of the masts, spars, etc. This phenomenon, known from ancient times, found the most varied of interpretations among superstitious seafarers before the real connections could be explained. It ranges from the fire devil to omens for good or bad weather to the advance notice of the imminent death of a crew member
- embargo
- 1. Export ban for merchant ships, 2. Export ban, trade bans
- European Maritime Pilots Association; International organization of the pilot community
- European Maritime Safety Agency
- The End
- nautical term for ropes
- Final eight
- Another name for an eight knot
- End shackle
- the last end of the anchor chain, which is used to secure it in the chain case to prevent the anchor chain from rustling out
- England expects
- every man to do his duty - England expects every man to do his duty - Nelson’s order of the day before the Battle of Trafalgar on October 21, 1805
- board
- 1. stepping onto an enemy ship; 2. climbing into the shrouds = climbing up / down
- demagnetize
- Protect ship against magnetic mines
- defog
- Free the window from fogging
- Abbreviation for "effective horsepower". The power of the machine that is actually available at the rear edge of the machine. Because of the friction in the bearings etc., the EPS is less than the horsepower generated in the machine. The ratio of EPS to PS is the efficiency of the system
- Erasmus
- the patron saint of seafarers (hence also "Rasmus" - see below)
- Relief hole
- In steel shipbuilding, those round or oval holes that can be made in the webs of high girders to save weight. Example: floor walls, frame frames
- First violin
- Marines dress uniform
- Eselshooft
- ( Donkey's head ) in the rigging the connecting strap between the mast and the attached bar
- Estimated Time of Arrival
- Etesia
- Passat-like winds in the Mediterranean
- Etmal
- of et recurrence and the Gothic mel Zeit, Zeit. An Etmal is the distance covered by a ship from noon to noon
- Abbreviation for an electrically powered torpedo
- Catch owls
- going through the wind caused by the helmsman's carelessness
- Euros
- Greek god of the east wind
- Evaporator
- Pressure vessel in which the seawater is evaporated (evaporated) in order to obtain the condensate as drinking water
- Ewerführer
- A trained man who manages loading, unloading and maneuvering of the barge in the barge operation
- Ewerführererei
- a transport company that uses barges, formerly Ewer , to load into ports
- Ex-collar (short for parade collar)
- slang. Linen aft, large collar on sailor blouses , reminiscent of the time when crews and NCOs still wore tarred or oiled braids. It should prevent the braid from soiling the outer clothing (see ribbon cap ). Many trading and marine nations adopted the British tradition of adding three white stripes to the collar. They should remember the three great naval battles of Nelson at Aboukir (August 1, 1798), Copenhagen (April 2, 1801) and Cape Finisterre and Trafalgar (October 21, 1805). A black scarf was worn to mourn Nelson, who had fallen at Trafalgar, and which in some fleets received an artistic knot or is designed as a narrow black bow. The white ribbon on the knot later lifted the grief.
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Keyword : Foxtrot [ ˈfɒkstrɒt ]
- subject
- Term for the space between two frames
- subjects
- several torpedoes launched simultaneously with different courses
- thread
- an English measure of length that was used particularly earlier in seafaring; 1 thread = 6 feet (1.83 m)
- drive
- Sailor expression with different meanings. 1. One end travels through the block, it doesn't run through the block; 2. When a ship has set sail, it sails them. It continues to drive the various pieces of equipment, it drives a specific machine. But when it has started, it doesn't drive like a car, but "runs" with this or that trip from so many knots; 3. A seaman goes so and so long, i. i.e., he goes to sea
- Driving man
- a man who drives , d. H. an "experienced" seaman who goes or drove at sea
- Ferry port
- Port with ferry terminal and operation
- fairway
- narrow fairways marked by barrels or barrages through a wide but only shallow body of water
- Airspeed indicator (speedometer)
- measures the travel (speed) through the water, i.e. not over the ground, with a method suitable for the respective speed range: dynamic pressure for very high speeds, ultrasound for medium and impeller for low speeds. Pars pro toto , the display device is also known as an airspeed indicator
- Trip table
- Tabular comparison of propeller speed and corresponding ship speed in knots
- case
- a rope for hoisting sails (plural: traps)
- Fall board
- a board with the slipway angle to set up the frames
- gangway
- the sloping staircase hanging on the ship's side
- Downdraft
- mostly gusty and strongly turning winds that hit the water surface from above in the lee of an obstacle. Fall winds come without warning because they do not sweep over the water surface and change it
- Fancywork
- Decorative knots and decorative work made of cordage, see macramé , jokingly for a failed knot
- Catch
- a fisherman's booty
- Fishing gear
- Designation for all the equipment that is thrown overboard when fishing (pull lines, net sack, buoys, otter boards)
- Suspension line
- strong rope tied to the bow of the lifeboat . The free end is covered on a cleat on the foredeck before launching to prevent the boat from drifting away
- Farbenstrak
- the boundary line between the underwater hull and the surface hull
- Wash paint
- the thorough cleaning of painted bulkheads, especially the superstructure
- Fascines
- Bush fender on the quay wall
- lazy coast
- a coast with offshore shallows, reefs, etc.
- couch potatoes
- or lazy jacks , lines stretched diagonally from the mast to the tree to secure the sails when hoisting sails (also tree haulers , thin wire) and part of the loading gear on cargo ships
- bad reason
- Sea bottom that is poorly suited for anchoring because of its hardness, stones, etc.
- Spring spring
- cushioned anchor chain of a lightship
- Feeder
- Feeder cargo ship
- Fegsel
- Remnants of a bulk cargo that is being swept up
- Misdirection
- Compass misdirection
- Feluccas
- a wooden rowing and sailing ship in the Mediterranean
- fender
- padded buffer , protects the ship's hull at the berth
- Window fish
- Herring in jelly, part of the ship's proviants
- Ferge
- Ferryman
- Piglet driver
- the slowest if several ships / sailing ships are running together
- firmly!
- Command when hot, heaving, hauling in; means something like stop, stop, no longer hot
- hold tight
- (close) - tie up
- get stuck
- get stuck with the keel in the shallow seabed or a sandbar
- have a great ride
- fast sailing in stormy weather
- Fat cellar
- Nickname for engine room
- fat and lean
- Nickname for the Hamburg shipping company A. Kirsten
- F Orty Foot E Equivalent U nit, 40 foot container
- Feudel
- coarse cleaning / wiping cloth
- Feudelgeschwader
- Nickname for the fair staff (crew)
- Fire
- nautical name for every type of beacon
- Fire roller
- Part of the security role . Assigns each member of the ship's crew a special task in the event of fire on boardLightship Elbe1
- Lightship
- floating, mostly manned, sea mark
- Fire hawser
- mandatory when deleting dangerous goods
- Fiddle bow
- 1. clipper bow; 2nd violin bow
- fierce
- Freeze away or freeze up - slowly lower the suspended load, slacken a line or sheet , give loose
- Fifty-Fifty
- English name for motor glider ; half sail half motor yacht
- Fillet frigate
- Stern catcher factory ship
- Filzlaus squadron
- Nickname for the Bremen shipping company Neptun Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft
- Fishing license
- an optical mark attached to the outboard, see photo
- Fishing grounds
- Fishing ground
- Fish magnifier
- special echo sounder for locating schools of fish
- Fish sting
- a weighted line or a steel rod with several fish hooks
- Fish Town
- A nickname for Bremerhaven
- Fishing
- the middle deck plank / butt joint, see Fig.
- Fish hiking map
- Nautical map with trails of the fish
- Fish weir
- a solid fish trap
- Fit
- oversized and particularly thick marlinspike of especially hard wood, was used for splicing of Manila
- Flabber
- Net flap on the otter board
- Flag alphabet
- s. O.
- Flag board
- A board with a flag on a harpooned whale leash, or a buoy, sometimes with a towing anchor, to stop the whale from moving
- Flag gala
- (also flag jewelry ) - flags over the top , jewelry of the ship on festive occasions, by placing the signal flags in a row across the top of the ship
- Flag case
- Box with numerous compartments in which the required signal and service flags as well as the nationality flags of the countries to be approached are kept ready to hand
- Flag parade
- The ceremony of setting the flag in the morning and pulling it down in the evening
- Flag swipes
- Lowering the flag as a sign of surrender
- flagship
- Admiral ship, largest ship in a fleet
- bottle
- Deflection pulleys or their holder on the pulley (special shape of a block )
- Message in a bottle
- A message, a message, a cry for help that is put in a bottle and handed over to the lake in the hope that it will be found
- Flash message
- Flashing message
- Flat top
- amer. Slang for aircraft carriers and hairstyle with precisely cut hair horizontally
- Fleeter
- small trawler that transfers the catch to the transport ships
- Meat hook
- broken or abraded spot on wire rope; particular risk of injury to the hands
- Meat sack
- Spacious sack made of canvas , in which in earlier times meat was kept on small ships in the Baltic Sea. Was hoisted into the mast where the salty sea air a kind of preservative caused
- Flying fish sailor
- someone who prefers to travel in the warm south rather than the cold north; as much as hot water showers
- flying mooring
- in tidal waters in such a way that the ship is at low tide at the first anchor and at high tide at the second anchor
- Flettner oar
- a mutually deflecting auxiliary rudder, invented by Anton Flettner , attached to the rear edge of the rudder, which reduces the rudder forces
- Flying Dutchman
- Ghost ship sailing against the wind
- FLIP ship
- can be moved from the horizontal to the vertical position by filling tanks
- Flitsch
- the boneless fish meat on both sides of the main bone
- Floatainer
- Floa ting Con tainer , floating container . These containers are lowered into the water in groups of four by lightweight cranes on board the ships and pulled ashore by barges. They are loaded and unloaded from above. The lids are closed watertight
- Flögel
- Windbüdel , small sack on the masthead, with the help of which one can estimate the apparent wind direction and, to a certain extent, the wind speed
- Flute trip
- second man of the sea watch on standby
- fast
- means something like floating freely; as opposed to being stuck on the ground; come afloat: being able to detach from the bottom (e.g. by rising water)
- Fleetwood
- The float on the upper part of a net, made of glass, plastic, light metal, formerly bark or poplar wood
- Fleet Force
- Mocking name for a sailor who is (too) small
- Fleet Negroes
- the virtual comforter of the wives of seafarers who stayed at home ("Kowalski")
- raft
- in sea fishing a very large swarm of fishing ; also: primitive watercraft
- fluke
- Blade part of an anchor , see drawing
- Corridor slab
- - strong treads in the engine room , with corrugations or a wart profile to prevent slipping
- Floor slab indians
- Nickname for a machinist
- Whisper
- the megaphone or mouthpiece
- Flybridge
- high open steering position on motor yachts
- Jib
- Headsail , in front of the mast - also the mainsail (bottom sail) of the foremast (1st mast from the front)
- Foftein
- (Low German: fifteen ) 15-minute break
- Fouling
- Settlement of the underwater hull by maritime organisms, e.g. B. Barnacles and mussels
- freight
- Fee for transport by sea
- French , English
- a wrench that can be adjusted by turning = adjustable wrench
- Force majeure
- (French) Force majeure (as an expression under insurance law)
- Freeboard mark
- The freeboard mark shows the limits for the freeboard on the hull, which can change as a result of loading
- Good
- duty-free goods on board
- keep clear
- change the course of the ship in such a way that an obstacle or the like can be passed safely
- Free sleeper
- Crew members who do not have a night watch
- Off-guard parcel
- the counterpart to the seaman's work clothes (not to be confused with a shore leave package)
- Friend Hein
- death (as a figure)
- Friesennerz
- Sailing and rain protection clothing from the 1970s / 80s, made of rayon / PVC with hood , mostly in yellow
- frog
- Wire rope clip to the flaps
- Fox
- if the eyes are overstrained, see non-existent land
- Radio beacon
- stationary radio beacon
- feel
- (of shallows) - careful with constant soundings ahead continuously
- to lead
- a ship flies a flag, d. i.e., it shows this, has this set ; also to lead (i.e. command) a ship
- Fullbrass also Fuulbrass - English foolbrass
- is called a garbage can hung on the railing
- full speed
- says the seaman when he means full speed , full steam ahead (top speed)
- Spark blower
- (jokingly) radio operator, radio officer
- Radio operator
- and radio officers - according to manual marine radio name of a person with a valid Seefunkzeugnis
- Radio officer
- Until February 1, 1999, a person who has a corresponding patent issued by a telecommunications authority
- Fuzzy rocks
- Mocking for the island of Helgoland , because of the duty-free alcohol
- Foot horse
- taut wire under the Rah on sailing ships , to stand on when the sails - hence the warning call " Wahrschau Fußpferd" which warns the standing on the Fußpferd sailors when another man joins
- Toe rail
- Strip or metal profile on the outer edge of the deck of sailing yachts
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Figurehead of the Rickmer Rickmers
- gaff
- Steel hook on a rod with which large fish are brought on board from the water
- gaff
- Spar , obliquely above on Oberliek a gaff sail
- Gaff ketch
- see ketch
- Galeas
- In the 16th century the galeas was a type of military ship, today the galeas is a two-masted schooner with gaff and gaff top sail and transom (see Galiot)
- Galion
- A porch on the old wooden ships at the bow that was used as a toilet
- figurehead
- (English Figurehead ) is a figure mostly carved out of wood, for example a female figure, which is usually attached under the bowsprit on ships, mainly sailing ships ( windjammers )
- Galiot
- today a two-masted schooner with gaff top and gaff top sail and pointed tail (see galeas)
- Rotten
- 1. Bycatch unsuitable for human consumption, 2. Untidy, 3. Something bad, "rotten", 4. Boredom
- Gammel parcel
- sailors. slang for a dissolute person, loafers, slackers
- Gauntlet
- (Gangboss) - the foreman in the case of shivers
- Capstan
- Winch on sailing ships for lifting the anchor with muscle power. Wooden capstan pegs were inserted into the appropriate recesses in the capstan , against which the sailors walked in circles
- gangway
- Connection from the ship to the pier
- Garnier
- Boards, mats, foils etc. with which the cargo holds are laid out and / or lined.
- guest
- (Plural guests ) - part of a designation for a seaman in crew rank with a certain activity (radio guest, signal guest, central guest)
- The guest
- devil
- Host country flag
- The flag of the country in whose territorial waters a ship is located. Seagoing vessels lead them in the pre-top position or on the bridge wing, yachts on the starboard spreader
- Gatchen
- Small thimbles or eyelets sewn into sails so that reefing straps or other straps can be stuck through them
- Gatt, Gat
- Hole, opening; also: stern of the ship
- Gattlage
- when the ship with the Steven protrudes higher out of the water, as the rear . Also desirable to a certain extent so that the screw receives enough water
- Birth certificate
- Metal sign of the shipyard with construction numbers and other information. Is clearly visible on board so that it can be clearly seen by everyone, preferably the front edge of the bridge , in the passenger compartment of ferries
- Combat oarsman
- 1. In commercial shipping a proven man of the deck, the ship from the line to ground drive is determined to Rudermann; 2. The most trusted guest in the Navy
- Opposite course
- Course that is the opposite of the current course. For example, northwest is the opposite course to southeast
- Counter rudder
- The rudder angle opposite to the current rudder angle. Counter rudder is given to stop the ship's turning motion immediately. Giving counter-rudder is then called "support" (support rudder)
- Headwind
- Same as crooked wind. A wind that comes straight from the direction you want to sail in
- Danger line
- A stationary line (geometric location) which, if crossed, the ship approaches a dangerous point
- Danger angle
- red sector of a beacon
- Combat role
- defines the duties of each crew member on board a navy ship in the event of a battle
- Geitau
- 1. Pulley for setting ("Aufgeien") the cargo booms 2. The rope attached to the sheet ring of a square sail, which runs up over the Rahnock to the mast and from there down to the deck and is used to raise (reef) the sail
- Ghosts
- Sailing ships sailing apparently without wind
- Gennaker
- a large asymmetrical triangular headsail , mixture of genoa and spinnaker
- Genoa
- a large headsail on dinghies and slup-rigged sailing yachts (often a furling sail)
- Germanischer Lloyd GL
- German Ship Classification Society; Founded in Hamburg in 1867
- Hymn book
- Chafing stone, which is used to scrub the wooden deck, as it was used kneeling ; english holy stones; holy stones
- squadron
- a group of warships
- grown frames
- those wooden frames that have been carved out of curved wood . Sometimes they are lashed together from several parts
- pour
- when sailing downwind, moving the sail from one side to the other
- Gien
- six- disc tackle , each block three discs
- yaw
- Movement of the ship around the yaw axis (vertical axis), deviate from the direction of travel
- Yaw position
- the position of a ship in which the current of a body of water alone is sufficient to move the ship from one bank to the other
- Gig
- The dinghy previously reserved for the captain
- Gillung
- lower, inwardly curved part of the stern
- cast
- estimate the position using dead reckoning , e.g. B. (cast location)
- Shiny parts
- bare metal parts that have to be cleaned continuously
- Glass
- Indication of the time that has elapsed since the changing of the guard by means of half-hourly bell chimes, one chime per half hour up to a maximum of eight chimes for the end of the watch
- Glaucoma
- Greek god of the sea, shipping and fishing
- Glider
- see displacer and glider
- gnome
- also Gnomon 1. pejorative for a small person 2. shadow stick in the early Middle Ages, used to determine the geographical latitude with the help of the incident sunlight
- God wind!
- Sailor salute that is produced on festive occasions, a triple Gode wind!
- Gold francs
- Fictitious currency for billing radio traffic between radio stations of different nationalities. See manual marine radio
- Gold fox
- a shiny piece of gold that was placed under the base of the mast, see p. a. Ship christening
- Gösch
- small flag that is placed on the stem or on the jib boom . For naval ships the national flag, but also flags with city arms or similar.
- Gording (e)
- several ropes attached to the foot of a square sail, which run in front of the sail area upwards over the yard to the mast and from there down onto the deck and are used to raise the sail
- God's own shipping company
- Term for the Hapag shipping company
- God's friend and enemy of all the world
- The slogan of the vitality brothers
- garnet
- the North Sea crab
- Grating
- Grid-like, accessible intermediate floor made of metal or glued wooden rods
- Greybeard
- Storms interspersed with snow showers at 60 ° south at Cape Horn
- Graxe
- Fish processing residues
- Grego or Griego
- Name for a rough bad weather jacket
- Gregale
- a northeast wind on Malta
- Grendal
- Nordic water giant; the storm surge
- Grim's idler
- Additional propeller screw (different shape and more flukes ), sits loosely on the same tail shaft and contributes to the propulsion by utilizing the energy of the screw water
- the great
- Mock name for the first helmsman
- Big pond
- Name for the North Atlantic
- Mainsheet
- Ropes for operating the mainsail
- Mainsail
- Main sail (short: large)
- Growler
- a chunk of ice between floe and iceberg that is big enough to be dangerous for shipping
- Grounding
- Brief arrest of a ship on the bottom of the navigated water. In contrast to the stranding, which usually seals the final end of a ship, a grounding can often be remedied by removing / removing the damaged vessel on one's own or by tugging
- Grundsee
- high water waves that build up over shallows
- green lake
- this is the name given to the water that overflows on board, in contrast to white spray
- Green silt
- near the coast has its color from the chlorophyll content of the sunken plankton parts
- Gubernator
- Führer, during the Hanseatic League, a pilot
- Gunter rigging
- a type of rigging with a steep gaff rig
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- Hague -rules
- an international agreement in maritime trade law
- Hague-Visby-rules
- an international agreement in maritime trade law (see Hague Rules )
- hateful
- hazy, slightly misty air
- Port taxes
- Money that a ship has to pay to use the port and its facilities, such as entry, lights, etc. It is measured according to the size of the ship and the length of stay
- Harbor billiards
- Port billiards are the entertaining attempts of a charter crew to tame their charter yacht in the port
- Port captain
- Official responsible for ship movements in the port. A harbor master in small ports .
- Harbor cinema
- see Hafenbillard, today mostly with the help of video cameras and streaming platforms
- Port lout
- in Hamburg: thick bockwurst or currywurst with french fries (red / white)
- Port telegram
- Weather report
- Haff
- a shallow body of water similar to a lagoon, separated from the lake by islands or a narrow strip of dunes (spit)
- Hagjetag
- in sailing ship time, a day on which the crew received a meal of meat; usually on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday
- Cockscomb
- Crest of waves, crest of waves
- Cockpit
- (from buttercup ) - the division of a (line) load over several ropes. To load transport pallets , four hooks on individual wires are combined on a central ring. A bridle may also when towing vessels or for attachment of topping lift and vang are used at the spinnaker
- Shark boat
- a unit boat from Finland , similar to the dragon boat
- Semi-glider
- see displacer and glider
- Hallig
- small watt island off the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein, not diked
- Hold water!
- Command to stop travel of a rowed vehicle. The oars are then held transversely into the water with the blade upright
- neck
- the forward lower end of a sail
- Jibe
- A rope attached to the sheet ring of a square sail that pulls the sail towards the bow, in contrast to the sheet that pulls the sail aft
- jibe
- change the sail position from one side to the other when sailing in front of the wind
- Hamburg Rules
- Convention of the United Nations for the carriage of goods by sea
- Hamen
- Baggy net, opened by trees, set up in the current or dragged
- Mutton fish
- burbot
- Hand for bunk or hand against bunk
- (from English : crew member) - work on a ship that is "paid for" with free accommodation on board, or in other words, a free ride (especially on sailing ships); a crew member helps on board and in return travels for free
- Merchant ship
- a ship that only serves trade and traffic, like a cargo ship, passenger ship, opposite: warship
- Hand hole
- screwable opening in a tank so that it can be put in by hand for cleaning etc.
- hammock
- the mariners' sleeping furniture on old sailing ships; Made of thick canvas and in no way comparable to the air swing used on land on summer days. After getting up, her skillful lashing is a popular job. On the old sailing ships of the navy, the hammocks were moved in special sheds along the bulwark and were supposed to serve as rescue equipment there
- Hanger
- a strong wire that, hanging from the hanger block , has to carry the entire load of the loading boom including the load attached to it . See loading harness
- the naked Hans
- stormy North Sea
- Tease
- (related to Hanse in the sense of allegiance) In the Middle Ages it meant accepting someone into a corporation, whereby the person in question had to endure all sorts of things and had to take tests of courage. The custom was adopted in a modified form in seaman's life, and the term also entered the seaman's language
- Harmattan
- dry, dusty wind from north to east on the West African coast of Guinea
- Harpoon
- a spear-like projectile with a barbed hook and a long line
- harpooner
- the man who operates the harpoon on the whaler
- Hard rudder
- the rudder angle that has the greatest effect on the ship is touched the hardest; it is usually between 35 and 40 degrees. As a command "Hard port (or starboard)!"
- sailing hard
- as much as sailing regardless of breakage or loss
- Average
- Accidents such as ground contact, collisions, major damage to ships such as B. Mast breaks
- Average
- the settlement of an average under compensation law
- Rear
- Aft end of the ship (far aft)
- Pushpit
- Metal rods similar to a low fence at the stern of the boat to prevent a crew member from falling into the water
- Stern line
- The mooring line leading from the center of the stern to the mooring line provides additional support in heavy seas
- Transom
- a special shape of the stern
- Rear trawler
- a trawl fishing vessel that does not pick up its net via the side, but via an inclined towing device built into the stern. The catch can be bigger and it can be retrieved quickly at once
- Halibut throats
- Oak stick with sharpened flat ends
- home port
- the port in which a ship is at home or on which it is entered in the shipping register and where the shipping company is usually based
- Hein Janmaat
- Average sailor (such as the average person ); see. also Janmaat
- Hot eye
- Eyelet (screwed or welded) for lifting and craneing the boat / ship, mostly on the deck edge (or in the keel ballast) or for lifting and craneing heavy components, hatch covers or cargo.
- be called
- pull up (imperative: hiss ! , simple past was called )
- Stoker
- technical machine personnel for drive, turbines, motors, electrics, boilers, steam and other areas; on German warships combined in the II. Division
- Heater fleas
- Combustion residues from ship operation; to clean the smoke from the steam boiler from soot, they are "blown through" with steam or compressed air

Greetings from SMS Emden
- Heater salute
- mostly unintentional expulsion of black smoke
- Helgen, also Helling
- the construction site of a new ship
- Heligoland
- is a hat shape with a small shield
- Hellegat
- Höllenloch a ship's room that is used to hold ship's inventory
- Slipway
- see Helgen
- Herring hunter
- fast transport ship that takes the herring from the fishing vessels at sea and brings it ashore
- Herring fence
- Device for catching herring from willow , reed or the like. A system of long baffles to traps lead
- Hercules cordon
- A type of composite rope. It consists of natural fibers, the cardels of which have a core made of steel wire. The steel insert is on the inside, the natural fiber on the outside
- Master sailor
- ironic term for amateur sailors who, at the beginning of sailing, often came from aristocratic circles or from “better society”; they "let sail"
- Centerpiece
- in this triangle of solid steel, the two are Renner a derrick pair angeschäkelt and the loading hook ; see loading harness
- This year , wages
- Wages of the seaman
- Heave
- is the good that is hung on the loading hook at once when loading or unloading
- heave
- lift, lift, pull up
- Auxiliary diesel
- is used to generate electricity on board
- Sky hook
- a non-existent tool that newbies must look for on board a ship for the amusement of the crew
- Sky comedian
- Sailor pastor
- back and forth
- Double oscillation of the ship
- high and dry
- if a ship falls completely or partially dry when the water is running out
- squat
- Fish compartment in the fish hold
- height
- the angle between the ship's course and the wind direction
- High seas
- comprises according to Article 86 of the Convention of 1982 (UNCLOS) all the parts of the sea that are not the exclusive economic zone , the coastal waters or the internal waters of a country or the archipelago waters of archipelago State include
- territorial waters
- or twelve-mile zone (formerly three- mile zone ) are the areas of the coastal waters of a country within which the respective state law applies
- Hollow spear
- Tool of the rigger : an iron spike made of steel in the form of a tapering groove with a (wooden) knob at the thicker end; serves as the marlin spike , as splice -tool
- Hol
- In deep-sea fishing, the entire process from launching the dishes to retrieving them
- Holebug
- long stroke when crossing to gain height, so that one can then approach the target on the windward side on the long bow
- to fetch
- put on a leash
- Holk
- Sailing ship type
- Hoppel-Poppel
- Meat and bacon leftovers from the previous week are "sanded together" in the pan with fried potatoes - see catering
- Hopper
- the hold of an excavator
- croissant
- Nickname for the ships of the shipping company Heinrich C. Horn ("the little horn") in Hamburg
- Hornpipe
- a solo tap dance popular with sailors in the 18th and 19th centuries to the sound of a flute or fiddle
- Trouser buoy
- A strong linen cloth cut like trousers. By means of a roller guide over a rope stretched from ship to ship or ship to shore, the shipwrecked can be rescued.
- Hostalen bowl
- Jokingly for boats made of plastic
- hovercraft
- Hovercraft
- Huari rigging
- an early American gaff rig on Huari boats
- Chicken boat
- very small, mostly attached rowing boat of a ship or yacht
- Chicken ladder
- Connection between ship and pier; is used when the gangway z. B. for reasons of space or because of too great a height (flood) can not be used
- Huker
- English slang; disparaging for cargo ship
- Hulk
- see Holk
- Hundred mesh piece
- in the case of the bottom trawl, a tapering net with decreasing mesh size
- Dog bunk
- Emergency bunk (visitor bed)
- Dog guard
- also rat watch or pig watch, the watch from midnight to 4 a.m.
- Becket
- Bracket (bracket or eyelet) for the fixed part of a tackle on a block , rarely called a block eye
- Dog salmon
- ground fishing bait that is thrown overboard for feeding
- Hundspünt
- also Hundepünt, Hundepint: tapered end of a tamp, also with an eye or thimble, for easier cutting into eyes or blocks
- Hunger cross in the chimney
- Nickname for the shipping company DDG Hansa in Bremen
- Scoop
- Air intake / suction nozzle
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- I. o. W.
- Abbreviation for Isle of Wight; Isle of Wight
- International Association of Classification Societies
- work in rough seas
- Ship movements due to swell
- International Maritime Organization Subdivision of the UN , based in London , sets international rules for distress at sea, training guidelines and other important rules of maritime shipping
- Impeller
- rotating part of an impeller pump, for pumping cooling water for the ship's engine
- in the doldrums
- Areas of frequent calm. Or: bad working atmosphere on the ship
- Induction mine
- Sea mine (remote ignition mine ) whose receiving device (induction loop) reacts and detonates to the change in geomagnetic flux caused by the magnetic field of a ship or clearing device
- bring in the feathered position
- Command to disengage the ship's propeller while sailing (idling of the propeller )
- in disassembled condition
- overturned so much by a sudden gust that the ship does not come up again
- Indian spring low water
- a reference plane on Indian and Japanese nautical charts
- Inglefied anchor
- English anchor construction. The flukes can be rotated by 90 °
- island
- lat. insula , the land lying in the sea surrounded by water
- International Convention on the Taking of Measures on the High Seas in Case of Oil Spill Accidents, 1969 - This convention gives coastal states the right to intervene against ships flying a foreign flag, even outside the territorial seas, in the event of oil spills
- Icelanders
- Sweater made of pure undyed wool with natural fat content, warm and water-repellent
- irish moss
- Seagrass on the Irish coast
- International Ship Manager's Association
- Isobars
- Lines of equal air pressure on the weather map
- Isobath
- Lines of the same water depth on nautical charts , based on chart zero
- Isogons
- The line that connects all places that have the same (magnetic) declination
- Isorachia
- Lines on maps connecting places with the same flood times
- International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation, international association of tanker shipping companies for the joint settlement of claims for damages in the event of oil accidents caused by tankers
- International Whaling Commission serves to protect the species of whales
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Maidens 1
Keyword : Juliett [ ˈdʒuːljət ]
- Jack
- 1. English name for seaman, sailor 2. Union Jack = English national flag
- Jackass barque
- a sailing ship with three to six masts, whereby the foremast has square sails and the rest of the gaff sails - the main mast also has Mars sails and cross sails
- Hunting gun
- Bow gun of a warship
- Hunter
- Common name for the outer jib
- Hunting line
- Auxiliary line for overtaking steel cables
- Jacob's ladder
- A rope ladder leading from the backspier or the outer skin to the boats
- Jacob's staff
- Grading stick, old instrument for taking the height of the sun
- Janmaat
- Term for the seaman, similar to Hinz and Kunz , Krethi and Plethi or Hans and Grete ; in the narrower sense for the deckhand sailor driving in front of the mast; see. also Hein Janmaat
- Jet propulsion
- Water jet propulsion
- Jetty
- English landing stage
- Jimmy Squarefoot
- a mythical being on the ocean floor
- Jockel
- (jokingly) On board seagoing vessels, there is a small auxiliary diesel engine to drive the generators for the power supply. The drive motor on yachts too
- Yogurt cups
- joking expression for sports boats made of plastic
- Dinghy
- Term for a dinghy
- Dinghy
- A boat without a keel. The J. only gets its stability from its shape and the weight of the crew, while a keel ship (yacht) gets its stability from the ballast. The smallest dinghy in the Navy
- Dinghy rope
- very long lines for different purposes. Example boatswain's chair
- Jolly Roger
- English name for the black pirate flag
- journal
- Diary, logbook
- Judas ears
- Timbers on both sides of the bow at the bow to support the bowsprit, also called ear timbers
- jumbo
- Loading boom for very heavy loads
- Juffer
- mostly three-hole wooden discs see 'Jungfer'
- Jumboizing
- Extend a ship by cutting vertically and placing an entire ship section in between
- jump
- North German for jumping
- Jump day
- a stay to stiffen the mast
- Young Guard
- Collective term for the young degrees (trainees) in deck service,
- Maid
- 1. mostly three-hole wooden disks for tensioning the shrouds on older sailing ships, 2. tensioning screw with only one spindle (shroud screw)
- Youngster
- a young, inexperienced man
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- choppy
- Choppy seas due to swell from two different directions
- Cable Ede
- Nickname for the Kabelgattsmann = experienced sailor, maintains the ship's own tools and work materials in the Kabelgatt, specialist in splicing and rigging work
- Cable flag
- to indicate how much cable (anchor chain) is laid out
- Kabelgatt
- Storage space for marine equipment in the bow
- Cable length
- Nautical length measurement 1/10 of the nautical mile = 185.20 m
- Cable board
- A warning sign erected on both banks where a cable crosses an inland waterway. It bears the inscription “Anchoring prohibited”, or it shows an anchor with the flukes up
- Cadet
- Officer Candidates
- Coffee sailor
- derisive term for comfortable, "unsporting" sailors
- Boat
- Term for any type of ship, sometimes used as a nickname
- Quay (bank structure)
- an embankment fortified by walls - mostly in harbors or on river or canal banks for unloading and loading shiploads
- Kaiten
- Japanese manned torpedoes used during World War II
- Quay
- Name for the quay in northern Germany
- Kajik
- Turkish rowing boat, originally for traffic between the two banks of the Bosporus
- Kajuga
- a dugout canoe of the Kajugas Indians in Panama
- cabin
- Living room, lounge or bedroom on ships
- calve
- Glaciers , icebergs break
- Kaleu
- Navy abbreviation for lieutenant captain, also salutation (Mr. Kaleu)
- Caulk kalfaten,
- the sealing of wooden planking with tow
- Kalme
- 1. Calm, calm 2. The regions in which experience has shown that calm is predominant, the Kalmen belt
- Cold eggs
- Tidal currents wash cold water to the surface of the sea, causing the air to condense; fog arises
- camel
- Ship camel , floating body for lifting loaded ships in order to drive over a shoal
- chamber
- Crew member's accommodation
- Kampanje
- Hut deck, sometimes also the name for hut or poop
- Battle suit lake
- slang for oilskin
- Kamsin
- dry, hot desert wind in Egypt
- channel
- artificially created waterway
- cannon
- 1. Gun for sinking enemy ships 2. Famous person, excellent captain
- Canoeists
- Canoeists
- Edge fishing
- Fishing in steeply sloping areas on the seabed
- Kapelan
- Greenland salmon
- Letter of piracy
- License to capture enemy merchant ships
- hijack
- the application of a vessel by force
- Cape Horn Fever
- Fear of Cape Horn ; also Cape Stiff
- Captain picture
- is the artistic representation of a ship, which was usually made on behalf of the captain as a souvenir. Pictures of captains were particularly common from the 18th to the early 20th century
- Captain's walkway
- on the roof of the captain's house on old ships
- Cape
- Law of the Sea - cargo that the captain was allowed to take with him on sailing ships with the consent of the shipowner on his own account
- Captain
- de Olle, the old man , ( captain )
- caps
- cut something off, cut through, e.g. B. a rope
- Kardeel
- The laid cordage consists of several cardels (three-or-four cardels)
- Carronade
- also Carronde, English warships carried Carronades after 1780. The Carronde was developed in 1774 by General Robert Melville. The Carron Iron Founding and Shipping Company foundry built the prototype Smasher. Originally designed for army use, a version that could be used on board came into use on frigates in 1779. The principle is a short tube with a core that is extended towards the front, like a mortar, and a comparatively small propellant powder charge. As a result, the projectile had a slower speed than a normal cannon of the same caliber. When it hit the target, the carronade's bullet caused more damage than the faster-flying cannon and caused a rain of splinters to fall on the enemy
- Card course
- true course of a ship, course over the bottom
- cartography
- Map customer
- cat
- Nine-tailed cat in the sailing ship era, name for a whip , which in the British fleet consisted of 9 ends of thin ropes and was provided with many knots. With the cat, sailors were punished for offenses
- Kaskasi
- Southwest monsoon, blows from India towards Africa from November to May
- catamaran
- Double hull boat
- Kausch
- Reinforcement made of metal or plastic built into rope eyes or in sails and tarpaulins
- Caustic soda
- Corrosive abrasive agent for cleaning wooden decks
- Caventsman
- huge wave
- Keep
- (1) - a groove in the boom or mast in which the leach rope is guided
- Keep
- (2) - the space between the cardels of linen
- basement, cellar
- Engine room
- Basement children
- Engine room personnel
- capsize
- Overturning of the ship around the longitudinal axis
- Capsize shackle
- Chain link of the anchor chain that can be dismantled into four parts, which allows the chain to be separated at this point
- Net hook
- a hand hook for lifting heavy fish out of the water
- Boiler gang
- Machine personnel
- Boom
- Machinist (especially stoker) / machine operator
- Kettle packet
- Overall (boiler suit / work suit)
- Ketch
- Two-masted sailing ship with gaff and gaff top sails but a smaller mizzen that stands in front of the rudder
- Quechu
- Dry extract of Acaia Catechu wood, waterproofing agent for fishing nets
- Chain case
- two large steel chambers in the lowest cable section, in which the anchor chains are stowed
- Chain stopper
- between the windlass and the anchor hawl that fixes the chain to the anchor
- War fish cutter
- Khubasko
- strong local squalls on the west coast of Nicaragua

Dock , keel blocks under the stern
- Kiek ut!
- Low German (watch out!) exclamation of caution, if z. B. Load is moved
- Kieker
- Low German the sailor's prism binoculars
- Kiel
- lowest longitudinal stiffener of the ship
- Keel block
- strong wooden blocks along the floor of a dock on which the keel of the ship rests
- Keel
- 1. overtaking under the keel; 2. On old sailing ships, an often fatal punishment for a seaman, in which the punished person was pulled through under the ship on a rope
- Drive in the keel line
- several ships run one behind the other
- Keel pig
- a reinforcement lying on the inside of the keel, which typically takes up the lower end of the masts, also known as an inner keel
- Go to feed the keel pig
- popular cheating of newcomers to seafaring
- Keel swords
- Sailboat that has a flat keel from which a sword / swivel keel can be extended. As a result, the boat has a lower center of gravity than a boat equipped with only a sword (although usually less deep than a pure keel boat); the sword prevents drift like a keel; on the other hand, the sword can be pulled up in shallower waters that are impassable for a comparable keelboat (or if necessary also when it hits the ground).
- Wake
- the visible trace that a ship leaves as it moves through the water
- Kill
- Fluttering of the sail or part of the sail due to turbulence in the wind along the sail
- Rear sight
- 1. the line of the natural horizon , 2. transition of the ship's bottom into the side walls
- Kimmgang
- The slab or plank corridor that lies in the rear sight , i.e. has the greatest curvature
- Keel keel
- it consists of two paired short keel fins attached to the side of the midship line
- Chin knees
- metal component at the position of the notch (2)
- Kimmstringer
- longitudinally connecting, mostly wooden components (strips or beams) at the position of the notch (2)
- Kinge
- refers to the more or less pronounced curvature of the notch (2)
- Crate steamer
- Container Ship
- Klabautermann
- a little goblin who is invisible on board the ship and who knocks and rumbles in the ship and either shows the ship's sinking by his appearance, or who sees order in the ship and shows mischief by his disappearance. As long as he stays on board, the ship is on a safe journey. The Klabautermann worries about the ship, his presence protected the ship. First documentary Mentioned in the 13th century.
- clams
- Widen the plank seams before caulking
- clammy
- 1. as much as "damp"; Sails are damp in the fog 2. no money on the seam
- Cleat
- Device for fastening fiber ropes
- Folding socket
- pivotable, manually operated Morse code lamp (signal spotlight)
- clear ship
- Cleaning and tidying up
- Clarification
- dealing with customs and other official formalities when entering and leaving a port
- Make class
- Carrying out the inspections on (merchant) ships and / or its technical facilities in accordance with the recommendations of the respective classification society
- Clover
- rigger wooden tool, similar in appearance to a hammer
- little brother
- a weaker second storm following the main storm
- Small sack
- Designation in seafaring for a small port
- Plumbing deck
- in the earlier midship superstructures, the short aft deck above the main deck, but extending over the entire width of the ship. From which the engineers and assistants liked to watch the loading operation
- cliff
- Term for steep banks
- Clinometer
- Heeling knife. Shows the lean angle of a ship
- clinker
- overlapping planking
- Clipfish
- dried, salted cod
- Klookschieter
- Low German - reasoning, everything better knowing person, literally "smart ass"
- gap
- clothing
- Klüsen
- Openings in the hull through which chains or ropes are passed; so the seaman also calls his eyes, z. B. as a shout: "Open your lumps!"
- Klütenewer
- Very small cargo ship - example Haren Emser
- Jib boom
- a spar that protrudes over the foredeck and to which a foresail ( jib , jib , fighter ) is attached
- Lugs
- A jam-like, mostly wooden part of the rigging that is attached where it is supposed to secure something against sliding down
- Scarce and cheap
- Nickname for the Hamburg shipping company Knöhr & Burchard
- node
- Speed measure, 1 kn = 1.852 km / h (1 nautical mile per hour)
- Knot (tying)
- A fastening and connection of one or more ropes or ropes . There are a lot of different boatmen's nodes that z. B. used when mooring a tanker at a port
- Cooking table mate
- eats after the rest of the crew with the cook, e.g. B. who was at the helm
- Bait brake
- A suitably large cover made of wood or metal, which was hung in the harbor in front of the outlets for cooling water or faeces in order to avoid contamination of smaller ships moored alongside
- Charcoal burner
- coalfish
- Cofferdam
- Space created by 2 parallel bulkheads around tanks filled with different contents
- bunk
- Sleeping place ( bed ) on board
- Piston rings
- Jokingly meant are the gold or silver stripes of the ranks on the uniform jacket, also known as tinsel on shoulder boards
- Pull the piston
- A piston of the ship's engine that gets stuck in the cylinder due to insufficient lubrication and must be replaced.
- Kolcher
- small ship
- Collision bulkhead
- Shipbuilding - Watertight transverse bulkhead in the ship connected to the first (foremost) ballast tank.
- caboose
- Galley
- compass
- is a display device for determining the cardinal points
- Compass rose
- Degree scale on the compass
- Go get the compass key
- jokingly popular kidding of newcomers to seafaring
- Compact tractor
- a tug of compact design
- Package
- 1. Part of the ship's cargo , 2. In shipbuilding, the construction section of a new building
- Come to!
- Command: the rudder should gradually be moved towards midships

King rolls on the cheek on both sides of the stem
- Commodore
- 1st sea captain with admiral rank, 2nd honorary title for merchant navy officers, 3rd president of a yacht club, 4th pilot commander, 5th squadron commander of a naval aviation squadron
- King, King Roller
- Heavy cast iron pulleys on the forecastle and the aft deck
- King spoke
- the top spoke of the steering wheel at the midship rudder, often specially marked
- Contraband
- Banned goods, contraband goods
- Office flag
- Shipping company flag
- Koow
- Low German means a seagull
- Headboard
- Sails often have a small (plastic) board sewn into the head (upper part) of the sails, which is supposed to absorb the pull of the fall (for pulling up and down)
- Head blow
- Completion when occupying a cleat
- Head leash
- The mooring line to the mooring line extending from the bow tip and providing additional support in heavy seas
- Kopheister go
- overturn, overturn
- Dead reckoning
- Determination of the presumed (not measured, but calculated) location by drawing the distance traveled (per time unit) and controlled course on the map
- basket
- in fisheries also a measure for caught fish; 1 basket = approx. 50 kg
- Corinthians
- Amateur sailors
- Corsair
- 1. Privateers, pirates. 2. Name of a national sailing boat class
- Kort nozzle
- Steel construction in which the ship's propeller rotates in a nozzle-shaped ring. Increases the propeller thrust at low speeds
- Kotia
- Ship of the indigenous population of the Malabar coast (East India) 2 masts, latein rigged
- Crab Claw Sails
- see crab claw sails
- Crow's nest
- Platform or basket-like lookout stand on the ship's mast
- Crane
- Whale body from which the bacon has been stripped
- Heel
- Tilt of a ship to the side (also: overtaking the ship / the ship overtakes)
- mad lake
- short, relatively high seas, which give the ship uncomfortable movements
- Kravsack / Kreffsack
- Sailmaker's equipment bag for the lifeboat or scrotum
- Kraweel
- Planking with smoothly abutting edges
- Crayfish
- Failure to row, an air blow while pulling, or getting stuck in the water with the oar
- Crab claw sails
- a heart-shaped canoe sail from Polynesia
- Cross (s)
- The necessary changes of direction of a sailing ship to sail against the wind
- cruise
- Vacation trip with a passenger ship
- Kreuzsee
- arises when the waves come together from different directions, so z. B. Swell crossed with wind sea, so that waves of different heights result from overlapping - cf. Clapotis
- Cross sail
- A sail on the cross mast of a full ship
- crib
- Fish compartment on deck or hold
- Kruboys
- (English crewboys ) for loading tree trunks (logs) (precious woods) locals temporarily employed on board
- crutch
- bad technical ship that is not in perfect condition
- Krulle
- Volute as a stem end under the bowsprit instead of a figurehead
- Cripple bindweed
- small winch
- Kitchen bull
- Mocking name for the ship's cook (Smutje, Cookie) - but not for merchant shipping
- Kuddle Shark
- the shark
- Cow tail
- the loose cardel of an untwisted rope
- Cow turn
- Actually Q-turn, derived from the shape of this letter "Q". Designation for following a turning course in the form of a "Q" in order to rescue someone who fell overboard (luffing-turning-falling again). The Kuh (Q) -turn allows you to return to the point where the maneuver began using simple means; in other words, to where the shipwrecked man is likely (still) to be floating in the water
- Kujambel
- all kinds of fruit drinks
- Kujambels
- Name for the foreign currency in foreign ports
- Kulani
- Double-breasted long jacket for crew ranks of the German Navy, named after the Berger & Colani tailoring company in Kiel
- Kümo
- Abbreviation for coastal motor ship
- pen
- Mocking name for a sailor without rank
- Küper
- 1. A clerk for import goods in the German North Sea ports, e.g. B. for coffee , tobacco . He checks for damage and defects, takes samples and weighs them before the release to the customer takes place. 2. Provisioners on passenger ships
- Kurre
- Bottom trawl
- Curling line
- Steel rope on which the trawl is towed and hoisted
- Drop course
- setting a course on the nautical chart
- Course change signal
- If ships can see each other, a ship in motion must indicate its course change with the following signals (short tone of approx. 1 s duration) briefly I change my course to starboard ; briefly briefly I change my course to port ; briefly briefly briefly my machine goes backwards; briefly briefly briefly briefly briefly briefly: I would like to point out your obligation to evade.
- Kusi
- Northeast monsoon , blows from East Africa towards India from June to September
- Kissing
- the sun touching the chin
- Coastal gossip
- see. "Flurfunk", the quick exchange of messages between sailors and seafarers through telling others
- Kuttenlecker
- cranked round brush; on board ships
- Cutter
- 1. several boat and ship types, see cutter (boat type) ; 2. General term for fishing vessels
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La Vieille beacon , Brittany
- Lloyd's Machinery Certificate, continuous survey Lloyds certificate for machinery, ongoing survey with entry in the Lloyds register, which states that the ship's engine is subject to an ongoing survey
- Laberdan
- Cod salted in barrels
- ointments
- Protect the wire rope and iron parts of the rigging against rust . In sailing ship times, the ropes are coated with refreshment , a kind of tar
- Labskaus
- trad. seaman's dish. Mashed potatoes, salted meat and beetroot are pureed together. The result is a not very appetizing looking, but tasty mixture, which is traditionally served with beetroot (sliced), rollmops, fried eggs and beer
- Maze network
- a built fish trap
- Loading mark
- horizontal lines 230 millimeters (9 inches) long and 25 millimeters (1 inch) wide, separated from a 25 millimeter (1 inch) wide vertical line placed 540 millimeters (21 inches) in front of the center of the ring of the freeboard mark in the right angles and, unless expressly stated otherwise, are set off to the front. Identify the permitted minimum freeboard
- Laeiszmast
- The fourth mast from the front on the five masters of the shipping company F. Laeisz , Hamburg
- Lagan
- also Legan, in the military seafaring ship goods dropped for later detection; for example to deceive the enemy and make them believe that their own ship has sunk
- Land shark
- illegal recruiter for seafarers
- Landlubber
- Non-sailor
- along
- parallel to a ship in its longitudinal direction
- come alongside
- moor, moor on the quay
- Trifle
- small thing
- tab
- Securing or lashing the ship's cargo
- load
- 1. Load , an ancient measure of the transport capacity of ships;
2. Last , a storage room below deck of a ship - Lastadie
- Old name for loading bay that has been preserved at some port places ; formerly also ship carpentry, shipyard
- Lateral plan
- the area of the longitudinal section of a ship below the wake
- to run
- a ship doesn't go, it goes; it runs in or out, a certain journey runs; on the other hand, it does not run or drive to China, but it goes to China
- running rigging
- all the cordage with which the sails or the movable yards are operated
- wash
- (out of date) cruising, sailing sideways against the wind
- Estimated lay part
- proportional, staggered percentage profit of a member of a whaler after the end of the fishing trip
- Lazy bag
- Cover between lazy jacks and tree that holds the sail like a tarpaulin
- Lazy jack
- Lines stretched diagonally from the mast to the tree to secure the sails when mounting sails
- League
- an English measure of length: three nautical miles (5.55 km)
- Leak, leak
- a leak in the ship's hull , deck or engine, etc.
- Leak plug
- also bottom valve in the outer skin bottom
- lively
- a ship is alive when it obeys the helm easily and quickly
- lee
- side turned away from the wind (to fall : turn leeward); Windward: side facing the wind
- Leesail
- 1. Sails on the outside of square sailors
2. Cloth (possibly with a cross bar) that is stretched in front of a bunk to prevent it from rolling out when the ship is heeled - Legerwall
- Danger from onshore wind just below the coast
- Legan
- see Lagan
- Legel
- Loop or ring on the leech of a sail
- leggo
- nautical call for "let go" comes from the English "let go"
- Leibholz
- strong wood, which forms the side closure of a bar deck along the ship's side, also a waterway
- Hearse
- a doomed ship
- Lighter
- a non-powered, floating large container that is only moved in push or towing formations
- Ordinary seaman
- nautical rank
- rope
- Rope , usually with an indication of the purpose: anchor line, tow line, care line
- Chief Engineer , LI
- Master of the engines, chief of the engine room, technical officer, reporting directly to the captain
- bilge
- Draw or pump water from the ship; also: sailing before the wind
- lamp
- Term for a sailor with above average experience
- beacon
- all largely stationary light signals for navigation in shipping , including lightships .
- Leuwagen
- Fastening for running goods; also: Feudel, pick-up scrubber
- Levantera
- strong southeast wind in the Mediterranean
- Libeccio
- Southwest wind in the Mediterranean
- Liberty ship
- The 10,000 t unit freighters of the US war program in World War II; Ships that were manufactured in large numbers
- Couchette
- Security guard on a ship when no crew is on board
- Liek
- reinforced edge of a sail
- Likedeeler
- Pirate Low German: equal parts of the Baltic Sea, then the North Sea. The most famous was Klaus Störtebeker
- Lifebelt
- Harness for securing against falling overboard
- Lifeline
- also a lifeline , a rope with which the lifebelt can be connected to the ship
- Lime steamer
- A mock name for an English ship, as it was mandatory to drink lemon juice there to prevent scurvy
- Limey
- (English slang) from lime juice , jokingly for English sailors
- line
- (Slang), nautical expression for the equator.
- Line trip
- same, timetable-like routes
- Ship of the line
- (English Ship of Line ) Name for a heavy (sailing) battleship in the 18th and 19th centuries. Not to be confused with line service
- LL
- Abbreviation for shipping company Lübeck Line , also jokingly Lumpen Lloyd
- Lloyd's Medal
- Lloyd's Medal for Saving Life at Sea - a gold, silver and bronze medal on a red, white and blue ribbon awarded by Lloyd's for extraordinary saving of human life at sea
- Lloyd's Record of Losses
- Black book; Lloyd's Book of Ship Losses
- Relaxed
- Master fisher at the tuna fishery , who manages the bait maintenance and distribution
- decoy
- Submarine trap in the English Q-ship
- log
- Log, log - speedometer
- logbook
- Ship journal, ship diary

Lögel (top right) on the forestay of Regina Maris
- Log letters
- Abbreviations: B = broken sea, C = cross sea, H = heavy sea, R = rough sea, S = smooth sea, T = tidal ripples, G = basic manure

Loading , logs as deck cargo
- Lögel
- metal slip rings with which (stay) sails are attached to the stay, traditionally in the form of an open circle (or a very bulbous "U" s) with the ends folded outwards ("ears"); Hüsing is used to sew on the loops . On modern ships, modern stag riders are used instead , which allow faster anchoring and casting off.
- Lodging
- Crew rooms, crew quarters
- Logs
- heavy tree trunks that were often carried as deck cargo
- Keel off
- 1. Protection keel, a plank or beam under the actual keel; 2. aft ballast keel wood on yachts
- get away
- let a chain or hawser come slowly without throwing it loose
- Delete
- the combustion product of coal and heavy oil, which collects in the smoke chamber of the exhaust system of the ship's engine and has to be removed at regular intervals, usually after the end of a working day
- Clear
- Unloading a ship
- Lot
- The plumb bob in shipping is used to measure depth
- Pilot
- nautical advisory board, which a ship receives in difficult passages, entrances, canals
- Pilot Brotherhood
- Association and organization of the pilots approved for a piloting area
- Pilot cross ground
- the part in which a pilot is permitted
- Solder feed
- It consists of beef tallow into which soil particles were pressed and stuck. This solder feed is located in a cavity in the bottom part of the solder body
- hatch
- Deck opening on a ship
- LR
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, British classification society based in London
- Air bubble hull lubrication
- With icebreakers, the upper layer of snow blows to the side on the ice cover
- Lout fitting
- (also called Lümmellager) flexibly connects the loading boom or mainsail boom to the mast
- Hatch cover
- the cover of the cargo space
- Hatch guest / room guard
- Crew member from the gangway, which sometimes also during operation in the hatch, as a security guard ~ Tallymann ~ works
- Hatch space
- Recording of the stowage position for a clear and unambiguous description of the cargo distribution in the ship through graphical representation of the position of the individual cargo sections in a stowage or cargo plan using symbols and / or abbreviations
- Hatch hours
- A unit of work time equal to the total number of hours worked while loading or unloading cargo on all ship hatches
- Windward
- side facing the wind (to luff : to windward, turn in the direction of the wind); Lee: side turned away from the wind
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- MS
- Abbreviation for motor ship, see also prefixes of ship names
- Mate
- Colleague, seaman, seaman, meaning similar to Janmaat , in the majority Maaten also for seafarers in general
- peculiar
- Characteristic of a ship, well trimmed and with smooth movements in the sea
- Mae West spinnaker
- a large ball spinnaker for space sheet sailing
- Bugger
- Colleague, partner, comrade
- pluck
- Jumping around the wind 1. The wind is slow when it suddenly comes from a completely different direction. 2. A person is mall when he is completely out of the wrong place
- Mall edge
- 1. the edge of an angle profile to which a dimension is measured after the angle profile has been installed on board; 2. (in shipbuilding) inner edge of the outer skin
- maelstrom
- Ocean current between the Norwegian islands of Moskenesö and Värö ( Lofoten )
- Manhole
- seawater-proof climbs
- Man rope
- Ropes hanging down between a pair of davits , which the occupants of boats can hold on to while in the water and during recovery
- Man overboard!
- Warning call to the helmsman and the crew that someone has gone overboard
- maneuver
- nautical-technical measures with which a ship is moved into a different attitude or changed position (maneuvering)
- Marina
- Marina
- mark twain
- "Note 2 fathoms depth": pilot call for ships sailing the Mississippi River ; Pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, the writer Mark Twain
- Brand fire
- Radio beacon at the port entrance or pier head
- Marlin spike
- Tool for opening tau cards
- MARPOL 1973/78
- International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. The aim of this convention is to largely limit the marine pollution caused by ships through oil , chemicals , faecal sewage and garbage
- Mars (shipping)
- Platform on the mast of a larger sailing ship
- March
- in the navy, the economic speed at which a ship runs or at which it goes furthest
- Topsail
- the at Mars rah hinged sail, the second sail Angle
- Bulk bag
- for containers, when inflated it fills the container exactly. On the back there are two sleeves that can be used for filling and emptying
- mast
- vertical part of the rig
- Broken mast
- Break of the ship's mast . The expression "mast and sheet break" is a wish for good luck and a blessing in seafaring
- Mast case
- The mast tilts aft, which is mainly determined by the length of the forestay. It is measured in degrees from a freely hanging large fall in relation to the louting of the large tree
- Mast base
- reinforced component on which the mast is mounted
- Mastkoker
- Mast bracket that enables a mast to be tilted from the vertical to the horizontal.
- Mastpüsching
- Clamping timbers for the mast in the deck
- Masut
- Oil residues
- sailor
- a member of the nautical crew of the ship
- Mayday (emergency call)
- from the French m'aidez ("Help me!"): Call that initiates a distress call in radio communications
- Max
- Name for the (often Chinese) washer on board merchant ships
- Mile drive
- When driving for miles, a route (often exactly one mile) determined by land or sea markings is traveled in order to prove the speed of a ship
- Melee
- the ship-to-ship battle that began after the rules of engagement were dissolved
- Fair
- Dining room on board a large ship
- Mettwurst
- End of a rope (colloquial language)
- mutiny
- Rebellion on ships against the ship's command
- Mike
- upright fork as a holder for the sharp harpoons in the whaling boat
- Dairy cow
- (Slang) German submarine tanker in World War II
- Milchner
- mature fish (male)
- Mine lock
- areas made impassable for seafaring by the narrow laying of mines
- Mixed fire
- Fire with sparkles and single flashes
- Mixed group fire
- Fire with sparkles and group flashes
- Magnetic declination
- Angle between true north (true north) and the direction to the magnetic north pole (magnetic north)
- Middle Guard
- warm meal or coffee and sandwiches at midnight
- amidships
- in the middle of the ship, neither in front nor in the back
- mole
- a stone or wooden structure jutting out into the lake or the sea as a dam
- monkey
- also Munki , the lowest of several fires in a ship's boiler
- monsoon
- see article
- Moonpool
- a lower opening in the ship's hull
- Mooring
- also mooring : a chain anchored firmly to the bottom, which is used to moor ships in the harbor: also a winch that exerts constant pull when the water runs out, which loosely pulls it out of the line and gives way when the water runs up
- Morning watch
- the watch from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. She is also called "Diana".
- Morse code
- or Morse code , a method of transmitting messages
- Moses
- youngest board member, cabin boy; also: dinghy of a yacht
- Muck, also Mug
- coffee mug
- Muckefuck
- (thin) coffee or coffee substitute
- Mudd
- the silt and mud that settles in ports, river beds, etc.
- Mudd pilot
- Mock name for a river pilot
- Munke jacket
- the mariners short blue overcoat; formerly monkeys called
- Mooring
- see mooring
- Mooring dew
- heavy mooring line, is brought to the pier (to the pier, to the quay) by boat
- Mussel curre
- Mesh bag scratching the floor
- Clamshell
- a mallet for rigging
- Music steamer
- Mock name for passenger ship
- Sample roll
- the seafarers' employment contract, which must always be on board the ship
- Cap band
- Part of the naval uniform with the ship's name
- Cap full of wind
- colloquial for some wind
See also
Individual evidence
- ↑ Lexicon of the BOOTE EXCLUSIV journal accessed on September 19, 2017
- ↑ Extend it properly - a few pointers ... accessed on September 19, 2017
- ↑ Sea man's yarn
- ^ Otto Lueger: Lexicon of the entire technology and its auxiliary sciences . Volume 4. Stuttgart / Leipzig 1906, p. 311;
- ↑ Heizergruß (
- ↑ Große-
- ^ Otto Lueger: Lexicon of the entire technology and its auxiliary sciences . Volume 5. Stuttgart / Leipzig 1907, p. 145; .
- Dietmar Bartz: Sailor's language - from ropes, Pütz and Wanten. 2nd Edition. Delius Klasing, Bielefeld 2008, ISBN 978-3-7688-1933-6 .
- Heinrich Herner: Design and establishment of merchant ships (1913/1942). Emphasis. Unikum Verlag, Barsinghausen 2011, ISBN 978-3-8457-1098-3
- Northcote Whitridge Thomas: The Naval Wordbook . A systematic dictionary of marine technical terms in English and German]. Lipsius & Tischer, 1901 / Gregg Press 2010, ISBN 978-1-4446-9472-7 (reprint - English).
- Wolfgang Rudolph: Sailing boats on the German Baltic coast . Akademieverlag, Berlin 1969.
Web links
- Glossary of sailing terms
- Small lexicon of sailor expressions
- Marine glossary of the DMI
- Marine encyclopedia of the Bundeswehr